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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1972, p. 3

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'better 100 again' - BIG PRIZES- Zen3ith 26',hrmaolrTV Zénlith Console Stereo *Thlree Day Shopp)ing Tnp te(f New York - Paris or Londotn *Onie Week4 Holidlay for 2 in Hlawaii *$2,000.Efl0Cash * 93Ford Pinito CET YU ENTRY FORM AT BOvWMANVI LLE (LEANERS LTD* lu Trniity United Churci an, Tindyevcuiug, Our cawný meeýting bfas lissa cancelled ta givelieladies a chance la; attend Wnld Mis.c Nigit. -tiollowi-ng cldrawecc iapjtized e jt lie cichisr vice- on Suna1y: ihe o liert Snlowdcn), sou cof Mc. sud Mcc RadySnowdeu; Robent Miisl oodmuirphy.,.sou c Mn. i su c.Bob Gomr 'piy Godaneil> Mc.rsu Mis. ich&ael Bevap, rouat' RoetJames, Grocu, son o M su Ma Alen rocu Jr. Friends cf -Mr, H. G. Free- mjan wia bave heen associaI- cdj w"iti,11bim duning isi many ycas a SuI.of Maple Grave Suada!,y Scb-ool miflli c spec- ially wlcoentoaur churci servies on 0Oct. 2dwe Mcree, a willli frmll cc'cognlized for tbI!)-ia usfand- iag record of sevc aticth churci sud tc omuaty Chiurcb service sartsataI9:45 R Freser, Salineï. They sc called on Mbýsca. HelnàWry Mc, sd Mc. . Maln IDURHAM COLLEGI DurhéimriCollege i5s presenting a eies of monthily lcturesfeirg leaders from various avenues of Canaciain LiW feopics wili include Religion, Minority Problems, Canadian Writing, Foreign Affairs, Women's Affairs, Býusiness, Politics andGovemrnment. The second leture is schieduled for Friclay, October 20 at 8 'p.m. in thie Colle-ge Lecture Theatre-, Admissiîon ïis $1.00 and will b paid at the doeore A CANADIAN INDIAN LOOKS AT MI1NORITY PRO5LEMS RUSSELL MOSES, SPECIAL ASSISTANTTO THE HON._JEAN CHRETIEN, MINISTER 0F INDIAN AFFAIRS'1 AND NORTNERN DVELOPMgNT Russell css himrself a Canadian Indian, and engaged in the hidîan Affairs Department, i n a unique position to examine flic problemrs of this% important Canadian Minority, :1 Pretty Fali Newca-sllýe Wedding Mai ed in Oshawa fhisasCrs - ail Deadliîne s The fluis mailngdadns for Christ mas. carda goîng uverseas by surface are ilust acound the corner. The Past Office Dearment, whici lest wcek îae al ing deadlines for Cuirisîmea paccels, baday cleascd bbc dcadline dates for grectîng carda. Christmas 'carda cen lie sent ta international destinations (except US.) et tirce differ-, ent rates. Sealedi carda mu.stý trav-el first clas - w-iicb means automi-atie, air mnail ser- vice e t e rate of 15 cents for tic firat ounce. "~ "~ -Unscaled cards a cn le sent Air Mail (12 cents for lie first ouýnce) or Sur-face (u, cents for lhe ficat aunce). Ca3rdas -ent by surface mystii l bcairliftcd part wayý or bb-rougi ta des- tiniation dlependiing on aiccraftl space availahilit.- Tic deadline, dates for uin-ý seaFled Cirîýt,sîas arda sent taI intenatinaldest'inations eýt thc 8-cent Surface rate are: as October 6111- india and Sri Lanka (Celn); icis~s.c ~October 131h - Auistcalasia ~ \î,and Oceania (except Australie and Fi);i cctobeitMU1 Africa (ex- ceptSout AfrcaRiodesia and Mlawi);- Mr. and M1rs. Alan Alfred Joncs October 27ti - The Orient, Argentine, Brazîl, Paraguay, Tic Salvetion AimyCi;tdel, A-hune gawn of white organzalUruguay, Cuba Sicest1, oahwa, wa"s bbe boucicd with lace appliques Navember 3rd --- Guade- sctling for bbc mýlrnliae of embroideccd witb îiny peanis, loupe, Haiti, Martinique', Miuiel Evýelyn Bates, daugh- lie bride was gîven in mer- Navemberi 101h- - Europe ter of Mr. aend Mca. Robert niage by Mvr, Robert Viggers. (exePPt Britain), lie Middle Viggers, Wihby eu Alan Hec siauldier lengli veul was East, Paitn Bangladesh, Alfrcd Joncs, son of Mc, aind ield by a ccown cf tiny jew- Souîth Africaï, _R-iodesia. Mal- Mcarý. Nnai nronc, Pemrbroke- cîs. ýawi, bic- rest cf Central qnd ch-ine, Souh Wales, oný Oct, 6, The maid, of honor wsSouti America, tic West Lid- 1972, et W seven pin. Captain Miss Sandra Gardiner and this Austrelia, Fiji, Japen, Ritson o ffciated endlie music bridesmaida wcre Mrs. Helen Hong Kang; weis plaecd h Jerry Mller Pabeman, sister cf lic bride, Nov\ember 241b',i - Brnîtaîn, wb-0o also t'lani iebcMca. Shirley Lackey, Missa The deadiline dates for eolois i. DctyStiig Wendy P1ateman, bbc bride's 1Christ,,,,,s carda sent ta inter- Wc-acing an emîpire wý,,aisted niece, andi Miss Penny Smith, nlational destinations by Air, al of Osiawza. Mil- et cther tic 12-cent Vist te - c M. Seve ClrkOsîwaorni-c 15-cent rat1e - f aIl in Mr. w Steve l aanrkc..iefirsltwowceks of Decemn- -~~ il ~~ David Webater, Oiwadbr 4.. North Amierica Mre , . onnyFnswily Ti-c deeflinie dates for crdas wece usicca. Tic eetul(n arcl)gigwtî hok1~~'~e 'Ç ~ was held et GadiwGl o mcc r lai frt'Club, Oshaw. Ou of town December, for bath Air Mail guesta ca-nie froni Soti Wales, and Surface. Speealizng j ~~Calgeryý, Altla.,Hto, Pem- Within Norti A rcahle Perma Coor broke and Tocavnte, rates foc Cistmeascairda are: Clai lWîgs Foc thc aurney ta acn 8 cents Firat Clessa(acaled), 6 Latest Cutting Tcnqe Mta., Penn., bbic 1bride e a cents Surface (uinsEaeld). long siockingL- pink jumnpsuit s PHONE 623-5455 witi paisley print. overakict9 37 Kng st W, and black acaoisTic MAP Bowanvllcouple wil caid ronOntario.LE ROVE ___________________ Street lu Bawmanv ille. the ~'l tc U.C W- ladîiesý pîrape prcttcu e e etineJ.- -Pita y Astor Sui Cadeabasand -arrange - r)enita cf wbite and yla ',ingle d aiSi es Mwîltih yehýlow k i>dilsfcmnicda loNely setling foc ticcecmnyper-P Eocmied by Rcv. T. H. Smitbi in Ne -stsUnited Cburcb,s satiurd (a-), Septemier 2, 1972ç ut 2:30, uiiing in marriege1 Wlcdy Anas Wilson, daugi-s îL, cf M. ad Mca. Thomas1 w.Wo, R.R. 2 Newcastle,a mdc iDennia Harold Fergusoa son ofiMca. Hazel Ferguson ofs 3owanvlleandticlat'e i Jameps (G. Ferguson.r Tic cbucipws wcedcc-ý rated witb a bo cenT)ted ceti a inl wie es M ~rthr Cllisn, rranîst cmpe ied aodoittMc. i, traii, tc rie hoe D injaw îticobcoledfome eng n f ki ,,:(enue lace 1d nedrl tc dgawn lend tacbed riand z 1 atin csdasi, ict n qet sacliiîilit tgited ti Ton.hec pau e sie ad maece wes f lace-ts.iougla Rahrnsedged lis pal. Hecs Pane vel as bouffantendi jubeý cerie a bauquet 0f vill endyehGwrcngle down, Mrouque cascadin la ic gwn, Ti cicsatendants were at ran raf onr Mc. oula da, ridesaida Ms MrJeshaorpeti Mca; DeMni plow, Meiss Sue Cpicîl, uion biesmaiMis Ben Mrand, c, 0-ud Mca, Hward Eudo CbunonSay. -eyma M. Dan Ma Bd fnowde, oMaplzeGroe, were,; suce wii Mr.a, Rau Mry Suwenend Micael. Mle Gr, Mca , A. E Goo-j railn, cnTiieloM. and Vira.M. Be acksOon, owr clii gt wtM. and Mc.. Glor Goodmucpiyan sud so edMr A.-1 Md-u'.y lhesaaOn, lva .pndn cm Mc. ud ca. an ay r, di iamilyv, arndwr Sne ;upergueîswitti, Mc. sud Vhs. Te-htccdfa1y Mc.-hsud MrH . ree-r an ccosspland fMcLl. sud VInyls. oneyinf offdMc. ;anyýv llet FonhiiL on Fr1t- iay tAj anM.d Mrs. ic Russl og, Bo avl lek vi.h;;-d ni~ ~ ~ ~e MrisdMc.C.P Sa .0Wr OnThday Mc. rene Dni, hsc aenoou, Ma Amy Nîs FrddneToonaMc sud. Mca.i W.iAht,NiP- Toobspent he weekend At hitsM u DaetMr. M.Gd-s mrphy sud f arin. d ' laGibon sud flawcr gi rl cas es. Sic was sastdby Xis Kel Buckley, Tic lihe gcaom's motienwia wo, maitronri af 1o0a,,). jiiu iapale gir-cu dccii, mti onidciesma ýid sud (Tfbowecrl lace coat sund cragof pasj,-tel were idcnically d cressed lun yelýlow rose-s, green, (double kuiit, pletr For travelling tIe'(-ridej, Irepe gcwua wMbi wiiCae wocc a navy and iwhie cah sleeves. Canýal t13ns with 1dress ensemble wiîi aavy sea-l wiilc lace Ilevea werc wacn 11ceasories sudccnaage J. Iby bic bnideamaida. WhIiewiite carnatios su ed ras- Siugle daism iesnsled in thueines.cbridesud groom arc asic sud lie senir atten- resîdig et 57 ThidStrel, ýanIsq ca-enoqut fwite omnvl aud ysllow sige diia Tcbie wla tcud tiana-. Tic.1rflawcc girl car- sud Pont Hope Hî,gi eoo ried a woîitcbasket filled a scnîaywiîî W. Fnarik witl Ilese hloom. Real EtaeL'id. Anrm! oe Mc. H Facold EmndcIWlie ooya , cgon e beil, man asud using wer ccie i euzcabioniet On - 131r. r Br Wilsonl, Mn, Liiln telPbi ciau Wiso sd Mc.Danu Fenu- Port Hope HigiScicol san, Ticjuir-si w-1 _________ EownEmî eme e d pautRaime: dn li erer. N1T N IL At lie rrceplin lu New-iimýr milsle CmuîyHall, icp bîide's motherirceivrdwsr- Weked iitni 11h ca cg a pin u turua e civa Farrow, lest weC Ck wr wili corsý-age of Pink Bouty M nd Mca. Clarenc,ýe Fac-ý THE SPORT 0F SKIING LN 1EQUIFIM ENT WE WLL SUUPLY SKIS, POLIS und BOOTS RENT - FRE1 20% DIscouIJN vr january skiWek Book ,ýdirect & SKAEA Canailda Tel1, (8 19) 42 5-2711' Mlail fýor fre folder "T" Quebec. ,1wiîlcSuinday av r includcd Mc, sudMc.Cr Farrow of Dwîve, c George Pthck WstHil suld Mcud Mca.K uBag- i kDepof Obw eccpe Joues sud Bea Juswece SIen odgcPort Hape, ed vle PRoad Soulice enlly A ubrof aclcldi zens bv e eoll11 un lis tmc Teackens'Dnne of dl 7jCreekon lis deato 0f isc, nicher, Mca. C. Greel Civic Hospital, Peelrborougi, letwsek. Mr, sud7Mc. . J. acs ter mnade eP usies tn h Londan irdy wtiusdyevuig viîtr ,Jones iucluded Mn. sud Mca. ( A . Redkncp,. NMca. Hattie, T-1rbeyv sudil Mr. Hanra ce Gibi-, eqIlof Oshawa, su Mnr sudMn Hrve Britto;n, diFM adMc ll ls dis.o rn eespe ISteam VaporizlersI Iand HumidifiersI I. for Co)ughs, Cold5, Crop. from $4.,99 to$7.95 lte ý occasion beîng Llcyd's zTic Canladiaýn Satsar,ôom lE, c. 18, 1972 Tic Penny Sale smonsarcd by au.T, was apperenly, a mil cu i.ccessful affeir, Fr1--E day cvrpnînnComnit-y Hal wîth a klae atendance Cubs enrScutswere bu w fleg have beerececdfran'r three 1lntercsted citîzens. for which we arcertfl Mrs. ayWdcopn led Mr n r.JmIg!i wdngin St. L4uke'sAnlu (en burclh, witi receptian fo(-ilowing aet fie awrla S E D iu PL YIGH CK Y rctucncd homne Sunday afhve- M.L DeSMit vwais la Port Doe er te 1e- AKINA SOvEN;. end, visitiing lier brothr,M Gereld Loggcr, wba s inje homeegau, After hIalongj stay ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ si iaHmutnhsia.AIntIIVIIlITAII hheme e0f or înslr' Sn day myorniing sroepa sizing i5moratpr Cirisýtian w-yion life. Tic choir sn Oe pYu Heart an Let theSunebîn MVr. edMs .MMrh affernoon, Mr,1Gnt er ephc ,itorent- i Attendinc the reguar cerd- DaTe, Tiuýrsdayevngwr Mrs. Hi. Tcim rc Tva Fr- raw ns, uezBoughriecal Mc R ruce. Mrs.Ken areof Tortoý I vsýin hr mother, Mrs- Lenia Ovens, for a fcw dy Jolina-Lynn an Delanuq hadof Nwcste pet ie weekJ-end withip r ;grand- parenit,,Mr. and DMrs. S, J Lancaser. Mr. and Mcar udsJu kins of 1Bancroft wccswcek cnd vis,ýitors with M.,R Bruce. Nel-. " w la" ville .W. fi. 1 Newtnvile omen's Inst- tuts metrOc'tae lhe h sýon, PiresîdetBr ceMli gain welcoming everyone, and openi ng wIlhthe O-de anid absence of the setcry- easurer, Mrs.leta Samis lereormt of lasI eetng dulyaccepted and C th inn dia! anding., were rn d from t 1Ilose iciepm- hered by the Sutnahine Cni itteeaswel z evra vr- bial epesosfrom mmerii present, Aong with tee was a , inote from Mi ,Agnes Burle-Iy rgrigthe Ios f1 tUe Urnon Jack flag, whlcb. wa s stlen frna >lspae at flicCenoaiby scorneimis Urean, camne finie agoand tionlowrd he C-fost f e- plcngi, A noDtrýon wesý poeand an embrar taý make ti ecery rïcon- tacts b secre Oanc. Vonilfeers wcrc requcstf-dý n ta es.ît wîth tbc lunchi,1 drW- ngofa nn ee., e lb e cingPenny sale In bic Pn s v, th l tic Il tl Craecwill lie on sale ta c(-yoinorate the Aeas701h Aiinivers-ary, and a mýotion wepasscd la ordeýr three oenof tiss5e - tlie nlecessery mAlney rfolIr hemtabe given the Pednt t ake ta thp Cnveni-tio-n in Toi Qonto Ai dnatlion towerd flie lujnch.ý end rticles for dsas.yin Bowiinvll Lbrery, , 18, Ivan requested, and arrange flor. Nen eeting wlli li Ilpied ov.11h et the ýhome 0f Mr.Leta ems Convenoi- Olive 1Hendei-oni niesented the progirem, cour- îmencjg wst- lh t.he motta. -rPenff l dii't lan t a feu, they jua feu plan." pre- rend bv liie Buiin id cali, "liat w nter praec have cou planned for yaur- self?" waS answered, imore or lMs, y tic28 lades prest Giuest speaker, Home Eco vnomistKaren Fitzsimmons, intirodcis-d by Mr,I Hender-1 son, pokeon Ibe subect o "Ks", shoing smpesofý Lis verus kîndr or nylo-n! tricot udramns mede hy ievcfaswill aioter Mrs Hndrsn, hoti ofi whom hued etake hsnie eoure lasewiang. c Mrs Fcher nýed Mrs, Be Joe ook,--yfiern our eh et'0 n roriOnteiaFri," subcrr b bbca former, Mrs Poe e'vead e sample of ter '1Cn1 Aple ider tg a1eci asmi arsnwh speake heinggive a cttin ;on nd M hu.Jnd Mrs. Bod Werry, Jean end Ssan, Mal y DUPONT NYON QUILTED JACKETS 2-3X 6)98 Jacket and hood warmiy iincd wý,ith Duponit Orlon" pile. Zip front, knitted stornm cuiFs.î Choose itinNvyred Qluifted. Nylon with thei warMest plie !in!ng, hid-awy hodknitted stormr cuifs, zip frn.Nv rBrown. WNE HAVE A GOOD SEL"EC Ti 4OPi0FBYS' GLOVS, MTTSa -m KI LOVES 1.19to 2.49 UsîOurWak'sOtoChrerChgx BQWMANVILLE KING ST. E~ 33 , 1 mi ým -M"\- , 1 i 1 ý Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Hiarolô. Fergusonr Photo by Astor Stuidio

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