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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1972, p. 4

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4 The Canaet'da tlemn BwavilNov. 1, V972 i,-a- ToH l'No ?Co l 1w Taesday imoring ,' (1 lte ccelebr Iation i d 11157bieLiberais bockpareal du l keep us 1 uppto oteyi l sinofbat lyJhuDeehke ioi clerwitich pamy wili avPe te hagest 1958 procecded lbihd nup a')reme1n- numcber cfets in ltHICuKsecOf Cr-du aoiyas b is peopuharity oaed mous; titere ame someri reec cos Tte,lie public caý-me toreîz ia conlesîs fitat w&P esuht in recounts. AhcW p'treallysuperman cIter A i nd But, whl is ertin is fiAS Prme CMn-bie lido be n b turcack fo Lse Vser Truau aand bis literai govemu- earsor. Cme 1968 and tiis bhl uewo ment, wceeclohbere-d !y)asfrog ani starnPierrue Elliol!rda ntrdcn seralie lade ReertStanfied, NDP teck hlm b 'in ei itears and swepb lm fr leader David Lewis anîd even Real and is suipporters m office. Graduai- Cacuettenmaking gains cf considerable y. A, liteel f'cf ayea n b show and magnitude. bie esiai age f aded. Tite nuews Whatfciowsfom her alp ihi de- edia peophe wito hnd been entohmahl pends eIosee extent upon MW'.Truden,*with bis every move nin '68bame dis- If is paty comîes o oufctvttaCc- eetne i i hoîescdds sent edge or éven îcwer secs %ian tiE dan ci-flIemefforts and ablîies Ad PCs be coud SUI! lead te goverumesnt lte opposion parfies, sensing titis wili te Suppor' t iiteNP adýchneof fleeling, bided t!heir lime au;ýd sbl S-creds. Or if ite siouhd decide l rpre Ioeinwotevrft troinli ohAuM. Slanfihuold lite y had ti o oceaginmkeinoason te asked bIfrm ncnw gevemumeut1and st podt u ascr àar wakaUghtepe ,util l ite otiterpate nbod ilqHuse decidcleutyve foad enougipbiosy eeyitninokdt and are ready for another cleeicu. If Hite governmenf's diadivaufage. Uuemi- te PCs becam-e lte gowemuiment, ltentplmutconuiud tle risc, infllýion probabîlll be a rn e eecion hn grow, tie cQMrorafe wooîae bums puay- six moults te a ycRa,0lfake advantIage cd a part, Ittc middic classlapys of thir current popuarily. lunte exprc:essed their annoyance wiit allte m-eantinie, lte -NDPs and Socreds xwill giveaxway programsie abuses cf wcl- hehd bie balance cf power and titoe fare anil unemphoymient insurance ltaIt two ledader wil e in effect, aipowe -wce itinjg lItem whcmc il hurla, ini fuilie okMrok Hieme, aller 10 years i office, Once againte people cf Canada Rlussel C. Hloucys was defeatd by Aln have siewu liaI i tcy have te final say Lawrence as te Progressive-Conserva- in wit owi lgnon, Hcm .cm lur titis tives realîy went 10 wvork titroughitot instance, who bitcy do net 1w0anfgvemu- te campaigu and hMr. Lamcne as ing Ite. itbey arc a fickic bunch swit aise able l0 cash lu ou biitIanli-Tru- canPcutad over heeha in love awii hyou dearu feelingý, Our symapatity goca culte coneai- ccdouf b gef your scalp lite Mmr. 1Hney wito bas been an excellent, iraex. ut, our dej-,mcisystcm in b'ite itard-working înembem His personal long m'n. wilitailifs weaknesses and PopuîaritY Was hitiitwbt cc t igit ilsincfeFnces stI iworks pretly, enougit 1c overcome lte antagonismite wchlin lte peophie. Nctody in lite bds parfy. MnnLaeuce shrewdly play. wordtas,: ivntda betteronc edu litIanfi-Trudean i teme and if and we IDbifl' y ih paid off AHi in aild i ws quîte a ampai About al.tere la lcftite aay is ,-oed and wecaea cpect anctiter euee in ite h lck bo 'bite winnors and condelences te nol foc disbant fulure. Eduatonand the SotgeOf Ppragr 01-e0cf tite major difficulfies in education, (speaking ,,from a sfrictly pciclpeint cf vewand lat fte sen- ior levels c ecf iluthe man) s Vite very videfack cfAn' co-ordînaiý- tidu bet 1ween sujbje"t maffr and jnob availability. For isfnc,w tear recentIv that ar'e. in vr Short supphy, Wbhcre cdeýes eu goIII a geoverument pnbedeuaioa u stitution tele Iaru the artcfi, e-iag The sad fruth iSIhfyustr h'avebe braiu-waslited into wanfing te be intero drfo r ,nef paper- tional auitorities, or evi zalous pr ents' are te blame or nof, we have ne way cf knwig.If rathlerbelds ibie wiriter te find sei much empitasis On things wbich appear,-glamnrusand 1ne ýtress aàI 'ail along uineswhceuaia çonisiderabIe amouint cf itouesf wvork. Aniother apparenti shertage is inu lite fields oIc chefs an.Vd clerkiug. Very 'fc ew, want t co "Cok or work in a retail store. The meneY mynf be attrvactive, but if is a lot better tI-ýia sittiuig 1home tbumbsuckig whie waiifor gov- ernmen handi-outs paper runs asferfccr help'. Nolit- ing gamoros, ai daýy in rntoi mahn.Mode yunser i mn reasnin, ilthe 1tae aactryjob. A jobý, i alob Ifis iucitesirte o frmayjob tf te o b, hanif is 1 o fri no]01ob at aif omen tapasweh i f ftpesin We woner wiy sholautitorities, rsosbefo r diirccfin1g youn g Stýers titougt teeariy aeste some xtnt do nof trssliefathliI work is thec reahhy important titi ng. Somiewhere aiong liteUne fadisf sbavecaused posilyireparable harm aoug our youngferswit lite sihhy theory thaýt "everbody ituld worknaSi seehinig fhey h]ike in ord;ertIo becap,' Ao enein every thou1sand ha1Pnds itis tyeof job. The working rmifitade must ce content witit a laý-rge siiec every nay day. It's ititlime the cdu catiors oibe ut ncf theirivry v',w- crs and hegan te feu stîdeufs a Iew cf lhit ascf hilenanelyaboiluwork V ioQlez ,n ce1 The argumen oe wttieIvo violence -- or mnerciy reliecîs ifvi futuîe. Violence is a humaon condition as %ývh-ere výiolenIce fieunisheIs. A cï nci itct ecIes if'ye.o *,oI aggrssiel kiI lteeimeido each olter insfead cf being valued tocr Violence istuiluloly -by reevies ocmUTV, but by pretstoc wrap- lied up in business or peronm a ories i{o find time for conceriu, bifen ss and ý,aring. It is tuilby litse wlio ca't show love~~, i agt y1epewt cau't ven dscipln limseles, icI titem b adei or ie. Tby sad hose titeir ccome, itoue arl retie IheirverVreasngor iin.e Uto Vilnd Duri clsmCounts CeetFa'îlyjoun The BwavieNw The Newt-mcal Idped The Oronria Newr ecodclms rmail registratio)n nurober 1561 Produced every Wdnsdiyb 'ITiff JMSPUBLISHING CMAYLIMI,1TED 62- 66 King St. W., Bawmannville, Ontanie, S GEO. IP, MORRIS PATRICK GO'ýULD iii Bpn.assMGR. SAL.,, ESie. Phoicng 62 3-3303(j P n i - ,, TVT.f- i Copyright and/or pronet isebît,-jnP.tlie ImanenpaîqonUepoî Prnin ep duo b whole 0ori!b part i 'e ay bmwïtavel atiuarybypOýtog7rapir ai ft"' poee i puictottb tinronstis pubsh'D'ad th-e priter. Anyun fsoîe repnrodÏuction will b. subjeot.t re ~bin w. 700a year -- 6 mopths 4.0 $00aYePou h t dState Aithu aeveryp="ec n -oi ili etlnt vîderr h aada itrinacet dete ce n aite colUM-Si n thFe UnçirV;ndîn a tit wcil jqnat behabe fr ny erýrai inan v rtem -pbiished bereunder trtee cia O1f clsucS adelisr,,cn euet d in wr tînq ,bv he radvertisec ad retuced ta Thse Comnic Satensn uIeSMM Offe aulY sîned byne eadvetmor and wilb u erroy ni caTcectian lil ntdn A m wrttng herean, nd asOta rce ilfonyer=rai enned s mni enrrected by' Thec anadian slatsmnnn tt tabxy nusI Mt em-ed ~cIa nartan oW tieuxtree et suri dw&rwsmnqw-Mnt w pîeOcid hO à. e Nod emraier Yt the wisoia= poe ocui CF Suc avrtemet I the itori Dear Sr Cl;ý1Ount 0 Du)ýrba ier al thre polilcanidatesw sbr ou have1l baeeonth nigt ofoberý 26.ý1, Tnhat( was the stown Hall in flow- wmmaile CAere sdcesi- ale 10 go tu a pollng of due 10 Iosickness, oin] hl os- piai ec.The ironly opf it a 1 c thre a S 1no seat 1- ing acommrodation for any- on, ndwht swmost if heoeng Mseor citîen time (,is rcoe ifrom lA vcsee, 0,l:1oiýf warbbritis wihilput me iia hospital for a number 0 eesand 11w1uSc s ae ogtay Tf thlis i'sthbs wy1 getî the public inreiusted inl pobt'ics thenmcsi-n y jas', vote on Oct. 3.Itwa ihursay, ov. 7 194 ThePlic SeIng Con-JMI nas:um on tedy ih h foling rehýs uits<1 Dan v(3), Glorobon. Po wlihed retay busnessesin Duhan ony cangest Dave ofDetoit foi 1947 asbencmlt mentof-,Agrilct,, Trn to The wînners were. I Delbert Otn, M'llrook Hnry ikl.Pnyol ErZinstCavnot, r loar aga ý ýIn, ,wbo, vass Ileod -me bi orp-,( fie han a abe a Las ene s oud P ve b e thre 0see -for tbemiselves jusf Plow 1asituationi like this o l e f o rth e , a dI owm a Go el is 1 te il four yeas i ouI ountmIl is fo ho run on recd tape an d decsanrd tPe vtrlor - Yours trulyl, papewo cocecfd wth te siderdiMsok Pey" mitdtPre .Pel ia Iccos Sudhum 2c0fet tfsu, ce mlesbie c- mncgcmle, ich carrîd V)ps f ea t vatifwas nsae ii pltdontP idde o D I TP bell ied la Pc ried îng, butoniy 2, 00 eef. T ïogeberccdrimwaPrtitP (J 1d 1No. , 92 Ihsewo nàeial rsîi evprao o husa a . ui icee h anks"m TPi O r n Ceaer and Lo is jotîkr fo tP past five yers, ,Pas oee alie-o&gaized nd f (n'J 13 ooi m m1 y C lt Tiierne, wa- ino)matr'hingbi- ing lU in toc a BJOwmaCoi-e fîr - , te Ilituwas at is desi1nalion and ia Csplicinýg crew aS soon n itla y. coniplcaîrdbecaus the xist- ing,, btdifotcontain theý sam1 number ofsteel cablles as te Godvar elland be- s ieslo cbe wîasmalie.r. At SmesEg Gi eun- Harles, uprviedby John Lxosoon mlade snortwo of ths pirobýem. It v thr sawayinod) ont the 11el j lo, esiun MatnadJ aloig w iGrli ugar and By Bip mmile ÀCouple of ees ago , wl1e i wa;,s writinig cdown the daite on myattnd- ancle padfl, I got a bitý of a,- shock. 11t was October 3h Then r realized it was On a gooyFriday thle 1hof October.1, 144,1Iwas shof dow,ýn over Holl1and by Germanlakcrashi-landed in a plowedec ficid and was taken pr-is- oner. I've been a ititie leery cof Friday thie l3th ever since, but when if also) fafls in October, as this year, I feel a distinct cHl and mny first thought is thaf I should have stayed in bed Al dawiti h the covers pulled over my head, b be sale rom the searching f in- ger of fate. It's ridiclou,I c fcure.Id0on't bleein black cals, wallkingp under ladders, roe mirrors, the number 13, and ail those odwvs symbols of bad luck. Even , I knowsom-e of my stu- dents \wondered wby I 1iaught ail day,1 that da, ith both hands behind myý back. Whfithey ctdin't know was that 1 had my fingers crossed, bDoth hiands. WVeïll now tha't a reasonable time has pse and tlhe sky hiasn't fallen in, I can look back on that day in 1944 ithl neo ru,e etion thain snfriwhich, as an lsman,-knows, means blÔody cold, and I have one of those, 50evry t(hinýg is finie. In retrospeet, that day xvas not an un1lucky.-b ut n lucky Onlé. Aýt the tim-e 1? didni't thjiink soI haýd a date thaf nighf witjh a sniasu-hing blonde in At~p and I was justly nnye that the stu- pid wa'r had trfrdwith rmyý social Cfe. Bult lookinig back, if v one of thle luckiest dua in my HFe. 1sItl had a miserable,. offen eretchcd experience to gýo through. Howvever, it wvas one of the. mosf interesfinig in m-y life, and I .made some fine frîends and saw a lot of strange titings. AbsomyMWinwssing from fiveC fo a cdozen Piils a we. My on squadron of eighfeen pilosf s hd lest Dave Baýck1house, John-nyRok"afy Price, "Dinigle" Bell, and a -week before I gof it, eof rj 'ny tn-aeFe Wakeman, was killed. (A week afe1 gof if, imy ofter text-mate went down in flmer) 1I1itad ianded once wjih a bomit d1angling, anmothclr timne xith no flaps, ne brakes and lhrf-i oles in mv aicrafL. Se if wa7'S just ailmattercof timno, Ï wonder how many of you have hlad thie same perie c.blieviiag fitat lte fates had sinighed yotuiu fonspcia haler, fiat what sceemed af fthe time a, black dhoud was really a csalveiningt in disgîuse. .0f1,course, the op-posýite aýulhap)penl. Ask someü of mny friîends who thought if was the luckiestda in their lives whe-n they sfood in front cf bite preach-. er with tat genfle, swetndersfandl- ing and vipuusyugcreafuire,nn found themLselves (wylieyarFs hafer mnanacied ib a, fatý , agging sitrew, (1knw girlIs, it vorkýs botitwas Don't teli mie tiaffiafitandsom-e, charming pyoung ý Adonis ,youistood upq w0is really fhe samne person as titat pot-beihid, baid bore you're lvigwifhi 110,whose idea cf a good chat, is to raffle bis paper at you and grunt.) But on lte whole, ife, exýcept for tiose few ufofnae, ie boru losers, seemis to even thinýgs qouf fairiy-. Twenfy-eightý years ago tonight f was pretfy blue and Affer' thie mnosf inept escape affemipt in the aunais cf escape, I hadl been iven a thorough going over audic was iyiug ini a box-car, tied up, achiug in eveyy mus4Li,- cie and a numi-ber of boues, incluidjig m y- njo se bo uýe , and shive iug -kea_ evacuating razor biades. For somée reason, the Third ReiCI hadi neglecfed te instail a heating s-s-, temn, blaukýefs and afrses h only way I1 couhd recreafe tite experieuce t-)- nigittwouid be bo go ouf and try te sleep on the floor of my garageý;c, which is of,. lte woodeu variely, wifh ienfyo1 sysfem7. Titere was nothing w-rong -with the waifers, excepf fthalt fiey cairied.' gunIs and wore big boots. But itey werae _the seul cf ceurfesy, uLntîjig my handa7- af, each mreal. It was tht e nu titaf was, lackingý. Nef mucýh vre.One item"',, and af som-e meals, nual ev-en nre. The ýwashroom facihifies -were rath er inadcequiate. too. But how mnauy -ot' you have ever been teniderhy helped1 dowii Onto -a cînder embhankment by -a paratrooper, bis armn aroundl your wit yours around bis soudesotego te the bafhroom? I 1w\as dag on ne ieg. It was good ex1iecIclarned te love boack bread, ustadcabitage' soup, I discov7ere-dthfasnebok patate, right ouf OF ite po, waa iitj for the gods. 1 learned hoc- much l could take, Ayid 1 îearrnecdtq be Pthank- fi for exceedingly sm-all mnercies. Wel wvorth if. Report' from Queen's ParkI by Alex Carruthers M.P.P, Chairomn- Ontario Selc-t Conmmittee On Moori; ed Snow Vehicles and AlTranVehlicles Diu lit e;veek cf Ocobei16 TiteOnfrloSeleýct Commifîece on Mol- erized SnutvVeitiches andAi-Trri Veiticle; vis th(itecommuiinities of ThiunderBa, FrtFrances, Knrand Dryden for lite purpo5e cf.' hea-riu-g bnIfs and hamving discussions w ,ith in- lerestedciizuslu lte respectiive com- mnunities on bIiete se, coufrocl, and opera- l'ion ncf ai-terra2in viice ncludfing suomoiles, irail bikes, dune buiggies, etc. Tite visifto NriwsenOntario came aller several weeks cf researcit aud orgnuizaticu by litecemidtîe aM iuel' PrkCdurJinlg which ime a , ý,study cf xisIug legisiafion wuas maee.dis- cussons uwyIl i mnufacturera wvere uindertaken, iucluding visits te Outhoardt Ma in uPlroogt t teld.- ance by reprcseutai,-- tee at ATV çr' August, ïMai by Yt ie cinbos hem i a prss r Q vesPakti nuccdtP elar cra,DrdnadFrFrneaptbe Ken1ora,, Dryden,, Siouxý Lookouf anid Red Lalke 'tite Sue-Suirfers Snowmn-obile Club cj f Afikokýan, lte Ncr-tItwesf cru- Outarie Conservation F-ý ederaliopn c Auigler.s andHnerteMnit o f Natural Resource, tithe Onlarie Tlrap-. pers As;sociaïtioný, Tite Ojibway Pow,ýer Toboggan CI- lub c ix LookQui,Poa ris Snowm-ole IndusfmY cfMina polis, Treaty o.3 radCouncil cf Indiaus, and àa large nmber cf itr estedidividuals. Iiu ,Northwýestern Onta ie the&fl 0W- mobile, i addition toe bing a ýqpopIular placed [lic suowshce ad tie pack Jlu te h-arvesting cf furs. A signîficant number cýof iesauýd suiggestio.-ns rcspecfiug bteopri of suomombihcs emerged fro)m teiscus sions încludifig a reduclion in te r '~frnfee, special considemation for- -opte,iigwa use, safety ie O f timbher and mine roads, -ouýrses, local by-iawS, property te. Thte suggestions and vicw- e ahi recorded1",and will have ~tanl barin on lthe final decis- te ccmmiffee. itcaings arc anexercise lu îbory dmocracyproviding a îily 7for iizens l disussprob- ecly w -ith ehedced represcuaiit Parhiient, Asa rsitt arcaIblul )i- pia avery Iim1por- wces were g-new bite buhis wcre br was a foui sIencit, pollutiug te aI 1Ishiul(l awake te sucit a dawn te flower-s dead and the birds ahi woulii ot wakýe, te sýkies of blue gren, ree grsssparkling ,,witb 4ke terite souindcof b-î ird s i so hI a,,tfle whiteClcoud riftJIg along. if 1 ever; awaike teina sen dw ]hthetb flewers dead and tbe birds" all gone -ake te fiud?, ppite1tie titis de ,eepmIe i te muck, lIlburi my pneets, Pen. .Le om the Statesma~ Files Phoniie 623_330M JOHN M. IlAýME< EDrros-PUaLîSFHs

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