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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 4

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~, 4 Th~C~&dan tatferman, Eôwmanvil kNow Let's Gel Reac We're in am prctty,,,ood mood this mnngeven Lholugh ib is a littie after a..on PBaxing y an.d we're efii ~ witthhIýat dLiciostrkey getting back il at ius for wuhat we dlid to it. But, it's SbAck ta waork a nd a paper to put togeth- ter before tomajj(rro a iflrnoon ,. .,.and i tsbeen ai wodeful Cbiristmais around ou ar place. What more cani anybody ask f for? ..1 1: JOHN Mýiv. lJAMES rr"o' ,JLIIE COMA jy for a AENT Great 1973 Tiwe ho1pe, is gaing ta be bath a recflectivep and an anlicipatory editor- ia.AIlal, At hal's bbc way we've plan- n ed ilt. Il0uld bave been a b appy anc if we hd' picked up a copy*af Ibis rniniig's Sun on bbc wa,-,y ta work and scaýnned tbirough bbc firet few 'pages aof murdjers, earlbquakes, air crachies, etc. Buit, theci-mod jesa g ood thal those, tragecdies ili be hby-passcd for bbc lime weing as weitbiu back on dcparling 1PU2 and iook f orward Ywijtb a consider- able amujnt oa i' aernes e thbbconc camng u p in aPicw ays. Ail ini al, 197'2, evon bhough il was a nuigpciod, basota e considcrced as a go-1od :year. e, because we per- sonalbiy iived lthrouil 10 toface ariother, and her asocme doubt oai' Iba a tbc slart. Second, bcueil was kept from be-ýing duil by a greal manytig, inldnelochns g(alore, wilb uipsets au unr ranti anid victories. TEmrplO- mecnt wais bighi, -wagcs and prof ils good buit somcwberc in Canada Ibere was aa a reat amautnt ai' urierplayment acc,(ordcing o la bbctatistics. Ccrbainly, in Ibis area lbt wasn't boa, bad because quile a few emiploy ers had difficultv finding peonple thchy nocded la beip wilb their roduction. Mnymon might bave heen iisted as winmployed but wc bave aur doubhts if tbcy wcre looking boa bard foýr samething ta do. Poor Pierre and hie gaveruiment almost gaI otwiped out bicauise ai' Ibeir over-enerous unem- pioymenb insurance prog,-rain that ap- pa-ý,rently kept people ofl tbe work farce because bbc -UIC paid boîter. No dodbt thy ill ho mraking came changes tb take carf ibhab before nexl year. Thiîs year ibasý,, asý always, brougbt raychanges. We certainly dan'b stand sZtîli forplong. u wn, bbc developers baqve ce-eu bcpobleuliai futuTre of Ibis eoimuunity and bave been b.uyýing uýp bb adand bkuildin-g apartruent biuilc- luge7, and lhomes it an ever inlcreasing raitc ibal ls ganrg ta boom aur popula- ionr figoure ta a:Lmnocl double wilhin a few year7. Cmeca and industrial devela 'pnrt poa will foilow quibe quickly once bbc new cilizns gelmOýved ilu ý?nrd begiýn buy\ingingNot so ln aa, Ibose wbhC ad hvd oefor a cw' yèri, cJO'uld !a 1 p t!bc creet ai-dCIeal airnost e-very"body tble,,,met by Ibeir 'iret ame Not auy mnore, the town is fihld wtb fesbnew faýes. We ctli enjy aýying hello ta eýery\bo.dy and cl-ues eem talnjoy einlg greeted rine t that aidgy? 192 awwrkge nderway' oiln the n ew w, ýestLe ndil rit ra nci>e s tt( ,h e Lowni ai-d noaycouid rcally ho boa ead abnu seingthe 1peuding end ai' that CPR vehabrdeoui No. 2 Highn- way1, "but" m-ost stihi djeplie Ibereva ai' bbc Vausbane homi-e inmark ou bbch bill vrooigtheir iii aami bbc b~nsmain Streel. Il w\ac unFOrtuinabe thaift bbc road iplamners coti]dn'b bave foind sonie \wayla o bC hejob w,ýiîbout wre.ckingthat aid homir(hat was ,in r)e1utifi and palatial on bbe bill. We ctmrizs it, anidd Coni'b eivew ever qujib bec7,omne acuoedlahavirig il repiaced bY asa under bbe rail- The provincia avenmntdropped il~ egiaal oveinment bombshell la.- wa@rds bbic end ai' bbc year buttbe iim- pa1ct didn't b!rinmcb criticai responso bere,, thatwa lefIta Port Hope and Cbug wbo ucxxeelywre in-~ cludied ilutibc Oshawa rgo.Il was a mijor calamilty so fira asi-,,'th eywre con- cernied, manlve thinýk Ibecauise they hdbig idcea!s ai' their onandwrc' for benin iicddas an affchloob ai' Osh- Rwal, Pthei , (bc Iewcn temriplative clayý.s tbe.y've bad amt Chrisîmias mnaY pro- vide lime for- Ibem ita put ibecir couinter proposais on papor in a calmrer way. Someow, e doubt ifil'bbc peoipie down Ibal tway are quilo as araused as bbc Nýow, let's-ak a quiicýk look ahead before Iisdiatibe fgels out ai' baud. Durham Countys Grea; FrnmlIy Iournal Est ablished 119 yeairs aga in 1854& Aiea Incorporatingj The Newcoastie Independent The, Orono News Second classmail registration number 1561 Produceti every Wetinesday hy Phone THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY L'ýIMITED 623-3303 62-66 King St. W., Bowmscnviile, Ontario GEO, P., MORRIS PATRICK GOULD DONALD BISHOP BusiN ESSMra, SALES MANAGER PLANT MGR. frpro4ICe in whole or iii port an4 ruony forrai htov particulnr!y , y photographie oraicffet prcsia pbiain rs be ,baimed tromn the publsher anid lii. print-r Any uné,athorrs.d kreprodurîtion will b. suIbjer* I ta«rcowzurs. iw" $7,00 n year -- 6 nonths 14.00 $0.00 a Yeir iin the Umte-d States strictly iii advaace Atlbuioug eery prec-utiao wifl be tokenta void error TireCa.cdicn temaacptadeis m'y, itS c'lOiru n ti i, undartanding th1--'Il witt nt bha ible for ay eBr ir, ca ode~emni çgrcldiy Tii raedr lteemnits tab1lîty sha!1 rot eîrc-s urir n partron aýt tlýI1.tIfý aoýt ci queb .vets, en s hl .eeeoeup1ielb7 the, oteý eracirbearsta ii vnt BSeoeued Federally, a new session gets untde-rwý,ay on Jan. 4th, witb tbe Trudi(eatu Lbra minus we re Sorry to say aur I-god friend Russ iHoney wý"ho bas SeejCd this re so weli for 10 yearýs. If the Conserva- tives can't get a quick vijctory in the House followeýýd by thie Governor Gen- eral cairig on them to foýrm the gov- ernn'tent, we expect the Liberais will bangon for about six mn-onthe befo,.re the next election. W're basing this mainly on bbc f act that none of the parties is ready financially or spiri1ially for an- other clection at the pr-esent tiame. If the Liberals bang an, we ca,,n e.pcct more purnp priming than took place in 1972 and that was cnouigb ta put the econi- amy in bigb gear. Sa, ail tbings con- sidered 1.973 ehiouid be a year of boom- ing busîiness, at 1lcast until the electioft 15 over. Bih D aiad his Provincial gav- crýnmenti on tbe aotber band are well en- trencbed forabr tbree years at ièast and appear ta) be taking ste p s ta cut in several fielde sa ý tbtheeCoudbE SOMe prablem-s dvlpn and corne beit tigbteinig in tbe eduicational field n otbers sucb as b ospitals. As there are mariy large labor contracte comning up ,during tbe year, we could aiso find aur- selves involved anc way\ or anaîber in costly strikes. Do yaýu realizeý that théý Cbristmas scason of 1972 waâs, for a cbange,, co'aalvlyree of strilces that affeceteci bisqrei. It ma;de qiea difference ta mnany citizens and business generally,, Those eager municipal- politicians wbo were successful and tbaugbt tbhey were elected for a twa yartermn could find tbemeselves involved in another elcinnext fali a tche ccsisart grinding for tbe regio-nalgoermet In tbc interim, tbcy'llbbusý-yPas becs preparing plans for tbe changeovePr in, jurisdictiori. And tbat's about ernougih for Ihie week. Tbe linotype operitor.s and ahe staff members bave arrived ard dan't appear ta bave suffered tao -muýcb fram ail tbe festivities sn0 wc blad better take Ibese rambling tbauighits auto ta tem and get the paper roling. Our tbanks ta ail thsewhoi have belped us ta keep The Canaldian, States- ma,în interesting and poitbethraugb-" ouI the ycý-ar. Thiereiare imany of tbcm, from Ih-e correspondents in ar'ea coin- munities ta tbc team sparte reporters and aur be loved advertisers. Seýer'al of aur rufral correspondent(s must have worked ail weekendi becau-se tbeii-r ncws buidgetLs wcre broLightin an Mooryand tbat's rei dedicabion thwt je appreciat- cd. U1 Yulaiabe pliescd tanote that bbtShe san circuijlion is aI bbcj bigb1est Point in it, 118!ye, r bsloryv, indcicating thai t i je tilf v.wecomcnd in mnosl ai' the bolrnes througbolit tbe area. Thait bringe u-, Ls a great deal of satisfac- Now, i closig, fron a f i' us in bbhSatsmn ami1y tbe very beet ta al i you foi 1P73. Le's. bave an even better yýcar tban Ibis nc. TUE SHIADOW ibat f ail araundMe. Each 's'hadow ciosely-ý scrutinised by cager ye as if1 ta cid scoff tbc whaic saga ro rle a itier-ale scae Butet, was it ev-er? Or arýcIbose grossI *y greysv for reai ta breatbhe ar-a ,perbape, bcthade -Miss Suzainne ShertlL 159 Guelpb Street, Osbhawa THE 1PEIVATE Tender-ly trokîing bbc baqtte-red shoulder ail] detaîls cameta igt Shrivelcd, wrinklcd, xxounded with bobaghtsý ai' hope -. ber son, a man of no melals and nover rank. lier son, bbc dreamer, point tbmslvsas'xcl ors aiarione they may choose l'O grab?" In '7hat homes wlere Ihey barri andi raiseti; in what rieighbor- bood diti they grow up; ln what echoole were bhey educateti? Points 10 pondai'! 5 ConcessionStW, CWL's Christmas Party Most Successful Event The Cat'ihoii:c VWýoma-n'ssLeaï-ith E, enteirý 1im1 lent ' l1 Pagram Y hld; îecriry i ýSIj.Jo;eph's ChrisLlma - atai h nx aI 'h mm rs prescr1it. MihlieGalab, Ar'1lne ad TDie tales were rrcv-Laura Cbblmj , rLisa Zoci- ly iecorae in 0,hr i,,mas mari, Caroiîne Taix, and Naîn- calot s. Each t 1 1able b ati a cy Rietmruller. Tbe girls iaak- prety hrisîmaslinterirecueti lovetly)in b, rted veiiveti a canles. Me Ba Miloy wae picces nti whijte bap s, Th1)e the Co nve7Por-, ýfor1,1the eenri aui ;ac ie l1(e P Jnoyeti a t ruly Tony v Moloy anti \ayGu iis- wadefuidiplay aorco-ordi- laino air t heiir ver e (ffiiep-ination àantl Fhytýhm11, iinr'd st1aff reartifat the ladrips a-wadrt ilhem w vith tremn,:r- a tieigbtf iost beer din- du app! riO.N Ntc a i-caing wltCh Mre. E Riebullei-apene i rmtb ianti gOAt herpre- centeti hby Mrsý . Riemiulcr c-ahieti "TheNaity hc Di bbc Iladie enjoyetivcymu n t e ichielinie Gouilabi anti Nancy the 1 un Rielmunller poctda -Èas - cinatlng tidaie twuiri. Thýe g iirl s wuare grieain ant i]clivr a dbro caeai d c os tume- i-s %ith raui bowe . Tb-ey pet- formreti l'rh ) tstctnt PasNtiý tr du'.Mie aie1 trm th Ue Statesmian Files Ulihtd bc a\ diene ith solo "'A ve MarIa" yPac i' Gctunonl, aiong witHt ,o nitite, 49YASAO Chrietmas s onge, "s it Cam 'rusIy Jan. Strd, 1V24 UonAMiighCea"at W-1ýe Thiree Kiioge". Mrs1-. E C-ouncil forite cmig yarStraaoct he p ianrio w i th are ' WmJ. H. Carruthers, mîîch ikilL, Wm C. C kavarly, Wm. J.'T' The finale wa asdair'g Chailis, Gco. W.James, J. performrance Vwitb tbe1PFil e ONeill, Hny asri .Baa y Nny itmle Gordon Rire a!l nti . Yo. which captivatedthe bbc aui- Deputy Reevýe C. S. Hqall- eneP isrraaat r mari anti W. H. Thicksorii. F. Rietlmulaer lad the ladies BOYS 17 y ears ant ii nde tnoàt cheerful slng san'g with wîli play for the Bomrin- ville Juvcnile H o c k e y cý oma expert singors on stage. League on Satur'day atl0.30 !anta Claus arrivedti the a.m, anti 4:15 p.m. aý-s (caro )c o aI of"Jirigle Belle", a arranged with the rink tbt [ii iig !performance givaci manager. Trams aie as f'ol:* by Et Leslie. He bati a witty lows: Team No. i R. lrrmr for everyone as ha O. Wlliams, D. B iin . banl-jJdt out the colou' fui McMuie , O Hoot, F. rapc Christmas prescrits Jamesri H.CaoryF. obIthe ladies. Al in ail hii. JackanL. ei y E Wotiwasone of the most succeess- F. Puidy. TaiN.2A. fui Christmas parties for thie -McDoriald, S.Jms, .1. Cale, memcrbers of the C.W.L. L. Turner, C McMuffln,G Dear Editor. God require that man love Him aboyealal and hie neighbor as himseIf. Gods law is flot for: His beneffit but for man'e. Asa Chist- iari nation, our iawimut encourage epontanieous ire- sponse tb the iaw of 1Love. Certain infractions c'arriy their own penalties; othercis, such as those w,ýho ar e detri- Mental to SociP!t Iimuet beI punisbed by or o ve ný([r- ment. \Noi s'erbtoi nor asý 'terrent' and cor- taînIy not a 'evng',bu it so. Thereforeponish 1- mnent muet lso we o thp a of oe.Gd a given us th uitîaa x Son for the chsie 0f thi-e 14 d He cuid truiy say, "'This Ihuitte Memore than You0 L." I car i ag'(-e. wholehearted- Iv witIt)Lewh have wit- nessed an execution and found ilit a oet horrible thi g. Butwàoho s wit- naessed such ýIacte as coid- Ihlrooded uridef-oarme - d, bnd nd gagged victime? Who bas seen hi-ow scvic- time h-ave wihdin their dethaoniees when a thin gold chaîn wae tightened Thursda3,ý Jan. 4th, 1948 It was rmoved by Coun- cior Ho w ard Stanley Graham and seconded b y Councilior Joseph Thomas Brown 'at the inaugurai meeting of Newcastle Coun- cil that the NewcastJie Vet- crans' Association bca given permissioi n t bild a rink on municipal pro-perty and that tbc instructions in the Montague wil and the, Mas- sey deed of gift be- conisid- erad in regard 10 a grant for the rink. Carried, 1The foiiowing officere for 1948, were eiected at the Royal Canadian Legion, Bcowmnviile, at the annual general meeting on Thurs- day evening: Past President, Maurice Breelin; Frac., J. C. Samis; let Vice, W. C. H. Mitchell; 2nd Vice, Arnold Lobb; Sec'y. Lou Dewel;- Treas., Jack Aluin; Fînaiaii Sec'y, Jack rEmmereogn; St rcýPadr e. 'J. de ece The ofcaso oal 18 have o- prntd Itherapa ta theCoderTe& Rubbcr Co.Lt.oBo a- ville for a genriïal wgain- creaee of 22c par hur annd a 40-haour working week, plus increasas in comajý cases to offset the reduction in hours. The marriage of 1Mjor P. G. Newell, MC. and Bar, Newcastle,, to Mise Beatrice Winsby, PRN., VcoiB,C., wili take place atl the home of the briide's parents on Thursday, January l 5tb, Mildred W,,ilson and( Hank' Tamblyn waral elected Prasi- dents of the Girls' and Boys' Atbletic Societies respect- ively. HanIn Beilman iwas chosen Piresident of tha Lit- crary Society and Aud,,rey, On atrdyDec. 27tb at theif h 0In ome , 0f l iVir. nd re. Albrt uineyPridec their second dai ightecr :-on of MOr. andMs.W S TARK VILLE A FIAPPY NEW VEAR 'i appviii-esantigad ne un every hile eb souiti unýlt- Il cannýot le clcaimeti by Or bougbt with silvet anti goiti. Happinescornes lions any angle Anti as the oak from acoîri grew, Tt may bc multiplier,' andi muitipiieti Byý juet a kindly word or Iwcivo Hlappiries canriot be obtaineti ln co)ma gildoti parcel boiti Or hanIdti 'ound about us, Trdt.bougýht or soiti. Ti, mac host in action By juet a frieritiytiecti or so Ant i as an ovcrflowing cup is full A hIfe with joy may stan ta glow. Can't bho mistaken lot mere- Or frili Il l ;a ichdge i'pesr Moe agcbirigg ta hii TChoce woî'ds ii Prvebe(l6 20) ioly Wril wq se 'Ani whoso trustetb in the- Lordl B) EELATEfl GREETINGS! THAt'S MY STYLE Dorit be surpriced il you dontb get a Christmas card from me thiq vear. ýf,1'st keep expecting, and it may rail in corne- 'ime between, Valentine's Day andc Easter, I wish I couid blamo it on the postal workors, wbo are the lateet villains in everybody's piece, but I mustb ho bneet and blamo it on bbc Smileys. Dilatory, procrastinating and just plain, Jazy are adjectives Ihat could ho applied ta us witb impunity. And even witb relisb, if your tastesilie tbat way. As I write, I can sec lfrom tbe cor- ner of anc oye 140 exam papoesta be mnarked in bhree nights, As I glance from bbc opposite cornr roaithe other éye, T can see a blizzýard that has been groing- on for six hopurs. Neithor of thoese sigbts is inclînod ta make one's goose bang bigb. However, "Life is bbc life" as my daughtcr remarkcd at the age ai' six, aind it's been a family mottao ver sîrîce. inm nol sure wbat il means, but Ibere le sametbing very profourid bebind tbat simple observation. ll's roally my wife's fault that Christmas je not al bcd up and rcady ta ho sliced into bbc rou£,:b. Normally, sbe's si tting araund brooding about Christmas, tbis lime of year. But tbis year she's sitling around brooding' about NOT brooding about Christmas. How cofuid anybady blamne bbc poor kid because ebe's not i'retling about the holiday cv She bas this teaching position, ou ,,,e, and there simpiy isn't lime ta WOrry about anybbing else. It's a tromendous Joad. Sho bas ta gel uip at tbe crack of about 8:30 ta put ber bair in curlers, you sec, Thon she bas ta lrudge lb trougb the snow for 94 yad,snow-lowved, ta gel ta wor1ý. The(r, ebe beaýches for 35 colid minutes. MofI ai' bbc aftenaon je spent prepar-ing ox dv' lesson. Most afith bbcvning,, is spentin describing ta me bbchoý'irrors a ïnd deîPubts of ber "day" iin bbc classrnoam, Who bas lime ta worry aotChristmas decarations, carde, and sucb? Sa, we bave on(e again made aujr aýnnualI vows, No carde, no Chrisîmras, presonts, no time-consumiug. silly decorations. I can juet soc us now. December 22nld w'lbe up il night writing cre ikigand etamping envelopes. On bow, pawin1g lbroueb the lefI-overs for gifle,. And on Decemýber 241h, l'Il be bk i ng f b) naine of bbc Lord and most bia- Ilgicaýl funclions in vain bry ta prop up a skýimpy Irco wilb a bull as érooked as tbc ieg ai' a goal. The troc, ual me. On Christmas Evo, ,,bohn most people are gain g lp chi4rcb-, or lisening la carols, or silling by, bbc fire, l'Il be in thbc çitchen, up ta my elbows in lut- key dressing. I aiways get Iis job. And 1 know wby. Nobody ecau lurn out a stufi'ing lîke youirs truldy. I like il neitber dry nar saggy, but moisI, and wibb a life ai'f i own. I use the standard ingrediculs: frieci anions, and celery, brcad crumbs (real, not bought), and a good dasb ai' everythinrf lu bbc spice Suga beginnings of new friendsbips, keep you in good heaiîh and hbgc e api ness everyday of the year. Our' pleasure issevn you. f ro.m ithe Editor, Staff and Correspondents Newboujse, S.CadaH FosterE.BowF'.Rie A. Fichor.TeamNo. H. OShoni', '1S' aonB Lunney, E. RniM. 0Oke, C. Caverly, . ipe, . Brooks, H.,ilim, .Widi- dicombe, N. B-'arbon. Teamrr No. 4--A, Carýoi, -E. Fcqn- neli, L. William,, Ja mes, E. Roacb, L. CieJmerie, T. MrReynoi.ds, C, Mutton, J. Cully, H. Moor-craft, O. Jamniesori. Choir Leader Mr. ,w. J. S. Rickard anti Mrs. Rlickaird were gueste of horior aI a pleasant social eanig bit in bbth toee una Scbol, Roonis, ecate on Wedneeday ecig when memnbers o0f the, choir were hoste antihd ess A ragoti mewas hai on the aflarnooii' Dec. 2lst in Statkic aI Ibe1 School CrcmsTrac (ý,anti much crditiiduebb teacha, Ms teat DurhamRube oOt Guard heldt their banquet ont Satrdy voinig 1 in bb Ascain Hall aht bbc (- Goodyar Wrks.Mr. C. H. werc arnong thý.e gue,ýseat h-eati table.ý OD ÂG7-E AIT AN In, fhe Ediflore's Mail I m"M around their neck, siowly choking them. It'c oniy a sarnple' la remembhor when we arc asked wbethcr or rot wa ara 'in f avor' nf capital punishmnert. Ariother question Ihal wc muet face is, "How is il possible that aur modierm eo(ciety, aur prasent cuilture-, cari produce yourig mnwba be,'iîeve Ibal they cvan ap- ir and SPi ce y Bill Smiley cuphoard, fram tabasco sauce ta chiili pawde r, Add hall a paund oai butter, mélhed, Tocs in came grounti chieken osr Iurkéye, gizzard, witb the water it's beén boiiédj lu. And ovcry ime you bave a chat ai' rye, give the turkey anc. That means that yau'Il geh up in t hé mcirning an equal hermc, and aftcr théi bird bas gaI over bis hangover, you'ii have a real, live bird, wilb a pecôén.- ality ail bis awn, an your bande, I1h does wouders for the inhibited dinner gucst.4, tna. î've heard lgaod betotalers s-ay'5v aler lhre helpinge ai' mydesig "Waw, anc more ai' those and jI cold fly". Ifs most distreccîssng wben tbey vtry,ý il. Keep a i'irm banti on the gravy boxat wben this accure. One muet, ai' course, bho homperale, in making Ibis dressng. One year I hadý a butkey sa bigh ho gah up and bried ha( fiy off the pialler as I was carryiug hîm in fram bbe kitchen. That'e wbab I bald my wife,, anyway. She dlaims il wasn't the lurke's fqaulI that il wound up ou the kitchen floor, in a pool ai ' grease, witb bwelve starvirig people waitin,,. Butl1 "m gcîting away froin my/ theme, wbatevcr il was. Oh, ycs.Cbsh mas cards. Well, a few spocial anes snaybe, Ta O. G. Alexanderorfi'ChcgaRad y columu in. Kficardine Nw.Hasý haught rcbooi for 45 ycers and is stihi alivo. Stout cbap! To rs.V. Gerta;cb ai' Stettier, Alla, I 1gre wih you aboutwcifare and unempploymneul bus, bt kep happy. A speci.J jhello ta ,John Sa-wcbuk- wbo saiti ai'the Crlo e.;"ae wouidn'tbehothe came w ýit h i-, bcocl- umn." And ta everyauecisc wh rcaei Ibis column: God bos chape. Kcep i'igbliug. Lîfo e the ife, Merr hrist mas. Heair bhc jay\s cali su ibLe>mou-n Fram a baik oai' coti beya,,nd tte ridge A crç)w cries, monstfo-t; The grand ci i'hce irecîes5 wînd Bowing bb4 broc op5 bail, Thetrahng ccautct ha Makes the worh1d growcai The nilii the bwrn vrgoui llangiug as spanlisbmas The chi lnig'ht air clii chging ther. As ho-are a aiqde7n 103l; Whilc ta bbthae , afaint rase glow Briuging in bbc iight of day Will on brugforth bthe iorn ,Of a hright Wallrru autumu day. As the daýy beains brigbt on tbe mai en' ars1 Aud chaýsesc; clouds way, The ekelohton colruand-[bbecraped uwhoff fields Offers their frulit for 0bbc day; Though aveu,,- mc)of ai bbcand bas coïýnfi A browu and au.stre norte, The hucb green oai',a summ-er Ibled Turne on ho boact aud ]gloat. --A. G. ileue R ,Pouitypool,Onai

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