Cornei~ ~vsI1e Cub ~ ar la the hisi~r~ inville got tmder~ ~mber 6th, Many back a ~d a ~nIsfne mes hava. jdh~d îard to an ~kcit- ~7p~ - - is Gas lin of L;ý Ile [soj AUCTION SALE G ist iii 1AuCLtin Baru-j NE WTON VILLE Fr.iday, Oct. 27 Afte~ boi~rs G. Jieech ~ J. Barton F. Kowal s h le Jitc U table rets. 6i. - Cali: .drapes (mnltcfllfg), b001<5, 1stýouls, iamps, rangettes, i er, pflus several antiques pce. loilet set, rockers, iv I stands, Commode chair, c]i en coop chair, guns and n other conventional and lee.-tabie ,items. Ternis - Cashi Con. Il, on Satu FORSA LE 623-7661 Kin St, E, Bowîl' -iction kept ltr. aïl ,ethlck, Au SAITUB-D4 iror myanagers ýeÈ lst- 8tL. East, 6 Z3 - 3 5 0 early. 623-2503 Bowmaniville - 4bern uglwin the north en ' ~it h walkoi. blasement and rag ad 2 pvddie ~sking $ '6.000 down. Bowanvile- older 3 bheci 0oof h-omle clo)se to schoo]i eid shloppinig . Asking $17,000. o I loi8 tcim for roomed heted.CI Flot. Ask-- Orono - 3'I ox-eY 1home int ith 2 baths. A edpx'oom, ?store îain r-oa-dlt 17 îg $2,00 itl Bancroft area untýing paradise ke, Asling or bUum !IHAWý%A: 3 bedroomn e, living and c 1-L 27 baqthlsrecre n, bar. Attached 55e x 150' lot. Beaut scaped. Cali office. (ar are -Milbroc storev I1 I)sba'wa liait Rot - - Most' prep. edîtots' iDITO11S ýRS FLUTH~ER DECEAS-1 IBROWN, iling in thel have r) tii 2 reldierl ,Ith ownl e.Phono ,NO ZION tory ftom ~0O, f i4là'.-'-ý,ý,,