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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1972, p. 2

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The anaden tatem3n,~owanvi1eDec. 12, 1972 Psyýe-chia fric Hos pifai Launches Pro jecf t'or this iratt, a specialý oýfont la ýbei!g mai tWhitby PsyCislatric Hsia to give e~f~slnpatentsa tsteOf' bé ie f e turing the fetv san.Tis ta at rai tlosewho Pouiti ho wiliinig to" enitertain a patent for an af- temnon or evesg -vin aa boirne atrnqosphere. "Pro oct-' nsit" !mes approveti tis ekby the WHAdiitra- toi!Mlton J. Fisiser. Prmacarefujlly selec-tetij Whcut ë *-Zm 1'Visif'1 baît a nunihen of adult patients, tsilowed to accept invitations. male anti female, mitdile-ageti Tise ist or bostes is asked [to elderly, witisout relatives or ,to provide tise traýnsprtatîiný friontis la this area, are eligWbe anti to kecp tise visit within for tiis Christmnas troat. ýreasonabie isouna. 'Oaly tisose patients who Enquirios sisoulti ho dstie- h ave tbe full, approvai of their set to Mra. Judy Moley, Vol- unit doctor anti who have unteor Services, Whitby Psy- bieen casefully selecteti wilI ho chiatric Hospital, 668-5881. OBITUARIES Miss_ Esther Arvilla Clysdale Tuestay, Decnlebr tis, 1972,, from the Morris Fuea 1 Thse teath of Esthser Arvilla Chapel with ev H. A, Tura- Clysdale, ageti 83, occurreti in on officiating. Tiseý interment Whitby on Sunday, Decemnbes' service waa conducteti la- the rd, 973.Cisapol witis intermient inI Bonn in Purple Hill, On- Port Hope Union Cemoteny, ard -Mrm.Jaàmes Clysdaie (nee (FRFi M ýP (INE) Janec Rowintree), she had Ofifernngs fr(om thesýe ss'àee longo-time resident of vesare the nl rgarBomavile norurce of Incorne 0f theNa A homemPraker and a mem- tinlCGIT Comte hc e f the Baptist Chiurch she c-oiatesý and providles re- is7 survived byý a niece and fo esfr éCGIgrousfornE-ohews3. ucroas the ountiryv. The rfnralwashrIld n DELO0iTTE, AKIS&SELLS ChareredAccountants OFIE n MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES ELTL CANADA BUILD!Nri OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA -PARTNTERS: (iOPDON W. RIEHL, F.C,A., R.L.A. GORDON F, SEDGýEW1CK, CA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE/78-7527 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR REALTY VALUES! BOUýýSS CAN B archtecura plasun sond to mk a. h01-sef-SAFE, snug n a sllmy to Befpore we ýdeide to ila-t A homen, iwe go ovr Itf!oot by fot - kaocklngp, peknmea3Imur>g.Very littie es me Ur Xrye"Yes. When e sh1w0yV ar7u, , yo KNOWyoure i good ha5nds. Prço- etyorfasnly arid yotir lnvest- eT hyctomïlng tgo us todaý1y. PETER 1KOW,,AL JR, GEORGE WESLEY LEE George Wesley Lee, 82, wes isunieti at St. Martin's Cerne- tory, Enaismore, on Monday 1mrorning. Mr., Lee tietia'et Me- moial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, 1Fritiay, December 8th. s'. Lee 'lasunvived by hy bi wif e, tise former Margaret Hîckson, Si) Scugog St., Bow- manvilie; e son, Fraud, two dsugbters, Mnrs, Gooný 'gc Can- fielti (Ruths) anti Mca. Eraat Rasisotte (Mary). Ms', Lee was at Morris un oral Çbapcl, Bwsvle Funcral Mass was iselti la St. Josepbi'3 Roman Catholie Chur ch, Bowmsnville, YING TOM SETO Ying Tom Setoe, owncc of tise Coronstion Restaurant lu Bowmanville for 50 years, dicti Saturday, Decemben tis, 1972 attis Memrial Hospital, Bow- rmaniville, following a four- weck illucs, Ho liveti at 41, Pas'kway Croacent, Bowman- ville. Born in China Auguat istis, 1895, ho was tise son of tise late Mr, anti Mrs. Yuen Seto, A ceaident of Oshawa anti1 tise Bowmalville ares for tise past 50,ycari, ho was a memnbes' o! St. oseh'sCathoiicCiuc, BowmenvîllOII. Horetireti in 1971. Hîs w7ýifc, the formes'Yshý Tsang dîcti befone hlm Ho -ei s survîvet by tiree sons, Josephs Seto, Bowmanville; Hoing Seto of Oshawa, Lung Seto of Hong Kong; une sîster ln China anti eight grantichilti- Ms'. Seto resteti at tise Asm- strong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Service waa helt-inlatise chapel on Tuestiay at 2:45 p.m. Inter- ment, ln Rosurrection Cerne- tory.'1 Ku'ýigisaof, Columbus hboit aerae service at tise f uneral home NMonday at 8qîj>. - Ii~ 'SI lands arrived in Jerusalerm, asking, "Where is the ncwborn King of thse Jews? for we have seen his star in far-of f eastern lands, and we have corne to worship hlm." ICing HerQd was deeply disturbed by their question, anid'ail Jerusalem was filled with rurnors. He called a meeting of tise Jewish religious leaders, "Did the prophets tel us whcre the Messiali would b4e borni'" he asked. "Yes, lu Bthlehem," ýthey said, "for this îs what the prtphiet Micah. wrote: Olttetown of Bethlehemn, you are net just an. unimportant Judean village, for a Gover- nor shall rise from you to rule my people Israel.'"' Theni Herod sent a private message to the astrol- ogers, asking them to corne to see hlm; at this meet- ing lie found out from them the exact tirne when they f lrstsaw thse star. Then ise told thern, "Go te Bethlehem and search for tise ciild. And when you find hlmn, corne back and tell me se that I cari go iand worsb-ip hînm too 1 Aftriisinterview tise astrologers started 'out again, *And lkThe star appeared to tsern ag'ain, standing over Bethlehsem. Their joy kncw no bounds! Entering tise house where tise baby and Mary his motiser wcre, they threw tiserselves down before hirn, worshipping. Then tisey opened their presents and gave him gold, frankincense and myrris, But wien they returned to'their own land, they didn't go througis Jerusalem to report to Herod, for God isad warned them in a dream to go home another way. Ilustrations frord TAYLOr'S BIBLE STORY BLOOK 1iff<1 TV TRAYS F'ibre Glass and Passi"";quE Upright stanIds wiî-th coastei's Plate Glass Bevelled and Gold Framues Colonial, Pillowved Top and Record Storaýge a. in favor so, we didn't get aS ~~ ~mar keting board," Dr. Breslo inu said . SThe average wholesale price for Christmas trees5 today lis gfor $,6 to $8, he said. (FROM PAGE ONE) "~The increase in thie whole- to, do other than to mop up. #sale price is due to an in- Memsorial Arena ý1ability to get proper labos', in- Early Sunday morning (2:15) creases in the cost and fringe firemen answered an alarm at flibenefits of the workers and the Memorial Arena. Hlowever, poor harvesting weathes'," Dr, as it turned out, there was no Breiýslin said. fire. Apparently the overhiead Pj ut there ils an option, he'spririkler system had beeni said, to people who want a trigges'ed by the heat f'om thle, real trce but not enough tolfurnace. CHRISTAS GRETING $8 for CH ISMpay EIN Sit. Burketon Blaze T'hey cari make a family out- Te F wacleduo SPEFCIAL EDITION in' fgon1o0i latto to extinguish a small fire in on the Burketon side road, the Burketon home ol Mr about 12 mriles, north of BowýT-FrniPmso onM da ACirjistm-a!s Greeiig edition will he Uh Lmnanville. There, theýy 1mýayh mos'ning, Dec. -llth. A space (-chop do-wn their own chýoice heater is believed to have lîsed extweek, containing both Grceting five- to sevleln-foot tree for cue h lz hc i advetismens ad lst inue mrchndii§g$3.50. Smal!ler trocs cost even considoraebl ame w to ad loss, he said. cnipai afae t specals.-Oshwa Tmoscouch and sonno paneling. andj destroyed a set of curtains. Damage kas estimated at $200. Aiiy individuals or firms who would îîke ThLONG SAULT chherey a to insert greeting a dvertisements are uirged to LON BowThmnle firem niken were contact thke office, at, 623-3303, asý early as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- !alled. No damage was report- possile. eron were Saturdlay oveninglcd. visitors of Mr. and Mfrs. Keith Porter, Bowmanville. was a Sunday dinner gu'e ofs p t jý1e (20 the R. Cames'on's. Mvrs. G. Bernard, Joanine and Jean look a plane trip over D 'ee tuC ry Sthe wceekend (Thursday tili Sundaî,ýy) for a visit with Ms'. (FROM PAGIL ONE) G. Bernard-at Soot Rock was composed of messages pl als, Northern Onrio and pictures from former em- dpe-.taaveryMpeaant Gibnnployees ruch asMrBend -,vth ayl an Do, Ohaw. MssGwen Burman, past Die- ttaMrs. Norma Walsh, NESTLETON W.I. noast Dietitian, Mrs. Jessie Mris. Joseph Wygrde did Prout and maryohei ïdouble dutY, Dec. 6th whoen T E C T sh as hostess for Nestleton, secretary. A goodly numberH TO17 You onlyý have to orkii thieof members were present luj a r~tung~StueiL tes'sumo n erywner. The President welcomed TAKYUFRY Stnmy atie Ms Ross Curtis from Orillia, HN O OYI From D urharn C oW e e He oor ýy ddah e w i e only guest prescrit. i RECENT MUNICIPAL 0esorbvioul deidntforsce rs ary McLuhln UA IM aIE 'istmas ts'ee distributorars out thefý Christmas Crdteeenio he okc sai-d volunteers offes'ed TO YOU AND YOUR F std ns retail plies. of the Christmas Troc Gs'owv- i th. The ladies named were Deurhamdss eentlyuds' h lasesoe"bte r' Association for three yenrs Mrs. G. Thompson, Mrs. Bol- took an unusual assignmont lu cllent psychology. A littiet1_ ean managng diecorfo , Mrs, McLaughlin, Mrs. diply-the Christmas dec- boy who was continually get- The" yeaoCrsta Geo. Heaslip, Mrs. R. Davi- oraition of the Whtby Mal, ting in the way, was made trendMs W ets h ThoColeges GM mrke- "uar ôIthelumer scd e plantation first popped uPlists for the recipients of cards ing cînaes beca m arkoet- in onruci of Sa a's huse when the Ontario Nursery in and boxes wcre reviscd. with'tho project through one and thereaftcr was a model of Orn1elzd to eo Th orsodnecnit oftersuetBryLaw- behavior. overstocked with fis' troc seed- cd of thank you notes and1 of teir tudets, arrylinga in 1952. notices of the A.C.W.W. Cm rence, who la a part-time cm- In addition to Christmas The nursery employeeÏ went petition and the F.W.I , Con ployeln one of the stores. decoration of the mail, the to0the local farms, one of which vnin a af nJn who la Vice-President of the where required. Each student ther, and suggestod thcy plant A card was received from rs. WhibyMal etil erhatsrooîvd gftcetîicate for th,,m to conserve the topsoil. Wright, England, wi shing us to the Eteetors Asscitio gve the Dur'ham $10 freoin the Witby: Mal Dr. Breslin wrote a firm in Institute a Merry Crsms studonts n froc baud in plan- Merchanta' Association. Michigan and asked them to Mrs. Bon DeJong reported fryu up rnng the'dispinys. The clasa send up Scotch Pine, seedlings, on the activities of the 4-H fryurspo was divided into fous' groupa. baueIwneon ta, Cbadi asmv 1 One group decos'ated the high "easfIontdoertan, lb nCtoa ovdb pars o th mal. notes'wa m"ImlIie said. Mrs. L. Malcolm, sacconedbyfo prsosib le or th oer wsecD entMM *20,000, Tree Patch' Mca. Bolan, that 1we rpay $500:' tilon. A third group docorated By 1958 hoe had a patch of or more to defray the , u1 the tag, A ourh grup 1'20,000 trocs and they were expenses as there are12 gr th tg.Afut ru f lTu ii d pi rM stlWî ts d ca ; ECE students made special standsnesolihng at an average prie of frm Nestietond atteuding to position Christmas trocs. (FROM PG ON!:) $1.38 on th stump. (On the son attended 'the Sumr The work was donc in roc- s'tincd from bis Toronto huai- stump mneans the trocs are stili Day at Orono for the OailBet;WsÉ ord time - betweea nine arn. noas as an oral surgeon. Ho -estandîn ,)FritCors an rpote a aind thre p.m. of the same has wantod a farm oves' sinco B 99Iwssligtemitrsigporm wt da.The students instltuted living on one at the now com i --tohesm burfr35ofim M. Wclts hroughit Merry their own ideas, and acconding mencially-dev7eloped, cornes' of 50 cents a troc. In the 60s baick necipea using fruit. to Durham instructor John Thickson Road andi Highway miost of the dealers wouldn't I a moved andi accondeti ai Preston, who acteti as liaison 2 fs'om 1905 to 1909, hoe saiti. pay any more than 25 to 35 that a $5.00,donation ho seci officer, thoy exhlibiteti excel- "But 1 dîdn't want the reg cents. Somoe of them even paiti to Mental Heaith agyain thi Happy, Hea1thý lent creativity la a apon)tano- ponsibility of animai,"ho as low as 10 cents," hoe said. yoar, ous situation where the work said. I figus'ed this (Christmas But ;of course by the '608 The roll caîl - the moat im- Ne hati to be donc ves'y quicklyltrocs) would ho theesitDrBeanwssein hspoat of our, natural ni- witb limiteti mouey anti sup- Jway beause it's oniy seasonal. trocs directiy to the whole- sources wasý answerctiuunani- -t-- -salers. mouly by "water". '~ ~i' " t"~ In'~ l the early '60s, as pros- Mca. Bon DeJoug gave a ~,.~ . d~tent of the Christmas Tree gooti report of the arcs cou- 2 > g~ Growoa Association, Dr. vention and asked that lier "1 ~l6~.Brealin made a succesaful bld expensea ho, sent to a Society ~ ~ before a commîttee of thse for the blint inl Sussex, Eug- - Ontario Logisiature to have land, as a 'donation fromn ~ 4tise Agriculture Act amendeti Neteton Wl,. to incelude Christmas trocs as Mca. R. W. Jackson gave a produet of the farn. Trocs highlighta of' taîka by Mrs. haihcuudr h unaito llitt, President of F.W.I.O .of the ticpartmoent of lands aidianti Mrs. Dawson, P.R.O. for S~'4 . '-" foratsthe area. Gradiag Systens Mca. Bolan gave the Otto 'A" thy wshe. Tey re ootei bcingteSaud Ho then sot up a grading "otcnsi h a systom with 'a group of f arm-Tm". he enietanu- ors o tat mercandisni-ber of great musiiciana anti Y.btn olintlbltosa artiats who have ieft evidenice I WOULD LIKE TO TAK certifieti by the tiepartment ofunaetipoperelsro TO THANK EVERVONI 4 aricltue a prmiu, wthmemisereti by thoir amli fou gotisiechico, with deai vrdylvn. CAMPATGNED FOR ME thregooti aides; anti s tanad M s. George iHeasiip gave EETO.AS P threegoodside andstan au ninteneatiug papcr on ecol- LCINASO PE - with two continuous goigygvngules for- keoping CITIZENS WHO SUP]P sides. watcr pr anti how to con- Dr. Brealin's next steD was serve its u'se. For centurica POL Sto attemrt to set uip a Christ- mari bas trieti to conqueri ...mas troc marketing board. nature' andi uow hoe bas to dsdn't e wantono, buse s learu to live wlth it. Mca. Hoas-~ a .ïtwouit av e , ean asg atl huorou red by n Wli BER 4th is to ail for a Christmas iy and Popru w Yeaqr. orimanJ[Iin KE THIS OPPORTUNITY E WHO WNORKED AND) EDURTNG TUE' RECENT ,CIAL THAINKS TO TUE, IPORTED ME AT TUE [fLS. petings Besi Wishes jeOrge Stephen UIIL) from KR Polo - Swag - Table Walnut - Oak Dresser and Floor Models and Vinyl %HAIRSDESKS Rcers wi8l00BOK CASES ~~ N1ylon and Vinyl T B E BRIDGE SETS F. A. KRÀ MP FURNITURE LIMITED 31 KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILL ÈE Announcing Bouquet Wedding Line Invitations LUCFA aCRtPT COLONIAL SCRIPT STUYVEAnT SRIP en amaasangZ4 , Gch, e Alfed keaÇfiw i4okthy loe astili adp ofncthe nyatheheiý,-r mlc0sip - yet costas ýo rtife. Do sec aur exciing selecior, rf coneprr nd tredîtioncil yppfcs. . one, perfet fo l O see lt. iwc w e.Jefco ivcry ! ail1siew designs f-or '72 now Available at L v 11111 Mrs, Claire Peters, p's Dietitian, expressp.d her goo,-d wishes for a long and hapy retirement to MiSs Joniit n behaif of Beaver Foodr- vice. Miss Joint was presenrtedI with a beautiful BulovaÀwatch by Mrs. Elizabeih Szeisýt- vani (Superývsor) on ibhaIf tof staff and friends. Following the -presentation of thie gift a vcryenobl t ape was played whIich hs bleeni sent from Miss Gw,ýiI Bran who now resides ,,in England. At this po)int issý z Joint very graciously thaýnked everyone. 'The hall wasdcoae wlth green and white porn- poma and s t ream r cj-s, an c adcorning the iddiýle of thje table Pwaea sutifu1 grprin and whiite three-tiered fru1it 3cake maiide by the cýhef Kairi 1Niemann. Care M fithegus book was capahly taken caren of hy James Goswell. The remainder of the ev- ening ws sent dancing to music supplied by Te,-ry Black and a good time wvAs bad by ail. Mrs. Ivy Coverly ogaie a buffet lunch whlch wasý served at the end of the evening. SA very special th-ankyu to Mrs. Mary Cannj from Dietary staffandi friends fr being Miss Joint's chiaufferri and havl inghr arrive et jus,;i the, righ1ttie C, GÉT CASIÇ. TOD)AY TIRROUGn * STATPSMAN DUR SUP IPORT IIAl'THE ELECTION, THE BEST FAMILIES DURINGi TUE 's f Bowmanvllle Drt and confidence 'ouncillor, ài q-i

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