4 Th Caadin SttesanBowmnvlleOct. 18, 1172 EDITORIAL COMMENT It SWiII Ail Be Over in Jusi 12 Das Feerl lctin candidates and the inre as on the first day of the baittie. bjCeftors who ho(ýýlid their destiny intheir It's tough! ý ands ii be happy to be remninded Inpteoaithtlcladdte Char just 12 days fromi noir the sus- do to ruinsa successful campaign, in pe-nse wiltb over and evýerybody will mnany places whbere the voting is fairiy be able b sit back and ponder the weil balanced, the decision on w,,ýhether rsu]ts1. or not they will be eieecd! rests with ~ xcptforthiose who have been dheleader of the party and the impact ~ oring ithand for political parties, he is making on the electors as a woe lew peopiebave an, iMea how mullch If the leader miakes one tiny slip of the tesa-nd strin each candidate goes tangue, the local candidates entire ef- ~irough during an election camipaign. fort can be wýiped out aimostovrgh T~~he stakes are high and the resuits ai-. by the indiscretion. vays in doubt unltil the last vote is Th-is election has been irLyjJ quiet jounted, so the wvouid-be Mlember of compared to oChers in the past. What fYaiament not only plans his strategy this me-ans in terms- of votes on election ehin adJvance of the election, but day is aimost impossible to determînle. pnce il; is caHled he is on the run from The poiswlls be comning out more and 'tDile end of the constituiency to the other. more freqnunly as the fateful day-, Oct. 11shours each day often, start at 6:00 3O1th, cornes closer but; even thiey, can ;.m. nd enld long ho0urs after m-idnight only give an overali picture that quite ~Wih pacîcaiyno-time to himself dur- often has to be taken with a grain of ing that period. He is constantly con- sait because they dont't teil what is go- ~uiin wthhis, workers, planning his ing to happen in this particular riding advertiing, and his other promotional or the others nearby., Usuaiiy, if the draeiacoing his utmnost to not mniss poils show a trend against one pry ~inthig tat wl attract wvorkers to the local candidates for that grouip wl Jis pl organizationi and encourage acceleratPe their efforts and those of fnhe t greater effort. theirwrer to overýncomne the deficient- SAt thistime in an election campaign cy before election day-. ~the pace speeds up and becomes so hec- Ail in al, an eSection candidate flor "ti that he often- is sa keyed uip at the any party deserves the symnpathy and :end of a long day that it's diffîcuit to appreiatin of every person who can (1,rop off b sleep and al too frequently, sit home and be an armchair crtic Y ihings are not going as wvell as ex- throughout the campaign, possibly not Pected, he'h wake up in a coid sweat even taking the lime and small amnount 'thnking of sonething hie shouid have of effort to go to the poilis and vý'ote. -1one but forgot. Aithough he is tired Democracy i5 a wonderful systemn of, Mhn weaxy from shakig handis, making governmenei and ai of us shouid thank ~pehsand riding or w,ýalking around ouriuy stars that there are stili men îhe vaiusmnicipalites, he must at and womnen of high calibre and integ- a.1.1 timecXeep his cool and neyer lose rity wiiiing Io undergo such exhausting bis temper. That smile must be as gen- camnpaigns to represent uis in parliament, Death of an Outstanding Citiz7ein W'e arindç.eed sor.,.y to repart the ElcmofDoald -Alexander MTcGregor, cone oý f BowmanvilJ.e's; prominent cili- zens 1 anid in tenis of years of service, ~oeof if not its oldest mnerchant along , King Street. AlM. cGregor in Mhis erlyyears was a bLrilhiant student who aclheved ýto nor during his university train- b1ng. Taking over whait v;now the IMA drýu store on the cornecr of Kiag aad Temperanice Streets, he buit lup an enviable reputation for prompt, effic- ient and courteous service. In bis church, hie also play'\ed a prominent part as a member of the choir and on its exýecu- tive boards as well. He his also been a valuiable mnember of Bowmnanvilie Lions Club for a great inany years. Our sympalhy goes out tci bis f arci- l'y in their loss. I4'f. 4Lzn rrý4 ,fd u:..%L;.L i ,ý "Consmersare plagued not by the costs. Each time sel -ihcost of liv-ing bPut the cost of high raise, machiuery costsg 'vigî ayvs Gardon Hil1, President, Today a farmer pai, ~OtroFedleratlon of Agriculture, mnore for a three-plow tI fî In aFar and Country editorial, did lu 1946. ile sad Hoseivs hlame their "But has heraiy ~~vr-udetgrocer'y bill on farmers, do ta bb cosumr?"No.- ~o udrtadthe farrher's situaition-." h-our's wages wvould buiyt ffil ih is canvinced many consumners dozen eggs. La St year, 1 in a fool'sa paradise. They expect bo)ught 7.4 dozens.'1 raiCe, thexuselves, but refuse bhem In 1949, a marihad "~tobbc arme. - ours to feed b-is family "It d1oes nat work tLhat way. Ap- yTear, thje same faml :proximael 93 cenits of each doljlar Ihat from Il hours pay. ~afrmrern oe o Cvr costs. "Farmrers are po ÏTh.,c othebýr seven, cents is bis return for famillesdeev as high 1nstdcapital and labour." living as, tbe plumber'sa The farmer is lucky ta gel a penny er's."' aýut fu the consumier's cdime, dlaims Hihi. HillI charges -Mrs. Ce ~Hc, is convinced thal if con sumners uin- infiating ber owvn groccFi drsodthey would not ask farmners gullible, oftcnr speniding tor sel flodc for lcss than il costs ta pro- sophislicatedi processiug,1 cu,uc c, , im m ini-'cks, anid adverti "Thepenn a frmerdoesget ir bcefod, itself. A2not enug t caver escal!atiug inpuit "Tiis retedk Solving the Litter Problem Ontîîos nvioumntDeparîmen t ~recntiyaunuucc ilwauld spcnd ; $50,00 u dvctisugla gel people bo a-hitricnd sked jfor lgsain istcad. Haccunflcss tbbc legislatin woi"s ~enforcerl it ouldJn't work c ither. We chav-e anti-noise ]aw"s 'but do yau ~evr sc apolcemn Soppnga Car ~racing andri aariug up bbtteel wth- -vau a ufferor zarjc there anýY lcwer na~y mtacycesor spo-rts cars dis- turhing the pence on residentiai areas? Une ome ttmp is made ta enforce legishation by, authorities such as bbe pueOr by citizen-sgaus hrýougbl protest, bbc problcm wllcontinue. Wc bave ighway gs isnowread- ring $50 Fine for Dumping Triashi" or some ate oher sucb waârninig. Docs il stop pe-ople, framn dumiping brash'? Obviously ual. y lys fiesie tractor than he passcd this on 'In 19,55, one two and a haif one houjr'sý pay 'd to work 20 ay offour, Last )uld cal better le boo. Thcir a stanidard a! aud the tcach- 'y bii. She 15 more on the fa ncypaýckag - lising than foi ohiars go.» MosI inlîcligeul' people tadayý are aware aIf aurseiu evramnl probims and aire ikci 'y taregard bbc Ontarlo Enviroumeuln velsigCam- paiigu as a feeble gesture lu the wroug place. If iustead tbhcy speutthe muyon cooiperative pragrams with industry ta) rec.ycle tin cans, botîhes and paper, aI- fening sýome beniefit ta bbc public for collccfbli-i ese ,and burniu)g thcm luinut governmcunt supported depots lu buru, ta bc transpartcd la induslry, Ibis ser- vice w,,ouid benefit eveiryone. Without intelligent planning ta foll0w up 1111cr collection, ahlhaugh unsigbthy, il migbt jusl as wcll ic on bbc camp graund, bbc park, or the ravine ta bc rccyclcd even- tualIy by- Nature. The probicm is,., dis- posai and $1!501ü00 of bax.ýpay-ers moncy should be dircctcd t hsIe soIlution- ta THAT rather than imb advertisiug ta tell us that wve are litbcr-bugs. 11 Duiham County'x Great Famil3 rnlS Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMES ErnToa.PuaLîsnEa E'stablished 118 years dqo in 1854 AIma incorporating The Bowmacnvîil News l'he Newccrsile Indlependeut The. Orono News Second clama mail registraitîon number 1561 Produced every Wdedyby THE-U JAMES PUBLISHING COJMPAINY LIMI1T G2-66 King st. WBwmrvilontarlo GEOP. pýMORRIS rPATRICJ< GOULD 1 BusîNnsMr.L SALEns MANAGER Phoue 623.3303 DONALD BlSHOP PLAnIT MGR. " Copylrght andlar praperty rtghte cubsiilk1- the imiage appeurinq on thiz proot. Pe lso e repodu;ce in 'wlol. ou ta part and in aayifl m h t Oever, priuaLY bphotographica oy ïffst proce;s -xa-a publication, must he ahtatand from the pbihe ad the printer. Any unouthcrized lrprduicin wiU h. subjot to reCanîrse n k. $7.00Ooa yecar- 6 months $4.00 $9.0Ona Ye-ar in the Uinited States strïily luadvanXrce Ath ehcery precaution witl he taken toa naid errai TheCardnStesaacpt drt. tng t ils ýcolumrs on tho nee nigthat it wiilInot be. hable foi ayerror taaa oderisee pqUhlshed hrune ulseapicoatof such avriseti reýqueeteCd in vwntïiag by the advivrtlser and returnvd ta Tihe CpainttLtûa~n buiness ffice édly iqgiediby the nd'etîCî and w ith enrr c aica-.rbotanePICil? "y ted lia writtnq thecreonend iaii bct case if cony error 5, a ted m mnot h,,ete b TteOnadanStatemrm ilmttc ibilttr chnit flo txecced uch ca paýion cf tenetly.rl înt inf euCh dvrismetau h. ep'coe acclptcd b y h. acd qerr: bý Om afi th OCsCOaufd bi uc aysit.ceret. MacDuff Report IC';g(,tll itali point mare obscurie will aet office, A rcermi caidi ateriomthe other numnber fouri when il camesý time ta mark Itwo Social Cie ballots or, October 90. airia four LiL A sort of pora i e PBritisk CoDlm provided by thie iballot itself. Cirediter. For the first time lan Canaida Deterinnij)ýtio pryaffiiation of candiidates didate for 'soi will be designated provided hvebeenil ' Ihey are ideutified wtib a defection ro regis;tered party. ak of t-woQ Und1cer the revlsed Election cs Mrs. Siry Act, palîtical par:ties maY be Presidlent of th registeredf if tbey hiave 5-0 or soc-iation lui-V more candidates lai theic (ld flot get the i or -were r-eprepsentied by 12 party la thatr or mare membhers la the iast maoved over parliamneut. It appears at, Colsi atv Ibis Point L'iberal]s, Progres- St. Dùenis ta Civ Consevaies Nw prudhomme iw Demýcrats and Social Credit- seat forite Li ers will q~i .last parliamrenft This- election more than l ee, au officer any fornia ny yea rs past, inicial Liberal dlesignation of party ffli-wbio faiàle t tion ann the ballont lip may flor the pirovinci help Itle vote'r if it, isparty ýin Pontiac h.a rather than the mar.nior wo- Couservative man ta whom they owca]-I- h fdra legfiance. Nominations hiave sm ae shown a definite drain ta the Thesemvs Progre(,ssvCeratives f fd hy vthe'sw somye wel knowýn, but stiili Wagncr "lfromi Needed easpirants' ta nt count shows n Quebec tA Liberas and editerýs' la Ont- bera"s anu bMa onc Social un ta be a can- ne pary ma'y ce reasn for n the Lbrl ~ubcnomin- Je Libuel As- Tercheresd lod from ber rSdng and bas ta become a canddae la opposeàMarcel w1ho held the t. ctaveVal- a f the Prov- al associa ion ge nominat mal by--eection as becamie a candidae li tch Oou Iade Sa plovincial Sugar By 1 ERST INBEP AND LOOK ,AT NIE Il, lakes so'Me people a. iang lime 'to realize t[ha tbcyare camplclehýy dispen- sabl.e. I rcalîzcd il years ago, but kccp forgelling until samnethig jolts me. To-day it's the mather adf ather af aýIl colds. 1 ha,ývcn'l missed a day's wvork in about, thrce y qar, alimes tattcriag off ta bbc job wvith one foot, lu the grave. For somie reasan, I ha'd Ibbc conceit ta iimagine Ibalthe cutire Eniish de- partment, if ual thc whole Clloot sys- tem, wauld crack crumble and calapse ifIwereu't there. Commi-on sense tell is methat if I were ill for a monbh, nobody would kniow the dîffercuce, and -thal if I dirap- pcd dead Ibis momrent bbc- humnan rýace would ual faiter for, a secand Jlu ils pur- suit of fly happincss and ai the other lhings thal make ilt ick. Sa, here I arn suirrounidcd by soggy kilece-x, couiginig up chunks ofluuLig, andi sweating hlike a muic-skinnerevr lime I do anylbing more vigaras than bi)nk my cyes. But it's ualali bad, M wife is dancing abLenidaue ou me, sooiething she rar'eiy does because l'in almosl neyer Ml. I have a, good, faýohýisb dcec- tive siory wic PId normahiy neyer ha.ve bime ta rca. And perbaps manst important of al I have this lzyhaZy fJeeling ta HAVE thepd bcworld and goi off, even if oanhy foriteuy-folrbars. Mýiy wifc bas; just forced ou mne, quite againsl mry wiil, a, large libation aI bot waler, lemaon, sugar anid somne sort of coughi medicine wil hebcodd nýame o-f Teachers' H-1igianid Cteai-f. Il makes me swcal, but certaiuly cases, the cougb. TL ad, itmakes hIfe look al- mnosl rosy. I1 hope she dcs' run out aI lemons. And stuff. sntit a pity, bhough, thal wc go throughhie or bbc- biggcst part of il, -ith Ibis feeling Ihat w,.e'e so impor- taint, when wc're icss than ants on the face of bbce earblh? Busi.nessmen fiag thiemsclves dail 'y ta mccl bbc competitian. Execulives and lawyers drag home their bncIe cases. Doctors buru thcmnschves out, in tweuty years of iuordinatcly long hours, Tcach- ers dcvclop ulcers or quiictly go mad. Wby don't wceill relax a uIýLe more oftc-- n d eicI Iecarth take a few s pias wvitbout us? Pehaps bc inost guilty ai al are Liberal ta a Fedieral Cori- serv-ative. -Mr. Wgu-was Attoraiey General la the Leage Liberal Goverumrent and miade a namne for hlm-- sce as a law and order man ln the provincre. When the Lesage Goverument was defeated by the iUion Nat- iona-leheccpd a judge-- ship from Danliel Johasto)n wbo had succeeded Mr, Les- age as Premer. He resgned from the beach tA take the Causervativenmiënatonin St. Hyacinthýe, a seat held for, years by- Theogene Ric- ardf, a onle-time mnember of the Diefenhaker cabinet. Sinice then hielbas beeni named ljeader of the Con- servatives in QuebeC'. Perbiapsthe greatest demi- oustratian of whether layalty is ta the Party or ta the man in Quebec vwil occur lu acne wbere Raym-ond Rock is now, the Conserva- tivecanddae. He won the seat haadily, as a Liberal lu 1968 bult crsse lte foor of tCe Camnmos early this year ta1 loin theCnsrave proClaiming loudly that he no longer had confidence in BjI Spice1 Bi Smiley I paliticians, Right now ithe country res- emnbies a. disturbedi bee-bive as aur poli- ticiansbuii-le about, every one of tihem convinced that bis constilucncy, bis par- ty, and bis country w'i mil go ta thle dogs if he, pcrsonaliy, IS not oecctecd. God forbid, but what would aclual- i y hiappen if Trudeau, Staýnficld, Lewis and Caouctte hiad a four-wayi air col- lision, wchnot an imnpossibiiity at the rate bhleyý're harin g abDout Ibeir home- bland? Wudwe just Ihave ta thrc)w ,up our' bauids and scîL the country ta bbe, higcstbiderFat chanýce. Thcrc'd be cnogh awc-bugrymen and worocu, or just plain idiots, ta f111, their shoes before 'he bits, were picked Upr. N,'obadyv is irreplacc-abie. The sky didui'l fail lu whcn the British k Iicked their !great war-timc leader, Wvinston Chuii-,li, out of office, The States didný'l disintegfrate alter the deatbs af Lincoln, Roose-veit, Kennedy., Whcn, Joe Stalin in ally ex-,pirecd, Russia didu'l ex-- aclhit the skîds. It seems that 'the onily way ta stay off thaitireadCmi[l of feeling indispen-_ sable is ta be poor. The fewer aur pas- sessions, thie freer we are ta step off tbe nîery-g-rondtakýe a look at bbe won- derfuilwod we live ln, and realîze that wve are about, as iudividuaily important as graisnsf saund. Ihave a lfelow jusl -'liketat siltiug dowusta;rs balking 'ta bis mother. He drifled in this mor-ning froyý Monîreal. Hie's off ta Alaska ta sprcad (the Baha'i f aitlh. Hoïs bce going taO getlheeWeili, if he cati gelt t Penlicton byFr.v y b-cIlh catch a ride nortb wlb ome friends. I point ouIthlat there is no wy short of fyuof getting ta Penlticton in two days. Oh, wcii1, be may bhilch- bik, gingtbraug-h narlhern Saskat- -iwn. He got tbe hint thal I wasn't going ;ta boan bim nair lr. Wh at waslie gainig ta take? Well, hle bas a sleeping bag and a swefater and jeans and boots, anid it's anly about three tbhousand miles, so tbcre's no0 prob- lem. Hce's been ta _Mexica, New Oricaus, New York and acros;s Caniada fromi coast to caast. llis total assets are those lisled above. Physicail, Ibat is. On bbc other baud, be's cmill iiga and basi aqn duatio nauniversily Best af ai[,l,beknaw;î clealy ,,tbat bhe îs not indispensable., 25 VEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO Thutrsday, O)ctober 23, 1947 Thursdaty, October' 25, 19213 the Trudefaui administration, 0f lesser consequence is the mov of Andrew Lacroix wh10 has accepted the Con- servative nomination ink -pulli.lHe will oppose Dr. Gaston isabelle who repre- sentedi the riding in the last parliament as a Liberal, Mr. Lacroix is a former Social Crediter, Dr. Luctýien Biacn, a Vice Presiden-t of the Que- bec Credlitiste group hias been nom-inatedi as a Co-nser,- vative in Rcmn.Tlhat ýSeat wýas held la the last parliament by Social Credit- er1 Leonel Beaudoin. In Ontarioolthe position of four formier Liberals as cur- rent Progressive Conserva- ivýe candidates i's more clear', Ail have been outspoken in condemnation of the Trudeau admii,,strationi for varying r'eason)s. Best known among themi is Paul1 Hel1yer. His defectiont from thie Liber'al party' , was the mnost spectacular of anuy purely because of the posi- tion hýe held on the national politica-l scenie. He had been a m-em--ber of the cabinet ini thrcee Libel adnsrain nd has been designaited as Deputy Prime Minîster by Mr. Trudeau. He resignied from thecaie ostensibly in disagreemient withLthe govern-ment's housing policy' . SubsquetlyMr. Hellyer resigned fromî the iÂberal Caucus and declared himself ani independent. Later hie announced imiiself as orýgan[- i7er of Action Canada, an orgaPnization wIvf.Ch was dev- eloping into a politicai party with hlmas leader. Then sýuddenlyv he declar-ed hm self' a Progressive Coniserva'. tive- and haq beeni nomiinated in Trîinity (Toronto) under that bainner. Mr. HlellyerI was the Sec- ond Toronto based Liberal to leave the party. Perry _Ryani of Spadfna left the Libeiral backbeniches early in the 29th -parliament. -le sat for a short tim-e as anitïndlepen- dent but later j'oined thie progressive C o n s e r' vative In th( ctbr111h, 1972 Dr uSir: If Iwerc Prime Minlister cif CnaaP, Iry progra]m wouild be ta first Iry ta re-- insite those pinciples a11d values upon wbhich Ibtis ra-- lion wa hut - whiicb broughtbbcproincs t-- gZether sanie 100 y arsZo; -Wbicb brýougbJt Lus unity, prsciyand' international integrityý, iual ta mention anc of bbt h ghststandïards of living in thewold lu re--dedicatinig lbbc Can-- adian people ta Ibhe ideals of freedorri and lîberty-, I Fît,. Sgt. S. Bur-gess, 'R.C. AF., son of Mrie and Ms A. C. Bujrge-ss, whowo the Distnguih~dFlying iMedal during the invasion of the Con-tinent, received the dec- oration at the investituire ln Convocation Hall, UTniversq- ity of Torono on Sturday, performed b)y Field May- shhlhe Rt. Hon. \/iscount Alexýander of Tunis, Gov- ernor General 0 f Canadia. FmtSgt. BusswaS a wire- less air guniner la the Bom-b- er Comimand. The Jr, Stamp Club meets la tepublic School everyý second Friday at 4:10 and is open ta' every interued boy and girl of Public School age. Teen Town got off to a good start on Saturday night ,with over 200 lan attendance. Dancing ta Doug ,Oliffe's Orchestra, table tennis and sna cklbar were eujoyed by J on J. Mason passed away ý-October , ý1947,. at the homne of his daughter Mrs. N. S. B. James at the age of 87. At the Royal Teatre, Oct, 2'7 -3l, Claudette Colbert and FredMcMra in "The Egg and F', Aé't the BaksokCorn- rmuniy Hall on Fridy, Oct 17th the Public Schools of CarwrihtPublic Speak- inig contest the winners wvere. .-lst, Jean Tremblay, '-und Betty McA\rturll, 31rd Shir- ley Hamilton, 4t1- Doreen Çocàhe, 5thDawn Black. Mr. and M. Hartwel Lowery were guests of AMv. and MTvrs. Fred Bowen. Rev' , . Quigley presentedi anl iateresting topic "Educa- tLon for Tomnonow" at Tria- ity Young People',s Union on Mondfay. T he prograni Convenor wNas Gwen Cil mier. Rt Robbins gave -,a pianc o soo with worsip servic onducted by Doreen Cocaurs. ehas lheld Spadina ince 1962, baving been de- feated lu three atstempts prior to tjhat time by C. E. Rea who had gone ta par- liament on the crest of the ConsFervýativ-e wav-e under John Diefenhakeïr. Exept for that period of sevenr' years Spadina bas voted iberal soldly since the rîd- ing was createdlu 1935. Ia Leeds the Cnevtv rtominiatioa asgo-ne ta Tom, Cossit of Brockvile a for- mner President of theLiberal Association of the ridîng. M-r. Cossitt led a dissident fac- tor out of the Liberal Party carlier tois year. Their dis- satisacton they saud was the ineans of applyiug the bilingua inprgram lantCe public service. Mr, Cossitt got the nom- ination over the headis of party faithfufls particul]arly frorn the other end of the riding lu Smith*s Falls. There are rumours of a splît la pSayrans as a result. He can hardly alford that. Des- mond Code the last memYber,' a Conservative hlad a plural- ity of only four- votesl i Andrewýx Brandt of Sarnia eEdifor's Ilold-11Ilba'L citizens m- 1il ' then also appreciale thei value ýof aur dmcai t he cnicpt 0f goad social order If 1I were pPrimne Minister, I woufld cïgavera bY wyof encauragiag a ccouuLinabi 1 iy, insteaPd of the savry 3 wcvlfare. sloth, greed and baýnd-.-ouits. Iwold pr'o-' matýte he r-'igt of Vah m car ta, asl)pe thbce 'xlrcatof Iheir' desire aund c apabýYi 1i- tics, wthou Lt gaov rumernï,lt hindering thleirU effiort. I wauld place honror abave F. F. Morris Ca., Bo-- man,"ville, with brancýhes at Orono and Newcastle, are advertisng specPiasow widwshares, 80c, or band- painted ail shaes u $10 Pand $1,5, also Fiat raLss c-rtan ros at loc, 15c and. 25c at thieir furnituiretoes Dri. T. C. D. delhas opened a mdcloffirce at1 the corner of Churcb andi TeMmrnce SuretsBo- mianville, ila the officp efrmi- erly" occupied by nDr. S. C. Bowmrauville awnBowling Clubsinglesbor Me season. Kedr on Younig Pe:ople wHIlpresPnt the Frui t of His Folly la t1he Mtods Scb0oooo on Friday, Oct, Hlaydon on Saturday, Mvr. David A'lildreadnmet wltb a. palinful accident. A hunit- ing comlpainion shot atfa rabtand part of the, shot hit Mr. Alldruead laithe leg., M.and MVrs'. Frd en sgem were -pleasantly sur- prised at their homec on Sa-t- udyOctaber 2o onte occasion of their 25th we-d- ding anîersry.M rstheFrank Oke read an address with Boyd Wîlox and Rosinu Edgar making the presenta- sions. Greenaw anad Ellott Causuilting Enginleers, wnill give >ou a free estmae oni charges for installing aMc CMarns SuasineFunaC. Phone 18 day or njih. Oshawa ToAwn Council ba taken the first steps ta- wards inca(-rporating Oshga- wa as a city. E. W,.lvr enrlmn ager of nthec.electric Iune ,or the, CN.R., stated Friday that the tracks of [te new hue between Tarantoand Bowmanvile w&11 be par- tially laid bDefor'e the snaw%ý flics. There are 14brde betwecn Wbitby and Baw~ manville and the bridge woArk ill becmpeed be- fore the ,tracks la Ibis area -are ild. -_ --1 Who has Mbe Progruessv Couservative nomination for- Sarnia-Lambhton also declar- es imself ta bè a dissidenit from the Liberal ranks, He-iý is try:ing bis luck ag>aînst Jack (Bud)Culln vwowag el!ected first la 1968 andbs b3een parliameéntary scrie- taryý of Donald Macdonald )Cf Toronto ln the latter'sprl foisof defence aud reergy, mines and resources for the;1 past two years. Out on the wc-tst caast,th Coneratieshave gtec in A. B. Pattersnin iithoi riding of Fraser Valley. Mv,. Patterson held the seat fram-r 1953 ta 1958q and fromi 1962 ta 1968 as a Social Cr-edit memnber. lie losg it to a Con- sra ivelu1958 and it,- JryPrge a LAibea in Douibtless he was talkcýd into thie switcb bny, Robert Thom-ps, onetimeleader of thle Social Credit partuy la Canada w ho switcbed tA the Conservative party bims'elf before the 1M68 electin. Mr. Tbompsou bas lef t 1bis own ridig of Red Deer and i8 opposi n ary Mather, the NDP mmbrfor- Siury- white Rock inla sburban Vauicouiver siace 1962. Mail sire, ddcto beforedem My Caaa wud b vren ith lhope rath ria wib pl 'Lridle Mof urcpose at r thlAn prî de 0f1emsie ues, I woul e or Cihe unity of anc nLainlunderI Godl, reo z n laailhu- mililytatbuit for, bbc grace of God, Ibere waunld ibe n), Cndno n ity aadno n demorati cletionfor any, Prime Mînister or Hoscda Commonns. Youirs suce Patricia 1Young, ~2(Corner fr 91ýoels AUTUMN Hlow the faihing leaves play oas That ý,joîn the wind lilscantatiis - The aad ooeis gong sauth And rcstlessness is hIke aur outb Aulumuii, youir gown is bebcnfiiûl- Cod, your gifts are bountifuil - Su-reiy, there is no btter time ta Inprayi Than ou thiis bib October Day. Gide us on 0aur ,vaid way.- Holp us trustyou as wc Say - The Aulumu i ýi s sil.ing imre A time for npnigonLIcs Vine. -byMananT'aylor F1'ord OCTOBER'S VARTY Oclober gave a party, bbc leaves by hundreds camie, The chestaul-is, oaks, and maples And heaves aI every name. The sunsbine sprcad a carpet and everylhing was grand, iss AWeaher led bbc dancng Professor Wid -bbcbaud. The chestnuts camne luin lo !he oaks in crimson dressed, The lovely MissesMal Tui scariet lookcd their best. Al lan ta their paturan gaýily llut1lrcfby 'Jhle sigbtwas ike a rainbaw -v Ncw ,;fahlin lram bbfc skilr. Thien luna rusiolPow aI ide and se henrt cosd tcuio. Prolessof-r Wn[paedhuder, lhicy flcw ;alag tbbc grouud, Auidthen bbc epa,-rty ended With baudis across al roundf, -Comoscdby George Cooper LESS TTAN $1 A POUND The average Norbh Aeia uo mobile wcigbis Close ta 4,000) pouuds, wicbi means ta most of lhemn cost les-, th-ar$ a lb., says the Outario Saf'e- t-Y League. Wbea yaou figurte that ti spae car, bas about 15,000 parts in it- caýrefuliy assembled by sûomehgh sklcÏahor, 'you wndr owgrcr stores ever justify the crurreut price a meat. E