Orono Company,~ Wins Awards For Designing theïr de-signeýr Thomias _Lamb, shareid in some to-p awards at' tle e Eedee Show, held ricnl in, Toronto. The Eedlee Show (E-xcellence cf Design) for Canadiani furniitutre is Spcn1-1 ordby the OntarJlo Mnistry oýf Industry and Tourîsmn with annual awards for thee best desigasq. The prcgrama has beeni in existence for six years anid was depvýeloped te encurae frniture manui- fcreste impreve design1 andl manufaturing innova- tins. in the residential produc- lion area a child's high chair- designed by, Themas Lambýý and produed by Plydesisof Oreno wwon top boueurs The Eee-wnigdesign ,tarts life as a hili chair for a, chjild cf seven mionths or oand then cani be adaptedi by RSreasebling and finallY de(tacbingpat tefermo a the-grcuud feedling station, a ccntaiinled pystatien wih1 foot1rest, a wr station, a chaij riud esk or a hlighr desk and chi witJh snap-on- tr-ay suitable fer a child up te ixyears. T'homas Lamb is fast bfe- cemoning knewn as on e 0cf Canoada's metst innevative de- sijgners. H asadouble winrthis year as hie was aise nmed rnuer1-uinin) the centract cate'gery 'for a pl- woofrmedi chair witle ath- er ulpholsteredj seat and back. The chair is constructied by Pldsin n Orono and is ()f 1inany 7new eýxCi ting11frame fun i nes produced l-1 cýally in thie new plant.-Tîimes. OBITUARY FREDRICKS, COLE The death cf a Ilie-longy rpsideut and well-kznown bus- iesaFrederick Samue Co)le, age 62 years, c)ýcurredl on Wednesday, N-%eember 8, 97,at Memoriai Hospital, Bowanvlle le had been in hospital for one week. Born ln Bowmanville, he was a sof the late John and Nora Cole, and receîved hî1is educaticnli Bowmaflville! schocîs. On March 18, 1936,1 he married the formier Edith, Severs , whe survives. MIr. Cole, wth his an sd non, had resided at il Edsall Ave. fer, the past 15 ,7ear-o. AI barber by trade lor' 42.year, be, first was associalted witl Cil sBarber Shop wben bis father, thec late John Cole, Wals propietor and cf late yýearS with bis sont Gary. The deceased to a keen! In-terest in civic affaire. He was an active and zeaou memberof ithe Bowni Liens Club, Bowmaauville Goli & curling Club, Bowmanville Law,, Bowing Club Rnd of the F Meu'sý MaJor Bowling Leagule. Survivýing, besides i. l,>xfe Edith and s on Gary, a re three brothers, jack, Walter, anud Herli, and a sister MNar- garet. The funeral sriccon- ducte by Rev, T. GaiWaS beld at the Mris nra Chapel, Bowmanville on Sat- urday, Novem-ber Ilth. In- terment was in 1Bowmanville Cemetery'. Pallbearers Were MessrS. FgdwaTïrd Leslie, Robert Kent, C)lrerle Stephen, Lowell Mac- oJuga, Milton Corsn n RoadParker. A eylarge numober of flrltckens attested te the hihesteem ila which the Fleceased was held, amonig which were those from) the jieus Club, Lawvn Bowling Club, Chainber of Commerce, Ladjies' Mina Nigbt Bowl- ing Leagule,-West End Merch- ntBrancb 178 Royal Can.- Bandi, Men's Major Bo.l League, Progressive Conserv7a- tive Avsociation, ail Bowmnan-j ville orgaisations; Northumn- berland-Durham Progressive Censervaïtive Assoiatioýn, Dur- haml Courity Progressive Con- servative Association, and Betan:-The reP gul a r imonthlymetn for the Man-' vers Townlsh'ip tCeuncil was held recently with Reeve ,avy iMalcolm presiding. A severance was granted te Mr. and M\rs. Grant Kerr teý iconvey approximately two acres off lot 24, in thee 3tbi concession. A "Canidcates' Ngh"wil11 lie held on November 22nd, 197 a 8pmj. îluthe Town-ý sýhip Hall in BethIanY. Ai u curnbeff n mmbrs arudnew caddtswill lie given all spnrtuty o seakto the bt'ih CGe rald1 oGlrian will lie hld a he ownhi Hall(, s the fIlorsbhave been snedand the hall1 was, jueti recentlvyprdecorated. The water system at Sand-1 wýOed Estateps will elurnPdi off on November 3thl, and reconnected on May lIst, 1973. A $ 25.00 grant waýs given to the Millbroo~k Agricultural Thp )NIext oun(-ilmeeting! wl e eld on December 12.1 Thle min who wins most of bis arguments loses most of bis friends. The Ceniidlan Stt,,,mpr, Bowvmanville-, Nov. 2,X7 , SAVE $2.00 SPECIAI, -/s» Beaver has an extensive selecion ofpaes Virtially a panel for every tsefrom low cost utilitarian hardboards to exo,ýtic eer.Hr is arp- xresentative group from our ecxtensive pane ino. M-nterey Oak $L9 SR C T D Sc-idia Oak$52 D3 1x 2x 8 Eg, 32- Pe Z,.2; 1"X X"i ' Reg. .-1Z e. 3 Oriental Walnut$995 v3 Bayou Pecan M549 2" x 2" y 8' -Eeg. .76 - Se..65 M4S Canadian Birch $7.29 2" x 4" x 8'- Reg. 140 - Se.11 M4S Sunset Ash-$89 2" x,. 4" x 12' IEeg. 2.I -Spe0 37 Beaver has a complote supply of strappingo tig, nails, panel ahsvs IIow-To-Do-It literature and band and power tools. BENNY WILSON lx, a-p