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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1972, p. 2

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The C.pad~n StaesnEa, Bwmenvîll, oct. 18, 1172 el aont¶niue, Mir re5ltsl1adn pweeret are __________________________________ -coud e d~atrus.e < ihthe caibineýt and ithc Le It as oined ut n te anile t Hamilton hisprime [Minister VJ'- udeaus er-Wrwrhpionwl eae, U Y i m p r e ent a t io n t , iM . o r r e h s le n s a e o n e -< 0 A E O E o m n c e o e w o ei s e x p e r i e n c e s . , A a d - i n - 'C a r t e r e a A c c o u t a t PROM AGE NE> sterscrenedthatplaningsVe UMMaizto and possibly tic ice b ietwee i China ad the us.sell oioev adcressed this Ining potographe elNw nerl onn îee One f th pOntc r "Fresfoigowbmut e oe n idstiaadcomecilU.S. lHe also pointed toijthle question bystuâtht lhe ton will be on band to e-O'oko usa etoe FIE NMAJOR C41ANADINCT eulae ete edoc-ne the sualpatr ofrndomae stob hufe rd e (lýignIty3under Tr udeau whichi, coat tails but rathier onius WOrld f ipbotogr'aphy., jack on the 8h concession, Dar- OHW ETE OHW a sliater plan f or theTaonagrwt adurban spraîl urudn oeOn n ilh ad ol b i mo-0qaiiatis adthe uivirlat t eni, a freelance writer îingýton, wvest of E-nniskijlrln.T __________________________bave ahîgh proportion of rc an nprot(ctinlg the environ- tuee Of biga eal. -t-!te Toronto Globe and OPP Contlable J. Legate FRNR:GOrDONW. IEHF.CA.IA reaion li se so that thýre1.1in thle Nor)1th gainet oil NDP'er i11111said tihat nat- MVail, will discourse on Journ- discovered tble bilaze wbile on OtO F JDEWCCA ara iiiihopeflly preventp'ls. jonaIl issues affect everyone aiismn. Harold King, çirector patrol anGunO nteBRTN WTER, .A any massqýive urbla sprawil. AhIlan Lawoirence spooke ni'ext anld Ithat it le old style poitics of the Ha1îlfwýay House tri Keis- alarm' that brougbt two Bow- WATCH THIS SPACE Tenew city (]f Nor'th Pc-and he ritrte ie reasons ito worry 7aboutwihcni ik iltl bu eec'mnil upr n lf ~ju-~~i~i" erig let e locatedil, ths fr rnning inthe fderal eec - epirmisýes the most poli- ializing ex -isoner IPethilks w'ater tanîct H NE 7872 oeTwrgonadcnttinnNotuern-urticalpueo isq riding. I Pofessor of Athrilopology' .,celle. The higbl windePHfNnned FOR'rREALTYthVALfoutyears' 1 Ahthree candidates tfrom lU. of T., a hypnotist, thle eflames thalt burn(,c wahe new airport. The evouennuaiibam. cheinotedffthatafour Si~iip~oof Wlndpraefpopulajtinfor the ci' baýs ago Ithe LIiberal Party ws-mlrpoiin nth br ae rcn eplade ooden buildings t b __ _________ beenforeeetat 20,00 Noth poudof PerreTrueau nd ion issue. ne otdtat jockey ',vfromt CHUM radio ..groluld before firenI L '27 _____________________________ Waterpronf, Veaiproof ~~~Pickring is to5 (clbe p cmleeta AnY Lbrlicuigteleale blad canethe the names nf faýcinýatiing po e.Tbey were owned a You eanalt contrainithe helen entv ,obuti- bud hme cmmte twnfo Troto ite "coat1tails of TrideamaiaPai ofcmedical eperts trulliOf topice goe-s on and The aue f th-e filewefo sr dor, eî pacd ~The nwcity anud the airpotLHwvr epitddtte gedthtte~~ia rO.'eemnd th e Liberlswere il ayiag11 gmrital ht;1 ealth of th emothler The whole day, bas beau aDr- ~U O etudybaenen, ualtyrof ,wil over 25,000 acres ofi' the dwnM. rueu athis elec,- wa Ienanigý PJee.He Paddcled lranged hbythe etudentutem SPCIL AVNG what keepe Aýt tlie weac1frr eieigae.Hwvr cod ~n Thse reason for this, eug-ýlhat hie didn't favor eny fr-sav ith help from the FI OJETF Weknwcostutin w.k~wèv efrt' bin ad t ein ftle four and 1a ihaî1f' Law7rence aegreed with Honey winter and letters bvego0ne1.0ar e prts pof twahirh heetin an vetiltin -andwe~to eman n te aea.At heyears 5 of thieTrudeau edini- On thie prinicifle bebind the back and forth wiith an en- colftbltem.T. 4 cyL 6cl y 4-34,1Zere tIse gaod homeslare.pen iea n istoicler-ton[hinge hlave gotten rexistiung abortion Ilawe btcueg epos.tpon ll 1thaJ3s Se7-1$ vey l heng coducte to ~ogrssivly wose i Canda. aid iîth ileforcemenltof: The Leero-In is not restrict- lrbtw aldt dn 1'ff .ff Let us proeve litt oi. gaher rmiceces nd mam-a (,n]dfY ntinl nty lawýs letoo slack. It is flww d to the stuident ndai1i- Ilt le fmembrs fth eli, w ' < enes-rm-h odr ras purime e-xele,.Itoo easy for anyoute Io obtain ter-eeta(dtduts are invited +o opitr.Tearth PETER KOWAL JR batteryîl a--1,lloe icu-. hyRr h resdetsNisoiicl scitis Spaatsl strongýer Iand an abortion, ha saidi. H.e lso attend. Clarke Hizh Sehool Sen- Inchudes scIpi nayi and frechk moea![mminej- ,r reianluQue-bec than cfene hat 'he thioughlt Programe for the Leeru-In lr natuaey ti Relorm ènrl nuanc aebÀn îcurge o o-itbas everbeau eýndi, ilu West- womaen shnld Ihave a much !may be pick.p iipat local n fte IVISd 952 ing ïW., Bownnihle62245Msr ton)f isolation and alienation that W 1-il Nl sserted thet, lun Post Office. S, for that post- not appear. iu rtfrell n t h irordid not exiet four andr a haîrf the fîl1 in l aalysis, "t* rî,ofle gradu:ýee egrne, crime to the ______________________________________ te Otelogoerumet po- earsiao. mke the iiwsby oobeyinig new Bowmlilanvihle Higb School, en Car for s'rL film înd(icetepd thet the Laruc oted tbat ruiSselil temn," and thet Cndasaal day, October 25. A DAY OR WEEKENDý Pï 7ickein te w s i ke ve oney had sid C nada's sta- gong 1o bave to decde he Ask for R a .. fli 1 O11er pbercniae, ado in g wes amoong thýeaorion questiontemavsCNT * Té arprt ropr illbe igeetluthse wolId btthe bafore the. politic-iens cen act 5 ony n c herasnsdetePC canjdidate coutareed thaIlet Oua wY o nte.Pro-CRSE-OG T 219 King St. E, BOwmanlville 6348 of tsle new ,city. The planulers 7our. cost liingis the high- al, eeid ewe ut o V328 hopeyo ntrouceothe1iuusJst it ba1s;been in Ille peet 18Sure what the finial solultio(n :lZe 7 rï ;ié anhujsinesses to the areaies. "The Trudieau Co rwd, C s bili0d ll ib.Thv RusseIlliHou nd l nch ndilavervonewe M'r ý'rÉser anthanki'ed deserve a& second cQhance." Allen Lewrence egrpead tht pleesed tro find a ittlegi A ~~~~~~~~~~~vGar- Lest tf0 eak weNDP cein- the faeraI oeuen hudfr-d IeKnte thepae net Rickad wbocommineuted, didata Wilmer Null and ha give tIse Provinces mor'emny Mr. Bai-t StevenS, whio 1was3 co c rt L th& nurarei5reIltivrelyuii- seid thatnihisprime coucern to tackla tha plroblem whiîe celrtighI 9tibrhdy yaar forCen-Wilmer l eil aid that corpore-!cmfradadrctdto aha -would erIseeios houd roide dacrel NEW OWMNVILE IGH cocéred i tile issues thet LiberaIls aIdtIse PC's arlgue fecilities for Itheir femae leempomACledMns Serm-on" or Nalfway 0fr Do-i SCIO UDTRU or ur qultnf ifa onver-Ise peet four Years. Thet ployees. liugý Thinge, Fand "Stick to It,"ý floeranPrgrm hArUnDcmmntOrwRIsUMrgetLawrence took aa rd linesewee à.ogy n -Art flih, asvn ervt-rudof applause of tise ate-On thse mar-ijuana issue sayiug joyedC, 1m-nyiremakugo,________________ érâ ati the -job)I, rmuet b. o- on thati the lews should ha touighi- w a ,ilinierful memolr h J J Il medad fortIse exel len Nl then rl ought iup itheleadup, iuecluiding those lawvs bs r.HlMs ct W eunesaay, nov~h- lipkshahs brought to sseorforeigu ownlErship rl'cating toInpossession oftIeud r.Treywe the W etery lately. week whicbl, he charge-dý,vwas being ,dr'ug. ierHill madle thaîe' wueeo tedy Guésthis iuluded !,ignoirdhl,, tile other twAo par.- dsicinbtanmrjaa Me akr rsdn 8:30 RauMachn frm Cagarywho ies pand if Iti iuord ucben the bard drugs but added the Bwavilpr Ctzn eseguet of Dick Bakeir longerit *w V'ill b. too !le for ithat Lposeesion of mar-ijuani Club !edteKfemnpi Ili~~th ofi ki heX-1,mn lan Twr romBomavhllCndaeH ssarrtad ljthatuntil not an offense anyoue should ,fr ha Ibdriva aud tIshetteos#epreo was ato aguest as eiere e eaýl ith tha quastifor- iha jailed for. Ruisseli Houe-yfo ielnh Spori~ored b~'~Georgé1il-éjlau, if l ge, gnOwýnarlSbip, w aenot go- gedwt hlcmet Aboult 1,50 iSr. Citizenss an-nn BOWMNVILE HOPITA AIJILIAY Jak Jugé, oy Wittîn lgto ici to olve ourinmly-ta otaltascientlific avi-joyeda eutfucienl 1-r0d Grant Werner. menOý,t plemedane o marjuaa ws il yetiSuday af Atarniine u5. g Tl-e Inen ithte-uk tie aade bidiresof auld 2cdddthat Iha fait person- Maln -wud neyer1hav aVCfid T~uIff fip hlf T~HURSDAY R ASA Tickets Available Now! iwae7ýCk were Rxaltre, Gao- fraîcrepC-ý)or-P 01 atio cniginore aiivthlat c(annabýig is lnot neces- i lltip bad Ut not ben for FIAY1>RU PJI rge tead ad A ihr- u eï n u nt-ereetg, se ei.-ly harmifu] iaîdfthIlatfiret tIse th igisfuîns ilf tha ADMISION - - - - $.00 poonwhlo ail won ilu teouiue.On f h ajor ofnassoLib.placed on K.Însmenl âud KnteThenik rwepr obl cme intra -rtîonprobetion rathier ithen jailéd.l ora ,c traefar an te radugofj ir. Lwac said at the:yuvr uhfravr goode ud sevicesemongf or-- andorf(tiea meeting 1that, ;et thsenjybeatro rigiomeielhihgo lun- ercent provincial preier'ýs c'on-JU YLE 1t7 det4ced. e edvocae thtIe illferaca aliail tIseia tebhihmlu of-1govrametalpeir wr p ta IeYm rRexali Store suh eig ef utq M-.Arranged for 1 2 King St. E. omnv l on transfars.Hilalsoet~-atpd th at lloe epleidthat seie Win-ge_________________________________ ,fite Cndinecouomy vbecausa0reidybeaueuuniouuiced but Combi naton bey inarîably iport moreLawrenca counteredthattsr n iesr thaqn their Catnadien cutr e notbîng iantIse way of al In addition to tIse spectAl r I d y pats whc end more to buyý- comnprebiensive progremwhc speakers wbot will preach at, oîa Y da iyîgnade pouce as beau reieasad ton date, Isa two AnvrayServie,>, heu it camle ftoIse oa -,Nlf tIse ND)P fiished uip et SI. Paul'e Uri hrh tionpenod, Isecanidaesby commeuting Éithe uaof tIsh nSudy(Isril asa and wr asked if' votaiË-e should majorprýobleme iu tIse Cana- ciel music aswel cnet Iser baýllots oin tIse basis dieu aconomyi is that not TIse senior choir wl pro- on isie inldividueaidaesa Oug f Oui- rew maten'ialsivide enthema eat bath sca-j Bed by night ' Éirehi-ban the party le-delrs iae iiigpiocassedinCeaida, vcesMicAeOod, a ruslýc BNL EN EDRBNLS AllARimiSTLE suh s a-nad e ecis,[hion- ryIse sli, we eo o, sti.enta numbers iin tnie mr-y inre1psiraýr rliantal'Y st mamter1ials 10o ano(the'r lcounl-Montreal, will pronvida in.e;tru- R uSt aR ot AND COLORS 5aadesjbsh1u scn-i ng serv"iceincludling a solo R# u d S pa LESS DAV NPORT Be Do You ar-y sectori of tIsaec(Onomy, ion tIse vibraphlone. TIsane wi1ll ~ l5$ 1 b eed MacKenai ' slo by M r. WilsolPrin,~ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ DAVE ORT nd CH IR C esterieldail imembars o4 St, __________ orâl N Heclnbynm PRMPG NE e ntnaA Isaaeig avc TOASTIMASTER BD ETN.I ML brm oman K E GRADE A LARGEIn C Hot HouseGg $79.95$ ~ __ ____t auhrtisa ýýoî-lareeegitmetings Maproia a Moeî du, acconi-ý * yln rHecuo NreinBwmnv e it'iu IUnfMitn J Curisiler-puiedudynt.RIis oDa. iae Y __________ IlFbrcorreashepditioluetinfglim'rorm.Alo IepemrîgeSx f G GS om to s ascdVothoewoakfor ilt TIseRegionapl metn 1 ihindsely, a group of houje.- mis FUR IT RE udotlevlune:stmens et enenn:iChucb 'ivs wlhava sogiig A seric V oter wthut dani- O 1eaModa.y, Otba1-,fr-iC do.I IAATEf Ihrcue V tIe eonyityofi1:15 pmand eg n o us hrh festivalIS and coijn- ~ ~ Foe celier edRvoluteen,'dy,'Octher-24lutsel, w-munýity funtionswiîî pras;eut S'ave 29c1 FISNvolntere re veiabl cetieUnied hurI w1th oma f VIseur lrapantoire lof 31 KING STRET EAST BOWMNVILLE ouaefive dayprwe bscssiostsr e ..a ndCI(av en75 son011ge.BIs' UKS fm9- 12 No,1- 4 p-m 7:0 p.m. Dinner wilh ar-SORbLIEp Mu6 pne e 2i5pm nd53 .,tOUeR SCOoLSSODI'uiDANISU S1-TYLER N 13 172 FS bs ecivde i- McKuiawil pekng tIsa Narthumbýenland Du')Ir-RNLS tot9l2of 15slîs. T et is a ttIesecond sesin bfhem Board of Eduication a everaige of 1L2 celle, da1il. Most aye-. Thse mtings' proem- nucd iih sala ffu l Aý11 nîqlOf t1Ise.celle foi, hcinp ere ise Vo ha weil wot ted- schools whicIs hava beau clos- J 4o pednesday, October 25thScllEvnn BDUILDING WILL BE OENFOR PUBLIC INSPECTOUf:ac lrJus! Ioe Orange IDrink fbrcSoftner IC 3 48,,, 89c 8 3 c COME IN AND TAKE A 1,00K WE HAVE TUE LAR4WEST' AT OUR COMPLETE SELECTION SELECTION 0 O ULT 0F COe-LD MEATS Wine Making supplies BULI< CHEESE and Equilpment EXOTIC FOODS .:r73-.77 KING S'T, W. DYKSTRAYS/ HOME 0F f > QUALITY <HOME 0F QUALITY)SEETO FOOD ARKETand FOOD ARKETSATISFACTION FUEEI! PARKING OFF QUEEN STREET

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