This alentd perormerandrecriariti Honey Wes rlaf n tothe olitncndat The Bey, R. Maxwell Freeman M.A,, B.D., PhD, who wihl be the moraiug epeaker ut S~ Paul's Urited Cburch Aur iversary Services an Suady, October 22nd. The cveuiug speaker wîll be the Rev Dermot Arscott o! Courtîce Dr. Freeman is an Associ- utc Protes~or ir the Faculty of Education, Queen's Univer slty teacbing on Contcmpor. ury Issues anel Hurnan Prob- lema Mr Arscott is a ne- t~ve aI Jamaica aad, since comrng b Ca'iada, bas mir- ~stered la bbc Courtice area Close to 300) sudnstre out Mondacy atrona h Bowvmanviille ýHigh Scioolaui thea threanddteEnth p Ejv-acof hecnidaea then ,the meigwstre HELP THE-i 1M1. l A S so a a s Ar- 7'dle1ves era cas DiS, "tieueen zTcy rove down ing lSt.ï enews bave bees busy ibisIb en c îwn areemîy as.ilenane bck bo Bow-ý ihe estendo! Bwma- ponue troe in the N u weleomed about 10 Srcit' zensand ~1inPD .Emaa D)IES 'SUDDE NLY be sacdeeneeClut eruta Mrs, A"-2., bn, owa Ottawa, dîed bsmnlg Mr, Gïlbert la i mero lac Spcakcr'e tffos o! Commaus. Retiring Nurse Honored by Colleagues MrsByeMorîsn (Mod from rghreirepdthis week. sno.snu dMs ae i odn h peaulr n11 yers sr viceas he irector of i opng ilverrowse ba owu a MsMrrsor reeîvd s agi. ut~~~~~~~~~~c pomnil eoillapt .Tî îtr aAso ptudaofohm nlef tAerightarrs. Lii- takn u apary îve i Mr, orrso's onr u te hnEilion Mr Ara ui, MsDavy nd rs period. The sudnt esteýddthe candidatEs on a variety oif issues, centres and the drug isse ta the th f irsYospeakandi hiso pe- ing, reakIh nictdthth fa-cinfin, Gests To Replace Teachers At BHS Lea -ý*«in Oct. 25ý P re pare for chane caeWeaesdy, Ot, goupù-ow a P(eo bpeciai i Nignr At Durha m CIU~ CoueiilrJm Blo kassgmn rm e cl bas ben orîng b ro ctioo der, Cýhalleýny'es other 0 "Mes to d'o th-e, Som,ý.,e Anniversary Speaker haxni NPUIopenee thoceir dec tLes to do- thesane Wirner H 11 h NPcn d ocam D a ther ontribu- , saeentes ssued by Mn, pour j Offic lal AenWilfredDyo Pr,ý1t Hope, wh1-Illethohe tie $2,200 whlch acrestrm the area unions aw lao atee byteatu Geural Motors"Wlocalo the Uie AuoWokr "Both otheothe canidat resuit of labor problems but rather the higli sehool is hold ing a Leara-In, The staff of the echool wîlI be assîsted by over 50 visiting specîalîsts on that day to dis cuas almost any subject you can name everythîn~ from art to genetics, sports to drug addicîtior, and from film-mak ing to learning to fiy a plane. The list of invîted guests is impressive, Former Olym- p~c u ack suai Bih Cruihexu wîhl talk about both bis Olym~ 0f Yom ave mot lready V-po ns eulde os~d Mort ed-t in h o o do'tm 62eed an oreutes, r poud*,son h Knte Wif our Pioblems? FISH s Interested Diel~~~~~~~~~~ Co ac h poganBwmnîl7 nreetyas abu lvi olrs botee usin aparn Future~~~~~~~~~~ Shc nTOtbe fimtv nses hr r 2nd?~~~~~~~~~~~~c Cojlyuietf ihtoeo sl ii ra b For a change cf pucea- er Ail Jhe mine pami eees parties and socals b th PO Aiticl cndidates, h and Saturdy, amiu cle BoN4 anvMMe igb ehoolw lu ibistown. ____ ihbetori£cal questlion whowould you pee as th'Fe PieMnse of Caaa-RobertSanil orPirerdeu Hïoney Vwent on1 ta s«Yte was proud of theLbealParty's rec- ord over h as eealyas e mecaly inregroetbih tity throughout !lteo- , partiularhe rferred to(j-thee Canaidian f lag brugh inunder ed ingiig etin theTUN' f or China and urtîhering qworld paebybeaIllte cdiploma-,> COIRN MO ,puGE TW GIVE TO CNIB NUMBER 42 ,ss Courtice Cmecr Class tgh, rpreentng he rad atead hoormgaduate Thom, Director ofEducation for teNrtunead roulpseented bouem vaediry caddrs e t Cuac 1and hurham oty Board of et cation., ce Cmmencement on Foradày.Hevre, they are tLking- CNSSSTJLL-ON casrnaly l th~ neapaer~ 1'h cavasuforth~Oan since earl A he sping o ad'néNtonl SttULefo iye o uneunhocure aoutme contaceun Trougnd heligeir neighblp oin ïnThelte surouaiag aea h Spoin TO PA wO) ctiapaiga wlltcotiue% STILL HUR tS Rcetl, t lca curhth tayU el ik o heSuda eoounhiiden before they ef oe gocutaifor thesrclases.hWhen he Mae tem i eeryoywSieoneltte v ch!anam ed Jf ad hers wu! tbhuhd totaceSo te instr ug ge»ste deverybodyon na ltte payrlor JmeffM 7othChe he1t"a vesudte hlr we gozng ob, dsiisind ef prted ut "t ili 1 eN e an thm tet t te tueCnr.o %ALL eVEnd reený tly, e '44bed ,shor visit. ing he0Stthe sen fficeue th scre cen nw. OntoaY , wheropu nt arjo PM B ih DavW 4is in tosee ushaoe he s ourin the tw ndw n oemiNgc w Mn to haveaair noo 11NTa -andourssed hin pOuralgies r b eng on40he job. The taf ehyenoe!n aprei (atd teàuovisitnA n.w ULMeTeitcete t stone layorîn thi" afterno nOe ueti 1ew ickering Deve!omef f!arow seateto bas beeft Ia toth ewtoao!mot Pceing a 'S theiToronto Presîdent BIil Wilson introdue- ed twa guest speakers wbo are veny inuch Involveel in Ibis prograin, Lanry Forester, the Director of the North Preker- ing Comrnunity Developinent Prograin anel Enriroarnental Co-ordînator Bih Wilson (no relation ta the Rotary Presi- dent), ty Cent e eman, BobeI meetingt Pfeihai commitice aiute Newotole Psehoiori"ret? ï<ce OshwaPrebyeral niee He ndiaie la wmlie Church Womea Reiona a ut u Iat urne. Ailthefile o cauehsi h area runrgedto attndarycparntsasneturvleelh ibe motn etn, tshn ilgso aeBe Both inca are representatîv~ es o! the Oatanîo Ministry o~ Trcasury, Econamics sud la- tergorerameatal Aif airs und it is their job to belp plan fo~ the area wbicb stretches !non~ Cobourg to Kitchener Watcr~ ioo sud froin Petenborough 10 Hamilton (TURN TO PAGE TWO> ton, served tire years as a mxssîonary in China, studied agriculture, mînîstered to a ru d cong~egatîon la Ontarlo, hved in India, work-ed with faximers la Nigeria, been an exec.utive in the Unîted Church'a Board of Wonld Mis~ sion, and serveel on a Can- adian Ind~an Reserve in Ra- ~TURN To PAGE TWO) Ontar;o Pei er VisitsCAre Allan Lawrence tields a question from reporters with Ontarlo Premier Wil- liam Davis aI hîs side ut a press conference held ut the Flyîng Dutchman Inn an Monday, October l6th. Bath politicians disavowed any immediate aspirations of succeeding Rabert Stanfield as leader a! the federal PC paîty, Mr Davss stated flatly that "I have nu federal aspirations ut the present tîrne." T-lowevcr, Mm. Lawrencc îndicatcd that if elected he would seek ta become "a close advrsor" te Sr, Citizens Say Tanks t Kinsen ad Kiettes for Enfjoyable 'Tô«ur lnd uc peak to ffiý"aaI -d 'î d-a- 0 s