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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 2

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in" sang an an owam, Mrg. arts receive her Npwcastie, wýith- threefamqtn Taylor, Duslé awdr Vhle arang rsz. Lev ,esand rah fml e urhmore co1orr aily gntf morlng erc briChris; aninual carol ser Mr, ;and I again ith a 'ind child:i ir. A social hou' Ann PHilli servrce. W li M ,Tm. ArryCox, hom y Hall.Bowman- hrtmas 'Un' Gr'iffinOshwaTeain I ard Kilmner towî~n as P~lâMaran Top, .n, gtOtOl orle rGibbFs, Melr; -2764 r5. T Coo rnlw er guesteof rN Tei sn Cook andc ptOxiand sj urpper N Mrsnd Ren rid faimil'v "J- K AN ]. w a r an Rati i I t m r. 4 6-2 3-7 4-5 1r Il4-8 5- 1 6-3 r. 18 2-5 8-3 1-7 r. 5 7-6 1-4 3-2 t1 5-3 2 - P 7-4 r.8 1-2 3-.4 5-6 r15 6-8 5-7 2-4 9-.2 5-4 1-8 7-3 r. 59 3-6 7-2 1-5 ey 6Playoffs!t y 19 nQuet. St r ôke Ms Foirm (PROM PAGE FONE) ooley, David 3rent. Soner- char- , Ja'-ck Don~na work crews are exca, tracks, just to the wesl Si sters vating for the -new umd.erpass ;t of tne exi!sting bridge; ristm-fas choruses by Senior Christmnas Day oir under~ direction of Mrs. Ceci iowden. 7. A playlet "Chýrist- Haniptoný. as dininer," by Neil Bla-ck- Miss Doreen ni, Stephen 'Bell and Tom Bob Dittburner, gram. 8. Four songs played Chr,,istmjas holidla recorder inistrumenïts by a Earl Trei's 'i Oaup Of juniors withpin ed Mr. and Mrs. CorupIanimient byý Music Sup-I Mr.adMs visor Mr. John Butler. 9A wreChis rjns. nita pantomime by Stepher.wr aChr is.mas ] urion, Jeif Thornton, Dann.y MS adMr.F0 riard andc Morris MortonSabruh -Miss Phyvllis iý * Treesona o reordrsDan Iarte-Maxv, two parts by seniiors x it.ilMTIr lÏ' VIs *Butler's pianlo accoropa1nI i- ll-epad rs ' duvul, t.ue ,.,o .v, .D 'T'r hadl to ask hbecau-sa strangely the~ report èdoesn't even men- tin boards o! education!) 'The replies were: Mr. A.Cairruthers '"Oh, there'l e no change. M... Durham MrI. W. Newman "Thiere'll be no chaýn g e i n 1974 but Pr obahly sonate. M.?.P. Ontarlo Snnthi An emplioyee of thle studyv i "That will, coi-e later." 1Someone is kiddinig us! What, grand desî:gný is there th1-at we, won'Ct know, about, Interestingly, 1 cin rmm ber a public meeting in Ponty- pool in Decemboer 1967 -whien Carruithers said "The niew, edum- cation board-swod follow county uines because wýe al knIew these boundaries," Hal also said at the semae tine that Durhem would bIe onec boarid and -]or-thumri-ib ]and another. A wý,eek later ha said the2t it would be unwork-! able to have such a large juris-ý diction as the United Counties. A we after thiat he said that the two couinties we-s the best I plani. Boy, ta' consistencyl,, If the region goeS 0on as planned lhow will five 1p-erson 1S r-epr,eent each o! the wrs :These peole w ,ill have to bel full time coun-cillors! Is thatý ., iy.-n,- idea~r? t sgpp-xuto imie by ot iÀ,.. Pat ura ai 'es. 1 secai~ea îr~ Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamnb and ývear- and Mrs. S ' family w'era Christmas day tibtad l arge Y r guiestS Of 'Mr.and Mrs. Don -cessful Concert. ILamb, Bailieboro.. Sunday had il1 -Mr.'1and Mrs. Keith MGil er o wrsipprsand boys, Mr. and Mrs. J. the church pews Kinsman and girs ere ïing servic e. Our Chriisttya a usSatVj. ie a most unusuaI maadynuetsetM. title "The Thoru ndM. n Ms.r. McGll's. icev ,d at rsirand a mt" and Velma, i s s Laveirne contnua ~ 0wit Orcard, Bow.mian.ville, spenit i conUued w hr histmas w'ifr the 'M. Stein-I Slegend o! theý o made Of' part o0i s rhih as Placed(I AI. an,, MrS. C. Sta)intoxi and, and~ ~~ intemrfamily spent Ch-uistrnas ' ihý nd t h 13-1 1 n f r . pnd MiVrs. Dafl 1Bothwl, 1 CH THIS SPACE REALTY VALUES! RY cHERSFOR LuCIÇ? et ime A bave a new baby3 sure alle for mure space. equremntschagetoo eed a playrgoiem slow, a mcd- an eait-in kthn on qrbhood awvay fvom afpfie,, fi yoiur famîly, for, wa have of 111 izs.And we'li lhave. 1chat flrst, -s(?youi ýl eau ret 3 wie're up on ilJ the featuyres vtt Calinu up and klpuit us- on 'ER KOWAL JR. a nd Getiral finsuranlce tg W, Bowsnauvîile 623-253 BOWMANV1 LLE NOITICE wmnAflviit ntesinow loeughinq season 'kin of ehiles n suh amannier as to ier-ýfere with NOW PILOUGHUNG OR SNOW REMO VAL r- By-law also provides for thn moving SvIl h vehlicles aéthtei owner's risik and using the. Town roads 0r the On arereusd to keep this goenthemselves accordinlgly. J. lLM McILROY, AMCT May 'of Imparil 01, whch rbc fli tme Polit iien , ndWis operates 50l such lhighwvaythjus a lot o! good people 1 ~ -II':I::~, edtati l s nOntarioeidicatadjh rne c i omtaking Paruti ~ lha the coompany's position is in the oene that emrployees shoud be Why in thle uýse !awrd" given nte cIce o! whether .ytem not spelled out for al!l ~ .-rtt- or otthe wnt a ointh eas? Leavig an opren ballot unlmion. However, Kmn Hosk- as is recomrmended means that 1 ng, business manager for aRighpopulation area will bhl . ........ Local 938, said that al! Teamry- able tn ohveaIte represent'"i stars'cotractacontaintha tatin onIthacounci. Waimay 'tr' t union 5acurity clauise. walve in up ith au o! theMt ' t@St. . Servecra bhas Ofere te conioresliving in PortlHope, lead hanid employc;a 34c CobourgBoMvihle, sh i"' "< crease tri$2=0 par bout aaaVhIbynnd Ajeax. How ,.,.., thega pup ttedatsamilthese peopa relate to the!Mm e2c nraeta 2.5.Another probîems o! fthose persans liv- J........'...i... 20c par haut would bepaid inrg on tybc ocsins ; 1 '" r~i ta eacb lassifcation in the Bewa e, IVIr. MacNaughton you ~~ . AC second year o! the two-year are creatlnga a monlstarel conitra.ct. The work iweek was Vît appeý,ars to me tmat wa ,J*i t* ta ha rediuced from 45 hour ,Mywllwn pvrholn to 42 p fhotus. a alwn pwihaoh i v esuper 'ouraaucracy theot will Naw thét the strike hb s ramota tat no one will takan tplace, union stefftard Y s*ig Turnhbull saiýd thiatthe unbon iiO itwoin. ilsekan addlitionah -edt c- H aotln amfn tion ta 40 houri Parm e acnIt has been theax plus the inclusion o! a disg patine of other regions eat- Laieé,eight and Anne, mue, Clemient, daughter plan in the bweeits clause. ped hy your governmaut that of Mry n ~Is lmn Sle tetwr ee Th iktn a en~ taxes increased becausa of in- . Via-d D Ire-tSlv tec w ercn aTayqiwtthe excep- ctasedbaervcing o! rral - winuers of fist prize in the novice duet twirliug cate tiono! aitweeendwhe areas, Ara you prepared toi gory et Kitecer ComipetUtins They elso pertdcpabi - otsîe embrs ! he eam fnd the region over the long n the Raeation Dapartmant annuel damonstratona sters unioncmein f TorTc- haul r u1tlfor thafrcou- theTown EH alllst Wedd ay eve c 'They M, auto a boter the rIýcîýt pie tfya Th., property texa"y vnn~ a linae. Station maagef,(r Mot aecno spotmr e-beau takng twirlng for severel yaars,itlh Miss Irani maun saidthat harecaived ci Harvey as their instructor. complajitsfrom 30 -customrs-R-gio___ gove__m ut-c-n-ha - __ _____ (nue chaýrge baq heen laid thin the proposais. T ha citizenî'y-, ib (-thaOP agahint Ithe outsie murt know. Don'tjust go Justthae gowîng embua ru - ucho!tItispleaant or mu ricketers, titrougit thea motions o! in-Iimin and wll gradualy and happy news às rpoî'ed in n volvement. It is your duty to competel n y '"hs ot y worhy weekly0lits own spi educata and wvork wiSthtie'next wveek o! ani intarasting iel atees but som-e local hitn eolap.avy-hianded dere ntrau ng, lighteuing, and o! iutarest corne fromi our pe D eugara not consistent with theIhopeful, jubilent Advent Sea- in our on columei. aécia o!Cmanains. son. The radiant flama wasý Our eeletary 7schboo wit Thera are many questions to dimmedl by an unusual sum o! enrolmant o! 2641 pu-pilsi habe answered. Among these 1 advasitiesin Our local sItare grades from Kindargarteni IFMM AG OF) submlit the foregoiug and adt- andi unîvecsally. ToanmatGrd VI put oui a super pic ýdiHoncly.briefiy somao!fthe pros and formance lui the form o! a taý Decemnberr ,1xpaîn is Are there contamphated conis we are plaed taomen- ditionel ichool concert on Da ideas on ragional governmaut chanIgesu inte Provincial tion a beautifuil weddinIg, fur- 2lst. It was staged Mu the 1erg for this area I have decided to electoral disrcts? îy and comnity part-, adtoim wih was filledi accept lis challenge and sup-._ Are thpee ontamplatadt scitool and church centrad capacity with aui intereste mt spacifi suggestions and ~amAns, then the looming clouds ýaudierIce o! parants, graildpai questions, changes in the sera lwo!sad farawalls, death was hentsarad friands old and younî The. Report ugetiiat total disricts? both cold and active, unger, i] admitted "for, frac". Th ragionswiJI have Rautonomy ' - if Ithe rcmadtossfeigand othar disappoint- 264 pupihs udistaff--o!'10 rag and local planning cotolAr growth are followed, hOw menti and Mtenn due to foi-il1er teachers, oua music oupet How is it, than, Stecte Portwsiî ward sîzes an(i represan- weather etc. Eact WJnir group viaor, twvo spacial teachers Hope, cooulgara is dasig tation ou regiolal counicîl ba in aur church Whi!aad its spa-RamedialRaading and speac uIated as a major growth P rea decided? [ýaceiehbra;tionisthe prntettherepy, scretary,cutd aen baforethe rtea coun- -. How will existing ragion- o! wediigs viz: the Strenlg- an assitant dasrve a tn' cIl la Aeatd? Surely thte plan- ah boutds and departmants ha Aibo nuptil, scores o!f fam- word o! prise and congrat ning tAs NrU MN aughton affactad by thasa changes. For ily getheingi with Salint lions. The program copie vansta sea têta place hasIexemle, Lands and Foraîsts,' Nick's annuah vbyt specieldeignad by two pupihsDal laady beau doue. Hwdoes Transportation andComn-huh services, with tr-adi- TaylJor and Maia Cumirrl titis idea fit lu Witt the sug- cetion. Wi!Sontherahareel liai- tielmuslc, our Quaen's hum- swa a gond starter. Thea pr -gestions o!ftha "ASIS" group son betwen itme grocups andianeaend humble Christnas gamn had 12 items. in Pý,? The amnount o! corn- Mthergions? miessage anud tha Vatican ma"s 1, Welcome reiciation patibility surely shows thrat,--- How about courts, tand by the Pope-,-a real wehcome flandy' Mellor. 2. Titrea Chris hae arcitectao! the nawv plan tithas etc? Thase are no\%,alli rture iio!fascoo concert to rmas sougs by theý wea Kinde hIave- not heerd or rt least not counity baýsad, Any chanlges ha îomwhbat ntoudly but garten pupihi diiractedi by titi liaed to the OASIS propo-paheawihl ha lficult andi yet modestly, bnoaîtul.teachar 1Mn: PitlICS Barnr. s.c must a contemrrplatid if titis It is itb dean regret we& laylet by Mis Susan Werr T arele, nio doubt, mauy is ta ha a tra eional gov- laarned o! the death o! axýIaud Mater Garth Davey froi prbersto ba wo-1ked out'l inment tient Tuma Fo!ouir great Grade VI. 4. Primary cho dealiug mitb Port Rope%'s idea - WIlmunicipahities wmho -southeru neighboring country, o! foutrChistmas songsb o! preseriung the eommnuityèhva speu gond sums o! the rekindled i amno!raids in IGrades 1, Il and 111 rundet di As a sort of "live musau-m" butimonay preParýIing cfficiïah plans Vietnami and Ired and n ta action ofAbcrs Snowden. the reionel governmentpro-jha raimbursad fortbis lois? delayà in peaica ngiatou,"isy"ap -lay 1- five Seul( liosals wPil ompletay oblier- These)Moue wera,~tel lithe most dsrcie~iua- boys, J ef Thoirutan, >- aîte the plan. Wuldthe Port 1spent !olloing the Adueîn uaw eerthoqkp, tha e mb um.Garth Davey as.'lsuit Hope arma be able ta mackeLo! your goveruma aW'Inon sa iinn*s g ogywatahe llth bucfori, Tv suha planning decisioli whain those plans ti many cà,ýsce wî baling air andlSnd traval who 0a l, Bruce MiPs J'the px'opos@ls are enactedî 1be screppad. witir a baigh accideýnt toi)L. ted Daid Cralig, 6, Fiý e h a -'T 1~' hiS C-entury e. Vt1top)linS Pe- nd ressad the appr)ieciation of Mi. ae I ,nniskillen congr-egation to Purulend11h vlr5. Shirley Marshlall 1for her Mr. nd eï vnork in many deýparýtmntsn of joeu hi he choir aýt thîs tirme rs at their h tariishall and famnily inove ta le shor-es of -Nova 1Scotia er y' in the New Ya.Ec hoir provided an anthem - DEL he Jr. choir under ýMis. G, 3owmna's dirýection anildlvl iddiion of! music on the cy\m- aIs y Mster Gartih Davýey 0FI -edcera(d the s(alection "hit nas Beils." Thie Sr-. choir,ý nd!er Mrs. Mar-shall's leader-t hipD sang "Tis hitnatd&. PR 'ae san-ctumry was enhanced lu i harm by God's handiwork 'in )vely pistisfrom ntheý atlurday Strenge - Aho iedïding; also otherplant rom. locýAl homes includied oses, amaryllis. flowar va- anlgemenrts andr a gaîly hight- dj Chistmes tree. The we-'k- v blýlletinincue pca nd Mr. op)kîns and w-e not- d gest atthemanise Wlere ,wo o! the Hokins sons. Chýristm-as Day g9uests with Phone 263-2650 ,OITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Cbartered Ac-count anis FICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITXIS BEflLL CANADA RIJILD)INe; OSRAWA CENTRE - OSHRAV rNERmS,(GoRDON W. RIEUL, F.C GORD0N 1F. SEDGEIýWICK\, CA~ BURT R. WA,ýTERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 F... YOU ARE GOING TO PURCHASE A NEW OR PREVIOUSLY OWNED CAR OR TRUCK an- uhs i. and Mrs. O. C. Asittoni ýtd a f amily par-ty at Mr. M-rs. K. Worýdeui's, Bow- villa RR 2 on Christmas any folks 3 Attended] the tca Sacondary Scitool antation 'o! "The Sound of ic". Some o! thal playarsm 1backgrounds o! Europpaan ire waere a distinct addii- o! higit quality to tii y perfor-mance and lestl'y re not hragging> wa aýr ,pr] to umentionn hplasing "'Cc"5 g ) whi urd av, ch, Etn: Garnat CapDtai vusdaMd ay guiesta ;o! LrLaareb, Clarence stainton an( Mr, end Mci. Ew y aud Valma wera call and Mci. Gari-tMcGil amhPieton; Mcr. an Joe McIGill and fajmih, Viteand,! rlsweî Th'is Week BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE ES COME AND SEE OUR STOCK AND TALK TO ONE 0F OUR SALESMEN ý,7QUT PRICES. IN ADDITION TO GETTIN'G A SBEAUTIflt CAR ANDf EXCELLENT SERVICE, YOl) W7ýILL, ALSO GET ONE 0F THE BEST DEALS 0F YOUR LIFE. SO MURRY . . IT'S VEAR% END AND TO GO! THESERI CARS HAVE "Wherel Friendly People Meec 219 King t. E. Bowmýaniville 623-4481 a.George Fi

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