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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 13

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0-F BO RE-ýSIDE)NTS 0FMTE TOWN PF BOVm.AN,1VILLE ENTS OF THE TOWNSHIP 0F RLNGO 'LUIC1ALTION TO MTHE ONTAýRT NWPA THKE COR PO Rî2I ON 0F TH TOIr 0F ILLE FOR APPROVAL 0F Tý BYLW, THUE ZONINGý BY-LAW 0F Tl! TOWN 0F [LEAND PASSE» PURSý'UAN'TO SECTI> 35 ANIGACT. cEhat the Council of thet Corp tion of the- Town id tapply ta The Ontario Muni ait.rd pursuant ecin35 of The PlanningAc for p,,,rovt1 of Dy-Law vN.72-32, both of whiceb,ýre pa e-d on 'h th day latonof the purpose and veffect f these by,-laws is -nd the map may be inspected--i at t Cle -riofice in ANY ZSONSINTERSTEDMAY, withinforen(4da' afte th dtefîs xnOtice, s'end by regitrdmi rdlvrt h lr of heTon ~ ~wani1enotice of his obe tio uoapoa fete ANY PESON wshingta supporLtheýl application forapralo either or batlh of tie said By-laws may wti fourteen (14) dy fe h da'te of is -Jnotice ýLýe,-nd by registered mal or deliîve-r t h lerk of the Town of Bwmanv.Ule otice of bisý support of aýpproval !-of ete rbt of thI-je sidB -las gether vwith arequie3t for notice of anyherig ha xnay ehedivg lothe namne and iadd-ciýre, to which suh noice houl be gvn THE but cmn ony )TE -LAS T 1972i DATED EXPLANATORY NOTE' PLANATION 0F THE PURPOSE AND EF 'ýCT (0F BY-LAW Nci, 72-31 AND BY-LAW No. 72-32 BowmapvillejIs onthe * ige of substantiai populationgrth nodro prepare for ti9 gowh15anilePlanninr-g Board and 0Council have- iitated plannng studies inluding a review of the TownsOfficiai Pa and Zoning By-law. ThOficaiPln revew las been comleted anda newr Plan prepared. The lu n's presen oin ya, hc aspse in 1955, vt as found tobe in leed of u-Pda tinrig 1inorder im lent he ne Officiai P1ain ê'FThis tasýk Uis ing ùdrtknin 3 steps, tep 1 (By-aw 712) ivle d i n te orhey aruonte Step 2(yLw7-2)ivle tadin te Wvrey oaaea Th'olin is a smmary o! the flrst twsesrereto AND UMMAY 0F BY-LAWýj No. 72-P1 he amrount o! land zoened rra, !yfii ý,g tepritduses ta those o! ar -gricultnL4î for exsting ne-fanily nn-fan etathe -dwelngs') -and by establishing new eultos thpot Amerdxpent s firsty, topreserve tue slad for agricuitural.use and secon.dij,, to prevent pvîedand unplanned developnent untîl cucb ue-as thLis area isrequired fo -xpnso ~a nw zoe eniîle "Deeiopenr oneson indszonelid residential, rural ana îusra lan indias thatgrwt îha oeu i 2sges. The fiMst stage would accomnuodatt ou >ou 600 pesos.The seçond stage wvould Èvovea uther population lnraer'urn ludnne w semage treatvient facilities. Tiorefore, the establishment'o! a newvv 4mn pospon deelpment of these ian ds=04suel tue as further urban expansion M the Then w<e permittedmin thE DveloipmeCntsrioandthe relateci regulatons are the se a ZONE AND OVLPETZONE elln~ ut xcldin onoxious uses, (such asp anrclrenoss dog knes and piggerie pasnýgofthePBy-lawvanid accessory uses )R AGRICULTURAL USES ~'rontage ~.rea - Coverage - tYatd a Yard - um side yard abutting ,~ pul Yard - - - - - heiglit -~~0 - 0ft950 asqï! - - -- '-O35 ATl0NS FOR ELARGMENT0F7,rEXI8TINGDWEVILLINGSý A1TIONS FOU' ACCIESSORY BUiiIDINGS ieso! y-lw my e ispetedatthe Clrks ffi-,ntheTonHl i~eare cncene an th Zne oudaresare shown on - npw i is vailable for inispectîon EXPLANATION AND a) Sectin 3, P added. fsî7ý reacer cill b) I rdMer to of By4eLaw may be see3 c) Section ïo! cope oftf d) Suctin8o Zons and e)In anticipa the preparé the Town's- permitted u, sumnary ( SEE ATTA NOGTE: The aw- at C f)1 A new sect 21Adiniîstraion TiBy-lwi ok the Cuncilas teyoingAmistt 26,Enorcement - Anypesa onvitda paly, in thedireinothpeiig o!Three HnndDlas(30.0,f A3,ct." g) Anwsection, entiied etin27îVid ýi t y 27. 1Validity -Evr povsonoftis- By-law, and Uf any prov_;ýiin of the diction, such declanation -ishah nuot affe£ 27.2 Effective Date - This By-law ý,shah. conijý subject ta the appraval o!theOtai 72-32 Enforceent i dddtoByLw rson de sintdomi By-aw72-32 Showing Zones Pêrmitted Uses aond Regulations PERMITTED'USES ~Mnîmum Lot Aret Sq. ft, minimum Lot Frontage Feet , Maxîi»,m Lot Coverage MINIMUM IYARDS MNMU LOOIREA <.,.=Gon lo rn luteriur Corner i1Storey or2 or 21/ Bachelor acieori edroom ý 2 Bedroom Bexoo Front side SM. e iar Storey S'plit Level Storey or i BedroomUnit fUnit Uit Ilm unit Ttecagdfrom Res.'ý,idený-jtiI*âOin ai Rsidntia Byaw 587- provisions ýthe samne Estate 1. fanùly -'detached, dwellîng sîily1 Re. amily dtchddwelling- ,ity Rý,esidentialSefmily detlched elng fium Densty PRes,Rwdeingadmisets w Densit Apts. partm'c nerciaNoGchar - ~nehboi housesï eacres 5000 -200 50o 60 0,000 I Regulatingto be ent ýpping cnrs and service sops O y-Law 1587 S 0 2 5 01750 i 0 1050 35 25 4 25 35 950 0 1400 35 25 4 25 35 950 12-J 1400' 40 25 6 25 35 900 per dweUiljng unît 20, 25? 1 5 35 90 35 ý25 15- 25 15 2 & 2½St: 21/st, 650 750 750 + lOOper ~- ~1 450 600 need. ver 2 850 ~~2i7~ per.Bedroom 75 30 45 25- 45 25 y-Law 158'1 Sehools 50 25 2 No building with-n ?5 fi.o t ltueo wîll be 20th, ZONES, fi ý - 1 FRET Q 9% 1" & in w _ÎF , LU, Tow

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