Awardied to M~PLOMAS istogy Awarded to Ellen Prizea: 0.0 t Yeer 4 Year4 5 UB P eNorthiumberlard and Purbiam Couinty Board ,. of Eduicatiçnr craiyinvites you to attenidie Wlin&: Patrice J±yman vmI LIONS JUB Fiuz., h. wre to the studient with tiý landirg in Grade X[II Physics and Chemistry. ,Winner; Patrice Eymnan FE IWANIS CLS PRIZE (he student with the igheý(st aîcir n Grade 'XIII Geography. Winner: Lynda Avery ýGUCULTURAL AWARD $10.00 in booka3 )OPor: Van -BelleGrdn ,0t stclen nYer4having tile -et stanilxig in Agriculture, [)Winnen Walter 1Taylgr 3ented by Mr. P. Faprragher Winnier: Laurence Taylor nîor: Oshawa Tractor 9Salem OPENN F THE lNE~W ORONO PUBLIC SOOL f15,00 each aw - j- - FRESH - b25 (FRO Save "1OMGÇ SPAGHETTI or MACARONI Save 29C DINETTE MARGARI NE 41ki3. $1,00 1P00%" Vegetabie 0j' TOASTMIASTER White Sliced B3RtEÂD L t 40.791P M ALL DA& fimrm 9:00 .. A open Turdyanld 'tii 9:00 tp.m.l Large Selection -tof fExotk[0-Fods Fancy Gift Boxes of Checoates and Bisciuits Liquor Filied Chocolates, Etc. 731-7KNGST. %Y. TQ- ALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTIOA, EN STREE T ý t Prý)" ýI !ihan i r c Lx cFrnt&; , Nov. i 1972 am, ½i, Gal,. -~