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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1972, p. 12

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T2'1he Caniarhian Statesman, Bowmanvillc, Oct. 18, 1972 FOUR. $50.00 GAMES M($,0 IIMMPRIZE) ON CABLE TV C-ard onSalw h Bowmanville at CABLE TV OFFYIC-E - 26 King St, West 3t4acDONALD'S V tAR IETY - 71 King St, East BRYS'S MOKESHTO? - 31 King St. West J EPFR EY'S SPEETE - 83 Liberty St. South NORPTH-END MAR"'ET- 101 Liberty St. N. FRANK'S VARIETY- King Si. East JURY & LVL DRUGS - King St. ACSMILK STORE- King St. East NEIGIIBOURIIOOD STORE - Ontario St. S. TOP -LT E SUPER' TRAC l P ULL 4 PUY TRUE 78 SERI[ Tire at fi Manufuturer's List Price SECOND, -TIRE FOR NLYI MOVING TO NEW LOCATION (No% 4 IALES WEST ON HIGHWAY SPEC9AL 825/14 and 825/15 ýfuil 4 ply WS mounted on Rima - $49.00 per (Up t 69 Cars) USE '1nYOUR CHÎARGEX Tintended for last week) the l'riday nighit euchre. First _Ten table~s w i la py al prize, Mrs. Bertha White, Orono; second, Mrs. Olive Gimblett, Brooklin; third, Vrs. B. Gibson, Blaekstock; fourth, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Bowmanville. Low ,g e nt, Francis Thomipson, Bowm-an- ville; low lady, Mrs. Winini- fred Cameron, Zion. 50-50 EXISTS TO iBroome, Tyrone. Syropathy is extended toi mrs. Lorne Phare in the loss SERVE lof her sister, Mrs. Kenneih Cox, Bowmanville. Y 0 Rev. T. Ellott, Kirkton, wasi guesi. minister at Tyronel Church on Thanksgiving Sun-1 day. We must be thankful for the congregation we did have, but a lot of people miss- cd an interesting sermon. But the choir neyer fails. Anola ergic piece eut of the new hymn book was enjoyed. FOR NEOn October 22nd, Brigadier Archbald ýMcçorquod aie, of- LIEiier in charge ef Bouse of P H ~ 'Concord, Toronto, ill be ofuest speaker aIthe ".Thank- ioffering service, The Senior 23 1 2Sunday School Class were Iguests cf the B.ouse of Con- rcord last. Spring, They en- joye.d their visit Ihen and will ______________________bc pleased to rcnew acquaint- SïTART SOMETIIING OD1)TODAY AVERAÇGEAN7ý'NUAL INTEREST TO M1ATURITY -7.30% Foýr persolnalized service contact JAMESB- '-ELL - 623-5746 Athorized Sub-Agent !G hFun - 1, New - Vs Exeiting $20OÏOO UN PRUZES Newl.y Installed 'Officers of Bowmanville Kiwanis Club i 'Ic nlPTTTTZI PV ff. S.TAYLOR The death cf Howard Sam- uei Taylor, aged 80 years, oc-i curred on Eriday, October 6 1972, at Oshawa General Bos- pital, Mr. Taylor, who had, been In noor health for sv eral years, was taken serlous- ly, 111 le June cof this year. Son of the late Benjamin and Ella (Townscnd) Taylor,s he was born at Waubashene,c where hie received his educa- tion. In 1915 ,on October 27,t lie married the former Lillie Maude H-uggins, who pre-r deceased blm in MdY, 1967.c Following lis marriage, the r1eccaýýed resided ln the Cour- (!ce arcs, assisting on farms in that district. B waan ahren f ortc ie Bowmanville Utilities Chairman, Bill 1Morrisonj,was ,elected First Vice-Presi- MnTaylor lasusLrvived hy dent of the Eastern Ontario Municipal Elect ric Assoiation this week at the annual ix chidreni, Theda (Mrs. Artý conference in Peterborough. This Association represents over 70 municipal lc- Beci in), Newcastle, Dora, tric utilities in Eastern Ontario. Reg Cross of Npa Hydro was electedI Piec- FStanley, Alvin, cf Courtice, dent and Dr. Bob Hay of Kingston was elected Second Vice-Presidnt1. Pcue Donald, Be. tan. Besdesabd above is this year's executive. iFrom left to right, Ar t Bowker, Gloucester Hydr,, wife, he was predeceased by past Pres., Reg Crossý, Nepean, Pres., Bull Morrison, Bowmanville, ist Vice-Pres., s daughter, Blanche. and Dr. Bob Hay, 2nrd Vice-Pres. The funeraliservice waJý field on Sunday, October 8t from the Mori Funeraýý l a k e înqIS U'S s Chanel, Bowmanville a n dC lr, e tni c s e was- conducted by Rev. Der mot Arscott. Interment was l in Ebenezer Cemeteryý wep£ eals 0ofCounlt-w e I fred Brown and Waltetý On Tbursday evening, Sept. an hidividuali had, in par- the audience being municipal Shortt, more than 50 people ticipating in the planning of counicilmen. attecnded a meeting concerna the ares and stated that he Foilowing the mi e e t ing, Amcng the lovely floral ing panning on a countfy-wide had been a professional plan- Rceve Jc.u:n Stone pointed eut trihutes. evidence of the c-- basis. The meeting was heid ner for a number of years., that the cotv proposed plan treem in which the deceased in thec Clarke Township Hall, It was noted that the county was in conflict with the pro- m-is held, war ene fi'om Orono, with the majority of committee would be glad 'teO poseri Township cf Clarke Goodyear, Beu%%,man ville. the audience made up cf consider any presentation. Officiai Plan. Be saîd that, municipal officiais fromn thc. Chairman Riekard ualled the Clarke Plan woulc llow 1 - -ares. The meeting was con- for a, vote, an expression cf residcntîal dev'-'opment te du rtcd by Garnet Rickard on opinion, on the proposed plan. some extent in si ch areas as behait cf the County Planning This was talked down with neo etovii l Kna] and Les- Committee and attended by voie being taken. Mr. IRickard kard as wcli aýs Orono. Derek Little, planning con- said the purpose cf the meet- The Township ef Clarke has sultant fer Municipal Plan- ing was to gain opinion as a as' yet made no officiai repre- ning. guideline for the commîttee. sentation te the county con- w1 Policies ef the propesed B-e aise stated that the pro- cerning the county proposai. T ire. county plan were outlined te posed -plan could net lbe beld Hope Township, te fthe casi ef the meeting after which a op. icdefinitely and that a de- Clarke, bas given their ap- question and answer period cîsion on the plan would have provai tote county proposed washed.te be made sbertly. This de- pl an. cision wili have f0 be madd at The county wud oeta The specifics of the priopos counties' counicil. if thrir proposed planî la pass- 7, ed plan anlude the encour- When on a number ef oc- cd that mnember municipali- agement foc develepment of casions those frem the audi- tics would work within the an urban core from Port Hope ence said the plan or meeting framcwerk as laid out by the te Cobourg. The plan recom-ha ne ben ccutepl. mended development in this a o ben crutdpl, Pres te an extent that wouid enougli, Mr.- Little pointed Reeve Stone bas saad he eau support an population cfuout that the meetings had isec probiema gctting the Ito 00,00 prson. (i uPbeen well advertised and that icounfy plan approved by coun- S ~F ETe 20,plan ons. sincentive of the twe public meetings !cil as 5h11 rnany members *el on.u aandful oftizn r poect h dao *for deveiepment in te attended with the majorit fplamig.Orono Time TI O uN areas excepting in the Town -E j ý Bewmanviile which bas NYLON fbeen termed a 'sub-regionalE N range fromn 20,000 te 50,000 Fbener V ITC.W. election cf the inoderator' ThS PROFIE ould, however, The Maqple Grove ladies vas a b ghliglit and we e-1 Idraîignate certain areas as werc flic guests cf Ebenezer joycd b aring of the veryl I ubancetre bengreltiviyU.CW. at the atternoon meet- bum-an qualîties cf Dr. Er-c seif-sufficient with Popula- ing ce Tuesday, October 10th. McLcod. Mca, RedIpatlide tiens up te 5000. The concept Mrs. Douglas Oke opened scribed thrcc occasions' whcný pln s hows Millbreok, New- witli s tîmely verse sud lie led that large greup cfi castle, Bastings, Campbell- liymn 577, "Corne, Ye Thank- 600 people in a ceai Christi'.an tord, Coîhocue sud Brigliton fui People Corne"..Hou I &l experience. Meetings were' EACII talling inte this category. was f aken and this la the op~- cOoîductc! witli the use of! Orono, along with Bewdiey, portunity for the namea of five micropbones and indiî-' IN3S£ALLED are shown as small urban those wlio are liite libe mec- duals lined up behind ecd centres. The urban centres tiened. one te specak ici turu. One of' suha ecslwould te'perioda fdvtînNa' core uderfuI muicial Mrs. Richard Hughes andlfkn b i iitrs Iservices. Mca. Lloyd Down chose for maem bc the Johîistram' The plan would permit-Suli- terduet i"Amazing Grace",done uîban areas next to Oshawa with Miss Louise Osborne aitiy-tw brhesad n' . . .. . .. . .. .sud aise Trenton te serve the tic piano. Mrs. Down then son with a daughter-in-aqwi overlowcf opuatin fom gave the Thanksgivi'ng medi-at heisn Te tem overfltweof cen tre. f tation. We were ceminded a fupeaker, Dr. John Vanier, hi thes tiocentes. a way of involving le a par-' n oud ie ieprpse t c ' " s onal way everyonc whoi that uses in rural areaswould ing days \ve cemember asharhl.LCocuin v bei192 sctecie so as te control chiidren and cf of te- beard a iIefoacusont sctte devclopment detri- day, which cf those our chli- treo h anise l1; ýîmental to the needa cf the dren will remember. Wetrecficmnisusd- No. 2j agicuturalist. teacli our chiîdren earlY toecu seL1. I The plan outus i mjr say thauk you sud musI teachi r Oe takd Vr. SW Snow Tiresi transportation corridors as ourselves to give daily thanka' Redpath foc lier talk whlci1_ weil as secondary regionai to God. Part cf Psalm 1451 gave us a feeing cf the aoe P air roada between centres cf pop- was read foilowed by' prayer. of our churci. ulation. It wouid aise set The offeriug wss gatiered Everycune was urge c, te b4r sorne policy for preparation ousancg in the future of a Lake On- by rs W. McKnight and' twooutadn speaIers tari Waertont ian ildedicated by Mrs. Oke, Mca,.1 wlo will lie in our ares or woui aie ted t preectChas. Fouud read a selection lefloigdts co" scenie roted fr om el "A Look at Lite," ilelber usual l9tli, 8:00 p.m., Dr. Eva Moses ment thst xvould detract from ýdcligbtfuI manner. The wor-1to Idl -TrntB - "ligne 023-3100 their beauty. .Iship closed as everycue sang. manvilie. Oetobc'r 23cd, Dr.j Mr. Layng cf Clarke Town-1 "Bow Great Thou Art". Norm an McKenzîe- Centen; )Fïwy2 ientdtatiplnd' Mca. Ca-rl Down introdciLed ual ('hurcli, 05hawa. Octoieri neof asow for develeemecu. le ýMca. Douelas Redpatlu who 24fi, Dr. Norman McKcnzî'e -i the amaiher centres cf Clarkc soonke Pl tic thrili et heing a Necsit;,,le Churccl, Towvnship suri as Kendai, Les-1 speke of the liilîl of bing 1 4:cL,1r for Opveration Jack -kard sud Newtonvillie. Be sCommissioruei te GCencralilVro. 1-rinte herefurned te aise asked xwiat opportunity Counciî]earcier thîs irai'. Tic Mca-, W. Dewu by Oct. 22nd.j Foster, Mc. and Mca. Howard Rowý K EsonDcf Peterborough were (Intended for latwe, i oia eKEND at theirMca. Leonard Hay sud family., Rýerent visitors with Miss cottage. FraTakgvngtx Catharîne Stewart weceMrs. Mr. snd Mca. Relit. Young- or, Suriday mornîng Rev. T. Jack Gray sud son Mc. Jim man sud family liad Thanka- Sucîgreve chose-The Grare of Gray; Mc. and Mca. Robert giving aupper with lier par- Gratitude. Be told us how Wood and flirce daugliters. enta Mc. and Mca. Dan Black apprecîstien and tha,3nka bave, Dredre, Tara and Rachel, al etf dourtice. a greaf place lu our livea, of Belleville, also Mc. Clfferd Mc. sud Mca. Rcg. Ellîott Stakercf oroto.had Sunday evening supperý Rent a Car toc On Tuesday cvening several ,vithi ber sister, Miss Ciscsa A DAI' 011 WEEKEND ladies from Keudal attendcd Seens et Peterboroughi. a demonstration' at the home McadM'. on Fn lsk for Rae et Mca. Edua Dolson et Star"k Mr. flic weekJond aI Wat-N svien a dewn hiceusélunch -aakina Glen, N.Y., atteuding CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. served bya flic housenc sa. tirce sons stayed with their 623-2586 Mc.roe y te sud Lynegraudmother Mca. W. H. ____________ Mca. Robert Haynea and Mca. R. Elliott attended a shower for Misa Helen Sima, bride-I elcct et Rosa Little, at h D ,flicI N SE U IT E home of Mca. Wayne Bailey, î non Wednesday even- O P R T O I IE ing. -i Master Paul Foster spent 'a fe.v days flua week with bis pleas11ied te awnnoue that as in previous years graudmother, Mca. W. H. Fos- ter. Dsuny Wagar, suftered MISS MARGARET W. ALLIN paintul accident last Tues day1 when lic wss playîng on a is their AGENT for the sale of roof top. Be fell and badly 'splintcred, thc boue et eue et bis legs. Be la now lu Me- CANADA SAVINGS BONDS modial Hospital, Powmanville172Sre viti hilsleg le traction. ere The Keudal U.C.W. met fori i he BOWMANVILLE, NEWCASTLE their October meeting, Wed-ý neaday evening le fie Sun- ORONO AREA day Scbeol rooma, with the President Mca. Stevens lu flic jchair. There was quite .a Miss Allun nay be conitacted at spiilnuie ou. icro 6 Edsasl Ave,., Bowmanville 623-5607 tinued study et Africa wasi rcouducted liy Mca. W. hi____________________________ Foster. Tiecocuntry sic spoke on was Ethiopia. Lunch was served by Misa Stewart. The ccmmunity waa shock- cd te learn cf tic passing et Mr. Truman Garbutt early Friday mrnnng in bis home. Aithougli Mc. Garbutt had net been lu good healti lie lad been active rîgit 'up te fie end. Sympathy la extecded t Q tL A n te Mca, Garbutt and famnily. Funecai services wceelield Monday atternoon from tic Barlow Undertaking Parleurs. CHINESE and CANADIAN F001) Rev. Dr. sud Mca. Norman Mackenzie sud sister Mca.ý Hall, spent tic holiday wcek-1 enîd at their summer homne fO ~ DA E 'near Kend ai. 1 I Affiik-p ure s Mr. sud Mca. Tics. Stev. eus leftITiursday te go by air travel fo Winnipeg wîere (over $3.00) they will lie viaitîug friendsa. Mca. Lena Burwaai cf Co-l bourg apent flic holiday mwe,ýek- FRE eud witi uic. and Mca, Gar- FE HOME LPELUVEKT land Caticart sud Mr. Arth-( ~ $.0 uc Thempacu. Mc. sud Mca. Alex Littîle spent fie weekend withliMc. Phone 623- 703 sud Mca. Lacry Eagon ef Rex- dale and viaiting other mcm- becs cf tic family lu Toron- te. - 50 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE Mr. sud Mca. Robert Young- man attended fie wedding BUSINESS HIOUIRS: cf flicir icleMisa Donna l Thompacu at Courtice Churri10A.M. ta 10 P.M. DAILY on Saturday. October 7tli. FRIDAY and SATURD.AY 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. Mc. sud Mca. John Mc- Millan, aiso his father Mc, Carl_______________________________ MeMillan f Thornhuli pul_______ ____ ING Stan ac.îarlthîng g od dcy witli Canoda Saviega Bonds! îThcy'rc Ilhe go-ohecd way le sove foýr the futur e without worry. They're--bccked by aIl flic resources cf Canada ced they pay good inleresl yecr affer yccr. New Canade Soviegs Bonds yield ce average cf 7.30%/oc year wlicn leld to malurity. Each $100 bond begins wilh $5.50 interest for flic fi rst year, pays $7.00 intercat for the second yecr, paya $7.50 interest For ccliof flie ccxl four yeors, ced then pays $7.75 lelerest for eccliof flic1-a- six years. On to p cf this you. cane:cern interest on your interest ced moke ecxl $100 grcw to $23325 îe just 12 ycars. Canada Soavîngs Bonds ore instant cah. Tliey con be redeemed anyfimpe ut ycur bock et their full lace value plus carned interest. Canada Savings Bonds carc easy t a buy. Tliey're ovailobir. e emanunts ranging froin $50 up îôe limit of $50,000, 'iou con buy them n -e .c- different waye la) for cash wlicre ycu work, bank or invest (b) on inslolmeruts tiruhe icPayrcll Saving s Plan wliere yotu work (c)> or on instalmenfs fliroughth le Mionfhly Savîngs Plan whcre you bock or invest. Go ahecd! Stent sometliicg good today! Buy Canada Saviogs Bonds. ..a, The foliewing officers. of Bowmanviiie Kiwanis Stusart Beaton; back row. Directora iRobert H artie sudi Club wece installed recentiy during their first mect- Bruce Hendry, 2nd Vice Pies. David Gray, lI Viceý ing cf the fali season. They are, front row, lefIte right, Bruce Colwell. Director James Green and Treasurer Secretary Deug Barber, Past President Stew Preston, Warren. Townsley; absent, Dicecters Gordon Beech sud President Charles Rleid, installing officer Lt. Gev. Jack Morton. anes. Mr. George Paul wîll . he Major McCorquodaie's fu~ MA. . Bsc adill Morrison les 'yV. P. of OMEA Mr. and Mrs. A. J Hoar.had WS. M'l lie tamîîy home for Tianis- * ...s giving on Sunday. Tiey en-. joycd a tour of "Parkwood", ,r~"'~ ~ iu5i i~ b the MrLaughlin estaf e, luin.~'-

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