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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1972, p. 4

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4 Th~ an~dia ~fateman, ~wmanv1eOf. 11, l72 EDITORIAL COMMENT Those Pesky Bicyclisis Agairi! "Evê whe yoncansee cy!ciists yauj ney:er knlw what te are ging te de next and this makes driing more cf a fnervlus strain thiait ne ireds to be.Y This was tde cornmont f a Toronta moItoris-t recenitly in the ,Teronto Star. liîbs comnment he gees on tn say * een edetrinsare subject ta regulation as to where,Owheni and howv thieycrs the strheet, and aree for finl they dun'y-t follow ,the irules". neyer bad the nerve wracking experi- e7nce Of cdriving up Queenl Street at 12 nmon as the high school students used tA stori aroes and wpAwn, similar to the wvay he truops must bave crossed the beaches at Nor-mandy in the second WVorld VWar, Now Bwmanillebas een"be- ed" witb a nepw multi-milion dla bigb sechon1i---and cursed witb a zushi heur trafficjam rtwbt asalreadv becoming a busy tetthnares part ut Libehýrty Street. Pupils ýaire keep- ing upWh tle traditonsof their frm- er" seul n-em-ain obliviou1, tonthe matritswhhewell ipnding mothers sto inthemidleof the street at thec enrneto disc-blage their passengets, i.ying u ip traffic al the mocre. (t was itrsin oh thr day, ta- mee the Police superiing the situation, th mtrit for speed ing! tudejnts weire wneigal overt lhe road, but11 wat ch t hose nerve wrackerd d rivers! Tbey maypanic wben a"pdetran steps in front of th m rabiyl w'eave, adStep- on the gsisedn the brke t's he nly way ossibl anyýonle could spethouhta es (11e could c!ompar'e it, to a gamne at af air ---onl he object o hf gm here isý to mniss the mu výing targets an the sae are lite and death1 instead of' a cupiedoîl. If c-me has eerhad thep;easurmeiut touring He north end utBwanil as scheol is abot uneeorha just dism-'issed ,lone (can enjoy the scary peas ures ofwavngin and o mnui the yone'public sebnoul pplorti area wobecause they're yngr r less prdca l ad fleeter offoot The-re being nuo idwak, aed 1the roads ibeing narrow,ý just adds nmoref casio -theýfunm. In one ay it ill he areif;oqc the(- snrov ial corne, as it wliforce the biy lesito the grgebut alo-ng &Jt the snuw, the iCe wili, only create another bRzard as the defiant student- pedestrians frge îacross ýthe street. HAPPY MO,îTORTNG EVERYON;'E! A lMroto)rjst. Fringe Benef its Keep Going Up Frngienelits ýosta ta0 emipl.oyers 'bave neàriyv daubled during the lae 20 yerea arý. l hallthat cost rise appearu tc have corne inthle stfour fta sixý years. Canadian emnployers nowv spend friiriiunirî ffth taone thîrdofItotal pay- rail c anfrnge benlefits. Tbce 1971 natý big ta a stn!dy ,release(-d thiis we7k, was 290% ftotal arll r$28pe.r epye.Fr-irigebenfis iclue aca- tions and other paid tuep off, pensins, insurance and mnedical plans and a var- iety of ther items, r'anggfrom co- paydiscouts te educatMIna gants The cutrent sttxdy is based unn f mi- ingZs fruni 106 eplyrsacus h countÉry wVh4«6,5,30 plyes Shoot the Ducks, Nolt îh e Huniters [ t seeis ý,th at d Hu C'k h11uit ers ha ve ita be- remînded every vFal Iotashoot their own br, their lellow 1huntiers. Duic!k hunlters are reminded ta n it close toether wen shooting in pairs; from abld or a idle in ordier ta pr-e- vent ithepr hunter getting in front uf the other's pin muzzie. This is a cam- i'non sense precaution that mnyhunt- rsF forgent about in the exýcitemnent or bringieg daen thE> birds. Neyer face- each tber, Gun muzzles shouid Point Amway trlm tIher huntders ýat na i tes, The ield af tire or iea cb)vered byý each burtter ini a bind or bide shofui bD( ag-rceed upnbefore bp tnThis should eutioverlaýp apartnier's 1wy more- tha.n a 45 degree ang1p le.lie whoIe pur- p os tiseercîe is ta kep your hunlltinig pal onti ouir lice flire. The sanie reasoning apies ta the aid mile cf "shoot your ow-n irds!" Wh,1en hùlnting ije pairs ;and a flglifu ducks approaches ifrmithe rgh, he huntCer on therih should take t'he ra of the Hock and the hunter on the lef t shiould take thei leFtdinig birds. 0fcore whIen tihe f ight approaches fra-oi the, leNt Uts prcedure should be reversed, The OntIaria SaiftyLeagueclaires that huntjing safety is made up mnos-tly. ut commun, senise wîth týrainig in sle, pra ,ýct i cai g!un handing ltrown7 in.jr Neye e liteciteentut he un malke vm forgýet your rsosiiiisa a sale hunter and a good sportsman., New, Solutions tb Boredomn h thrawiig ntthe asemly]ne and builing wo new wbhty paintedand Teame uf 2'0 wreewihl bujid *jrtre nitouta car there -p -brakes, whees, teeingmechanliereetc. of oted ioh n ac utngueivet 'Eiphaisis wiiil h i ontearr, reiationships arsd prude ut workmi-ansbijp, Bothered by absenteisn, wihcat- ting anrd high emnploy-ee tnv, Výolv isv atternipting ta make wrigcondi- tins more pleasant and mneaninglul. Esinmiates are ilthat ork tlie per car mil ble the same as on the assembiy bne. Dehumirranîzation lias rept int tHe executive suie;aswel s h ssm lieF ini many indcustries, and radical, Too Thc tasion industry i-ceatcd a ýn.omster. eysTIc Financiai Puet. Ater putting wumern into pacOste to yar agao, fl0- esgnrscan't get theni back into dessagain.' Tiheasian excitement r; Ailin the gaSnt Firetbotpacte, thn fueAh'Ts agg'y pctnow flic nwetcrase te palazzo pcte- pr- w iIwing pjamas thaf ban . ltrea along skirt except fhecy'rc epjl i i the middheý . Nat tbînt anyone je tua wurried abaut flic pacte pheromenion, exempt for, dresses- onIy, manutfacturvers mid departnment stor-es withi drees buIdgýelt ta eet, says reporter Eien Roseman. Muet aI thc fashcon irîdnsry is jus eolling with tIe f lov, praducing and craîesoltlimns are ineeded. Industry is eelngundr he pressure a[ Ihighiy-; traied arkrs ithlargepecain cuedont by modem ectionmsy-s- teri. he wntjobs ta "me nome- thin. Peetitve oredont aIf the as- s7em-bhy liice and excutdive decisions us- sbowing itec t y urest t the top- and wakas igh drugandcohe ratsabsoetesrnand sieppinese an the lie. Sa liittîn braie power i ýeedled on sonme jobs fiat a pigeon wa2s tmaired by psychlogit tamove imperl-eot pilis andc tranýsistIors off an afeminie wibif ek!Lbr xerssy ae anud bnft are rarehyI,ý the- cause ni strikes any imure .. the sickness gues deeper t afelig tbeinlgcovre it-io mchneDyboring ,.ijpleasant work. stocing hat verisin demrandj pe etof fIlle bsnstop suis noter30 t 40 percen.T F;ispntsý nd ppnt 7suit's, and m panies have started motigs te, t' p îhal! those pant's. Oneof the hottest -oungCa yeig pr[ipMrgaret godfrey o teltele mc- , Montreal. For, the pas seasons shle's been sty-Ilng up blzrvestsý and thep occaýsicona sk buti pait.s are Uusligsit b to orle, shie say-s. But now ,Mal thinks that womnen must be as Ul wearng pntsa&sh le is of desi theni. Aiea ineo rp in G 54I Th-- Oruna News phojne 9203 33013 loripM. AIS le m'CriPUBuse S ckcms nmai!1 regstï, o nu-liber 1. U Produaced every Wednecsdcty hy TIl-IE JAMES PUBLISHING C'OMýPANIYLMT S2 68 King St. W., BuwtnanwPle, Ontairio QIEO.. P. MORRIS PATRICK QuilD Pic 623'~ 2ONALD RISH< PLANT Mon. 'Cprih;nd/or prperty iIhosub in atbe im- a oear lIing hs prot. ems repodue i whle r iiipait end in any torm ,,i nve, prtculaiy by pliatoq-,apbiý; or proéostea pbieatg~. metb& abkired from ih# puibJis!ber aad Dicie te I.!nuçrtbov zerzadjucton will b& sUbjcC inoo~s k, m,7.00 a yenr - xonths $400 $0.90 a Yer in ffhe United States strirctly in advacg Aitouh vêy pree"utin wiUie hotco-nt,Y void error TeCaodia ttecmacet d fig 'n ttc o t'm orbc udostndegthat iit -wil] ront ho hable foc cI'ierlor tino-y odvrtrsý' àulsbdhreuiid, unjces5 upinofot ci c avetismeat e equetd3n wit l' y te d nid eetured 10 Th c SaimSaesmn n essoftf t i gnedby the averiee ad w nir o aore,,oae ptianotd j, mg Iren.od 'n that aseif any error aaoed i eexrcted ey T 'e aan Statsmoifst:abliy hal ateeee'suhn prto!aith, ntr CI s t d~tmeso sthé sj'ceoc7cupied by lb. noted errasberre tt h. w hote pccý o-c ra Canaýda aýippI)ars"h1adedi er-n mestas7 1ie electio1ns cainpaign rahe he Ccse, of its fir-st phase. dons not ath Inelathe sc oýnd hai, t, Licbilas coajd sente th 1an t ney epectedc. 1,iboerial1 wor-keris 1I tat th P.M lis benrunniag a %racton" campaign. They eay that heiè "n- afn"ta fi harges 11,h1 TrsaOrtober 16, 1947 BPowm anviile Public Scioal track and fieldi day cham- pionsarF a follows: Girls'> at the Campion, on.hyKlpt pio, rtRoe.ilnt c m di - ouf ~ O 10a Capon l Rahfic h- eý, sOr r, fic ltwekmade a tmenf gift i coi- Umli arisy B wck, Kiri memay o he taheofIllc et ew sc silnt cdtntfni cv pacte, nus1 rprcpd dri1 counlcilfic sla Ies u fi anmand CnsIle.ta Oisses parian Ehe Torond; uMm. and Ms. PeCybGilbAcrtad Mlcam S i a Gea. G if , H mp 2t an. ýri n!tbc Oc. cdwtliai mmbr preset nrdaRev h Kle Parmpine 0dmsedr i Date a cavcy mode and t ler anTH.Sk n o-i-t ne pucas taolCin. Rati to7s t mdran rc pj3 tm a ixda $0 e wo picpaýl opponns, ConeratveLeader Rnbert Staýnfielçi and New Dmoma tic ?arty Leader Davcd Le w i s. Iite,,d ofEbeing positve;Md csmoig ont oc accoplidimens uthise gov- e,ýrmeat and whatli e planes for the inext furyeavrs, tIre2 Prime IMiisdter l swrn bis opponets. Minuer akigRaMure posi- tive( appro.ach- in t'he secorid will ame ont fighNg and stop beiýng 0on tieefensv, 48 YJtAIRS iAGO1 T rsyoctoher 18, 19,-3 Th1ýea cnetu haae in the phaMy"Cindemcîla" pue- sented in fLic Opera Bouse on Maonday and Tuesday, evnneunder i. I 'direc- tion etfNMm. RusSeelir3. w f1iane, l'di]tan. aid Linder dis'.\ý- Lale'Ai eeas Sac;Steprpattie, -Mise E., E. Hayrrat Kathamia, TIno Martyn; Cardelia, Mme. G[la-mothler, Mmc T. W Cake; iret PgEmns' Brawn; Second page, Alan Kaigit;Primce George Chnýpm1an: bor d Mceib StanardSîmns;LosdiNees- bouer evleAtura Cald- w.efl: Ladiy Anne Vne \"'mrt, Marion Waî'dem; Lord Smmervlle Sfuar-t James; Ain, A. Mýitcell.Queen, Mrs.A. S. Tihley;Jceny Lind,1 ý.Mildred Coin; Einser- son sister, FlonepMarris and Mlarlnicta;Lords, CciBeIlmian, bornle Phnm- mrcil DudityLd ao is,I Voa c'a, F.DorFstr Batan, ues Quinn. Dr. Ge %,JmesaesJ.H MissesFUoence Moarrils, Marion Pickasi, lMarguer.- MIvarl on P.ellmanl, K a f i e PlanI. Pairies, Frances Cu MmingS, EelnPeamsi, Cavemy, BttyPi(>e, Editli Marne, Evely:,n Ok, Jean Sprvlie eGiblis, Jean Mor- iis EvlnTaylor, Ecmu Siti, Helen Masan, Lenora Commlinge, Georgina Cav- erly. Flaw;,er Girls Chiorus: Helen Darých, Luery Mc- MrrGer trude fAlirt, Es le Caerly ki îtty Knowies, Mary iVarin, Rn A']TÇCM., LC..SX.c.-m. flieypois iiea n diate s wlx arwcrri aout hw"i"teP .app)eai bas becs in fle ic f haitf. Thei elc, ction williw or, last infal.The mal,,Î caugÏes ïijllcm in ru Qaltarlu aindsi Me rpii t To inl Qen n British CuLumb-ia.Patcl o)bsevera ee the Libemýals dmpong as mawny as S8 ceats in Queiec ta BeAl asdta the Coeerpivativený, unldert the drive and dirnction. ot Chaude Wager WAhen tIre Hofe utcam- mious -was deovdtlhe ib craie hleld 147ï sente. fIe Co)n- sev 1ie 3; NDP, 2;Soc- ial Cei,1;therewer Lw IidC edetsand fou"r vacancies. At ibis h-wyp ile the campaignin dications -are the bieaswill m un ith bcwcen 130 aid I140 cents. Theast aptimistie ibr alqI say tbley wihl get 140 or mýore cenýts. The imore esi mnistic sce1fe(prtyca-inig back -wth 1-30 or lessene it w,,ou.ld appear that Jit will lie a saeetdthahere Wi be a miy gaveument lu ice next parliment. IIIflle Libemls 1os f,15 seats oe-I tey will be- hcading up a rminity d- ministration. Atfl rtn itppears ttb;,the ibea will bs that mnyCnstit- uemcis or mare. They Inectta ick upir une (n orpr idnein Ithe MarUitim1es, ra)pseerl in Qubcand l Otarln o. hul their uwnor win to 1mar1-P onh tePrairies and sil.o-p som-le esctnluBritusî Colum- tîey have got ta hold morst ufth sIeuelsthey had hin the tact par liamneat in r~a Onltarin and Tor ,ta if thy are ta reltumn wif Ica posit ion utr pawer. TadiionhlyCo cervafie in iha atu trende, sou11 rlidrrl Onitarlo wenf liiraliindeýr Ic impact ut Trudeaunmanl i968. lHowever, Trudeaumniaý appears tA baveDha s tsim- pact arn Me voutcrs. I e ru ,htînthte ci.onls eht u t tasec thi swigig get clos-e ta hlm, bu.t they aedisaippointed ieaue i Hoic lesrictly acoarti and shrt man. No ime ticl sandale and oenisport shit NO lonlger is helie tu-o iu]g lacliclor. Now ile thIe DjJuring thie first ihait oF tra\elling wivtlhlmsIdlie gaethe impression tit ie leieafely as nltic 1 campigu nt hle w as go- dng throttgh helmats, e - ucfaafly. The Prime itie- ter islete 1rs)taadmit tlint he cannlot deliver a speech from a text. He lemuh lier -woitureersUn- wtfnspeeches, g 'qg action ta que1stio)ns. Howevr the lblrai work- crs siudder when lie cornes askedwhenhe ws cong t provîde the 'Jus Soetv"K OUR OC 'Vi 5peakiJng ta ach and everyone if you dontï do if, if won't get dune-ç,. Came on fouks stop the pllutin Or if could cause a revoluion. Evron as ta do their part Or thie wohd wllhfaill apart, A fcwv peuople can't make if better Ail the( world bas ta work together. The ue is fou long tri wait Start heiping rnow liefore t's ualate. Ou1r beuiu aes ibe nonuare It's juestnt sumething wve cani ignare. chlwkka îsh Pare noVfi A enti These are problenis we haveàta et, Wýe can11 do if, if we try, don*t let flue, Chan(e a!s1s us liy îpr and (cane gýet fron ruund ln our lakes and un the graund. This is fthc proble-m, i's in the seaP And in the air don't y-ou agree? Fires give lots ah terrible srnoke It's enou-gh ta make you conigh and choie. Froni hac-torieýs soepours ontl froni aliove This Ye a proleri Fra cpeaking of. A prbc îaa speltn Wve have ta, we juA have to cerne up withasouin Canc't jou e 1urtresatstk So I jeau ives foroodlncsscae. Hc ip n c nty eip aur natiOn, Clean if ULp for the -nexýt gerton Ka H arris, 10 years old, Tiampton Puý-blic School. rmeîd f lifJesus Chist lad pramied ifi juef socicty twa fousand yens agoanad if pvas sf111 not heme. Be sug- gesied I he macl putfi came quetionfT esus ftle lef ime lecay(, m Tînt -was mb-d eogi u wînn licheprime Mase tehlin[g a henkmer ta "-- oh" ihst flic parfy votes sad lic womm'ind Grifs, They havephcdedwithlim fa ava-id proýf;tniy in flitram erd ansI doe nloVt, Le kiýadty and Spice heeis one ho)liday urn the year that is rlyCnain Period. A ny red-hloioded native of this faqntas-,tic contycan name it withýouit a second Uotoug tL ChUitmas and Easter are relgous holy-aysltat we share with ail Of TheTwnyout of Mvay, the Queen's Birthday, used tA be big stuff when I1 s a id, but now it, isthe-.thîIrd ,Monîdayv after the second Saturday im- medatly efre the first full mroue, or somehingof thesrt Lt asgone Stra-ight , downhil frimii firecrackers and syrockets and bu.rned fingers tW asortof Opening-up-the- Cottae da. Noç deviltry, -no more fun than ceaning up the cellar. TFhe Eirst o[ Jliatterly Domini- ion Day, and even more laterly and slttrnly, Canadta Day, bas degenerat- ed into a hot day wvhîch jS Sovýed to,0_ wvard the nearest Iriday or Moanday on the slightest provocation. Onice an occasion for the planting of tirees, the flying of flags, and the bay.. ing of' speeches proclaiming our al.leg- iance to [the Em1-pire, it is nlow most notable as the weekend nearest the Opening of the bass season. Thnthere once ýwas th-eTeit (f Ju-ly, he Protestants anidCthls alketurned out to watch The WyalkI mnake snide conirents about King Billy and hes herse and inspeet with a criti- cal eye the red-faced, straw-hatted Oragemnand smell I he hot-dogs and beer, and COrLl to the squealing of fifes and the rattie and t.humi-p of drumns. j'Il neyer forget one -wltin which an ljrFihCatholicexlho had in ed a Scttîshi regîiment, led 'the Orange parade, i kilts, and my 'kid brother, about 15, mnadeie dollars playijg the baiss dr-um for (I tbink) Daihousie Cor- -nters, which hJi-d fouind itself wth two- j~~~~ f frs nd adru, but no dumr That was real Canadiana. Andc the speeches. Boys, didn't they lacýe it to thne Pope. Alma-nst as hard as m-odemRn .C, theologists anid Womonn's' Libbers do. Ail gonie Alil that good, hârmiless <4- hatred and intalerance sunk beneath 1 g Urgrow"ing Sophistication and toler- ance. Who wýould dare, -today-ý, to staind 11p on a plattorni in a broiling -July lZ2th on un and attack the PIapacey, the French ~or n nytingele hecould rget, bis ton- gueowslethlc'als rolled their ee je with delight, and sweated by the NText, (at. least in some poî isCivic 1Holiday, the flrst Mondai AuguIst This, too, has becomne a d the fLirsýt water, Originally Paday setî for ci.vie pr-ide and the bejginnirig of Homne Weeks and such, it bas bec a day when the local service clubi its annual skin game, whiether it tombola, or a massive bingo orS otLhet- forni of harmless blood-leti Blood money, Pity. And, of course, Labour Day, I r lage .cties, there is stili a smill, tingent w',hich will ýmarchý with baýi announcing that Branch 49 of thr- U of CWAF or HIIC or WIHAP o ýr _B is stil! Carry' ing the flag and figi the good it against the touls of anaconda, Big Business. But thlis is a littie bard ït~ O-riginally, therewa immense prid this day, which was wrested f rom~ vested. But todlay, Canadians who Ik that the unions are, j ust as Jig a,ý bîgger th-an, Big Business, serSIbly, sue somre othIer entertainmaent, likê' bing one more weekend in the fun W<ell, as yent car , I've' _eadng ""yon eetlsi and inexor, toward th'e only holi day that _ Canadins right where they live, thier ît's ir- the head or the bov Taik. abouit fiags and speechesý dJrumrols We don't even hiave t< them. on. Nature does it ail for us. The flags are not thie Union or the Fleur de Lis or the Hammer Sickle. They are a blaIýze of scarlet godthat don't speak, but u1 -human heart in their magnifficence, And, paradoxicaliy,. they s i_ Theysay,"Yon'Il neyer see anvt! like this, anywhere elsein you r buster * And the drutms r.oil, over go' alesand blue water and purpli until you want to weep with the thoi that ail this cannot last. And thie ducks duck, and thie fly awyind the golf shbot goof s yVot have had t'le unparailel-ed privi of being,1 a Canadiani at ThanksIgivin Did you g-ive thaniks ýto, what your god is? Did you sayý a littie 1it ecaue he Canadians! wýereni't disg ed in Russia, and fought THEIR fight. And foght, And foght. H[-aPPy to nbe alîve? Hit1hy? but. not licked? -Youing but not co. ed? Give thaýnks, chaps. We'tF-re ni mi -t uCky. 1 SIIOULD RAf-VE ,NOWN When fIe Crefnecam-e and toid me il was 'a warm sprin'g dfay wild daisies bleýw andi bended law, so hree, su pure, su swvect, They lead us tej a maut n d grass green 'ith thousacds we squatted on the carti I fuyed witî soil and silted sand. ie- voice wase lr y-et mumbiedi luw asilhoueteagietfek a1rae ortw puer me -- preoccupîed. I-On ct why.t" .A mac ldsoe and suie nien epeak but flicI ,1wanýder why? Whec fhe Chrisians ýcamne and waikcd wif I me a hriend 11explained and questîuced me. I sbouid have knownn tintt làs was JTesus. Intuition sbuuid hiave told my sense oh righf and wrOng. I sbhouid have rend bis iove-filled face his cînracter Sn strung. anrd lcadrme ta fie cross wifh fear-fiied eyee- 1 stood. Icred Thie was Jesun- I should have knowni. ______ 159 Guelph Stref, Osi, ta peu(-ple tclling liim ho)w ta campaign Meantime Bol Sf afied for fieTrises and Davidi Lewis tar te NDE are poundcing away sieadily af fli gmo ecs record Tie-y are Ohi n !tIc Prime Mniterto con for fllý,ic ýhiI nmoye fln rising iintion and tfie uli n mph1 a ymansut c miecs, wiîri appeavS ta ile Inigouf morley whulc- sale f loshe wo areouf ut wark admnýkiag !litie ePfforti, ta take, jobs tînt [may urame a vâcha le There r e repots thatip fle UncMPbuymedt nu Funs mny rmn up a de ot anc billiondollars year, Stanflcldlabels fli major scandai. LIntect in fli campý lecxerc ta pick up asý Octoier 30 vuting Cday fil closes. TInyacy amas ut ra hty lItway tîr-o flic caaigo fIejgl elnr oi appeamnd apathetile This:i lie bmeue many utftIc ers have ahmcady Ymade fin i mdc bow tlicy gaingfa vote and no amc didate swilcange t0 nilade e e C '1> ~ *1 » e. Aide fOAd Come runrs so0 ie tting, r con- deting a the: know pur- gra b- i and been rably e gras whe.. a and 0 lay C Jack rand L and 1 c y peaku i hin life, e ught I sh Cbut' ilege. ng. ;grac- good e oIns- *- vot.. Uip e are s» MalcDuff Report Hous'e of Minorifies ~X crneror bels and Distant Past From ihe StatesmnnFiles Much of a Good Thi n g 1, ý 1 1- > ____ ----magnum ýy Bil Similey Ir 1

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