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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 11

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j, kIntheEcý Parliaiment Buildings Toronto), Ontario Deceber20, 1972 lHiý Worship Maýyor Wl,'adyka Mr.Dav-id CracEditor Poý-rt 1Hope EeigGuidie to'rt Hope,Otao 1 niote that i the Tuesday ev. dition of the ý"Port Hope Eveing Gide" you re4ues, my immedte resigntion as a resuit of proposais for area governrnent macle by the Hionourable Charles -Mac- NAujghto-n and MAr. D1-onaàld Irvine, M.PP on IMondtay ev'ening iast in Irpctthe fac:t thatd this wvas a dcisioni madle on your pairt only after very careful consideratirmi aver a per- ïed o! several hours, and aýs a resuit of conitfatJin wth the pe of Port l Ien of the ,faýct tIhat 1 have a large ,munber fcommiilens, and ama ine1vdin seriouis ngtainmay f resecfulysuggest that youdeath suggestion for miy proposedreinto La later date mutaliy agreeable Wa ye0u both. 1I requlest this iode ha1 r:eeeivfing rny, attention. There is a problem ,ini wàvi1 por~inng i road responisIbility nvlv ing thre evets i ofx 0rnment for wleh arene avrig o n a- ~lto.Negotiations witb the On)ýtaria h-1vI- heen deeplyInvlvdwith respect t R-aCB-wrnanvfle idst hav-eno heen finahzed4 and an annacuncemiewtto the pefet that the inductry Winl le d3cthfng it* eapaeity wýNIll bý, inade uwith- M hm exet few çlays i anpresentiy cigàaged in discussionswt the Darling- ton Councl, anid the Village of Nge"- catewith respect to r-oad andmni- palfciiie.An addition aimprove nient to the MilIbIook--Cav;anCoera tinares is also il, the pro'less of beiîngý finalied and heing involvd to a major dtgree, 1I wddMaI slke t0 see ths pro- 3et f malbzed. filn theOPort HoPe area ýonsýiderýable p!Togress li as beeti niade kîowà)ing mv.- t-he CWN.E station with tie renovatiori 'ýi!. the waiting romý and th isalato -,. pla.tfclrn liglits icoîniPIeted A nne n! etheor improvemnents hale been re- q~~eAnd in view ofai he aCt thatî' C.NJ. oficals adiseçl me tIhat the tenCouncil appeared ta e saiie wiîth c tçsas they eeIwol hue ie hMsggested improvemnents corn- pleteçi lefore being forced (o resigu, A tiordng PrOblexrialso exis in Che Tre- priis Street area andi on farw Clnd adjia- ý,I in heRoe le Ioad. The resi- pl a or lie T uiz street reahave ,,,;peon n-c çieet ith e con- ment flood-ing last sp rin îto any apparent action being 'l'liTe prrob- lem involves imore than ouain,ý unici- pality arc! more t(nJn lve o-ov- ernment, and I advite resdidns to await the inistallation of the new Coun- cils. I havec made representation to the Council respecting;the Rose Glen situa- tion without resuits, but wouid like to make further representation in this regard. À have also crmne negoti niions t vith the Ontario 1De,,,.lopment Corpora- tion re.ipecting indu-,trv for Port Hope whîcli will flot require additional in.- dustrial !and. 1 would like to furtherL the interests of Port Hope in this regard, These are but a fcw of the public mat- ters w ith which I am dea[ing at the present time, and which do not includle a large number of personal probleras affectîng the liveiihood aifIlurham County rcesidents and whieh extend tover the~ whole riding, L I addition, as Chairman of the Ontario Select Commsittee on lVfotor'ired Sno w Veicles arnd Ail--Terin Vleie- les', Vwe a utcopeeangnd rptante Coïnmitt-e's wo-rk f'or preseniaThm 1o theSpngesino the Lgsaue may repectull reqesttatyour dcrnrd for my imeatereiuua(o be cnedto a Later1date. tha ropo~d rgionas ot1ined, but have tatedboth ubliLy an 4in he prsstht lhoghI ae crai Mesr exetta nesacia atri ve are resnte heresruriig,Iuas ofg hesed wltaa and retent ürsove1 the ra mythroblerasfaciagorm ncd proosisties s Vl Atthpresent ï; moen hae O rntentron t lh 'Ignnbt1anp paedtosudon ithte c2tizens of 1iAl\ ai a theprosaisPJ,.wiha r The Canadian ~tate~rn~n, ~owmamd1le, Dec. 27, 1P72 I CHATERAYS FORMERLY BURLEY BUS LUNES ILIMITED ANNOUNCE us Schedul EFFECTIVE iAN. S8th, 19,13' between 13BOWMANVILLE SOSHAWA 4WHITBY G.O. STATION (401 & Brock St.) WHITBY HOSPITALS The revised time table wiII allow passerigers to make connections i Oshawaý and Whitby with th~e G.O. Transit anid supply added haif- hour service betweeri Oshawa and Whitby during peak periods. For Informationi cali CLA RTERWAYS, Bowrnanville 623-381il Oshawa 723-7171 Co* LEMET SCHEDULE No. 3 - SUNDAYS BOWMANVILLE - OSHAWA - WHITBY TrÎp Tnîp 12 5:55 1:55 5:30 Trip Trip' 3 4 Courtîce 6:05 2:05 5:50 -Town Line 6:10 2: 10 5:55 Arr: 'Oshawa 6:20-2-:20 6:05 Lv,: Oshawa 6:30 2:30 6:10 10:30 10:40 10:45 10:55 Shopping Centre__ 6:35 2:35 6:15 11:05: Arr: Whitby 6:45 2:45 6:25 11:15 G.O. Stn: 401 & Brock__6:50 2:50 6:30 11:20 Arr: Whitby Hospitals 6:55 2:55 6:35 11:25 EASTBOUIND Lv: Whitby Hospitals 7:00 3:30 6:40 11:'35 G.O. Stn: 401 & Brock 7:05 3:35 6:45 11:40 Lv: Whitby Shopping Centre Arr: Osha wa Lv: O-shaw-a Town Line Courti ce 7:10 3 :40 6:50 11:45 7:20 3:50 7:00 11.,55 7:25 3:55 7:05 12-0() 7:30 4:00 7:10 12:05 7:40 4:10 7:20 121q___ Arr: Bowranville 7:50 4:25 7:35- 12:309 lA -BQW ANVLLE OSAWAMONDAY TH RU' FRIDAY except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays SCHEDULE No. A BW AVLL.-OHW Connections in Oshawa for Whitby and G.O. Transit WESBONDTi'47rip Trip Trip, Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Trnp Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Tn p Trip IWSBUD1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Lv: Bowmanville 5:45 6:45 7:45 8.45 9:45 10:45 11:,45,12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 10:25 Courtice 5:55 6:55 7:55 8:55 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1 55 2:55 3:55 4:55 5:55 6:55 7:55 8:55 10:35 Town LUne 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10,:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:40___ Ar:Osaa 6:10-7:10-8:10_9:10 10:10 1 1:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 310 4:10 5:10_6:10 7:10 8:10 9:10,10:50- EASTBOUND Lv: Oshawa -7:20 8:20 59:20, 10:20 11:20 12:20 1:20 2:20 324:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:20 10:20 12:10~ Town Line 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 1:2,5 2:25 3:25,4:25 5:25 6:25 7:25 8:25 9:25 10:25 12:20 Courtice -7:30 98:3 :30 10:30 11:30 12:310 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:310121:25 Ar:Bowrnanville -7:40 840 9:40 1040 11:40 1240j:40,2:40 3: 40 -440 54. :074 :094 04 23 S.Schedule No. 3 S~EUENo- IL'B- OSHAWA -WNITBY m-rïHCs ThýFcljy ru Friday Except Saturdays, Sundays anid Holidayis) e T . npTTnp npTTip Tr'pTTppT-pnp T-p np TnpTrpipnpT'pDTnpT'p Tn Tnp TpTnipTpTp np'ip _____________________ B ern-ice Wtsoil and Lorrain eWSTON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 4 Ae 7j anes prtd Adaj - b a n q u e ts s e r v c b o nr a di s - a m a m a m n a in a r n a r ni a r ni ~ r r r r a m p n p n p n p r m p n pp t eP -d onff vshw :1u :0 :07:081084_9:10 10:10 11:10 12:,10 1:10 2:10 3:10 3:40 4:10 4:40 5: 10 5: 40f)6: 10 71 :091 1 I icsio narCasserucj c Shoppî.ngÇefltl'e 6:15 - 6:45 7:15 7:45 8:15 8:45__9: 15 10:15 11:15 12-:15 1:15 2:15 3ý:15 3:45 4:15,4455 5: 145 6 157:1 :59110 TheaprecatiA rr: Wh-tby _______6:5 7:;55 8.,15 8:,55 9:25_10:2511:25_ 12:25 1:25 2:25 3:25 3:55_4:25_4:55 5:25 5:5.5 6:25 7:2 :592 11 BLA~~TQJ~ WI ~M raia ouldbe p asd e;nPîn ldieswasexprss-QQ Stn,401 &Brock 6:30 - 7:00 7:30 8:00 (9:30 9:00 9:30 10:301.1:30 1:301:30 2:30_33 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:006:30 73 093 12 ÈIhe n Ia17kstoc 1,W orn o Is 1,- ciîcal C e ir c ThseYr 7, 1e oJIai foillowed This 3 :0 -:3 : 5 ý3 etiute w l hed in ithe Townl- Te Wre's Is Ulpen a "h hitris I n sip alon the eein0f brais ls71 ni rsr eîe ut" n rn a TON De. th, wvith fan xelet adgîgt'ise AIV rirrogf o e'WRse.Tee_____ __ .etenane. a heMadca Cntr ~asWnie at Hospilts 6:40 7:10 7:40 8:10 &T40 9 0 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:10 4:40) 5:10 5:40 6:10 6:40 7:4 :094 14 The mti-f 1n, openeid b[j\eBehayBrancili' rjotOtusao lrsma o ____ <itiginig the 0i ri1lepea - tins spa)ccia1 niesr. o ii apne awt :W ib fult1vrlw,. _______ ___________ 0. h dead frwa ti 40-1& Brock 64-5 6:15 7:1,5 7:45 81[5 t3,45 9:15 9:45 10:415 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:15 445 5:15 5:45 6: 156:5e 4:45 9:5114 Colpt. Qu nt Mr. ele mih av a il fe w w sh d6:150 6:2 0 f) 7:201 7:50M 8:'20 8 :ý5 0)9:2o 9:50 _10:5 9 11:.50 1 2: 150 o 2:50 3:50 C 4:2 0 5 ,0 2 5:50 (:20 6:50 7:5 ' 0 9 5 1 5 co~e ta eOryon pesent. e a( l shoppinghc aa ta otio~centre 7_ 0)_7 ___0_:30 9: 30M 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:0 43,: 0 53 : 0 63 0 : 0 9 0 00 2 0 wer~ r~da Ild aPPravaçi. Il) No(vember. hlahtedtha gou, aly andCnumri__ ___ y~ noies ep read Mmber ilcotnet Afia ue Lhre This Arr: Osawa 7:05 6-35 7:35 8:05 8:35 9:05 9:35 10:05 11:05 12:05 1:05 205 3:ý05 4.053 C15 50536-:5705 :05 f; 0:5120 ~ gta resnt~~y he learahow toupl iemt ai tteporm ee mpe~~entby otst1ditng ance a il fuueeing.UP-L. heý-arily apmpnidll ha studenseriof 1aur Hiih Scool.LThe pormwsiicag agad 'Th F rail calim provided a-,,of Mrs Belle Sauscnvau alBsig:v crpetsu lauh l~ ech am~rlad'uf itzeshp aîdWoldAftheMota"Te bstglfsta SCHEDVLE NoJ. 2A ROWMAN VILLE OSQHAWA ýJ Rl-fighrid piatfu ais r.Ra 'rro -'riear rmtoewoSATURDAYS aiid HOLIDAY SERMVICE iibe d. muing nened n isemota "hehav uaisgIA givebut Çonuectioirnns saafor Whithy and G.0 4 xis~ A very timei l blndig a ! ai-------.- hnieve" Te thuh ~ki, Psttnguptia hrstVrc ise ,natiu,hrai t1eeis i-TripTrip Trip Trip Trip TPTnp Trip Trip Trip Trip 'Tnp Trip ma Tee ws ivn v rs Mmbr wrele t slg reriaiai g 0 Csrina~ WSTO~JN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, Il 12 1:3 tAugaii-v;ý AccorppShariug aotually gives usy,! s Aeonppyngm- n Crîiassag b Vt~.mrelo ha a reciing Bowrntanv' le 75 8:45 . 915ai10:4~, 11:451.2:4.1:453:45 4:45 -6: 45 19: -25 ptbqi heusul rabljema ccl by :vMrs. Ross ('arr ut is-,e thagatSr bin usju -il _ 'er ask. Everyoae (3, iano. Theh sdont rsi oneyusuchîasCouritice 5:557:55 8:,55 9:2>510:55 11:55 12:55 1:r5 5 3:55 4:-55- 6:55 05 'r;ssnsi ivn v ie iaalea~ngwa r~ Grci l&s, usrîs riboset.Town Line 6:00 8:00 9:00 10:.00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 4:00 5:00 7:00 10:40 Se edife No. i -?t f Iaçi~To»IVOu5 iBwpail.1h."hiinsSîu"5 elAr Oshawa 6:10 8:10 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:1 1:10 2:10 4:10 5:10- 7:10 1.0:50 in . os'lhe pùr eg r ea dii-i ~og b tMc-fLi ao e lde ijo xeol iî e t Ms. ?. VanCamp i-,of Èthe Mrs. RB eemihaoacransaanarhieenad ESB NDe.Shue o3 ia'iil'iar "wstlIe NghPe- paied Mrs Mo fa dula cteraiçeçipa iti No. on C1i Çrlstîas". A chorutise udd ortha aa e aG -Stag Ir ts ~sagof r.K ails anre ua~ ai h oiCodad Lv: O.'shawa 7:30- 9:30 11:15 12:15 1:15 3:15 4:15 5:15 6:15 7:15 9: 15 12:10 Lauglin, Ms.aylr ad mas gis ait ijlsigo Trelde pto>ary- oaLine 7:40 -9:40 11:25 12:25 1:'25 3254:25 5:25 6:25 7:25 9:25 12:20 Mrs. Thompson 5sang Christ- tepara.i; pa:Pa i ecis as 7:5 -q:45 11:30 12:30 1:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 6: 0 7:30 9:30o 12:425 mascaai. Dis;Ii APsanasiefSu-(JouiC Aller the gin o C SOLINA W.'s - ASbu etradMaro r:Bwnni 1:01:014.:04:054 :094 23 U8d4, a da nïty "l h a s Bom S lthe(i ile;, boy 7anilî-":55- 9:55 1:01:014 34 :05406:40 7O9:01-5 The SolaWne' nu imT isecouplewr r--1_____________________ ____ tute ladies teiç.teuevaiag (ta keep Sautj aClus a ta a delicýûis Cnsra ii secret !rm teruile a F; il A Nýy 1W . li er n'ery bejiul evdb but hli U rmbsbe OPT $ ~5a etsay u-ie laptn raoi Liç'and cagis tem ecraiag SCI4EDUIL ENQ., B OSHAWA - WPiUTBY -WHITBY HSITL,(Saturdayr and Holiday Serviçe) alYte ê ehie its Hmin ais audthe tr-, aufiýllighssok ~ Dee~Se liSIprnumer0f tier uesa ra u ii5i utBes gve rai-TnpTn Tn Tp Tnîp Tn p Tr'i p Tu p Trip Trip T p p Trip T rp Ti, p TrpiTp Tp tht h~i eTiiTe aourcmuuy wereae cal recPiinMr Cra"i WESTBOUNP1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 il 12 13 141t5 16C) 17 18 92 inswerecl the ril l oni aswell. This de 1,-Sho wusrsueaaltts mm arr;r r r r mrprp rpnrpnrp pnr eeW lyliýig hnismslillu eetfoi lce oun risararier, auid cansed,, murS __________l m am ý 1n ail âi tt Pm P M rn Pi pii pul1 n rep.Wednersd1ay. Dec. 13th la mnenrrmeai. Anywav, h rhy WrVin entn Jac1k on. sec- fHamptan Christian Educallouird. Helen Milison aud 1a v Ohw 6:10 8:10 9:10 9:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:40 1:021I:031034l:051 :4 :081 10 rea tesro- 8red tise Centre. il raY faxored- with twa voa Shopping,ý Centre- 8:15 9:15 9:45 10:15 10:45 11:15 11:45- 12:4i 1:45 2:15 2: 45 3:134 :5515 3A 55:57181510 Nev~~ermintesanýd gave Tise diîsuen tables were destuca ie5a"ad ______ ________ ____ Se tr4auvyrepart; aundMrs. ' beautifiy decrated ous The Sov ha1 Nvil Gow Arr: Whitby 6:25 8:25 9:25 9:55 10:25 10:5.5 11:25 111:55_12:55 1:55 2:25255325. 5 4:25. 5:25 5:55 7:2582 1 flotrMran eotç uChristiias wiiS avrsfa D2'.2ms 5rp3ie:'u5 th Dstie E~euîvemet ah iemn rs iet iepao G.O. Stn: 401 & IBrock 6:30 8:30 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 1:-00 2: 00 2:30i 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5.3ci 6:00 7:080112 icai turkey dourlap' ff! Tise 1pagram ,,as conclud- was çflecided. isailnAM wiSplm udin.'ise. dwriM kt "Chisîmilas Is". Ar:WhitbyIlospitals 6:35 8:35 93 00 93 10 13 20 :520_:530 :35_4:05_4:355:35 6:57:5831:2 iampon ladieis ce 'ai.y -x.-lThase lainas pari were Jessie ----__ _____---_____ celied 1iasiver , r e ail ITink, RRua Praser, Pal Besi appr-eciated iheir effo)rts. Oven PeanlieclisVi Asiston, and E-A-S"t"O',,iN 10 laiesfram So'anwxere iMarloi rom.EaScane Areseut. 'Chr alunasrsyrubons anit- ______hitby'[lospitals 7:00 9:00 9:40 10:10 10:40 11:10 11:40 12:10 1:102:1 :031 :041 :0:061 :084 14 v2is330d for a shortx ie a vrma hiÇns-G. &4y1 Tyorplyw lîiI-în îs.Te (oancded.y0_Stn: 401 & Bnock_ 7:06 9:06 9:45 10:15 10:45_1.1:15 11:45ý 12:15 1:15 2:-15 '2:45 3:15 3:45 4:15 445 5:4,5 6:15 7:4584 14 Pen eah u uuiet lt rae hni. v__ ty7:10 9:10 9:50 10:20 10:50 1:20O11:50 12:20__1:90 2:20 2:50 3:20 3:50 4:20 4:5.0 5:50 6:-20 7:5035 15 opue is mein it~ts ealwo a asstd utieStopp'ing Centre 7:20 9:20 10:00 10:30 11:001130_12:00 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:00 3:3)0_4:00 4:30 5:00 6:00 6:3 0 8:0900 - Tisank i Koïoisw.- u u \pesdhe urci- ArOshawa 7:25 9:25_10:05 10:35 11:05 11:35. 12:05 12:3)51:35 2:35 3:05 3:35 4:05 4:35 5:05 6:05. 6:358:5_:0 1:0 talins.Thenexil-tanemak-lades ud il otiseis xvha as- lug -y Course t "pnivarssîdin rnakîng aour cvenîng 111j wth Kniis' and wili be led hyJ so enjoyabie, WESTBOUND L v: Bowrnanville Thr- Statègmn, Bommanville, Dec. 27, 1972

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