Kiete Bring Chri.sima Toys / NUMBER 51' VOLUew ,1 2Pae s' BOWMAN G V1 t. NA1~W N Oshawa on Mâonday nih, Dec., 18h,wih propose the etbih mýent of a regional government encompassig nine new mrunicpli Hues in a 1,168 square mile area wieh stretches from thue new Pickerîng airport area in the weest to adiadTownship in thie east. M MacNunghtou sud bis purl'îame.nfary assistant, Don-ce ri ',lne, atlned ftha pro- n po als f anau verflow audiencecmn of more fl-an 700 people iii- ci ciudîug n any ares municipal T( repraseufafi'ves, ut Easfdale PE Callagiatealuoshawa. so Mrs DonaFaiey(rihtand Mr.Jur Carnegie af the Bowmanvîlle Rinete 'nga famil's hritma git t the Salvatton Army Citadel. on Divs~n tret(wtha tt lý, ie ïp" from thaîr young sons). The Kinettes hava spert~in aary No ebe colleciing and repaîring toys and CY ristmas boxas for ha all Aunfa istibute t nady famifles. SalvatioArnCatnSct Mewlettnow lis a lage roo packed with gtfts. Ha îndicated that ftha Army wlll"tryta rovie a~tatl Ciristmas' (including food hampars, clothes and toys) urtke S~îeo rat et f PoIismeW P ce Secoday e ol r: 2a -ubnsIst omlmntTn oos h playcd ha0noie comadd ortei Ialur- VOooysý, wio plaYed the iead aiouthesyoungest on T"aDra utîve sud surprisîniolsh- nSg ciaractar IMaria Rainer, dugta ît achrt ude èd sagln aiRodgr'ssud 'd er miecouuferpart, ubera~ta t deoo IighSAtpUc Hamnertau'5musca, Te EicSoin Captain Von audienc.: the Bli, uioim hy Perliap- e Most wînnîng cd ta Lynda purmun as t A trong, melow chorus an bannced the pray asdcdfne Tiseraware oa nuber R Set Jan. Date For Fagan Trial A 23~year~old Orono ares nias, charged witls attempt- cd murder, will go te trial iii January at flic winter as- sizes te be held in Cobonrg, Ronald Patriek Fagan ap- peared su Bowmanville pro- vincial court Tuesday, Dec. l2th, but bis lawyer, Terence Kelly, QC,, of Oshawa, waived tise scheduled pre- Mmiuary hearing. Tise accnsed le charged wtth sisooting Dorotlsy Berg- ema, 36, ut their home lu a sub-division eue mile west of Orono last Auguet. Assistant Crewn Atterney Renset h Stubsngton rend a resume of evidesce into tise record Tuesday, but provin- cial Court Judge R. B. Bax- tes' ruled that it could sot be released for publication. for fmer Bowrnuvîlle- Thea dead ara Robert Cope- resîdeu.tesud twa relatives lard,.37i who wns the Ac- i.romn Burliigton were killed countiug Manager ut Good- on Sna when their car wu eyaaVs' Bowmauviie plant stLcb a ireight train, near several years ugo and mare auid,10 miles eset of racently was ernployed as Cou- Caygatroller with the, John Ir gîta RCMP R, The R.C.M.P. couducted, a drug raid lu BowmaillGe last week sud repart thayxetted erght ounceas i mrjun plus close Vo u ouca a whvbita powder sd1 alt aiwbat may, prove 3ta bje LS, (owve, laborato,-ry testa have udt yet- confirmed flnature ai tisa powder. Robrt hiei, ge 31, ail ai~~D ttaheikm ut bfwcai $00-$00.Mr. Eliler hua eau îeieased on bis wu rcagnzaue pading tril ,o na avle The naw pooas forc ragioral goverurent drew a t wida range of reactions fromi the local elected. officiais. Re- presentatîves froni Bowman- ville and Darlington have a number of reervations buti geuerally accept the prînciple1 Chrstma post Office Iiours for thie holiday season: ýSaturday, Dec 213, 1972- Thetoffice waIl be open for full Service fsom 9:00 a.m, to 1.00 p.m, There will be une delivery o mail by the Letter Crrer Rnral R"outes and Pre ot SaýpturdIay, Dec.23d n ce ctin oat :00 pm. the Cheofice-wl ocoe oro10 ,,o aud Dec 2adunil8:0 ,m o !Whe CarSlï by rai o mar n ie w ic Johnn e, 3C7,; thain fwo blîdren, Susan 13 sud Robert 10; Mrs. Cape- land's siter Margaret Con- ualaey, 52, and ber husband Harold, 56, Buliug9ton. Police saîd the sautihbound carwaelu l- middle of the crossing whcn strnck bY au eastbouud Norfolk & Western Railwuy ireîghf runing frorn St. Thomas ta Buffaloa The impact carried f lx car 125 feet down the trueke. Pol- ice areinvastigatîng the cause ai flic accident. Police said flthc train' wa travelling ut between 55 sud 60 mules .anurniad eounded ifs whý-Itaus it appnoachad the cro, sairg. A brakernan notîced the car sud epingear Jack -WilsJ-on ai St.Thornas aplîad tIhe brakes, but flic tî ain couldn't ha stoppad tn trne.i Giftis Galore at, Leg in ChrJiStmaýýls Party Membrs a<4fthe Bownvîlle brandi of the FRoyal fcundy for ail(-anilihe Siaiesman pliotographer got Canadlan Legion layad Saut C iun a 18 chtîdran Ism)adagf o aiof the kddiïes, 0f course, St. last ~ ~ â% Saudy e.ltThe anua !Cliristmnas pariy 1Nick hniei ws n db cept uy more gft ideas ha Lginhal ettre lown5fre -fruit and le ongtr nïhthveh thd o ec 25t ýentre of ona of the nîna area thel area will ba 22,300. The innicipalitîes. The 200 square rest o Mauvers will b trans- tuae Area No. 4 will also lu frre to Victoria Cut ýlude Newcastle,. ail of Clarkel (TU--lRN TO eAGE TWO ownship,, ail but the western, art of Darlington, and thee Dutl--r etwLoconrcg~sî0n5 portn1 f0 C0bourg 1ulaous ropsas erProposais ý Frmtieopcs diin if~ ~ ~ ~~" thucan.Hoaal fte orlHpe Guide h, cat end of th ein ~ ise Cobourg Star, it particularly tu PortHoead oudaea that folks lu Cobouý rg, thera ee otust ht rsar-istt of disma anaget mriso Queen's Park lu Mao obs ofBwJ- a bdy te protesttise Reg- vile âaîu, , 1 w 5 cý lasdlflloverument proposais thay suggested, a lakeshoreht area', .adding that ths cn" nouuced Mns ilt capthadbea preantd n Tie Guide's. front page le bc byBomuvle bord inlablacik to mark Darliugtou to the Mntr tise deatis ot Port Hope's Municipal Affaira e sru name n n d er thse new Ha iudicatad thaih hadth sC h e m e. C'obourg'S Star idea of Port Hp n odoesnt goquithiat f ar, boutrg beîug icudIbcas ut Iseadlines ««No More if would ha p cutraac oor" Botis papers f ea- the dominance of 1shwa. t; comments frem Port Howaver, Mayor ob oesMayor Michael said h'd hke ose oe hnWladyka caliing for flie re- fîva localrarsataîesHasgntof t Aex Car- ,(TL TO PPà,W" rutisýerS and Rugsell Rowe, itýe MPP for Durham and BUSINESS XELLJENT othmersd A ruoisvy tbs iseý main objection ap- nasa ontorrdnngprs to be ficinclusion Chîsuts log owna-"tt uise twotowulu reo-igion vilas ai s aù ludicatasceurte d butnet domnatediý ibisiie yer ae suaristas Nwcstla Saveal soresrepoted. ronareendl sueedaNew j ëîi; a'a at~wr au 4 ýi- t sonUleqiellaseoler ïou," cxtrmlywelwn noes of tise prpOsasg the~ ~ ~ ~~~t ntmr ums ae tisougis but sefar rao poaycah orhir pr- lis beencmprtv ïcharst ea ýLý ruiet b tû proposay JU S TH E DYS hsicldrge wrîtarin hoso r havores owfnisadthi Chrrs'frnth pge aedrminae cthatothe areonlusfinetat don'tappecifalte romLoryntsn tha )tree n Monayt will ail be ove rta-cornea xigay cah a'fstoreutha t i pn n anthe exchargs of deatL to nrt s drnt Dc OrNT 5IMEY W eust esm_ ý esiloking ýeverothe stoiesJwe haveforifluewekstu fronet pae syutav crn e ther conS9reto ilmneuseil es- acc11-idents9nd0dthe00tosef geýTning t to ree Mebsry histras fer a grea1éff manryopeo Itsa sad fovruisfm athe number-nia ofàtiîdesfli lw eays sonmste jncrene oduriec-a ember atn th s ear o as e o eçepf pulictno t î, t OPE FIDAY G5Th satsmoantaffwllbe takng Tedayo, but haily, on me er vgolunteead t man the biness foffpic ro 9:0to 5:00 for ethobe lanimnts iio trder aandptionsrdutrbiness, Eve rd who liasrcoeriedoutrom the Clirsm festmtis willba bak onthe jobehprassonTusdayd putting th aper togeherforre dgar publctio Moxt tW eesday ýýomrz apy SKATE-A tRON t te-zo t30 edi o,hled ihmssgse oow n 1 hople renadeorse i11 faka finclu- fo Iabs thristms eaon tern rend ,ýthesa expression u rnlie fiahnto oalmrhat aedou er t foret ttîe t SKnATE-A-LTHO hsSiudyatrno t30 odyckinheadisl be a Skate-A-oiBom- vileAeno t aie udsfoshatemtht s ta fle ebcintePrntioa ounmntnx. er are nite t coneandchrtemo fa c ivt ie i fý))n s £tw ýeýr l'arliamantary Assista:'nt Donald Irvina- ,M.1 P-Papan am ffi an dary details i ofthe nawRgdaeovrmn rpsast noarlwadec aijt mor ilan 700 people a, i Est dalqeÎ-Colleg ilOSi awaý onJn. mhDc l8h.uFebackground ipovnca freasrrCliarlesMcauhowos daparment(Treasury, EaoiasdItroeueta far)i epnal foe w plan. Someo l uine wiealass thanreptataheppo sai ad in partîcular, fli pes from fi Port Hope-Cobourg ae eeoel hostle. Toweerfliereacianin ficprpeednew area whiuýc rudsBw mnanville su Necasleplu arlington sud larkeToshpapertab somýewhat mr aoal e ce o)n Salins 'Ronid Soufi lco~ h rga a aaiir ANewcastLaOFpoe Th spksa id a- UNT ACWO mans said Raymond iban Mrs, Raymond J.Cu, inA cut was xparimauting with ' l on the sarn aln.H apparently had âts op îa around litsineckwliwhuhaKlip-Cou rti ce outî pad sud accidantal'iy uu, 1-ea-idCurtc rsdr d-o n a r huiself. ynhla aoefi la inl teddWs or The OPP apokesman aadsornbl atality luIn-eîePbi Sho u o Rnymoud's nina yaar-old 1bra- Senio Publi Sdhoo Ha wa ther iound hlm r.t tha stair rafrthswne on he eia wyru 1 .way at about threp.m. H W Shawn) Conucll i eF .Rlt-brha 2, 'Osýhawa (Lawaou ond ta, si ausauvvdby'bi TETSSLIPPERY belie7ved ta have did nstant- prns rsdMs on This morning, Bowman- Il' frout hea'd injuries .wli"n Cnel u w itrC vIlae's, sidewaiks sud ronde the suowmobila ha wae drtv- la u ahen wara covared with s lic I irg crused to a prkedFurasevcswa l coating 'ai thîn icathat car, The tragady occurred cano Tesa.aitrnonluth madie waikiug suýý-d driving tlic OshuaT ia Road a cnohAdro m i , at h a d ou. F r n at t 1:45 n ,m , un ay D ec. 17 - sa a ly, th ather appeers T hacietwsm si ba on a wairîgtrn frgaied b F oeul .wabra ufi sa the time beiug, 5 ota rct~a onîeUic the Ice should b-etd TeConlPot-asaCucofiitdoe h befora niglitrail, ..tdetutoutcSeo-cruns Cri st masai5 l àon ~ce Mrs ,orma oombs-who lias ea n a pr-îeCita m y ifi Post Offaefr vrl arca i biiesanmpS o aeofi uevlm Ch ristmas mail,.TîsTer' tuii up almost 7,00 aro"rth 91fi u Posimaster George Viesy h uhla sn't beaufi smuiti ea eas Chiristmas fails o,,n aModyThotal v alunie o al aps fiogi omu ville's IFos- Offce 1ay Çcoma closenc iqlreimlio icsti eebr JT'SIETf r f