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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1972, p. 10

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o The Cndan2a'sin BwRv l,v.2,12 Durham.Agi News by Bob Watt AssstntAg ricultural Rnoyýal Winîitr Vir Winer Cônigatltýifla arein od pr fAr Mî.W esle Yloweeýis' t'f mkilnw1hriagainpac edfirat in bis clasa , and woin he Wo"r, ld hnpinhpfor, nats. Mrray Yelloulees plac- ed 7secOnd iin lhe same las pei n, ance and Brenda Velwesplaced firsit and1 eeconrd rsetieyin the oats rb a ni loug, iPaul an second aMd hird espectively ir t-he C-,ýrowdbayclas, Be Carebfll lune (as Il Dangeous 'The etrmevriations Il 1vather dujrmgthr gown saaon tIbis yar have caUsed streSs a plntsParticularly corn,.TDrought,codlcko anid ipartil froialae(acor je tMay cause itrasmto ac- cunaulatr in corp talks andi eavce.When the (co rn is rinsiledi, thse rnJirates roduce nitrogen roxides or silage gay. Farmers should take crtini precutio vtoprCýent inal Mton of allae gas in order Norman o sniCodnt Cor, FaroSaeyWrkc' Comrpenlsation Boa)rd. Ntrîr aid 1,i1 nitrous Coxidc bin f0 fomitnafe husafter the silae hlam heen~toe.Norlly ýcobor- boss and orleFeAs, hgases t~~~~I ur elws yellowis-11 l'r. They colecton op o lieavir thIln a ir, PRunnti',n g th il blower d cant; It MlY agitaes the air-. Fobwsafetyprcuin radIl yar, but epciiynowforamot r oeafter- fty ri eautlow Uc1. Put eL. Un Pan oyygeon supply- a;tid mak whn cniinlg Ithe s1 io andnopening oorsat - - a a e v l, a i ý SOU noticea sharp R iritin Codr Cor yloihbongas- Gonegl Insuranc ,i, ITNG STr. , 1R(-pre sentative danger tothprsý, port aa 1iriOn Satrdâ , Nvýi on t h e sýýi3 l door or in Ithe feed l1972, the 4-H membenrm roonm. thë Acmoi 4, Noer enter the silo prjt,"ceoi alono. Another persan shtud the Bedraam", wïll mi always bepret in case of M J. Hobbm Senior accident. Scho, near HÏanpton. 5. Conitact a dotor nmd- nnthe girls M ately if exposed wf0 iae gas. judging classes a of Bé Symptonis of exposurie are, Ac-ceýsSorieà, answering irritations of the nase and andwrit i frh throt an snezing. partial m4wrigotfint roalyisand et eul rm-ngenientM. suit la (exposure "is seve. I would like Ita exte You cannot opdict whoether jinvitation ta you tan J the nitrates in corn -,ill cr0- fortMe aitRmnoon pragri air a pole.So take prop- glnniing at 1:15 p.,m1 cautions Mand cndrcorn club menmbers WiH[ha, ensilage dangerous untif prov- articleS and record en otherwviie. whlch fLhey miade, on ëI <oing Soon ;and they will 'ne pro- by Kran itzsmrnn5, xhibt~,dé*onstratior Homre Economist ait.1 thinlc you waro The 4-H I*omemiakiag Club 40y f , he qffernoýon, if yv AcheveentDaY i i nîttrestêýd it 4-14 gir1J's Durhxlim Ciltinty and sewing. __ WESLEY VILLE Wit1 snow fallinp Pagaîn on freshints nprovided 1> Sunday ight, November 19, uniti affodciopotun it seemp as if wint0r, was hvariflgmare of titis riy on ts way, 50 thatour continent, peopleas well as birdeshouli MsdmsC Dcis take nng. her fore Ashby and E. flarrox some tihiav bot ahome i- attended the regubar r alch ave(,n waltthe ârriv-of thpEàsit Durhlam $ Ti ai, ,F ra tcold eor tr tAoycaitSociety -in Port Hope on be;n cseld or in t.s A cl-nesrday evening ta bea laiF cbosed ton soon hantoni th '9(' nw -ýotory of the pont officei bedifiuit kopina urac- opand see the série.i heaedcelarnârkcs betinnrg ia The jnotinmeing of VWsl- through the different t CoPne UCW.was held on Tues,- marking uspd tfo~ day evening, Nov. 14 Wîthlment, and ater the in business condiuctd by the ing cork cancellatons PFrosîdent, Mrs. Ken Symôniý. stnip wa esdThe This waa the monith for the ,iag was w eIl Atfended1 retun of Mthe coin baflen ivc- rentberm were adder aýnc,ýnoutlacthe egiýnnng of the thle bolssthat day Of Mjrý yea to assist ,n raiiig mney Record. She ws ad fou the l11%begirl be.îng put and enfhiusiastic warko] throgh chol i Ho~ Kn~.projects f0 carrýy out fi With 5sevral colnlseSuutilpose of the saety. to cone ipn thr was a gri-;i fyn oLtlof nerli' $70.Ar- Airnol iAnd taobd rangemets were m èfr re oalbed home sfron tihe begînning 0f the Advent hjnting tp aitWd srieand i twa decîderd tai nigit 1fa attend the fini acce(pt Katbr-,yn MyýcHo,,m's off- a cousin whose finer, 1-r ta sketch bbc churynhkfor lhebd a obcaygeon on hast-noes.Locail unit bus- : day. Unt il %Cattima il leswas cnducted bI h M-Ua, flot sAen n dëeer but1 KeiDinnor and arrangements ý(- it b. woode Ratt or tf maeta pack bales by bôthjeorSi.1 uira.ý Devotioni for the ovoning we-re cnutdby fthe AOT S under- the leadershîp of Allan Osborne wihnieditatirin on thbtemne or ife's distraCtiJons prcventing or hneigcoin- mittmrnt f0 God. Ijohn Groea- Yveit providerd fhe (-musie for thisprt of the ae"rvicr- speak- Irafor the eve-n-ing wero Mr. adMra. Stuart of Cobo-urg, !itýo,,ic by Mrs. T. Wilson. Mr tup lai a barrister, lita wif o nrs nd f hey arei home f, romi a year of valua-1 tary s ervice in the chldren's, vlaeini Honduras. Slides tif the cuntry, people, ana' tirwork there, fold of the extremet povorty of this Cont- ri American country. MrS. Sturt workod at a clinîc, the only modîclal holp for 30,000 pieople. Instead of accepting thffeir offor of another yoarA 1 service-, the mission there âsk- ed the Stuart's to corne home and nia;ke known the needs ofi theefiieolo Serving of re- BOWANVLLECUSTOMERS CAL 'L COLLECT Ask Opèrator for 668-3381 or Dial 16838 DX FUEýL OIL CALL US TO-DAY,, FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE OFFERS INTRESINOSALES AER OPPRTNIIt WiTcH EflNAFlLES OUR SALS EPREfSENTATIVES TO 1,00K LUFE - AUTO HOME - COMMERCIAL li po aeever conisidered asvi insuranicecrareer wvith a milultiple lune insurance Company vwhere youcr 4compen)saf ion is related to your effort,,; may beý the opportujnity you hiave been w7aitiing for. OUR SALES REFPRESENTATIVES: * PATICIATEIN PROFESSIONAL SALES *ENJOY FUTLL41 STAFF BENEFJTS ~~~ REEVEAGUARANTEED INCOME DUýJRING iTH-EIR FIRST 12 MONTHS OF EMýPLOYMiýENT '0 COPANY 'CAR PROVIDED Repesetafvesarerequired in the BowanvlleNewaste -Oronloarea Tocarane a interview, please contact: PORT HOPE cou 2c, jes for muet et -Public In the Mi be ýdroorn a qytlz ire ar- nd an juin Us arni be- CLThe ve tho boOks, ns and ,nid en- aOu are y both iityi for Tctough m WFd- ar Mrsn. the his.- [n port 1829. lpeg of xv Day- itore-t- m; reet- but alt ned' aIt s. John irector a in SI le pur- Auntin mi t er dnesday, nral or ai 1wI;, ý i hurs- bey had rpturn- die hun- Mrs. ar; iwhrn f Pcterborough R;nd Mcr. Sybil Lippett, 'King Clty, hâd dinnâr wvith IMrý . nd Mn. arobd -Bar- rowclou h on iWèdtiesda5,i Nov. lSth. Can vwe sf1l1 believe in a Godl of Love? Was ýt thenie M nev .1J. RRniiti's slermon at Welcome an ISundai'moring Tho p hir Antbhem wa "Pralse tfiec Lord. 0 Z;o". MN.auve and whlte chrysirnthe- munis, aurebr fil Stif thei gardon flowerm ifo r,1, brOuIght-liheîr awn message f-, boauty. EBENEZER meeting ,if the TJCW 7was heldi 1 ursday, November l4th atl 2:00o with 19 l1adies re ent. Mira. Douglas Oke opneie with a poeûênZDuc" Ahich dievelôped hugt from the famil'ar veýrse 'Uas- uhasye on1to the Ica,% of ths.ny brethr, yel hâve dône it Ontoni" Rol Allau was tken -,by the Secro-tary MAri. Garinet Goyne, wit h mnbErs iving the1 nanes of sick or shut--in peo-ý ple aa ýRreply. T'he itodcio18 h atudy of india Nval -ake b ' Mrs. Donald Mtai ad Mira'. Carl Dowil. We were raniud-1 edC ÉbtetPr. Eva Moeshàad benthe moet effective wvaY' of ur echurch providing infor~ ryn9ion and énthueiïý1Aiiabu india, Dr. Moses, Superiniten.a den Lo01 ndore Hospital,wa1 broughlt to Caniada by the Unlitèd Chur-ch, and in her, delîghtful mninier sa'id, -f amn the produet of your missiOn school.i in india -- nd JI must now go back fÏa Fndia. They need me there". The book "ComehInside India" la easy f0 present, with e-ach chapter being the ,citer of the Alohatbet. The them-re word !,, one bcfinniing with the chapter letter and one thatI has epecial rneAning in indita. The ladies were given sheets ,of paper with thbe ?alhabet on it, ta be completed during thle study with appropriate words relating ta flhe tudy etLindia. ýThe introduction xab givenl ,aternately by Mrs. Mceabf and Mrg, Down. 'The chapters ýA-D were prosentlediïth em-ý phasiâ on the fiolloving words:ý ýA -Architpcture andAsia, 8I. - zaar, C - Cra.fti -And D- M14res.r4laitl{arrin -ulid a Cail ~ ~ t foWrsi f p6n ithe dlevational period, Odur hymn wai56 God aef orathera" !The offering wan gethered by 'Mis Ann HoUt and dcae hi' Mrâ. farris. We rF;ad Palm46, "God is auiir refugeý Iand str-ength" Ï11 unisoli, fo- lawed by prayer. 'We werei asked f0 Consider why w. put' aside Novemnber llth asa a iyi to eenbr Aî Mrs, Barrisý was- e haingthe imnport-ý ance of thib day, wve were, P,aar of the nobiliti' of sacri-j ficean th rqi iclieasofr r national and spiritual inheri -' lance. Our freedom lise Coqtý plenty. We obsoerved fwo ïmin- utes ilene, followed bi y - er. Mrs. Lloyd Down played' i piano spee Ction "'Let the ha peace on earth, and Ieci, t begzin wth ne~ 'he book, "HI-iddon for 1000 bay-" by :Rây Sannin waé ombinerd, and -wil lbe hold l A&P POLICI AtWAY5 DO WHî1 AS HONEISI AND FAR FOR EVERY '-T JANE PARKER (ladf 'n SweeA'n Gond Eno Eat) (SAVE 10ç) JANE PARKCER, PINEAPPLE TOPPED (SAVE 14c,) JANE PARKCER, BROWN 'N SERVE ROLLS cherry Pie ftiII8-inch,24-ozsize 59/ SY<eet Roîls pkgof8 39/ OR WHEAT- TWIN ROLLS jFKîI JANE lPARKER (SAVE 1lOc) JANE PARICER (SAVE 6c) PL1AN POPPY liED, FRENCH ROULS OPKGA $E$AME SEEDOF1 à Englis.h Fruiiit Cake-l,9-ozcake 39/ý Babka Coffee Cake6-ozcake 59/ (BUV JANE PARK<ER (SUY 3 S AVE 17,) JANE PARICER 3<* V USAVElT Goldn Lof Cae 3 ~-o caks $100 Sowflke oîls3 ~SAVE$,007t)' W~ AN ADV--RTIv 9PFCtAL 15 WVIR S OUT ASIC7H,.' y'ANAGER 50R A RAINCHECK. IT ENTITLEs YOU OTO I- SAME ITEMA AT THE SAME SPECIAI. PRICE THE Fo.LLOWi.NG ýWEEK. OR IF YOUJ WISH WE['LL GIVE MEM AT THE SAME SpEIIL PRAE.Y, A&P OFFFRS ANq MONEM'ACK G1UAP- ANTC.E. NO MATER WfflT IT A, NO MATTER WHO MAKES e t A, IF A&F SELIS [T, A&P GUARANTISAT ANSWER YOUR izTTER TOPAI COOKES te ~ BABYMOODIEO BICK' 32-I~ozar Af-VOOTMANS ti0 FP1RP UDDNG AarURSTDA,4 RIBS ONL2,Y1?7 EP RMERIBSTEAKS$ CAKIFORIAST AS b BAIFOOYPLAS DILL' PICLESTOILET TISSUE1* FWDE ;S CHKN l 5 ROLS ATIO SUPER=ÉGHT QULITY BEF, BON ANINKER-RAHT QUAIITY BiFBLEA LUPERROH LIT F O NLESS S TEA K URS >PETER PIPERLY SICINO SUPE-RAGI QALIT BEE, FESH AALYFRE H(LGO BREEPA I ARTES SOE , EW ZEALA DSPIN TL E (ONCOP B8 F) S ROZN ( NIAGA RA CN COKIC SHOUR5TT8S"LEGDESRN WSSORE PlBUR SOPYRAOOVNOAIN Sausages 1662/ SWAFTF PREM!1 OAIUM Y tHEIEE r7/ 80 L0K4a SU-IX H QRAND, S fLCE , 'BANOILCTUT fl5E Steide Bon iL6 'a94/Slice Bloggna î&THE cpac b59/I3ýEý1 ~ SUERRGýf UMYREF CNRECUMEI OuPanIgHTJQANEPAKR aer Vles D ERRGM UATC EEH D ULL F8-INCH O MA RAISIN

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