of lM Mrs. Bruie TlsoEd*or Phone 987-4213- Jiticee T/ewcast/ec cSociajl aa ý-ersonaÎ!'a ar Necsl otoeof and Baden Powell.H you wbhave found !tîm-e to1 The sympathy of the villageý reoe orSh1oes, put youî i5 expressed to Mis. Lllianl feet u.p on thle couých i relaix Boldeistone and her family, in behbind thie newsp)apr1 at tiýslthe loss of her'husband, Tom, busy uirne o£ thie vyew ask!early on Sunday. thiat yo eebrt phone The Brown's Communîty in your social eabfr Hall ceitainly seema to haveiZ Tuesday noon hour ,next WCC0k.takcn on like a hive full of ,And should you 1forget or n"ot bees with the continued havýe the time caî] l i, inny- amount of activity takîng way for the followintg wcek. place there. Mis. Margaret lb- To our friends and ncîgh-1botson reports that aloag with bois la Memoriai Hospital atlBrownics and Cubs they havel this time, we extend bestladuit dancing, a record hop wishes for a speedy recoveiy tolfor the teenagers and bing b ît ouad hs you. They arc Mrs. Majorie gamnes. She would, however ewt o n hs Paseoe. Mis. MVarie Gaîtshoîe,1 like to invite ALL INTEREST- Mis. Nettie Buter, Eric Wicks,!ED PERSO1NS to attend the you love at thîshu many good times being held time of Christmas. aithere, explaining that this i ~ Eà'Jnot for the Brow'ns area only, but anyone wishing to take part. She encourages ki, adulta to take advantage of Îthe dult recreation time, set % E e" TI L O noonesFioLe asid for Wcdncsday afterI FL R N E TU LO a 1)d noons froni one p.m. until 3:30 pm. At this time, they can do stheir own thing, enjoy a social A D S N R e 5U M F a pu visit, play carda, swap recîpes,1 s%0 -U hld a quiting bec or learix Hw . 1 (roo the differience betwcen stigI wy uon ome alone and enjoying an.N e afternoon out with othersN 15 iviib, îoe fr iorade ifomtinwMCaStle J n o S th h liay seso [bbotson asks that you tele- %i Christmas Day n Saturday, December thruto In. 2d, 173 6th, Eastmran's Pee Wee B'sP Ma orsonc aain wen hey opLeuueLeaer came thîough with flying col5a îer :4downed the Orono Flycîs on NTewcastle ice in a score of by Dale Powell and Doug Riekarcd and Tom Mai- 5-3. Scoring foi the homne team Cathie Wrighttn. Bh Wg cde te I i wcrDenniis Rogerson, assisted Nw ste:- On Tucsday, score, assisted from Ken by Gan assite b eni oger- Dec lh, The Nand Oand Jamie Wright. 'ianassste byDenns Rger De, 12h, TheN ad 0 A lot of credit bas te, go to son, Jim Wid assistcd by Cmie"otlydtefit the goalie, Roy Verburgh, ______ - RbbyCooaha, Rbbi Co- place Lakefield team 7-6. who piayed two spectacula Slahan assisted hy Newcastle Lakefield got off to a good games. goaieEdieWensvoort and stant by sconigte îs The N and O Combines )cDnnis Rogerson, assisted by But Gre.g Gray soon tied the would like to thank ail those ýJîm Wind. game by scoring, unassisted, people who have made the 'netThie sympathy of the village foitebu n.Lkfcdta osbe bcue o is also expressed at this time had a strong comeback by their support. to Mis. Lexi Vîvian and f arn- scoring two more goals. Doug Don't forget the home Sily in the recent loas of her Rlckard assistied Greg Gîay' games are on Tucsday nights1 ther Jaes Mtreand Glenn Murphy to tice a 8:00 p.m., so corne out ta _ gýte, Jae Mteame up by the end of t-he sec some cxciting entertain- ______________ first prîiod. ment. The teamn wouid ap- V ~ Early in thie second periodipreciate your support. 1FOR CASH TODAYI, the N and O Combines got a 01A) APPLIANCES bot streak and scorcd two THROUGH goals wîthin the fit fic ON S UL APY AY !I T T ESM AN minutes of, play, Nico de n Ms , ukOh HAPPY DMS! ~~~Jonge from Rob Russell and i Mr.adi,,G unO PHON 62-330 __Darreli Barrett from Dean briht hritn~s ~ andReltivs Cx~Lkefe1drietoC meawa, were Sunday guests of anWish vsiret nd .goal. rOrangeville and Mrh. J. C, i~ 117 c Cook wcrc Friday afternoon to or rnny fiend! ~ itery thir tcs isitor~s of the Smiths and the /711. ~maike the score 6-4. Doug SihfmlBw ~ Llrtsincs Rckad ad HndyTenantmanville, were Sunday aiftcr- And ý '5 Aan a assistcd Robin Rickard Iu the no iios YNan ïan aMr. Chuis James, Toïonto, CARQLVN <-~~~~~~ Combines' final goal for the settewcedwt h GOR)fD GARROD Mi. F. G. Gth rctuîne cttC,/) lf finished the game MG. BFe'. G mt eun CIÎNDY, SANDRA - - of bysoig t mr home on Thursday following J (w Ç/er à goals, maklng the final score a two week's stay in Memonial and SHAWNAfVci On Sunday, Dec. l7th, the M.adMs e ido and George Gray Nand O Combines travellcdGodo, ie Tuda i"GereGa Ito Bancroft. In the fit fewafennvitostthSmh ______ __ ________________________ inutes of play, David Ard h orn. ïitr tth mt ~~W~~ <~ i got a goal assîstcd frnm ill ________ ÏWagar and Norman TilîsDn. Wthin a' minute, thetw I ikardsý scored, Robin assisi- E IA E H IL ;- inc a) Doug scorii; The ' ET VLL ýz anrrotJesshot teCo-M.G Morris came home on bie own byscrg two Saturday. Mis. H. Sheppard goals, l at hec sistcr's in Port Hope. Thie two teams werc equally Mr. E. Fowlcr visitcd with mï ratchedc in the seçýcond perlod, Mr. L. Muldnew îccently., ieüirteam scored. The ski-doo ownera in the aIdi thii' peîiod, the neîghboihood had a good run bCombines shot the over the weekend. Banrot Jtsdown by scor- Christmas trees are being ing wo oal. maingtheloaded and going oui of oui score, 4-2. Robin Rickand aiea eveîy day.. soored fiuît, assisicd from ____ STARK VILLE OEUT General Insuraince FIRE aad AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 623-2895- MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWM"ANVTLLE CUSTOMERS CAIl, COLLECT Ask Ope-rator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 DX FUEL OU CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Contact: HARRY1 33 KIN B.OWMI M' VOERMAN or 62?,-3950 'IG ST. E. 4AN VILLE OId - Fashioned Christmai Wishes Irene, Jerry, Jerry Jr., Mike and 'Staff of NOONE'S HOTEL HWY. 115 - OrGNO Last week friends, neighbors! and relatives attended the ser- vice for Mca. Percy Farrow on Tuesday at the Morris Chapel, Bowmanville. Expressions of sympathy are extended to her son Brenton and his wife at this time. The heautiful flow- cers at Shiloh, Sunday after-, noon, weîc placed there in mlmoryof Mra. Farrow. Mc. and Mis. Harold Little91 Campbcllford, were overnightl guests lasi weck with Mi. and Mis. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mis. Russell Sav-1 -ery were Sunday evening din- nec gucats with Mr. and Mis. SJ. Bothweil, Bowmanville. Wednesday evening last Sweek the Shiloh ladies met at the chunch for their December meeting. The president, Mia. Moîrow was assisted ln the devotionai portion by Mrs. Dobson with Mis. Bian Cas- well accomnpaing the Christ- mas carols. Gifta were ex- changed from the beautiful tîee and a delicious lunch at the conclusion. Lasi Frîday evcning Rev. T. J, Sixelgiove officiated ai the Robinison - Guy wédding at Shiloh. The groom'a parents are Mr. and Mis. Ewart Rob- inson and the bride's parents, Mr. and Mis. Frank Guy, Pont Hope. Mi. and Mis. D. Rutherford, Onono, were Sunday guesta with ber parents, Mi. and Mia. Gordon Trim. Sunday afternoon the ser- vice atShiloh was wcll attend- e d. The special music by the SWclcomc quartette with ac- A companiat Mis. Reene waa l ovely. The White Gift orden 5of service was followed with Sa Christmas message hy Mi., Snelgrove. Mis. Lawrence là Farrow was organiat. With the fine Christmas settîng and tree, hlan Farrow- passed but a f ew parcela at the conclusion., A quotation for Christmas- " The spirit of this scason 1qa 4,nid, yet ever ncw;,may it bec ~fours on, Christn'ias and last i!the New Ycaî thîough. iMernry Cbristmau ai S O LIN APotter is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital having had y To Our Friend% veraýîL fromi thle coklimuniiity 1,arry aýndre en -its a girl, f Sympathy of the omnt eye surgery. adNîhor rüugjhly njoyed the 'Sound, Mr. and 7Mrs, Ross Kossatz la extended to Mrs. Helen Mr. and Mia. Frank West- 5 lusr" resntd b Cor and f'amily attended a Christ- Werry and family in the pass- lake and Kevin visited on Sun-~ studlents at the mon,,t. ^as gathlering at the home of ing of her mother Mrs. Noble day evening with Mrs. F. Rj e High Schorol. Mr. and Misz. Rud Simpson of' Metcalfe, Oshawa. - Cook, Bowmanville, r. and Mis. Geo. Knox ndlrEiifield ont Sunday.A.O The members of the WomA ç efiiiq iil and Mr. andMis. Haîr M. ha.imihOsaw; inils. W. .Omiston, Brook- en's Institute and some other ig c.'retnj ?x and famiiy wreener Mr and i. SDonh, ashewa;nd Mr.'and Mis. Neil Tink, ladies of the communitycean Oshaw; Mis MaMinsE.isofntaniy ejoyanthe Criatas ed on Sunday at a pre- U ail apton; Mr. and Osaa- is art Els fWishenoydth shi-f[- stmas gathering at tle Mrs.. Eveîett Cryderman, Mrs. Courtîce, weîe Sunday supper dinner served to them by the o h e of Mr. and Mi1s. Kn'cix hyPascoe and f amily guesta of Mr., and Mia. Bruce H-ampton W.I. last Wedneaday « oriq nean Br.ougham. Dooothy I. evening at Hampton followed coin yar c. and Mrs. Lloyd c Broome were Sundy gusts of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spires by the Solina W.1, having their Jhnan Dale, visited -on Sunday and Mis,.arldPasýcoe.. weîe Sunday supper guests of regular meeting. Jh n 'noon with Mrs. Larîy and Mrs. Gleni Gibson wereIfMr. and Mrs. Ray Bemnis, A veîy Merry Christmaa t1 W ilma Scoit ime at Peterboînough Civie Sunday ev7ening callera at the Oshawa. ail and the vcîy beat in the k'..; ,n .,.. : p!ai. Cong ratul 1ations to Pascoe home. Sory, to know Mrs. AlexINew Year. HOLIDAY GRE ETI NGS to our friends and Customers ARCHIE and PAT BERNARD and STAFF BRERNARD'S GA RAGE BRIGHTEST WiSHES for a Merry Christmas To Custornera and Frienda Charles Cro4wther BARBER SHOPgm Peace On Earth, Goôýdwill To Men Season's Greetings N EWCASTLE BLOCK and STAFF O corne, let us adore Hum! May the newborn King -bless each and everyone at Christmas. To our Frieuds, Neighbours and Customers, Compliments of the Season, PAU LIN E'S SPECIALTY SHOPPE, HELLO THERE! To ail of you frorn ail of us CHARLME, PBEA, FRED and MAR ION GLANILLE and STAFF GLANVI LLE'S VARIETY STORE Seas on's Cheer Wis hing you the mer- riest Christmas ever! TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS TOMS & SONS UTDe and STAFF WRAPPING UP BEST WISHES., TO ALL AT CHRISTMAS Thank you for your Patronage staff NEWCASTLE holiday greetings to all aur fr iends NEIGHBOURS and CUSTOMERS, From the Staff of' GARRODIS COFFEE SHOP PEACE TOALL, AT CHRISTMAS! LORNE & WILDA JOHNSON and STAFF MERRY CHRISTMAS! May it be brîght and beautiful, fiiied with cheer, Wishing Our Customers and Friends, Happines In the New Year, FRANK ITOAR and STAFF N EWCASTLE GARAGE May the Hoiy Family biess you at thlis time. ToO Ur Customers and Friendg We wish you all a Merry Christmas R. B. RICKARD and STAFF PLUM14ING and HEATING 0F THE SEASONII ta ail of you! DAVE'S PLUMBING ELECTRICAL R.R. 1, Orono 8-2>ýý(--471 HOLIDAY BLESSI NGS TO ONK AND AUJ Beauty Salon Hlealth, weaith, adipîea That is our wiSh to Ou ui -y, CsoesandFied fromn Eastman St eve and Staff DRUG STORE EASMASGUF ATONq LIVESTOCK LTD. R. R. 6, Bowmanvihle Ps elý