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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 6

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The Canadianj Stateeumari, Bowmanvi1e, Dec. 27, 1972 oad of Education e e ting igmzîhligh t s Thie 17-2Badof Edu- b)oard echairman Bob Eakins 'ter, until after thepriPncipla1s'ý pton -helid its la meeting in (Cobourg, Hamilton and Hla- and vice-prinipalos' confer- 5lýourg- on ThUiirsdayqý evening, dimand), Wes Down (Brigh-ience. Iec, Î4l4h.The n ew Board, ton), and Gord Sherwin (Cob-1 Director of Wuato, W 1îbsxrecently elecemm- ourg, Hamilton, and Haldi- FrakToi g-e hti s Lbst Meeiig fomry. mand)Wi "too early to corne oe ut with a 3jéýif1 for$50000 intr frm position on temaýtter-." SixBorn, emr)WrksGrntHowever, 1Mr. Thom added At, thfe cosnf tbie Dec. l4th The Board of Education for that to kniow a littie about me tbng he 1 re-eIected Northumberland - Durham bas science points Io a deficiency (or J IEducation members receie 5.0 Winter but to knov, littie about Eng- coniseatdwith those who Works grant from the province lish means a person is unedu- wee eîatdin the Dec. 4th thbis year, an increase of $22,- cated since English is the mnc paelections and paid 000 over jast year's funding. language and method of com- iriute toail six retiring The Board intends to use the munication, inemers.grant to assist educational and Northumlbeland- Durham maintenance programs, among1 Direto)r nof Education, Frank other thins T 1îU T t Thom-l, took the opportunity to It is foped tat aditinal make a few statements. "I havefuds will bie received from woredwft mnyboards", the eleral government under The C.G.I.T. from WeIcorne hesi,"buit neyerpnetbat the Local Initiatives Program. chur'chhleId a vesper serviceý bas ontrbutd asmuc as Univrsiies houd Pa lf the evening with 22 girls hsoeIt 1a-st igh! for Entrance Examis aqrticipatLing. The theme was stadad orthe ucsost The board members, supp)ort- What on Earth is God'.Do. enuat.od a resolution Irom their ing" a)nd this was carriedi J M. Rolphý, the mein-iber for 0 counterparts in Leeds and tbrough in several parts as] Cobu ,ïïairtnanrli Grenville Counities suggesting God is vwith us," "God offers« man wo dd otsee ~e-that the "Service for Adisl- us new lhIe" and "God, frees ~lecionwas qulf,1y cethusi- sion f0 College and Universit-y" u. hs gi a eea ~stc.Tests should be paid for the sections, the wbole illustraied Tis boxard bas illustrated uîeste hc by song and reading als weil thegrats iceity and the themi.reue as posters made by thegrl gratsteflceny lave ever Te'ýSACI*' tests are de- and hung in the church. The ~ýeen. Itcul ierea a tesson signed as an indicator of a stu- lighting of candies; was used b te unicpa bodies," hie dents readiness to enter col- itepr n"ahrn i ad.lege or. university. comruniitv" and the live spe- Inadiio oMVr. Rolpb, The original funding for the cial song,,s b,, the girls were Dr.ion . cCeeymem- tests came from the Ontario accomnpanied by Ruth Kellog bei' f o ot l e did not Ministrv of Education but, i, on the gýuitar. Other music fnfr r-lcin 1972, the ministry withdrew was provided by Mrs. C. The f our defeiàted members its 111nancial support. The cost Bat.Ti was a very im- are awrnce Greewoo isnow ievied to the individuai rssv service and much (Ciake, opeaod ewcstil), tudets.appreciated by the large con- Retiring board member, gregation present. On such a Wesley Down from Brighton, chilly night the hot tee and "HA PY NEW YE R"was one of those who support- cookies provided ,after the ý-1AP P N EVi Y AR" ed the resolution. He went on service Was very weîcome. to argue that the board should look into other sucb "hidden OVER TUE 'HUMP costs" faced by parents. Mr. iDown .s.... that, as a taxpayer, It is noted in this morn- F1i r. e ust spend an additional ing's Globe & Mail that the $l0for each of his children postal workers' strike that ever.1y year. These "hde could have happened in costeicuesutig s time to tie- up the Christ- . ...trips, special lees, dinners, etc. mas mailing, has fortunate- ICredit System" Questioned ly been averted for the Two 'board members. Allan time being. January 3rd, Sýtrike from Bowmanvilie and 1973, bas been set as the Emmett Creigbton, attended a date for voting to accept cofrneon the new credit or reject a conciliation system in Belleville on Dec. board report, ;:f 4tb. Both men expressed their concern that core subjects such as Englisb and Mathematics O JU R areý no longer compulsory. O IU R Mr. Stirike recommended that n atask force be establîsh- MS N cEI ed to study the new system A former employee of the . ....... ýand1 all its implications next Oshawa Generlal Hospital in [year. He sald that; if bit hlm the dietary department for býard when be realized that the several years, Mvrs. Ann Mc- We anreiat theman ý ore subjects sucb as English Nevin died suddenly on Mon- p~runiis w haha t grammnar and spelling are not day, December il, 1972, at the sere urx~igbos henecessary. Students do noi Oshawa General Hospital. ~owmnvile' aea ih have to take these subi ects for She lived at 319 Mary St, N., and university admission in ail Oshawa, yo al mst cases. The former Ann McCut.. Mr. Creigbton described the1 cheon Cochrane was the IJAPFY NEW YEA 2I c, UG L. S.,Bo10 DOUS. JAMES Residence 623-5023 THIE PET 3M KENG 'ST. WS ONE 0F AND BEESI uiniversity entrance require- daùghterýýîi tinte onMc morts a a "odge->pod[ge" Cutcheon and thelaeMs wifha lakon core subjects. Margaret Penneij li.hewa On Deïkc. l8tbi, principale and' bnrn September 7, 1P98 ni v-,,,principale Irom arrose the G.sgw , Scotlanc, id. and as region attended a simnilar con-Imarried in Oshawa. Juine30 ference lu Belleville. Glen1 1926. She resîded in Canaiýda MacLeod, superintendent of: and Oshawa for the past 59 i nstructi on said he wou]d yearýs, re-serve jud.gemcnt on the mat- Shec was a Past Mistresse of Vicfory LOBA 583. She re- Rent a Car for tired Irom the Oshawa Gen- A DAY OR WEEKEND cmal Hospitalinl 1967. 4sk for Rae . . . H-er husband, the inte Dun- j COUNTY can McNevin, dled July 12,1 ICHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. 1972, One son Arx aiso died I 6232586before ber. Ml dauhe s, survived i' y two 9M dughtrsMr"_ Doniald Wil- _______________________ on (Bea) oI Oshawa; Mrs, Margaret Preston nI Oshawa, rgssg~isi~i two sons, Donald (Rai'> and Hugh, both of Oshawa; onue brother', William Cochrane nf Courtice, 10 grandchildren, ~ i., and four great-grandchiidren.1 Mrs. McNevin rested at the Armstrong Funcral Home. -~. .~Service was held lu, the chapel - on Thursdai' nt 3pm Inter- meut ilu MoundtLawýn Cerne- NE ~tery 1e. ilim Pierci' offi ciated. s ,, - Memnorialdon tios othe Canadian Cancer So cipet y would be appreciated. BOWMANVILLE An LOBA service wabeld at the luerai home at 7:30 THE BIGGEST T PET TORESBusiness Directory WJM. J. H. COGGINSl (_) URNW TR Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty' St. S., Bowmanviile AT THEIi Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL EWDOWINTOWN B.Corm., Chartcred Accounitant Telephone 725-6539 J ___ __ ___ __ __ Chiropractic 1I CHIESEan CAADINFOOD lOo Off Pick.up Orders, (over $3.00) FREE HOME DELIVERY Phone 623-3703 1-0ý KING S.E - BOWMANVILLE 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. DAILY FRIUAY and SATURDAY 10 & 1 A.M. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Offi e:i 15 Elgin St., cor. of }{orsey St. l * Phone 623-5509 Office Ior:Byapoten De n tal DR. ANGUS M.BLID.S 26 Frank Street, Bowmianvjille ý (near Dominion Store) Office hours: 9:30 arn. to 9 oým including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. R. E. DINNIWELL .Dental Surgeon has resumed general practice' at 30 Silver St., Bowmanville Office Hours -12 a.m. - 1 -6 P.m. except Saturday and Sunda DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hoýurs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 'Closed Saturday and Sundayl Office Phione - 623-5790 Bowmvyanviïle Professional Bl.dg. 222 King St. E. - Suite 106 Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 - 6 Telephone 6231-7349 Insurance Lieut, Home 7KigE, Suite 2A nchanics, skilled uphoister- da Manpower Centres7 in Carier S rt he i e o Ch ismas t~A ilers, auto body rèpairmen and Oshawa and Ajax totalledi 207il Sor t e l e, of C rstbrake press operators, maies and 1837 lemaies. 'w The services industry. con-__ i.tinues f0 be a source of gond AWKWARD TLMING., h ernpioyment opportunity. n hemay1ew Yeaýir'sý le i anticipated that the de- Eve parties in the area vil, 7. mand for waitresses aod day- ha haeid on Sunday uv ight, <i workers wiil continue into the Dec. 31sf, witb, we imagine, month of Derember. the in portion of the Requirements ln the con- revelry taking, place after struction industry apparentîyI midnigbt. Participants ýof M will continue into the winter tlhe female ivariety will ~p~ ~ * ~~ ronths. Laboring jobs were have to get theirfanf "l U:filled wifh lit tic difficulty but hairdos donc on flie Satur- ~.. ~there remain few qualified day before and may bvetc carpenters and bricklayers on sit up ail that night to keep hand, Liglit truck drivers them lu place for tbe big were lu constant demand «i cnt. Very awkward! ay tbroughout the month. be the long-baired me .,, The clerical sector experienc- wil' bave to do the samei. Q eii cd an increase this month as a weli. The largeef demand J wds for qualified bookkeepersc and legal secretaries. There was an increase lu require- mente for Ciri Fridays' and experienced office clerks forI par,-time empîoyment. ., ~ A continuing dem and exi ste fr manager trainees and reg- sfered nureing assistants are lin fair demand for nursinaî . homes. Other occupations 'D xith good empînyment oppor- tunities are social workers wth MSW qualifications, ac- Four of Bowmariville's postmencr sort their Christ- meet the rush. Six of tine Christmas helpers are eut counitauts and prefessional mas mail in preparation for the next day's delîveries. delivcrinig mail ivhile the remainder are working as engnes December's mail is Up several thîousand pieces thîs yeari sorters. Iqiis cnncerninig the and the post office lias hired 25 part-timehelpers to Job Training program con- tinue fa be reccived. A num- to operate at maximum pro- continued to hire additional ber of proposais have been Local Employment Conditions crand truc as fo Oobrî o ca mnua urngcnnm suheear 21 poeur- RVE se19 an all-time record. paniesrepcrort steady produc rently enroiled in on-g-oin7' November proved -1 be an- 1aresrpotagoddmnd Areatfeder plants are enjov-i tion rates., The demand for Canada Manpnwer Retrairinqg other active month in both for workers throughout the jing. a production iîicrease as genQrai labor lbas been easiiy Programe. OOO98;-5206 Osh«awa and Ajax. The Canada montb. a insuit. As a recuit nf in- 11cr) but shortages continue Persons without ernployment t 0il5~ OE RTA; S_? ViE lVanpower Centres in both 1Ceneral, Moforsi continues 1 rreased production G.M. lias 0or nuaifiedl auto and' truck and registered with the Cana ____________1___ Tc allour IGA custom-ers, a iig "Thank You" from Mr. IGA and his staff for makîng 1972 such a greoit year. May we wish you 0i the very best in 1973. PROUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA No. 1 GRADE ' 3-LBS. CANADOA EXTRA F'ANCY GRýADE 'BREAKFAST TREAT' FLAVORFUL R C, FLORIDA RDO RT ANJOU PEARS 5 ~FOR 5*GAERI 0 7 -Daur Sp IA R EGA RYAL SU. ASI'DFAYOR cANI MI OU E D » COL1RfD 7é KRAFT READY- Wtt, HERP OR ONION C 1HEESE SLUCES l'l37 F000 PRICES EFFECTIVE MED, TNRU SAT, DECENDER 2j,28a29,30 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIýT QU MTTIS CHRISTIE S RITZ CAKR 9 DAD'S I-O.PKG, SORTME COOKIiiES 49 IGA RIPPILEREGUL-AR OR SALT & V!NEGAR ýFIAVORRO 2 7en KRAFT FVEVAma COCOLATE! uMA 4Râ SOR W F ER ICA CANDUES (1O RA IGA POLYfi MJ 39*O eO TE eSOEI- s SOLYSF»NCY Coi WAX ORs 1'-.PER - SHAFE,4 I IGA ASRE AI MEAT SREADS6 ~PR TAMSTR' S CH.IAEr E Ale PIE 4 (CON CENTRýATEO) ORN ANGEIC* FANUc ES Pm ucG5 SAU SEA lINSACE SHIMP OKA SARA tEE APPLE OR CHERRY% ANI1 and Flavor -on.msoeît Grero Tee ave oo e~jo~ive orbn <.k!. nr'b h. fint lkî ar oa,.sogeoin, kbol-eleI..,, t.oki.. ,ee- aveu oezllo, ore ? ,e vaglobls Imdth. -1bel oi

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