Durhum A9ýgric News b' Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Representative Cor Het Uits with m Iany f amulies, this is onie Below Normal area thatàis sdom, if ever, if rust be quite obvous t tdssned Wbetwenthe father orn producers tat the cr uop and CISon. Unfor 1 1unat P 1ely ý, Iin thes year bas not maured as some es, the father does fnot r-apidlýy as in other years. To, kno what te son fýeel-s about grt an idea on the iInmber 0of1teitutinnor does the son béat unilththa êhave bad1î11o\Vwh hfather 1is plan- in the County this yer e o-nlng, This is poal where, talle maimm ad iniumif al Must bgi.Once Ithe teniperitu r om May, decision is macle as to the end dlyote raen01suprl -bre suit cdesired, then the pos- From Mhisinfomation, w e 'cA-be steps to be taken whe- culaed ctheba nitS that bd ther an Woutigtsale, an n- been ava.î1iable. Fromi May !si comne-sbiaring agreement, part- to September 20%h the h1eat neshp or incorpoaton An uits in the Bwavlearea be]ooled aan(! thle inplica- have been 2,M8 and from iMay' e lThsd is as M5t1Af0September 300-thtbyr t stgwhefoutsie assiiist- have been 2,68w.Nomalyinaance hrough Poatyers cont thle Bomnilnrea, beat ants adestaepanra tuni ratings is 2,900 for jhe.wl s b tf fTeMn growing season. Sn it, is nuileistry of Agricultur and Food obvlous that weare at îeast'so bale pn 100 mus Plus below noral. DurhamCouuit-y So other areasin the CouInty Cenisus informlation whlh hva loereatits The informýation ,that was Cm jialoggng h e front mWM;,I , w oîctj 97 nte censusý (Cel that[the smepattera wil is A-ow ecomng avaioabl. holçltrue. Tbe numbfer of cenisus far-ms 5~o You WNant Vour Son in Duilram ouinty bas shown: To Take Over 1a drp in the last 10 years. W101th new Tax Legisla- Presently there are 1,664 n lionthat has been'into fect ths is down from 1,33 la 1961. sîncethle first of thîs yar, A censcus farmn is dlefinedl as aig- thercefbas been a crcant dea of ricutura holdings of one acre interest from mnyf ar-M peo- 0or more, an with sales Of ag-ý p le la Estae planning. ýNo ricultural products of $15 orl longer is i possible with themore. The area of census, large invesf mentin many f ar1ams lanDurham unthbsý farmc f0 rely on last minute also decasd fromc 290,000 planning, toend up with the acesfq 252,000 acres.CuOn a desird resuts.If' av-inlg youiriprovincial basis, 1the num-rber on or sons f ake ovPr your of farms droppad fromi 123,000 form is one of your goalsIn ito 9012 thousand hn tat the future, then now is a gpot od 0yerpei time toin m(ake plans. Hwvr General insurance FIEand AUTO10IIOIL9 33 KING ST. E, LONG SÀULT Dor is, Bru ce Kellett, Gerald miud Baxlb KeIllett, janel(tvîlle; FryGiandel, Nestleton, were ISudyev-enîn-g guesýts of M1r. and Ms Robert Camneron. On Tburvsdayv Mr, andc Mrs. F. Hoa1g were spprguests Of tbe R. Cameronls. iMrs. Birdcie Moor(,e, Peter- lboroughi, is speniding a fewv daswther ilnce, Mrs. G.' Bernard aind fam-ily. Mc1. 1H. Skerri jatt, 0Oro01o, callc(d on thie y Gibsons on Sunlday afternion. ATTENTION FARM ERS .1 Farm ltaniks and iinp availahie. CALL COLLECT x 668-3381 " FOR JlMM1EDIATE DELIVERY METAL FRAMES > - haýped for fthe look of foday. You dOn't have to be youn1"g in yasju'sfLyoung in ideas, METAI, doesth"112rest. siNGLiE-VISioNi $3150 BIFOCALS $38" THIS PRICE INCLUDES *YOUR 1ýCHOiCE 0FO METAL FRAME IN THIE LATEST STYLES, SHAPES AND COLOURS Y YOUR PRESCRI.PTION, JIN WHITE, ROSE OR GREEN LENSE S *ONE YEAR REPLACEMENT WNARRANTY AGAINST BREAKAGE *YOIJR CHOICE 0F CASE FR0M A WIDE SELECTION 4*C 0TBOLE EYEGLASS CLEANING SOLUTION *BIFOCALS IN KRYPTOK, 1FLAT-TOP OR ULTEX STYES Lowest prices on ýspeciat tyipes of lenses and tint$ 23 BOND ST. EAST OSHAWA Friday 9-9 Tues., W'ed., Thurs., 9-5 Moniday Closed Phione-: 7816 NESTLETON l Congratulationis If0 Mr. andi Mrsý. Leighi Wilson (nee Pau- inae Sharpe) Who wer'e marý- ried i l hePrehtra Curiichi, N0tet 1,onSatur-ý daOctober l4tb, at 2 pa. witb Reverend Fred Swannr ofiitn.The reception, alt 1:30, wvas hield ia the Cburch Týheemws an bneresting ceremony at Blue Ray Cbap- tac (Eastern Star) in Port Fryon Thur2day eeig 1Oct. l2tb, -wben Avelyn WVil-! lamis was iinstalý.led Wrb Mat 1ron. A inumber of miemrs of Blue Ray Chapter, Port Fer:- ry, ?ttendied installation cer-- mnonies at Siunbeam Chapter inObaa Dur'ham Chiapterý ia Bowmnanville and Coýona,- tion Chapteril, Lindsay, re- MIr. and M Ars, Isaac Beaty, Tweed, andc Miss Bon n ie Beatty, Ottawa, vsfdre-ý Icenftly with Mir. and Mirs. Vic tor Mialcolm. Mir, and Mrs. J ames,ý Kent, Orono, we,(re Suaday dianer guests. rýSincere sym-patby is ex qtended to Mir. and M\,rs-. Mr MValcolm n the ,death ot ber JIgrandmrother, MV r s. RuLSSElý Soley, la Port erry Mrs. Jim Vanstone -aad-,clr. Ellièso f Cameron vsited Vdurinte week witbIvr.ý andi c MA'rs. Larmnen Hyad Mrs. Ed Lawson and Bruce. Mis ris Reimer, Osbaýpwa, a Studa upper guest with the -Boweý7rs family. Con- sýtable Jerry Bowersý of Dry- 1den spent 'the weekend wlth bis ppnsmrm aadm rs.ý George B'owars,. MiAr. aýnd Mirs. MNIlton Fiaber wvere Tuesday evening dinner guests wivth Mr. and Ms DelIton Fishber and Seo tt, West Hill, Mc.i and Mrst, Ernest Freer, OWrillia, are spending a few days wlth Arn and Mrs. Grant Thompson Mir. and Mcs.i Richard Dai'-, son wvereThanksgivingdia-ý ner guesawith Mb, and Mrs. aCarl Elliot David and I, Lvaskcha1e Mlin and Mrs, Ricki Glass were Sunday luncheoni guasýts of the Davisonis. An accident occured on Hiha ÔA, east cof the, vil- lage, on Friday night when a car .struck a horse tbat Wad escaped from the pasture. ý No informationi bas been, recciv- ed ia regaýrd. to the pseg but the car was towed away and tbh ehad to be rye- laased fromi ifsinue. Mrs l dLawsorn accompani- ledi Mr. and Mrsc. TMarwoo)d MeKee of Baktc, oni Su(nday7, and wee fferpoon' and evenlngc suppergesaf Mrs. Wm. Wannan ai, ron-.ý Mr, Allan Mairs, Whitby,ý spn ihe weked ithbi parents, TMr. and M lrs. Nor-i mran airsý. Mir,KeithlsoMr n Mirs. Ted Wi.lson and ïamtily, Duatroon, visited on S'unday, lwlh Mr. and Mrs. S. Cawvkeýr, On Sýaturday ev\eninig Mr, and Mrs Ralb Sadler and: ýMr. and Mirs Richard Mac- Kanzie .ltended the( Rod ste" Dinner and Dance ai tbe, LIons Club, Port H-ope-. 1Dr. and IVirs. W. F. MIa- Kenzie, Toronto, sýpent the weekead with the Ralph sad- lent and theMaKnes MIr. and Mrs. -Weylle c-ý j Keown and Mr. LionelM- Keown, Caledon Fa,-t, W( ee Friday guests ofAMr. anjdý ýMrs. Bruce Heasljip. re4byteria.n Ladieýs' Aid the Ladies' Aid wa,,s held âat 1:30pm.lteSnaysoo tbankd Mrs.CGant Tbiômp-ý son for acting au bostess for October. rom Psalm 100, and th eysx planaton Irm "The Upper Rom" ollowepd by pcaye-,ý ýwas fake,ýn by Ms rn Tbompson. tary-treasucaer, readthe in- ul-tes of the last mneeting! (Sept.), and also gava a, re- port of finances. Thae corres- pondance vas raad and some bills wrpresenfed. Planning for tlie catering, Io a wedding on ODct. 4tbi closd ib hebmn"Cm ye tbaýnkfulpepcon. j TJables were then stl raiesfor the weddrling r- ception, and a social 1haîf lunch. Apprciatonvas expressedi to 1M1r5. Tbiom'pson by- Mrs. R Ia the Preshyteflan Ch3urcb,ý Sudymornig, ce student ronseMc. Rick Gas chose "The Chosea epe astathema for bis ms sae-the 1ýiraelitas - a chos- anpeople - a royal pciest-I bood - a peculiar people. Our initry to the chSuc adý nbe world 1I o be a blessing Mfrs. Hienry Visseýîr sang "Mo- metby Mmn. 11a Ile United Chu.trcb ev erand Victor Par-sons choseý "The Bafettr Way' as,.hej topic forbi sermon, reading- Mlicah 6: 6-15, Mte :7 il4. Three young ldisas- sisted bY Ms.L. Malcolmý sang "Couint Your Blessings." An ipesieser,ývice wa7 conducted bhy Rceerand Pac,- ons1 wben 1tre Memori.al Hymai Bocks were dedicated.11à ChOurQ uraIi1ty! Check Our Low Eveydoy eammt Pri"ces! OUE-IN E R N FSPRRGTRDBADB SU;PER- RIGHT RED B1AND BEEF, BONE IN SUPER RIGHT BRANJD, SICU 1-lbVe a PORERNUS, SRLON R WNGSHORT RIS ROAST or F-ý t,%,BONE IN SCNNEIDER BAN SOMETNING NEW AT A&P WEO RS FOE FuiliVariety of Maple Leaf CIKNl OLN EURUPEAN CUISINE Inluis olsî eueg, epaanQUARTERS eutaliansagsqe lb 78e Super i Rjht VCUPAKhO BAVRGieat Pies 18ozpkg 38<é N1IAGAACOIL .RED BRAND BEEF C.kn b4<UNIVERSAL BRANDf, FBACR.TO.BACR, PEPPNIi P oul ,iSausage lb74< XELN ORBASN HOLE UEPizz i 4zk 8 A1URNS OR SX BRAND, BY THE PMEC 13 5 Blade Steaks 8- ïqrl~NW ZEAL AND I-MPORTrD SPRýING LAMEAP, FROZE O0 C o o k d M ats 32 < Bri ket Pla e b38 < L a m-b C h ops lb 6 8 B eef PSt a k ettes 168 TOWýN CLUB (-LBVA'ýC PAC $.11 UPPRRIGHT RED BRAND BEF MPL LAF LICED RUPERT BRAND, FROZEN, BATTERED Wiýeers îbvca5/Braising Ribs 1fa8< Boogna 10,7rPkg 9< erhrCo 6zk73 [Discounpt Baked Goods! I Check These Vaclumes! (ACTION PRICED) CRAC1UED WHFAT, 60% WHOLE WýHEAT r a ýmel 2À oz baves, JANE ARRE (BU 3 -SAVE 170> Golden Loaf Cake 3 10z ca k es $ 1 )0 MANE PARKER, PIEAPU ETWIST (AVE 1%~ Coffâ'ee CakIe 13wo cake 39Ç?< JANE PAWUER(SAVE ) B'abka CofreCak 16op cake59 JANE PARKER Twin oli 3 c, f 12 $1.0 JANE PARKR B read BON'\ EV 6o a 9 JANE PARKER PumpckinPlie folIn piS9 ;ANr PAFnq ,pROSnu(lAE 4, DRY, NORMAL, oILY B-reck ýzSha.mpoo 7bzt OLD WINEDW -zwdge 99c) <ACTior Ch yHili Cheese 12oweg SWEET WAFER, 5WEET MIXE.D, SWEET GREEN 0iAl A ylmer Pickles 1-bo Hates,,, Regjuler r, Drip (Prepiriçed 69c) (ACTION' Potato chips 0opk Saran Wrap 5IlfIci! REVEALt, 1" x 70" Roasting as pgo6as AU GOOD PRN PikSalmon TA 97< N PRICM) 5< A&P BRAND, WITH AMMAONIA (SPRAY CAP) WIYndow Cleaner 15-f-or bDt49< Libbyland Dininers 73> wagon Whleels 1-rpg9 I DISCOUNT FROZEN FOODS! I Pieappleic kn 1-zkg$.3 Spare Ribs 14-z pkg',3 7 CHUN'ý RING, FROZEN, PORI< & HRIP rPARTY E5.gg Roils pkg cf67 CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ONTARIO, WFPTE TABLE STOCK AND CAuMERIA GrapesMlb9 FROZEN, CONCENTRAmTED Awake ORANGE RN ÇHOCOLATE, ORANGFOE, MïcCain Cakes LEO D'OR, FROZEN On ion Ring"s fI Ve5 tbl SI Hlýl" 0b ACTION PRICEDI 2 12f-oz f ins,87< 14-or ae 9 (ACTION PCD 29c v FAMILY CIRCLE IIIusrt,.d Library ofÇokg Thousancl o f triple-te5ted recipes rom the kitchens 01 Fanily Cikclé Magazine your ready roferenco for at ifci;me cf good coing. VOLUME 7à Volvmere an alaaab;e et trdtrypce f -1y 9c. wt ýT!, W5