Jte s ~~Çftc ui Phone 623-3303 Mrs Glnhome ughs ias nethy \vere Tuesday dinne iretuirned from Mo nf r e- a 1 guests of Mr, and Mrs. Clar wh -eshi. ite ,hr aunt, once Ginn, Nestieton. Mý Miss de ury". Harold Abernethy, JoannE Mr.Grg.Paiie, ret Robert and Lonnie, Oshaw, Unlvrsiy, ithbis arets ereSunday dinner guestso on ieweeen, M. ndMrs. Mr, anrd Mrs. Abernethy. K Paieri, QenSt. Mrs. Sidney Venton enter Mr Dnns rend(:s, Trent tained her brother Howari UnierstyPericb o ro ugh, Allia and bis wife, Newcas epeatthe eeken %wit ,histie, on the occasion of hi rens, r. aad rs. Heanrv birthday lest Friday. Ais fracis lbLana. guest on the saine day weri Mrs.May eLen isnowMrs. Venton's niece, Mr. an( n ain fMdxNrigMrs. Harry Warden, Ebene Cenre n iOlaa 'i aftcr zer. speningi 12 yars in Meni- Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Pluir oril ospta,.Bomnýville. mer, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Me Mc. en TbbMeMaterMurter, Mr. G. F. Purdy sper Uniersty Hailtnand Mr. Sunday with Mrs. Jack G Sm'th and Miss K. Ventres, PavwI-e TbbuindsoIýLlcr, pat-Bobeaygeon. Al attended ti çte wtekend it their par-Sunday morning service a ef"ns, Mr, and rs. Murry Trlnity United Church, Bob Davd DcheneWho bas caygeon. ïberý )ý iiîpý! 1lop .General Motors, Presider Cen ricialofN rHoeJ. D.Baker will be eamong 1, yea, as nnuncd is re- participants ia a manage sîgntionand cceted te ment stuclies seminnar In Tor postin o pinipa o B- onto Dec. 7th. Sponsored bý SCbool uoa University of Toronto's facul gcYo Acre ty of management sttqdieý, Yor Cunythe lOth annua e saie wil Mr an Mrs Coln Coke focus on major problams fac aind r. an rs Alan obbing Canadien busines ii Bowmendue, (M. and rs. 1973. Borb Wider and McVr. aniurs[ GladRi.rae Alert Twinkle Mac slad, Ohaw, hve a bred heifer consigned tc juetretunecifrom a vaythe Holstein Sale of Stars a 3ilasat hliay a Pmp nathe Royal, Winter F airi ~eaeb Floide.brought $1,300 on the bid Mc ad Mc.JiuI Abe- 1Johni Sonneveid, Bath, Ont Sewssold by Francis ,W Christian Reformed Chu reh SeuogzS reet Poo623-7407 SUINDAV EVIE 7 pn Back t Gdiou Dial 1310 Radio United Church MAser Bar,.ILH. A ure B.F., BD. M r. FR. Mert calf SUNDAY SHO l ears and up 11:00 a.rn 4 to 8 years 11:00a.m, Public Worship Centiral School Choir InfanÉ care suring service, Jase, Newcast-ie,- Ont,,ad t a daug1iter ofthie Very Goo( and Class Extra Gleaholr Alert P an Rabat. Planer guests ai the bomE 6f Pr. and Mrs. Angus !Biair Sunday afternoon, ware Mr aad Mrs. Wally Panegepke end, sons John, Paul anc Mark af Orillia; Mrs. Wlllen, Blair, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs John Blair and Cemeron a- Hamilton; Mr. aad Mrs. Rod- nov Blai r af Hamilton: an Mr, Alan Blair, London. Carol Hagerman, of thi Flouse of Troy, was rrownae Miss Old Tyme Port Hope b: Mayor Wladyka at the Ki. wani.s Grey Cup Pence or Frldey night la Port Hope The cotast was sponsored b: the Port, Hope Kiwanis Clul lai conjinction witb Old Tyme Cbrsst aJnîce Lent st. Andrew's Preshyteriacn R'ev. J.ý S. Gilchrist MO0RNENG 'ýSERVICE S cilmusic by the Golýcden Legionnaires Christmas Day Service at 10 a.m. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH M-2inister -- Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th. Organist - Mkiss Gail Thompsan SUNDA1Y, DECEMBER lth, 1972 11 A.M. -- WORSHIP SERVICE WHFIITE' GIFT SUNDAY The,ý girls anjd-boys of the Church Schoal will' bringte ih, which will be distributed by the SvainArmay amngîj needy children. ed andici new memibers v, 11 be received on Transf er Certfcts àunoii, Inter-mediate and senior Depts. at 110 aan. BegnnesKindlergarten and Primary Depts. at Il Nursery care in Church Parlor Bey. an Mrs. ake cardially invite ail mein- beýrs alid friends fram Trinity Church ta an Open House iii the rinanse, 58 Division Street - 2 to 4:30 anld from 7:00 1ta 9:00 p.m, Dec. lOth. Sundlay, Dec. l7th -- Il a.m, Warship Ser- vice and at 7:00 p.m te C.G.I.T. Vesper Candie- ihtService. THE SENIOR AND JUNIOR CHOIRS 0F St. PauI's United Church are pesniaFestivalof Sun... December l7th 7:30 Q .in fthe churcli. The cor are under the direction of the Organist Und Cor Ast i r, R. Metcalf, Who has, also r-a4ged bhave g ecoirs in attendance: Our popular senlior band from the local hiRli seho(l, ner the direction of Mr. E. Tremeer, The oldn Legionnaires, and Ail Saints Anglican Chwrch choir., Whitby, mnder the direction of MrF . Broughton., The WVhitby ichoir and SI, Paul's choir wîIl unite in several choral mnihers - one being "'And The Glo1ry of the Lord" from H1-anclel's Messiah. Plan nlow fi- attenld this spücial[ Christmas choral presetatin atSt.Pa's 1ilvr collectÇ i, o n, vwas lst runner-ur 4rid Coleeni McGiverin was 2rdc runneýr-' up, Bowmanvile Man Wins Lions CubCar Oshawa P; rky T ida gats were lntroduce ndv dually Saturday: nighit bo. tween neios et hile Gshawaý Generals'0 1ntaýri r) IHockeyi A ssociation Mvlaj ori Juniror ïA ,dme MIidgets rctlmde r.winniag six gemes and-1CI hy7ing anather. They also won praise 'n the Swedish press for theirý s>ý1 stleaIhockey and kbelivior bath on anrd off the 'ice 1)i St. Peul's Uaited Chu-rch 1 ron Sundey, Pecember 3rd, thie s- Bey. Harold Turner baptizedi the Iollowing chlldrer: Crs ,o topher John, son af Mr. aidi e Mrs. John Blodgatt: Sonaa id Ada Leanna, deughter of TMc. andi Mrs. Boy Patter; Pauli Loren, son of Mc. and Mcs. Loren Stacey; James Bus!ai son of Mr. and Mrs. John B.' Stecey; Sandra Michelle, dan-1 ghter of Mr, aadt Mrs. Walter1 Verleysea. ,e Ar m Collage Thoaitre aArsstudent in itihe College's e venlng exýtenision workshopl will be presenting a hhree act it lay ahthtle G. L. Boberts, Collagiate, 399 Chaleur Av- nue on December 7, 8, nod 9, et 8:30 pim. Dîrected b -Merscbel Basan, ad lprcdsc-1 ly ed by Bl-air Havilaaid, Hi- comedy is the Pulit [r1Priz wnigcomady "Yau C-an2t ITike It With You" by Ms Hec et nd George S. Kauiff- in Man. -ions pr'esident Cuthbert MacD1- Lonald hands theý Monday rnight, Dec. 4hh in th'e showroomn at Nichols Mrs JhnWbteid, atr~keys aI' a niew 1973 MVonte Caria ho Don' MJarsden. Mahors. On the extreme lat. aI the photo 's Ted Miller, borough, bas beconie the fIi'sh Fourth Str-eet, Bowmanville. MIr. , Marsden purchasciLion member and sales representative at Nichais.,Mr. B oano ha eicsofTdnt h ticket No.- 470 in the Lions Draw oniy,, four hours before Marsden's new Monte Caria, is a heautilul automobile',i University. Mrs, Whitesidt is the officiai draw was made. On 1 the right, draw Chair- finished in dark metall.ic red with matching red uphol- a former Cheirman afthie mani Johnii, Pogue hands a ehoque f, or $200 ho Jaýck Dunnl story. Only 700 tickets were printed for the draw and Red Crass' and , Commcnity who sold the winninc, ticket, This picture ,was takeiî soid ah $10 apiece. Fond a Ptoboouiand ____ b as been activainathie Y.W) ' __ 'd C.A. A graduate of Univer- Chîar ig Y u g L y is Dr. Witeside, pathologist.NOEAcobedS dygst fDren M.Cak a, Phetarorug C vic , H osptl clole churci qrervi(ce Werry end famlily, Etobîcoke,ý The Wbitsies hva two so'"'"tv i it "White Gilts" will ha- and attended the Caral Sec- daugtersaa wo sns.h eld1ah Enniskillen Churci on vice ah St. James Cathedra. :a Port Hope's raally' gona e Dec. lt et 9:45 ar.. The Messangers Christmasï d Olde Tyme. Horse-drawýn car- Mr, and Mrs. Lamie Lamb, pe ty will ha held lin ýa niages were the order of thie i in company witi M, and Mrs. cburch basament on Decamber Sday an Port Hope streets an f Soday An whe's ic estMilton Steinton, called on Mrs. 16th ah 2:00 p.m. Motiars and - ti'a yu sw a igaeskig .J. P. Brown,, Orono, an Sun- cildrea welcome, iyors net ho spit on tic îloor? dy.Mr. and Mrs. Joe'Brown, The lest section of tic Mer- ,siii ri»s'. Mr. Brien Grawvbacger, of Newcastle, wece Sunday visit-I chants' Arci weýs put in place. "" North'Bey, was Suaday elter- ors af Mc., and Mns. Georýge' o n the main street Sond,-ymo alrtM.an Ms 1v1 i, yalta noon. Tic arci is a ra -, Blpi Lamb's. i(.1eln M 1fa puicea ofhie original, pot op ~il~:hiMc. and' Mc.. Alvia Scott _____________ in te 1860É to bonor the a~'nd Frank, Kcdcon, we-re Prince cf Wales on bis visît Tuesdy super ..sts.. yee Port Hape's Olde Tyme i'l'm Trdy uprgasec r Mn. end Mca. MauriceaPChr .e'ad il rn ,,2 Jn.61i lard and femily sent thel, ýt Canadien Corps Association weakend with Mc. end Mrst - Unit 42 celebrahed its 25th aphLon ndD a o anniversery la Oshawa Sat- )rangeville. urday nigit, and wbile thbe ~~ ,,, Mr. and Mca. Murrey -lac *CAADANPr get-trgether lprovided a hast **.,. ..,,, shahl, Andrea and Carie, rare; af old memonies, 1h also .ts az,..,. ..... . Sundey visitors cf Mr. and broui-git the unit a new fleg. U,., Mca, Joe Bekker and7 Scott aInCAAIN ON The old flag wes mtired aI uer "ii' 'Newcashle, ad AMc. and Mca. A DINCO S 95 pears and a new ensîga n Llayd Avery and Kevin, of(MnSesad in adopted foc thieuait wutlî hie v...-~iiMeple Grava. dedicahion ceremony perîorm- M.,':,lMca, C. E. Harn, Osiawe; TE cd by Canadien Corps Damia- $'1T '" r ndMa LodSimn !on President E, V. Heesaker l~ Susan'end Fred, Haydon,Mc af Tocante. Walher Homeso fedMc.Er Trewini werea antd Mrs, adM.E Tyo. Niagara, Falls was the0 ony i"" ". M. and Mrs. Frank DorndBo one of the four imca wbvo Mr.and rs""ra"k"t"l founded Unit 42 la 1947 able.....................Î had Thursday dinner with Mr. ho attend the clèbrahlon and Mca. Stan Turner, Osbawa7p. IAi A program urgîng ah of Its "" " 'Mr. and Mca. Allen Wemry,; 28,000 employee acraýss Ca- '~sîs ~~'iSam hrna JamesUN DU ada ho use speay baltsena ', 0" crc unday evaniag dirnna ê,,_________i__ diving cars or trucks began - recently et GenaràI Mohora of Canada. "Oaa important way In wblch you ca assure grer sefety not only for ~' yoursalf but for mambars cf ZYr~ yoîar family, la ho make sure ii~~e that; you and al cf your pas- sengers are usîng your saîcty Charlene Marie Dean, 17-months-old dlaughiter oI balts w1ien d-rivïing a vehi- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dean, 191 Labrador Drive, Oshawa ce"stahes Peidn John D. Proud grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Orval Grills,, Bake. Ua a sefty aîh R R 3 Bowmanville, and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Blunt drivers and passengaca un **1 >, GM's coupany-owned caira 16 Jane Street, Bowmanville'. Great-grandparents ar bas beannimaudetory focsoaineMr. and Mrs. K.A. Grills, R. B. 3, Bawmanvilie, ndW A LEN Ri tine. Mr. and Mrs,.C.R. Dean, 196 Oshawa Boulevard 'N., 2ý The Board of Direchors cf, Oshawa. TransCanada PipeLines ho- day appcaved thi c al for ce- _ý1T T E F T R demiption on Thu-irsdy, Janu- ary 11, 1973ý, of iie -outstand- TARàK VIL LE AO TTEFTR ing 5% CotîvertÎbal Subor- dinatad lacoma Pabentures Mr- and MIS- Bobert West- baer parents, Mr. and Ms due Daceuber 1, 1989. The beuser and Alyson__visitad Henry Tiicksoa, Eiaeh Dabenhures, are convertible ville, into cammon saa of thic chool boardin thie saeageo- Miss Bculah Hallowcii, Toc WE THE MANAGEMENT AND 01, ecimpay up ho hie close of graphic area. Tlice nnounca- onta, spant the' waakcnd e business oni JarnuerY 10, 1973. ment was made lest wtek by Mr. Llew Helloweil's. YOUR HEALTH AND WELFARE, BECAUS Tf ,on;version L-a pffpected7 on Edocation Miaister Thomas Mr. and 1VLs. Jine Redf(rdý or befoce Dcma 22, 1.972,' Wells la a mamorandum a oGeorgetawn, were wec-kend( DEPENDS ON IT. thmgir ural divi- ail Ontario achool boards, guasts with bier parents,M, dendcflý) 25 cents par areraTic move is part cf a twa- and, Mrs. D. J. Hloel payaý,ble On Jaauary, 31, 1973, point prOgreiam ta ensuca tiat wil hareceived onail1 au-public andseaat chool ,Sunay alternoon srieW AE BU H U LT mon ahanas resoiding frani boacds consuit each athar onan eyT Sio a el4ed-.'EC R BU H U L conversin, __reglar bTisr.gecdin an- v w2sla BRANCH 178 0F THE 'ROYAL CANADIAN LEGON IHES TO THIANK THE CITIZENS AND MERCHANTS 0F BOWMA,âNVILLE ,- ,.NEWCASTLE - ORONO AND SUhrROUNDINIG unvriy a vinug of0 t Pete DPauma 799 (31w) ieat $25,000 la spending by Pog ayc 62' freeze on fucaituce and Mu-rphy 745 (308), RBasa Wcgit * G he' Hny So acadamie depent ment s; a 4727 (319). Sh equiprent purchbes, effach- Nocai "Paddy" McKeeio iv meitl n asting whosa big aim every wack'> ontil April 30, 19473; thie im- ta beat bis captain, neelly pu _ n,' n plamataion I pans a r- Aon a show by sparing a head E-_I III lE iu maretE~ duehle phaioiofa as; r- delioi pin - ice goiag. novel of il ne-s'" Nn-loos rn!Team S'tajadizgs4 dupiicahing equ' nat, npýluýaJl 4i2 72 raqucat ta al ns' cý)f tc1, hebn ___ 2 35 univecsihy h FdplI-Anar 2S59 ian of pe e: Ë avc >_Hanas .. 0 367 peaditu ulgabBdy1-2 6 k Thîe k. of Edctoniry Fîe 1 61 net avalleble Lfrni nte Cosy 1 51 The Cesiadien State man, Bowmnanville, Dec. 6, 1972 7 Miss Margaret Allun, Bow- vided a pleasing anithem ". manvilie, were Sunday dioner Little Dit of Love" ulder 1thS guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dor- direction of Mca. Godfrey, land, Bowman who was aiso presî&.I Mr. ad Mrs. Grant Werry, ing ett he organ. Susan, Scott, Weady and Caro- The Officiai .Board meeting lyn were Sunday dinner guests Of Our pastoral charge--a of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry well attended in Tyrne Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Werry Church to attend t otn were Saturday evening diaaerlbuiness and sanrie ftr guests af Mr. and Mrs. Gary clhurci 'Plans. Hanewich, Oshawa, ICongratulations Jb M'i-, ami The 4-H Achievemont Day Mrs. JouitHis of Mù'lrook was vçry sqccessful at m. J, on reachiag their 50t1i Wed- Hobbs Senior Public Schoolý ding -Annîx ersary. Our corn- Hampton, on Sat., Nov. 25th. Muaity bas the dlaim on thii The leaders Mrs. A. Werry, couple as former resideýnta Mrs. J. Mcbaughlin and Mrs. south Of our village so extena-l W. Griffan, would like to tbaak ta them tihe very hast wishes.,. the girls for their time and Mr'. and M". 0~. C. AshÛot effort. Miss- Patsy Miller rec- bave returned from a week, A eivad ber County Honour on visît with the farnilies of complating six units. Con-ithrea of Mrs Asbton'si, rotii, gratulations to Patsy. ors a _cthr eltiesIs Mrs. May Siamon visitcd Ottawea nd T',empleton ý, QuLi Mr. and. Mrs. Will Ashton,___ Hampton, on last Friday. Rether slippary roads were, a slîgbt deterrant ta the churccb attendance on Sunday morn 63. ing. The regular service bed -an added Dedication ceremony by our ministar, Rey. Hopkins af Hymn Books which were gifts ho our church in nier- omy of the late Mr. Boy, Tri'- wîn, also the lete Mr. Bos Lee af Kedron by the famiily af Mr,, and Mrs. A. J. Wer (nee Diane Lee) specially des - igna ted fta thei plpi,t «and