The Canadian Stateuinan, ~ownianville, Nov. 22, 1973 - PERMANENT PRESS SPORT SHIRTS CPolyestier ind CMon blnd that std. fesh 100'<109 m'l day. Aseorted colours i li ni L 9 fenoy pttprns. -Sizns S M k XL, TEXTURIZED NYLON POLO SHIRTS p. and E.Thrn e-toplee' styles ifo chooqe from pl~ke wlh coler tutîsor tmck f urti eck. Nàvy, Prown, ivory. SIM-L-XL- 100% /oORLON SWEATERS F.xtpertly feshloined etrse a buýdQt co- tcloum prices. Ohoos% theppuatrlsek pullovpr or theolsslo cardigani, In ayBrw or Ivory. S!zeà: 8-M-L-XIL RA NCH STYLE CAR COAT Mm!de of r)qgged corduroy with Orlon, herpr, pile Iýlingand frime coller. eedsyescp porokets, Whlskey or Atlp.Sizas:38-4.45 699lltp 8.99 9.99 2699 USE YOUR WALKERS OPTION CHARGE ACCOUNT OR VOUR CHARGEX CARO SOFT LEATHER G-LOVES Specii nueA Wo sk »ethurgnesyou'l madr thn workmanel, the qumlitu h xçep, ilonally low prices. olC f inlngs, Sasorted cours Sibe: 8'/u-1 O NAME BRAND SCARVES 1n9 sh,3des and fenc(,y rmuýed eheek3 WIDE FASHiON TIE-S Chrltas glR bn de zseWos Iatet paiterni and velours. Superb vam'. STRETC'H HOSE Nemin brand e0% Kroy o, 1.29 wlth vvryhngna1 ed- 1.49 robp:Nay Brow, îsk, xeutiaL g4 BOXER SHORTS Pemaen i!g~f 2 o9on 9'xe ,shorts. 2 !n V a Ia; ne plain and cens fency patteZoo ies SM-LX. J)Dcear Santa;: 1W like lagylants -. UzeYnur Walkprs OptinCed or Cheirgex.' 623-5451l BQWMANVI LLE The progran m slacag fj *Mrs. Ray Porteous, ýýccn- ofnar 0f Ari cultu re atld Mon. George Neals cer- -men-ted onthemota:"Thit C Pain uy Cndalv Ga;.od CndinLives" Mca, AdisonSco(ttIt- ducedIMn . Kren FtzIM' mn,County Homle Econo- itwbo intunintroduced ber hiusbanid Tom Fitzsiri- mous, t'he igtaest ekrM, Fltzimmos sa atht Leach- er and VepketateLi ea bers on the imetrk system. Mdembers particpated in the,: program, lea-rninig ta couvert lengt, weight, and volume La ,ha nietrfice systern. Adjo--urned I~n Clarke Twp, TeChairmnan oftHe 0On- tar[oLluicipal B(oard orl- ducting a hearing in Ortn on Tuesdsyv, Nov. 11, pastpoïi, edI the haigdue 1 t the laCk of time t1oearal tb±ýÉ evideunce iin thr appreal Iigrd by the Clarke Townslp Pla- ning Board (,ver a'l iiÔ;n hýandfed down by thrl~k TonhpCoramitteeof Ad,. justirent. The B3oard had ai- loweda period of two hou±ru ta hear theC appe'al and at noon tho chiairman stated that/thec appý,11 was appearing te hoe moýrie cmi atedasthe ha ing prgr frd-11 i4 ho'ý six ta eighit weeksI.I Ni dej- !rjite dJate wal rset to remumei the he.aring. The cara iasae th'at thle 1Board isý adverse teý give aýdvice ais if is ofteniii terpreted ini as -maniy ways -ae there are lsees 11E-did Say howevrrer tat 'as evidence kept nfldn it ap- pea'red lthatthe aplilicatio-n shoild bhave contir-ued by tb* 1byl a, ruterathier ta eknga ïminer varîane4 Ho, said that action would haveý, been gained If ani application had been ýlodged under section 3,1 (32) f the Planin.i;rg Ac-L Mr., 1. Geibermian, actâine on behaf oftheClarie Fishiîid Cnneral-onClub stated 4-hé was aware of tie section but that, the Club, 1had hesitatedi i making use of the section, not wanting taappardictatrorial and alsa they wanted to ho good rneighbours q in-the cn- munlity. Mr', . CGleiberman xpri e that thie club had first asked for 10 chalets on thýle property but this had neyer bieen ap pro'ved andit qhad been-ýug gest ed by the !DMA thaithigu bereduced ta six chal.ets with one beinàg of a si ze ta i-e club bouse. 1Ne sidthse proposais neyer got oýff th( ground and did in fact hang in limbo.ý Mr. Gleibernman saidl the club wuldhoagr-ee,- abie ta the larger resiiiece or c',lub house as a shelter -for' those using the projperty, The chairman mstated thatLnr view these proposais wpe~~tl beforc-e ouncil, and in sýpitE> oni action or non-aiction,, thé. applicat-ion b-ef are the Cern- mit ,tee orf Adjustiment may have been premature or 1m,- proper. The proposai Is rek1y stiil in process, he saod. TrD take a different ;route iL,4 n0 senisible. M. B. Kelly;represented thu Clarke planjning Briard, -;R legal counisel. VWhen I. leib'. ermian challenged that the appeal application shoudd have been lde by council rathel r 'thý-an the -Planni-ng Board, th-e car a kled Mr. KeU'Ly ta rpiy with 5évi- dence on w1-cher vhwa the case. A 10-inuite iroces was held and returniing, 'Kelly was about to present his evi- dence when theip chairman. in- terceded stlating that the Board coid hear the appèal and that he had wanted M. Kelly 1ta)do ;a littie dglg thep chiarman firat vmew them sujbjec( 't lan1ds efrheing evidnce.The hairan tat- edý it, isveyrrfote0M f0 view test."h or l p ed on ýyo u - t a 'prese t the piceture jpro.perly," he sai, ý h. Board .as he(re tn Judge tfie evidience, not sekevidèmiï,-- he stated, Conjside:rable time w ak~- en in establishin.g whether or not the building shoud h erected, if if cam-rýip.ied ,Lwith1 the ef x is t ing b y-a nw s, ýqr, Gleberanstated t he buOld- inig was to-a rresdn."Wve May 'not uDse it 1as uc-h but i woul.d be thiere, for the ciI mebrbe said, Fishing, it was eemnd andt was sa stated inii the by- low. Mr Kely aidhe dn know what ihigws on in the sctioni"Ohbut _1, luý ia", said the Board l ran 'm tsed tblis section applies ,ta ýpevrmi fsmn,» said., At ioon the hearing wmau KING ST. EAST