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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1972, p. 8

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FLASIDICG _- 25Yer Ago - In tht first inter- club to1urnaiment of the season, Bownvile' Bad- inon Club sferda2-1 defeat at the hands of tht Osha1r'wa erlMooscIlub. Thet lnmbers imdi- cale the numnber ofgaeswn Ladies doubles Ms 1L. Koren, MisLM Boiv-ers (2:) vs.Miss B.Faxan TVirs Ml. Besi(),Mss Roîîghey and MNsa M Elliott (2) vs. Mr1_1s. E. Oliver and MUrs. D. Van Driel (0) issPoroyko aind MJrs. Mewett (2) vs. Mrs. M. Vansone and Mes, H.Runde (). Men's doubles R. Kýrto,iý A. Stubbhs (2) s.G Flaxinan and R. Kent (0), H Haier, . Haner (1) vs. M., Vanstone and tr. H IudL (1). Mîx-ed doubles B. Flaxmran, CG, Flaxinan, (2) v's. L. Koiren and R. Kinton 0), G. Oliver and B. Kentl (0) vs. M. Bowers andi A. Stuib- FLASIIBACK tu10Years Agon tLocal 18 H-ockey on Sundey mqinig sew th'e Cniets defeet the Reiders 1-1.Cornet players scoring included Bob Marjerrison, Mlort Richards, Don prut, John Fwler, Bih [Cîosýsey ýani BiihElis. jFor the !Raiders Lloyd Haianlon, Don Begneli atnt Larry Piper srored a goal pee SNOWMB ICI1LEllitF ETY WIEEK - -- Decembe r 10-1. L ht Onitarjo Sýafeby JLeague urges everyone to exer- cisc care in tht operorainào their machines and help naintain a good record. t . 1~ t it GOALJU E- is ueeded for the Junior " gaineb ohotait homne genrs and to travel with the team. Also someone Io cover the ganles, andi trn in r the reslt t the Statesmain for the sports page. Please contact Don MceGregor a t Mc'eor Drug Storec, i. T t t t t+ JUIR"C" COACU1 - Art Rennick wouldlie thro-ugh ti columnn, to thanik the fans for their support in attendingthe Red Eagles games but would ilke the fans to be more vocal by cheering, inging cowvbells, whistig yling and using noise î'nakers during the ganes. He4statesta ilsporîs,- can recaîl hering and being encucangcd by the cheeingandgivng usta uIhle more effort. EASTERN ZONE, ONTARIO DIVISION- heUt a xery surcesshul "Fi'rat Aid Comipetitionsemi- mer"' on Sundey, D)«. 3rd, et tht eheny Ski HOL t Cmpetitions begen ai :0 ihteams ýfrom Bellvile, irgston, Peterborougli, Oshav£a, Whty andti Cobougrgompetig, AtL2su0,a Sem- Cer iwas helti ini the Lotge. The Peterborough team of Anke BeklcROI Newby, Rosa, Lock- mwoo4 andtIlPter Mlidgeley camie first. DOING IWELL - eportsinodat1%haluae Tabb la doing extremely well wli b h insrSptie JJunior "A" hockecy taipaigbot'h dfence and forwardwheiprevr ede.On. T'hursday, lhe uwona $50 ift ertiicat forseoring thcýiee goal1s on dfne in lthe le% nfvLe hone ganteh h bs ben chosen as-- the mrststar'inthree g"aimes. TOUNAMNT retontheMovrsNovice hnekpy (ran ilI11 be pcingintht Thouisanti Island ouna in li rockvPl1e on Jentuary ?Go. , Tanis cou IN Uobc competin% <froui Quebe and thte SA j9 LU WNNER-S No, I110 Trie-n Purwdy, 204 .jan Evers 177 Ali Chj:ti, 226 Jack Dunn, 49- 7Ruth Csrant. OA-H.A, CINIC SCIIEDULE - Der. 1,WIkr ton, 8:30 pour Dc.7, Rnewoti :30 pan, Dlec. 14, Felconbridge, 6:30 p.m,;lDecn 17, Miatin, 6:ý30 p niDe".19, Napaneet,7;0p.'.;ec, 20,> Woodgreen, 6:W) p.m; Dec, 2t, St, Cetherines, ~560 DA tteJuni r PCU" aie hete urcky uns won by Mr. D. age,23LbryS.N h wVon $20 and eeolydnbd$baktthcu. tir. Murray Tabb, Hgh Streetson tbe ]ucky pro- ramm1Te da andJ'he donate'd his pize to the club,îý ARTFIIAL .TURF Afederel grant io' 15O0Atoelp defry th punchases of artificiel Urf for tht Canadîie)n National Exhibition Stati- unïi lu Tontfo wes ennoulnceti todey by Dr, Stanley Hidelsz, M.P. Toronto-Perkdale, oni bahaif of Ieeth ani Welfpre Iinister Jon Mlunro. The M1inlister jndicated thet the ntla tion of adrtiiil turf would reuit in tht expenti- ed ure of the stadinni, as provision bas been led fr shot-putati dis -hoigcre as "CHI asuple vaîcIl !hoxeq luaccommoidait track e1nd Iicid e%,veqts. T'Fi w %ïtvf 1has iat detr4cted froin tht miodemn, quarter.mile trock instaled thre yeers ago andi is conide"'d one of the finest, in Canlada. SPIECIAL, $150 Top Lino $ý30 0 Pufll r BIG SANTA ClAýlU S 1AMUE $'2,00oo( 3 SPECIAL, GAMES AT $ i .150,0 E A CI BRAND INEW 1973 HOLIDAYFORD TORINO Knapp 5 Towing! 1,Lose I garne playcdaitMaern a l Amena on Wed., Nov. '?9bth, Knapp-'s, Towving Banlains de- fcatcd Wtiby a 5-3 sýcore. Ttche nil bewitit litree eguilars îissing ron liteir inep1p, csarved ltaeii cl-u caincd vitay hyplayi'1g thieir- hast gana eOf litCasn Wbitibytas awc-blnd fasb(.11 sktn lbbut wite I Bowmanvilldecidcd ta skale aind cteck ail tbe tinte ï1ey waeeon-lte ie, tcy wcr\e readdwmt scoring oppor- tunlie xitiitpeid off. Ttey wrcSuppomJl-,0e d b 1enyCitpei lu)c 10J-1 A (1aye ve1y imngg nta ilte nets Bowmenvilc ld ailliteway wilt erodscores of 20 4-i' and fnhy53 Jan Wilnax stowad mun111it immprvement and wes rcwýatrd- led witit une goai and ana as-ý sist. Bill Leaman and Deîîýny Cox, -who aiways \work tard, eem-ncd onie goaýl and one mFsist cn. Tcscocing es om- pleted by, Paul 1Sobil u11o finds il easy taIoput lte puclk in tlite net. Peýuh sece i te finailw go nais. Wleauned assswn tar Ted Fruk, Bac y ,Sit,ýe îcbo anrd Gary Neinisz with anc In an exh1ibition gaýnte i ,y - d undyDe"C. 3,-d' , ow an iiebd AaxbY a 4-2ý cauli. TThwng crgw werc Downsview Rink Wins B * Wood's Pee Wees Drop iCobourg Twicé 4-1, -5-2 On Yr:iday, Nov., 241,ita Item ýlaIe in 1lite pe-cd F'uli .l. Wood îmajor PFac W-.s maks o J Oali rinE v7uitled Cobourg, dafealing saishacm ip withit sam Item by a score of52 i avsi otgaines. Ca our,, opened tae coring Tha e )xi gainae for the H. L. itae fîrst perîod, Bobh Hem- Wood F a eWrea will he on~ dan baîng ltae nýtr Sinaàn. Saturday, Dec. 2nid aI 4 p.t., Scot Stevens goL Bow\man- Lindsay haing lte visitor,. ville cîght hack iiitha ganta, Sec You Thera!!! takîng a pass fromi Don Fac- ________........____ ow. I In ltaecond peiodlit ~contpielo1Mhenplay risp 3o s! în rI'10ie bgn opess lte puck Novmber281 ~ÂI... ' ...,,.f iy naking every mova couti WVin1 2 .out of 3 yJGerlacd Mocrison scored ia TamSani 1 ownnvlaRobart Swînm- firSt' goal of the parîod, tIt-. Aras 36,048 2 i'mng Pools Mînor Novices won ing e pass-ouI front 1 Sei ,Soetaa - 604 two of titrea leegua gainas hast Stevens and blasting 0s utabls- 540 1 iwek. Fred, (Buck) Cowle folr b lteloe b2AlyCts. .99 1 4 wbo lha b elping Archie Crossay corner. A faw minutes Ilatr ,adpn 3575 l ývwîbh lite coaciting duties was Tim Butlonshaw cnaid ,Sawls 3421 1 Son lte bannit for a homne on a tcree-way passing pl)ay LdisHgtsngB,1rt 'e"leeuegaine wilh Port Hope, wilb Tom Eynto,, nc nd ay nc25 tgttilB a Wadnacdeay nigitt and tae boys Ducitaldorp te givaBwmnec68 cia rspond1(ed foc hlmi with a 3-0 ville a 3-1 lead ai bite ado a:HgtcnlN o 'a~4V shuout..,Kvin Walsh and te second periodi.25;bgtrilNCwh ~. TbyBovesiared te $ut- In tite tird parîi-od, Stuii 665.c Y .'a~-'-4 ouIGoal scorars were Kent of Cobtourg wasgincedl ve20Gats ,di, Wîcxfron inamales Jos. focr a nl tbiare ie O.FrIe25,MGod43 'y' ......a4iJaecoad Mark Bilis. Rober.ton h a li oser, ut .Dae.24,B ik,. ~ odncouinled hic first goal thit a nweri;Do e . ol 54 4,G ~ 9f ite sasonwitt Wiicox Farrow sh rlîdhm irpo 7,B.Biatn es'aaýs«. iting taetàrd.bard siot fo it o fl,133 .Aeij3, .Gn Ttc Rolber. Swirniing Posbeing selup by rIlwingr30 .udets26iD.Siw rtM~4 es1itfrom a bornawin and Scoî Sevens. ,Brcd Godfrey( dan 22.D.rîv vwearing i teir new setr rpe up te scoriog n an1id socks, rasponded wmi ie effort set up bjy Dan a.- -s'...a~-theme second win of ltaektS1ike. a 2 10 1 thriller for Coactes heh second gantc, Diayedf ""Arhi Cosayan FedColcbak in Bowrnanville on SatI- S-a ~ Ajez. uday lte honte squadgan .,,,,. ' ar Aititga Bwmn-cd ap4-1 décision but wera niol ~~s'55il e s firsl .goal, assists ta iprssvain thaîrvibr SediclAllen PotIer and Tim Almirnn.a leywr nFid( îi a-..~ Ajax lied lte score in lita Dn arw tredbt i seco n d . T h e g a nta tinef o e y ea i n l t i s , N 7 fE f4g, ~ ibat onnnel. S Toby Rowe playcd te W;futlGrrdMrisr ndmkn gaine n et, mlrnig gaod r miiae disetiaF/ED$, a lietida breekaway ie ininamtFro a tv !ii aliI pariod. es a iv b t h nte jidaa Thie Pools pleyed in Mr-20ia et l-f-iteed ;f JbiteC Vt¶Po a hein pmSunday aflernoon andrst period orpey cýarne ou'iton1lte short end of Ttc second pco ly " a 0 t Oscore. Botteaims saradto gel slugJgisit nid- plye achos-checking gne ayttogi iepeid u .1îidcat"rd by the score. TeBom llaiul:lnagi had a,<;~. defenamenKevin Tiný i , ettWo Pgoals to titeir b(1al, C f~T lL Kax as(agoodteam ut AX Ciossey, Grant Boccan Fi gaeta-h rvîu 1e ~ ~ Paul Dadcsnpae toi Bowmnanviu1e "I'0 -a et te -' ~ ?~" "aile, bi>c;lking u'tp the Mr- whnthcvy are et their besi. On Saturday, the Men s etion of Bowmanvlll Curinig Club held their first cham ipass Plas, Tnl cox Pand PBIhLean Oe o~îiîBownvnsille ihad gilonOr, wciv, the gnP-oal sesin tnc bis nsetof the seasoý(n with two fuil drawUs. Gur-y Philps 00nkfrom Downs. chaces tonle the score wthi gzame. Bili Leamn andDanview wV'on the first draw iand becamne the, over-ail winner.RIùnks frornPort FPerry, Len Dy-ck miinçrg the oe CoX were credethasit.Andle Avopia, Downsview, Tamrn-Fether, Wzhitby, Hlumber ig-hlandcorner by inches and Ktevi j RichondHill Oshawva, Lindsay and Rowmanévicomspeied. This photo shous T n rkn n n oa rnSki; Jim Yugaaided by lead John Flegighi, anid Ken Th[1omripsonc i('- 1laie in ttir d peiod ond, tryîng to guide his final rock homne, whilmot shown in the pivture vurc hp boys arecstering 100 III e fl S No.YIFishei: is shouting ecurgmetinfortuntately, it didn'tpgo here itwas Qnv mop e kea1tcaniand if hadr anîd the wirîgpe- fpste or)__1o th r respicivue, wings Major L'IN ge. ;àngi fautr tonebeck in Illore sthvy wiý1li be re- waddith mrore goal-scor- boling d 0cArEoO.B*A. Conventi-n-Lad- es dynight as hec ýrashed t e oldi dedoDfr a total of 935. This is the firsi 9CW re- corciddtliis sea;son. Okýe ha gýamers of 378, high for the Bowcrévlle' Base aIl Au'uvll wifl e o 'tmg the EC o 'oe tqalendM. L t sehedule, 33and 234 te make soîadoin, with Preident Carl HA. Conventiion,to ce beldc Tbe ne t ei-bytog - o AIIU'gIII un hi ol, W Ie have neyer,'u 0Br urni g el nStudy anay3hi i~ BownmsEn BasaIl Au- seenp anyone bowl so weul1'as sociation w ll be on Tuesdav Doçid and if nhe hd pi(-Ickd an especilly pleaig meet- lMea lyig Dutone n re""-ndec. 72c0,in;the cd~ hsge îda nc uip his crnrpin in the thirrjinCg 11silTescay eveningdent Brune, a Director ntIt TnwnHall h cgIn MpiSDonna cir gamie would have broken the Nov. 28th0 Among nuerti E0B.. ceuIveî\(, %was nu- arking hack ta ouotr eaýrli'er 2"; i ci e, Fm I 1000 mar.k. ibtes (se a .,R Ésumn i i o , c , rnetn Rle, 772; h ouverage. Olie Two other bowles were h la nbao o hmngtisMwlel of Jhack n lefed oý,r fic 001mar Whthean Umnpires' chinie fo be jiu ing of top E.O.B,A. dleaesurnpiring schonl, we cXwouldi lna bs> famnous dog trainer Jack Bond ocperaîfon Sn February. Ar- for the town. like tu 'ntion that aRnyone 772 1 CMe Patfied 748, having gamnets (of 2422-5 ol cher. ByrnHolmos T:1,1iisn-c, e. 01h, a nniern mpiring neiti Averages ovpr 200 N,826. Biton Brock wbe bas and Ron 1cn ,will bY as-7:00 p.m., there j",an gM.A, emm n c cnact jrkU(36 games)' berihaving a eat bille laIe- isling jerk. m eeting schoduled or thet tity would Hke flurhin- OMSey24,SaldVene Cain Ay iad 323-2u-196 Mfo Is v i iw y l81 bmu h eTi6. il ný111l ,dv22 hrvaw Forenbonwlerj bettered a oer bigcews wa ihaouncHl AmbeàI th n oratin, benu e 21, een Depew 210, MAri-ý lhue 700 imar.k. Ion Good 751 fiilwr ia omn op}ai.Ayn sWl63>05 ~ lnCole 21)9, Barb Ositohýrnep (290), KarI piper 752(92,n08, He1ý,len oer 2 MPEenI Loel aDogl75ý2(2) fI Moore 205, Onie Eteitr 2031 yes, that's the meter. readîn iê TttI A ~ Tt fwfhVU(730), Dot rook 202, Thelmna man: Bob Sinidh, h -a IIII b J V ~ U V U ~ Freir21 eil hi,, yeai, 750 (307), PRon Tm tanin Fat" Ether 744 (266), Rors * *A~. i.Ps KiefKî" Wigbt70(1) uJ ao 349o26f;25 Budi Henning 733 (287),Maur PU~hE~U El . Brook5 . 34 3:7 ic Rcars728 (24, o m tti wwnu.Mr b WU7 MJîllTror~er 382 2 (26,JinBruton, aI las[I 7143l14in iS- p u uk P O n ML ed onu o S v 1 imn Ss A20) d Leslir712 (2S3), c D avdGhe bregar ik al deciadcnls tv iemn...387 19 H. . ue715 (286),FuBar- I h'openn gm o1 i e Steve Utonwht wo goaI ailrd GryMurnty D iraley ..32El7 oîd Micitelson 709 l;(245), FRuss obe edr pteuStW owavll a, e . ee j363 1 "Dit" ama700 (244c. dY nigbtai bite locl aeaopItAI coeain thp oý-nper1 T B Rgnri294 Thte ld pro Et'piePerfe Cte t. MIdyis Cernent JvW, ' IIVP~z, butcilinIlitecondGrantiryDe-s 246 1 had a 1ic 12 singeegaine. le ReMwent down to P 'I"V W Lu ton cowded fomn ToiJ.r g 341 4 DnBagnelli:07. Bob )Lairl-othrre1ïdea, t1i, imaan tHATING ,SPECIALIST _Nowl n and \al nEmri-1d .Obre 33 4 277. Ted Hahîman 26U, Ron Cobourg. he final score rari Quen Stree't I;colrCIfirm ndewMec- .Moe374 3 Sellrck 2731, Lloyd Staiton 5 tb 2 for CoitourgLE R ni v-l----e---- 263ý, Wi Hll 22. Mý%,ikeThompsonoend iein halit irdî, fBoyd Klu Beaver Lumber cwon hit fe I scorinPHNE 2FR591 emil ltM9 o K iga1,211, MttnSheil hd24 gfrCbur Ilt POE63î5' cta i1:9 flt ErirFd011UD TY P UR mavrk of the opaning 24 ROUR SERVICE w'ii ore a mezaad itih tipl 348.a w idîh tha sii it e lçti 'rae GIrnt uxl,,on. liniSitiincasdb- a7 Lawcena. Se O oueFm el lea oerLarypiper to 2laerD\g amcn &êAd4im~dition linstalla- h hi eigm'lt pints.Rosi bas24A.LarI'iinttil ions -Cetra l & Wigl W MGweor idgaîs wilpuay 247. D'on oke movad brd idliea game, mii Lhlie as- Januts -Clorc ecia Pllrborugin a 7 pur, e-Decmber lm place monb238>. sut o SteeWalson, Fliffley Equëpmee1 copollterLdes-BgIiglH I9piCola is on top wîtCior ele iitlo FrweeEstimates itelu Fmodsea in- lck 28;(tg tipeH 27 oints in Ihlleantstanding ol-n ia scndEii u(dgel? Terme Avaijalile Isiabia tap TtyBok730; hligh average -. NgIaO~brnaInsuanc len~ VoceConce ad Carly ,cnilld use you0spprtlRchrd 14. 1 is seonnd a[ 26 wItiIoe Beave Frzpleiguentrso. _____stols______________________ fumbevr bas 24 for thid ot BowmanviP hllredlangetlte Rm Ma -3Bhingl,1D, Br ad- Ail ite o w,"lers \wil lbecgad ucit to perfr(Icn for tlint 1y23 hgtaverage,D.Ry Lu know Ihat Russ and Lynnuobu%%len cby es nkrk- pis28 ()Io are bans ýin Bw inil na i lte gl0l ite puck cle-ea Stnig aile Rýuss îilI li oonbeitc fse t o th( litene iu M r îTeantw Pon t ivrnan (su Gaines) pl e Wgaw nt p1gol00 itn'001ec0.-3909 6 Ron Fichem 249, !LacIy Pipera eerNwa onbndL.R ad1- 325 4 247, DonOkc3, Bonileck with Tom Cnna ilC- IIfI ItIlUA .Baiy 368 237, Doug- Carter 237. Maluriceéi boc gagahintook adi antage Yc~ U RIL1~I B ok .326 4 A n rt234, orcdiliicox 233,orbcf lite Jvenne icues as 11. TPalm r3 W; 8 ï4 - MI ohSnii131, AItsonaSotleawrneand Cley H.fiBro-n -. - 798,6 4l 3 231,. o Bok 21. Fraer pulite gaine [utof Mjihr - .361 4 P47psýi Cola 2"1 7 liaJveia nwse 1 .penI 37272% Beaver Lumber 24 15 241ecoc oing his own par- Top 12 A ver agcs Dysta od 1 8 1chckngand di bto the 28,E. Brock 227, Pl.' SPHAîl Jur &Loeil21821 besl od f thi bilybie Ju- Ken's Mans venues ill look227, M ihad 27 . Wear20 1' 2 eve baler rmle 22AI. Bicher 224,A, oanPontiac inAenx e ans ~IfUD T f~ libn 219, L. Smala21M, D. Buc -- . 17 7 * ,~Braelay 214 , G.Piper 214> L, 1, . A. M 1 3 l6thy imeet-Markhiam ln i -- wsuwww * U'TIU1R ES Richards 214, Cornati4na 0 eunt Lndar Bdwi.14 514 ltescod ane ttesarferways Mixeý,d FnksVariety Il 28ilMGeoMigespayn LEGONLADESwan I Jîyb îbî INs,/U Topuhii as tif Nov. 29thl LECIO LADES d" n I a 1, 1'lý1ý,eRt ISTALATIONINCU 314Tar)'"n --Les Smiale 210',!ý Bîgt aaraaBern-lue Partý- ie andsof AsacWsMri 10 e eas nec 203 (36), bigit cngle, Rose aeGcabam scored slx 179, Marg Gedcis 17, Rud Vane 1cssap 260; bigit trple, Rosagoals ii, un l ihVý,assa 178, John Gedes 178 I, Vaniessa 709.Leitomesae16,Bl Pifal 15LIBE11TY BELLES BOWLIG!Seal13 itGde 6, Anact-. 546 5 Team StaningsG n Smrsals 10 arnr--- 3116 1-C-i-- 9 __ 3770 27 Sheaitan 33,686 l4- ,rad--y - -- 2359 5 T ila( A ve ra,- s Land 0 2807 1OD Teant N'o, 2 - ------.---- 23 BeieFrtIner 203 (36)U, Seitns ITeam No,1 2 Y- JonSuçlfa19,NyiSie- iso ~ ..2_25 20 2091) ~Team No. 4 .. ban 191 (3,Jean Bro brîin 239 1 ige eLli on Mî Rv V , ov r 185S cc Krk on2 43 7 16 IN T, E 6SJ9 onnerc lea 214. 1 4, n1 .Dni,~A,,i r q fr . 2257 17 tIp.-M l . omr .Gray 172, -______Iaia 29 0mrela~7 flanoie Taoidomap îg ly .uE1 Erot man Ba ar ndSE EUg Shei! lbeegei ed by the end of1üKIGE Pita bitird pcefiod, lie hr A-Thonr bll he edbefnre, .be- gate - i i iowed on'l Tc one you have read about is hart now. See the 1973 POLARIS COLT a sj J. & M. Sports Kaweski Moorcyces -PolarisSowolo A FEWA%-i US E» SNOWMBLES LEFT TUNE-U1PS $7.50 plusPAT e NO DOWNI PAYMENT e OnIy Moto-Ski giýves you a 1 track <ýWarranuY, e 14 fre-,ipac(ked mde priced from $595 ta $;1,495ý. e over')00 Mt-k lealers n Onarjio t1o0 ser ive(-you . POTPOLSALES & SERi'VICEi-l JohnSt,,PontpoolPhone '277-214' BILLS LWNMWERSALES

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