(Inendd or as wek) prceedings rean areana foiwo iremarried l Tin to McalMtchell and Rodne this area. There aremayoSud. Fneweemng14 Boy young,,, boys iterested '11 hoc- Thre big gamep hunters men- Isos Zf1rm Mner on-kyan tpresent they havet!Aned in bustweek's column, ship wh ovisd Phildeiphsint go to illbr k 1w castl el arive home on the weeken, Penn, over thre wee The Orono, etc.,t participat.btrtne wthtay boys travelled by bus, leaving Skatinig is a good healthy Wýfl soils. thers hunting in, Bomianville at 4:00 air,. ter sport and imany oif our NPorter ntrj as(we Thursday andreunn home young people wouild get awrRoer halie adT at 1 i .. Mndcay. Whînle greatdeal of pleaure if there Badluk andMcBadkIS i there, they visited Valley was a rink clodse. by. Manyr Forge amlongoher places local aduits mighteaso ecome Surxday,. Oct. 1l5th is Anns'- Yir. ai Mrs. odnKr interested in cur-ling if ice w'as veary In Bethay United spent Thianksiving Sunrday t avilabe. Cuc.Teewl en the familyV cottage near Ban- Local boys, 1-16 years o-f curch or Sunda1-y Scbool in, croft. On iMonday, Mr. ait age, are fourming a hockey Pontyp)ool. Servie in Bethany; Ors. Wayne Kirk and faiy team with Mr. Fmotin as isat Il ain. wt Rev,, Jimý of Oshaa wee gustc. coach ndy ,Sutchliand John Burn of Port Hope, guest Mr. Wlim Micelis ýa~Vnirn as assistants. speaker, pIlient in CivicHopt, Pet- Mllr. and _Mrs. Jîm Propp and Sm culprit or cuiprits-, erborougbi. He-u10 rwnt sr- f amily spent the weekend helped thenmselves to veget- gery 0on Frîday and1 is exncte wth relatives in Wakefield, ables in Mr. and Mrs. Nimi-! in remain in hospital for 14 Qui-eec. gon's garden this week. At the d a Ys.eMr. and Mrs. Harry Van samie time, thie flag from t1heý Mr. Boy aynor,OsaaWirneweeunayget!otOfc netdo ws hma purchased te ChllceofMr and Mrs. Gerry Vanl stolen. We wvondered wa the Garage ard he and his wif e London, Bowmapvjlle. onnetion igbt be? Perhapsi wei be takNg over the busi- Cortulations to nw-thre plundcerers wrapped rip thei nless Nov. lst. Wve udsaAhwd ,Mr and Mrs. Shoualc&abages, carrsetc, in the tMat Mc. Gaynor wëil aso be Manetta ânee Gail Carder,!flag.____________ taking overthe Moto-Ski deal- ALn1awrncewsavsit-50 L N or in the village and surroud-!C L1N A la, araon _Mloniday. (Initenlded for last week) We v e d WM into groups in and cMrs. RgDais iof h-Jere SMrs.Taylor showed Ir.l rorug weoe Tanksgi1v- Thec Bradicys and Enfiel i jnios hnsw to make con- ing Day dinner uesjts of Mrt. friends and nieighborsgtinus bias andho tocoe pnd Ms niWiht rda nield Church base- the, cocdingý.SayLagmd Sgt an Mr. Cmern omnt on Saturday evening 11)and Brenda Yelowes dem-î an, Cynthia a~id Suzanne of honor Mr. anid Mrs. Lawrence oratdtist h snos Qtawýa werE wveekend visijtors P a1,rcIlwh o ee ren]y ac-We worked or) the cutting out uth the clin Faous'. 1. ed. of the ar'ticlesý we aremki. We woukl like to exen0aMr and Mirs. Tomr Baker The meeting was then ad-ý wam wlcorne to Mr knd nd CIAhaine and Ss Helen bouned]. Imrs, Rowett who have nov edBaker, Torn to, were Sunday inito the hnome formnerly wn dZpc uests of Mr1i. and Mrs. ~ebY- Bill and Ruby Lya.Bar owling, Bowrnanvifle LONG SAULT %Vi ac1to0aî. anrd famnily,' st. Catharines, Several fromr the Ponltyp'Iool spelit the weekend vith Mr. (Itended for last wveek) acrea ttende a sIlver wecdding and Mrs. Clarence Brayv. MradMs.rin ou- elance for MAndi Mrs. Llyd MAr. and Mrs. PBoss Cryder- well, mhaaore Thanks-1 CafinfilniJanietvHol on Satuday m]an aind Elen wore Sunday giving gueisscf lMr, a nd Mrs. ýiight. Thie bonoced couple spe guests OfMr and Mirs. D. Southwell. wvere the recipienits of a color Jackson- Wray, 1saa r n r.G enr TV and purse. Mlisses Carol an-d Arua Hilîs IM' n r.aýEejucý Mr. atc n rs. Ji1Faj and spent the weekend t tiomne and familyý were Sunday guests Mrs, Anldy Sutých Sr., minent wt Mr. and Mrs. WVes. H-ilîs. of ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ken, Thankilsgiving lait Bralniordl Miss Carol Knox was home Blasak, Toronto. wt their nmther, iMrs. Fraa- Ifor the veekend with ber par- Mi1ss Ruthianne Camneronl ces Fail. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Knox. spent Th"akgving weekeadl pontypool Aýcr-e Pallet tokMr. and, Mrs.Geo. Knoxwith MissTerri Gladman Mt bohgames frcom Lou's Ds ao and Marilyn vtited on the cotage at Frankford. coujtnt in Omoeee(on Snjday. 'Sundnay with Mr. and Mrs. H.MranMs.CPe ade Tho frst was a welllacyed Fairrow-, Port Hope. hr n Ar.C gamewthte cre41;h W-M.and MtheGranit Down and f amily and AMc. and Ms ever omnempee lpe aln and famnily, Surndelaad; Mr. J. Cornisb, Port Hope, wr the second gamce and at the! and Mcs. IKen Knox, Kitchen- Satur-day s <,upper guests of Mc. end "Df four- and a haîf innrings er. Mr. and Ms Brian Knox, and Mcs. iRbert Camneroni. concedcd to Pontypool when Oshawva, were Thanksgivîng Mc. Pnnd AMrs Rý. Cameron scr was M-0. Thsceie svsts with Mr. and Mrs. took a trip to Mindea on Mon- continues in Pontypool this John Knox, day, and view-ed the beautiful sunlay'The present standing Mc. and Mrs. G eo. Scwhl oigftetee.I a ~sthee ame to ne ithand.fam ily, Pittsford, New, iotypool intlead.orkoMeTom arre Bo- ie a picture no artistcol At a rec n thamberofmanville, were Sundlay dînnerpant gualestoof Mr, and Mcc, Chas. Mcîý. andi Mrs. Bye Gibso Commerce mieeting, AmyLogai.wre Thanksgiing Day guestsi Sutch, Jr., John1 Van Wijch1-ý Mc. Isaac Hardy and StnDoilen and Debby Packýinson,î gen, and BossGay vere ape-UVey, rs. Endîcot, nsy saa pointed acrnh w ý1Èmere Sandla visitorsithý Mcr. and MIrs. JoeSnow,ýden. WEES El il LEA Lawrence, Pauline, Fran'cine! and Keviîh attendled Openi M (hItended for last week) ue tQinM-acCm bn onSunday and also viý,sited Fro.,ýst wrIn ireîlg hav ceoBe,.and tMrs. R. Sbecwin and e"n tpme peope of this area family at their cottage. et soi far on thelaeoe Mc and _Mcc. DonTa'o her as he-en no sga of iT resanday caulles at Mr. phich is very gratifying for and Mcc. E. R. T7ayloris En- this date of Otober9th. Wennskllnan M.an M it cornes we sbold b /wel MorcyGiryBokln prepared.MMci . 9anJd Mcc. larvey Yel - There was no cbarch sec- jow-jeesKpen ad Jnc vice at Wvecomie on Sundayjwere Suiiday vîsitors wAI nmrni tatlah ig1ht attend Mc. and\Mrý,-s. RlhLarmýe, the aaniversacy, services at Blackstoclk. Cato 'heure eyrGc hie- Mc In rs, Harold Yl- borne was te guet iister. lowlçees Orono, wece Thaaks- Rey. J. Bamnjit exchange ul- givngEDay visitors with\Mc pits ihle on the Scymioar- and Mcs. Weas, Yellowlees. Tabernacle charge. Sunday Mc. and 'Mcc. RayMdde school w-as beld -as Ual. ton. Robbie, Bruce and Billie. "1he athser in this ae didî Midland; Mt. and Mrc. Kacl Dlot bamýrper Thai-nksgiving Ptter, Islington, e(-Fi pln.Sme fmleSntran ay visors with c.aad ed memnbers absent fcomi honm Mrs. Alex2 Potter. ens othes as Mcrs. Araold Mca nd Mcc. Richiard How- Thordyk andgradsonPetro cft and Andrea, London, wih om o te amlyinspent the weeklend %with. 1r other laces, in ltpir case with and Mcci. Evectt Spires. Mc." Mc. ~~~~~and Mcs.~ca dya n r. _Ken Spires.Bow Watcroo; also wIith McI. and anvihle; Mrs EMainle Wotton, drove Donna and' David, Hampton, MAsc EcicOiver snwh e o wreSuday dinner guese them ome Mnday.at the spires home. Pat Paye was home fcomr Mc. and Mrs. Rsil Vilei hectranig a To t Ge- wreMoaday dinner get er1al Hospital foc- the holiday:0f Mrs. Greta M\,cCo)rmýacýk, Hloward Payne. Julie Paynip 1 Mci. and Mrs. J.SW. Dwyer, M cecoveing frn a skating ac- Osbawa, and Mc, Frank GC% csdet durng lessoars. A m 5hbtd were Suda1vsior cIn he bt cgleg was ctlt by anl- wth Mrs . Do)t ,hy Pascoc ohcsskate, cqarighoSP1i Mc, and AMcc. Thomais Jack-ý tul tratcn ad înacivityat linStar CitY, Sask.; Mc ,a..d home for- sorne timer. Mcs. Bon Brnoomeand Kelay 4-H ledge, oowed by Ja-fo2 TOI>l TOO'WILL TLOF A LIfE ice Yellowlees rcading the fr2 THATý SWELL wHEN VWE CET minutes of the past meetinIg. ig iTOUR BUflffl WOWiING WUL . The RBll Caîl, "The -accessaries ig ~n~h;naî mae" wc -Car, Our books must be lart October 9th we at two mcet- î I j oge. stacinLe at I ar..We(A foc Aevepicant Day, and ce-F cided that Ellea CrydermanUNi will be thc commientator and Iý..ý: Marily-nKnx ndfayeStoang- maîd would write thle specech.Str ' Annette and Collette Tayo c ndVaciTalrwl do the ON 7MTh ecting was then ara- yf ~P A R N edover tothp eledersu-ho aske us t o baýnd i n our O-rONO 9350 scmltdfcmeie ESIU fHOM4E HEAT SERVICE ose, two wa n he eu fen meetag on Monday. Presents Shawl b Wîier epain Djon's Mother- IThe CanaiaSttesman, Bao*ftmAnve, Oct, 18, 1972 land, Scotland, are expected komne on Tuesday, October, lOth. Welcomne fhome Audcey !ity fcam Lindsay ta ortgets ewe bel and DonPennyad new-comecs to our he commnunity spinit4 vicnit1wo Cdag in like "ole ered 1by suich an occasi Glad to report Mc. La w- tpers iilawhatever c- il n sncyw eceStaples le feeling mac hpacitftheywon rqird adbacmony tow,acd3 btter following hcIee v e Caere partaacy pcoad mon, wortby cause, indisposition. 1aofthat i ot inaligned gop- _______ ILS. Ted SpenelysAunt is the teenagers anid yoarng ,MO1A HSFlPT cur.entl1y visiting withW Mceople 0f thiscom itwh WEKVRP T and Mcc. Speaceley. ýwked iligeatly7 the wbole o h eko Mcc. Lloyvd Hainter of Plort hift long., - Inclusve:wYo Penny and Mc.Daîsy Maom of Oishawa w ecer -wek Wewould aieabe rmisA fAm ln callren nthe Rae \Malcolrnswe filed to voice on0 p-1nte,21ae,1,e of Jaeyll.p ca10tOur îm-any giuests,Dsage Yelveton' Annal Trkeythe ajonity of VwhomweeMaoroerti Sappe on Thanks«givin Mo- f a disance - T'ocnto, Mior operations dywas an unqalifid sa- c aaLindsay,Peeb-Emgnle ceewlth ovn 25 )tickets soIld Ought tatodia elaus Viiîlg hoae y? p. (not counting t1he pre-echoal- local omniis many of- __________ enr s).Te sceuseof the eent whom wi ted fan ore tïhan coald lbe attrîiuted not o-nly nbouc tocetA tpical - RetaCrf ta the hard wonk and coopeca- aml ro any of our vstn A RWE tion of almiost evecy i- was a cacload fcom Toonto i Asýk foiRE viduapl la our comnruity ýfcom w1ho h 1ad pntcîpte'laan11OrT the younigest teen-bopper to ann1ual spprfocrhicaselSca.- CRSL DOG tile assist"ance of m-any focmr- Dsie the coieabe 6328 Yr mprms nf Air .:rtrr in- ad% p ta,4e Lh c