16 ~'eCa~dIn ta{e~ ~omavlleDec 2, 172Unique Method of Beating Snow Sl5ovelling Chrigstmais at C utc On SunclayDe .loth Courit- Juck spi ik ice United Chuich held its The yScustilhv soeireseei bt etthr T tak thi opprtunty had-wokrngand uch-a- lod offait ul CnMeratnvnual z a 'iTere ast im Migate(725fast MY tir î ppiad iu-i.p7 odoffihu osevtv was a programme of items by is theontootcorBY to Vw-s-1 the Eitor anud 'his 5 prcsaitedï Sunday Sehool Su- vworkers fram Cartwright at- theI unday 'School Choir and stI:aff avery mrerry an happy:pintde, Gordon Pasly tended a, social evening in - alented young artists, greatîy Wallace 7878) hoidy eso. lo wud ernenenPasly M's enjoyed by aidlil eou tdynx lie owih i m raer uul cted the service in hi ort Hpe-aguets o newy_.. fie ane. h pr elected Alian Lawrence along -~,. *z Te UCW ae be year soteUCW wilh both n;-r anýd farisa veryents of the Sunday School with fellow workers froIm al » ,~tz«~ xr uy ntCrsmsgigrgtaedi aur Mery nd lese Ch.itm s wish to thank Gordon over the riding. meetings were on Dec. 4th and Io(kn tte acntn Thakou iovey much al pupiisstfofin uda Mrs. Annie Fowlier, Cour-i- and 6th, and the general U.C. land oftgrsaisic item thr ughout tews Sohool teachers for their ef- tice, and Mrs. Florence Fowl- W. Cfr hrmsday cc st at err Criamsnodil _ andasobrngmethirsu al year long and es- er, Iamtoorer Sndy .r.,6.0 .m Ayoe nec 1ted e-eial for their extra work afternoon guests of Mrs. Aima 63 ..Ayn once ~critîon. J.M. Klly.ai this busy time of year. The Fowler. ih .. nayway ipas eme s Re a Cr fo OnSndyevnngaflled organ was piayed for the Mrs. Lewis Swain bas re- welco m,C.. p n asimebes, rs ADY0 EK huchenoyd heannual hymus and songs by Marie cently moved into an apart- nadprsetv.Bi, Cadllghig eviepre-i VanCamp, and Mrs. Gladysi ment at the home of lier son, yorIlat n ulr n HYLRDDEL sried by the( United Church Thompson. Alice Carnaghan Mr. and Mrs. Ern 5git o echngpls icn Sundayý SchoolI. The Christ- sang a solo,I Wonder as I and family. ni wini ution to the pot luck sup-6228 maiýs Story was told in a most Wander", and Leanne Dorreli Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms anyone what a Courtice potj______________ mecaningful mannýer by song, favored with another solo, and Mrs. Courtney Graham '______ word ancidj dramatization by "Mary's Song", It was lndeed' were last Monday supper z .-ih-'- the pu!pils of aildepartments a lovely service. guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. f --... --""---~r ~e~Az~<~ ofthe Sutnday School. Our,, On Monday evening a bus- Taylor, Enniskillen. ,.--,', :... * . .Mr. and Mrs. Martin Devitt U s and Mr. Alex Flett were mid- ~», week supper visitors o r and Mrs., Bill Mahaffy. W4 L On Tuesday evening Mr. adMrs. Merrili VanCamp, MakTanoc aid that "everybody complains next winter. So far the canopy is working well. It a. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Assel- about the weather but nobody does anything about it," successfu1ly withstood the first fewr heavy snowfal stie, r. nd rs.Harey ellthat's not quite true anymore. Jake Buma of of the winter. There is a smaller model which leads Graham, Mr. and Mrs, La-- relre alclm nd r. ndEnniskillen believes he has found a way to beat snow- out the back door to the chicken house, Mr. Buma, now '7 Mrs. Norman Mairs attended shovelling. For $100 in materials and'a few weeks of retired, said simply, that he was fed up after ail the the Warden's Banquet at bis own timne he bas constructed a plastic canopy to shovelling he had with the unusually heavy snowfalli Pot oe n oor W r keep his driveway clear of snow. The structure is 12 last winter and decided to do something about it. So dnRoy Chatten of Briho.fIn pie f bd eahera eetwide with six feet of clearance and Mr. Bumna tee akTa 7: ~good crowd attended the Sen- says it can be dismnantied in the spring and used again_____ ______ ____ ior Citizens' Christmas Card___ _____ ii.. . .. . . .Party. Winners of the prizes Mazzarola, Thomas Wotten, eritered a box train in Port which were Christmas gifts Claudette Borman, Ma r ie Perry's Santa Claus parade e f o n t e were: Ladies' hligh,. Mrs. Hill; Medd and also a letter from lasit Saturday, third, Hazel Englih;men' hihM rg re Bunhe Th~'e girls have agreed to)a t preparations for theirà- seon, MaaeWrt; tunhird' cater to John Arbuckle's wed- upcoiganulChrîstmas&i srcod, ae iigtý hir ding on March 24th, The New Dance. 1Ltif uly decorated Chist a Lais'liniay May ou bve awondrful~hriîmas tre whih wa loaedrita oghly discussed. On Monday, Dec. llth,vihn eSc o l Hi! M kyyvery C rstr a9 R iCkherwas beau- Years Eve Dance was Laie' uxhiypaensnhoar dwnih upousan-te 1ry hi wshonfo lu wndefuiC-hÎstasgifts wbich were usrd, for Aithe girls broughta ît1 members present, teLA ucydasThSeirCi-for ibeir Mystery Sister.fo the Brownieies, For those prnswoaedwrgtssiiu n h' ~ightwmth apprnss an j~yzens would like to haak Hahia Moore was our Santa, Cubs and Scouts met ai the concerned or confused about booklet tries to saiisfy theseý sie:thaeaC rsr s! people of Blackstock anidPort giving out, the beautiful gifis Recreation C e n tr e, Bak the changes that have been doubis. I answers such ques-J ~ erry who donated these along- with a dlue for us to stock, taking place recentiy in the tions as "Why aren't there any sie " ae erry C G IN I'S fl ir1asn on cî1- F !lî0r-S Prie.ACrsmslnho us h tws fe h Mrs. Walts, president, wel- secondary schools, the Depart- compulsory subjects?" "Areýz squares, chop suey loaf and gifts were ,unwrapped, wa comned the ladies. The minutes mnent of, Education bas pub- students stili getting the fun- A-'udrey, Ginnmy, M3arlene andGay cheese, Christmas cake 'and hiad the draw for next year's from the ast meeting were îished a six page leaflet to ex- damentals?", and "What is L otd' Ellis Sh e a>ap ytr ite.Ja n e ea. Mrae uvsyn, plain the new system. The happening to discipline?" - Sypaiy i exendd bgroup sarved a Ilovely lunch treasurer, gave bier report Of bookiet, called "Response 10t heboatwl edsr Trudy and Lloyd Sympthy1,;extnde taof make-your-own sandwich- bills paid and balance Ia the Change", will soion ha distri- uTe though the Sl ecodry Qkm gRVIMr. and Mrs. Wes. Pierce on es, coffee and Christmas cake. bank. buted to area high school stu Sebools sbortly and parents Florence, Bea, Irene - orothyBr ai the passiog of ber rmother,' C.H.S. News, There wa)s a training nigbt dents ito take home ta their lareeacouraged to read it . Mrs. N. Crawford, on Satu-r- Thre students of CHS anx- for the New Group Commit- parents.______ __________ ______________ day morning. Also ta rs iously awaited the resuits of tee ai Camp Samac."chosae ottese_______________ ~ic ~ w IAnderson on the sudden pass- their examinations that we The L.A. request the retura as tbey were a generation ; fi r w i inag of Mr. Ed. Anderson. Mr. completed two weeks ago. of unused Cub and Scout aga", and the bookiet is anýF" and Mrs. Anderson were one First term.report cards ware scarves as they can ha used effort ta help make parents,!' of our niew famnilles as they received by the studeats and again. As a raquest by the and the Public in general,lk hart bougîht oaa if the new their parents lasi Wednesday. ladies for a report, of the ac- aware of the differences laý 4 ~QIa k a dhomnes in the, subdivision. On Thursday, parent-teacher tivities durirg the summar, pbilosophy aad operation. Mr. and M\Irs. Marrill Van interviews were beld ia the Mrs. Welts shiowed the ladies Some of the ch>anges neu Camp and family were Sun- afiernoon and eveniag. the Olympic Flags made by cation, particularly the aewY daydine gesi o M. nd Thanks ta Mr. Payne and A and B 'Pac-ks for eniering "credit system" wbich gives CHINESE and CANADIAN FOOD Mrsý Lloyd Hunier, Port bis iadustriýous art class CRS lan tha Cubo-rea. A Pack won the students much greater Ferry. freedom ta select their own _7 Their many friands wera. Icourses, are outliaed by the - * i pleaseabé-ea Rev .and Mrs. bookiat. Many parents have 1O00 o Off1 Pick-up Order IPhuip Romrerli ptath cth amadnodub, ay r (over $3.oo) ~~Canada for ani extended visit - r rz ndBPc o s (ovûr ~~~~~~~of their family. While bere, I> r ýieadBPc o s thay are staying with Gordon LJ rîe Palsley and family. . -TeGroup omte a Receilya fmilymisal-planned ta have an annual -FRE1 HOM E DELIV RY laneouLs shower was hein Toa"cuesDnc"a lîk bonr Mss arlne onad-stock, tbe firsi one ta be on (mi im m $ .O ) s n nd on ld dg rton Ja uary 27, 1973. Tic ets are pior ito their miRrriag9e. M $,0par couple. A band bas ' Ph n 2 -- / 31Donna Prica (ace Donna E beeni arranged and also a buf- ___________________gerton) was- hostess for tlheW fet lunch. The ladies discus-ý _Î occasion assisted by bier sis- esedc, and will supply salads i- .' inbNrSE O M NIL leld ai the homne of Donald's- Y Margaret Duivestyn bas M ;' BUINSSHORSparents, Mr.and Mrs.MaurIce tr 1aken over the position of i S 0E.Edgerton. Relatives ware pre-sadn oucrsfomRe 10 A.M. tf 10 P.M. DAILY sent from, Picton, Sunder- Post, p~s contact Margaret iss, .anthapy FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. te 1 A.M.. Lindsay,' Waierloé and- King- A crest be piaced nt the l Dur- e a fmtri ston. shamf BAi non DJC.. eemb e 31,boys" uniforms, was also dis- Blacksiock U.C.W. heid their41 cus'sed. If you haveanids 'fl. second Crsa dna aplease let us know. _1 rOur hearm etk h& potnt the Sunday Sebool roeiû of The ladies plcked ibree etk hcopruiyt hn u the churcb for ibeir husbands S PIALUL drawiags from, a folder sent ma red o hi oa arng and the Senior mambers of tab Mr, and Mrs. Walts by Mr. d'iin the past yea the communit! Air i ereCbarland, Akela ofura Parsons led in Grace, 72 sat Maey the !0" cai Chrit lat Newcastle Pack. The boys 1 11Dý down to a dalightful meal of had visited the Welts bird turkey and ail that goes wilb you throughout thcoznig ym_ farm and la appraciation hadWD fT zit. The tablas ware beaut s ent thair drawings of thn. a deLI E T fully decoratad with gold and- - birds. The thrae drawingsea silver tinsel. Little green [ NI * w Illbc aw.arded a priza aach. Xtrees and Santa's rad bootsSRT The meeting endad with Marion & Jack~ Chîlds Caec eur tf filled witb candy ware favors the Mizpah and coffee wa Th&aBent forai. Ms.GoronStrngELEANOR and RAY WALKIER enjoyad. the tables were being clear- and STAFF I ed, thea two gamas of elihî4%V L- !nation ware played, one for OUi_________________________________ bleMrs- -Percy Bowling VanCamp and Mrs. Harold Fml wsm ora Larmer (tia), and oaafrnhemn for Battshece3 men won hy Walter Wrighit.1.m2shrp Mrs. Gladys Thompson andî BANTAM GIRLS "'Mr. Pacsons i d nla aChrist- Winers of lai, achedule% V a J. of Aima Taylor. Mr/s. Adama s iJoanne Hoiroyd 20' I ~ E W~w M - gavea.a reading, "Let's Nyr~High Triple a lveyChitmsmeeting. j J, Horyd 662, H.Gray 58.. Rer many friands are sor- î' Winners of lis Scbedule' . EEBR2t -8am a5pm ry be know that Grace Vie- LaneR, Chow, B. Wood, P., a tQ5 '3T" ga asrshdt tabop-Sheehan, K. Banoit, B. Branch1-. tai Thursday eventing, but are K.oigSnle 7223n99dfr oTrhoipgloeeiec L: Bisbop 262-212-674; r. On Saturday evening, Mi aCbow 243; M. Reyn.-olds 21 sas Betty Bradburn, Katny i216-646; D. Murphiy 223,CG. Morion and Marg Pilder e, Laa111-209, K. Fa9rreli 203~,:IW R H UEW B R.N were in Oakviiia whera ey W e wi.is n'y ou p eace am, loy R. 'Scy 202. LEAGUE L(>CATED ATi had dinner with Mary Fran j txeadfrawy!WnraoliSc Bateman (nea Grills). Afier- ' Wyr.MshrI I oTrri Qs Ws"war-d they attandad the per- Wye oheVîka Terry, « 100 BOND IST, STV Joan Perfect, CathySadr, BODT.W ONWA4-o- Gerry Masterson, Julie Pear- Ji hilyand Saf .14.O. Meeting i kEUEIIAN M-___ On Dacember 141h,thaDIIfDli ihSgiM I(N .W.0 OEWA0 7N0. girls met ai the heini UIRKadAIEPIKM N«g ige N A H Mi o aa 31mcm-26w, B. Barreli 241, W. Mosh- 141 b rnd fiva visitors presenit.r 263, G. Masiorson 273. P.- LI. i haminutes ware-,e dand Bradiey 271, Fi dopted and a traas-irer's reHghTieCORCE7861WAE USLMERAD7-61 m ,were received from Hedaradle722. portgiva. Tank-ouasM oe 6,D rda