Rebeïkahs Honor Charter Memberý Duringq 6Oth Anniversary P arty On1Moday, ovember 27th., BowmnvilEk eehive Rebe- kýalij Loci'ge, 125, held is 601h Anivýersary in- the Centen- niai Hlall. The delicious'din- nrwas prepared and served by meberr of Durham Chap- ter 18, Order cf the Easterni SÏtaýr. The, hall was beautifuly deeorated wiih the lodge colors of pink and green, and the table favors were made wvith the number 60 in green, Jh sym ois oan and stars, in plnk and silver, Thýe chairman for the ocra- ion vwas Bro. Gardon Lamont, o.,.M f District 42, 1.0. O.P., whe, weicomed al the mem,-bers; and guesis. Noble Grandi Sister Karen Michel- Son intraduced the head tableges. At ber righl was Bro. Harry Wade, Gr.and Wardien of the Grand Lodge cf ontarlo I.O.O.F.; Sister Mabel Wade, P.N.G.;Ssr Grace Lave cf Part Ferry, Rebekah Assýembly Warden; Sister Heleni Lamont and Bro. Gordan Lamaont. At the N..slefi wvas lier husband, Bro. George Mliucelson, P.NUG cFf Florence Nightingale Lcdge 66 r, 1.0.0., Bowmanville; Sisier Pearl Peacack, D.D.P. cf District 8, Osbawa, East; S ister Jessie Prout, P.D.D.P., anmd Charter member, and Sister Carol Roberts, VG. cf Býceehive Lodge. The toast ta the Grand Lad,'ge wa,-s imade by Sis. Leona Parraw, and Bro. Harry Wderesp.onded, brlnging gretings and beaI wihe ram thie Grand Lodge tao Beehive Rebekah Ladge. The toast ta the Rebekali Asembly was made by Sisý Ruthi Mitchell, P.D.D.P., in which she gave a short hs- tary of how the Rebekal As- sembly was formed, and the r-eplyý was made by Sis. Grace Lave whobroughi greetings tram the Assembly, and thanked1 Sis. Mitchell for glving this ittie-known, but very interesting bit, cf his- tory cof the Assembiy.1 Si.Pearl Peacock, D.D.P, coqg-iratalated Beebive Lodge cn thir 6th birlhday, on lie- hiait of District8, and addcci 1,er, personal best wishes for -ootinued silocess, as well. Sis.' Elva Byamn, P.N.G., pro- pcosýýd a toast ta Sister Jessie Prouit, the ol Charter mem- ber, and on hl of ail the emesoft he Lodge, pre- sentd lir wlhaLitee- I O.P.P. REPORýT The, following motor veli- In the pasl few weeks. icle collisions and occurences Ihere were-several reports of were( investigated by the New- stolen Christmas trees tram castie Delacliment of the On- tree plantations near the tanao Provincial Police be- Pontypoal area. One tree tween Nov. 191b and 25th, grower reported over 200 1972. trees tolen, and another re- Seventeen motar vehicie ac- ports approximately 100 trees cidents, were investigated in- stolen. Anyone observing clading 1 hit and run and two suspicious cars and trucks un- fatal accidents. As a resuli,- lawfally 0on tree plantation 10 persans were înjured, à property sbould oblain al persans kiled and 5 persans possible parliculars and re- were charged with driving port the incident ta the near- offences,' one of which waa a est police. criminal code driving offence. Persans intending ta eut On Nov, 20 an 11-year-old their awn Christmas tree must girl walking on Trull's Road firsi obtain permission tram 'Vas slruck by a passing veh- the prapeiv wnr It seems icle, and subse)squently died senseless ta tela $200 tree, of bier îijuries on Nov. 251h. and take the chiance of being On Nov. 21, a soathbound chaý-red w ithtefi.1 car on Hwy-. 35, failing ta ne- A repor-t sre ove n gotiate a curve, rolled over Naveniher 2 concerning the! killing bath accupants. thleft of Nwire and cable valaed The Newcastle officers, ai $400 aýnd iloien! from the ý alaag wilh other duties, cam- CKLBradio transmuiteorst pleted 72 general investiga- in the Courtice ai-ea. tionsin which 5 were break, On Nov. 2,two stray Ger enter and thefi, 6 theft, 2 tres- man Shephierd daogs attackedý 1 passingreports, 3 diturnbances, a youth in Blay otn 2 domestic complaints, 4 er- ately the boy xvas ai seriauis- ratiG or dangerous driviag ly harmed. One otf the dogs complaints and 1 miaaîng per- bas since been abat. son invesigatian.- There were alsa 2 reparta cf lbat prop- DRIVING TII> erty. "f epressed Shoulders", Two persans are charged Heavy ramn during thei with criminal offencea, 6 per- autuma months have caasedjý1 sons charged wilh liquar Of- depressions in the gwa fonces aad 3 persans charged shouiders at the pae E wllh imipaired driving. edge. These depressionsý som- The followiag is a sammfary times reach a deplh of about of occurrences investigated 6 ladies. Should your car 4 with the past week: wheels falli mb a shoulder Reports of three cottage depression, lot up'ofl the ac- break-las were received On celerator, and allow the veli- No\, 1»1h, 24th aad 25th, ail icle ta travel along the occarring la the area sur- shauder forsome distance - roartdiag the comnuanily Of fore turaiag gradaaliy back- Haydon. Included in the onta the pavement. stolen property were hause- A sadea reaclîin by sha-rply hold items, tools, liquor and correcting the vehicle's mç a .22 calibre rifle. Value oftlio,cOujd cause yurvehicle stolen items, approximateiy tla veer out of conitra, pssbl $200,00. resaling la a serljoas m notor'*" A -break, enter and theftl ei ciet occarred an Nov, 22 ai ________ Clarke Higli School,,north of Newestle. The princiai's EN IL office and a number of school N IL lockers werec enlered, and a qaantity cf ney stolea. Two, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sasý1>"ý persans, one beîng a juvenile, were Sunday evenlng dinner were arrested and charged in guesîs cf Mr. and Mrs, S. R.- coaneclion wilh the ottence. hi, Bowmanville. Ail stolen, properly was1 re- MVr. and Mrs. Russeli Wnlg b t ALL NW1973 100% SOLID STATE The quality-ý, goes lM before the name goes on HIGHEST TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD SET Most Models same dauy delivery at 426 simo t, S. Oshawa 723-0011, Maurice Bell's,, Raeboro. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Le weeSunday7 dinner guest3] with Mr, and Mrs. Chest'er Lee, Almonds, and called on Mesrs. Clarence Colley andl' Lorne Bath, convalescent-- at ; Locust HILui, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Woioý- scwish were Saiurdayev- ing visitors at Mr. Hïarcild Avery's. MisMyrtie Tamblyn, Tor- onto,. was an" overnight guesi at the B'owman home. Phone dead! More nmx week. in poojr bea1tîh o mea years-, Ma aaiAnaTom died -iay iec ,'92,a Hlsdale YManaýr, Sefnirmely lived ati10Boon AvTrto The formrSra AMILe was the dauglter et he a Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ucee. ShleÏ was born Julyv 17, 1880 ini- Plymouth, England, weresh was married Aug. 17, 1901. SheI had resided in Osbhawa for thie1' past nine years, mighe from Toronto. She had livela. iý Canada 60 years. Her husband iAibet rI Johnl Toms died FeL ,5, 1953. One siter Alice died. in Engpland; one sister Elizabeth Turpin;ý, died in Oshawa in 1951 and one brother Jo)se-p1 died i Englandr. She a h iato She , is srvve yto nieceIs, MsReginald Pk (Violet) of Oshawa; -mrs, Frank Hayward (Alice) etr1 !Bowmanvilie; thJjree rîephewvs,, lEdward Tuirp)i5nof ivae Albert Turin, bath of Oshaiýwa. Mrs. Tomsretedatth Armstrong FaneraI HPome. Thl' service waýs heid onaya Il amn1 rrminf - Ias la Pros I rfeCaniadien Statesmen, Bowmnanvlle, foc., ~ 19 2 Just hi timne for Chriimas giving7,- I-fore it is -- the bench you've elays want(ed e a price you neyer thought -possiblC e. We kow it's good because we make it ourselves iu our Mîi- ton factory. The end fremes 4e are assembled and are miade from kiln-dried spruce - the top, lower shelf front' and reecr panels are miade from Ssaunded particle board. The meils are included. t's pack- V\ aged so you cen take it. honme with you.. Assembly instrue- - tionâ încluded. MON. TO WED. 8:30 'TIL 6 TFHURS, FR1. 8:3 'TIL 91 Outstanding Value! DE WALT 10" POWER SHOP RADIAL ARM SAW Complete with st5eel leg stand Powered by 2 H.P. single voltage direct drive mnotor. Manual brake. Roller head rides on 2precision miachined tracks inside, atm on four shielded, baIl bear- ings. Yok e swivels 360* horizontally. Saw Regular $ 269.0 0 Stand Regular $24.95 ,ý 93.14 'Value -$ 23 9,95 F R EE Parking n F R E E Deliver PHONiE 623-33 bership Certificate as a token P.N>G., madce the responsec of appreciation of Sis, Prout's V. Sister Carolý Robri- 60 years of service to the gave eachi new 25-ye(ar mem-1 Lodge. This certificate wvas ber a gift tram the Iodge. in the form of a framed Those present werePN. plaque, hand-painted with Sis. Sis, Aimy Wln iauott, PN.G, Proit's name, in gold letter- Sis. Edna Goheen and Sisý; ing, andwith the symbols of Joyce Chant. Sistemr u 1tit the Lodge painted In gold. Evans, Lii King and Gertrud Sis. Prout thanked-Sis. Byam landi would be sent theix and ail the lodgemembers in gifts later. a few feil-chosen words, then, Sister Grace Murdch rea~ in turn, gave the Lodge the a condensed hsoyo h gift of a beautiful large vase. lodge, fromr Nov. 18, 1-912, tn- Sis. Prout then proudly intro- Nov. of 1972, dsrligthE duced the members of lier early yeýars, with thffeir us family who were present. and-downs, both huimorouw They were her daugliter, and seriaus, to the present! Aura, alsa, a member of the in this niew I.0OO.. andi Re lodge, and her husband, Ciff bekah Centenniial H Iall. Trewin, son Maurice and his, A draw ,asjade for wife Vera, al of Bowmnan- lovely qullt, mnade by, P.N.- ville; daughter Vivian and Sister -Jean Yunma, itlj lier husband Neil Britton, cf the ilucy and very suirprisc Belleville, and daugliter Aud- winnr bing Sister Ev rey and her husband George 1Leac1h Hilsan, of Sarnia. The eldest The evening ended w,-Lt daughter,' Audrey, gave lier entertainment by- the Cu mother a beautiful bouquet try Four, whiose beautU1llý fraom the whole famlly. Sister blended, voices were enjoye,- Prout also introduced -three by, everyaneý. Mi'ss Kýath1i of her nieces, ail members of Piper sang several songs wit? Beehive Lodge, Sisters Joyce lier own guitar accampani. Chant, Grace Murdochi and ment, with the audience join. Elsie Richards. ing in the last songs, a hymn P.NG. Sis. Hilda Colweli 'Just a Closer Walk witl presented Sis. Prout with a Thee'. Kathy is a real enten glft from the Past Grands' tainer, with a lovely voice. Club 59. Sister Prout thanked A demonstration of squar( everyone again for ail the dancing was put on by thi gifts-and kindnesses, and said Bowmanville Bashful Bovis this was an evening she with several ofÊ the guestý wouid' neyer forget. and members joining la thu 1A toast was proposed to fun, in the last few sets. the mnembers who had attain- So ended ani evening o: ed 25 year memnbership ibis good Fellowsvhip, good food year by P.N.G. Sis. Veima'good entertainment, nostalîla Gay, and Sister Elva Leach,!and good hope for the future