16 Te eaadia ~taesnin, Ewmanille Oc. 1,1972 1lu, Reception Forthcomaing Coming Eventsi Articles for Sale Articlesfrae ar or Sale HeWnd ~tJROESS-Darleneshes Mac nd Hazelirwin ex- Marige ance at Tyrone Hlall, Sat. WVATER for sale and deliver-:23" *'PHILCO T.V., blavk ad16 OG at Swigr ERAI idfrsif ok to i ,nnunc e the alrrivai f Itend a cordial invitation to Oct, 21,Mui by Mlooniilit d. Cail Cliff Pethivk 6321.wie hn 623-2635. 42-1:3410, 4-berrel, $2,000. Plihon,,e experience rre, Apply her Lbaby s,7istcr brn .At Mm-fiiends anrir elativeIs to attend, i-. aind Mrs. VWate4r a îes42 -1 9t IYSbclesibotszl2350.421 Sr-h n Nrsnjoe crial Hon i ,Bwmntlop)en hoise t their ThomeN. 124:1ston, Oshawa, arec (, gno 'i, P Hop olanouni-ce threforthvoigTrn ....N.14 AYSdlx ihbc a ,gn odto.6354.'5PNTIAC Parisienne, cvu- 4 _ Oc. 3rd, w ihn 7 lbs,,3 R. R. 3, Port 623-5555.1ý$u. Ilioir oc ru prns r o- h ccso o hi st aing f their dagtr i olin-,ig ia Euhre and lPenny sea;t, odvmi,$0_PoeI42-l' tom sport,' certified, excellent ý,CLIF NG lady for regLar,_ ard(Ci-) ndInz, 42- WddngAnîvrsrySun-SaoiE,,t Gro il aein Tyrone Commnunity ,987-4539,. 4- 40BAEfdyayMutcndition. Phone 623-4289. -iweek ly cieaning in hom ne cen- _______day, Octobcr 22, -1972, after- em L Clnrisnof th[lte HlOtbr2t,8pm d 42if1*1t2sanly lovated inli Bowman- noon and evenîng 41-2 Mr. nd Mrs. W'illiam Lanmsin 50v. Everyone wel- LSDFriueadApl-b ne eoe Nov, :JO. vle al63-15etr- ~~TE arne ad___Torontlo, Wedding to taPk coe 40-3 lances. PaCtdyi's Mai-ket,, Hm- oe7544.42-1 1970 DODGE Dart Swinger, p.m.-îî5 lte l - haron (niee Cuffe) ai-e oIroud Fiends, neighbors and re-liplace Niov. 4, 1972, ini Harm E cnzeUnteC-r--tn,26-241 2-tf' htrc ult i t30 -sed xcellent candi- wmn acre4- _____________ G T in Beit offer. Phone 983-MAUE nra toce for anone the bir-th ,f latives are cordially invited ony United Church, Oshawa. SITUDEBAKER Servýice, nievw mo1-1ns nid; s.50 eech. Phon ;_fýýrson, Chitoher Law-to attend a reveption in hon- _11:_1.____ ____-al42-1nTui-key Suppet,.Saturday 5720. 4211 pre-cho il; iv in r ____________ Nceber 4thcSttigs r nd1sed pats. Gr2amso23-858fW.Prs.e anV'out. Write Advertiser 328, - ri!Mr. esSrleii-ctRp5 . 1963, P2ON L ' TIAC, powei- steer!- 1c/o The Canadien Stetesman, "~~~~~~o pwihn ls.2/ zs nteoccaio f their 3tb In 1M'emorian i Cets5-,Phone Jeck nk 28 AS351v for 4 quarts to 12, lIze new.; vercotani374b--e.$0oreso- -brothier for _Melissa. ruiWdig niesrto be - at a2172. radrents ýare 1Mi-. ai held t i em0rmo iPark Club )ALIN- InTi nmemory $15 niu lodesste îe.Poe63er. Cal 623-2849.4- Mr.-Ciffo)rd Cuff, eý. lIW-House, Oct. 28, fromn 7 - Il of -a dear mother aga nd- Y 'ou ai-e- cordlially 42-3 ieu tl c228.42-1. 42-1 C O owr ody t casieanc Mr ani 1WXiy oîySWET Sanih oion, la-9iun M.G.B., excellent shaýpe,iFriday, day sbiftg8- 14, Apply1 catc adM . ar rie-pm. nest wishes onîly, mpease. Lein ,tl)at41-li nivra- , tf wel, ertiietS$80nislin peron t Fith We!i ,old Pa-tter, 1Hamipton. Spocial 412-2, Pas sed îaway ,-suiddenly Octo- ices et ITrîinity ,,Uniteti Church, East. ___ eey pce. .BnH r. b e"t eife,$80oi esrit ii h ,arrks to Dr.Cunghm - ber 22-, 19641. Otobe-r 29 -Il a.mi. and 7:30 DRESSERS, Bcd S, Ctr , Bowmenvillo. Phone 2 63-~ ofr o17 4 TNT, HighwýaY 11.5, north of New-j Dr. lMîkios ani Matr ity Mi-.ani;Mrs. Wallva i--Alaycwndrfl emyorie, p r.m.Rv.ToAnora ustfeliail kindls of Used Furi-i 15 21 mie,$5lr etofr'asi rpoo 8-04 r Staiff et MmrilHosprial, lo, Blcktov, ill 1boetAI Ofitn suent tears; speCIake.11- tr , Atenti iAplacs.-Ponie_987-4267, 2U n.4- 7 Ewavle 21home to te c fieli ad Awy eretlnIrg Dnc PidysMar-ket, sHamptonjj, NO. 1 TABLE potatoos, Seb- >'65 ri--SALES 9person with v-arfor ratives on, thoeocaio o Wshngyou we-re . .StCid, Otoer 263 2>1 .2ý6-tf ea, Keniebc and Ret pot- PNIC ieninV,'wo>,ildwide exlpanding menu- bei-e o Pon)-rtypcool Com,-munili4,v -te 25,75l.bg. Cî -dr. needs somne body r, fvun slsomei în ther fftetb wedin ani-- Sdl m YseiHealile, Dancing 9:00 - 1:00lto BDOM Suite, vomplte;983-5170. 42- ecbanicelly Sound. Phone fntering, saloignig ,re _________ versai-y, :the rmusic c)f Fay Adama santid(inigsuite, 9-pe;chsr-unetv. Ulmeier- 2- ~m.Ocobr 8, 192,Knnth Gegry ani aiHall. i,ý--THits. Admrissionifell i suite, aIl Burme ip-teank-1197-1 SNOWMAOBILE, 10 hp , ci-a7S fte 4:0.r1wek- petia. Tning euier- Mtm. RobertaDMary thomeanfti om.atth 4p* Conty nd. 2- "~~.t ttwaonOctober 11an$4n-n.00Geyt ndpTS nlvigmmoyt e r oifl wooti ew. -Mutst seil. Sci ueione season, in good van- '7ingpoetl.Tan g v honraClbrt -,'n ome 0f th, Ge auhte 40 ope ie hn -4-91 1t iin tandler. -Phone CAMAR167black, vinyvl able to those who qualify. '1O7Ale-- Robra Gîlt r feIvan Thompnson, Nestieton. qf mýijo ,ie, wo J sin ay Hallowe'en lMesquLieCr ade ,oi.4sed 2, pwe hr( 2-10 frpro -'-b AexGîbrt mthr fBest wishesî only, pîcase. 'thi-c ye aega butewysDnc t JntvleCommniu aWATnTaln'ar 2-72atr6 .. 4-ro, 4sed, 327l, pwer Phnt-r ie 78310 fo eroa SMr-. Fred Toisn (Joan3l), 4- Lethibridgle, Aiberta. Mirs. 41-3 rmmert.ity Centre, Set., Oct. 28, 1 Sales1972 [Rambfler CerneRUG, appi-oxîmaitely12x 1, heis.Phnne 623-5220jCi or ýl1 '~~gnad cueg Juih) d o TaksNeli.the ,muisic0of Fay Adams ani cs. pentrilan ad nylon, cdoule Hunt f1St., Bnwmnanville. 4-1iUER O -'GuelphOnt, anti John-ri0f Car Sot h s4-1Ithe Contry Hits. Lunich iserl- eeyeeinin eknds jtebeck, lel lobak17 LASd - wt rein ak x ____ ____n____ l i ivet.il.-Dancing 9 - 1. -2 o Hgwy as n Iand uwhite. Phjonle 263 - 2242 e97 cMA S2-noor heidtnppeiec and ability te super- -NagraFil, nt esîn a [lihtotankteMat-Ncvtc. 98-5 131l. --f 21 ege adio, edock,-r sea k- is ad ran thr mpoy H'r -r ni lafir Funralernity Staff and Dr. Ewert BTE-11 eni- 09m Pen House eat Glen RHec BtraiMn Osaw'sonepocrsterngaunmti - c -Ho ,108 yrn S, etfrtegn caegvnm den vieMillie, wopssedi Dairyý, Fid, Ocobr 21lowest pri ves on N.1bai NE pair gond useti Semson transmission, sfwhit wascs WoTiuraOffe frm 1 .' uîgm tyi eoilea .,1969lon4 -8 .m FRE-nn- orn- MWe specialîýze inne sk bot, ie8, 20 Asowelds, tair htv 11ALr ý,hsiay, OnC i Fr1. iSe;-Hospital. Lvtrmebrt, longeti versai-y Draw for 24" Admirai home instllationsl. Guiýaen- One set World Book Envclo- lifltîme undercoattig, 231 ý ; Mr. McFarlane, r.day, '3 î.m. In lieuo oosMns.. Iriez Burgess. forS 1 lelway, , Colon TV. Chiltiron must ho tied. Lowest possib)'-lle pive. pedia, 1960 edEiin, $35. Phon milesý, new cniin 2-28 isyriipatby aybe epest-21 Tesreiwt oe S-acmanieti by aduits. 40-3 Arnistnong Sports Lti., 2101 987-4744. 4-1 ______14-1 623-4411 'thrugh onaionsto he creSimncoe St.' N., Oshewva, 73 FURNACE, coal and woodi '70 Pontiac 2-dr. Hardto Lc ewen9ad542-3 aie:Oue canniot sec MONSTER BINGO 2898. 32-2 brniing, Georgeý Welsh, Naýsh 7 9927A. ît anaiiaancer Societ. Iwih o bnkreatvs, yo, _Rd, just west nf COurtivýel'70 PontiaeCetln 4d. UTM BL - 42-1 frientsat eibosalso But I naw you are ai-! THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. EED A PRESUESSTM ih col 12sto artp nlnar-di- ______Hanipton LaitdiesCSo-vce lu ay ee.shawonor S b lSUMP PUMPS bue. __ 42V ioning. Lie. 19370A. SALESMAN 2 -_".I$LeT-T, aRssel Toa- rHapo nîtet Chun.Hoc W- Awy em4eei.Bî.OhaaM-r ota REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES MeINTOSH apples, ons'ISý7 0 Potiac Parisienne 4-dr.,FRNW ture Socityý for their kinti FORNEW _____ had-piked, spraed, 1,50Har(tofp. ILocal oee owner, oile, Tuestiïav ,oct. a cded uinnO S HA WA 30-t AVYPATE ubrin, contaiers,17 car. Lis,. 62113A. -, thorhîs nt ieds BATES- In îvîng mn'tuy e-nd._.69-F ord Dealership ic Ved6, mn bai'd64nhMyaer1 b- Wn. Axford. Of oui- dean Mthr ntiD una CouiLnty Holstein Orono 983-5206 - Zit 1-1620 Prose at, rîlen. Bnme-'69Cadilîaü Eldorado, 2,-d r. 42-ïvradmothushanti ofwil b(Mai-ionWed arbalI, dear father c r.4- rniohr, Mli, woBnutwo h et nWt__4-f N rv1 ille Lt er b 0 yS, Li H airp. Fuli powerincLui-n.wm n i _pari (haon1atipasseti eway ,October 1",16. ta, Nov7emben list,17, S 1 rn vt x-s lo650. -(xein peerd Ihoz)i She nove faileti to do hon et Cronik 1Hall, Port Hope bonwsen0L ' JflpoeD -îhri -1ca etn tteNo- MyItk bsopotunliity beIst, Utniteti Churcb et 7 p.n. New ?20 h.p. Deluxe - S.3on0estrn.ult)bck'69Buck skylark Custom. Tepon .AW E F1neýa H ie ri lhnk rr P, i-c wrr f1stitchi e at saî, breast j'- y uie1 1 nilege Vkutt ElilitI uea Hneien y fmly ni Hnbetwswnianti Speaker, Re-. Toi-iy Tanleton. New Twin Ci-i. Electric $5 olepacidi set 1623n-ic.4481A from Thuad non, uno a friend fr al thi isi s, enter Tickets aevailable }jy ýcaîîîng6 34 1 "' r .1 F, 2:ý3 0 'ciloch, Fritiay creat it inn yshe Inlvei b Jr Iefor thIose 26,3-2325. 41-2 'New Twin Wîde ýTreck $700 goati shape. Phoo ater "69 Porltiac 4-drï. Sedan. Lo- for appointmient ~>Iteînon.ntnîenc ity t emnca HoptX niselvtlvt o-Kne A- So- Ont, Sports - Orono p.m. 87-443. lo 'calonreiner cr, poer. McDonad For tafeCndinCne ot r.SerAnlossiAnti CHINCHILLAS Quality TLic. 85488SK.MaDnlFod1 i( ety woultibeapprCiae wrantitheteriîîcnusiiWe mbnr. vvew l ehiion October Open FEvonings - 983-5444 breedinig Chinchillas forislej 68 Poniac Laurentian 4-dr. \20t willtffti alesms ev2it7:0pm e.Aln__ 41-4 et it llpnices; heeltby strong- el O PO ATOO'_f di____d Vibe annBA, .. f an , i. %8, double power, TH OROATO 0 H h. /' ______Mario aDonC)laIcLd yde Hnkat Robe 'B ns .AD, iIb n us a e- 1animesstandard, beige anti dean as a'pin. Lie. 37407A. 42-1îng taf on urgial loor L bay ill o th gust seek-Nowis te Tie vite mutations. Keep thon Vllgeo h2~L, Mi-yVioa -At 2-1In ovin neonyci- "Te CuntyLFur"n O C sheVUR h-cdthn pi te Yù'67 Chov. Inmpala Super Sport, lcxeo ýTiL 'ar, VinaBATES - ronInwil proide socia -~~~~~ '-ýieirtl ostlBo- hofail c te at Hw-aIa ea genimthrMa- usc B1EATT-Y UR cenno lose aI $25 each. Phono r ,Bu1ckIets, console, power, ex- Necsl ai nvnme, o sn undAy O1, atiTalo 0aoutie is i a ane, (Mllie , opa-- T BEAT EQUIPMEfNT 983-5465,om Onono. e'66 Che i Io,4-dr . da6701RQURE "-1~om en Oon emtey. sicee h nks tostaf I cw.,oloiber1, s 1969miss ubli- ec", Spnsorei lby hed41-4 and Tax Collector untWNi yýrý,421 Bvwmanvilof anti Osha-a hn1piChIe s nistiwanv LeorAociHl ceation - o'jýà.Clock Nvemearert, 9 ~taiiai on Se.,iOct.s14,n 72, 42-1'i-lwansiîoved ntibrenomBrgadieraA.oMaCorqua -__il - tF u-canl , hoeti we- berest y WendyMike , Debtiae wll ogesThe naerIREYPRNR redE deewianF='g, Machine madeüdllfo te 5Rvi1ren ati îseraI vainè n Thnt Foor fo th -ot h Tononto, a2-1 thsp a tecxpectS2'ýn ih ,jýnrh i", ui ig'e nddae aalbe kîties aow a m -o AES- I ovn enn TakofnîgSrvc a y-Hghsiraeinaloace BAK-N WIE 21pferre aed.qure Quantnill, thèr Jmm ~~-anchieBranign ennîeMavn 2 I15adirnA. The fAvileet, mostECETIOvFo - alay cmmesurte At Epip i, CIl nIe ighori u n e q.i nti passed -in vr l ivig ul ta-2- :IGEoR - Ai_ t.Meo14, 1 toer3, 972 Aso has aay ct-er. ewbnil nbt hic OHE îD M TRASA'oesar - Ms)Ja culu t:-ýlosnitl owj nile, OlittiionpibernB rrseens SO st-ng ve hat timo e n CndaAnietspiy Thankli maiTW Obdromapantmentonoflerk trear er, ,,~udeyOct.15,1972 tioaîç lowFuneal ome nti ev.offeig Servicore, Suta, -12SlveUStre E, NowAnviVlT 114" eaI- Dty LebsEanRduSs nl.ill ae o! Newcis, asl de2r -Spocial musiclchoir. SAVINGSaD.fWHUTE'STHEATEDanupsaairsiapentm(nts NewcastudetntaHEoE40-4 .,crgor's Dru Store)nagtiatteti Seciel Ihnk33b9nemuniecipues by he ____ chidrns. anloveishushenf i nIios andrnoîghboservhiceelë-IAre jusflthe onesiotircaîls t Speaker: Rev. Do 2,Mar1ret rant, dean 2, father cd wmh nh. awy vn BrwnBMA.1B.. S UP O al-'-lavalebe Nveber1. ele-____Vvi____4 1 Jnt(Mn-a) Dnl eîtat Va. FýAnt11, tekes thof,, c n oi 4,eUtedongh Ot 42- duinUU V NTNN-___ 4-2Inrutin dn elBw avil.BmR2Ii-t DANCE Precision entgi1'5nil(ylee121d* homesifiphonos a987-4539.e, ant Magaet Bomanill).me utevey lmewe hik cbeedonyua fudiin mn F.oeor Iwocitinn 'A71 o e heatbrîîtIhnsnt1qne- Hae ehanitrutm ridayp USIC :1 ~nitei Chrch n Weines - poise, ïdissin $3.0 Coupl PhonoRAStNet, EI1t Jn Seep RH.3, ewcst illTact oTrwatles latîves ffý, (c i ent anti n eigdons Yu'ie om 1 2 a vlee_2-55-rvst evrLm-M sc l-1lf Ëia t 'Io, e rnenb fr Iho foral tîbubeswo2,s dy.ý0 421 ber fr n Hom Catalgue - .NOW yencan trin -5gh bSre. -i'3. rýsern i rnville eetery. 421 i sn tyCnice Ikit- T n dey love d Se l W OD IEBo .Fo Hnd pital, Bowma.nvîleie- on 42-1uMOSee:Re\BIDNO TV TVIERS and nstructins y- 21a207 Quens Quay est,, t *~1xbiig) Ja Mn.Ve-anit e wri Funere Ca- anti ga.tilohe PaPeth e br ughWAYnE t ..NTALD AT3,00CT~TT 87.4~î4- (Mm-s. haude ain, Tronto) our smcene auoeciamon Io -nMmssd by br femîy, Moiv - - -- -- oclovk._ 42-t îabrvcwasndliim tMioel olurT Buat ni rve, Gord an etinDoril oyCaenanLegHon11ro-olos mour ryseum c,1Ph5one6357rOT OEE R-tc-deaMorri Fu.1nrý L. Chael1,0othor it nifrbcwn nigatcitrn 1ss their anuel Hello e'e gn-e<dp 3-If IGHT houskeepng ion n d IR 1wmanvîreanon rues 11yat Ilrul evenngeemrageti f r , dance od a n etrtey Oboer .riineUkJLUDNewcestglow. av-' f'.J 2 'lvk'Itrnn sawis le; m cclttasond nI - 25 HGaRRODit -,ri lovîtng mm 1 . Joe ati b cRhthn0aii-es ty Gt llth fct firA UItoorrep, întan vice as hed ilStcanverlnfienchonsAYpnîvate L e. _______maltor, 0 te oganeaton ncle John Garoi ntiFrnk d ssopiona$3.00CopluesJn 24-tf __,___to T aier' etrx7 G42ma1Hsîtlo Otbmcak, Iypahosend whof tionîct- ovî ng remembereÎ, 42-cone.-dmisiono$ percoupe. Aatalog ROTRS INSALLED ebwe SEoi- 6 - 9 p.n. 42p The dReturning Of ie h Z 17, eovtihebn ir110 the gilte tiw en iot heirfeibc 24 4-2APnT EN eaiebe in a 4p.. n ctbe 2th40is - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NR (frnrlnn Oon).RctdJohnoînbuetRiinywe McDNA6219-26ngHîh01holiniesbb pb pt. ndHme Pe-ird duteyonrDe-loattifsc Monay Itemet non Vin atiLlydCai. ot kewtht se essu- t am. omerboic vv-and pInsdtorAVutioneNERBoTransw bd-1p.ontobTraining,Ste sor Çenetenv. Be n dwEïl- 4- nng, orJIaeilaspects nI socioty, art, JUSl'f'T OE Fnn, rO~N aparîment, nofi-ietr rmCrwihadfaln ii b sce pae a h otTe h blewr t heatemoicfrliio, ru P on Dui l toehet anirshyetraolYaung 42- nî1hous atireltiesfan hiis ieti.cordsvileH ignd98-439 - onraton Jen M s.V l aime1 -r5A1N W Y E Tý'87 oi s Fbt h h ispered " ho Oct. - Iri, 4 1 6-nd8h6 Vilageo1e.c st un kintinese sown Anti eece School, 25. 4AT1 OWmANVILLE OVER dunîng theManovent: lacs aIa z4 but ev100dacresSnIW AuitebRaeeI ONE' bdraol thopciaiTown. S9 WAD lr1c, Iort oig ieat nteM rLvr y reeeiati LO.DNRCLN --1T rYT A v lbebol pa sur e aeuat e waen .ýii7tb ).rosIaIbbc famiy rsi G.Goute,î an ti rteba- a À iseib isePlr T'r7'iA rn i are hnAhn, eelal nOc.2 ,teisep o cr ~,192 Fornear Se oley , - Cancer Sc.Ilcll hakaSVE NIn ovng mnii-1B ynvhl UM DIIEiht-oo7Onnoaica0PonaayorSu da. 2-5 Easî~n Flrances), Tomontil Hopiar LtiesnIbbca cI15 169 pasest D , ar - O.fl HNopa!kefo)ixmnts edesWate ndo Mo - eacorînnfeli, ehEne, J.C .euioarni v.H.Moore Idanconcoi-Tanspratuo r, oe rTe ombunerann OORNe(at, Re:_cýdy 4dril loc>63W9 RRX OADR .AgucoI-t Rogin lti Wooti asnhecFýio Peaefaî 62-01 -T-V[ri' D ? ni Dnhn21uby oad I iaPond63-373Th Cunilo!th Mni stak hona, hiby ani hiI oute atifail, ey42or 723-5 Il..LL.J. 98 VJL iviestedos oThe4-'(letisetil.lfnpoyvt VrnonT, Stobvle nbrTouanyuaertove pr-Grri nost e - - 2 uc 10ationnsadTRErn ÎieImelt raofaCaiauivs Ai-to For',er oonronahe bhan ou woti mietilvt, lwas futre Afonr hatevrcostmsaatiet hols.Tenerswil clse r stp-upteRa ac Oshwa wbh fo era s i ý- h an wd chosAu-ilvrreebreib bc oupflesmon 100k contth-ey 8-50 ro o ocbc Ton Secifoni87546vations"eecos ih eicleetfia to chole bbc chapol, ThuretiayoiberseanticchannAdsissike Ibiscoupie..A orLe ~~bloe to-otMuthanCm-Ieitieantide ,ilous(,hoe rft- - ruhsoo ai42pinipe enth1420Offie a M.A. AcLetBsD o,9a. ekas h mes Aminstatr atiTra Aîl 263-8403 elten j ri Lt 435, fronm terost it o!isuL se esicreepandtinfo HIcRhwie ac, -1-, a ad hchmo ejctd 2 Hu Srvce Drbn ont Bad I d Soc.MegwliFi-Fam bunaoicfte.and21Pai aiigaiisace fkînosa Lo 1 6, 4. Pho li no ijg41-If ucatinuiBox 470,hD'Arcy St. 263-2721. Licence 64-C-Sout atÈeErrmiFýi,,1H inyeti lime - lIîmie.ra do ero f dabh------ -__- VIADDINGTONS 42-m 1 - dedin Rogstra o!honese62 ~ FLOWERand SEDlSTOREaI my lvetiahusain, FietioSIXnonth-ntiAlemaepblack623-317lGuerofeed îinlby-law 33 Dio.ýz vcývisin St foilscl ýhreet R.)bven adAnti eor ble e nti whoe ner ,v;4 Coh imay srie. CCý(LiC oceation.g2v>n1b6Fredobei-e.,tOPtee2ecaili623-2188.k42-1h40-tf BARGAeN SHOP TheeNanthumberlard anti ____ __ Dnha ContyBoati I Ei- uffersforSal AN TAE NTIC tht n Hstl Arangmens ome irorecaaciy o4a-1 er, er.ailDapctNDoX SOCIetAL New ati UsodCLOTHIN ucetna invits tendes for a- _and_____________ in t"lrý -ýeother, antinioringrbis lest hatothe glvswrenhrt harmserlgoi ,'-g' h n 2 -512 ýtv.ha n yr.Yupifo a Plns 'enmnvU osîa, 0ii lNv omuiyHl FRAEOIL TANK S, Public Sb , chol nilWednes-OHVI IA hl uteToshpHlaiO Wong ' r-o Mind -us .R s, teeneL. embn 4,192,5 ;p.mnti 7BLOVEIRS and CONTROLS fdayOcoh ? 5, 192, et 400f1 't(i, oro 3 rIlý F R Stvesp.n. Spocificionemi anti dnaw- MUJFFLER SHOP o!Notymber ,972,aiteeu 42_îp;.Tikes1201f-on UCW 7Sat uc Oy ct. 21 TWO MILS inge e oobteinetifio fr ,RjEF EhutS-e menhns. ____ 4211 a,,Nm. 0lýtheoffice of M. A. MacLeotof, Funeral $Wanted to Rent Hmaeat potnt ~ ~ ~ ~ Bens tnncrtnat NPCINDtdti 6hdyc coe - Ar________________ ae el o etih' Ie o -Ba Prvlgs -Pie ON HIGHWAY No. 2- Tineasuntn Northume-~d 16B n t Is Arrangements TW O hedroom aparnernt 1-n namvmIrsesAssociation. alci TDurbhanCouuty Boamd Nx elm ieCrWs We Snti hewoe bi Wir souh ct ik- Bownnille Octobeir 201h, 10 ae n.7- 2 j 'cieuo,îone jPhone 786-2972 cf Emiuatin Box l470, D'Ancy l5681 Phono 623-7141 or623557Two chîiidýrn, Phono 62- BomavîlePubInlc 111Y Durh-iamlND-P NE WTON VILLE retNorth, Cobourg, On-i' Çïl' 7-11 41-tf 842. 2~l* et Spesored hi- 4-J. 1-ti itario.4-l 5t -Wanted to, Buy GO-OD7 used potato grader, Cail 9831-5170. -,- - -412- 1 TftIA'CTOR chains to fit 12 xý 28 tires, any condition. Phonie SOUJND savw logs, cedar, pi ne, hemilock, basswood, elmr, etc, Phone 263-2121. 4- USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Ma-ket. Hamp- ton 263-2241. 26-ti USED 1/-ton truck iii good condition, any year ior m-ake, reasonrable price Cal 263- RED clover andtimnothy s-,ed -top prices paid, please brving In a sale Carnation . low~ ers & Seeds, 33 Divisionlr St., Bomnvle. . ___40- 'tf APPLE GROWE-PS AGAIN BUYING JUICE APPLES on large volume At farm lu-1 bulk. Also other grades, Cash Basis. Please- contact early, RAYMIOND INCH 416-753-2246 42-4ý' Livestock For Sale HloL STEIN heifer s, Holstein- bef, stockers, young and startLed ucalves. Keith Prage 852-3923, Uxbrdge, 36-tf Personal HYGIENIC Supplie-s--(Rýubber goods) mailed' postpaid ini plain sealed envelope with price list., Six samples 25c, i24saps $1,00. Mail Order iDept. T-218. No, -Rubber Co., '130y 91.,aitn Ont. 1-52 Wo rk 'ý WateiLc( iWILL babysit in my home in Maple Grove area. ?hone 623-2283. 42-1~ WIL ie gond care to pre- schoolers in mny homep.Phn 623-7593. 2 §MALLcapneadcant work and repais, Cali 62- 2,921, Handymnani. 9- 4 WILL look after baby orsmai zhild in my h omec. Sounith end, Refeiprecs. Phone 62.3-.2753. 1WILL dýo any light truck- ing at ureasonable irates Pîhone' anytimep, Ai Rowe 623-7402. ~JGHTtrucig and oddi jobs, Cleaning yards, basr-eýts. attics, etc. Reasonable rates. Phone 623-2337. 4-e Notices )il Palnting Exhibitionl by M!aueeên at Bowan'ville Lib- Éarr continuesn utiil Oct. si, 2 pm. to 9 P.m. Weekdays, 9atarday 10 - 5 îi.m. Closef] veduesdayï. Phone 623-7119 -- pecalOff er Car Wash $1,001 FREE wlth 12 Gallons Ga :ruce Winning Gulf IIGHWAY 401 at LIBERTY 34-tf BowmavdleHockey Assoýc tasroun it inecessary to in- crease admrission prices ti thur games to offset the in- reased feces they arýe payîng for aýtýi-ea ice tîmne The newv prices; are: for doubeý1 gamee n audys, adulte-,$1, stu' ents- 50c, cbîldren unider 12, 15. Single games, aduits 75cr studients and childi-en 25c. ice ,TORS, WISHING., 'ICERTIF-ICATES tes are fishermen, marinero, withl certîficates signedby the rsty or college, lncapacitated ;s).- be at'Cavan Towushlp Hall te proxy certificates, to elecýtor§ th Monaghan towsisand smunity Centrev po, ait Sproxy certifïcates tfiýo ectore ar Townships. any interested party desiring qaid By.-law wvill be heard in ing oi the sai;d Councril to buf rono, Ontarlooft he 701 dl.", 'f 0:0 oclckin temoru- B.ý W. COLLINS, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Administrator o! the Munimcipaltty. - 2- DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. ýs ausamomomm 'IL,\,