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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1972, p. 6

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The Canadian Stateern WILLIAM (BiLLi CIRE 7th at Hlsl aoM fbrmnerly Iived it 77 On1tarjoý Boru Diec, 92, 189 m Enlglandi fie was thl'le son of Uthe Ilate Mni cndMr " Ilm Coi]g Me wrkedfor CoMlars retjired in 16. lie is survîved b y toa fers, Mrs. Lou-is Mo1sier (Lily) ers, Frank alnd Arthur of: Be-llevîlle and Chasrles of Mr, codliig asaithe ALrml- strong Finra Hmewth ila-ý tcirmennt aithe Oshawa Union Cemretery and Rv.AlfredI WoolcOck fiitd tjýla fihinig fhealt.h for Itwo 1 IOnths, the deaili of Rubyý ý,Tae Co, aged î41years, occur- ii- i Thursdayý, October .5th,ý 192 n Ilemorial Hospital,I Bnwrmanville, ai :30 a.m j3orn in ClarkeTonhpse was the daughter of -Mari Edul-cated ai, Shaw's schoiol ,nd c Eow m a iv îll igh School, she was nmarriedý March .5, 1921 to the laci Kenineth E. Cor, whc pred-Ï reased ber july lith 1966. Resîding at 110 King StreetÎl East for 20 yaers and prýe- viousily4) cxi ingston Road 'Eaýst, the late Mrs. Cc)x wasi 2member of TrInity UnitedC ~ hucliBowmnville, nd cf Durham Chapter O.E.S. , o 'I81S h fe was a Pasi MIatronc end a Life Memrber -if the' Cirder of the Eatern Star. Ics ing mrothler, the de-( ~esed-. was_ primrairily intereat-,2 e d i nlier family and homne.ý she was aise îintere(ste2d in al <dirch soialand clvic ev-ý ii tsoccurln, -in the are das long as Iiherha!th pervmitted, coninueid to take nacierole. SSeleaves to im-ourn bher S Ret a Car for ADAY OR WEEWEN [Ask for Eae . 4'S CHECKING MYý eXPENSE ACCOUNT?"j Meonp pg, beth ou and away trom -the promlises;' thle cme' theft Riad iablijty coverage 13t a Hom11eownper Polcy le avail'.I able la a TEN'.ANTS PoIicy,ý from 1,11; Jamnes Insuranceýý iecyLimited. James IRSurlne DOUGLAS S. A E/ý Ofe6,23,3681 eidne623-5023 '.~.- t 1 Y - FORLI SITUATfED I OM EXIT THISSTIO( TO- THESCCSFL WI1TH A -'AID TWO!f FOR FUU LL PARTICULîý i WRITE~ b e nan, Boxranville, Oct.18, 1972 TU m arAipl i ard copa sngt o 15ns d fosioners fYCanda, nd a daugbters lise (Mss Jijack srco ibteS.Jh Wyie Lndn.onld1c1Abuance, a ndCIservend i I "o vsv ewHelen(Mss.Alan canad duingIlle lstWod Gsev île), Oakvilie, Gri a ihte4t ibad LinlBaker),Oshawa, andi j.v,îg beies M Ma ry(Mss. Ted Rger) 05kîFgan re icdren, Mss.oul vile. isetbre sstes adZ. Gibson (Nm), MaryDein- one n brohr Mss. Lor; neds iCnadO r (Verna), Tyronie, MýTr, Brt" The ueral was hed on Jel, shwMs EbrSattirday, Oýctobcr1 Mt,.97 Soden (ea)!. .6 E pot ueral Home Witis Jeei cmnil evc.Itrmnt w' a s trn The funeral .Cvî(,vcw. BwînileCemdecery Tp Uni. O1ake ,from theMrrsFunr- re ïd. - Mical jand Bran nluos ai Chapel onSatuirday, Octo- FaaEme n rsGb ber 76, 1972, ai 2S p»,. Inter- son. Many, beautiful floral' met asinBoW Ma n vietkecnsrexpressed the respectL Cemeteryý. ,'in whicb 'the dmeeasd wa Palibearers wonxe Me,.rs hld amongst whic were cnes Eber Snowvden, Lorne Phare, f rom Bell Telephone ýPion1- Elmer Ccx, John Ashfo,eers, Gnoodyear SupervisionîS j Denis Pickard and HiarryClub and the Canadianilm-, Colct.periBank cf Commerce. *ýI.1P Amcng the many beautiful i- floral trîbutes ttestin.g tolFRED R. STEVENS thie esieem lxi wvhich the de-n aBwavleMmsa ceasend uas beld were tîhose !oit, nMnay c.2d fmDubmChapter O.E.S. 1972, wehe bereuned for bisqfcpy ýNo, 181 and the Elecrops' ast ive hours, Fred R.-1 Stev- j BasebalClub., ns slipped aPway. Af tesbi hast sericus illness cf threo HECTOR JAMES DARNE Irnnils n bospitals in 1971 The deaili cf Ms.Hector ýho was able te returahiomeý James -Damke tek place in&telis loved mies and mnany Port -Hepe hospitalf on Friday, f 1riends fonr th, last 16 months. JuIY 2MlstN92 alter an ilînos a Sam.h ls fv wes Brereton (12R ) Deputy Ch-'ief of theN sie Fise Deparimenit anid of somne weeks. tenjoyed driving bis cas. Fise Captan Aiberi Nayler stand in front cf the oldNe. 1. fise truclk freom New.- Son cf Mr. Josepb Darke ,Fted wvas bora la Bowvmaa- castie wich týoek part in SitufrCday's Fire PreverPitio,,n parade ai -Boman1ivle. and bis wife Ana Basseit, hoavile Feb. 3xd, 1902, the sec- was bora Marcb 1.9, 1891, la oad,'son cf John O. anid Mr port Britain in the bouse luilt etud ley) $eea.Ed- by bilrnfahr oh cidat ]Maplo Grove andr Dame, omavil lie lef'cinto jin lie atteded sehool la Port the banking profession. R-j Briananad iter in Wesley- urI) the home fasrn four, ville wbea bis f amily mnov à yass laies ho rmarried, in Os-5. RWi'"/ there te live nmorcf îthe Va, the- former Constai3ýice'pe-4 ato j chuscli on the bill. Seward, daugier cft he laie 0lu iu He vus a member ef Weso rbrnn oaSead i leVille churcl and latex Earîs- ncle the late Rev. Hexheri court United Chisbi Ts-Fcley, peomed the cesem onte, wýhere bie -went te worlk meony, Jan, 16tA, 1927. TheyY1 ~ as a young mnan. Heo weked settled in thecir new home biit ai munitions beo ee enita n theUNf axm by the late BIk l1917, and on bis retura from Stevens. With bis fathler hoe eVerseas, maxried Emmina Broo- cOnitiauled with the nlready CHýEF BYA-I ing cf Wesîeyvilîe, in199sabshlPr Bred Hoistei R VILIMII R a 7 Ia 1920 lie began working at oràc c1 o.Mewet n o EG Z u Canada Packors and semiaod produce aRlUneOcf top record there ulntil bis retireuxut la and prize winning catule, belpl- lIPNS(ASSOIe AREIE 1936. He reiurned te Port, d by bis son, Harold,wh IUPAS Britan wbero ho k cpibusy mYar1ied Joan Booacl. Allergies-, M looking afier sevýeral cottagp oce hmtogioupiis U l tR[ AL)ï,,CHMPO Which ho owned ai port Bu- cf farmning. lie bogan a -wll CA F a tain shores. konand succesýsfuh 51mw- v.VRIlTN M-e leaives bis wife, fu brybusiness. This ton wes chuiren Bey Mes aa Mel gîven up a few years age andRAPRYORSAWRR (Mxs. Jas. Adamaca)of Tor- ortrdo h arte heElle oxto, and Donna, Mrs. Harl uglwbii1 he 5 OPai î A Wakly cf Port Hope; wle ea ion lake Seeafor. grandcchîldren anid one great H-asold. CIHOCK MUL -ONUi gandsea co is il)embr cfaple Gsoveg Clama Darke cf Port o,1Mis w edCburch CO FFEE VA<Uilpg r tainrsah lievusore d v 149IN The funeral was beld Drm oa er sa uio n Mhe Rona fueral chapl la Port h ao ee e s sc ecre- -'f Hope on July 24th wth the tasy treasurer. With ibe Bow- ~ ~ I servc ceducted by ev. J. manville Milk Preducers eg I C. MacFarlaxie and the ba-aiain ovas their scr-i TETE-HA iAE orsveresi -IrndsP Bryltasy 'treasuses until tbey cis- T PO 'ndRobert Adamnson,' Stevebanded. li!]the Ilasi f ew and Scott Darke, Dain Darke years howasae mmbr cf he 0F Il and JefifWakoly. Itrm Bwnavle Men'(lanadiaun LIPNS SREOAREIS W ini Welocome cemeîtry. Club .- a gathering ho very B S 9 htutl pagieasaltfu Mfrs.oDie had nt et bene il uhoe oe a lisms- ý~UL IShat cacfi and every day nt IGA, they're gel Mo en în u riîe i d o and godpric ... plus Ihal fami-ous frie happy nature and heloful waysi Hà is survived iby is ýwifwe aM) ioi a G.Qaiî,pioadgo as long as lie was abk o t belCoanie, a daMugte Dois C. s .-ý, M a cive. lIn te fulless f ye ars <Ms. R oy K . T p i g .P eter- ilst. iGA eal «r es A Q a lbout! ce n " "> hoe went away but left belind borougi,' and son Mlasodld ,- a fine contribution, tbrougb li Bwmnile IW.AÇ bis lufe, te the place vw h essisiers Mabel (0r11M . , 71;o leand memiories thai en- yrsmOeaa ndJa rih the lives of bis foiamily (Mss. Kea Sumnersfosdý), 'Bow and any rienls.manivillo, and was a brothe _______!ofcf the lamre J. Steveas OWN AVD AGN Grndsons JiaesJohn, Glenn W= An eploye cfthe ellaad Ted Topping, granddaug- )a'v,,, cfCaadror 3toms Lin, Dan a n gand Teehn-on Scott A'Ct>n Years, and a eietc o-The funerwas hedifmW'y W' manville for 41 yoars, thie Morris Chapel on Thurs.i e dçth cf Owea David Fagan, Ocoul wthiAerenMl, agod 71, occusmed folhowing aBwavlecmtr.Ss weeks' illness, on Wedn esdae, ()tobes 4th, 1972, in Memra vice was cnutdb i ospital, Bowmnanville. fsed e.David Marris woig Bora ia Deon, E ihrdîcluded Crossing the Bas in 5lnakernOthe.-aj y (Torquay) the son of )weýn l is Cod gfnoh r fioad, - Josephi and Mary Agnes (Toz-I!MyClo (chapel erganis), WGA AIPLE l) agan, ho sws educated îlnudod Lead Kindly Lgihtin STgi% in Eagland and wvas maried lier ýmusical wosip PîiUU~ onJue 20, 1915 te the forme eaesweecosn Iîo Johanna Mary Kenny wbo Munday, Oshawa; FiredWodDEM PSER S survives hlm. Bofore comning Robemi Stevens and fnîends CO K AIMOLA01 te Bowmanvilbe thy resided AMurray Jovyt, SameButter, in Shborne, Whitby, Toron- ail fromBomavile John:TAIMSE ýt and Sherbirooke,Qebc Huband,Osaa $ SHe was also etmrployed as a Many beautfl fowera- lmfU tR carvos anid gldes andi as n rangements and' donaionsto eýlectrical contracter. On-" 50- tho Canicer ,Socie-ty ,weme iÉrment 12 Years cgc. lie was Athuul tokeais cf resp ect a forman for Bell Teleho e. A mmbe c th RoanBusinessDirectory [S REquirED ,iýAIND APPLICANT FINAIN- N B3EGIVEN ALONG WIEK iTRAiNING A.RS CALL ORl MR, R. LOW I5ETRI~(IA CANADVA LTD., 403 McONNELST, DAY 705-743-7570 EVENINGS 705-742-9775 (nons cDo i nInStore) inldingSaturda Denal ugl ai 30 Silver St., Bowmanvihe Offce Houms 9 - 12 arn. - h - 6 p. excepi Satuuday n na 75 King St. E. Bownanvoile Office eus 9 1a0. eï6p.r. aihy7 Cloed aiudayand Sunda(Î;y Office ,Phiono - 623-57-90 Dowmapvile Profesional Bldg. n2l long St. E.-SUite106 Omff îce Hurs Wee'hd- aCIyI-vs -1) - 6,, Telephne 623-7349 6KngE, Site ,2A "lA 1.1- M-N1O-. ,COtO1, E O 1R .W-i- Mr adMr. .j Cap- MiÈad Mn-. TdFlvand bell ~ ~ W spn udywtther!Vis.Eaul HckoM wre un and Mr. ra Iuh and fomer'1couin, Mr.end NMs fdmiy, Bwrnavile. Tey IwînColweil. also elpe clb ratP, heji l'elterste inbei grandd.apghter C hristie'flgth hlrnsJ.cor itda.She was"14, nn frorn orne out topraciceon Tue1(- Sudbuy for the long wwel- dy v enig, 6 to 7. atoth endc. c[hurch. Mr.Roy To)p'jtdn,Ptr i Mrs Cdri Ru borug, pet fw ay Sliand family spent Cthe lai eek withbheohe r, weekend aiBeavr Parkan Mrs. F. R. Ste-vensý. OnIMon- held a fail%, Th nivin r d ay-, M.JohnTopnM.te. Glenn Topping and fiaend, Westeýrn UiestLondon, Ontarlo, caled f or a little BURKET1 výsit wîth the frersgrandc- mothepI M fn.Fcd R. Stevený. Mr. and MsC. Coo-r Mr. and Mss. TomGimblett Orno wresupergust c end sons, Kitchener, spent MssW, Bryaýn on Sny the wcekend with b Iis rnotiher1 Mn-ý. E. Srnti, M .Tnd Mss7". RseiGibet ist r FtgeadandColeAr Ms.ý and Mrs. John -Noris anQca1lled on Ms.R.D)ey r famiiy, Pand visied Is',father ends andnegosonM- Mr. Rus- ihetbMe- day 11o01,i al Rosp,itan, Air- s tnlyMClbuhi Ville. spending smetie i c MsMand MS 5c Vnnee e, njoying a m oehut Camp. BaseLine, AMr. Tom Mrs.R.Dae enyda VanriCamp, London, YMs. Roig- family- dinnes with theGrn C.s Marvin, HiloMs ami iyil of Zion -In sbw to Lisa VanCap petthe cel1ebrato w IMr. Samran week atitî cutagc>tMn hewnigo abatfl Lake. MissLorie VnCamp tropqhy an a lrge um c sp-nt the weekend wivth br n y b inn h s sîster, M.andMs.Gerry prm il n te Goid Baud Fj ig ïvMeDon)aldl, Oba A. r.andàcon RaCe, Cnrtltos ss. Neil Browvneiland fam-rSan. ily, Mss Edlna Van Camnil Ms. S. GratDardvmdan spent the cweekend ath, r laZion, cafled onMr.R cottages a i M Lake. M.!Davey on the holiday and Mrs. Charley IHynei-, Ms.rand AMrsA. Masjtn, ment the veekend at ternsho h ilg.wr '~,,- ,.,-of+ vprv cb icuagdwe cwluo 5shýp ir, IGA's stojre. Thpy know etting Ihe finest ini qucality, good seleci- indly, courteous serVice Ihat's bcçome service - they'r e lte'. importantl things o Lee their barn w a s o p! t l ow-vay wiTh thusoc fearly ,Savday mornirg, Aug. > 't-ilM'- M. Martens is'driving the laýst iîails jr his new barn 10i Ms. artens iand we do 1 ýp ýc l. as ceVter luck 1111 Soeattencled the turkpy ;i',c a Yelverton anid re- pot !,t han 900 there. sneinabout 7otir eductio . .-ou probably SeYour AdCuit Couase11or 7 e9p.m. ai thr GU1IDANCE OFFICE S~ared Sep. 1 > ne ap1ointm ent is nccessary. ovEN WVORTHýy SMAI izE F,,5. OFP, cOR SHOPPING CONVEN IENCE ~U 1E K.C WNMEY IS 1 9 b.~ ~ ur AYRASIIN JO S7e, FRASSRVALE FANCY PEAS & ÈAR1,T, Ï 45 G 49~ BIG "G', CHEERIOS 39c COCAPU Ie LýFS F00DPRUS ErFECIIVE WED.ýý, TIIRU S-A!, OCT, 183 - 21 Md unsCeu Shèmisubveioaed tond Widéid mony v;ta- fiin 'eeded FOI heoiti,. Eccl i isfound in varying a unsir, various *oods; tloerefoe, peopla eýwIt caso ent c a ugti cDl iseprper foadi jhoUjd Bn etigm5ailtAsy mre rOneay tM pend nm- i -l'i y' anani5vre Y - yur enu *~ ~ ~~~~~~~~f- Maypoped lo u prprydtaprol araamcintî.As, apepeicnmwbt a f sepyoeih CIt"oteîonu pîA"Onetn good utriton. A.Ii b 1a2co y of'Go Eapsg ElH5O' BABYROIL 7155WATE HA?7Oe umrt num me NMo1ne Umm. Li IGRS CUIIS LU RE <RODJCEQle.SA. -1,

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