12 e CadinttemsBw nil, Dec. 13, 1972 Pember of Fa-1rms otnust ýro Throughout United Counties Ticîo that fi e number afIlare iucroasing in suze, ai-" frmin Nortiumbernd and thaugh decneasing lu number.ýç Dunem s n the decline lias Iu 1971, 888 Northumber-r 'been mgeera knawledge for landi farms hidi sales aven secvgnaiyean now. Howevon, $5,000, as companedi ta 847 in1 iu a tbl aic figures for the 1966. 0f flic farnme ln 1971, ay wliolo of Canajidareasd by total of 220,076 acres was usedi fb lcc Iodeai gvr ethfe 0f the total 356,429 lu tho actl numbens have been Couinty. Therefore, ess than shon a vflni mredi. hall the fanms in the County Accordlingta flthe statistica involve neariy fwo-thirds of gathred duingthe 1971 fed- the total farm land inl the oralcouusthee i atotal af county. l,~3farýmsIn the whole afInl a bneakdiown of the total o, t liu-nib e ria n .-i lu 1966, number of farms lu oaci town- fherý -u vee205 In a five- ship iu Northumberland, tie yc2- spa n aimthm fe number followink figures are recondedi ai - fms lias decreasedi by by the Faderai StatisticCa- hy 300.da Department. .Am larly, he overail area Hamilton Township bcd 293< aisnd i nbrhuhrlandi farms in 1971 and 325 in 1966. Cauint;ty uscedfnfarming bhas Haldimandi Township badi doedi. lu 1971, a total I o 236 fanms lu 1971 andi 287 in 318~66 ares f hndi as uedi1966. lor, lfajrmwh l 96, Anwick Township lied 65 356,29 cre wce tsedi orfarms iu 1971 andi 77 lu 1966. egn±cuture.Poney Township hidi 204 Usingthe ecrese s thefaims in 1971 andi 242 lu 1966. npmbr offinmmi ede I-jSoutli Monaghan Township craeinare foir frmadi hd 89 farmrs in 1971, andi 93 fieaveageizo0f armwihich in 1966. liscaeita eisf l'[nfie lest Munnay Townviship hadi 188 five yenis :126 acres-,in sizo. farms lu 1971 andi252 lu 1966. apnxmtely Seymour Township lied 305 Hwve, o tc fe)rma tht'fanms ln 1971 and 326 in 1966. romin, t frms withi salesCraie Township lias 223 $5-000 or moreare, up frnamfarmasun1971 andi237 su 1966. 19, a niaintýut frm nlu Dunham County the --- -- --- stary is muci the saime. The! r'number aIf farms is on tbe dieline whihe those wiicli are exnanding -adi earning over .1.~.1M,010 per year in sales is on tbe increase, Tic general trend w Il înob- aîbly level off in the coming years. Thore wiii bo Iewoî number af fanms but fthe fenms whici do romain wih! hoe lingern lu sizeandi ern mono tien the smiller farms. In Durham County, thone were 1,664 fanms recorded ini 1971. Iu 1966 there wenî 1,870 faims lu the county. 0f fie 1664 ferma recorded lu 1971, 736 hidi sales of $5,000 on mare, Iu 1966, auly 696 farms crossadi the $5,000 mark. iu a similar compani- son, tic 1971 total inca, com- pnisedi by the Iarms oarnniuî $5000 ar more wes 161,66K acres as comparedi ta fie 147,- 812 acrnes lu 1966. In 1971, flic total aiea oi county lu Iunms was 252,37f acres. Thene was a tatal acroage af 290,333 in 196f usedi for Iarming. The breakdown of individu- ai towuships lu the caunty comparing flic numbon ai fanms, is as follows: Cartwright Township hlad 155 farms lu 1971, and 160 ir 1966. Cayeu Township lied 24: ferma in 1971, andi303 lu 1966 Clarke Township lied .30, ferma in 1971, andi 62 in 1966 Darlingtoru Township liai 442 ferma in 1971 andi 462 is 1966, SHope Townuship lied 28, farms ln 1971, andi 303 ini 1966 Manvors Township lied 23, ferma in 1971, and 277 lu 1966 -Cobourg Stan. Du rham Agricultural Calendar Thunsdey, Dec. 14-Ontarîo Yorkshiîre Breeders Annuel Meetingatetfi Berkiey Tavern, Kitchenenr. Tuesdiay,,, Dec. 19--Quinf e Q...Annuel Curling Bon- epiel et (tic Briglton Curling Station Test'edi Bain Sale if R.O.P. Tesýt 3tationý Waf or- WedeadyDec. 27-Dur- hem 4-H Youtli Leaders Work-j shandi Meeting et fie Agni- cultural Office, Bowmenville, SUN-FILLED MOLIDAYS WITH TRENTWAY TOURS LTDe Bi'DELXEMOTORCOACH FLORIDA MA-NY EPi TR DATES. CHOICE OF 10, V.,'29 OR 21 DAY 'TOURS. ALL TOURS INCUDEDISEYWORLD, ONE GOES TO MARD.l? 4IEGRAS IN NEWV ORLEANS. PRI>lCED FROM fAS LWA 180 CÂALIFORNIA, 23 DPAYTOURS DEFATIN: FB, 7th, MARCII 3Ist * APRIL2ShOCTOBER l3th PRCDFROPM $400,00 PER PE!RSON MEXICO 18ý DAYS - DFPARfTING MARCH 29th andi APRIL 6th Bowmaniville Travel U7 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLPIl 1Centre [ONE 623-3 182 I starting at 10.30 ar. Thisnsday, December 28- Durham 4-H Members Cousu ci] Evaluatian Meeting et the~ Agnîcoltunai Office, Bowman- ville, startin-g et 1:30 op.r., Wednesday, Ja1ýnary 3 -Dur, hem )County Sailmdi nop lm_ pravemeuf iArnnueal Meeting Pa flic, Canton Unitecd Chunch Tiursday, Jnay4-Joint Daîry Breedier-,rs CommitteeAn- nuul Meeting et flic University of Guelpli, Guelphi, Ont aria. Jenuîry 8 and 9 -Ontenio Mite Marketing Board Annual Meeting, Royul York Hofel, Toronto. Januairy 1 , 7.- nei Fruit and eeal rwr AnnuciConvention, F aiuis Sciions Hotol, Toronto. Wednesday, Jenuany-, 17- Meple Synua) Information Del et Bobeygeou. January 19 and 20-Ontenio JTunior Fermera Provincial Dinectors Meeting and Talent Festival et flic Royal York Hotni,, Toonto. -Jaury 31 - Feb. 1-On- tarin Soil and Crop Imprave- ment Association Annuel Con- vention et flic Skyline Hotel, Tarant o. OBITUARY JAMES H. R. JOHNSTON James Hînýold Roy, Johni itou, aged 80 yoins, passed îway suddieuîy et bis rosi1 douce, lili. 1, Onono, an Mon- day, Navember 20, 1972. Bonnl Canleton Place, wliene lue etteuded achoal, lie was fhe son' of fhllte Mr. and Mns. James Johnston. Os November 25, 1912, lie min- Yied fie former Clara J. Aý 0 Finders.ge maving flore fram Toronto. An emplayoe of Cotte Pencha Ruer Campany, ho refinedi 15 years -ago. He was a mcm- ber af Bawmanville Pente- costel Churc andi wes au active chuncliman all ii 11e, senviog on fli c urcihboard, i3 as abadisman andi cou- ducton. lHe wsbaudleaderý et Evasîgel -]Temple, Toronto, andi flicEvaugelistie Centre, Toronto, Survlving, bouides liii wif Clara, are a, son, Rev. Lloyd H. Jabnsfois, twa asitons, Doris Waike andi May Win- ters, andi a brother, Rosi. The 'funenul scrvicè vwas beldi from the ýMorris, Funenal Chape , Bowmauville, on Tliursday, November 23rd, andi was caonductedi hy Rer. Haroldi Dawson. Miss L. Bragg prosidedi e lcorgan and accampaniedi flicsaloiît, Mns Helen McDonald. Infor- ment was lu Bowmînvîlle Cemeteni. Amoug flic many lovoiy floral tokeni, evidouce aofie esteera in whicl 'the deceasedi wes beldi, wero those from the Penfecoifal Benevaleut Association cof 'Ontario,, mdi tie Bowmeanville Peutecostali Churcli., Paiicaenswcro oii Nor !cSteard, eog uri Mlford McDnna,_i James Barbu. ,Haroldi Mich-I lazn'andi Edin Jeans. for IFestive Setison AitYour Store or A dellous SNon-Alcoholie Drink! tGIen Ra&[ý u airy Dog McDonald; Skafe's! Badge, Carnet andRichard Cibson; Troubadour, Grog Jobnston; Toymakcr's Badge. Daug McDanad, Brian Buit- tory; Croco Star, Brian But- tory, Brad Brooks; Blue Star, Brad Brooks. Lookîng iýack, I would bave ta amy that thîee Moimusmot have a lot af free time now that thein Cuis have passed their House Ordierly badges - Rîghf? While fie Cuis listed above. have completed mli af the ne- quiremnents for fie badges and stars indîcated, mauy Cuis have passed some aoflice ne- quinements amd should ne- ceive themr recognition shortly.1 Iu addition Grog Johnson lias received i is Gold Woggleand 15 îsaw nospansible for thc Tewny Six. Steplien W aiken, Stepien Woodand KevIn Cnage have accepted fie re- spousibility as, Socondpra of their Six and now proudly ween a Silver Woggle. Rie- ceivîug a Coid or Silver Woggle la an lionon, but anc, that bas f0toi c arned iv loy- alty, devofion and participa- fiailu the Scauting Movo- ment. Octoier 25 was efu niglit wien we lied e panfy - Hal- lowe'en Style! This niglt if w a1 rni change a[ pare anir cvnocenjoyed iti. Rk I mi Bcicna worked very i harducftLing things ready and il Iew Ski Series I knnw they were well re- warde-d just seeing the boys Pack lso apprtecied es. hep1Ca7, i 1e Report fromn Queen ' Park IýPc loapeîtdtehl I Paula Faerril. Akela was un by, Alex Carruthers MP.P. Cabs o dsedn tir yo tS e e IA aubs essidn timo costumes alas Di DECEMBER 18 PROPOSALS sented to Paiaet modified by ' bu didn't, have any problem Cbeat D whn Perry Reitmuller came Quail, announcE It s apentraingquetio fo a debate, and approvcd by a majority of in (Cub uniform, Perry?j Oh! series of skiîng It s peetatig uesio fo athe iVembers in thie Legisiature. Yoti forgot!) Doug McDonal, be produced in *resident to bel asked, "What' sort of a The Decemb-er 18 proposais wilI Bill Spears, Stephen Walker with the Oshawe tdo you want to liveý in 30 and Stephen Bedford wonl The series, commnuty arouse, not only a great deal of interest, first prize in 'their category. Capers 'will bea eyears from now"? but a great variety of opinions as well. Jiri Bragg hacl to be the TV viewers star Although the methods for govern- Tt isq important, therefore, that we dis- toughest Cub of the night cember. John N. *ment to talk.to the people and grad- cuss-,the, subject in an-atmosphere free (Lady Wrestler). ing director for November 8 was a special Ski Club plans ý lually involve those who are interested of emiotion and with a careful examîn- night as Jeff Bedford, Scott viewer regardies, n nany one particular subject are diff i ation of 'both the positive and negative Rlichards, Marc Richards and through ail phase cutefot tvr ee rebigapcs Terry Martin were invested. "Many people cult effrtsat éeryleve ar beig apect. Andrew Sproatt received his become , nvolvec jmade to encourage citizen participation. Somne statements havelalready been District badge, 3rd Bowman- rnake many mist There may be a feeling among some made to the effect that natural growth ville neckerchief, and a wel- ing and selectir that there has been a lack of consulta- to which eiected officiais have piedged corne to our pack. We hope equipment", sair to have Mom and Dad present hope to provide tion prior to the announcement, but .thiemselves will cease; people will not whenweivsnwbosetthnopyel proposais tb be made on December 18 be aware of the implications; time will year to share this special "A fashion shi 9in Oshawa by the Honorable Charles not permit the public to prepare alter- moment. lne, es - MacNaughton for the restructuring of nativ-es; anonym-rrous, pi'nners will be The 3rd Bowmanville Cub presçnt tinie eC 1 Pack participated in the Rie- be both comfort municipal government in the Central deciding how our lives wiii be affected memnbrance Day Ceremonies iv_ and functioni )fLake Ontario area are 'the results of and the cost of pl[anning wiii be borne on Nov. 11/72. 1I thînk this should show th. much dialogue in which' interested by the local taxý.payers. Remembrance Day had more variety of appare mneaning to everyone at our to choose". ý6 groups have participated fuliy. Opinions such as these wili be stu- Pack than in past years. Mr. Also planned1 The Lake Ontario Region Develop- died in the months ahead in the light Jacke Knight, Bowmanville is a look at the i- ment Couricil, the Oshawa Area Plan- of, reason and understanding, in the Rloyalý Canadian Legion, was pects of ski'ig. Sning and Development Commîttee, the recognition of the input made by v . -Our guest on Nov. 8th. Mr. ing, cross-count van Knight helped ail of us better Diamond Triangle Committee, the Tour- ous. grouips and wîth a knowledge of the understanýl why we have a dist Councils, Conservation Authorities probilems, facing municipalities today "Nov. il Day"l. We owe much n andotherto -Mr, Knight and ail of the and thergroups have over the past which cannot be resolved without somemuadwoe keim 1rnonths contributed to a major degree form of municipal restructuring. In the Scouitiug Movemcnt, M in the development of'the December 18 The Honorable Charles MacNauah- hard work and devation ar issud te filoing tatmen toalways recognized. Brian But- 7proposais. ton sudtefloigtamn o tery, Dave Johnson, Perry d - Once the announcemenit is macle, the Legisiature on Monday, Decemnber ReiLmollet, Richard Elliott, -n several weeks and mouths of- discussion Il: tpe WodadSphr wili follow during which it< is hoped This presentation li llbe followed by Bedford received Iheir recog-A nition in the form of a Point 2that citizonr groups and municipal bod- extensive discuslsions--with local repre- Trip. These Cubs, worked les wili participate fully and provide a sentatives and citizens in an cffort to hardi doring Sept. andi Oct. t 6.valuabie contribution. Somewhere along reach'a consensus on the new structure remember to do ail the thi-nga- ofreured before coming to the the way, however, the public, having of government for that area EAST o u al ahCbi u 'i ad the opportunity to discuss the mat- Metrop)olitan Toronto. spectedi andi given points for Ite r fully, will realize that decisions Growth will take place regardless, the condition of his uuîform 11Q Imust.be macle or ,progress ceases. and it is important that it be controiled adpro hnh ted j The 'process follows closely the in ordor that for ourselves-and future dohesut end ea meeting i operation of Parliament itseif with leg-, generations the area will he the best he doesn't raceive these points.! isiaiongeneal cratedat he gassposIble community in which to-ve hese point trip cOmoeit)-îoîn3 isltin gneall ceatd t te ràs,ýposi tolieare desîgnedi to helpenurg roots level, drafted by government, pr- wo r!,and play. eahCbt aecn F an d LBRT -e pride in his uniform and is penson. This Point Trip found I - us at the Oshawa Bolngy FNLanes for an afternoon of fu ' a nAkela hadi difficu]ty kee.n Durhalm Agri News ahawaofthe Capain:fisth: w' aha ofthe cbs in bis te "other" team and unfortunate- mil kb, Rod Stork yhrtmwo t g es t .or going bowling we had FEATI Asîtn gricuurai Representative lunch at the A & W (whene y ýelse?) It was a good after- SUPPER noon and I know the wN în 0 Cattie Inport Fermits If yoo beave repalrs untili cammon bearîngs, would help Cubs feel it was worth the LIAgriculture Mînister EugeuO uoxt season and then order ta anpevent leugthy dela, s0c1effont, No 1Whelan auuounced' recentîy replacemenit parts on a unn in the busy sao Our last picco of uewsco that, in arden ta ensune con- emergeucy basis, the dealen Preventative maintenani,,cernus the excelle"nt showing Of CF sdrinrequests for per- pays for the pbono caii ar'd on bearings is worthwhiile, our Pack in this year' Sen 1 isfor the 1973-74 Eurapean thetransportation. Sa be pre- Py, greasing bearings before çiaus Parade.a For the ver RESER' cattie importation should be pared ta rover theso exura stonage, the moisture is forc- short time avaîlable ta wonkl filiF2J with the Canada Depart- charges as well as accepting ed out andi rost farmatian is on the float, Raksba, Bag- O1 meu a Ariultrenalaen deny in peation. pr-evented. Beanings will lest heera and helpers did a very Ze rthan December 31, 1972. i It might, be goodi business moch lalnger. good job. It will ho dîffict Requests ta impant ctl tVa n mh prsdpo nyou retire forage and ta do better noxt vean r u Cail 0in 1973-74ý shouidi be filed lu you1r own machinîe shed. hanvesting mci-uines thîs win- we'1l try. Thîis wîll be aur with the Veterinary Directan Items SWcb as piow,ý points, ter, recplace w\orn parts and llast ertbooChsa. Genonai, Cnd Depatment maw-r sections anId rivets,, geaeber ngstaeep then- * f grcutueOttaw.a, fam bet, and ceven som e ofth1 oiling nx esn whom application formis caoà be obtalned. Applicants should nq e animis tebednme ýFrîends hi'p cIU b's UniueChristmias Folwigrce ftiise Ch istm as Meeting co llctors ltem-' application ferras, prospective H l for taeasHe 1dmbTrasnityto CANADIAIN POSTAGE STAIMPS permit by submitting ta, the department a statement aout- Inspteof snowv, 1be, andi was hipp)y ta welcomenew C;DlNCON iining thein proposedi breed- inmclement wahr 'ol ebr isEhlGI AAINCIN -ing program. ubr wahr odymebr isEhlGiet Cattl ie ludrotssnme of the Fniendsbip The devational service was- (Mint Sets andi Singles) wih udegotetsClub members gathered at lu charge Of Mns. Sadie Bih-" -andi quarantine on eitber.of Trinity Chuncb Hall, on Fnl- lett and Mns. Lena Gilbert, ou'I ITEMS PRICED FI -the two maximum qoarantine day, Dec. 8tb, for their Chrhst- the Christmas theme. The- Qttobe, anie athGrss Iemas meeting and po uksop- hymn "O Little Towu af 'AVAILAB Isieand f te Pier e e. Forty-five mtmbers were Bethlehem" was, sung, scripr-Bo m n il e Isandof't. Perr. 1present andi wene weicomedi fore read, andi fhoughts and Prvdnnaorbebat by aur leader, Mrs. Mary Cole. a medîtation given an what ow a vil -conditions continue, the 1973- Grace was saidi by Rev. Wes- 'Chnistmas means to us'. Dur- -74 importations ciii for one loy Oake, elter whîch al ou- 'iug the worship, Mrs. Weath- Ail Items on Display -gnaoup to arrive et Grosse 'le ,e the bountritm.q in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Ocoen 97,anterjyeiiful n'eal. enali sang Th Chsma in cobr 97,aoter'The hall was heautiful with Star", andi at the end the! BUNDLE YOUrý CAR, gnoup ta arrive if St, Pierre Chistmas die co rati o ns, a beautiful solo "The Haly _______________________ lu Navember, -1973, and a Christmas tnee, and littie I av- City" delightedi ail the cOmý- Ihirdi group ta arrive at the ors et oach plate providedi by pany. This was ail veny belp.-[ St. Pierre Station lu MaY, Mrs. Jean Somersford. fliandi Worshipfui, 1974, Aften tie moul, ahi joinodi Mn. Oake spako bnîefly IuI Preventative Maintenance bcartily ln a sing-song of greeting, on this bis first oc-. Thîs past yean lhas been Sumensford with Mns. Ermie meeting, and pranauuiced the one aI the toughest au forage Hallowell et fie piano. This benedîictian. and larvesting eqoipment, was followed by a story, "An Thantes wenoexpe'sdb For speciE < soy. H. E. Wright, Socretany- Anctie Christmas in Igloo Mns, Cale to ahi who lias conLarSeodCrsm Manager af the Ontaria Ferm Wanldi" readi by Mrs, Muriel tnibutedi ta soci a happy ar eodCrsm Machhneny Board. 'Hanvesting Harding, telling how a young evening. sweet dairy crâam anc wot, heevy crors under very missionany foid the Netivity unfavonehie conditions, bas sfony ta bis Eskimo peoploei putf inrepýaedi trein n m- wyte ol nesad.C r e MOTOIR INN £ST. AT 401-. BOWMANVILLE URING VOCALIST BOB HILL 5-10 Cover harge 623-3373 pi; Gifits sami Souvenirs *CUFF LINKS andi TIE BARS (with the Canadian Coat of Arms) :ROM 20ç TO $15.95 BLE FROM bapost Of fice y in the Public Lobby, ,DS and, MAIL, EAIX ~ia tnends. is Candies made with id tresh country butter. AVA~ILABLE FROM JURY&LOVELL DRUGS KING ST. EAST BOWMANVI LLE JURY & LOVELLI Christmas TURKE Y DRAWV 10 ibs. or more A d d re ss-- ----- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -<-- - --- - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - T elep h on e --------- --------------- ------------- ----- Draws to be madie on Deceber15, 22, 1972 No pur-chase necTessary ~Ç~HARVEY ASoRME nHAT SEVICE - i nectar, J 1i ýed today aJ programs ta conjunctian 7a Ski Club. entited Ski aired ta Cabie rting mîd-De- richails, train- Sthe Oshawa Lin taking the s aI bis skiil, ;s of the sport. who waut to cdin luskiing Lakes lu boy- îg their finat d Quaîh, "we eguidanceo ta bis selection". .0W is alsa id. "At the ýuipment cen -able, attract-I ia. Ski Capons ie viewen a 7ei fram which for, the souis ediffenent as- "Slalom ski- Lry, jumping and a peek at competitive ski.- ing will he provided', Quail said. "Although the sgeries is not- long enough to nrovide ski lessons and because personal instruction is always best, we hope to provide the vtiewer with a conditioning programn and primer course for neo- phytes", he added. "Beginners u n d e r estimate the importance of condition- ing". Quail said. Condition- ing, poor equipmerit selectiori and lack of adequat"' instruc- tion are the main reasons for skiing accidents among be- ginners;, Ski Capers is a nevw concept- in that it gives a' local look at skiing - some- thing cable vewers in Osha- wa, Whitby and ]3owmanville have heen unahie to get. Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND 4,sk for Rae COUNTY CHR.YSLER-DODG.E LTD. 623-2586