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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 12

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LRFOlR CLASFE Tuesday,4:0pm In Memoriam Cardsof Thanks _rilsfSl Articles for SaleWatdVoK Wne RelEaefrSle elEtteorae IBith DAD ndCrpped ar SPTC tnk pmpe waerTwostre nn- oohmpPRIVATEsl eta o. ~ G en nci A D A S- rifo d and loving W e extend a ver si c re W TEAor s and deb veipTT N TI N dt SEl tban youtoate I{ydo ed.CaliCli fPrtick623-313.oonsrucion eatesnfo ren.ySock.Margill ur FrmJeoiered Joh N s biit,, jrOron, furou droos, 12 mav11e,2lrge rickhom Joye adauhtr, ennfermeor29f-tder Gay cmmuît fo th b lyg8-51,11___ 29f6W4-CP-72hst.,'97-111or4775.1Licnce-64C-2. battis,- bths landy rombrod-covredwît aumiumcid q7n2 on ceme Drit, Adambe , 1957aseda of crystal we received uniu'ladApl 8-5143. à51-4 -f Esecaie nrpartobo, aae.ieenncegdulegrge agelt H3osita1. A sistepr for Gor You stili ive on, dear son, ary HsknlrktHamp- STYROFOAM sheetns, L" -xý4',Xnd aeoinrig aemntta lmarge. ebl ee on As- Si bdrosrca ein 1972at te Kent 2-le Dstrit D ee 27 ad, 1957-ti8 ance0 pr see. cPadaddy'sprofcorneemetsthomegewellupLex.ermot, 910k-sOnb hert ad incs521 23-21LIu__ 6tf 8', Baprnsheet. Grist Miii Sales and also to weeping tile. Tele- iîg 29,00wit tems.9% a n d h*in d .tu ew o l _ _ _ _ _ l a k t o n, _ _ _ _ _ _ __A- A uSti o n B a r npN ent o7 23l0e2 9 . 0 -4 i54 2 7 eve n n g s . - - 4 2 -tf t r o S . h n 2 5 l ________CAL the lovîng family you lefti___ CONGRN-Rick ad bhn.W ol îetotakteSUEAE evce, new 786-'224,4. 4-fWEL hn 2-79 6t :tS11ela C on a h n (e ok -A w ay;s loved and rem em- people of Moerris Fneral anci used part. Graham's B O D O M ep î x T0 C A ES W T R w ll oe, 30 ie ýit) ar r ond Y iA t o announce bered b y M o)m , D ad, B roth ers C hapel for th eir special cale G arage. 1-416- 63-8172. - u îo s sh g m n ob r , a ur a O un y Sa e Aa Tphon e i -2 30. R re senta"ti e bite bith of heir lert acdSenert5-1and innesoufigThom re- BROADLOOM - Remnants -i12size. Regular $s1 49.,)onl Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Harry L. Wade, Telephone F ~ OI AMN cent paasin of T ho m as B old E nds o f R ails. R etiail v al uei s le $99.95. H ury ! F ct r y eI in H rs s, C a t e, S w ne 9 7- 53 .16 tf3 E D O O H M chida dugte. Mcblb Ab.LJEEADA rîuteoferton. a 18.95 per ya rd.On sale Bro-adbloom Dstiutrs 1 De--cem-iber l7th, 1972 at 3.32 Ilovep t, o ou, r nderfl par- Lii, Linda and Wy 49 e ad FcoyBodIihon t . saa aves, Sheep, ec3hrleSOBbobgEodmeup p.î. othr adchibdr ensMah'w io ied Aprîl ti2-1 oom Dir ,dibors, 81 R.ic-, ii 6-52. 5- ei utoerad~mntatr, sobowr 63-64Nedanw oebu-hr and' ýrîMrs. ILenaîird Foskett 24thi, 192; ary(Hrnsnoud St. W., 0Oshawa. _,Phone pito,23-tf and front-end Iael.Cali of cIl Tenivsigt e adMm. and Mrs. Mandy Con- who îedJaua 'I2d, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson i 76-5522. _ 44-14 ;EED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? ayie -oadBoel6376 na.gitan, al of B'avle on r h aS Weed aw uo hn ogSaliRBdsCetr UMP PiHuMS BBadFAK 623-3548. ____50-8* 137 King St. E., Bowmniville ereetthatrtieBae S p ecial, G o i e r - lh cth a n k si h o th n k L ogto! dsa n F R N ScaI unbangh aDrs. Anfi sarClur' 50, Tyrone U.C.W., Oshai- 11 *-, ail kîends of Used Furni- R kpAýinST I AE WTRwîs rdord~JS ce wiîlowdî odlM aii _ýnnhmand Matern- But-i, ni-our hecarts o aewa Boy scouts, friends aand WATAPwels boroomr leauty on your lote and oom ity Staff of Memorial Hos- a 0-ayP te, famiiy for Chîsma crdltture, Anitiques and Apýrpliances. TV cTONd. Canada Dribing Company, wth bouse and barn, good onaonorus8920 neyr loeour 58th Wedding Annivers 624.2-forono 983-5206 - Z7enithý 14620: presentative Harry L. Wade, 1NG ONLy $39,90)0. HOSKI-Harld su Joa We iss omore than ary. Best wishes and goodiBEDROOM suite, comnppee ____ 1tf SALESialzndlu ailtes u ecsb 8-51 2-tf aover conveixtional0buildi McMste) ae hpnvj noeknw.heaîth ta everyoure for 1973. dbubng suite, 9-piece;chser SAVE up ta 60% on brand PSAL EwaStI 3-77anre ESTATnEthe 2 to HOEfo - 10 ehousIn o wnalt tcn Ltnce heneirN ofcasthie-e ar-4 deepAL G. OSBORNE ar osl h etnil a eal oaa. ta anouce he îrthof ithtener lve ud eep52-1 febd suite, aRl Burmate- mebodom We guaran- or Newtonville 7625 area, somne wooded and, pond 11Your Hm"wt ny$0 thetir first child, a son, rge wood,, new. Must sedi. SciteWe won't lie undersold. 1-fCint1nosevsts u o n i ed on el epwt ot -i anHarold, 8 ibls« 6 ozs., on wolv a îinvrPhe 1-241-5971.3-t for--------- Sggearageensan ln - 1, 972atMeor- foge Top family of the late IDan fice. f 1aeabundie at Factory goesoaî leni frSrn.agaebltisto Frfrh Decerinber 18w92ytMmr Dudley wish ta thank te ---- ODOR- HevvBro-adloom Dstributors, 81 Poesoal lae Via li Hospital, Bowmanvilbe. _ l Irj Cnremem eed by the mn red idnihesIDO UDO--tvi,-'ilnn t . saa akr-Lpa t RESIAE OSadLT Tý1 52- îby.52-b ay redsaduegbrubbeï balkseven bright o- S.rWflhae.t 'floraltrutes nd Hemarthundcris, ' x 12'. onby $3595. Pac- Phone576-5522. 44-14 Auctioneers -Evaluators Phone 623-2002 Banner IPassant -623' 358, A V N IE t7335 1--1ýNEYGog n neC tomrjBroadioomn Distributorsqi--- - Livestock, Estate Sales OMNLE Elsie Spencer -62ýý33259 ýor drolu oyu er NNEY-eogean Ane RAO-n ovngaimOary Of donations eceived duigthe 81 Rcmn t.WOwa. N VM BIEBlood Horses OMNIL ýIîarie e ony aehppy adp______ ___tWC 1SO MOIE31t ame uns6>176 6pc ther der roter Stuart, who recent suddeu bereavement6-52 44-14 For Professional Service cal ____3-fSmilAns- 2-64pc panwBAE ta announice the birth of teo assed away DecembeY 28ci their father. The hielp of Pbooe 576-5522.RIREA - James Robinson - 623-3795 HM AAQUol son, Colin Dani 6 lbs. 14 11970. 'the Fire Departaient, Police, YES, we have aur own Seî V-1RI . IlC BOWMANVILLE Decora gCnrcor?9 Mary Smith - -786-2283 $iý.00,.uclu ihfoî ors3.. nleeme 18, 1972, at 1 Aî-ways in our thoughts". MIs Funeral Chapel and, ire Manî as weil as Oil for V i-TA1 WHY ingCnR i~emralI~optaBowmean- - l isd yssesand orfriend edd orbose 4nus-7uy.416-263-2117 HIRE THE Rolly Spencer -623-64Plafor oeta 0hms dr Sab îse y itrs ar when n iwa?, ,-ou Cail2 7-t 7da;. vile Pou ganpaenS brothers. 52-1* greatby apprecitd 52-1 987-5111 or 987-5143, W,3-tf e rtoDrct ney ndM.and Mrs. C. W.- . Johnstan, Newcastle. 51-8 ___l4~ owyail of Bowmanvîlle CAOI memnory of Stu art Th'le family of the ;t( laI Mr BROADLOOM, 9 x 12, Hard tck o Sl Notice Cal A W B 52-1* Eý Crago who oassed away Perc Farrow wish ta thauk Twist, in beautiful dark green.: ________Fo_ Sal Deebe 8h,17. nsleOe 623-5375 _____ Dceber28h,190. friends, relations, Î, eghibors Normal cast $180. Onsl IORSES boarded - box istabîs, Lpn]ng Sooni i~NE-odadKrnSali missed along lifeýs way, who were so kiud lu m-anyý $119. Factory Broadloom Dis- reasonable rate. Telephone 5 (ne C ke) arîe happ, to an- Qity eebee vywysdrngter cet b-tributors, 81 Richmond St. W., 9897-4039_Newcle. 46-tf THITSO- thearîvl i her ay reveen. he wul asO shawa.' Phone 576-5522. Don Brooks & Son daghe eaeteChristine, E v ePr remierl by ike ta expr ess their appfrecîIa- 44-14 asfrSl AT REAR 0F ICso ule tFn oe ____________ lb ¾ors, Pat Merl !Muriel, AAn lanadRuth. 52-b tion ta Rev. Ted SulelgrCarsforOLaletCupromes - The HousenC ______ Hoptlon Tuesda, D reren- ---Orono Rebekait Lodge, Sh0îbof snApinePal- 9t1SIDO Oype30 e e hop, Secaissin teir n bsr 2,3th1, 1972. A new grand- ELLIS- )tlu lovinglnomy af U.C.W., Mrris Caai Gbo pliancs Pn- 192K-DONe Pt 1 < Exterior Repairs and Remod- i 623-250324 igS.EBmavl daugithte rfor Mr. Paud Mms. a, dear fin hme F., who el and al thase wbo sen dn Euerai'VcumtCene, xellntconitin.Te5p2-1 51-2 elling. You name it - we can 62-3l Scott Ki.rney, crsbForvarefrpgerata Dcservice7 il! For Free Estimate Caîl 1 Bowmanvilbe - ucw 3',ed Scota ad M. ad Ms. ar-1967 kidnes sd smpahy il Kool ~,Enterprises 623-3221. Help W anted723-6176 or 623-23O11 ram bungalow bu the north TyroneVe ýley Oke, Bowmanvîlbe. 52-Il* Thiflughtsretuiu ta scenes bang aiways lic meembered. cl~~" end, wilb be comnpletelp9ccrsivtt eriinve. su 4spast, btmmre Brentan Farrow. 4217_-HadtitfEIBEbbste o 0 48-8* Fcbmuary. Asking $35,000. 3tacebuhRolgbu, 1O3MLINSON, -- George ad mail oFThIBOADLOOM ni old hiboy and six yearJAKBR SSawavi-odr5b-Ouy$20.0,htcs. Canne (ne Luas)last famly f the la i Mm.sperial purchase ai deep gold aId gir, na etalSb.raam home coeta hospital e~~înuncethe îrthai teir adbymîssd byfrieds TomasBold ier sioewshtnd green. Regular prire for Write A,ýdvertiser 337, c/a The 011 BURNERS - FURNACES on large corner lot, idel two10Ars eatl ý_rst child Gre7_gory George at iSheila aud Viiice. 5 xrs thir i r thauiks 9 x 12 $169.95, on sale $109 .95. Canadan Statesman, P.O. Box CLEANED fmb wbig.Cî ase7 rio rc oe tat. lshwa enerai Hoslpîtal, ------ i an aitot ail their Genuine bargairi Factomy 190, Bawmauvilbe. 52-1 TOWNSHIP OF I'LUMBING REPAIRS titis one, cd gargmu eta.61 Decembecr 21, 19 72. A grand- ELLIS-In lovîuig m-imoryairltvs fricnds and neigit- Broadlaom Distributors, 81 -IPHONE HAMPTON me s orerp aery chl frClfod u Cclat ahi ýiIs7,wo nisruti ipti floral Richimond St. W., Oshawa. BOYOR GIRL WANTED DARLINGTON Bj 1500 ftf-ronhavege priSdTm assed away December 27,1 t ibutesl-, car-d, words aoi sym- Call_576-5522. 52-6_ FOR TOWN PAPER ROUTE 1 COUiNCIL APPOINTMENT 263-2151 cottage lot 90 x 150, with wel Hgw l,000.Tens Ilso, ow diîle. 5- 16.pathy andibe ianYRts of FOR increascd protection The Cauadian Stalesman bas 0 IIZN O Mail Address : sudsepîr ak Why wait 'ii,Ï Sadbymîssd alngie's way7,1 kindu s sown ta us lu the against agiug, maîture, fire, a paper route available in COMMITTEES aud BOARDS P.O. Box 43 - Bewmanville spring tabuAin$2098ArsNeatl VA BLL-Harry and Ada Quctlrmmenvery boss ofa boing ibusliand, fat- aneacbtvle et o arîe o atcbrs Fari in 1973, Council will30tf dlown., G'oodapeadpa0rl. ere leasd 10aninounce te day, m a gandfahr A special loss buy Kaiser Abuminuum Phone, 623-3303. 52-1 c o nl s i d er appointments tol,--- Orono - oider 1'story r wt fe bt Atmaî arri l a hernew-daugbter 'Na lanigrin aul ives ta saame thakata Rev. Hyusfor bis Building Products fîîam -- varions Boards and Commit- FAKBRN bedroom home,,buntrie ln10h nori au8 0 Go tem ~osmar Rahel~Ilis. 10 But lu aui.r hcarts lie i kude t therice nurs.- preme Windaw and Door Pro- MARKETING CAREER tees, and will be pleased to FRANKel tate hmeRAkNK40 i .o. erB.Crn o oz.on Clir emsDy ee- lastee s con Mdcland 'Surgirai ducts (sawilî. 13 SnLii e aiCanada lias au consider thenhinmes of versons Teciqîug $16,900.Fotr er2h,1972, at Memorial -Always rcmcmbihrerd hy son JFloarsat, Meril Hospital Simcoe St, N. Telephone iiite)estiig position for a who are willîng tu serve inlunhn Fsr Hoitiownianville. A Wîfrcd sud wife îna 52-1* sud l-ic nur-ses bu lintensive 723-9843. Local agent, Lamnermarketing represeutative lead- these organizations. SEPTIC TANK Sauina Road - 19 iiof w sirfoWlla Carl, Charles 'ar---cmLuit ai Osbawea HoIspital. Allin 623-3871. 49-7 n ta additioual respousii Appoinîmenîs will be made INSTALLATION vacant land witb ponde. Good Oon FraInk-ib Paul, DaphueRiýutb ELLIS-In lov i,.n eory Special thauks ta Drs. MîIll SNOWMOBILES ties. Must be bocal resident to Planning Board, Committee R.R. 6, BOWMANvILLE arca for uew home. Askinig arm iba iw 9 e dauglterorr Mrthasud hand s F.hwhopes dFawy tbug pssibestabebamy Tiuwiectiresarteri50 .0;ashoerar$65for ge. e-cenar, Conervaion utho-e62-7203W7201awe - - 93-524 ro98has5.724mies t ývjh-.Vr'ele iankeveeebr27 97hubr n byoud ýthe cal iT400, 18' track, $0,0 etetybt qiyPro- ity and others. 1-f Helen MeDonald -623-3911 Oshawav aig$5000 Willam and Beernka1A De cambri 27, 1967. bjýOf ubanïd,0 GTsonducts bas rreatcdthis apen- 4 tIsEwr sdSyvstrsu e ana at t bu a f oy.Tauafary o-Ski-Doo, ElaOyp ad xcinculncsar ~'0i h r neetd--LloyId Atchison -795-932-2761 with fra alBl J'r tI J2se i ar ks ie- h asaO M -ading, Exprec e eesr esn h r neet nuss ith atmît ime, na weWane uewoW TN1T reduce;1,5', , trac s w- r peaoft rin srvn u n these So luhn lnKu 2-33siiky. asiw enaaur hearta aretmctrMin.In sderstonen an, mahnn;I rRiessd aiy. -- 2Iula/rec, l'fni5 - Sed risomne ta, applying in writing lu the Commercial Lots & Driveways MDnl 2-91Pvdra.07 1. j el, CI,_____(11--roule suits, 1 D prîce Bea itiflul Clerk -Adiistrator's Offie _______nal Deats atTo-Thal wilb forever lastMîsîc- eiig Eens Open 9 - SUN LliFE 0F CANADA by Jaiuiary 17, 1973, stating Fast, Modern Equipmeut Ci o otr BUSSI.LSuddnlySadY mîaedby ie - Boi E l Onaro pot269 , lpreference, sud any experi- AVAILABLE 7,4 HOUi___________ au.$0O00, Tr rtoaTurdyDceersd lamiy 2i--- - Orono 983-5444. 47-6iPETERBOROITGHÎ, ONTARIO1 enre related lu the desired ap- 2is;t,1972 , Wlia uan..--- Danre qat Tyrane Commun- - or pointment. Cail 623-4234 ëàN a 1 1_ it_ atuFdyflDe ITII aged 2ct rs e vc u-FRANX-Inîovîu earIityHl, audaDc.31. SAVINGS CI l for Appoinment W. E. RUJNDLE 52-1* 1800 iin n bd af argFaretCor. ,ofda gadolirVcMui yth1eeadr J 745-4665 colect Clerk-Administrator --Ii hanwyrn ldfu. derfthro Facs Iî taris. who pasi ed awsy Dc .UP TO 50-3 5-2' ei~bdom rnFi rc Ne o Ct.Retd 30, 1970., - ---IrdHea inojg$99 00IpC Mi"ýt, chauremet Mut udataulhugtadoITkesaaibable for the Pisin ngnerelhiîs Marrs Fuera Clipel Bow ' rected on eyoueredfodl , FoOe IcptL j 01BURNER. ANDiofi ~la~utCcen Oterand52-I ur Logsdions Club New Yeam's Eve ra Lavene c 4RU Dan-e. hane 6f23-2351 or 4 o-- ___ ___URNACE INSTALLATION _____Toltegav alfa wa,62-56.51-2 cna.fig 33 King St.. East, Bowmsanville Hy 1,Na otpo Where we laid cur dr1 gadl-- designed. Mortgage and landiand stave. Adults onby. Tele- Gili wibl be plcased ta recciveEm gnc Seve[hne6-35or2-11 Scenî,rbîgsdwoel ~.fL-tTarouto General ( mroîberEucre party, Ncwtouvîlle svailability. Gel al the tacts. titane_623-3303. 47-If frieiîds at lte CanadianLegianEegnySec, hnePerfect9fr0 oretrea3or1harne! Raa~~ita1 an Titursday, DeceIET ;tn E beu_-PHal,12Yrk Street Northt, 141 Liberty S., Bowmaiiville sWAVLL:Cen,1 iltef. adiatga o ber 2lst, 1972 ~~~~~~~~Kari Augustua uttoyasaotdv HlFiaDc 9 .5 hn A OTE tN eroom aparîmnent, up- Lînsay, onSaturday Ja.ua2 ber Mst. -~Sadby mtad dever e- p.m. Ladies hriug lunch0Lidao tuayJnarvle Grills, R.-Ri3,Bawmanvîlle, limlteganrib-Evryn wîcm.M2-3558 or vsit Beaver hum- aairs, ail services, $,125. Av- Phone 623-7534 stamey home. 3 bedrooma. Afiluea 2,0 0 îhtr 4ged9 er, eae u- elee ___5- e for a Home Catalogue ailable Jauuary 1 or February6,2t pm.oliecasa 4-tf modemn couvenieucea. Gar ailBîTunsy -x 2l, l l Taiig lass ît aiC 21 ýtheir 501h Weddiug Anni- -___ -- ge. Price $23500. baud aof Ve17na GiladarPhonDe -anîgClsss623 $ 0.versary. Beat wisbes onby! LARGEeliei adOvlFAKObdec Asca -I ±vnarm bouse for eut, 52-2l' DARLINGTON 1 ACRE FARM: with 4 W4 ihl tk it Ibre r rne Grills, New o ermteVcoi lin.NpexI classes start Jan. ileeatoBwmn bedroom brick home, Oil hei Lisear. ervcewas beldi in wof àseaway Derember 3rd. ; ,For informationPitone, ANDREWQS twmieoaIiBoa- wh pssd wa D,,blv ille; ;available Jaâuiay lat. Mu'. sud Mrs. Harry Hughes, MASONBY cd. 4-pre. bath. Bamn. Pond,.potnt'V r1se Mrris ,faneral Chavel, 30 1970. -2--7---5-41 T TVER ',, ,ciquiries Pitone 'Toranto Bovwmanvilic, are relcbrating1B'-,Q1> Exelngaenad.ClWIHA URr Bonsnîlea Satumday at Týo dea brîght cyca, a tender 223 0710j-, U 52-2 thir Fartietit Wedding Anni-i Bick Bock Sone office. ville Cerntry. 52-1 thk MOSE BNG and ANTENNAS TWOý1-bedroom, fivew - r,,omed veraary. Tbey wibi bu pleas- cuIMNEyS & FIREFLACES PORT HOPE: Duplex, nice&ANFRNDA A oIlg cart .5 ukew THUESDAY - 7:45 p.m. iboiuse in Bowmauvillc, avail- cd ta welcome frieuds sud rncil rr denAU modemn convei- VERYHP NWER nro guiîle, INSTALLED AT al o,$5 uldn et rltvsa 2FakSre, Phone 623-2u1oule7o.6sk * * ILRuc-Ite Csha- JDeep trusit in God ltaI al was Sponsored by al nw 15 nldi±one eaivsa 1 rn Sr aces.Ondullo.Ak Oshawa Minor Sofîballio ae Prefer adulta. PhoneoG623-4292 2 ta 5 p.m. aud 7 ta 9 p.m. an 49-tf ing $34,000. Terma. A re uCuiern Ge lrHsia nMn igitt, or 723-7727. 2l 1* Friday, January Sîli, 1973. da. ecmbr25th,7, Hejytaksmeater JUBILEE PAVILlON ALSO SPECIAL ON i i ~ ~ ECSL:8)AR OEo RNFR LucyBran (ormrîv f ti gl. S HA WA 3-tf r~lor S~strns SPACOUS3~eraa tbn 51 ilîrieraiOn ARM- abedoam ome AhWe re euîped51-hndi P rorpe r undaFoRis.wLindEsa y aue 6FR 9 E T D A ESJ e BaJs) 8 God took hlm home, i 5 lunch providllEd, ro FURNACES, 011 TANKS, tlVI YI ..1Jh .DWt 8-42 o iM.sdMa oei But in aur itearîsant lîvwtit webcome. 52-i BLOWIERS sud CONTROLS i.e u11Josud e.ucaed bu98r7g40t4nolit Bti u ersh iehTWO MIlLES "-'".'y rono786-2471 Erie Carlson- - 372-3742 Boldemaoe are uv1 elhyNew Year _ tilb. NSALE Wsly Adeso 39- -Sadly missed by wiie Bon- iTHREE Di-> SLE.Et of Newctle3-f elyAnesn 4-669 1940,10LliiIwuhh TO niae and wcasde uh____ ____________ --beenamebr iteC. L-1sueds ad Karen., 52-i* Dc 28-29-30 OL ON HIGHWAY Nu. 2 MvoIgages vvanteu______ ysagia alrsrîg SCT-l oîn ear iPhone 786-2972 -EugbadiayHbadsu Germany. Mm.Bolder.stou anrd Custorners a dear lte,.el, t ass- 0% FF NEWTONVILLE cd away Navemnber 12,.91 iMO E toL A Plc fresu a a n TED MILLER aud a dear mxotter, Florence, ATL ERCANDSE T c Deceuiber 25, 1959. 1 O~AA ne bdo- , 15-0 erms LO Suit aour Budget idsy ROY XNICHOLS -Aiways rmememnbered li Ile BARRNOSHAiWA STVvdbybs îe MOTOY9 R SALES LTD. Scott Famîly 52-i -P.1vetAinPivcA fHoeLîlan auiteaBane 521STACEY-lr loving memaîorTý- ýn e na IM O "e'% Jo Li$a7su5,00co grr'dcild- Wanted to Buy ai a ur dear parents. SHOP J, Towers W be om u ,v M nhl No Application too re, it il oreric MAlnDec. 26. 196., î p,,l HarptROTORS INSTALLE» ageSaIorNwaTle nTesa.Dc ~~~~~~~~~~Ap lvi- n rie s wi lingr962-.100191bfo it ars uea USED 1Furiture sud Apl Sweet mI _______________________Larg ape.Paddy Is Market. Hamp- oee,- -__________ UHF-VHF - Colured Aerials Includees Ihydro,tal TV, Inside par i orune car, ecrCaelfaw avil. al taoi 23-224-1. 26 -t-fTime ana change tem, il ero a Apîs. sud Homes Pre-wircd ,. 1,-.1m~barerawr sa ueu truc, --RPAR Large pleasant suites with colored avplîsr supersor - rree ,.Advice ocnrgvotaesRaMogmryErnest GETCAS TPAF j ears that my p-came canni HGINO uplea(ube Workma;nship Guarantecd pentraures wlth , iercom o Yugmu GryNbll Tn THOUHOur lai ing remembrance a'of nseldcvlpewt i î'cdl AV o oiy emu a u odHa ST A T ES M A N you.2 ut i amls2c ecey.Batflfoa Mrgaret Ray vin10d brice Phone 623-5122 Cai 823-417-2 o 237 o 2595 C. W. Cochrane 8-66 taeswr ecie rn PHN 2330 -fmlls 21 l 'Box gifHambtonOnt. 1-52 8-tf

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