16 The Candian Staten'ian, Bo Mani1 * c., 1072 Prof'leof an Unnown ard Whipple, the General Maniager of the Boýwïmanv-lleHolg- t vork in his, office. Mr, Rohe-rt oghoPlant Mna er frHl linghea, psesfor a picture outside thiedoors oIf (bc mtain lobby, ___________ The miachiine in thlis picture is only a sm-1all secion of the hligh sp)eed bottlillg unit used at Hollingsheadl. This particular machine is capable of fillingl, capping, labelling- and cratingz 120 15 ounice bottLles per inutiie. When this phloto -,as takýen, thle machiine was f illinig bottles with snowm)obifle oil, one of over ý500 prod- uets which corne out of the Scugog Street plant. S MAPLR: UKU; ~ympatby ofntthis community rmtn.Hwr1a3drPltril cs eended 1to MriS.PRu,1S S eIýi mr. and Mrs111. Frank Chat- and also visite witb Mr. h anld Gmltfaily, and relatienBigbton, were Sun1daý Mrs. BihHaksa mad éan es in the pasing of JMr. Gim- visitors with MrJi. and Mrils. W il-y, Kthnr lut, IBrown and Dave. Maun"d Mrs. CamposCryde- Mri.Pand Ms.Tom i mbleut Mrs.Dora Steke, Coiborne, man and Susan of Gueph, and sonis, Kitchenri-, ireturned Owas a weekeHnc isîorywihSernt e weknd uwh hîs hoeon Sulnday ater eingMr. nd Mris.Arthtu IIisnpaets M.and MIs.H. Cry- caed homehy the deathOf hisBase Line. derman, Baseno lather. AM, and Mjs. Steve Doyle issBîrara Wribt.of CburcIlbFservi iic next Suod Hay rePguePStsatltCe Herzick- YGupe;m. eslie Wright nofI at 9:45 arn. S1undayscbool at S ReddigI htb nNw reset h ek Seholcin the basement. Ms. An Ab'me , M.Ca-and MrTIs. rdWîh ore Payne, former resdnts)fadMs.lrdWîh Br- Speke nxtSundy wille:lye hîscommeunity wveviorm s a n evrley attndeh 1Rem. C. Brownchaplan at the one day jlspwek \with Mr. ýWr1i F igh-Bon edirg at bys' traiig school, Bowý- and JMrs. Steve D Toyle and Sarorug i'-stSnturdaiy. m1anville, wbo 0will speak on hi by. encdylntwekMrpn interess f fie alohol an1M0 .and Mrs. Jak Hpps ', s.Frd îghpclldat drugconcerns. oSaocramno, Cl, eecallerjs .ilsae aoit îs Abr, and rs Mrtn eas,n Tesaywih r.ad DMes. fte c om rgt Scoit and Steven, were Sun- Stuart Mornon and AMrs.Fred happy birhdavminhOP'a92 day visitors Owth her class- Stevens. yers youngTeni,,sonale mate. Mr. and chs. Cark rs WllePearsn, Miss on Fed'siser, rs Lp Stephen and Craig. SuanLirdssu a Al[r.Bafrwh a na Mrs. L C. snowden, Mr. and] Fred R. Steven, MapiPpleGreidnaliteortw wek M1 .LeslieCollacut , cmi viSsifed last wek xvih Msgand hd ber' Cola' bn pailed by Mrs. Leita oa, m.Lycet, Janetville, broken. Mrs_ Doreen Brooks. Mrs. Mc.andMrs. Len Goud.. Mca. Kerith Bcel Npn lie Foleýy, town, aýttended the murphiy, daugbter Mur.Dv pntaculo asls maried coupls Sodia a r othy Sno"en", were weekend reck wltb herprentsr, , wbicihbas beengOing ince gusts itb he tpe's aualih and Mrs. Artbu MatînMar 1913. AIl cnjoyed themnsceester- and huisbnand, Nir. and Ml. in RondSotb very much. The evnig as- spent in aes arlous kinds. ~. h:~ds~c BowmanvîleLiea Mr.1ý ndMrs. AlbeCt Wooil~~Fd(T~a Manuvers by Bob Benson PHONES 623-2534 - 623-2535 the appointmnt of as tlher cex(-cusiveagent forithiA area. ISERVING ýHJE DISCRIMINATING CLIENTELE IN '111E BWAVEAE I COITiNIJtOlSL.,Y FOR OVER 40 YEARS b S)aturday Night Supper Dancing WITH THE DielCkh Valleau Quartet VocalPIt-IPIL TRUDELL WATCH FOR'OUR OHO-,LANI presents HAWAII November l7th - i 8th ion Plantis 'outthurest ofniCanada areCadiiac.Pl astiCs, Rs aeamxra heHligha lni Scugýog Street and jus.-t noli anid iAllen industies. Oncendwvarfed by one of the giant 3,000 gallon ixing drums. of (ThCR tracks, And fley again, flie rnay rot be famp iAnd the part oiat is visible is only the tip of the- ice- probabiy know, that Hollings- hie rtiaes bat chances are é ~ Tedu xed w try on head is a cliemiaPlaut tatyou have been ln more flan g h du xe,1,fosory ov mrakes produefs hke LestoR mioe car tînt is uisinig somne of and a vaiety of car, cave prod- Alen's auto interiors. of healtlh. a specially deýoraf cd 1ruck, ucts. But id thc.1y know ttpChemical plantls areoff n One of flthe asons, of AitA Hing 4 sbead's Wia 500 different produets are pro-SeSdqiintebtu efo iWgwsodbrn patdon eÉel cessed and packanged lficle us!i Îebfl cusfrHilnsedhgodbadpifd nteads Bowmanvile plant for 20 or foc a poliltion-free evrn niomna record is flic Preston7s fils alonsf alil of mlore different retilers? Or tient but dis is nofthen ca"sature of their operatin. llingshead's transportatio thant somne 4500f component raw wlvtbh iolngshead On thie Tbey don't mauacu e ficnecds. Thecopn also renta materials go into lisse final prenises of tCe Bowmanvill rawv materia but only com- storage space in thre area prouct - verthig fomplnt is a small climica re- bine and misfhem. Conse- arebuss. bof lecap srandcorrgated rsearcli iaborafory weeal quenftly, there la vecy fI lenin a furîiber effort f ev boxs ta som-e 200 ceials? thý, e produets itat lHolingsbeadIpolhlutonproducig beaf la- tde needa of flic local co- manfatuesare tested and volved in their pr)locesse-s. 11muiy1ohigbedsposors One of, thie reasons thatlinsectd befo r hy aremar- addition, tlie amount of wvaste a n ua tll lprize to flic top ahi-1 ma.ny people arcunifgiir ieteU F.cry ycar, representa- or damnaging by-producf s is ai- dent in Gradie 12 leiry ift bHolingsbead is thal.t fi irmle,.( Ice u avr-ms oneitn.So, the nox-,t fimesoee blk, of their prmoues ae mednl environrinental controMIlid ongosacs buiness i fom ouf of towlnoass you eitber pot rnarketed nde ae Ch ec* in ai Hollinavery closely lied la witb aev-wbaf gora on lttaWuigplant duicr own brand names or arc hod ad amoat inariabyerl local companies. For in- on Scugog Mitrf you'l know n»t comnmonly advrtisedonr- they gie fcplanta cdeanbit stance, Preston Transport lias wbat f0 ft ellthem. sumer gooda. Howevev, almosf evcry gas staion you pull into istocing car ce produts that corne moofflihc oman-ý or~fio's Moomastr bcad of Dense fog and rain whicb f crai. 7Mxs. R. 1Howe wa c- itl ficR. AMeGihsale h auto mitnnegoaarc re-duccé îsiilt to, a pot ectcd delegate to flicFal Re- ce-union. madeby olingsead Thofdificut drîvingrwas a de- gonal UC..Pcesbytecria M111- r.nd Mrs, C. Avery n saine hoidatucoe svra eretetr fic eatten dndplans werc madeor a mlCly w ,,ece Sunday evenlng, produti s marketed by Sbll, nce at flic Sunday moring thoe attcdng Mission igltdinrgueýsts e Mc ad M Texaco, GM, Ford an d Intcor- srvce.ý Those. hofaccd flic at Trinify Church foi t he3ar r o RkcsandScte- niationial Harveator, (0 mtion fo, !u!ui watbec wmeeamply re- EA Moses cand fo theReoncate just a fecw. AnoerelVîpéid by a message fraugt lfaiUC.W. meetings. Mrs. Rt. McI. and Mrsiç.Ely Dickey' kinown brand niamie is Moly- witn counsl and waorning by Vîrtuie andMls. J. Siemojýn, anid Velmla, 'Miss Laverne Or- siacomtpetitor of flic STP olr inister, wvho chose as Who voluntecced vo Wo"ck asicdard, BowmnîIie; Mc. an-d ccarareproduets.- lic Iliemrefor bisssermon ai PNomrinatig Cmi e eeMaMilton Stainlitn, Miss olngshad'sown brond 'Evil".Hc cmafoed bis con- §grateful fKat most of flic of- ESva Orcciard, -Wece Sundayý nanme is Wbiz, and under flia gregaton et flic suble and firers were willing to cari- ague s AtiM. and Mels. C.! label you can buy braie fgldcamouflaged twav in,,whicb on another yeacr. Finalplan1s Saon', occaion ofbirt- windsbicldweser nlid! anti- Satn woris. Today wie muat were imade foc fhe Turiey' day of Misýs Lavernle Occiliad[ freeze, enda idce range oflie as aue< as mas fliccase Spprand alw'aPrycn anvrayoic n auto maitenancegooaîes)2000 y aegoanad lieed tflicThe cloingsocilhbOuc nnwas awDceyo ogrtlain But Ho1llignshed Loesnf ta' n essage in flic Decl1- muci eajoyed. ln fliefo. stop with car care produef . oue.The ognatedchoir Many ladies ok ada- Mc n Ma leec 'flcirlarea sehin poduf, eai NUS Ma.Chambu ecd tage of flicopportunily fa ce Balesn ed emi iyBEaile ila fermaiofc" al, solumne, lis fic(-Sr. choi a amsc wtir sbargtinamrboiwee ulay van Lestoil donner.They aso p o m essanc OptAntbem "ie f lic Un!iitd ChcciOlierortinner guests of NMc. nd lMca. Par efurn1 ifu1re !po lah f[or Adi- 1 it T, Je-ais"ý. Ms. R aî1pliVi r- m agazine. Th e treasurors for;M . MAcsai nraa Cr mirai, refrigeafrenroner for te was ia carge oIfhde Jr. Ibisp ricl, Adcam os 1 lao n Cr Frigidaiea speciel cwaterlsscongregafion011in fie S.S. oo Hrey Mcil nd Ala lian1d lener and ilver care iasitnefrom Misses Traylor would ,appreciate ail Mr. endl Mrs. A. Shlarp,ÂMcý.! prroducta for lHaggat.TeSsnWer n eoairenewaes bfre flic deadiine nd c.R.,lap c a lit gnons on ndl on Pollerd. They viewed a fillin date Nov. 1,5th, 1972rMc. I. Sharp, were guesta et Tble HllNUgslead orpoce- on UNICEF. Auuma Tbank- M'N'n ead Mca. DMurray Mea- f lic ome ýorf Mc.and MAlr. VW. i-ii arc flic leaf Istindýub us-M illclcdaiailAndrea and Caria,weve Kay, Agiuncourf, cebrtn tmino wn viis one .1 Ma. 7,D. B KyR>ifh treslaBwmnve.T AyNov.c' et2:0 pm. n t"ilFiidayviiht ,vii tors nwltb Wiî o >e ren, ad en tory, oin fliir presenit locaion, Noctiminse r ChJlu rc ïli.Osli- o, oa 1927. N 1w, 45 yers Pand sev- awas e gucat speaker and Mca ]Mcand ca. Wm. E. ReîE, ral additions ïinter. flic plnt' pei usic by eue choir. îi ai pVMe ec rono, wece ceceaf aupperi emploYa 80 people. Fiveorsix nur. John Siemon echaiCéidSpry, Mer. and ?Mca. Je zguat sof 7Mc. irdA , E. R. yeacs agaotfli iad offie nwnes lcwel intteaded OctoberrRaflbun, Me. and lMca. Roy Taylor. mioved ouf or Toronto and mbmeeingaoflicenaklinSpcy ,Rochcstec, N.Y, Mr. M.a Nr.E .Tyo Ilie ~ ~ ~ L owavieplnTJC.W, ld ettflic home of Paad Ms Gien Spry, Penfieid, ereSatlucday -night guests Fco a umhe bginlngMca KelliMeGli.Mca - N.Y, were weeiendgues. ,e aiygaleintM libackin 18 bnfie oigi 1nal ville ,Asb, 1f on's1 T11ankisg i v iag ,wifli Mc. and Mca. Edgar WVi- aa Mca. Doald Tay-lor's, Sol- raentin amhniNwJersey 1ý, machciE ddlna, inlihonor aof Mc. E. R biendied ifs firat cenlaof sdd Stéo ft hougif. Mes. Cla r ý-B Mlewa w g n se Teyiorabirfhday. Congratula-ý sýoap, Hligsiahas pou-oceAevsa charge 0of day. Congratulations ta Mc. fos cd fic higilicat eifio ffIlic Progýrem ior cilzcnshlip.,adMc.La1ne rgh. IiLas Esie Oie, Bowman-i chemîiclproduicta. The paenMcla. R. Steager had ct wnajp 1là Mc d Mca. Fioyd Peth, ville,_\Mc1a -. H.rdiy Mele cornpaysupplies productanot fantion of ail1as le todof ci, carbco, oewtbsGo, MssCieca Page, Mca only f0 the ome01ýstiric mait e ddcee o f John 1parents, Mc. aad TNira, S. R .Shar+, Mca.I. Sha, woc-,e h in Noli America but to 80 Vaie r ama9,liehandsica-Pethic. edeaygusîoiM. n Foreign conities lfici froc ped aad uner privileged ila M, c. ed lMes. Allen W1ýeryrs% ":. A.Sharp tfa ceelrete world a s nwell.Some of Ro- FaneHww e adire fluawece gesaet flic opeaingi is ClvaPa'ge's 1hirthdayq iingshead's producta are ovenlma, % ilessed iwîtb weailhceremoniesofAfde new Ygi ogrtltos used in ftle acrospece p cm oiioeucationwlio witl Shool, Bowmainille, Mc.nad Mca Lloyd lm- et Cape Kennedy. hiA femou imoîhr, foiowedi Mie and Mes. Lame Laini on, Suisan nd Fred, edn Thic omny i!'is nwcn Ciitsadmnonitoin, "Go o wr istr _tiMn. andMcl. and McaI. Eart Treswinl fcollcd by.he Deyco Corpora- a il n miifr ta the poor"PIMca Don Lamb and famri!,}end Donald wec,,e Suinday da lion. In Can&a.daflcDaaco Siccisd iia pin f Beýileboro. uer garaIs et Mr. endMca. E Cororaion mais rlibir ne ejeledbySociety. Mes. Mr.e.nad Mron Ry MCGUIl R. Taylors. arouefs sclias oavvor~vey gveIwo tmmey rend- etnded flic Laegmed - Mr. and mon. !Rusne,-]Whio, boîta and ski-doo trace lds It infrom ideals Poiodical. Broks coîiaon held at Soiîle M. adMca La7ronýceBety comotewil th Godycr Gflaodfmoay wuns voild AHallon Sunday. Mce and \%M CPWEizbelvillowrre Moaday yoau ane cowr, eadsnp watrej Giqzf oeaca* i c rab-wr Sna uper gueiiE, . YTxao, The regular Manver Town- shijp counmcil meùtjng for Oct oker was held recentlywib the RevHarvey MNalcolmï, presing. A request was imade tn CarigbtCounicil',asking thatý tbley take chiarge o, f snowa plowing nequarte of a ile of tbe Nint b' Concession ofi Manivers fcomn theCatrgt MTanverýs bountdary. At present. Manmver-s Townisbip s now plox'v equipmient dones not operate lai iis arca. Ontairio Hyywere notified 1liat fbcy are nTot toburyi Hlydro cable on flicerod i-, lowance in tie Sandw,ýood Estate Sudsion as tce pres- e'nt ae se wo l hae f0 be dug up in the event ofa leakageà ineicsystcm. A sev-erance of 50 acres Was granted to Alex Barris. Due to a ncw lw intr-- Iducedi,Itbe nmes ofrflic pa-- ýties runn1il'nfr Coulncil anýd Schooil Board llappear onI the saie ballot in tJe nextl ieection. Au Salary scale of $20 for D)R.O. and $1l5 for Pol Clcrks5ý -was Set for tbe fortbicomingý election on Decemberc 4th an'd jhe required advance noRs. 1 Motor Homes SALES a nd 22' - 24' - 27' MODELS NEW AND DEMON',STRATORý'S FOR RENTALS , . - -BOOK çNOW FOR EALY1971 FOR FURTHER INFORMATfION CALL1 623-5269 after 5 p.m., ORMTýAN S. TRIPP '232 LIBERTY ST. N. BOWM1A"NVILLE Chesterfield Seil S2 pc. Suitez Vlckîinyl Nylo7n Fabric $ 1 e9 5 SOFA )NLY -96" LONG CalfiforniaMoe Lo.cilW 2990 APARTMENT SIZE - SOFA ONLY 2 KROEHLER (2 cusios)Îlst""n $ t llgl 9.00 SEVEPRAL 2-PC. KROEHLER SUITES 37 KING STREET EAST from corpe Wes prauethe chemist for Hlollingshead, uses a~ ~~~~ ý spcrmtrt etsome windshied w-,iperid before iit is3marketed. F FURNIRE BOW'AlMA N V1LLEF