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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1972, p. 5

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15 r Too Lae Withi $ 5 I)nno Schem Foloin re comments mrent Program is that iV is hi Ipncided and is therefore a by Alln au ronce, _M.P.., fan too aVe, grand-stand play which wl Prgrsiv onservaive, "Aýs emphesized hy ail ths have nions value for the gov- Notubnad-Durham, Preiiisiorcf hs rvi at ernient for publicity purpos- hy he lon hs Premiers' Cooiference ines"lan eny othen. JonTunrMnister of Halifex lest'August, et wbich "I espect cf Mn. Andras' Finanîýce anýd he Hon. Robt. 1 ttemn eaig h d of-Man- Il ttended, eny such pnogram ds ialmen rsltheg Vo Vhsro- Andras, inister It e utilized in i e nsiblo ie lfnsorVsLPp- pora miing teiWitio rks LP ay by hs municipalities anîd gram, ho should îîcw ho in a Jitiig o ý,iatr WoksLIPpositionc, Vcday, o indicate and0 Tr;iîon-Jb Po- hs provinces should have thtVsapiton eiad iz-imJob ro lissaenannounced aeths veryl. heapictos led g r;m aes aou a y ~in bis hands are Vo ho apprcv- "Te ea Vegdycf hs tendy withholding cf hse d sannxeplof hs enouceen tiorning hy nouncemeot until December deiey that odeys gradtd h govnaren ni tngVhe 6Vh hs Trudeau goverament p' is rnpcing ngofh $50 ilio Directi Empboy- hecs again iîidicated its cern- while projeets iiih ndng0 ndutter iack cf corn- N\Torthurnberlind - Duor harn, plts n tepobesthons bave aready heen five prehension cf Vspoim facing hs provinces and hs applications for UIP grants, imunicipealities on hse o rne 0 hc aelsal hand nd, Isuseetit heVsgovernaent's hands iace âan ad, iuspct it lckearlv October and Most of ccompassion for those rneny hheviad Vswo, H E R I th0,iusands of people in Cana- ihk t *db I witer.workthisstarting long befone this. "ynoV eîîoouneing hs ed hs long Vo make today's W Zý rsograrn until Decemben th, announcement and hey shouid ir doos noV give timo for delay no longer in immediae- evoeryono concerasd Vo taes y annouacing w7hicb projects Better service for jadvantage cf hs monies Vo lie have been approved", vor ,hca,inz . ta id xnean,, licIer hearing for you gre sure Vo visýic our inext BloeSe'rvicecCentre HOOPER'B JEWELLERS LTD. 1 29 Ring St.. , , DEC. l4th îffc DIANNE BERNATH THINKING 0OF A GII "FOR ALL YOUJ We'I l e glad CaII 62ý 71 King East M-is YOJ CI Aýn Impressive Safety Record tel, onii, on Satur-i The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec, 13, 1972 eay, and is steying wîth ber Qîster, Mrs, 'Jonnie Richeîd-l son, on Churcb Streel t Nort!. The Orono United Churclirî Women held a Pot Luck1 On Sunday Mn. and Mn. Mn end M"s eînst -ok Lunch and Generel Meeting Lloyd Broome ontertaîaied adey wî udyvLIs±to on Thursdey, Dec. l4th, in hs Mn. and Mrs. Chas, John, withMn. and 1/1ns. Ivan Elli-. Mrin erll. bs ee oawmanville, it being the oc- rot t, Freservillo. patie L hebowas enilaecasion of their 56th wedd;ng Mn. and Mrs., Ross Knox, Momoniel Hospital. annversary. Aiso Mn. end MT's. Brougham, visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Kennet h Syer Wallace Munday, Oshawa, Mn. with -Mn. and Mns. John of CvenvistedMrs Wmand Mns. Boa McDonald, Lise lKnox. ono n, M. n vstd Mrs. Wmand Robin, Belleville, MsCa agadMs Rbnon, Mr.undy s.lmer Mrs. Larnr; Dewell and Bcd-Wm. dCas. Mnrn- P'l rs Hogg o hu sda vening. Bwmnilead r Ashton and i.Peanl Mn. Bob Cooper and dau -h- Leach ettendd Vhs recepio er Lynn of Agincount visit- , h roo yoe eelest Mondey held et the hborne ed bis parents Mn. and Mrspeetfrteocso.Cn of Mn., and Mrs. Alleni Brad- F, O. Cooper on Sunday. gratulations from the cern- ley, Whitby, for the latter'lS The Chapmaa farnily held îrunity Voý you hoth. mothor, Mrs. Glady-s Gifford, their annuel Dinner andi Miss I-elon Baker, TorontVo, in g the occasion cf hon Christmasr Party att ho homne spent the woekend with Mn. 80th binthday. of Mn. and Mns. Orville Chat- ad Mrs. Tom Baker. The Tink fiemîl heid thoiný terton, Carol. and David, on Mn. and Mns. Bon Baker, Christmas gathen , et the Sunday. Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Larry Soline Hall on Sunidà.y .ftcr- Orono Senior Citizons beld Welsh, Bowmanville. w e r C0000. their annuel pot luek suppen Sunday supoor guests of 'rMr. Mr. and Mn . iX erett Sie and Christmas meeting on end Mrs. Tom Baker. ' attended a Golden >Woddilng Thursdey of lest week la the ,Mn. and Mrs. Baiph Lanaece oicration on Sunday for I.O.O.E. Hall.* ad John, Blackstock, wère Mn. aod Mrs, Cermen Grills, Mn. Bebee, fonmeriy of Sundey evoning visitons with Belleville, and also visited Orono, father of Mns. Ken- Mn. and Mrs, Evenett Cryder- Mn. aad Mns. Ken Neodham,, nedy and Mrs. B., Hease of mnan. Northpont. Cobli Hill, passed awey. Fun- Mn, and Mrs. Ross Crydor- A fcw W.T, înehribers froran eral was on Tuesdey eften- ma, Ellen and Larry were he East groiop attended a noon, Docember l2th. Inter- Sundey cupper guests of Mn. pot loch diinnr et apie ment Welcome Cemetery. and Mns., Murray Vice and Grove on Thusdy eveaîag "Season's Greetings." farnily. an ssisted wiih program, M,49KIGS.W BOWMANVILLE R epo r ts5fro0m -4, FOR Women's Institutes ýnM' BOWAN1L L I To,,nif rBethlehem anmd Joy CHILDRFN 5 to the W V\orld, w\ere suing, then FEC LNDI W0ME1N'S LEATM-R OurBowanvlieWomn ~roilicil as answered withI Institute held their Chrshristm ritasvrssCkflA OO S IWo men S B c meeting and dînri1 at tbe Mru, lair gaive helýr report' ot Memnorial Park ,,Club ,House ofteWdnsa eetin onDe1lt ,ît 1 attend-sile had etendedccCin' Tor ot ing. The mneetinig opened w th in Novemuber, and saý-id no singing OCnd h denwrslton1a enpe A lîttie over a year ago the St. Marys Cernent plant initiated a niew safety and repeating th e Collect. sented. She saiïd many more pori.ut Minute of th last eet n studets in igh Seools re piga nder the direction of Safety Director Bill Hay and, to date, there.ut R5B KODIAK_____ wer red ad aprvedMrstekngdrivin,,corestan have been most impressive. The -plant, which has a staff of 90, has oealti ljowney then presented ep- ever before. New Canadiens over a year without a single tirne loss accident. By contrast, in 1971, there wereINUAF preciation gifts to the two want to work and not be on 13 accidents. Pictured above' is the Ernployee's Safety Comrnittee. Left to right: IL Mr's. Butterys for the time welfare. Mrs. June MarksE ynisW.TryB.S thG.Rs,.WîesadL.McuIneog1 ',nd work theY had spent on 1represented the mnayor of the E.Neh*s .TrrBOOitTSos W ihrsadL Mcad I eo- attendiag a short course et city and brought greettngs nition of this excellent record the cornpany is sponsoring a celebration early in ;ýf;-i Orono on, fruits, andý then and said she fit a part of the new year. gave classes to pass on, to Women'.s Institutes. A good ________________________________________________ others, who were able to et- representation of 1 n c i a n sÀ-9 ten, tngteyhdeandwre there and went home at Orono. Treasurer's report fIlled with Enithusiasm. Ona wes read, bis were pres--nt- speaker ad Whatever your I-AS FULL UÂNE OF OTHERý edi and. orderéd paid, and se- lot in Ilfe i>-, buLild on it, try OOON E W 4 eragl letters of thanks wer to do ourbet in Instîtute WT 57ý rea. wocaol, h itlewok ndWewîl ake po M SaonWlla o r, a d Mrs. Johin VWitier- [or Mr. and Mi,-. Clvn TEEL TOE grs.Hre Agin ubrLz, Ch envisiting idge are now residing In the My]es' 5oth Wedding nni of Ch ristmEaisaier o Wereher grandparents, Mr. end bouse of her aunt, the late versary., Erns. a r s or ow1 Mrs. Clifford iïl11r Wnter of Cobb' IVrs. Wm. J. Riddle. Mrs. Ernest .Ham rturn- HomeEconmist Mrs Fit-ii i.Mr. and Mrs. Perc Cooper cd fomthe Memorial H1ospi -________ mmoswa desed in Mrs. C. A. Myles of Col- of Oshawa visited Mr. and X J U RL r cstisfpast riday of Mr, and Mrs. Cal- day alter attendîng the Open r dielegate Vo the Convention Hall %JO F r SHÊto nd ictgave ber reort. She i members were urged VoO r stuciy the Institilte -TenîdO r ALMOST BooiRandnakeof nl- S oC T rieen learn from them. Holds Ch'ru"stLmmas Smisai Opportunlty knocks, but it An entertalnaing mnusical and ber commenta were mo t9pm. ,u IÂ T M N EV N b)as neyer been known .Vo p9ga ompePn. te nerotn adJ'A1pf 1 W N turn the knob. Woýoen's In- Hrogr cultura Chitas shweakteeing asan art1>ist , s1 vep ~ ~iteA A ,ttutes have much Vo offer, on Thursday, November 30th. suggested that the samet.rUie audya R DE u ~ ii .IIF5 nnducat o r ome, ialoTaoruguaveChustpian owan test couasld a othsetp ar-R 1ý1 adun wet n ohomorniao Glaclys Brown and Charlie of line, style', continu!ty con- ________ 7" S.Es man god fiens ae mde.violin selections, then, «'hile rangements as to painting. Rrv.. Gordon Hunter spoke ChenUie played the vioiin, Prize wlnners were as fol_~ et the banquet and bis sub- Edith Taylor accompanied lw:Sie nCuke da ec«s"e wr u u l on the autoharp. Ti "Sparkle" - for hospitel Pa- Henritage." Ho said the sac00 was a new combination andtin -MaeeneBc1 B esSufr tiyo2mrig is being a real treat. We hope Vo hear Key Chepman, Mary-, Miller, On !he WilidGitSoknEvng 1'ýbchalenged ail around us ifl 50 them again soon. Cari Biliings Gf oe many ays thiese modemndidn't say whether hoe had bis ' usei'-ntfraGift Sets hcltsGFIBXDI ai timres. A person- who Plant$ mouthorgan with him or noV, container - Minnie ZegerChocolato an orihsa retbnsbut îV came out of bis pce K a v Chapmen, Madeleineè Col2.5ogne1. Sprays $1, 9 $9Il backto ur ioners. we fter the meeting Voarng s 'Y g Fnas" fr15 o45 7 TF loudans -questions, more mnusic. dinner table - Elleen Biliings,7 c F ICATE ~ ~ 'ý'hatweawoud lke or wariGlady Brown led in the KyCamn Mary Miller- SE ALF TRE - ORC ISMS NY 4 ~ytm n hn eiul aosand laVer sang twonuts, cones, fruit - Kay C hep- 'CALFAUR ORCRSTA OL 9 flAIR NEDS about our pollution p rOblem., humorous, numbers, one of man, Minnie Zegers, Mary ' Mrs3. Wiseman gavýe a Vcýry which bier father used Vo sing., Miller. H 3-509 moto, hrismasIdeas, ad be, "RechOut Your Hend." lunch committee served de26lSlee-' h c le .69 tohlpyU.iteetig pae o heSe aedwthaioey u- r. .Coa adtid Vh ve been banded The president, Mrs. Billings bous Christmas cake, cook[es, . 'lbU Bownanville down iifirm nPy years -ago xedd words of welcome tee and coffee. JIg À. / o .sre ooce end ,ici ap poem on Christ- and proudiy ceiied ettenton Thenks Vo ail who heiped0ý ________________ ma.IVisatime of stars, Vo the beautifui silver rophy, meke the evening so en. . Ît . 1I ~ L~' ~t. won by the Orono Society et able. -Orono Times.ý-0 71BA" the District 4 meeting linCOMTI A a ~ Brighton on October 28th. LOW LOWPRLADY i The trophy was donaed by tIPtTIIpu 9 1 Brookdaie-Kingsway Nursery 1 N IL GIFT SETS GIFT WRAPI a number of years ago and 0enISMrEs. John aaragment done by Mrs . a Mr. JonCat5on 000o Society this year. is la Oillia hospital, and Mr.Rua oiPak~2 l -oniy6-1 Drews wero made for drdCtoesckg'y GIr istmas arrangements done Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brid- 0 by Mary Miller and elso somegetBomvllvstdeSEOU DEPDSON PR ES NEECRC AZ S for Dixon's plant brefood. Ton Mrs. Mr.c BrokadSusan AS T MINUTDE DSACOUSNT P MAS N MOE GTITEMS Mrs. Maureen Remington Mr.EdnMcKyadJc juge te hrstasshw ie Gatcholattendede birth- '--- J~)iî day party et the home of IvIr. v. Sie'nCcke trocs, t C rstms l s ih os uby B row n, H am pton ,m l - 'i C ù k e 7-Lons crls anlslg-s Elegante and meny others. What is Messrs. William NicholTRsofiiKrtnAtrShv 175-Ol Sente Claus?, Children loveanCayoCutrsaw him and ho is known ail over M.Cc hteWib 14-oz. Size OE the world. Wise mon brought visited Mr. Norman Stinso CHOCOLATES gîfs ndsogifs regien Miss Gall Ste-wart, OshawaRg.$.5 Ol BlackBeit Af ter Shave $3.00 - 0nl1 £,j todey. Poinsettias are another wsaweedvstrwt Spart of Christmas and have MisSsncatn become one of our favorite Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Tay-21 flowers et this time. She clos- lor and, femily visited et Mr. Sed wîth another ChristmasBe aorsOhw.I., GI~ £eebrpoem which wes foilowed b h oko h communiityI (ma (omore carol singing. 7eie-y aehre1l te1curh a- You, Save Money Everyday ai Frcdericks Pharmacy! Mrs S. Buttery aiso gave a ment Monday night, with Mnr. Christmas reading Mrs n Mrs. Henry Schoonde cbanged dress Vo presontaWlac soecle de forah/e me..isaFlitoffandMrs Dowev eek s gost of ono. a litle play. An 1892 Institute meeting Vo order and MÀrs, OA SYLVANIIo /meme ile 92mm Rod Simpson reed the pro- Çùtamon !/rom Î,eme iiea192e- Sber end they discussed differ-snttoadrs.HryndCA L INSTAMATICAU"ý onces of years gone by and Susan received a bridge setaCFLS CUE J{ooper's ,jewellers ddnt proe fMrs. 192 omuty. Mr. TvOe5 Allen "efmsCAMERA~ dresas and eccossories.. Mrs. of Columbus entertaînýed with KTF-lle 1 f rom $80.00 up u Mundey ciosed the meeting vclnnbrnd bis gui1tar Gift t I 2FahsPnue wîhapo,"h iteThe neighbors enjoyed'ivisit-$ 88 Thiags", and God Save the îgadlnh 13 QueenA fermer here had themius- S An exehenge of cyifts fol- fortune Vo lose e caiff roM KTi owed, thon Mrs. M.lley gave rebies and bis bord isune i i sm cnetsfr e V ,aantine. IV bas been dis- 1élou puzzle our brains over. Mrs.c]osed by the auitiioities t'lat oauaanrs O. Bragg bad prepared one rabies is quito prevalent in NOWVý SAVE MORE ON YOUR HMOLIDAY PICTURES 1 on' rormw ajur-sel lwbnich .sd Vo btA e ,1 l n clA ÎI - r n- (1D i'l1 - p1F: ......................... - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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