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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1972, p. 7

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PhonCon3330 sur s Sid e enon, town, Vsitaios ith Mc. spen th pee wek itb ber Gardon C. Martin on the uCein sonDonldanti famly, Petr -nSgiigweedwcrecamp borongh. Ms ii iga I df a-fvc Cnngrations ltA A. Kbe ly end Mrse S.F. Bngbaml' g m of the Goadycar plant, Ba- tcn;me ndMr Manville. wbo cecently camr- 2Alrec Matin ianti f amily, Nw plete,(ti18 ycacs. caste; c.antiMc.LlyPgLI.A Mcc, S. R. James ni cc. Mac1tin antifaiî,Manotick; gradua Jak Dri]ae ceturn eti Mc andtirMc. Mnalcalm Hervcy,!dies -ib fm viii relatives i n Mla rkbha m,.1turcs Clevelanti, Ohio. Empboyece,, who mark 25 studies _Mc. anti McLs. GrdnC. ycars withGocjr7,ai Tire anticda MarinreurnidMoînday friom nbiÈ bec Campany Ltd.wîlaa a m--otor trip tar visit iiends'in' celebratne the occasion witb includE Orage ConetiutUS. inners ert Aeropac't Hilton aulditin No-Hotel, Mantral, NOv.Il3cdtidaa MAnt n irc. Shen atLte Hotel constellation in organ, thcy, Lekefielt, spcnt Stur- Torýonta an Novýemiber 4tb. others. day e\veing wiitb Mc. ant ig ixt-scvca arcexipcctcd toaet-! Unit C. Jobaý,s, iberty, St. Nor-th. tend the dinner in Taconta Unitec Mc, antiMiM . L L Roenigkwbicstars te e&630anti feet- hoMe spont te Thantrsgivingwmeck[ures lucky dcawc ta rouind ont son, T witb Mcc H. B. Kenner, Strat- the evening.1 privil ford, e-t hec summie r oan The second annuel stag re- in eti Lake uron, uniondin4cc of the (Cambin- sblp s Mc.1 anti Mis. Nrmn il- cd) 407/415/431/434 RCAF W Mc.: mnore, Lfcory, bave been viit- W II Sqnadrons wili 4e helti Toront ing wvith Mccr. %W. A. Etiger. in the R-'oof Garden, of the pianist Mc. ant inc. Jeck Crago wece Royal Yack Hotel, Toronto, on erbaro Sunday gucets, Satnrtiey, Oct. 2lst, 1972, fcom Harmo mc. anti cc. George Stala 3:00pm. ta, midnigbt. Ail Ai- fer ha: ton wore guets et the Coin-:lied ex-servîcemen wc7lcomne. opera, isýh - Gillespie wetiding înIFor full particuler, w rite ta caljes LaeiliUniteti Chucch onjGea. T. Sutherlandi, orgen izer, Pele september 3Oftb. 30 Editb Drive, No. 1201, Tocrý- penced Mýany wiiA1l be cary tleerna,ýnta 12, Ontario. given thiat Mc.ntdi Mis. Robectl Northumberlanti - Ducbe T'JOr:mn (Bob) D, Kejý irrholveti on'bave joineti og th is %ycac humn, Elgninlt, bave taken iip- esi- ta focmn a new anti beter as- wcll k daenlaBrgbton. sociation Vwîtb a new- execu- bave, At the mocing servi>e on tive commr.rittcc tbanks ta the Masýseý Sunday,(, et St. Panl's gooti turnout et ancui-cst rmeet- Newýý, Unriteti Cb rch, thefollowingg pualest montb et C.AS. Our ion cit chiltiren were baptiet by thOnes tmeetinlg is Oct. ltb eat the w- R 1v.H. A. Turrner: C.A.S. office, Port Hiope. Oui of se] Mc. ntiMruHerc Stwar gnst speakier is Mtrs. Baicy iandti and ",ay, "'Igstn, oreof Trenton who specializes ini as0 ant Trcy Kigon eccr-leariin n aong fui en wecendguete f br pr-chiltren A question anti an- by al! enite, Mc. ant i Mcc.George Stepletonl,Wvey Gatiens. swcr peciat will foliow. Iad Mrc, em A recent gucet witAM. anti ArM1. anti Feiguso n Mccj. V-ilfced AMindornaiti was andcrethy, Okwot, anti.Mc. Mie Davidi Lawley af Missis- wecSunday dnnrgus f u ,.A the former Emma - Mc. ntiMcc Ji Ahrnehy.raham ishe was Public Hcalth Nurse lanc ta fwn yeers ega Mis arlyn cDna-,Van- anti wes scbool nurse in the couver, B.C, fiw homne tahe Central anti South Wert wtbhecm parec ntM. antiMcc. sacl. 2As Mc. anti Mcc. Hug MconadBowmnvlle, Maintionelti tiove hec acouind foc the Thanksgiving holiday. th, t,,n anti sbawed bier the Weeknd- guets with Mc. ncw schools, she was, surpris- and Mcc'Wi %Lai Mindoneiti cd ant inazeti how the town wmeebec nphew, Mcr. anti bas growýn anti changeti ince Mcs Puh Symrons anti Dong- tbe 301,s!. las of St. Cathaines, anti Mcc. ýMc. Walter Fcanki, Mc. anti A. . Hrdig.Mcc. Alex MeRobbice flcw ta: sr Waiter Hawcer ecsonVan)couýver, =.C.whcrc thcy et-! Elottowno, aiedaugbt1ec, tended C.R.E.A. Conventioný Miss E iHwes, Torona,'72 heli in the Hatel Vncon- returneti lestTued from. a:ver Oct. lst - 5th. Mc. andt Mrs 1-day holiday in Spein, 'MlcRo)bbie extenticti teir stay, FiaýnLce anti Aigicr'. foc a few Tdeys eftec the çon- A Wendvisitors mwitb Mc. vention ta enjoyscame sigb a4nt i McRErt Gui, Durham sccing tours araunti Vanicn St., were Mcc'. iolelt GrOpp ver anti Victacia. Tbcy aieao of Tîlsonburg, Miss Pet GrapP visteti relatives anti frientis in antci he1ine M. Daviti Bctisb Calumbia., Thcy re- Stîinbtha Wsen n-turnet homne ,Thenksgivîng Versi y. onday. Cabaiu>, Cemerof o-Mr Jonathoni, sont of 'Mr. anti ninc wllnot r'un a Sente Mcc T'. C. Carteýr; Crig Vic- Ni Claus parade tbis Ymer. Dc, toc sen af Mc. ant i Mrs. Dennîs tianght Tom Hawke, ormer che1iurmen Coirinagian; Dustin Gregory , Fredm or the parade committee, Says son of Mc. anti Mcc. Grg the ,j thmeeleonto ufiiet time ta Caucb Shennan Nathanie, son Nursirm orgaize aeparadle this yeer% of Mc, nti Mcs. Jacob Gerryts;Sept \Mr anti Mcc. Jamies 'We1don!~Kimberiy Jean, tienghtcc of Wasbngtn, C.,we reentMc.ant Mcc. StanleyGyy gusewitb ,MUr. anti Mccs. tiuk; Jeremy Eoy,, son of 1hary Ambiose, WalyneSt., anti Mis. Geriffl Harnees; Seott: Oebawa; aiea cailers witb Mcr. Jesoni, con of Mc. andtiMc.1 anti Mc. rcie pCocrane, JohnKiZHlingbeck; iÀse 1Lu 1 Mc , R.E, mbosTaunton-Ann, tiangbtec af Mc. andtVi MceLa Ilti. Wes, Oshewe.John D. Lyle; De.vîiEiari GoodcarBowanvllerc- son of Mc. ant irMc. Johannes (jiet etyppittO.S. riPp ta Sappeer_ l; Shelley Lee' Our design enineer, O J. Nichiaghiter of Mi. andti r3. ton f ta~~~ foeapwctesi-JmsSnowden; TondtitiChs-ani n proucte, Hcrb sFic fieopher, son of Mc. antiMrcc. O meni. sowcek nt inlmoiti]Elliott Tremeer. ithe W goadt il1', L.Pooe spervisor, Most tiays last ywk the îng foi quablt onri RlhTnklker, smclh jof c-ooking penretti Mc. a pro cc eginorthe clescrooms of HQw'ard Jar- home tienSchool, Part Hoetiilat- gioup. 'ng tbe>appetîtes aotf et tne REH BOT janti teechece alike. Thie puir- presîti REHOBOTj pose af the event was not just C. M0 Ciiri,-tiani Reformed J"gaod eating" but an etinca- la the Ilionaievntwbc pravdiCawýke Chiurch the chilticen witb new aces aËrendai scugog Street aniguage devclopmnent, f emil- cai 62-47 iecî,zetian with vegetebl es, conitain Phno 6Z40 caakinig anticoakLing impie Variai. SUNAY ERVCES mentsnimost iimpactant, the w- dec su»Ay SRIICES hiltory af the Thenksgivng igbitï 10 a.m, feast. Tables in the kintcgercus ten dace wce eeset with cusceti 7 p.m.autnmn vegetabies încinding he Mr Berck ta o ;d -Hour ýthe traditianal pumpkin anti H TIW TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mirister --- Rev. -N. Wesley' vOeke, B.Th, Organist - Miss Gail Thompeon SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1972 11:00 A.-M. MORNING lWORSHIIP SUNDAY, OCTOBER ' 29th, 1972 ANNIVERSARV SERVICES IL arn. - 7:310 m Rev. T. A. XMorgan, CGuest Speaker- Nursery care ftor childreýn ink the pîrlour during srie St. PauIl% United Church Mini1ster: Rev, 1-1,A. TuLrnler, ý.Ai., B.D. Orgzanist: r .Mtaf ARCTACCM 138th Anniversary Services SUNDAY SCHOOLI 9:45 a.xn,- 9ears old 11n(1 up .1:00 am 4 to 8 years aid "Littie Less Than Gati» Dr. Rý. M. Freeman of Queen's University Trumpet andi Vibraphonle Solos 7:00ý p.m. - "The Search for Mleaning"l Rev. D. Arseott of Courtice "ýTh!e Carnbridfge Six" chiorýal grouip from Litdsav. -Violin Dfuet- Seainiscby ouýlr owiî choir 4 etbt evces Infant core duiring Mariing Service Noyený' The et avei Mr. an Hope, antihb rcîpes Aes ce be At hýati 7MI ant ID Mc. as lest an Mu. aI and Aý sin day Tbanks Mis. J MU. n Wue a spenti nipeg John St. ThE coc an( on Fric Otserf MAi Brantir Mfonda: UMC. 'MecM Bfckl, anti hi home, dînner the pot vcd hic rfsinlds ion a;s eFiRegis"te'retiIn- i Accouiintat e t 1972 > 'cation, of the Sacicty o00 ;rai Aco ltnt oÔnt-ý n Toronto receýtly . Mr. ai3i Accounts Payableýi.ý e t Genlerel Motors of. da in Oshawa. Hîis greti- S mrks the siucessfflý etion of tbce Society'si cac mnanagement accout- aducation. progcam, leati b is qualifcation as a Hel is part of tMe 197 iating cdam of 330 R.IAs hae completeti teir stui- by attcniinhg evcning lec- 1oc by correspontience' es, Lectures are condIut- Ducbemr College in Osht- Thefv-yrprga de courýces in accouinting ing, maagr a stats, Ploce ssinrg, ecionics anti izationel ebevir ong it Six laidies of Tr-inity1 Id Cbuircb met et thie' aof Mc. anti Ms. A. Gar,- Vicarns Ave. Tbey were ege t t be entertaincti dition ta the usul ,nIwoc- service anti discuission byý Ken Kiefuc, baritone, ta, Mc.,Wedon ilbuirn, ti, Toronito, andi The Pet- ro pers Pets Quarcet of aony Iii, Mc. lKen Kie- ias touret i wibCanadien a, ppeeretiin musical sncb as "MoutHap-"- «("uys and Dale", ap)- I( on TV nidradio anti cIitlsin antiaout ta. Mi. Weldon Kl wortId rnnoetian<i known in nmical cicces bas given concerte in yv Hall and appea-,reti in York' Montrl ,21ant ilna- tic PU avec Canada aîî iol.Their presentation cectve fneom nic .sçngs, jbe PipecPets Hamonyv autsantiing anti elit- and was greetly enjyeti IL t r afMc. ntiMd vorson, wgratiett fa 9th. Miss Morisoni E itly eriphoyetet Itl IZÂBETH VILLE lendeti foc lest wek,) rchuirches weoc eýt Cen- ,-r be acea. .1t.was fthel lrsary servies ,Wetiestiey a[iecnoî br October wssheltina and Mc.AW. Longypar's It wap Mcc. Langycar's AC gootnd umber et I. Msus RocsBeattyct ent, presideti, anti Mcsý eceer acttias ceccetai ýabsence 0f ccW. G en. The minutes wpe and approveti. The roi1 rasi 'Wihealgrain nsi the most proteinl" us anwr wc ive-n eided ta ask ,whPttht7 answe'Prwes. A chart eon Nv 22niias us- 1. Dee (,getesa taou,: covetinwere t) s. J. Robinson anti ndMcc hieýkonr. 1Mus.. L.Mu ave eor n tbr Tesenior prai cet fa: itris Onfurio Fruit [icit et Oron., Naàinde: cbosen. 'A.wacksbiop For îsnft Dis;tict Ita do0 witl' Jcal ReeachanOct, Bctbfany -was dîsc2usseti -ccc init)itaattend. e t tSe bew Lieon, ber 29. meineting wfilton tura- nr ta oui guest speakers ild Mccr. J. 1Lawes, poil wbo- pkeon nutrition ýanti bookiets. Lunch 'reti. Ne,-tnt ee-tin'g tc Mc. anti Mrs Blton's. anti Mc.H.Mutr cantiMcc. B. Ments] aysColdprini~ nid id Mr is. R. Avery iat expece 1M. Anti osea' a MrlirTIai ý ivinta-' anti( IMcc. . KTh11i ck son ces. E. owecani fýan- EantiMrc K, Fowlec, ly',son, Stackviflep, On y, andti tby spent mgýiing with Mc. anti J.De Kaker, Uý,rbcidge, d Mrs. NWaecusec aloi at Uxbcige anti Mcc. H.Quantri*li ilie pest wee(k inWn antiha bat n.anti Mrc Quantcilianti farriil wcese, on Thanksgiving.ý aid Mns. W.casccelton the weekcnt near Si- ti attenietia \wedding E. Fowier le moase 19 eong with- a fcw feiiows. anti Mc% H.Steats, cdily for Spai on anti Mr1s, C. :Beattyj vitb1 Mand]ti Mcc.W. Cnoon Suntiay, dte whIole filiy en onia focranfowi whe e y JcpUIcc iln 1, ato"m- n f n s e In S t. John's Anglican Chiurchi, Towmanvilhe, Setur- day, -Auguet 5, 192qt 3:30i pam., Rv.T. Gracie un-iteti inmcig Lorraine Maxine Halmes, dcauighter of McI. anti1 Mus evi oms, R.R. 3,1 Bowmanmville, anti William Dean Davis, son af Mcc. Myn- tIc Dav-is, IMaple LeefO, On- tariro anti the hate M. W. Davis.The wetdingusi was prefarmeti by Mc1. C. Ev-i ans, ani the cburcb was dcc- ocatbetiwitb pink ant i witej carnatins.,3 GAven in merciage by lberi fatherl, the bidechose ea lýovely ,floor ln( stpe gown it ih e aboat in'ck trîca- mced with ens lcempire' wailicwit? e at vense bow, flounicet emln witb a etc el hpel trin. Aj idenc ii ,ontulev i a quet ai sevrtt(en pink ross, Glen Lea hple see whie ingesanti star flow- DnDvs el ef b ers. pwroms botbec, anti Kevn! The bidai attendants wccc Holmes, the britie's br.othe(r, Mcc,. Bruce D)avis, Newmecr- For th)e receptian lhelti et ket, matron ai hnocr, bide te eio all, the brltic'sý maitisMc. Gene la Chapellc, rmothechos a rose cooet Oshawa, bath sisters ai the ,formel g0-n of magi!;ccrp cite,MssSentira Botbwel, TwItb white ecce-ssacies, and Maple Grave, Miss Che-yl the gcoam's imother w'ore aR Gui, Tocantaanti flowecrl %floor lcngth peach crepe Miss Lance Anni Davis, New- gown withi whitec accessories merket, niece of the bride, anicorsages Of wblite 'miiue Tbcy wace formenl lengtÎilzoina anti rasqes. gawns with lJong sIeeves airi Foc the w,ýedding tnp j)ta bodi(ces of lbot pinik sheer the Uniteti States ani Nor-l crepe cwlt muve, pink at hinOtro tebiechosec golti plaid skirts oi sheer a poicc rbine crepe dress crepe. The heatipecs were Wth whitcaccessociesanti a flowcrs of mtý mtra osg of pink rss The, anti tby arricti white antýinhppy couple will becei, n yehlow carnations, et16%½Thocton Ave., Lo- M\aster Bnedi.ey Koss,- Oshi- don, Onitaria. awa, e nephew ani the groom, The pbride is Riisect mes ring beacer. The etNusn sssat at h mnan wes Mc. BrueDvsome'qCaunty artLoeai, NTewmarket, the gr(o' r-SpeeCutRpre o eral. à I 1 c ML.UThe bie a ue,4of; LU cLUM "WdigBelR1.ý ing" ;Dep cymn,ýpathy isexenet piannîeti foc tis ý3monitb henArtbuc Millsoni. Ocon f ai an ppuaryouths-, MatrRcrdWrini asF hlic wifee ccnliing maiti-1wek witbhiganpret, en, Miss Junie Bonof Scar-lMi. ati M.s, . .,Ashtan. borugh Amng re-uptaiMcc. P. _W. Werry e1petet - pariti es anti brridi sboencwas cne-scý,,Ie ith i, anti Mcý.ý r aconivai athrig a abutJim MaarcCrt atifamnily iiil 1,00 fri En isatidrelatives et th1,honara Mc 'Mocre ' i om u i H all. A com m it- ,blrth lay ." tootyShar]p, Joyce Virtuie MisPnyBctept S ani Rutb Stengzer arganîzeti the ween ithrr gra-nd- S ib-is part-y ta banýoc Juneai pret, c atiMc.F - auene.Lovely fiwe ar Bckett, ~ mgeen ,vithl pinlk anti W , ,Eaepes ako whitc e i nisraeMs usemd Tebb is eovr Sgave et festive toucb. A pcty nlicely fcom hiec car ecciý- corsaâge aibuonicier ct îmatie by Mc tne c.Cifr es Spinnieti an the ucesafbnn îicPnnw r iîtors, by Mcni MccT]. Doug 'las'1 witb 7 1jMc. anti Mc c. Laine Asbta. McPBeyAslitoliiwVSLmb lthe genilïMýC'. wholabi . niMcJ.17StuartLmb tchalirmran's re-mauks xett cat c.R oewr felicitetiane fîom tule esern - ots wîth thei( L.Lmbs r lJed faieati annoruedi the Mc. iantic. C. Saitndnt fo]lowing pic,-gir:m: a pia3no,' sala"Baiati" b Mis Sronfamiywîecailereo Sna - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Wer, uocu raîg tM'. antui Mcc. 'Walter Orm,-ý "Wha TeA Fmil?" y Mc itn', Osh1awa, ani -aie e erlIsht.A piao sî M.DaeBtbcl i, a "Andnte' by aste BretlGrve. Clemeso(nrhew i the , Mc. Brb Staiin1ton ïvit gcom-eectiracHipto). înig relatives ii Toonito. Rednewbich prvitti oatiMuc. Alle ery wes Thur,- etiviýce by Mc.Ciaren("ce Stain,- dyunch!e)leoguet ai Mi.. ton entîitieti 'How ta Be,-a VnnOsborner,Oswa .Gooti Wife", 'Wa aGoIIMcanti isc. 's . R. c HcatShioit BRe L"ke" ai vi siteti i.E. J Dcf so Dsinforac a orle". A pjianodantiter friende eý,t Hilledlale -sala "Lîtie - Peepl" by Ms Manlor, Oshewva. Daim Lemb. Tbýe lace]ra- i' niMs ,1itnDkn tquartet reduet toa a rijo Moc.ant c.Mlo ei 1give E. Wli'- n hiï anti f eml _niy , MapGrav,ý tpianlist LMrs. Wn1igbýt the pi\ werc Snniayv dinner gueste ai' l lege ai jaining the spci(a cou01- Mc. anti Mcc.Murray Mac- ipie in th, audience. Som-re McV1, ani Mcc. R. Lamb andj comical verses comïposeti 1 Lesc, ecvi1os îhMc. vMr. O. C. Asbton wee unlg at u. rni Hmea i by the tria 'witb Mcjs. Chamof 1bers presitiing et the -lai-' -('troog, nSniy 1The trio escotretiJfune-ni ïrpié JrC Ga Laur-ence ta thle stage, Mcc.J atpailPr erry, wr Sieman w1rat[cngîe 3iiaîSncliay, aiena ntrite -atitiese i!ievgrymeani gCste aio MýVrc.ti iF. W - we reti y Mc LcckiMc-We rîly Nir. t apacoman',~Mc-, anti Mcc.Allen err -the, cammnitiy gif t presenteti wcguests et thle lew echool by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1' Mc0niMc ogasAh eiga Tnestiay et Taon- tlon, a tard table at carset., cRgWavnAcs Juniie ;anti Lauirence exPresset ter sp etag Utheir sinecte eppccciation for tr pei ouple ai deyse thetcightnl ecf ati sefl wth c.ant i MccF. Beckett gift. -A delicloos lincb inclut anti ceties . od-s-io cd e special tcet of ce a d Mc,.aniM.LlyAson iceccm pravideti by thie Messis. Ron-ald anti Rey Ash-1 *giom's parente.tseyo;M, usl The foucth mleeting ip othe itn eeSniyda ýEni shýilen Betnohes 14recgesewihM. anti Mcc. et Eiekillen Unitedti Curcb Mîlfton Stelitan. ai 0 p1n.on Ortoberl, oth, Mn. anti Mcc. F. Beck ett hati et7:0 .mSunday dinnier witb Mu, anti 192witbi 17 members pr-esen,,t Mcscý"Tbb R and opeei dWitt the eid . Rli', . TbR.SniR.,Wmi- miuts ithe lest n e Mc ani Mc.R. enter Mcc MLaghin isusetand femllily, Bey _Riiges ,vwere witb us -about AchiievemnenitSnty ire gs wt M Cs. iemon. Seo l shit or teonsraionwcdec ____________ itietionan etimonsicetion. Thon i thegirs wnt n wth he GET CASHI TODAY qthinigs thcýy areaking. w ,recent v oitrfaiMc. antiJ S T A T E ' MAN MicS. MCbei,*Bowe, BoScay- PON 1623-33 S 'gean. hono1rE ;tet hwcrs govenby Gwen L hple saa Mises Checyl anti Sentia pliances from the Office Saff in Lot3ion. pcesnt rom DeepP Rvr oughi, Taconto. Osbmwai, intýI- sey, Maynntb Bacro)ft, Newcasti, Trentn, Mnpl Leaf, Port.Pry Pmboe Newmarket anti MpjIe Gave Symnpe)thýyof theco Lmnmun-ý ity ie extended te Mcî. fanti Mre. Joh.n Wolters anti fam- lly on tePassijng of Mrs. Wvoters' father aver the weekend. The f u nerel w asý heldcion DMoniday ,vafterrnoon from O0rono Church. sunday callers of Nr. andi MUr Tom Hode andi famnHll endIMrs, 1. Argue warc Mr. and NMrs. RselHeniry af Mîr. anti Mca. Keitb john's- ton, Bellevill, spent Sundavy witb bis mothecr, Mrs. J. A.ý Jobiston Winrat fthe wekl crd Party were: Ladies' higb, JO- annrm e m;s e do0Yd, IVrs.ý Ethiel Crook; consola-1 tin, Mrs, Archer; men's highi, Meae Shortridge; second, LAi--1 el nBya m; consýolation, Os- monti Wrght. Thie Havetoon 1Dance' sponisored hy the .NO.onp sýatu1rdey night was a fine succýess, witb enjay ing the xcelet music of J oey Van Qat.S everal9 spotdCesatideti ta th1ee- enjoyedtiie new floor in tîheý Rec. Cere.1 Socry ta epotithat wcý'll-1 known former residents, Mc. and Mrs. Garnet Wrigbt and, Miss Hz'e Wright wcre in-1 volWMd in a cýar accdent Sun- day m1orningý. Mrs. Wigýht aptetin Osbç1awa Hospilal 1n gerJLus condition wbli]le M. Wrgtis in Port P1erry H.'os,- pital wt esr nuis Our Concero goes utto DMr., and, Mrs. VWright ant i teir famnilies in tis area anti else- whmre. Mîr. an Mr. RlphLa!- mec, Devitiand Paulver- Cof M.andrcs. Ray Es er ofOsaa Thwe Cre ce hcatîhng thlarmr'and i.- sec's wcding nivrare On Saurdy teWo n' Instii1tte bd a Colau'r tourIT icuigPontypool, Ganar-1 a ska 1H1iîs, Milbrook arnd other points for some of aid er and chtm Cit-izens. Twn 1cars driven by Mrs Gadysý Thiompson and Mc.Ruthi'i Wl7ilsol n tookthe foîke an theý-jp Ftouirs. AfJterward they enJoyi- ed supýpexr nit Mrs.Gl adys Thomp.o-,n's hbome whlh bH been prepareti hy Mrs, ev Balyand Mrs. Elizabethý On Tbursdaïýy îMcc. O.(),Hili celebrateti ber brhdywith twa surprise parties. n the afternon nrine ladies hadà MVrs. *W. W.VaCmnth tokplace for di 'rAnde- ening et the home of ber rdaughter, MrandtImr.s t Rabhm,/Attenieing mwre rRv. Claren-e Fe'rgulsoqn, DoMils 11'ev. ndMu's. Merrîfliegu erbrouh, c. nd Mr-, CA1-ý oA course Nrn. ilhoersif The Cnde ttsaBowman ville, Oct. 18W197 BLCKITOCK MaRny haipy returnes, 1Mr,;- Mr, and Mrsý. Iik Kewin, Ldfl ope ±own-lilp, BeacnsfildQuebec(, spent most o)f lest week withehr (Intended for ls week) father, MVr. Everett Trewin. Mr. Harry TaeWlad Mý,r. aind Mrs. WilbertAr- was vîsiting is7 daughiter andc c.-her were Saturday gucets of son-rn-law, Mad Me MVr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Charlie Rbaby, for Takgv Bowmian.ville, On Tuesd'iy' îng weekend. they hlad às a caller Mm Mrs. Margairtitney le Doniald lHallJ of Willowdale,. patient at the Hiort Hoi_p Has- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Bryn Mr. adMs hs eel and family spent Thanksg e eein Ohw ai inig with Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Thiursday visiting M'ýi:, Meni B3rowýn. and Debbie. Tbey also ley's sistr whois co17. e called on Mr. and. Mrs-. Scott to' the hjospîta-j liher. Essery and girls and Mr. and Mr s. Le o Titterington and M\5rs. Jim Bryans, ail of Cour- Raymond spent SundrnA i tice. Monday callers were Petcr-borough and( e1noyed, Mr. arnd Mrs. Bruce TripDp Thanksgiving dîirner wit h and girls of Oakville. frierc Jndatee. 1On Saturday Mr. antd Mrs M.HrldAvv Trno Ed Haýrris and sarne of their the XMarathlon walker, for te faiiY attended ûthe Golden Crippled Children's Benej.fdt Wedtijng anniversary of Mvr. Fund whoý left Monreao and rs. Casey Flett etý Fen-- Tbuî'sday, Septembr 28GFor elon Falle, Toronto, a' istance f 4 t Miles, dro-pped in ii At1. M0r. and Mrs, MVarwood Me- Meneilleyý'sFray 9 a rr., Keýe anrs. Ed Lawaon'of October1 6 for a tfehn Nesteto vistedMrs. \Van- drink. He aid he had about flan of, Oroaon, Sunday. 50 m I o -go and bhoped te> Hari, eahToono aurayasi Mr, and r, Ed meanrris,,00for the C . Mris. Grant Edg'_-ert;on and He was ls; axiustage -Ann, Grant and Neil Mc- home, as theicre hadmdbeen 'an Laughilin were Sunciay, dinnter addition to their famloa guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- baby da1te u Ing th ra îBrkett and family, Port nigbt.He asuteheru Perry. -Mr. and Mrs. Harris although bvîng m discomfort attenddFort Ferry T'United with bis etc,,,He ,wais -gvenî Churchi service îrin th morn- a contriibution, congratulation7s ing w-here thecir grupnHHau9h- and hest wishefs and wetl ter Joanne Birkett was heap- happily on hie way towerdo KEEP YOUR EEON 77 KING ST. EAST WE'RE GETTINGe READY TO SERVE FriedCicken DeI Don't 'oretlNerbe 4t POPP A Positive Program for Nortý'humberlcumnd Ee pl rme Mnse' fie Budget 1950 1960 1966 1971, ('fr ncyear) $50M0 $50000 C7500 $915,64 U7nuseti anKIEmpty Zàirnum Plant in Port Hlope- $7 Mllion Dollars. Better Ferm Incarnes *Nwforcîgr tretecuHsade sý-o1tha3t oau ai ropa Mceni bc sold for- the eeoîdpirices aveilable. Improved c:redit. arrangem-nents, low interest lind forgveab '11as8tabelpfarmer iprve at expantitheir opertionsant Ioamet young fIam- * rusingeting esablshcd a othtafi mnay beutransferretiuo nc rmember of e ai l t'na anth ci. New Iclus-y anti Dvlpmn 1nrease nt gPnidnsanti tx dolars inthe urben'eea fcoi bm An is ii hp ýdDevebpment of barbour faîibtis tagive local pension ta hrîng it in une wSui the incresemd Cost idustries NlE cceustath e St. Lewrec Sway of livng anti beref týei pension ta coa-t af anti the markets of the wrd i ving.*Greettr ca-aperetiorn with the provinta ý?help pravide basic services sucb as owater andti erage, MoreTouistDolarssysteme-u in designateti growth erees. * More fetieral assistanlce fo-r impra-ving lclril * Greater dev,,elopment of h xpinl t our ist anti crassings anti subways. reretinpotenitia wt1nNrt b'Xn-Dr e will ma)ke tbe PQC.fetcrel govcrnment ewAre: hem ni--iecognition that nerw Federal plan is neetid- of neeti foc atiditionel funti fo raicrossing, etc cd ta help preservýe bistoric sites ani ildigs Alln en awre oilwork foc greater fdrlco- * Govccnment aid foc the tourist industry on1 the operation ini develaIping the Tcornto Centrei-eg- camne basic as for other jicustcýy. lonel plan as it effecte os ubrat-uhm O OBRLETLAWRENCE, AllanI Marrie d by Rev. T. Gracie Mr. anti Mis. lWilliatm Dean -Devis 1

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