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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1972, p. 4

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4 Thie nda Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. A, 97 EDITORIAL COMMENT The People Have, Spoken . - ýAgain! WhAt a w'ild day, it wvas on Monday,, Elcio ay! Not only for -the electors but as for those candidates who were wokig t top speed in the snow and coldi trying tîo)maike certain their sup- portersrecd the polis to vote. Afler thepoig placescls, the real work andrJ a)nx.îity began and continued long into the ight and early miorning. Here,, anid in, several othier places, the final resuilt's ymust haýre set something of a rcof,(rd fo)r time spenit iin waiting for the Th-3is Tuesday m.ýorning,, il is!ail over but the mopping up and, as is always the case, the paying of the bis and the assessmenit of what the. voting trends, ma ad how thie electors arrived at tirdecisions. For those who were un- sucessulthis is always a trying time as they wyonder wvhat happeried to them ai-ic, of course, for the winners il is a period whren they must feel that their efforts in! the past and their capabilities ba,ýve, at long last, been recognized -by other rellow ciizens. . a real ego booster. Our congratulations go out to those whio will carry the burdens and the satiJsfactionis of office for the next cou- ple of years. Mlay their decisions be wise ones and iray they spend many hours doing their homework so they becomne compietely familiar with the, subJects on which they wMil be required to make decisions, Our condolenices to the losers who have fought a goodj fight and are to be commended for allowing their names to tand in the first place. As we have said previously, the in. coming, councils throughout this area wîll be facing more tk-an thecustomary challenges. Regional government plans should-be announced shortly bhy the provincial attthorities and there may be many suirprises in store that could shat-I ter bounidaries that have been ini exist- ence for a lonig time. Couincils to retain the identities of their comrnunities will have a great deal of work and battling to do to protect thje present boundaries if desired and to make certain thieir communîties will. have a voice in any new regional government. Mos t of the new couincils elected have several mem- bers wîth long experience in municipal affairs who sol be able to carry out these tasks and we wish t hem well. So, we have seeni the end of elec- tions for this yvear and can- now settie down f, or Christrmas and wonder if Papa Pierre and his Ottawýa Liberals will be abl)e to haing on to power, or if '1973 will 1ýe another election year. Hlow .Times Have Chan'ged! Orono, Ont, Nov. 28, 1972. Dear Sir, "Hocw tintes hvechanged". The UntdChurch is going ta Ottawa, ta plead ag,,,ainsi, the death penalty or capi- tai puniishmrent, Do you rememnber when the Me(thoýdist used ta have these revival men(eings that would make you think of a 'Rock Fesýtival? The playing cards had tedevil's blessing. If you went toaa dance and danced with a Woman, low neck and bare back, she wasn't decent. Mfy grnýcimothier told me, "If I knew mry Bible as welî a9s 1I could dance, it oudbe better for me." i recal one Suinday rnioring at Yelv7erton, aMeois minister con- dem-ned c'ars aI great length, that they -were taking people away from church. He later drove one, Another Sunday eve7rning uin Biackstcock, the preacher gjýave a serm-on on horse racing. In Blac(-kslock 1916i, they had another MetlÇodist inistà-er wha wenit arouind Catwigtand Mnes telling the boýys if the.y djî(i't enlist, they were yellow. Heik neyer got as far as England and cceped ciruitnorth of Minden. A Plontiypo-ol mriister, on)e night at a bahi gam.e, s3houted "That; a boy Banon". Jinst[ead o£ fieldling t he ball, charged a runnirer andikd him iïn the stomach. i oien wonderwer Christianity is, oDr whiere t was taught? Nowx which is the wrt water Pollution or crime poll.dion? Our gacvernments are paying raillions ta dlean aui, water, but they flon't do aýnytl-jng,;ta stam-p out crime. ~'hey encourage t. Our L"iberal gaovernmnt fbrought in a) bih against the death penalty, with- ouI a vote of the people. In the flouse of Commons Oct. 7, 1971, Goyersad "We have decîded from now on ta stress the rehabilitation of the in 'dividuals, rather of society." The Trudeau government extended the par- oie system, ta give these criminals more chance for furîher crime. This parole system would be bettler out of existence and carry out the term of sentence by the judge as it is a more costly aff air aI present and a threat ta society. These men on the p-.arole board are a bunch of saft heads, incapable, no éx- perience with crime and yet have fifl cantrol. The judge or police, have no syin thîs matter. We can't biame the yuhof tdy There are many just as good( as ever, and more perhaps, but we can blamre aur,.gavernments, educatianal systems, immigration palîcies, lack of discipline in aur schools, prison reforms, streets and aur homes. I spent 13 years as a Supervisor in one of these Institutions and I didn't issue that many behaviaur reports in thal time, but I won't say I didn't use samething else and those were the boys who thanked me w ýýhen they were leav- ing and wished therparents had dare the samne. Another I 1recaîl was I neyeýr admitted i n those yeairs, a Jew, Japan- ese or any Chinese. In summing up my experience, auir gavernments, schoals, churches have failed and the parents have losI the res- pect, of their- chiîdren. .Are the Canadian people satisfîed with the increase of crime this pastfie yarrs? Youirs, truly, W. C. Evans, Shun the Appearance of Evil Bo-wmanville, Ont. Nov. 29, 1972. Dear Sr Wit reerncetathe recent Youth atTrini.jty United Church, I shauld like to say in all humility thal, I dnt bink the churches realise what they arecoigwhenh they permit and enorg he use of rock and pop sangs in their servi(ces. I1was epecialy disturbed Ihal at thi Ralythe currently popular sang, "My Seet Lrd," was sung, because ithe Lord referred ta is nal the Lord JeusChrist, but, Krisýhna, the god of the FïHids, who is also ca1led,! "Lord" by bis foliawers. Sfince Chiristians know shgods ta be false (Jin teality, demon sp t) MY tSweeî Lord-" is actually a ryrcf dho ossion. Shudthe reader doubt fwhal I am, sayngI wuldrecommn:en-d him toaa :small' book available through Evange- hial Pul-i;shers in Taronito, and called PRock and the Cburch". This book is wýritt'en by a young evangehisî narned BobLrsn who, until fairiy recently, was tht' leader of a rock group aI the agýe of 1-5, as well as a dis;c Jockey and a' :omnposer of rock sangs. Hle.says th-al JOHN MI. JAMES L-DiTOri-PVLF-ISHER there is no place even for gosp.el rock in the' Christian church ando warnis par- ticularly again.sît he sat[anic dcpie ness of such sangs-,, as "My Sweet Lard", which have noplcwaîerith life of a Chrîstian. I aiso wish tac sa'ythtparnl many Christian men weairing long hair do nlot realise that thbis stylde for themun is condei.mned in the Bible. Ilis a sign'r of rebellion againsý-t athriy, n whiat may srriethemis the taqc t that there is dIocumtentayry rooif 1thal Jresus Christ Himself cdîid nol we/Ar His hair long, as so rnn atsî owni through the ages would bave ius breive, Only a very few tribes wore tei hair in this way, amnong them theNaaries of wbomarnasn was ont'. Jesus w; ý a Nazarene and il wasý forbidden for theose men ta keep their hair long. Indeedý(, 4tht' priests had ta bave Ibeir hair cult once every tbirty days. Theý- reader ma y feel that I arn straining a[ cgnats but the Bible says \we are bo shun the very appearance of evil. I trust that those who rea-d this letter will at least give some thougbt ta what bas been said, and my very best wishes go out ta themn. Sincerely, Diane Leslcy. Durhuam County's Great F'amily journal Establushed 118 years ago in 1854 Also Incorporatinq The Bowmanvile News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Second elasse mail registration number 1S61 Produced ev'ery Wednesday by THE JAMES FUEMLSHING COMPANY LIMITEP 62,-66 King St. W., GErO. P. MORRIS BusimEss MGR. Phone 623-3303 Bowmanvîlle, Ontario PATRICE< GOULD DONALD BiSHOP SALES MANAGER PLANT MGR. «'Ccpyiglt rad/a: prapety rrqhte subît it he h.image appeau,'; aon this Praci. Permission ta rapuaduce i whale az hi pat and i ay farm whateaever, particuitxrly hy phatagraphic or affset procees iia pbiai must h. obtajaed from the publieber and th prînter. Any unaulheaed leproduction wiU b. Suhîcct Ita recouiovse ini aw." F.00 a yeax -- G onhè$4.00 $9.0Or- Year ini the UniJted States strïctly il% advance Altiauh ecrypî,caa2tlai Wil lAta-ken ta va c îThe aainSaema cet dcte hni irhitlIe calum Lncii tb unldortandinq thait i will nat beli able tori cr iaiin ap deiicm pubiFhed herecexulea prof of aijech cadvertisment le requested iniii ty h',!le advcrtier and îCetuned ta- The Canadian Slrietiman biineee office duli' ,tgned by the advertisý cr anwtb ;uchb erra!ai a0 et7nspCaIny nted tinwitîng theisan, and la fiat case iv ,c aro s nts ,îint by eccd hi'Ti aain tt s, i flablity chall nô'iex!eed sýurb r'nAi tte c '051as af euch aviîecta5 thce paco occuied b he noi ated error bearsita01. waccacocpc hi uc dvert1iecment. I i r InthE IJear Ed.lto, As a local SnirCitiJ- zen" 1 would like ta )ýex- press my warmr gratitude ta the young folk of Bow- manville High School who sa generously extended an opportunity ta their elder]y friends ta participate in a complimentary' v drcss re- hearsal of theiir muisical play "Oklahoma". The production revealed a' wealth of talent, bôth on the stage and in the ac- eompanying orchestra. Lighting, costumes, and stage settings bore the pro- fessional touch as welL Congratulations toalal. Yours mast gratefully, Clin K. Taylor. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, Dec. 11, 194î7 George A.Walton, Reever 0ýf Newcastle for the ý,pasýt two years, was re-elected ta that office on Monday with a majority believed ta be the greatest in tht' municipal history of that community. Elected ta council were Stan Graham, Tracy Manes, Tom Brown and Archie Gienney. Pefeated were John Rickard for Reeve, Charles A. C.owan, G. T. Gray and Richard H. IJavies, candidates for council. First Curnpany Bowman- ville Guides meeting open- ed with fees and then tht' making of a horseshoe for aur party. Janet Pale,,Mary Southey and Nancy Varcoe led la the singing of car- ais. Rev. J. E. Griffith per- formed the Sacrament of Baptism in Trinity Church on Sunday morning when five eh ldren- were baptized: Inez Geraldine Bickell, Kar- en Ela i -nr(-Brooks, Steven William Botrna. Donald Gor- donl McMurter and Donald MV-issq Rena Mutton, Baw1- manv,3îlile, vîsîted Mr, andc MrHoward Philîn, T- Onte of the last Canadianj 1Ped Cross Co rps girls to r- tura from ov,ýerseas is Miss, Rutbh amilton. Miss Hami- ilton went overseas in 194.5, Ont'o aiher tasks was as Red Cross ecr offîcer, ac- comp)anying ý,Belgîuimwa brdson the ýfirst i"2o thijaurneyto Cad, average of0fonce a week fr s1ix montbs, At the annual banqu,,t i the' Orono Fish an& am Club beld jin the Oro Town Haili, Triday nighIt, a; sing-songwa led by Rý. E. Loýgan with Neil Porter iat the piano. Head table gutesta were Honi, Mr. Scott, Pro- vincial WMiiser af Landsg and Foresî and gest speak - er; Pr.ý and Mrsj. A. F. - ArmstongMr. Chrs Car veth and Mr. Orme Mr. Editor' !ng opniýons on whýelter "Capital Pnsmn"should bhe abolishe(d or r-eta,,ined la ou1-r aws ll very mc in favor of r-etainingitp iÈ acts asa1 eteret nuo- mitting crimes - in the ver age viejouIs cas(e. One of the most un.just, examples of letting murder- cérs off ta go ta jail is thie "Babby Kennedýy" iùurder, when Sirna ian was seen shooti ng Bobby, and Iwas just canfine lanj ail at t4e cauntry's expense. Thie electrie chair or hlallngg was toa good for his kînrd.On wanders w h a t "j ustice" means in this dayanid age. 49 YF.RS AGO Thursdla.yDec., 1,12 Mrs:,,Alex- ColvilIe, ac- companied by Mrs. M.A. Neal sang a number 0 1-f solos3 at the liosprital aza Young People's ,Gulild of the Presby-tecran Cuc met onWeesa.Ax McGregýr read tht' Scrip- ture Lessn, Re. P.W. Best opýened thGe discuissin on "How Science Helpa ýRe- ligioni", after which J. Abh- ernetby' , Alex McGregor and WîlfridJ Carruthers gave short addresses on the sub- ject. Miss Jean Ramsay was tht' vocalist. rendering a solo in a pieasing manner, A fareweli party was held on Friday, November 30 at Mr. W. B, Muttons, Puke Street, for Mr. and'Mrs. T. W. Brookham who are leav- ing ta visit relatives in Eng- land for tht' winiter., Mrs. G. W. Humpage presided, who called on Mrs. Braund ta read an address while Mrs, Walter Oke made a presen- tatian and wished tht' Brookbiams a pleasant vîsit. Humbet),r OH Company Ltd. li ave a very hea vy pressure e,'ga froni a well drîlied oil th-Wlia IN fam, utesufficent lýta suppIy the residents ,of 0rano110 the iarms along thieir pipe7 line, Secretarv, of tRieý eompany, and C. G. Arn- strong and O. A.G sb waited on tht' Couiîty Ra Commissioner,Courn reference toa argto-a wîth permiission ,granted under supervwision ii lthe' Cam-missioner. Tht' company wil start drîlling oni two more weils in tht' area, and continue service ta New- member 0- f the Goadysarý7 Staff, vwas unitedi]nma- niage with Georgce îA, Bock- ley on Saturday. e. t at the' home ai berfahr Mr, L. Robert Findlay,Mi- c.The haripy coupjýle leIt following the creon or BPowvmanville whrethy wen r gosts ai Mr., dMp W. A. Edger. 0 ed aniiikroute i Boman ville. -Price a iIk, lac quart, L, C, Pascoe l Enfed Mail Yes, ado(pt Capital Pua- ishme)nnt in most, cases. Somieone should take a tan aanst murderers for thie proutection of the public. Namne withield. I'enoted in i yourpaper a sugsinfor commients on the, "Capital Puishmrrent," contra versy. Thiis I-ltte is addressed ta you with thle suppositioný ta this wiay of laoking at' the subject may be new ta you (as editor). i sspect mnany letters may be largely emotional look- ing at thie 6th Command- m--enit. Please check the ref- erences King James auth~- orizedl. Ex. 20, 13. Num. 35, 16. Thie laws of 'God should be- looked at under: (1) The oas f God are for always ie. Fast - Present - Future, which naturally includes Christianity. (2) The laws of Cio'd are not ta have anything added or deleted. (3) The laws of God are for the nation and indi- vidual, Peut. 12;,32; Peut. 4; 2. Thep (2) Great Command- ments. Mk. 12; 30-31. Thie'Ten Commandenitrs: 1lst 4 Commandments - Our L-ove of God - I Johni 5;3; Peut. 11: 1; 6 Commiand- ments. Love of Neîghbours Ex. 2-0. Pure Law, 'Not S"entiment Btfthe 10 Comnmand- mecnts take uip oflly 15-17 ver-ses in the O.T and are 0anlyv mentioned oaccasoinally iin the NT. Now there are mnany laws give,,n that can only be ad- ministered by the nation. la fact the individual cannot ad(minister theni. This is the primary -pur- pose of Government. The laws of God areý broadly under (4) headings: Commandments - kept by the individual and the na- tion; Statutes - mainly a governmental con cern; Judgements - Judîciary; Or- diniances - Church (largely fuL]filled in the work of christ'). Capital Punishment is therefore a governmental rcspDonsibility in the eyes of God. Canada should tel aur govermentsto instruct tice !aw courts ta administer thuspobe accdrdîng ta the p onîpe f justice as (a) Wtnesss - Peut, 17; 6; Peut. 19; '15. (b)Therevnges of blood le, e. eecutm or Crhany,-. n-a)shall nat be guilty or blood Moroverthis shouild be c-arried aut wîthin 7a vêr y shorirt îme of the triaTl Num "5:ý 21. 1-3 (di) Eye for ee - Isrc tionis for the juge -eye for, eyc, o)r just compensatin,1 Thbis is maxim-um penalty ,'- 'lethejudg decides but must notexcedNum, 35;31 Peut. 19; 21. 'To sumn up, this is a gov- erant problern and they should not be influenced by indîividuals. But l.the problem -ýmust ,be approached through it lh e lawvs of Godi (Juicîary) anïd the principals ivî- Wre (,promnised blessingeý' Psaý. 19,if this il donr aniý the' o1nusFis, o_1God. Tiiis j- law. NOT ithe Gospe Q~ alautio. Sugar Byý EVERYBODY NEEDS IT AT LEAST ONCE Il seems to me thait kids don't have, much futn anymore. Today I w as read- ing a short story with a group of eight- een-year-olds. It was about a shy, flut-. tery spinster out on her first public date with a widower who was courting her. They went to a dance. She tripped and feIl and her man came tumbling down on top of her., Il -%as f unny, butpathetic, and the kids, who are sensitive to humiliation, exuded sympathy, especially the girls. We talked for a bit about the thîngs that make people shy or awkward or self-conscious: acne, obesity, a colos- tomy. Fine. A good discussion, But then 1 asked if any of them had had the same'experience- - falling f lat on the danice floor. Horrors, no! 0f course, the way they dance now- adays, it's almost impossible to meas- ure your length on the hardwood. MVost of them dance by themselves, and it's pretty hard to topple un]ess you're blind, stoned. On slow pieces, t-hose rar'e occasions, they are clutched s0 tightly that it iNould take a bull-dozer ta krock them down., Most of the time, in fact, they don't even dance, just listenta the clangour and thurnp. And it's pretty hard ta f al down on a dance floor when you're not dancing.1 mean, it's the sr of thinig yo(u have ta wor-k at. Anyway, I just sat back, looked thema over, and shook mny head. "You kids haven't lived. Naobady has really ived -who hasn't gone sprawling on a dance floor, preferablybringing down his or hier- partner in the process." There's nothing like it ta pare'the ega down ta- size. And it helps if you do it before a large and appreciative audience. I can recali at least two occasions on whichit happened ta me. Once was at the Cascades, of fond memnory. The second was at the Legion Halfl in Tober- mary. And I have living witnesses, My wîfe doesn't know ýabout tLhe second one, s0 keep il quiet., But I can well recaîl the sensiation, One moment you are gliingi about, leaping ai-d pirouetting, a veritable -Rudolph Nureyev in Swan L ake. The next, your e pas des deux omhofurns intoj a pas des traNý, You discover thaqt your partner is' not Margot Fointeyn, and you're f lat on your back, head spinning from the thump an the floor, and a broad who aý moment aga 'was light as thistledown, sprawled across you like Strangler'Le wiîs winning the deciding faîl. IFhere's only one thing ta do. Lea'p ta your feet, laughing hollowiy, and so quickly that the spectators might think it was ail part of the performance. They Next week is Snowmýobile Safety Week in Ontaia.ý The who3le purpose of a 'safety weekista inundate the public by every possible medium with every canceivable idea which the pur- parted experts think will prevent acci- dents and fatalities. During Snowmobile Safety Week, December 10-16, there are just two ideas thal the Ontario Safet 'Y League would like the snawmobuling pubýlic to seriaus-, iy consider: 1. Over 3/4 of ail fatal snowmobile ac-cidents in Ontariao ocurred an publie thoroughifares, A snowmobile is design- cd, ta travel an snow, where the track that propels it and breaksý it and the skis which stecr it can getf sufficient grip ta perfarma efficiently. On the hard- packed and often îýcy surface of ai public thoroughf are frequeýnted by mtrve- hide traffic, the snowmobýilr becones d4ifcul t ta steer or sto p. This lcof contrai combined with the close prox- THE PERFECT BIRTH Read S.Luke -2, Verses.4-7 The c-niiryi ,îTown o f Bethlchern No taveiersontht' roads Jare seen The-, dust basssetthed dw Anid bu,1îgry dogs that roam-r tht' Trwn Are satîisfied and gone. Ahi Inswere closed an houlr &ago And' doors ail fastened ,Itight Tht' porter turned bis lantern law Andc vanished for the night. BPut( now a couple travelling slow Carne down tht' lonely road With tîred -donkey sornewhat ald His greying head bt'nt law. Soon Joseph lourd ta bis despair The,,y mI rust travel on Fr;r no anc h'd a. roam ta spare P.ýtd nigbt wsilsn n Tht dlonkey .-wcàary ofdea As thioug bj nsinct led Had Ifound asorm ume ay To keep lber 2msn ad mwgr and Bill SmiIey xiever do, of course. And it's pretty lonely out there in the middle of the floor when your partner, who has been shamed for if e, gives you a look like a cold shower, and stalks away forever. "What? Don' t you people ever go to a country dance and get hurled about?", I badgered my students. Nope. So I had to tell them what it was like. When I was their age, we used ta strike off many a Friday night. Usually for Wemyss, where they had the pret- t1Jest girls (Jo and Vera Dewitt, Ursula Brady), and the best music (on Consitt on the piano and Mr. Dewitt on the fiddle.) There was nio question of taking, girls. We couldn't afford it. But there was always the hope that you'd get taP take one home. Howeve-r, they, always seemed to have several huge brothersý or cousins lurking about. It. was about $1.00 for the evening. Fifty cents; for the dance, eighty-five cents for a mickey of gin, split four ways, and the rest for gas for some- body's old man's car. "Have you neyer got into a square, dance and been litýerally swept off your feet?", I questioned my girl students. Nope. But some of them looked asý' thugh thieyý rather liked the idea. And 1Ifthought of those burly farm boys, gettig into the spirit of things and whirling the girls around until the latter were actually flying. Occasion-al- ly, sweaty hands spelleddisaster, and' one of the girls would go flying off into the lunch the ladies were organizing. The lunch was part of the admission fee of 50c. And I thought of occasions whien I hadc got into a doh-se-doh with a par.- ticl'arly enthusiastic and buxom f armn wench, and, because 1 couldn't foot it like the farm boys, been swung around in circles with both feet three inches off the floor. A couple of belts of raw gin, and a couple of dances like that, and you were ready and willing ta, go out into the snow and gaze,, palely and greenly at the moon for a haîf hour or so. Inside the hall, with a wood stave almost red biol, and a hundred or sa 'bodies steaming, it was always about 130 degrees, Anid this was in the days before ultr-a-dryN deodoranits. But I don't remembiler anybody smelling anythirg except hol, and pruer Even tua.illy, there'd be a fight, or lunch w-ouid be served, then il was into the Model A and shiver home tbrougli1 the winter night. No heater. 0 But, oh, wbat a night we'd had, and oh, what stories we regaled our less~ venturesome school-mates with, when we Iore-gathered at the pool room on. Saturday afternoon. Poor mrodemn kids. Do, thecyhae any fun? imity of fast moving cars and Iruckg, produces an extremeiy hazardous situaý tion. The first snowmobile fatality or the 1972-73 season was a snowmobile- motor vebicle collision. 2. Drunken snowmobile operator were involved in a high percentage of snowmobile accidents in Ontario during the 1971-72 season, Il is the considerecE opinion of mnany experienced snow- mobilers t hat t he snowmobile requires' moreskl foriaf operation than are" autom-robrile; so how can anyone e>xpect ta afl operate one of thlese machinei with ir ability impaired. Iii a tnutshell, this is [the Onriaî Satety League's Snowmobile Safet,, Week message: IF SNOWMOBILERS WANT Tri ELIMINATE OVER 75% 0F ALL SNOW MOBILE ACCIDENTS, STA<" O'FF PUBLIC THOROUGHFARES. AND QUIT DRINKING' AND DRIV - ING. While stili tht' starlight fil]ed tht' she'd Quite early in the dawn A radiani ,t Moher srn-Yiled and said - We bave a ittie Son. -Mînnît' E. YcHorn t Poetes7-s Laureate- Ht' pramîsed hope and hie gave youth, In a race for political office, he wvon, Ht' bore no lasting grudge nor envy. Ht' istened equally ta the black, the' white, The oor, the mriddleclass, tht' ruch, And they ahi haved him, Ht' made no qualms about bis drearns.ý for tht' future. Ht' wýAas not invuln.erable. Ht' nevcr pretendt'to be. Yet theut' are those who are quick ta judge. This man was n-at. Ris wisdorn and compassion wili looi,, AUl tht' Repi ubicans and Dernocraîs that eve'(r were. Adfar tis lhe wiil be reernmbered. Oshawa, Ontaria and -Distant Past From athe Stateaman Files S nowmobile Safety Week Corner for £Poet-s

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