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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1972, p. 8

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FLASHBACK-25Ys g The members of the Saline Football teq, Darlinigton league chîamp- ions, are Bryce Brown1, Wesley YeIllowlees, Lloyd Mhto, Hoerd ilîson, Rae Pasc, Roscoe Baker, Earold Belsoni, Tom Balker, Francis Wotten, John Baker, Pericy Westlake (go-,aie), CharlesLangmaid, Grdon Pascoc, -Harold Potter, James Potter, Bruce Ta-ylor and Ross Cry\ derinan. t t t t FLASHBACK -'10 Vears Ago - The Boys' Athletic Society of Clarke Hfigh School elected the followinig officers for the school year. Presi- dient Don Colwill, Secretairy-Treasurer Arthur Reinstra and repr(,eîitativeç Andy Murphy, Terry Grahani, Idso Wesa Bruce Mercer, B-ýrîin 1Ishîi ir and Brry W1.att. ~200 CLUB - iers on Saturday, Nov. l8th: No. -m4 jackBsonet, No. 276 Don Welsh, No. 210 Jean Devitt, -No. 73 Gog Martini, No. 222 Carl Devit.t. t t t - t sBASEBALL -ili Cobourg on the weekend et the Eastern Ontarlo l3aseball Association ml-eeting it ,%as deCided thlat thie newly formoid Bownian- ville Basebaîl Assoiation wvould host the El.O.B,A. conventrioni here in January. More details later. 'SKATEATHJON - -Man-ager Don Badouir advises that Wood Tra;ns port -Pee Weeshave. ben invited to par-, 'ticipâte at, the Quebec Winter Carnivel Hockey 'Tournament 'tii Februjary. Now ail they have to do is raise the money, (-On Saturday morning, Nov. 25th a green jacketed boy will be calling et your dcor asking you to support the epproved Bowman- ville Minor Hlockey Association Skate-a-Thon et 5c a lap Sturday, Dec. '-?'rd f'romn 3-5. Please be genler- ts. This i,3 ae much sought efter honor to piay et Quebec arnd a first for Bowrnanville. t t t t RECUPRATIN - Fiends and membors of B'ownianville Country, Club will be pleased to leartn that Bo-b MiýcDon3ald, ownor of the club, is progressiniýg favorably following heart surgeryý i-ecently, in Toronito General Hospital and hopes., to be released shortly froni the University Wing oftIhoptl t t t tt M ~EN'S TOWN LEAGUE, BASKETBALL' - Lest Tuesdey, Nov. l4th, saw KnsMen's Wear teke over first place wiih an excit-Ing 23-22 victory ove-r Iloop)ei,'s Jewellery, The score was 20-6 et Ihef t-ime Sand 20-20 et the three quarter mark. High scorers were DonMconl 10, Jim Campbell seven of j ~KensChris Steel1 10 eýnd John Compton eight of SHooper's, Ia the second geeCoronetion Cafe defeet- cid Stephen Fulels 38-28. At Murdoch 10, Jim Beama f~Six, Ken Kelly five of the Coronetioni, Jîm CoylJe 10, iBill Burgess and Mille MerIaishell six api ece of the ~Felr>Standin 'gs: Ken's Meen's Wear 3-1; Stephen iFoels, 2-2; Coronatlion Cefe 2-2; Hlooper's Jewe1lery SKI-TITP$ - The siig season is fast approachi- Sing, skiers hope, and fofiowing are a few, tips to Obsêrve for aý good skiîing season. 1. Get ini shape h y doing exercises staring late siummer or feul. ~ .Check your release bindings. 3.ý Ski rnoderately Sfor the first few ruals, 4. Do a littie clîmibingçl to limiber p.5. Be frîendly' and courteous. 6 i ways obey the signs at ski areas. 7, Ride- the lifts ertd;-and don't cheat the operator. He needs ce fully mnnaint(air and improve the faceilities., 8, Don't ski un1faiiar or too difficult hlls. q. Don't hiesitate to ask a patroller for help. 10. If you clfimb a M11, use the sides and not the niiddle. SCURLING, - Th3e first Jipi Naylor ChallenigeRon Sfor 7iiio) rinks s aw Ron Manining, Skip, Bow- ~ avleHrenry Chamip, CTV newsm-nant, Lcadl, Arch lljndroff, secondc, Doug Dinwlvice, deea ich Ve'ssey of OSha1wa1 anid thuls will play in the Consol ,s ~final. Several iew faces appeared in, competition thiis ~-year and acquitted themselves well, amiong whom ~were Jiim YugaLes Zulkowski, Ken Thomp- ,on and Johln FlgfromBwmnileCon 50-50 -Draw mlne a the Juir"C" hock'ey gai». at tIc local arena on Sunday, was Keni H Iolmies, 52 Sinipsonk Ave, Bcownianville, h hilcky prograni winner wvas Steve Hogarthi, 9 SStrike Ave, t t t t - 'JýÛNIOR COACITING CJERTIFICATES c wre 'awrde toBarareMcGurLirk and . Julie Viviani Bow~navile Fgue Satig Cubmembers, on SSunday, Nov. l9th at theic Coaches Clinic held nt Mem,,rorial Arena, Ptroog.____ COF BOWLING Lde'highl single, N. A. Bon)sma .21547 49 awon25;ldis' highi tr-iple. ýB smith- 3L... 31491 45 Smith) 718 (214-245-259>, N Dawson 713 (184-254-275). R. Vanderberýg 30762 43 ý Men's hligh single-B,. MrP.Murphy - 31881 41 tn 321: men's high triple, G. M. .Alldread - 31139 3 8 Potter 69,5 (229-231-215). ýW. Plersma 30752 3,4 Teain Standings, L. Woodcock --30333P 3 Vins Pts. P. Potr1932 2 GCouch 1 36441 67 D. Nolan - 302841 20 VanGoor, 32063 5 J. Luffmawn 26473,1 12 The on-e you; have read about is herenow. Ses Nhe 1973 POLARIS COLT a t 1s 6-4 !5 ~, J. &M.Sports AuthoizedDeni'er i Kawasaki Mtryls-Polaris SnowmiyjleiýS ORIONO --I-HONE!983ê-5810 A FEW A-i UýJSEDk- SNOWMOBILES LEFý1,T T-IUNE-UFïS $7.5 pusPAT -, w men's Mau iico Annaert who thinks baltdancin1g and bowlngý ar th ame sport, won the hiigh tjriple with 8'27. The ' euryhiodoefroOrn rono hadi gamn-es of 300-241-286. Ani- r nrt: sl avin rg a trrifi c soas- n and convincod us that hle wvas orono'a No. 1 gîf',tota ho bowling world. Nice bowling, DeuLg Carter wasonlytwoi pins off thePace with 825 andi gamps of 292-263-270. Rus1> P"Di1uýýh" Halimian 'had 7 90' (2523,Larry "N p iper 7'47 (2941), M1urray V. Tigýhep 7038 (257)i Gord Wlox 737 251).'ob Sih 739 (283),r RyVan Meeïc(r 734 (3 13), Jack; Bond 724 (262), Howard -Kid'" Bmoîl 1M (83-61),Dr.H.ý B.Rnifam-ous deer 1hunt-1 o,75(268); John ufma 7il 21),Peot Mrpy703 (2853). Rowlie Co bahd ithe high snge of the eveaing 321, Mýaurii-e Richardls 307, George,, Piper 283, Bobo Kono-ý paki 280 280_ Billy (the KidI Luxton 277, Hep Palmer 282. Steve Oke and Te BagneIl 270, Hector Ballantine 267,. Ted Haîlman 265, AI 0Qablorn.e. 262, Bob Glanvîllo 261, KarT, 'iper and Harold Bennett 260. l Keni'a Me's Wear woa hrýih tam ingle score 1350. wieNels ,ýOsborno's Isr ance had 3651 for high tr.iple., Hon Etcher has topavr age 246 while Larry Piper is closing tbe gap aad has 244,1 Maurico Annaert ila third 239.ý S The Nels Osborne InsuranKce1 toam and the Pepsi Cola kid.i re ied wth- 22 pointa ocach Tho Beav;er Lumn-ber Co. tam bas 21 for third place. Sorry te hear of theaci derr n l ich Bud and L-yn Ok1e weo involved . We wip bth of them a apceedy rocoeryI Rusa is just about dute fov a1 400 gamne. llhWeek - latSchedule Top 10 Averagos (33 Gaines Hon 'thr246, Larry Piper 244, MurmcoAnnaort 239, Gord Wilco)x 2,38, A] Osborne 30- 236, Honl Selleck 235, DOUg Carter 235, Don Oke 233, Ernie Perfect 30 -- 233, Howard Bromeil 232. TeainW Ps. Nela osorne Pepsi Cola -22 11 22 Bo3av'er Lumber _) 21 12 2'l MuttnShel -19 -14 1 Wear 18 1M 18 Ju ýry-, ovi.. 17 16 17 Dyksta' Food - 17 16 17 Cown ponuic Buic ~ 1 19 14 crestaunt . 3 0 1 ILampnt 13 20 13 Frank's Variety -- IG 23 10 Prestons Ls T'o Bay Ridges A welfogtcontoat frcoin the ataýri sawPres-ctoa's 1luse 4- eByRidges. Bowmaanville !got off Con the rigbt (ýfoot by scoriag eal la tefrtperiod. Stan Greeni- bai tok psafrom GC'arf, ýMcýQuaid end ldmade 1ne misj- take oOn ih. Bey idgeshon came beck with tn eis la tee f irat peniod when' Bowmennvlllle lot up on the chieckinig. Bey Ridges get two moreý gln-s i lathe sceci otend Lthe The third perlod rwtai soeosa as obtht(esmis ed some ,ýgood cane aoundc Kecvin Nolead Bob Do! Boo played well for 'wpn Presons erecieduled to metOshawa ai a 7:3G on Tu-es- daynigt aitthe hlde' LeL' s bave veyueyout on Saturday et 5 pin., as Prestons m irieot Whitby fror- theý first lime ibis searoni. Ladies 767 htgo aorgt Ollid" e Pat- Nied 236 Kare Buna 67,Maerg. 7Per'i 717W.Ma rily n Cole 7'",3 0, Poil1e ýpa"t f;id i722.' Gaines Over20 Be31rlu Osborne 313, Kareni Buas29-25,Mailn ol Shanone ana269U237, Dot. Brooks 266-231, Marg. Peris 261 -256, 0111e Petfîeld 259- 258, Lily Bdm-yondsocn 257, Ma TeainStandingz .1, ajor28949 20 P.Brooks ___ 28877 201 O. Patfield ...2.. P,. 255 0 20 T. orrstr ___225 20 T. Wseme -- 8220 161 D., Bradley 269721 14 Hl. Rogers -- '7546Ci 13 E.ý Moore - ---7405 1:1 H., Depew n . 779 i1 J. Breýigg 277M ru Wood, Pee Wees to Play in Quebec Tournamnent, ()OI our way to Quer-bec 1IntLern at1i o nal Pee Wee partici pating' in hQlthInernat iitionl Pee Wee Hocer Tournaent".So read the sign on ïthe T]H. .Wood Tournamnent hJ aQee iy uigisWne Transport float in the Santa Cleuis Parade on Satur- Carnival from Febr'uarýy 22ndr to Maïrch 3rd next. Whc day, TL-he Bowmanville Wood Pee Wees will be -ýOre of knows, Swedent or een Russie may be next. 100 Casnadian, American and Europein hockey teams juvenile Game Cancelled Revenge for Last We b-y David Goheen 1the period. Il In the second, _B1owmanvi1îej On Saturdaiy night here, scored three goals, with s( Mcreors 1d-1et ad( Grant Luxton, AndîrewMc-zi sweet revenge for their 10s', Kenzie and Rory Gibbs being G !ast week and skatedc' to a 12 t.he mnarksmen. _ to vctryover Markhham1. TIn the thiird, Bownanville Bowmnvile as ýled by! played up ta their ptnilS Grant Luxton wxith a four- as six goals wer(- scoredt - thie 1 goal performnance. highest output in one pro The rouit started at theý by the team. 1 5:5 ark with a goal Seore'Cd At the 4:56 mark, Pearce T _ by A\llïen Erna4rd fromi Pearceý Wilco)x scoreud rom Boydti Wlo.Sev1en minte. later, Knox. Seventy seconds later h Rpory Gibbs soored with Bcoyd1 for Hume-n1ick hIit the net, ii Knox and Hon Strike assist-I withi assists goinig to Rory d in.Gibhs and Jeff Legeer. One Mvarkham got on the score-ý minnute later, Grant Luxton i shýeet te make thje gam co.noedCO( 'IIifr fom'-l Dennis Living- , c Dave Aneron eored theýstone and John Wýood, Fi ve lr goal, Grant Luxton for the minute01l"s IFatenr, Hory Gib bs r locals sored wi 'th Johin Wood scored an iunasssted goal. The tý assisting ta end the cont for 'sore no read omnvi]le r Knapps Ban tams Beaf Poert Hope and Petes T1 . In an T OMHA. Lych, +rrral4,ieTh .amPw s, n gaine played at Bowmanivllle onie of the rouîgheatplye on W'7ednes da y, Nov. 15th,ý this yeet with boith teama re- Knapp's Towing Major Ban- elvng miner, major and mis- C tains defeated a Miner BM An-codui ealtie.v tain teaifrein Peterborough Te coin ws haedh by the s coye of A-1. h crnmasaedbr There as nnt est as woplayers, IRýAlph Crydevc- erboreug ihroughut reh two goals apiece. ir gaine. The onfly reason the Conp,"DuRik"SBruni, a any score waa not highor was thet t xahduRlckSct hý a-an Peterborough had an nut-asitocDkBunply d ed another strong gane standing goalfie who inaO eakngup mn otHp menajy spleýndId saves. This r'ushesand -Bi-tl ILeamn akat-A as a' ýcl elean lyo gained ilegs owiag leadership i andver fw pnalie Woe y back-cbocking the Mopo r BnanMartinad Ted Putýiki tieorln everal ocsos led ln the scenlng w-Mh teV NeI home gýaines will ho Sgoals epiee, it singles ge-' played on Wed., Nov. 291hM clng te Kirk Kemp. Paul Sobil, with Whitby beirng thee îsi- Bill Laa and Ba;,rry ha- trs d Suindeya, Dec. 3rd, ýkIoton, Paul Sobil assîsted onMit Ajex supplying t'he op- ýthree gcials; Kirk Kemnp,1 position. ______ Bilani MaNnand Rkk ~James-- two assista each; G enrAI Cs -Bruni, Gary Nemisz And Ian GetCs Today iWllcox werje credlted with one assit oc.FrOdA niu e On, Sunday, Nov. l9th, in ai o d A-a-inc_ -gane playod et 'Row-,Tiailville, the homne twntei-n huLt outhrug Prt Hope by ascore of 4-11 S TAT E SM AN Bomavll erelaincoin-! C L A S SIFIE D S smaajd la tels gaine also but Phone 6=3303 0 were thwanted by onoter ONL;IY 50e ADMISSION TO TUIE NEXT BIG KINSMEN SUPER C"AkR BINGO SMto ble lheld in ithe PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE FIDAY, NOVE MBER 24th $7î,500 IN PRIZE MO0NEY INCLUýDING "ýFULjL CARD GxAMýE" FO0R.$300. SPECIAL $600 Game $150 Bottow ULne $150 To-p Line $300) Fi'ulÏ Card SPElCIAL $500, fil ctard 3 SPECIAL, GAMES AT ý$t5o-00 EACH -1) BIG RGLA GAMES AT $50,00 EACH Brand New 1973 Holi-day Ford TORINO or $2,000 Cashi EARY BRD Shae te Walt) AMES START AT 7:30 P.M. BUSES /AT THE DTOOR Wo od Tranisorters Chalk Up Three Wins ter thE we te, an( ice vic 3-f îo< en: sel as go G se, se th th fa as hi a S D fi tl dc d Tickets, on Sale: Auditoriu-m'Box Office Skating, Club Menibers Admission ýAdu-ilts $3-00 &,0 Children $1,00 unlder l R eserved Seats Consumners'Mie mmml Win One, Lose One VI~FUf t~hII On Thtuiay evening, Nov. ~~UI~EUIIII Lth the Bowmanvllle Con- sumnera' Gais Mites travelled ta t Oshaw,a's Harmon Park Arena I S for anl O.M.H.A, Loagueegamne L ~eks osStars an)d wore defeated by a Il n, Markham. 1. scorCe Of à-0. i The last two :ýCals3 er Osihawa scored three fat P cared by Andrew MacKe-- goals in thle firat period and Il je from Dennis Bamber, endi thon the Bowmanville lads I iran t Luxton scored an un- SeLttld dow11 to keep the Osh-s ssisted goal. awa teami off the score shooet This was the only game on util the late stages of the isturday night as the Juven- gamo. es' game was cancelled. Ken driad ra Thie Midgets are now plav-,- Ruddy shared the goaltendingý r- great hockey and if coacldties for Bowmaniville, ýay: "Whitey-" Proszton con-- 7mues te give therm bis kno -)On Sattur-day taight ini the edge thon the boy s shouild lue Mernorial Arena, the Conisuinj- ýn fine formn for thle romain- ors Gas Mvites clobbered Port [or of the seesol, IHope 12-0 la an O.Mv.H.A. Th71is wop(kend the JutvenileaLe g gee. aBy R isla h 7 p jo. Bowmý7,alVille struck fat and on1-teat, whiloe i M1Vidget-te ini thtis gemt-e withl Rod nee OsaweMidgets inhi Plinsteling ithinga off la thel îigtcp. hyn'ot come downjflrst1 pet iod Scoring a goal with io the local arena- theoy the a'ssista' goiag to Jeif Logan îee yor sppot. ______andBilyv Saiasbury. Loga _______ coedBowaniville's secondý HaMden ty the assista going ta 1 sar.bur-y and Chris Dyck.' Sýainsbur-y scored, the aissista, on1 the play going te Logaand M oino p l'airi.Barry Cullen sored bish gost9al since joiniag the team a w ago, the gssiat going 3'INtoPot Ope:to John Klompmaker.Cpan Bo oPo tH~ ilyvHgrhicrae 3w On Sardy Nov. lath, ho fired, ahr shot, afiier be- lamipton Gardonis Miner Peo îng <sent onis wey by defence- Wees played hast te Portý mani Mike Stocker. Sainabury hope Minor Pee Wees lna a comploiLed the, firat period, (ater 1crMbly7 gain-e Of oc coî,theeassiat going te key whi-ch resuflted ia a r- Logeal. thor see1-saw gý,arCinelaw ich Tathie second poriod, Chris part liope emnerged thewa Dc scored, the assista going ner 4 goals, to '>. to dIefence mate Eddy Osborne Bowmjtaa1ville's goals Wore anýd right-winger Joe, Nibfll.ý scored by Wyd Preston as- N ,1iill 1 sco red the lest Bowmean- sistedi by John Stewart, Grogville oal of the second periodi, Brunt, essistod by KeXnny' Colo the assista going toHort an onStewartL, and Ste- ndDyck.ý phnFa assisted tby M1\ur- la the third perîod. , Bow- ray Ruddyý. meniville comnpletely domninated Hap pton GCardons M -inor the play and] continued te, Peoý Wecs 1p111Vhosti to WhtbY!score. SainsFbury a cored Ibisl la, t1heir no(xt gaine la BOW- thirdi goal of the gamre withi mnanville onStudy Nov. thie assiat going to Loga. 25t3' eýt 4 p. Support C, riibb Gr o cr d thre next homjne teaIin, see "011 there. two owmnvîle arkers, thel ______________ assista, on the- first goal going' GHT t Bary Cullen and defence- mnSteve\7:. Cary. The assista,. FRUD Y M ONT on 'bis ,seconid goal want toi John Kiompiaker. 'Thle lest, goai of the gainem'as scored' byHogarth, the assista went toi Novomber l7th Joe Nihili and Chris Dyck, who' Lades'hig siG, G Miithd nexcellent gaine. son 2,98; ladies'I hi'h triple, H-.ý The Consumera' Gas squad Brok 91; ladies' igh ai ver- wvas as good in thia gaine asl age, L, RJichards 210. VMPa's tbe wo bad in Thursday's, hîgh single, B., uta34 conteat, the difference maivby men',s highi triple, B. Luxton la the skating and checking' 725; men's hîh averago, U departinents. The forwards lat R 'nls240. this gemne playod their posi- Tleaintnig tiens anid the clfencemon wero Teani Pins Pts. able te clear the purck up tei D. Reynjolds - 37 U4 5 he.The defence playod a RSelleck -3375 51 selid gamre aidlb rek p thel H.palm-er--. 324lI4 1 "41port Hope plays',- befere they' B. EBrock ~..32ý136 39 ýcould get satd M. Rcad 326 36 Bry CulIen anrd Mike' LRichardýs ....314 tokrweGtroigtheir O. Bcher..........3u ~wigtaon ihauth1orîty,1 D.Breley 308< M.Etchr .- 343 2 vnngw hylv]t Top I0A) eae Cbug D.Ronods240, n Orm 230, G. %Wilcox 227, M. ich- ards 26R.Selleck 225 .ý t,ý(r224,1. E r'ock 22-3, A.,!etyBle Martin 218, L. Sinale 216, G. ýpins JI Piper 215. .Bradlevy------- 19782 2 Roberts 19630 22 LEGONLAIE BWLNG Colville 20009 21 LFCON ADIS RIVING Stephenis -- 1928'1 18 Novemnber l6th Gibson 1919 18 Hligh aeeg-enicp Part - Hrîa .. 1904 181 nýer 201: high sîngle,, Rose Land CI ......22 16 Vane'sse 296; high triple, Ros'e Bonis . ..195 15 Vanesso 739, Coom1,bea - 19 31 141 Teýain Standings Kitrkion ____195 14, Pins Pis. Sh1eehan ----- 184.58 in! Annert30 2l23Dadson ... 18798 8 Suclff ...... 9083 18 High singllea -116 Jeyce Pannter - ,287 14 Chanit, 315 Sjaan L av rine. Ihebn2186 Il-lHi gindubl-490 (3614 Topn 10 Averages Joyce Chanit. Boric Patae 01, Joan AÀverages Sutclirffe 19!6 Joan Bur ton 192, W.ICombos 25, C. Robonts SNyThl Seehan j190 (27), Mvlary 205ý, J. Chant 200, B. Stephens Werstovor 186I, Rose Vaniesso 197, F. Briadfly 195, Marioa !182 ( 0), Greco Downey 181,ibsea) 194, A. Bons 193, F. Deaiso, Anneenrt 178. roe en 91, M1. Horatinan 190, Hume 17 (12), DorotIhy Oko 'S. Rohinsoni 188, M. Lane 188,~ 171 <,30>, 1I'. k107. FROM NOV. 23rd TO DEC. 4th, 1972 AT PARTICIPATING DEALERS *14 feature-packed models priced f, on- $595 ta, $1,495, e Over 300 Moto-Ski Dealer,% in Ontario to serve you. PONTYPOOL SA'LES & SERV ICE John St., Pontypool Phone 277-2142 BILL'S LAWN, MWER SALE S '9 Sunset, flwmanville Poe6322 1 - 1 PO LAROI 1D "BIG SHOT'- CAMERA (An Excellent Faimily Xmas 3Gïit) If you buy your 1973moosi Iheý H. L. Wocd Transpor- looki the othervay sore- is adided three victories to ties whepn bei chekeci i( wîin column in this past the wu- th)ey were because ek by defeating Lindsay thie Lnsysqiuad led uis Iito ,0ce byý scores of 7-0 aqnc 6-21 takliiinire very foolisýh pen- d Port Hope 7-0. altie-s. The first win came ontom Don FarrýIow h1ad a pair or .ewith Lindsay being thegol assiste(d by -Dan strike ictlms. Bowmanville took a' anc Brenit Badour Scott Ste. L0 lead in the opening per-i yens a1lso had two taillies, '( on sInl by Scott Stev- Godf reyoe, Hon Vis5ýser es- is, Don Farrow anid Bd is- isting,, Rick Bain also adided rI assistIng, Brad Godfeya sînge unsstedj. Ld Rick Bain tlyigun- Next home gamefor fthe sisted. In the second por- H. L. Wood Pee Weeps is Sat., 3d, Bain lait for his second Nov. 25th, game timne 3 p.m. o>al set up by centre Brod Remnember, when a littie odfrcy. Tom Eyman round- green jacket knocks on your ci out the period with a goal dollr, answer with «"I wiII et up bsy linemnate Gary Dus- support your Skate-A-Thon." ldorp. Lindsay's attack alt tis point in the game' gave Mmora' he locals very little problenM emo ilnospitai t Britt Murphy in the nets , or the Ti-ansporters turned VVeekly R p r iide everything that came R por ls way., Godfrey anid Stevens Week of Nov. 13-19 inclusive lut the finishIng touches to Admissions ---------- 68 1well-played game as they Births-3 maie, 1 femalle 4 :ored in the third period, Discharges -,------ g ýick 'Bain pickinig up the as- Major Operations 1 5 sts.11 Minor Operations 16 The ,Bowmnanvlle aquad Emergenry Treatments rti241 fen hît the road for two Vîsiting hou'lrs 3-83pm.daily wa,,Py games in Port Hopel Friday night and Lnsy ate Saturday afternoron. Toi -ïe Port Hope tilt the Trans- orters registered their sec- (nd consecutive ý shu t - e; ft. Scoring the. the first periodi, Dusseldorp from Eyman,St- , . vens assisted h y Farw [mres, In the second peried,, Eyman f r o m Buttonshaw, Gofrey unasisted, ayn Vh ltemain assis-ted by God(- frey. Port Hope up until this point id not registei rvny t- ack- that would hocalled, [angerous, Ias Bowmnvilk'I e>'sP lefence busted up thecir pas ~ i' $OT/TA Godfrey and Eyman did the ./'TMc 4b"OýCq damage in the thiird period Du/NT//agv R/M?.. assizted by Bain, DusseIdorp 4l end Gerard MforriSon. Brian Fraser earned the -shutt-ou *or owmpnvillec" oming u pD N S with a big saIve on a break- k- "way lat[e in the ganie On qaturday in mda tho Transporters got mvo1ved( n a very chippy ,Si tujatIion alSeIlc Lindsay came out righlt frc.m tho opening whistle aIppeor- iSO13 KING E. Ing as though they wr O M NIL bead-hunting. There wýere 23 penaities in thiis gaine, Bow- PHONE 623-5662 wanvîlle takîng 13 of them(Il. Don cahln-Do li It m-tay have beeni a good les-1 son for th:Je Transportors to OSHAWA SKATING qCL-UBl ANNA ICE REVUE feau11ring 'Don Jeckson' Skaters and MUemb of Oshawa CILub 1 ý

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