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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1972, p. 17

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Thýe CainainStateerriait, BwenllOt 8 1 Work Wanted WIATEïR wlsloe,3"tile. piioe 32-230. eprsenat ive W'ATER wells bnrcd ordcrill- ed. Canada Drilling Cmay Phone Oshawa 576-6004. lie-ý presentative HryL.Wae A -OC-KA Y Home eortn LORENE M;ALLT Auction Sale AUCTION SALE (irist >,iiii Aiuctioii Bara NE WTON VILLE Friday, Oct. 2th 12 g unage pump shotgun, chîord organ, binoculars (20x 65,(.E. floor polisher (new), f ridges, stoves, Continental beds, bujnk beds miatresses, buffets, electrir. henters, por- table TV, plus many othier ar- Terrms - Cash Auetîoueers BOB & FR1ANK STAPLETONI 1 ~42-1 AL G. OSBORINE AcinSl fmte3 Carpet - Upholstery af M.- anti_,,1rS. John Mere-ý, prfeussnly Cleaned ditï"h Thompsoni, 212½ miles, FREE ESTIMATE S 1north 0f Omiemee banc carm Phone 63-2002 i- 14fmile %west, 0or 3 miles Phone623-002,Reebor, Set., Oct. 28 BOWMANVILLE Ut 12 oclock. Cnsistîng of 31t nlre 2-door refigerato ani T.V.,( 2 yearis aid. ches- JACK BURGES~~Suteit utcrm ice OIL BURNERS -FURNACES sen with O echiraiof ic CLEANED nmeny disesbufftstl PLUMBINO REPAIRS chine cabDinet wthglass dCoorsC P'HONE HAMPTON pictur-es, lanipe , tep table, 263-2151 irecord ciet, Ldepsk' yo chair', soitables, _2)bedrýoomi mail Addres:sute, aio, aw noer,' P.O. Box t43 - Bwavleger;den tuaijs, qu oit f car- 30-t petertools, eýxtension corde, 2 5' rails sn1ow ýfeace, steet Paintîng stakew, fnce poste, every- Dccratq théiag muetlie soM since thmee Decorting people bave soiti their hbomel anti are leavin-g Canajda. Ai- and Re-pci'i.s S,; selling ;at this sale" is par'tý BOWMANVILLE AREA of 1île estateaof Ille lete W. J. 11AY VVEBB Oelatqekthncar lieds, kAien suite,reig 623-5375eror, aillaOmp,2 antique cmp- syd copper kettîe, ches-1 tretianti chair, 2 copper r 1srvsr', ceet Iran box FBANKIS BRINK st e, cingle pîow, double hames, mnymore iterms. This is a sale well orth your SEPTIC TANK apttention., Doug Mýiitchell, Auc-1 INSTALLATION tioeneeR.R.Y4,Omemee,' R.R.a6, OWMANVLLE 7956714- NO SUNDAI' CALLS easaNoebrlt 623J201 Aution Sale af livestock, im- plmnssnie fumituzre and ___________ ---v antiques', 51 heati of H-erýe- CicwordHea far d cattie, 20 maiture Here- fard cowvs. relireti. wih 30 OiUR3NER AND Hrfr calves by sgide, pur- FURNACE INSTALLATION breti Her'efoird bull, 4 years 24 HOUR o011,Cocksliutt30 tractar, lve Emegeny ervcepowr,196i9 New Hflanti 69 141 Libýerty S., Bo1wmnlvllle New ,lillani side ieke, 1970 Phorie 623-7534 New oland 140 bus. -anurel 4-tf)6 (lse sectd iÎ111,Cockshultt --ýtARLINGTON traîl type 7' pwrmae,2ý roClr bearing wagons withl MASODNRY raekeMA Cocksut 3- fuowi tmai l pongh, CocksbulttS' Cul- Brick, Block, Stonlle tivator, Dilon thr-eshing ma- CHIMNEYS &FRPA( MH6bat iller, 2 sets_ of Phon 6232176 eigh,f',,l line or machin- 419-tf RTXk-300, double snawmohule '~~pi'î TANK trailer. Lrequantity of carpeniter's tbals, ise, A0 8 PU PIGcernent blocksquenipltity of BertTompin~ tity if pipe, work begches, "s Mabes, 7- 80W' f pie Newtonville dor tasîng, new lasie ienti outeiiedoo,,re, many other Phone 76-2552 item-s. Antique lieds, buffet,, ________________ 25-tfýcujphoar-d, antique couch, sap; - -------'- lucketiiran kettle, tables, Ref -reraton chairs,' snaw liower. an and o~ýthr itemsq. The poet ~ - Joe Dc'Moe, Lot 16. Con. A i~liace Srvie leneonn Twp., 4 iles norhi Commrcil a~ Dm~sie f Cmryanti 1 mie eJ t trigeraton - Mik Cooes .Terme cîashi, No rsrv.Sale- phfail DE45TSVFR et 1:00 pm. Ca4rl Hiîcksýoa,ý PhonoBEET531ER Anctoneer 4Reao ro, Ont. PD7ys fi 6231 . -74 1-0-3499 .42-2 Laner ardareMortgages WJanted V and ELECTRZIC 17ELGEN ST.ý Plubin -Heating Cali 623-2641 ACKERM,/fAN AUTO WRECKIERS DUTY ITOWIN G GAS and ARC WVELDING Iïenseti MV'echanle onilDuty OPEN ArOUIND THE CLOCKI SEVEN 'DAYS A WEErK 623-5756 _____ 4252 D AVE 'S Pluming1 Heatin anrd Eetia roo786,-2471 33-tf FM S'l 11 MOBTGA(;!ks 12o SECON MORTACES *Brick or framoe 1 1- 2-3ý year tel m for aliove' * iyor suburbae, *Aiea 4 to 10 years atý1 gooti rates and termis 579-1321 INCOME MORTGAGIi SER VICES 342 Ring St. W., Oshýlawx Mtember. O.M.B.A. Over 80 Years Comblued Eyperiencc 48- tf Mortgages Wanted MONEY to LOAN P -Ter-ms to Suit Your Budget -Complèted li Privacy of Your Home' -No Application too Small or Too Large Free Adylce Concerning Mortgagesý' First, Second, or Third Mortgages C. W. Cochrane 623-7668 Auction Sales fveryonlel Previeýw rdaç evening 7:00 ta 10:030 p.m.Date-, 1 10:36 .m Place "Tfcrangate I ocuntry Auions101.".Loain 4 miles North of Rouge ill. on Altona Roadc (off No.1, 2 r ighwýýay), or 1 mile SoutIII nfWhtvl on Altona Rond. 1 i'ernis cash, no reere.Lnch hý pivailable. Heary vKahn Ac-f tion Services. 'Phone (41t6)- E 668-6J89lor 294-042-,.41-2 Auction Sales Auction Sales I will sdi for John Tbb, AuctinSale of antiqw ILot 10, Conicession 9, Dahn-and used friueSat., oc tonTonsipuo Sat. Oct. 21, 1:15 p.m. at Shamrouc 28, at fan i- otae in the vilage ( chinery,ano pony,four yearpBewdley, cnsitng of roci aId. List 0f articles next: ing chairs, astnstunýk wveeký's paper. Clif'f Fetick, 'tables,. hisp rtool5 anctoner. 2-ipicture frames, a)il lamips, di Shes, glassware, Crocksý, b WEKVtoals and numerous othe îtc1articles stýill beinig con-signéc LIVESTOCK SAnLES ae anstr utoc at Durhýam tCounty Sales Arena 42- Oronio - Every Thursý., 7:30 Selling, Horses, Cattie, Sw.ine, Tedaoctober 241h1 Calves, Sheep, etc. ChalleAnnul lil Stocker Salea Reid, AuctIoneer and Pro- LnsyComnmunity Sale Bar prietor. 2-fA~în tN, TLindsa, .On WEDNEýsDAYý, OCT. 2,5, i1.m H1OLSTEINS Com-piete Ail) Viw Ro- steinDspra ondby John1" cornfer of H-armnony Rd. andi Taunton Rd',.5 mle astand 3 miles south af Brooklîn or 4 miles northi of Hjwyý. 401 at Exit 7,2. 60 lheadrgsted classified, R.O.P. tested. Onie 1of thie top pouto lier(dï in Ontari ouny eod ta over 25000 Ibe. nmilk and100 lIbs. fat. Pedligrees wvjii3 genc(rati' ons "Very Good'". Lunýich availalil1e. Lloy' d Wil- son andi W. D. Atkinson, Sale Managers and Acines Uxbridige, 463232. 4- -Auction sale of fon- stock.- ;ipleme(nts, fuimnitume (, ant aiquellis, thie pr opem ty J ohn iChiallic, Lot 15, Coný. 2 iCavan Twsi,3 i>les \west oý(f Baiieboro ar 3 milîe, s soLli!1 of Mlililrook, 1 mile eat: 17 lienti of Hereforýd and Cao laiis cattle, 1400 bus. Rde Oats, 300 bales oIf rw ok shlLut Na.l40 diese, lCrao (goc criuton, CockIýshutt; curyV 2 tont11u1(,, -bu1iL 7 fl t. moer, Cockýshutt man- ure arae,4wcl nmi ber, flii une 0nacinry double size braýse bcd in ex- br)aSS) Pinle flat ba (k cup- býoard(, altiqule coUd oakex enintable (befare 10) hglii acýk chirs mostr' head pattemn on iack), 7ý pce. tailet set, ch)csts of wes Sapkttel'aki type fume- plac stvebras bell, -cratile, cuterantque2-scater pes ulre sîcigli. Quantity, of ath1er, f11iuritureand aniqus.l'am solti. Temis csh sale at 129 I)Inoonslial'p.luniueslle first. Reg. Jo1linso1n, Atictian- eer, Flionýe75-5-370 lem1-- adGmahani -, -C -lerki.- 41-2 .1ATURDAY, OCTOBER 2lsc ait the Nurses' ReSîdenc e BOWMAN VILLE including thecopte on tents of thersieneas wl as hospital equinpmnent. 21 dressers, 21 m-attresses, bd side- tables, 15 noiýn-hios-pital ýbetis, -washing nmachine, dock,1 elcrc stave,reigatr [portable Cectric rdaocof- fee and end t ablîes, 3-pce. chstrfelisuite,% TV anti stn,16 occaisionral chairs, large desk, emaîl schýool ticsk, boakcase (antbGokrack, table andi floo)r lam,,ps3, carpe.te (9 M 112), 18 Odd chlairs, 4 -recesed cel ights, 2 ca stovýes, wýood lin on casters, 9 parcelain sinks, '2 ti-l iet stools, counter scale,vrbeti tables, 5 'haspital lieds comi-1 plete with mattresses, 8 stain- less steel paedîatric cri bs (smiall), 3 large cribs, 2 bas- sinets, 16 betipans, 12 bedeijde screen dividers, 2 walkýers, betisides, 5 stainless steel bas- ins, instrument tray an cast- ers, 1 O.R, table, 4 .nan-til ting stretchers, as well as sev;ral1 othier items. T'ermns Cash - No Reserve Auctiosîcers Bob and Frmank Stapleton 41-2 Saturday, October 2lst - Special l'all Antique Auction, fealturing in part: Collection1 of R. S. Prussia, inclutiing pair1 oif ý,signeti floral salte, Royalj Bayreuth candy dish (Turkey-i boy scene), 2 Wcdgewaod4 biscuit liarrels (i blue, 1 green, whitc relief patterns>;ý Canada West. 1851 Hamilton plate, satin glass bride's basket in hoîtier, 18 pcs. amber Canadi- 1 ania pressed glasýs (some wild flaw.,er patterns, very rare). l St. John goblets and others,1 Paseti glass pink Salt and pep- 1 pers. glass lireadti tay (tiateti), 1 milk glass fîsh servers (tiat-' cd), collection of olti Cran- berry, white, dark and golti ( Camnival, amythyst, art and f eut gljass, l'lowB[ile plates,Limioge, Nippon, Bennington, 1 et1c.; 9 pc. iheavily' vcarvetiled caom suite (bur-fle ant riint condition,): 9 PCC. l'rench s1 carved dining suite, upriglit i' pingamecs table, claw foot (Circa 1880,); lrnl avt settee, Victoriani foldingfie ndce Screen, r1opelidlagc poster lieýdwthflamle tps Suitable for cnoy idJBm: pire c-arved sofa, mlatchinlg obs f timawers and bcd t IReal Estate toi et 1- tari: Stocker steeis,~efr anti celves, ta lie sa l ti tuck- load lots. Bpcigalargeý quanitity or gooti quialit'y local cauttie, Cormmission$200per; hiead. l'rFoi, ignm ilts ant furthcr (linf ormaItin contac-t Carl Hick soni, Pro)prietor ani 1-70-32-999 -1-75-34- 27 STOCKER SL SligTUESDAY, OCT. al Z-400 heati af'gaod qnalityl cnttle at Durhnm Couatly Sale Aren)a. lsth AnulStcke Sale. Anlybady wiLshing ta, côn1siga cattie please P1honeý Orono 9351.40-41 Tustey Otober 24th, An- aniall'îailSoke a tý Bain. LindLsayv, Onit., et 1 pn l'or cosgmnsand urte Riheo, ýProp)rietq ntiAoIc- 42- ropmty0fArs.GeogeBaiîJr, Ppar ý-Palki, Port Ferry, fridgecesefelisutBellÏ o en-, d tables, ec.Sec bille fo)r ucamplete list. Termei cashd. Sale ýa12,noon. Auc- tionýeers, Ted peceey277-i 2989 Be-thayu atm Wemry 263-2603 :ýEnniskillen. 41- BOB and F--'ANK AUCTIONEERS Spccializing lan ail types of SAlLES and ESTATES Phanle Newcastle 987-4167f or Nwovle786-2953 Walker - Lîpta[y Ltd. Auictioneers - Evaluiators, Livestack, Estate Sales Blaod Horses For Professionni Service cî STEVE LIPTAY R.R. 1, BOWMANVILLE 416-263-2117 Anctian Sale of fumnitur-e at Pethiche Anction Shedi,j Haydon, one(, m iile east of Bn -- nishîllen, the contents of a home frani Oshawa, an Sat., evening, Oct. 21. Then an Oct. 28,, another sale at the sanie place, the household fumni- turc from Bowmanville withî a large collection of haniy1 tools anti nachiner.List 0f this in next week' s paper. Bath sales 7 o'llc1c. cliff Pethîck, auctioneer. 42-1 Anction Sale of Reeo j cows anti stock calves, 2 trac-i tors, M-H seetier, New, Ide epreader, Triple K cutivato)r, 2 Allis-Chalmers 3 - furrowj plows, M-l' side delivery make,f 2 elevators, haler, raîler, cl tivator's, wagons, diisce anti full in on f fan inipflemnts.1 '1000 hales bey, quen-tity of btteýr bowi, crackýs, ail lamip, irons, lieds, tiressers, ucheste, xtension taïble, the rcopertyl of Hr Oshom-ne anti son, 32 mile east Mf Welcone an EHigbway- 106. Seturda, ,Oc- 1 tober 2th at 1:0 Viurmay . obe atiiPaul Auc-tian Sale -private estate plus com-niunity sale talie icîtiet atStirtevant'sActn Hll, 27 HalS. sea, oni Trhme.,\evninig, Oct, . 19, et 6, In. M1ccla1y*Easy doubIle-, (!arl refrugeratar, electrie! stov, t eleviinlrench 11Pro- vincial hsefelisie(lçike new) , uchromne sitie, bicyclesý, ire gmate ani loge, coffeandti end taýbles, love seatanidi inatchling chair, sidce boardll u matcingtalg[m- phone, buiffet, [rocking. chlair, sewing aiet-eorly er, antique d drse, ceto lrTawvers, ine-pee dng 'oi sutoc doa c~i ï1 eaneos.1657 1z 3o S u k, ntique dics(Aev, 1s8- e parm' soli- AuctioDn Sale rof Li-vestocýk ani implemenfts, 88 heeti of Rerefard atiGel- oweycatle,45 ature Rere- ford antiGd aa cwwt 34 eefr1c e büy side, mL exposeti JuY ]sit. 196 Int. 504 diesel tractor w 'ith 200 ndffustriel mnueloaderhyv-ý lrauil ic bucket, gravel bucwket, >1 a.tmactor, New 1Rolland 72 aler, FM701972Allietij- bale stookecr, 1962 [nt. 41-fur- -,w tnp beem ploug,_ Int. lu' cultivator, 3 Pt.; M.H1. 92 P Ma finery, fiure-, ani- ques etc, the pîpeity ni Merci, l t!Mel, 1.Lot. 6, C o,1. 12, lVianes Twp, Y/4mile somub AfJenetvml, Set.,oct. 28. lniding M A-R trctar ~4.3,M-H milowe., Cm, seuveral goatipieesof imachinery. , walt diing- raom suit,,stoves, antique doketc. Sec 'bile orcomn- plete liet,fa soli. -No re- sev.Sale et 1 pmi.Te Spenfcuey, Btan,277-29899, Gra nti Werr, EBaln i Sk illen , 2320,Auctianr. 42-2 Aucton alefan im-pIe- mente anidcttefor Hre «Strong, Lot12 Concession l, Deralington To'wnlsbip, just noili of Bownienville Golf Course, o. n StOct. 21, A 28- 46 l'vuie rsigmach- ine,. M-C grain hiati, silo filler- anti pipes, landi drainer, CocheShut .13-rua setidrill, abnure epretier, ultivator, manure pile, qnntiy usefuli articles, ioeding chutle, 3fr row plougli, quaatity orf lui- ber, teani barnes, latiter, 21 stocker steeiý re aonti800nlis. Sale tue 1:30 par Terme csCliff 1Pethijck, aci cr. 42-i Auction Sale fann miachin- ery anti bouLsebaolti Contente, prapen ty oîf Mm. R. Sameri- ville, RJ. INo. 2, Part Fry Lot 15, Con. 3, Reatcli To- slip knon asQuaker St., enteý-r off OseaFrPerry R.d. or îhi . 1,Set., Oc. 21, et 1 P.m. shar. Case tractaor, Case B tra-ctor witb, frot-cti oadr,2 rîîblier nationial aide îtiejýlrymae latemnationa,,l 15-tooth ulti vator on mbir 2 - furrow plough, Internationial 45ihaler (good conition>, 1'ntemnat- mmn! sed donll, 13diocBeat- ty s3tùoker, hinder, Cociçehut gn nI N2' 6" beutsîiglis, thmeshling imachiiie, hales 0f second cut, 200 baleýs first Cnt, lm bel-, large queat1iiy 0 f 'tools ant!i sisIln)eauls.l'n arituire --tining miui suite, maunidoak talechars, woodi- cnled, spring Ranti mettrees, antique dressers, antique r-ocking chair, coal anti ail stove, KitcliLp, cupboamd, igli ia ck- chairs, stoye annex, (l'inriliay), Gilson vweshing machiJne, lidrom sit, hua- dretis o0ffther articles. Ter-me cash. No esre.lainm solt. Myfles Ring, auctianeer, 725- ing faini auction 0 lvetok ternimachner i fet, eC., consstin 0f ppnoximateîy 10 steers anidceuves (varins ýsizes), 12 feeder pige (approx- lmatelIy 130 1ilhs ), Davîi-: Brawn1 "950ý" diesel tmectar.* (gooti orden), Cockhbuti "30" (gooti runner,), AC.tmacton (for parte), MesseyFL-arenne1 "60" combine 7' (gooti arder): Iwo NewU-ollnd -"66"bolers, faseýy-legs n-mnýure spreaden Massey - HRnne15-1 run seeti drill wAthdlalet- :achnients, Messey - 1Hearie7' hey mower, sîde deliveny rake, cutvtr, eos a goni trlailer, [int. 3fro plo, (3-pt. hlitchl), 4"Kt son' auto hcknfeetiers anid apprOxim)eely500',dm,100' lianti chic1en feer, nesi 'oe,20 automaic w2vater ýmu~,atomnaticfasaug- e, miotors ant ohe mis-, :eloositem's 3000 bales: of gnot a 100bls0 .er,! Thie propemty a f Tony Ploegînaker, oateti 1 1/2 miii- es ortbwns 0f Brookîla lff No. 1 l' ghwyon Duiffe 8nad. Teire ca)sh _No eee I'arimi solti. Sale 1:00 Elenry -Kahn m Auction 5cr- lices. Phone 668-6189, 42-2 Real Estate W,ýranted Oslhawa and Countiry Branich We have serionsreueiýSs îbr four cannitmy properties, smali crags.Reasonmalle pmices woill bning goati down paymnt.é Ask about seilhig1 mnively tîraugl Principale Onl1y, Phe'ase caul Br'okîlu 655-4492 or wieBox 24 Bruokn. 4- Real Estate for Salei Twu store.y reroon home- n Oronoj, four be-droomen,!1 '/ eiahs, iauniryroonbroaiý,- 234 King St.E., y i rsetStreet, I conderhme ià rOn nicey ladscaî aaediningmý 'oon kicen landly ta 900.0. alhKa.y 1 ustom bufit acre lot. Separ rooli w ýith e waIk andi bar-bq pit.I roori ,fulylroati] floor ta ciHing fNE iAy room with fi large kitchea wxtI cupbaards.Asking 500.00. Ca l Kay 40 Acres, Woods, Kfendal II. ment wilth g(od p> h eadwaers of Ga] vepr, $L0,000.00. Tg BEih Turansky. 33 Acre Country Neer CasHtoi. trees. Oi $2,0 a90 Acres Tyrane cld lanti.8 Mmies ihaîf cash, 95 Acees, Milîbratl Ro lling wývoaied scenic, $25,000.00 cash. 228 Acres Kexidal 2 steme, Wî) popýulaJroenaI; $*0,000.0. Terme. 10 Acres, iew roMni spdl lvel honue. 2 liailir(oani place, swimiing 32'. Pony bheman. $73,50.0. Terme, lYco, Attenton Skies 75 acre retreet Bus1euwih hideaw a -fasi flow'ing ce Club. Trrnic liv oniy $149,900.0it termes. Cal!îlKy B] Veycentral, l14'wit 1rsiicà fireplace. Separa rooni.The hlavib flars anc withoui liathe, axe witS( Custoi blil so in; Asking $45,500.00. ois Mclioibie Walterv Franik, Presidet uf W. Frank Rea EstateLim- i1ted, ReaItor, is pieased t o an- nlouncýe that Mrts. Phyl,-lis MAc".- R11obbie walte ine of the! comnpanys recent ilsing con- test. Mrs. MR bhl as JUSt retuirned fr'om lier tnpG to the! Rleal 1EstateConetinin [0:ev, 1w ic wa th the most propertieslisted and Ïold in the six month period priorta the Convenion IWe congralate Mrs. Mle- Robbie and suggest that if you want prompt service in seil ing or buying Real Estate, that you contact M1rs. M%,cRob- bie or any of tlhe othero- ýpetent sales pe-ople ion aur, stnff._____42- 1 62302503 Bowmanville 3berm bungalow in tlhe ntortlh end, an ideal strter or retire- ment hiomen. Askinig $22,000.! Bowmnvîle -4 bediroom bungailow wîthwelliaýnd- scaped lot adndwa tbase- mnent. -Asking $00down. Bowmavill -i4bedroomI brick house with grage anid paved drive, asking $21500 MthLerms. home closm toueuoolsand sopnasking $17,000. T --ne- 4 bedroom 1½ sýorey framne house, lias bPee n renovatedi, asking $17,500. Solina Road 19 arso propertyý with pond, a sking $1000 cdown, Cavan Townsip -2 lied- room homne ;w,,thgarage on manroad, askIing $17,50n0. î Mibrook area- 4 eroom 2 tryhome onlar'ge e lan'dscaper- lot, asking $950 Alan 1Rout - - 7505 'Edwin Jeans 62 3-7i1512 Mac 'MIDaiiald - 623-3911 iWilf Hawke - - 98-524 Helen MAcDonald -623-3M1 Lloyd .Atc(hison-759226 SE ALTO R Couitry Iivinjg - We just lised this lovely 3 year old traditional 2 stor-ey bikandý aluiniuni homre on 10 acres! with cree-k, -within commut-ý ing disance of Bowmanvîllei and Osliawa. Features large conty itchen, spacius li- ing rioom withfîeplace. five bedrooms. Scbool bus at dïoor., Approxýimatel]y 145 Acre(s- land in xeletlcaino ýbusy higway jstnorth as of Bowmlanville. Could ili jbought with or wiliut build ings. Contct Lus for furtlier S T w o Bec d ro o m - O sh w a. This lovly ell blîIt brick bungalow wvitli attaucd gar- age in excellent location onr large size lot would mak e ideal homne for young coupleý ,wïtiha al famîly or asa retiremnent homne. 10 Acres - Just south ofý Tauntlon Rd. ner amlpton, Ideal site for your ii faFm. Bulig Permit av-ailabOl. Land goocd and dry, ready toi build on. Asking $16.90o, try« ýan offer 10L cre - Kndl rea. Land prtialY wooded and octd approximately 2:'-)12 imiles south of Kendal right: onp ena Road. $,ýp500 open for 0Unfxs approxmately8 acres cer restwooedriglit onllth Lin-, 1north of No. 2 Hihway. $2,0,Vendor anrxious. 1ttr ours cali:ý Eltdede Jost - 262-203.2r Babý13y IngletO11 - 623-2627 1 Oavid Anjionu 98v7-46 Mutie Behmonte S- 5f6- 1908U [or onSHI nis OnlyU hyisMc- lering aý U!SFER? taS-mdm Days OnIy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 SATURDAY, 0(101ER 21 cash and ICarry niy Brokdae -KinswYI 1 owmanville llwy, ý401 Pat "x157 FOR CLASSIFIED Tueda, 4:30 pn foi-Saletlel Esatefor aleReals-ae for scie LOWCAN 'f CRMANT!N1 One of theicest apotte. lie ~ehalst~shor 15 a 1l :Mt sîl ndahgelvngr i ii' 5owmanville roothe atoyurtt er nîglits17tacead. v elr foundaton forjust $9200, eclttai god epirnithd, f ouow alt Kowead 0' Ta îe lthe- ouin ay be able 1t Rn ! - ' "'rn s on. ai lailtis o, orCuth 2 ia S, ..-owi'y1l er dtais Phneahone623245 homeon 1rAYNOTHY t 23358 ELLOW WE K1NOW AKtt ate d Ï0 o ra a ayournearstOOMITI tat fhfe off a uîling,1l Pl Large [liingpick u Fp a nev F.AVERpoalPrmr t about tire, oed WithhOME ATALOG UE, onïv3r fooiSafa r.s gon , re'(place and plans for more than 40 homnes*. yuhraotthe great Narsaveý- YO'rRîE ANE.Ne rm. Cal '" ricallv eaed 4plce co. 623769 oued ath witli large varnty Retreatanriro'2icewsh elne t 2-66 im ngond loopr'Id l 0.0 ernils, 1JUST LISTED 3bdroi îtonal wy" wîh i inchr bung-alow on extra lage ýtsh eatli ingi n the olf,> ts Vin woo- garage and1(3nicely landecauped .qulity ter a1ials, PASTE noti fSEE THIS ONEB TRUHOT- f. 000.00 with -,TRIPLEX AND BUFILDIN rwl oee -îhpit ak LOT good montily i(come, Lotsof aloeets and larg ah apartm'-ientismoe anrom wthaamy l land, v er1y nicelY ke-pt, %velnr sy îce!Ol 2,0.0w witlih fl bu[ildtingl- ot inlue, vl oo 1eri ar.aged LOTS and( LOTS of LTaBYTH ETR t e' Hils PECIALS: ,10 ares$n50' soabl pjesat PETER !--0 ods, hIIi. sacr'e $350. TRMS A AI-WAL JR, IRfltr,323-2453., landi in the A'BLE. WE YHAVE 3 ?,BUILD-1 AYfIR" C ceeao area, na IGLOTS fIN RBOWM'AN-ai BS SLER.W4, ili. Asking _VILLE, TOWN 1WATER A- OU HME ta be unibe We cn heo yu get tobppici ElsieSpener 63-359for it at PETKER OWIJR. Lckard c. Sme Ans-623-7664 Rleîaltor, 623-24153. s, stanefire- JamesRonon-6339 REE SAN E O pool C 16 'P ary Smith - 76-28 UM I241yar ld vdillage id paddcocks. anne Pasant, 63-3258hm xecletcidi CaîlFat oîî Specer- 62~94on a exra4 Lr lo.n i KendlalT4 x 3'liig.roei is -le av cabin by J IF.alfrn e'la ote et> i Cà ïfor 43'King St, . East, BwavleCi o eal!JUST ML1'To I~~P ReroiPoe62-390M r 2-3111tB'lWON,'T LA.ST . fi , ldstne10ACE ',RM:3 bcd - langeetestbuihedreial s ste dîrn jrom omrie. Oit heated, 4-p1c. tate offiîce ai aew l c pie plank ath BMui-. Well feced Akýquînedwih el stata val-R1 ukntub.,eln rrqiaas~~c cal Phyl- bu1icligs. Large barn, Fric- cnietapraa die S r tLy , 47 a - Ic o m .2 1 h e t d . A s inRt n t o a a r ff c e eline nr i $2000. Terms. raetyisntluS $200,000.00 OSRAWA:2 stoey,10 n f t in,3gs bu1ot is appYreo. uransky. itoned home. Ou ilhe-ated 1 ated4-eeecteed omanville pe.bath. ;ýRented ifor 400 "WOKED ON" conrïcî1ntý' IlQ repaiÎ-monthILy, ricedat$10. osY- îtown are, bath Rr ooi.- _ atn --6839 ti dan Al odm onv1enu- ýRESULTIS COUNT!I isane. jences. On duble lot. Ak ve home ,,on BOMAN ýJvIfLLE: Business moil rYioorii, sectioni. Vcy kcjltkent, ta nces 2 o, sae homei. Good lo 1c 1a t ionL 1b, Mu1iet hlie offIi c e. MLIL ITN E~C 0.00. Tre SAA 3bcombrkRelEte raa, bth, rcratonOsh-awa&Ditt attractive, age, 55"x1elt, BauifF l îmuly ooni.iandscped. aîl Office. iA.T yard Fmi ~ BDROM, 2story MNUM3ENTS AND> Cal Bh suco hme Ol hcAted, -M A R riER S 93 oriodc. bathi.COn 3arswt buît, berooi bickbul ciparae $3 900.rooni, balcoy 2Zat, 32 n ondiined trugiut ,ar nspect ail ae, largelt. Prîcced ta sci. cs' After hours pl'ease cailiforWrwr iome on i H,'Varry Voarman -6379 I 1 .- --mom vâwwmmmmm 1 Inverstiment Prop( res, Whtby bas( Haspitel. Askîng Terme,. Call Bill Ti [Prospiect Street, B, Mler home in on) nicely lanide Separate inîngi large kîtchen. echools anti tiow Only $27,900.00. Browvn. Osawn Area Meean affer oa 'Ventior very axit ave otheriteres biSh brck executi' 10 acres. large Fa, nl kitch-en eppliai garaýige, fnpae anc wHit sunken tu sceca. Asking $74,90c Cal. Phyllîs McRal brick hanse. Vcny 3 lietroame with fa Landecapet feaeti ed et $30,00.00 Sutherlanti, 623-3 Kmnrger 728-7585. Bewmanonle one of the fines conifontalihe brick town. 3 liedroonis, dining ,,roon. i, iep ta shopping. 0ny Easy ere.To i Phyllis McfIabIhie. Leskard Rond acre Lt.Separate è rith a walkout b Ban-B-Q pit.L ýai roam, ifully ,,braadl Cloor ta ceiling finej ily ra9m wthfil" large kitchi- w1itli BouwIanville Ideal for hache. timeticoupl. Cote cottage, newly des ectrîcelly beateti, iecces. Teific te: Are You Conekjc MOGVE or TRAI We0 are equipped Pour hme needs in Canada aNd ýNorm Wýetfherup Roy Fostr - Oros Bih Turanlsky, Orel Kay Brown-fi laeFound- - Jan oudehoore BerarMs cLea Iant Oegemn -fat Yeo -- FAylIS 1MRobbieý Audrer Plain s C p n e b c C' L e ri p si si p 'si p 'Ci b Sý u e CI SI fi E rl IV. T ýp s il c T à, ti el

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