Roll Up ThrE plpye d W(,d. , Nov. 1 st 'It PBowmanl-lle PArenaý,I' , np p' eutIl Ohawn Lions 51O The Powinianvil1es-quad play,- ed thir best gameof te year, riierkng the fast skat-1 ilig Lion's before th-ey wpre' aýIMe to caume any dýiaFe.ý The shutout was shared by Lennýy Chappeil and T,ed Tt'udeau. Gnoal corers vwere atild Bf-,ia ti ný In (omplet cýnt.sLtrite WeCInesdciï,y's ecunethie Towing crew played a someiie- Soat dorganizedgame but wmeeCsHlable tW defeta ColIuk frmeou Legion Ladies HIg averaeernie Pri nrnr 191. sugl, Jeau Butn.9; ihJpean Jean Suicit 23187 (14 annert 210346l ke123 Bernic .Parner 19, Joa Suicliffe143 en Bro 191,i NyISe a 87(4, Wast(ov r 19,G 1c7owe (0F BowlingC, -ý 4 . Bmieie 631 (94020 237) c2i moge"ig rplP MuPhy 81 2 -1- 7233 A. onma--2629 42: R. m Vane Car f223r 3 A. lvryr,- 26284 W.Pirsae -221 2 M.Aldrad 25472 '~P'~-~~Homes SALES and RENTALS NEW AND DEMONSTRATORS 1300K NOe>W FORR ý1,LYV 1973 FOR ETURTHIER% INFORMATION CALL 623-~5269afe ORMIAN S. TRIPP 2LIBERTY ST. N. BOWMALN VILLIE Yi'AMAHA EARLY BIRD SALE 1973 MODELS NOW ON DSPLAY AT Champlain Shell Wiaver-ley Road iand 401 623-4111 Bowmllarvil le 'i Gibson 5, 1-aath 0: Luxton 5 Raw 0;Fairey -5,Wsiae0 TeauStanding Lutn38, Gibsonl 31, Fie 2,Tominaon 25, Haih15 Ro'w 2,Wllts ,Wet lake 5 L. Richards '215, J. Hyê l174, E. Gibson l171. IlguDouib L. Richards 35 0, B. A. Fairey 12l, j. Luxton 3ý05. BANTAM B POYS Casel), Aide f0; Potier1 ý3, Bond 2 Teaîît Standing Car-swell ]341, Ad 25, Potier R. Bond 173, T. Lun 167, H1igb Doubfle R. Bond 31l, T.Lun" Mo6 J. Potier28M T. MHlran 262. Gra.- 7, Aide 0; Conahan 5 Mvitchell 2; TLaylor 7-,, Hone0o.; Grýay 41, Tayltor,40: Coruahan1a 28, Hn 0 icel2,Ad 6.l Hihsingle C. La,,igne 245, A. Chow 241,-" i C. Mihell 222 D. Poirer 2M8 H. Gray 202. Higlh Triple A. Chow 601, C. Laigne 601, JUNIOR BOYS Lhh'e 5, C'oluîYbps 2;Stace'y 5, Terry 2,lenod ,Farcrell Team StIanding Lane 46. Staýey , Terry 30, Reyniolds 2,Ceemibaes 26, Farreil . 1ifý1QD1 bY Jim Clarke J. edd 25, . Rynods SpDtee's Read Estata 200-50,G. ana219245 G.ed linooth, firat Place Coombles 24,2, H. Bin 2 37, R. deLnce tolo ing eir 3-2 Staocey 234, K. Faril 230i, W'.dict over SValer Franks Thies,ýsen 201. rundayi morning's oe IihTriple tilt. Tewialeaves Spel G. Lana 662, AI. Reynelds with a 3-1 mark aitt 623.1 month's action. Ta the ý SENIOR IXEU LEAGUE a1ac irMutn'spShah Brooks 7, Lxin0: Cowlve ibalr early .sssoa racor ,Bradley 2;Whiha 7, '2-2,dmig'ros Davcy 0:; Moshier '., Ceembas L0. test 5-ý2. Team Staniding oneFrsybae Moshar 30, Cowla 29, Brooks the aventua wier la 2,Coýomibas21, Bradley '21, tcar's trih sein a Wiahead 17, Davey 16,Lux- jeet hmfnal pserid. h 1ton 4. EteWlprd High Sngle ha wlnriers a '3-1 laad, J. Brooks 324-26n1,J. Lna V/sitar Fraaik's Lanny Eý9 2A7, D. Bradley278, nD. Grsecond goal ot the'year 259ý,. C.Cowla 256, B. Gibso onî?iMea smenska, 255. :inig, off tee scoring. High Tripe AfMer a scorala sta J.' Brooks 7, D, Graiy 7,30,'aian, Barry V/btamir i. Wihy-ta 665. trigmbeai Span KaVeitcb ai 103of. lIA Iftf Randaîlin ie ea a Octobar 30t0c1alr hndu'e We utauilagrea orbi c1 sconsitant. She la having a erifie beglnnrg te th sesnaa gainn cptrd hin trpl or th igh wi89 353-86-50.Nice t e ar ica AnIaneribac in for with qanl813 tipewhchl- cluded tWo 00gaeU-n0 and ï,07. 1Helen Duan it 300 on flhe nosa for aur othaer 300 etý thea night. 700 ripas-Lrry Piper 753 and vii Cole 719. Pper 298, Bernlica Budapy 290, Doris Joli 286-2,50, Paie Dob-s bina 271, Peggy Hayiýnas 266, Vi Cole 262, BnyWlo 259, Elon Hye 256 and -Dab- hie- Luxion 24 To10p 10 Avag-Lay Piper254,ODoisJoli 253Ber-i dnca Buîday 226, Paggy Uàaynes 22, AletSaman 224, Jini Bruton 223, John Luefran 217, Olla Pttîed '215. Sheaan - 14 24292 Haynas_____ 14 24270 Falray12 217 Bagnaîl 12 23240 Wight R 23813 Vandanbarg 8 23667 Cross'ey 7 229 1Patf3E i ald' ,7 -23283Î L L L STARKVILLE 'BOWLINGý Tlop10Arae MaIlr VLIa Stcay 21, Mang Mf-een 12,M ri Tim178. 265;h ,higira ,Mal Stacb 201higbtripla, £yd Gamea Wen1ý T.15 nda taenai ow1nlI,!'e.9 jor Bntm ýe Big Wins weý,ak Cobouirg ea h y 1ee coru f il1 n-Cboug'nU ,owrnanv îe ld 3- 0 a ith e) end 0of the- first pariodscor-ro ing ýý^n en tbraaïlon bt,to Ted Puk. Bowmanvile a creased thle score te 5-L) by the end of tha eo,,(ndprod- lire KrkKaernp and ian Wicox.Cbu R C E TO In the f-inal frarne eglR C A I N gai on th so seaiwlih, their o1nly goal oi tha gan'uEW. lili Le-arnan fîred tha mal NEWS tally of tha game. Puk< Le mcan, Rick Jaes BaryBEaeb aul Shaciatn, annýy Cx n liTere wlbe aBas'keball1 Ramod opkins warecrd League for oys aý ighit and, "ted with ne JssiSt aach. Jund1er 13 years -et age as c On Suda, ov. 1th, withi January lui cf the current AjaX as th viitrtebyear.Tiý,seagua wllbegîný caie fomIl hid, cmring on Friday, Nov.17Ahin the two goals Dilatethird paniod gym at LordEmgn Sphoul teo squeak eut a 5-4. cev enn i4:00Pen, ing ma-n11y saigopon-There wvill a BhtaîIl tias, keeing f 'ans tense right League for boys 13 to 18 yeara upt)e the(',finial bl.Goal ofFage in ta)oy' fyme scrxrs , Iis i- e wcrethý e nw ïiLgh Scho, atr Raloh Crydlevrman ithtwng Saturday, Nov. 1sh il. and inglas poing te RWk9:00 te 1:00arn. Scî,Paul Sobil alin]y Girls' akebl Ccx. Bi!lLeman and Daï1ny A Baske[bal Leagueforý Cox had twow Passitaeac, irls il te 15 years oet age Cryar an ad Sco 1t 01ana aira-mring t tha eaCh. LayChappalplayeýod nwIil colfrom 9:ý00 the ontire gama in the ne. l 1:0arn. Theeague woi Bowrngn i jeu r pe e gi nlonSaturday, Nv 8h Ajax on Thursdayý, Nov. -,9th, ______- tei Lndsay Sundayý, Nov,. 12hi,: and will haPa hore n e etr borough on Wed., iOUth swili Corne et n sppr yurt1B wln iligh Single, 3MaDryLa "jcýtewsley 259; High ouble,. Mary Lnau only434; Hg iAverage, Clara Sarginsen 199,1 Octôber l6th Srnih - 560il Vons,-te,o tiing tinga up, trame, but goaliaCul i "Tuisman-~88 Spencer'% Brian Rowe, tam- atone was briliant. C. Sarginson ......8257Î Ing wt Don M,ýcMurter and The lasers draw tereaetof.Town.sley - ---- 8170 Fltof, ade h 521 at 2135! ust four penalties cslled in V. Sarginson --------769,' etf thle third. oreyas o ta e an affir.The only High Sinigla>ý, Ciara Saýrgin1- was a stndout or the wb0 real plce et belhgmeeucson 259; High Double, Clara ners, hit with his second et fcarne m an eenly matcbc(d'Sarýgiasoa 428; HîgriAverage,ý the campaignata 17:35, while tussie ai 10:30 et the thirdCaaSrisn24 Franksara two mon short. betweaa Mluttea's TedBrw spencers drew ,spven et th, and Brooks' Scott Burgeas- 10 penalties. Their neamindar,lThe Shah lciub's top perform-F un y Bo ln Ken. Veitch, oa a nilty 2.7,51ai w ,r n Vanso n e, Tedc avg aMtr four garnes. Brown, Virtue anrd Rîck ,Soaed 2415 5 In the laie machupBaryWasolne. ly" Thonpson6, Aces -- 23,892 15q Virtua, o ea etthe 1 Ba1rry as-1r1e- fr thie losers, ý3,Head Pinis - 24 ,200 ilt mor ,ui- ii Bryce Adarns and Rual- 1 Screw ýBalla 23,159 il prsierookies'n th1e l'ca d1a turning la solid chores. 5 utrBal 320 10 gue, 1bagged 5a tpair ets--goals3 asý Mutions collead oýga 5j This Sunrday ai 9 an. tp 2,AlyCV -- 315 1 wî,George Sainsbury, wh dog Spencer oppose Mutions, H'ijgb Single ý- Ladies, D. bis fourt, Alec WiaanAwth iWalten Frank and Brider269; nmeD> Suow- (numbe thrae, and Bucky"Brooks colliding ai 10:15. dn23 H1ughes with bis thIrd, con- 1 eague thanka Robbie - High TrUïiple -- jades, 1). naictad for Ille othars. rceDonoghue for fillain aCap- Bridger 654; men, F), Snow- Adara an Ger Runle bly, the pasit w waas as dan 734. picked rip the lasers' tilsscorakepr imaepr u- O 2 aa ais Mutins uih p a4- a r: ing Mie BrensCsnce. D. Bridger 269, 23 cM oad, gin Par" 0 intebu-cayr. r rriaddthat 234;/Men, D. S.nowden 293ý, Broks el a -1 dg ovr Te eage'senry eemua 238, N. Cowle 259, 252, R Rie final perlod, Th Shbe pald b eior tey can play Good 259 222, M. Adama 23M, trow sagedla he losîg iis undy, 32,A. Cole 22,9. F P~OLD ANDr C'AS UIAILLY ELEG,,AN a.' rAIL r c~ ~ E 0/ EJx§len's l Bo t,m aill "The-Wey+1Sso-It" wîth Bob Hesketh, 7lamand5 Pmm 1nersin ithbisown ,persor) a t ý a0,nt onthe days ýha ppenirlgý fl oet evoýn a Bob Heseth an ways make Paf sqtable vereporonpollutioný, waranýd pltisYethlIrstriVersto qive, litAners a ceml chluckf owe re aong the fine In spiteo thetrend in newst'oday. On wekeds, otHesketh takes an informai editerial stance before tho CFRB microphonecte commnent on just about every- thing. 'l'm lconcerned about what happïm o nmy COUntryaRnd the people wh(J ive, in it," da-ci ares Bob. "Sometinims lter etrsse ar teenlightly and somnetifliers sriously, However taken,. they are at least expressed. f bel love that is imipor-tant." This, ÇFBfeature is f abelfled "The Way I Soe 1t"and hores Bob Hlesketh shinqs as, a perceptive humourist witlý a koon wit. AlasgodIistoning, I McGregor sMidgt Win a Close Contest by David Gôheen iThe Mdets play theWht The shawa Md gets who by Mdgets la the 7:00 pm wull represent Canr&a aat ne,tfursigeSardynht wceek's hockey tournaýmentun orn on1dow to thearen -(eden, clob-ee heBWSaturday night, fthe boys,,need maniville St. Mary",; Juveri)ýes your loyal vocal spot 14 te l on th-e weekend. Oshaw wasled byv Glený ______________________________________________________________Kirkam with four goal, E p.etyDele Kiedwitb a, pair, ad'ing les from iGary Sherbani, Bill 'Team in F Yelv rto' Sn î 1 1 W l Cha pionhîpCoe, Gary Lewis, Jim ,Digan, Br1adl(y,118t4 'y Yelvet~ r. Gils W n Cha pionhip rian -rum, Jeoff KepnLan,iColv7ille __1683 1 Bewimaniville&s 1le cgo 4a cf ------ 670 1 "~ '~~u3~5~ ~uf~~u~ ~, , .. wasscored by Doug Tamblyni{esna . 158 1 wihassistaSto WyeSe?- Gbon171 !5 rmur and Paul Sheehan. Sthns157 1 ~ ~but were uinable te genera te'Coom11bes ---7- 1 e nougIý power, to cope wlth, Bof, 137 j10 ý1 the superior fitniess ecf th, e ý1I,1 ----- 4 5 WhVIen the Redmen tigalich Huh sngle,BrdaSeh 'Iqprtnt tO skate tewa rd, ens 24 ihdul.Sao ,,oppont -bno15 (2-3) teopSition they were u e 0Aeae Î.able it elai adirect îahot o . eera20,WCema Uh a"S net. Pehpeo Strdynight0, J. Chant 201, Marlon Gb whe thy metOshwa U-son 198, F. Land 195, B. Steph.. ns 195, A. Bons 1q,3, M venueIs ln thlaie nighit doic- Horsîman 1q3 F B Î9eyi2, ble bieadler, they. will be able Ml.Laa12 ______ te 'cone utpwith an ail-oI _____________ ccfftor and score a fawemor, PHlYiVO0WLE murday's doulble header, thec HEA-'TING SPEIALIST Be 'mnvila McGegorMid- gats core a damatc gol, 1Qàecn lStreef qit g ly25seconds renaýin-Bomnîe ngteue a 4 te 3 win aven PON 2379 L1i-7say Atte two ouos thetwe 4 OR SERZVICE ... . . ... ... .teamaii were tied 2-2 On goals u, (i, as & Etectrie Furnacer byv Grant Luxton frorn iRon & Air Candli ion fistalla- Stik iad Gary Coxý, and tina !- central & YWindowem B oyd'Kno10x fiomtoryG ibb , Uis-ciare Hc0a & Bath Lindsayv'agoals were Finiey dpment1 scrdby Doyle. Fe auae Iln he thlird" stanza, Bow- fludgpt Ternis Avallablix. manville's Boyd Knoxsor te break the dedlck it- Roiry Gibbs aFsistiing. BuM2 seconds lafer, Lytie beat Mc- - Gregors goal tender te tie 0 RD the garne once again. Theni, wvith onily 25 seconda; reMrnan TRN 4D ngGrnt Luixton cashdn - a~ pas from Allan Enardî, and V3ATO TI McGregeorsý salvaged anotheri The Midgetas -ecemr te be O. playiag better hockey every TS Èseason the Yelven"ton thle wnesof thje fre v e as ofollowed the eta TacksonI,-Bre'nda Mtaîcoîm co enîrast, thee uei Senor irl emrge. te Tomas tropby. 0Other teams garnes throughout tesao.Jem e ciî, i ae pr, badly lainneed f somre MacDONALD ch ionlatheNorth Duri- la thýe pyi includied Janet- Teanimnbers aie: front xow, anSisoMnilVacl,~ ueeand tearn leader- FR Barbara Wilson); back shFiOtRDregig epa ham IiLaileguelb Kat nnk"'O m, ua hockeyt C tly iey arel ecapii Stibo Uoc623t-4481ff Iov eylewtrophy provided b eieo ih aevleadShaii(rnNeabitt, G loria McCuli- Gil lis, Marliyn Hilaami itný r, of ayîngh___are________ tihe Thomas IFamiily esauan)lvrtnpitted aanieh loug], CnyM1om oi anaKr cpanGe 'n Mllbrook. Lasi yeat thle other i l te finîals. Each of the auSao er(a il ry AnWlo ly MlrokSenior Gilswere teama had a arge boýal group Susan Faîha, middle 1row Van -Stins-on (mlanager)______ Commercial1 League Hoc-key ."j Spncr rimp 32Merry Makers 41 Sm A h --- -- ---- ----3------- M>oore en c r s01 i u.mJ J -,/. c'.rusn - 91 3tïI ess i-' t0 Cdrnht jue, dia!, PRICED FROM $65-00 ,onýioer Ihe rperformrance: ail are 17 j'ewel, seif-wind, 98.2 fi. water lested, ith n- tant date change day-date caiendars, and ail the quaiity aind accuracy that has made iS~ofamous. The prices are IyouIng and easy, too. Snce ail Seiko wvatches are automation- made, you pay only for thie imepiece, flot the time il, Itook k) make it. So corne choose a lime tpiece tht's u p on t hci m es ~f~omour lvely oung Seiko ~çoietin, SEIKO Versus Waller Frank's Mutton' s Dump Brooks. m- -ý9P-tfr- 1-1