DEADLN FOR CLASFE FI rt-qh7, 7 Ca rds o f T h an k s ection1 Coming Events Articlesfor Sale Articles for Sale Notice to, Creditorsi1 Business Ntc BELATY-eogeand Ei Charterways would like to CadÔofhakco~ Tyme Dance, Tyrone LARGE space heater. Phone WATER for sale and deliver NOCETCEDTSOpount MotherMdMtrasiîv (ne4 Kh~atrek) ae prod'thank ail who, applied fort teH all, Saturday, Decemnber 9th. 623-7731. 49-1 ed. Call Cliff Pethick 62Ü-2313. ANeTES-DNS-Hueie r Streewl e pli'i aaais aananethe alv- nosition for Girl Frîday. 49-1 Mn hna Eeto-Du at ndTeNrhr 9-tf STU D p m.-evenings start9ng De of her auhte Miv--ate of Dar]ington for: their Ramblers. $3.00 per couple. RIFLE, 6:5 mi. F. Nickerson - Jite XEstate of Edwin Bal.,Er $2 hour, addressing . n- cember7tanWeesay 7 ls,15 zs bon ~confidence in allowing me ta :3 -12:30. 4-1107 Liberty St 49-anUes.Pddy's rkendHapl- ALL PERSONS having daims velopes in spare time. Infor- 'tii 6 pm trigDcme La7 117s.,Twotld like ta sincereiy bc their representative for '1a 9 c S PD Furnituret, andAp i s h saeo di ainsn efpdfqt- 3 Naebr2,192 tM-thn yfind n eg-another term. Thank you. DneO eebr SWN ahnprale o,2324.2-faainste the Teofwnsin f tmtin, end elf-addusresslth ___________ * ,ciia Hspta,'s for cards andl gifts whiie Hl, .uic 'Du electric, just like new. Cal -Bî,lt fteTwsi fsapdevlp.Bsns was inho~pia1. Asnecaham,__ Dallas.otg4_-1_________ I____ tasnk yo tal.he Royala Dasti and the Northern Ramb- 623-5512. _ 49-if STUDEBAKER Service, new Darl.ington, in the County of Oppartunitics, B o x i1094 ot ~E1E-i ynieis1 adian L egion boys and also to A sincere thanks to' the lers. Price $3.00 per couple. 1970'SKI-DOO, Olympic, eiec- Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf, about August 2nd, 1972, are - Itenusswos heflypeople of the township forTurne' 8:30 ta 1:00.__ 49-2 tric start, reasonable. Pho ne- required ta file proaf thoreof Personal ChritieEUrabet Gedes ted rnureh 0cerul the support I have received Dance in Janotvflie Cam- 623-7448. 49-l* BROADLOOM - Remnants - with the undorsignod Solicitor - ~wa bon o* Dcemer2ri caed or eEnds of Rails. Retail values for the Executors, on or be- HYGIENIC Supplies--(Rubber l,9'~, at eoilHapt George Richards. 49-l* lOver the past years as a mei-n- unity Hall, Saturday, Decem- '69 OLYMPIO Ski-doo, 18 h.p., ta $18.95 per yard. O aefr Decomber îlth. 1972,gos) aidpstadn Bowanill ad wrged6- takT ber of Darlington Council. ber 9th. Music by Fay Adamns Haoker muffler, caver, $350. $4.95 pe0r yard. Factory Broad- fe wihdtet 'asets of pansae neoewt Ai," 9 za y ai ndDa 1 wauld like to a Cal ow. 9- and the Country Hits. Lunch Phono 987-4337. 49-1* looam Distributors, 81 Rich- the Esaewl edsributed, price ls.Sxsmls2c IS OTAE î1cu eaie n e du rings ere.$ prcule 91 mond St. W., Oshawa, Phone having regard only to the 24 samples $1,00. Mailt Order grnprnsare Mir. And _Mrs. flowers, gifts and visits drigMayi Ttake' this opportunity The terrifie "J B and The ONElqr pair Goodyear î5-inchi 576-5522. 44-14 diso hc h said Sol- Dept. T-28. Nov-Rubbr (Ca., - Grad SacletnBawa-m sa nBamni and ta hak il my mnany frierids Merrymakers" will ontertain snow tireson rim, $60. Tele ____ o wih h ville, and Mrs. Juin Oshawa Hospitals, A special who supported me and wîsh at the Royal Canadian Legion phono 623-7264. _ 49-1 DRESSERS, Beds, Chse-iia hî hnhv ad Box 9 1, Hamitn n.15 lede, aple Grave. 49-i thanks ta Dr. John Rundle, thetP a],the best in the coin- Dance on Saturday, Dec. 16, 11971 SNOWMOBIILE, Swing- turcd, Ant iend 0 Ued rinoDtie horoiNewate.i Hl atd MECAF-oman SarnDr. Sprouil and nurses. A îng yoar. 1972. Admission $3.00 couple, or iO0.M.P. Good condition. Paddy's Market, Hampton, tarlo, this l4th day of Novein- WLES p npra Merry Christmnas ta you ail. Les. Coombes. 49-1 Prizes. 49-2iPhono 623-5742 after 6 pin. 263-2241. __ 26-tf ber, 1972. WLES pl'npr (naBaehr)ae happy ta _RussCllRosd nhî 4-19 to N- -ng ___ __________o anoucete.bit 0 a ~ RuselRabis14-l wîsh ta exprssm CIourtice Seconary ,cooa49 49:.Loekn ___ I ýc h-brtlofaso,1prosents "The Sound af SYOOMsees1 'xBEDROOM suite, complote; E . oekn t etîgFuntue Ooo SECON(OTAE Harold Citn(Clint) atWe wau hlke tt hank aur cere appreciatian for th, suli- Music", December 14-15-16 at 8', $2.00 per shoot. Grist Mill dining site, 9-pece; cheter- BaNistorn& olicitor Taot orhetr Gnrlfieesairelatives far the port givea mie as candidate the BHS. Auditorium. Tîck- AtionBarn, Ntonillel odsuie, aIlMurnl. atoa- Boxic9,orefcate, Onuc atsREullTErEDpNrsing e.Asss- pt rye Ho'a7oeme oh 92.beautîful cards and gîfts ,we for councîil, Monday, Decoin- ots available froin any Court- 786-2244. 48-tf f ew.Mutso.4ari-Slcîarfr heEectr nwuor paurtingfumeApye. r r 4- received on aur 50th Weddînig berr 4, 1972. 49-1 -. ujwood Phono 1-241-5971. 31-tf Mrwo usn oe Aniesr.SeiltaisPhono_62>-5731. 49-1 *12-3yerti o _____ Anîerar Secalthnk Genn Fry. 49-1hç tîeI-- 20-GALLON aquarium, caom- e aio to aur sans and daughters faor4Q45 ~BNG lte with ail accossories and (INDOOR - OUTDOOR-Hoavy NTC OCEIOSSHO u rvr eur MILE -Jon ndJanfle orabeTVan te ooiMy sîncere thanks ta thase woaden stand. Telephone rubrhaî,sve rghco d. We wili train you ta earn *Ct rsbra -.Mllrae îaedt nnouLnce turkey dînner. cDA :5 ..lrs, 9' x12,ol$3.5 a- ADOHR the, brd0 their scn chid .Olho supparted me in the Bow- TUSA :5pm 987-4726. 49-1 12,ri 39. a-ADOHR the extra money you need. * Alo4t16yast JanetLyrînon Noemberî>tb Russel and Florence manville Municipal Electians Sponsored by ON-V,$5; tory Broadloom Dîstributoî-s,, b the ,Estate of Olive Ellen Cali Dune Ullev for an ap- go ae n em ,kn_:LnonIt Staînton. 491nDeebe t AOryNEwaMno otbl 1 M1" portable T,$5 81 'Richmond St. W., Oshawa, Meadows. ALL PERSONS hav- paintinent, 623-3811. 48-4 A sitter for Jasan. Froud o eebr4h eyIsaaMnrSfbl V portable, $25; ladys lath- Phone 576-5522. 44-14 gapretVland Ted , Merry Christmnas and Happy JUBILEE PAVILION oer coat, fur collar, $100. Tele- îng dlaims against the Estate'2 M-iler,. 49-11 Froin: Brown's CommunîtY New Year ta ail. O'S H AWA 30-tf phone 623-3697. 49-1,., BROADLOOM, 9 x 12, Hard of Olive Ellon Meadows, 1at, of HOMEMAKER for one gentle- 24UR EVC ______Centre, TPo- Our many bene- A'nnie Darch. 491 -__ TwisÉ, in beautiful dark green, the Village of Newcastle, n man only, modern bungalow,i PADE-W',eand Janefactoir- and bonefactresses. - Osaca Barn Dance, couples 4 x 8 "WALLY" pool table, 2 Normal cost $180. On sale the County of Durham, who saîary open, permanent pos- j5912 (nae Cwie) re prud taWe wîsh ta thank you for the Thn o aaI h o-only, Saturday, Decomber 9th, eues and snooker halls, on e $119. Factorv Broadlaom Dis- died on or about the 7th day iItion. Phono 416-852-3673 or IC M annaunice tho bîri,ýth- 0f a son, many favars granted, for the ed for m n seilytoeJueEkr.Fu ie as 15 al6336. 491tiuos 1Rcnand espw., ofhos June, 1972, areouequired ta write-P.O. Box 88, Uxbnidge1 CrigCaltn 7lb. iA many caurtesies shown, and who fpracticalsuporiy 44re57-552 4 undpo ersne oicit orthe MAUREwoanM PIe9-21AG * k~r Dcebe 2d,192 i'for the many indulgencies ec fee herspot o f Newtonville on Hîghway 2 TWO snow tires,Oshawa. Phono 576 5522. fieraof er oaficith ortheMATRE___ - -apl Me-i)îIHospital. Fi rst md osil hece-Town oand evee i terrRad 645mies3nortleon outy nwsize H78-15, $12 each L--Execulors, on or hefare DoE Grave area, to came in and Memria wicofBronofCmnBowmrstasanvîlHep-yMewry Road 6, o ie O f also 2 whoels ta fit Wildcai KOOL Enterrnises - The House comober 1 lth, 1972, after which get three children off ta granchîî fo Mr.atrMrs iono y Bo onu CoHnuitya hrit îa anfaGHppyNew Aizpethial.c4s, BicanPhoo 26-846.theGison pplanceofPna-eatethe sses oftheEstae shoal dohouskeeingfîv SERICE Fred Cawle and randsaî, ' or Cnr.Ma orHoiasYear. 49-1asos f* pîes adsanie Entertaininent Centre, wil hodistributed, having re- daswey7-4:pfrbiî42igStWOsaa * vfsDasyPade ad gretodOcion fHapnssad Ket ha49-n191 ODIEryM and Eureka Vacuum Cîcan- 'gard only ta the cdaims of own transportation. Phono grandsanfr r . and i MrGodil!4-1 COM1MUNITY CENTRE IAAA Snowmobile Sales ors. For refrigerator service-'which the said Solicitor shail 623-29,56. 4- ebrOMBA arkQu-r.Thajknksta erie omiiggsan 91 Dr. Soo n Matervnty The famîly o)f the late Alice' May I tako this opportunity MONSTER BINGO & evce omxiggsandea Kool Enterprisos 623-3221. thon have had notice heroin. aQ114ebtýihL xrs ep otaksneeytoewojil, ail injected an aill leven -47-tf AE tNwateO-iStationary Engîneeri Over80easCnin. Staff. gratitudet twis ailex rdepa- t hn icroytoewNEXT MONDAY models. Asselstine's YamahaDTDa ecslO _______ st ratiude a al thîr rla-supported me in the MunicipalaEpree tuvs, rindeandnegbbr I esecillythse ho7:45 p.m Blackstoek. 45-6 i 3 IIOOMS tari., this Ilth day of Na- FUTECAS4t tiefinsadnihosElectians, ______________ wh COMPLETELY FURNISHED vomber, 1972., 1 FOURTI____________ POT-adnadSsn-jworked a tirelessly on my REDBARN - WAYNE ST. EED APRESSURE YSEMNO_________________fo 13-be A (ne untn)ae ao afor the floral tributes, dona N ONPAMN . .LvknjRq 1 o 11bdAtive ann,lce h arva a,, on to t te Ha't oudain, Wht. 4- OSHAWVA i SUMP PUIMPS Low Monthly Ternis Barristor & Solicitor, Treatnient Hospital.Fo Rn Tiy,8lbs. , s ts'wrsa yptyadat 21-tf REPAIRS TO ALL MAKESFr0Dlcy Box 9, Newcastle, Ont., 40 Hours per Week i Josph' HapialPetrbr- f AnDAssMurnFURNr rdenUIRE Solicitore fAorAM SFthRe I U E olcitr fr ho xectir. thiroroatonixcllntericelTlendrtm asmen anrt ough nNver 3.192h - enol. Our special I ouldliketa express sin- Meeting, Bwi vleGoad- HARVEYrirî.Ir 6Kn tFBwavle4- ~lfS laatwrigmn.6321.4-" brc:h- or pruâthnk toRe. ilhrst Rvcere tbanks ta the citizens of year Retiî-ees Association, 47-3____ î. __________________nien A brthe fo Keri. rau ~haks a Rv GlchnstRev h~ ~ . O 83526 Zh 1620623-3808 48-4 ----- conditions, Apply to: TWO-herobpriet v graîtdtarenrts ar-M1,r, and Mj2s Snelgrove, Dm. Cunningham thîs area for agaîn permttîng Monday, December il, 1972, at Orono 98-5206 - IailblnDe. hth1T46pon j. üntor andNorhcut EllottFuneral meta serve, themo on the N-D 1o arn., Parisb Hall, St. John's ______Noties____ tfe J.Qino, rno n M me.dN4rtcut Ellott 0tBoard ONdcaEn hu-,Bwmniî. r " ar" si 1SAVINGSjNoie Director of 623-3498.4- n-irs. R.Poste, owa..Hme- -IOfild m e.Sasons James F. wMganviFîedOfMcr pair neissel ks 185 TO NEXT 0F KIN Pesn l-foretaOon,. vil.49-1 1 ald ybs.SaosJmsF oa, FedOf rcm., wî hSalomon bindîngs, UPeTOonnel Servicesbeoos, Ihae.Cî jOur sîncrere thanks and Greetings ta al, for the Canada Pension Plan, one year old, excellent can- 1*PTHEESTTE3F,0M0N T198370849- ~.ABY-lnrd1Hae (neec appreciatiail ta ail aur n'any Syd T. Warden. 49-1 Peterborough office, will ho ditian, $70; one pair af Lange Precision Lninerd omsFEEI HLL lte OF teM SIMaONs'ti-_____________ Richars) areproudeaian- eiendand rela- -- us pae ttemeig tadr k oth~ ,go rcedo orfudto.Ct TrnomeFRdHIL aeose B moWiAVlEHoNptal PRMN.cetafi s. neîspeherrs Ah dar sknboostavo, 6 gAduitstedonnly. fuTeaie- rnoun-e the- birth of ithoîr sntîvos. SDecial thanks ta Royal A ~il Bowmanville Goodyarcondition, $25. Telephone 40 ta chooso from or custom N OfTE to, NeT 0F KINAVILE OTAI Çhristocher G-*eorge, 5 1 lbs lCnda oin ono 0m epe Rtre laeatn.N 2-2473. 49-1 designed. Mortgagc and land Ail persans having Nw 9 phonoe2-33 7t oz. nNvme 3 92at Bowmanvîlle, for making our Allison, Sec'y-Treas. 49-i* g - -49- 5 bth 6th Aivrr such a momo- . f ~ i-SV pta 60% on hrand availability. Gct ail the facts. ledge of any descendant of WelI Establishcd Fir ROOMERwne, rafs Memonil Hoaptal. Abrothr - nncaiors A y s.ei of DowmanvillG TEDninMhoaîamSW -arn Phone RAY NORTHEY at WALTER, STEPHEýNS (or srelnhpco fdsr for Greg peilthank4"s b.aableoccaion.A vry secia S DM AN S Bow anvile ed hn, 2-70 4- DrH .RniD îmx hnks ta aur great-grandson T tee we won't ho undemsold. 723-3558 or visit Beaver Lum- STEVENS) a n d,,F A N N Y in o mnîr c.P Dr4H F r.SANKrnjh (HILL) STEPHENýS, including OFFERINO AG eromaatnn and mraternity staff. 491 Kev'i Hayes for helpîng make H N YOU 10%' DISCOUNT Save a bundie at Factary ber for a Home Catalogue tedecnans0 ayo toOPOTNT ______ail the favars. Siricerely, *Broadloam Disttibutors, 81 e7thedendnsixSToH f cilannain- i ANcentral]yIctd alsrie T1,~~rtiRichmond St. W., shaa __I__ixSPHN hlrnam - WRR ND.And Mrs. _r, aloh Tom a nd Mary Hayes. VYOUR GENEROIUS SUPPO_«T1j Thursay, "-c '-7' h eO57h552..4414Ned MAAAHRICHRD Fsupplied rvt ad hn Warren (ne e n abrsn) 491L AW BE o JULY A., LORA J., WILLIAM! for ambitious persan with 623-3259 n6379. 4- ar peseLo annaounce thoe 09nm ALMOST ricw hockey Oquip ANDREWF.adSSAC i o won revious experience in retail FARýÎM bue owavi ria feirsnBnmn nM emorî 6m REM0.1ERED mont, comniete, fits 9-13; one .adIAC l fwo oft t s TOWERnS-e-,?iij-i I are believed ta have resided iN-TR SLS area, $15' otly alS nde,7 ln.ioz.,.n riaj iîTJT pair Daoust skates sîze 5;ne w Venn W. FrIN-SReaREESAaES Noemer24 97,1t saaBROC-bn lavu-ng imnorniy of 1Mso kibosaAe4NnesDalnEast Whithy Township, in en Gb 4-1Lilia Eizaet Boc,,,,,,ILawrence sk-iboots, imitaionf1 a i NENAinaraCuny noraotGood knowledge et building Ltd., BtR,6339.4- encra DeeCehihua4-huaIrf Dc.on Skid, sîl 01 tdhe ENAS U year 1861, are hereby Materials an asset OE-BDOMbsnîn Hospîbal. pas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~pace awayI c th paceave! INSTALLED AT notified to sond particulars jWie iigdtis e aatnnsoe engrtr Deth 167;m ufodaanthr ea bwoidhîe a xpes mî pm.fo12minihtreasonable. Phono 576-2926 LoyRte o aie a enerigedon A vr tai freparing eaae t _________________________ As o 725-6479.before te29th day rance, 221 Lierty St. Nortb iELL-A Ho raaven urs- ear's ee yu ve ineeaprecatn t _ IfIC T. - TTT CUT your own Prun-ed Christ- ALSO SPECIAL ON December, 1972, after whichi -623-2746.4 ingHom. owia.vPen7na) nSln l-ghso ie omiaors oýi, t hs UomsTrees: Scotch Pie $2, ~date the Estate will bho dis- c/o )The Canadian Statesma~nONBROMaatp- Mou-iay, Dcombr 4, g72, îlon thauhts 10timsIta-worke formeaduing to '.,,..oour ONEm Leh el, go 9 yar, ifo gtlhe r mpiga h h (epope __ 91Src 250 unlf f ributed with regard only ta P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville in adutbuligaaian riflc abthe eh aesBelHod eio e tatwîî haprmte m i vrnuse in' r varIfl11ofurmiesnothPhonhePon 83-062h3damsof0h0hte ndr-48-Dclt.$15,0 nothy eer otrý o- Lýa 1;13tforev or. as and ta those people in -AJJLER TO.URSb way 35 eut-off (îst turn after igned shaîl thon have notice,'-_ __ .Loah(Mrs, ), <_ngtc -Always _;ýremembered bv f dfrde rasn in. olwor 723-5198 1th nerind ilnot Northumberland and Durham PeterKwaJr, eao, C enBwmaýnvîlie aý Lye n famîily. 49-l* me in the rocont Municipal SPECIALS arrows. Br i ng children. 24-tf ho hiable ta any persan of County Board of Education 6325.4- j .______Elections. b wouild like ta offer 70-7-93 etnFliwoedim they shail not AEKÈ THREE bdon ulx Colo F). Service as eî i RON-7loin emryo my cnrtltosadbs Bahamas Ja.2 Pontypool. 49-2* INSTALL AN - thon have notice.ICAEKR broadloomd iobc ad conraultirsan be__an_2_i---- DATED at Toronto, this 28th Applications wilho receiv- heatinganeetmcypid t~Morris Funpera Chanelia idan, grandinother, Loona wishes ta those who wan their I R U G S FURNACE daofovih,192 dythunesnduti$75otlyAfrS Bomauvli o Wdnid'VB Awn ho passed away De- respective positions and îîy j $209.00 9 x 12 tram 859.95 CAyfNADAEMA'ENT D72.cbt nemb 92frsin the po-59168r4- at 2 o>'clock. Internent ow cmbor11, 1969. cndieceNaAhoeDA filjPAEROMALAARETNENT'_____ codlecstotos frfi WL Om W4L95 sq. d orUROTIWAER 'TRUST COMPANY, Executors sitian af full tino caretaker a, PCOS3bero on inmnvilo e minete. 49-1 Batifukl memories tenderly short of being elected. Sin-' F lorida F eb. 17 fr estim 5t s q. Larg soleH ET ATER jMILL, e i Gsolio s IFS o rty ileh i Spour er w e. Nica ,c loeta d w fo CLYDAL-AtWhîby or0fa dean grarimother we Leonard Jones. 49-i $189.00 tien of colors Mopyet o sxmnh 1 Imnd NSretWetKowl odgoofselrwek- Nicae ridoahraddy Suda, ecmbn3n, 97, ll nover farget, ADAMS FURNITURE TmnoOtra.4- ngoedre o ch and eaunger ucled, Phn62-34 EstherClysal-r,.(ninly7f eep un our hearts she wîli aî 71 Duke Streeýt, IBTwAan YO 6213ays0romain methods essential. Ahility to -ar llI'r )jA Intl 623in3808im4834.00HARVEY PARTNER' work froîn verbal and wnit- -- ______ de l 1ËÈÀ~~~~LEVING country! Washer tnisrcin W MoveMCnnli Whtb;Lovnutye us gaine I TbTHEAir Fare and Hotel included and. dryer, sewing machine, Your ESSO Service Dealer IN THE ESTATE 0F SIMON atong itructons adetalet.TWupe ro ef dfr Charlesp MrConeholi, ns awai -andîngînemembered bs, FREDERIC HILL, late of teaowttheheAdulexthmwsiia Llod iysal Oona qrdn te radchlden 491" Rae yares f FronfrmaiotTyepooefavTordontdooictas, FRE ETIATS CtyofTarntFICese. FFIE RERONNLNrEL6,c/ Te C3aia Cisdle more.and Jean, books, records, etc. On dis-Oon NOTICE TO NEXT 0F KIN Applications will ho neceiv- StatesmaPO.Bx19,Bw ERON-4 loinyrrmor5 r 63-393play this Saturday andSu- 9350 SayyaiiiOhawa. erv Fie BOfWN-bn ovîngeoinarwn artwright Land 4r7-3LI day,, 10 a. - 4 pm North- or Ail persons having know- ed hy the undersigned until manvile.42 heî inthoMorisFunra 0fS danmoteraeoa Bown'd_________- of- estcorerdenycAe.nndaedetooayfdscedan o 5 .m. Wdneday Dc. 3, SD - EDR1M,- pstir Ch-1 a'el,r1wnanvîhe o n+s wo n sd aay ec Mber rTownshin \ t t u Elgin Streets (flouse for sale). Znt 42 ALETPES (o 92 o hepsto faparetcloef onon dayr at2 'lok Itrnn 4P1 h-,ie969 ae Manverd,'ssi aned Y BPhono Hampton 263-8133. fAT Srie STEVENS) and EMMA STE- BUJDGET CONTROL CLERK shoppingcuchset.ha- Part ope Cmeter. 49- Thre yoar havepasse. doa FOR OL~R OTE 0 - -49-1 zT±iorPES, ineluding the descend- for the Board Office - full cd, $10Ioll. vial _______mothen, FRYU VT F ELECTRIC traigaod work- 2-41-fans fanoo hefie uneDeisrviomeceasJeurylt.AEutaPhn COMERgni u-jSrnce God caiied you homne CONFIDENCE ON DEC. 4- 1ing condition. Phono 623-2473. 4FOR increased pratectihn - - _____ - STEPHENS chimdnen named - Sudelyatth OhaaGen- . arst. 4- agaunst aging, inoistîune,- ftire BROADLOOM - Deep pile WILLIAM, ISAAC, DAVIDso spsil.Cmeca fe .0 2-55o 2~ ~ra1 asitl n onayDe-1'T, ho anongst Ris angels, 49-1 1~T - -.-- anenne lost value, heat hard twist in bitter sweet and CORA. and THOMAS H.o uies dcto n-24.4- ebr4.,'1972.e-ginalid .Wee(o'îhaeeena-R, -ASbddul Ssgadîs uyKie1Auinngoîd colors, suggested netail STEPHENS, ail of whonî arele etyincuigtpn n OM ORN yMn Coounbes in busS9th yem rest.49-1 condition. Phone 723-7534 Building Produets froin Su- $19.95 per yard. Oponing believed ta have rsddi eea office knowledge. Televiso at an Lvrghu-sband of ratPýchaelYu anttntasygd-____Ohwa4-f promo Window and Doar Pro- speciai $6.95 per yard. Fac- East Whitby Tawnshipý in ICoding exporionco prefemable,IdorPl bye, ~~Pets USED Furniture and Appli- ducts (Oshawa), Ltd., 1730 tory Bo"lomiisliutrs-OtaiaCont, i1o aou.bt1us hvemaheatca spd' fatheror f Canal (Mrs, '-iB13dom itiutr.O ap ont.i r nIbtitdeus t hematymtia gt FYNGDTRA ---IRUNDL 'E lu memory of loy- UGuaranteed BOWMVAN VILLE âSARAR. .IO-N WILLîIM !me paPrents, 'Cephas, Dec. 21, - suad JORNATHAN, ah 0of CARATIN 954 sd Jessie, Dec. 15, 1971., Mufflers For Chralme PLAZA whom are believed fa haveN T IN G ! r!L0LOWV_,RS suid SED OEî Our m- mories are aîl we have ae Give a Pack ef Whoîesome r'irA7 esided in Damlingtau Town- R 3~ Division Srt ir ean take fthemowySEE KEITH TREGUNNA FDRSH1!DTAPrune zE-/ shîp, lu Durham Caunty, in AT THE I "' 4-tf or about the year 1853, are Cosgs - W i en uckseîai fPC127 XXRed sud Golden Dlces herehy notified fa send par- Pottod this timeo0f year, OSHAWAtVVt MIDAS Macs snd LJfAAiculans of saine fa the under- Admiss bath of you each Freite Friondly People ~~-yy ~ sge oaeto2t Aday. 197 2Pinta - 0, ounder O H W T idayon or eoeth One edom Woddîng -MUFFLER SHOP BS PEARS TV - of December, 1972, aftor bdom $ 50 '-o inlyceembered, E&. 5,000 miles. 623-4481, Mac- for a FREE Exhaust Systen A tenasandwhch date the Estate wil ho BouquetsEdosu fd family. 49-i Donaýld Ford, Lic. 71648F ý usribued îth egad T INSPECTION dthe o bedroom $1 75.00M ntl F erl \\, 1971 Pintao $1650, giabber frteHm rt h liso hc h Arrngeens -~ ~WAKERluloving memory luLe, f623-4481, MacDonald 16Bn t Wet fo h oeo anTOwers und(ersugnied shah thon have " fada o la.whol Ford, Lic. 40545N. Next te the Fins Car Wash Fred's Fruit Mark-t! ROTIORS I-NSTSAIïfLED 1 notic ýbe, uthe nesg pasedawy Dcebo 5.191.1970 VolkzsWagen -$40 int ohbet npen- Wc eti Flecrs by Wor E is lefhugs nkown, Lic. :7294A. 35-tf SouRhPAIE 1 DATE t Toronto this 28th Large plossant suites with celoreti apllneupro o 49-tif VWepaire aoudtaown. 97 Tyoa tation WgnREaPAoIdE__ ___ 493- a f oene,,92 ________________- iesekep 1hlm safo ,Lord, -$20.63-41,Mcoýn 49-3__ ___Workmnaushin GuaMran. ed C NA EMAE NTporg ocre 1o9o7e2.trne wt ntro - Lostbu yor Gro fRet od e 5&i Avaîlable Livestock For Sale AUl prired ta SAVE IYou MnnTUTCMAYxctr ________________Fruhno erh1969 Vlsaen - $20,_________ 1- ,~ v ter solicîtors KINGS-1 LARGEgmugt su wh,,, jt,11 waso f fthc besf. sut omutie 62 -448L MaueDon- iiROOM a-nd ord, R R 2 New-- HORSES boarded - box sai, ~oe~ML.JENNINGSI neanw~4f od 0 Saman -Sdhynissed, by motheraad Ford, Lic. A1484. ate Cali 786-2606 aff on reasonable rate. Tephoneit L. HAMILTON, Manager ! 111 Ruc-hnond Street Westj Call 623-4172 or 723-057or7570 ville. Phono 62-84 91bohn,4~*4- lP.m. 49-11987-4039 Newcastle. 46-tf 8-± ~ornoOntanlo. 49-il4-