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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Dec 1972, p. 17

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EPAN15K LN MiasWlnifcd Il. Colo' ofi ening dminer guest 'af Mr. mid Mýrs. E. A. Wercy. Mic, and MVrs. C eilood, Mr. and Mrs. ý 9a Sharp werea in Beileville l vistAM. end Mrs, W. TM. lteny Mrs. Henry la a patiecc i Belle- Villa osa. Mc, and Mca.i-red Biliett, Scarboro-ugh, Mr,. qnid Mrs. Nèeth McGiIland. boys wae Sunday aupper nmsts of Mr, and Mas, Ray Mc<iii MVr. andjMcrs. Cl1are cn ce Staintan iandel'f nillywece una-afterrio)i ilers on M'fr. flave Both,wsiilSr., Ma- pie Grave. also called an Mr,j ndr Mrs. Fred Hogarth, Cour- tice. Mr. and Mrs. Arthuir Hy- anNestieton, wcre Sunday1 eývenjing visitors of Mr. aud., Mvrs. IE. R. Taylor. Mr. n Mrs. Floyd Pethlck, Scarbrounýgh, were visitors wvith Mr. and Mra. S. R. Peth- ick. A fe-w of aur village foika haehad bad colds and same flu. We wish them well. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsiao and gris attended a December hirthday party at Mvr, ond Mirs. 7,rue Down's tOshawa. M- Mrs Ed ti tainton is visit- rr 6j. ozir frzeids and 7 THIE STAFF 0F4 JURWY & LOVE LL DRUGS' KING Slý BOWMANVILLE T~all, ive wih h e spiritual rewards g .Mt are -'o rmcli a part of Christinas. 19,3 Fling St. E. omni Charterways Co.- Ltd. Formerly BurIey Bus Lines Ltd. ANNOUNCE Revsed aïeùily EIi'FECTIVE JAN, 8thî, 1973 *BOWVMANVILLE *OSHAWA G..STATION (401 & Brock St.) WHITBY HOSPITALS The revised lime table will allow passengers to make connections in Oshawa and Whitby with Lhe G.O. Transit and' supply added haif-hour service between Oshawa' and Whitby during peak perioda. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS - For Information cali Charterways Rowmanville 623-3811 Oshawa 723-7171 ing) frienida mn )Toronto nntl after Crsms Mr . MR, R. Hwe and family, spent Suînday wivth v and Mrs. ThomasDckn at ~wly Bad woaherand roads were the contibuthing factor ta the s-aaicogegt Mn a dozen "uga or sait" wvor- shiippera who braved the oie- monints ta attend t'he Sna messge wa ecau]raging -ý A vice and cons,,olat.ion wh,,'len he sttdthat "God 1, with uýs" as ho dfiuoted "11('la dcoser Ihan br"athing andr narieCr than handis and ee. thiere ýwill be a speclal Christ- mras service at the regilar, 1hour, iwithmAc by both chairs. There wili be a Christ- mas& Carol Service and coffee houir at Tyrone church et 7:30 The annual Christmas Vea- Sper Service, and Candie Light- îng, of Advent Candies Cere- mony was on Sunday even- ing. The theme was "What - On Earth - la God Doing'?" Ia the Lard in aur midst or not? As the service progres- sed the answer revealed a reaounding affirmative and suggested that God la active in six ways, right now, The Happy Gang C.G.I.T. graup of 12 members and their leader Mrs. Shirley Marshall, ossisted by Mrs. Margaret Aahton, conducted the service for an approclativo congrega- tian. In attendance also were the two junior groupa, viz. (a) The Explorer Girls and leaders, (b) the Tyro Boys and leaders. Several members of the congregation were in- volved la the Lighting of Ad- vont Candies ceremony and prayers of intercession. Oc- cupying the pulpit for the Introductory dialogue, tho~ prayers, scrlpttlres, offertory and greeting were Lynda Av- ery, B re n da MeLaughlin, Joyce Chambers, Ka th ry n Sharp, Linda Sharp, who alsa directed the Candie Lighting. Other mambers occupied the choir alcove. A pageant ce- prese ,nting Mary,, Jaseph, and cross-bearer was taken by Janet Shaz-p, Debbie Polkard and Donna Lamnb. The greet- ing was introduced by Sharon Werry, Debbie BaIl and Deb- hie Hlovwe led ini the com- missionîng and benrediction. Distributing the cangregation Ordrs-f-ervceand receiv- Ing the ofFeringý were Debbie 'ow, arnet Sharp, Debbie Poliard and Doinnai5 Lamb. With Ma arshall presiding at the Dr-an, the whole gcoup sagfour ch1oir selections Rev. Hopkins pronounrced the Beniedictian The grauip of girls lighted individual nican- dies, farming a çei-cirec- nt the aitair, and concluided the srieby j ioiingij. banjda in a, circle ta in "a sSeveral mothe rs of the C.G.IT. group sev i uch ta the CGI.T. Explorers and Tyros. The C.G.I.T. graup presented their leader, Mrs.Mhi, with a farewell glft of Jewellecy, as the Marslhaîl famly are mov- -n ta Barton, Nova Scotia, in .Tanuary 1973. YELVERTON Congratulations -are extend- ed ta those candidates wbo -were succesaful in being elect- ed ta Manvers Counicil and condolences ta, those wbo offered their services in vain, 1Likewise, ta Mr. Art Rowan who wars auccesaful in main- laining bis seat or perbaps mtore a propos, "managed ta keep his head when ail around :.ere iosing theirs" electarally 'peaking, that la. With the waman's Iàb mave- ,ment making inroads into the nner sanctum of the Council Chambers, the sanctity of Wm. P. Johnst on Gas - Motor Oil - Fuel Ouas and Grease FURNACE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Newcaatle - 987-5111 Eages Win2, Drop i 1During, Busy Week On' Saturday Bowmanville travelled ta, Mackhamn and continued t h e r winning stekMackham sftacted theý rgiame, off late in the iniitial f pecmod on a goal from MeýlCor- osnsani, but only a minute, atrBow-manville tied it u1p wvith a goal fromq Brian Grub. 1assiedby Rick Shackleton.ý ThnBowmanville spread the! gaeout, searing two un- answeced goals in the secondi ,and two more in the third.i rThe- twa second perio, ol were scaced by mith fcom Randy Aluin and by Byroný Holmnes framn Rice and Shack- elton.* Then two quick goals in the third period, one by', Bciau Gcub from Hoimes an d one more for the siver line,, which they have been named., fcam Randy Allin, aided by Simpson, Smith. This ended the gamne, 5-1inl favor of the Eagles. The whole team played well with Don Sturcock keep. ing Markham on their te ana Seotty BuL geas leadiag aur defeace corps. On Sunday night' at home we witnessed a real goal-scor- ing exhibition as Bowman- ville's big guns ail had their chances ta add points ta their scoring race. Bowmaaviile defeated Pene- tang 12-4 and wece led by Max Johnson who, tallied thre goals, followed closely by Grub, Crougb and Smith w-ho each posted. two goals. Then Halmes, Farsey and Rice each picked up one with the latter twa receiving two assista each. Gord Bennett also counted for three assista and i Scott Burgess for two. Pene- lang goals were scoced by Brian Duquette 2, Moreau and 1 Maateith one each. Rocky 'Willoughby played another stronýg game between the posta for the Eagles. Instali uOfficers ' At Trinity UCâW Trinity U.C.W. held its gen- oral meeting in the Chucch Bail on Tuesday, Dec. l2th with a good atteadance. Mrs. T. Rehdec welcomed the ones preaent and read a poemn en- titled "The Light of the Warid". A short business meeting was held. Special projecta are: used istampa, Christmas cards and Dominion Stores tapes. A letter of thanka was read in regards ta used stamps. Dec. i7th la the C. G. I. T. Vesper Service at 7 p.m., Jan.' 5th at 2 p,m, a full executive meet-1 ing in the Church Hall. Installation of officers was conducted biy Rev, N. Wesley Qake. '10 officers for 1973 are as o~llows: Hoaorýary Presideat, Mca, W. Oake; Past President, Mrs, M. Puk, Presi- dent, Mca. T. Rehder; lst Vice- President, Mrs. R. Coambes; Recordmng Seccetary, Mra. L. S. Tamlinson; Assistant Re- cording Secretacy, Mrs. M.1 Siute; Treasucer, Mca. A. W, Barris; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs, I. Munday; Correspond-1 ing Sec'y, Mrs, F. Jamieson. Committee Chairnien: Citiz- enship and Social Action, Mra. K. MacKenzîe:, Finance, Mca. M. Puk, Leadership Educa- tion, Mrs. R. Coambes: Christ- ian and Mission Education, Mrs, K. Sumerafard; Nomin- ations, Mca. K. Sumerafard, Mrs. M. Puk; Portfolio 'Secce- taries, Communitv Fciendship and Visitîag, Mca. C. Trewln;, Litecatuce, Mrs, H. Jeffery; Press, Publicity and Archiv- ist, Mrs, A. McDonald, Stew- ardship and Vocation, Mrs. M. Slute; Suppiy and Weifare, Mca. Wmn. Bragg, Mrs. Gar- don Barrie; Manse, Mca. D. Wight, Mra. R. Stevens; Plan- ist, Mca. D. Cale, Mca. J. Munday; Fiowecs, 'Mca, B. Bal an ,nis Social, Mca. C. W . Downey, Mira. E. Shgçckeltan, ý Mca. R. Hutchiasan: Kitchen,1 Mcs. C. H. Cooke, Mca, Gar- don White, Mca, C. Morrason, The Worship Service waa in charge of Unit 7. They pre- sented a skit - "Christ, the Light of the Wocld", and was a poctrayal of the Christmas Stocy. Those taking part wece Mca. A. Strike, Mca. Sylvester, Mca. fluan, Mca. Cawie, Mca, Crapper, Mca, JamiesonMca, Twjner. Mca. Hglowell' play- ed the music. Mca. Vivian Deepeat sympatby la ez- tended ta Mr. and Mca, Morley Wright and family an the sudden passing of Morley's mother, Mca. Edna Wrigbt'ila Taronta General Hospital thia week. Funeral service was held Monday, Dec. 18 tram Mackie Funeral Home in Lind- say. Sorry ta report that Mca, Arthur Rowan la currently a patient in Civie Hospital, Pet-M erborough, for past week or more but is expected homne soan. Ail jain la wishing Doris impraved bealth. We take this appartunity ta extend Season's Greetinga ta any who may peruse aur 'coluron on occasion. Then on Moniday nightth balloon burat as the Bgie wvece defeated 10-i by thelé Wa's nticed by ail who trav- oudta thisa game of ahiny -That la that thle CObourgý Arena wvas packed with a]lmosi 700 fans. Woufldn't it be love- iy ta have-, that much support for aur bo ys. It doea mnake a difference whn ou can bear saamebody chieecing you an. The Eagles -,noast'oylfans la- cluding the Burgesses, Holmiea, Shackletons, Sithils, Rices, and of course Davies are, stilli following the boysweevi they go and.ta' what I cal support. I inentioaed eachier thatthie i agýles could uise a homne town iccowvd the size of Ca- bourg, but definiiteiy not the sanie kind of people, if you can eall them that. I search- ed for a word ta deacribe theni with and unaaimously chose ignorant whicb best describea their actipns, They contiaued ta litter the ice with debrisand even staaped hsna en written for re- IThe Cainadie 1aft saDwmni1,flee A, 1ý72 LhW enough ta throw pennies vengea v are flot sare las -__________________ ,in the ic, 1 knaw, as a ers, we'll get aur revenge by i hocky paye, ad it has austing Cobourg in the play- been pran an oany -ffs and capturing the Ail- caSîons thateenaaail Ontario trophy, by playing pijeeof pa3pe-r cati seriausîy dcean and bhard hockey andw injre plyer ach as br-eak- would like ta extend an invi- inig lis le(g, armn or eveni taion toalal Cougar fans ta A bit of Giood ýf0e back. ButcaI auiagn witness sorne real hockeyk ' what 'a copper pennly "ul ames far a change here in Wsrsmdn do ta) a pl1ayer, includinig thcir Bowmnanville. This article I ow Cuars. Idntka bas only been wýritten ta dis- ~ ~ Cseilyyu f the fan1s il nl Curg Aren-a courage the kids, who cal reanlize it or fl-ot but last night themselves fans, at Cobourg. * way. A Happy t oEgles trav-elled ta Ca- Arena, from continuing ta - bourg ta play a hce game destroy good hockey games Season to youi, andi providce -some etrain- by their ignorantý and child- metfor the ,fana, buDLt I don't ish behaviaur. Even though ta Yomr, thiik te camne ta be hassel- Bowmanville has anly -got- edanr the ice as wel,,,l as,,off. half the fan supportofth Also, the refereeing was juast Cougars we do have grown- pli os hihpaie ps who know how ta act. By - Wê IIylIy 3SUy fothe outcomo f he am. he way, Bowmanville's goal r He conitinuallygaeou wows scred by Paul Forsey minutie rugin enalties, assisted by Glenn Rîce. Sa,0 where five for fîghting cshoul dle' start filling Memnorial have been aaseased. 0 aArena here in Bowmanville -le .Ire' wvouldn-ý't go -fter an a pposin) and gîve the Bagles the sup- '% plyrfor same reveý,nge ilport they've been warking for ail b(ewas going ta gect ,waS a lately. two m)inult- e pealty. This la Eagles travel ta Lindsay an bard on bathl teamas as when Friday, December 22 and play Marilyn- ShWrey Marclin a game la called this way al their next home game on it doea is causes sneaky slash- Sunday, January 7 as Mark-- es, spearing and butt-eniding, ham visita us. Sa let's see if- which is nat hockey at ail but we can't f111 the Arena ta theP rale1 make one thing perfectly came ta make it ta one gama s .Phn 63-12 i clear - .that is that this article, this year make it this one. -l4

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