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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 7

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slient Christmas iToronto witl' her parents and in Bow- manville with Mr. and Mc. Jack Duna who held Chr teICis Ynterest msfrterfmle members of the Pickardfa Phone 623-3303 Mrs. A. F. 1Billett aperi± sev eral days5 of thIe Chr itinas1 Mc. nd rs, i-_Charler, War- and Mrs, Arthur Hoaper, bas holidava wit~h Mr. and Mrs. rFn, Hiampton, sýpenit Chrcist- returned from a year's studyF.J BietSaoru u v Yras in Goderý,ich in Switzerland, on clocks, While thére ,ahe visited M -and Mrs. J. F. Billett ndl Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mason,' watches, repair anda mainten- Eiaeh 1ý)o cro- b e tLondlon, with Councillor rmd ance. Elzaeh, a so o Scad rboD.R. yDvdGhe Mrs. Lawrence Mason.' Mrs, Dolly Tupholme, Lima, oughpt, aPor. anedtMn.t. . Christmas came early for ti Ms BEctty Flaxman aid Peru, mother of Mrs. JosetporhCedtOn. MeGregor Drugs Midgets& 10r.-C oi c oi FaxanspntMcllroy. and Mrs. ýýajo.eih Mr andýc Mrs. R. Robson, they scored a 10-0 gan, Chnistmýas lii Caledon Hilis. Firth, London, England, an Dunca;n and Robent, Oakville, against Ca)bourg hece on Sat at r iitingthe Me- Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bagneil1, urday evening. Rick Patenýrson pent the aun ar ving Todd, Mark, Glen and Chad, The first stariza was score Chjristmas hlida skiinig at Iloy.Oshawa2, and Mr. and Mcs. less ,,,,th the Midgets havirý 1-idde fey<, m uns rs rc Wse (la Ry Peton, Tammy and many excellent scoring oppar ~lle.non), sons Steve and David Tir,' towa1, spent Christmas ~lth er dugbtr Toont~andf r i e na d, Peterborough, with thlleir parents, Mc. and C l ae 5 spent Christmas with Mr. and Mci. W. WV. Bg ecugog lwrs. R. Krrak,11enr g a' r . Bert Johaston, Conces- te. ButcndhionStreet East. MS antMreemtJaes May or Ivan Hobbs and Montreal1,M" Mr hne tees n-Mcs. Hobbs. Mr. and Mrshoe ue., v rte.e trne vrsityOf GueLjph, with 'lis Wowr bi)and Shelley ing the Tuesayafte pend part1ent,MVr.and Mi. BobWodad(i)Chsts eed ~tvn.spent Christmas with Mrs.wi b is m.othler, Mný. Gog 'NIr, and Mn. Roy Trudeau berry, Wellington St.Gefry Jms ad Ms aïid family are holidaying la Mcr and Mci, Gary Dault Monique Schmiid, Tarante, Flor1-ia or the Christmas (Margaret), a n d Jonatha, were Christmas Day guest- oldy.Mr. and Mrs. John Hyslop of bis grandmother........ Mc. Milto1n ýVrtue, Tyrone, (Rasemany), ail of Scarbor- Mr. and Mrs. Deibent Ye, visjited wvithihsister, Mr ugh, with MVr. ad Mrs. Gar-M. and Mns. John Cunning- A. Spîccer,cuen Street, on net Goheen and David, ham, Missq Mary Yeo, lVlis .......s Chîsma ay M.and Mrs. Gary Mac-'lBetty McMann, Mr. Neil yeo Ma.Jon e~- ougal, Oshawa, Mr. and! al of Oshawa, and Mr. and av\ec sport-1 Cbristmas w.ith Mrs. Lowell MarDougal, Nan Ms.Grdon Yeo and Miss be aetM.adMrs. cy and Laurel, Scugog StreetMar1slene. Curan,' Bowman- MilsNawod.with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mac- ville, and Mr. and Mrs e Mc. a r Mc. Archie Mc- Dougal, Church Street. Yeo and family, Whitby, were Donaiild aind son, Manin Street,, Miss Stephanie Devorski,j Christmals guests of Mr. n sp-ent Cnrjstmas witn cela- Univensity of Waterloo, with tive in Toronito. hec parents Mr. and Mcs. Mýr, Liarcy, Devitt, Univer- Bruce Thibodeau, R. R. 6, sity of aterloo, with his Bowmianvi.lle, orapnietors of pDarents, _Mr. and Mci. Carl "M\other Mod Matgrials". Devitt, Janje Street. Mc.' and Mci. ý Norman McI. -and Mjrs. C. S. Hailidav James and sans Ronald and oind children, Ashburn. with Michael, PeterbýLorouigh, with Mci. J. Wý. Brader and fam- his mother Mcrs. S. R. James 1 lyý, Frcderîck Avenue. and ber famrily, Mr. and Mrs. Mc. B 1rian Pattcick, York W-- Allun, f'or the hoiidays. UiestDr. and Mi Wm. Dr. and Mci. H. W. Rundie Ientf with Mcr. andi Mrs. Iand Howard Jr., London, Pbiilip Pattrick a11dj Kevin. Ont., were with their parents, Mý rci r Ms W. R B Mr. and Mci. Douglas Rack- E dge ùr, De(-b b ie ad an1dy ham and Dr. and Mrs. H. 'B. Peterbou igh.wIth is n- Rundie, avec the Christmasý thier, Mca. . A. Edgec, on weekenýjd. Saturday. Mc. and Mrs. Ross Turner, 1 ýWillowdale, Mn. and Mca. Mc., and Mcsrý. !Donl M/orrIs Werdell Palmer (Joan), Nia- ci o rýý '-sýCII Cl, i't-,Rsgara Falls and familles visit- vwtth Mc11,, I. Mrris' ister, McI. ed with their parents, Mc. ar c.Don Rosa and fam-- and Mcs. Tom Turner, Wel- îlTornto. îîr'igton Stceet, Mc. and M1 ýrs. Bob Benson, Miss Fukunago's grades '5 Bo, eporter fýor Thie States-., and 6 class at Vincent Massey marI adCaoine Ast. ib-i School ecetly held a Bake ;anntB.S.wihra-al at the scbool and raised tie n Brck i ardTom- atoal of 1$3400 which tbey ontodortedtaBowmanville Me- Dary ooper, son of I'. marial Hospital. Mr. and Mr. T_ TT Ab.r, REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church 0Sne2-74107 SUINDAY SERVICES 7 pm I)Îia 1310 Radio Ever-y Sunday 10:3)0 am United Church Rey. H.ëA. Tuner s U NDA y SCIJOOL 9ycars and up 11:00 aj. 4 to 8 yars 11:00 a.m. netis>, Conicession St., wene Sunda>' dirirer guests et Mc. and Mn. BRac Abermetis>,, Scngag St.. and Mc. and Mns. 1 Keitis Perguson, Enniskillen,> on Christmas Day. Mcs. Elîbe Kelly, 22 Liberty St., spcnt Christmas Bye and Christmas Dam' witis Mc. and Mcis. Ralpis Kelly and boys, Lida.Mc. 'and Mns. Ken Kelly and beys spent Christ- sýity.A memiser cf tisebad of directors sirce 1966, Sena- ter Forsey's tbcee yPanri will begin Jul>' 1, 1973, Mr. andi Mci. Donald Ma- son, Scarborougis, atterided tise Moore-Osboî.ne wedding on Saturda>' ia Trnit>' Unit- ed Cisurcis. Mr. Mascon cetrnred te, Scarborougis with ber family fan Christmas. Mike Wood, Univensit>' ofý McGilI, Montreoil, is spending, Christmas with bis famîl>',i ýMc. and Mci. Murray' Wood,ý Scugog Street. Congratula- tiens to Mikie wbc, bas beer. Pawarded a $150 scholarship. Mc. ard Mnr. Jin, Kingstoni, -Mc, ard Mci. T. Montgomery., Don Milis, Paýul cf Kingston andi Mark of jRidley College, St. Catharire,' spcnt Christmnas with thiir parents, Dr. and Mns. Keitis Slemon., Dr. and Mrs. P, J. May'- berry and fanil>', St. Catis- arines, Mii Tins Maybercy. Falls Chu,,rcis, Vinginia, and iMn. ard Mci. J. H. Bahdwn md snsWillowdale, weneý Chitna nusswths Mn. anidM Mark Roenigk. Mnj. -ard Mmi. Douglas Jamesý ad Timmy. Bowmariville-, TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minter- Rv.N. Wesley Oake, BITh. Orgainist -Ms Gail Thompson SUNDAY, 1DECEMBER 3Ist, 1972 Il a.rn. MORNING WORSHIP SUDYSCHOOL )HOURS Jui~ir, Iterîedit nd Sentior Depts. at 10 am. Begnnes, indrgatenand Priniary Depts. atil Nurs;ery Carr, i Churci Parlor A UWAM W'AELCOME TO EVý-eRYONE Week of Prayetr Service &JÂNUA'%RY 9 th -lIth St.KAndrew's Presbyterian Ciic Rtev. H. Dawson - Rev. H. Turner Special Music at Each Service (ule for MîdgetsI Blank Port Hope M11ourn 9-O Loss tunities buýt were un,ýab1ele taLuxton sconed withi Peacce cash in on them, Wilcox and John Wood as- as It tank twa minutes in thesig, .e second perind befone, Rocy Two minutes later Rocy at- Gibbs gat Bowrranville àtant- Gibbs again. scoced with line- ed arn their w ay. Assists wert mate Boyd Knox assisting. re- ta Pearce Wilcax and Joe Jeff Legere and Rory Gibbs ng Huminick. . bath acored before the ;seýcond )r- Seven minutes later GrantI period ended. Rory assisted on Jeff'a goalý and Pete, Deme- ter and Ron Strike assistedï on Raury'agoal.o fegaewt aassists going ta Boyd Knox. -RoaStrike -m ade the score 7 ta 0, assisted by John Wood. Tom Knowlan potted three goals lles than four minutes apant. The assists on Tfom'as goals wentt Bn Stnike, Peance W7ilcox and Gary Cox'. The lOth goal wvaq fco'rd ïy Boy'd Knox with iînemantesý Pete Denreten and Rocy Gibbs[ asii ing. Thie Midgets Seem ta be - playinig excellent positional hiockey eachi time they step onta the ice, The teamns could' uise some fan support because the playoffs will soon be stant- The Midgets next game is aainît Port Hope at the local St Joseph>'s Mixed BRowling League December T7th Ladies' bigis triple, Marg Pemnis 648; ladies' higis single, ,Raie Marie Conway 263; mnen's higis triple, Jin Pair 667; mnen'a bigb single, Jin Pair 276c. Over 200 Games Jin Pair 276, Teccy Mollo>' 271, Rose Marie Conwsy 263, Ewald Wihbidal 237-204, Rich- ard Kilmer 237, George Gibbsi 214-225,, Bill Hclrcyd233, Mang Perris 229-227, Geonge Charlard 228-215-208, Agnes Mebcar .225, Les Hurt 224, Allen MeLean 223, Arniold Birklow 221, Lionel Hiickey 220, Lilliar Smniths 219, Mail>' Hactinan '216, Dary-,l Somer - scales 205- ,203,,Pran Bl 20à>1 Gary Conway 201. Standings End eof s Sehedule Team Fts. Pins H-arem Scaneins. 84 42585 Kiddy Cati - 69 41419 Ding Bats ~__ 55 40824 Leprechauns 46 39144 Bob Cats --- - 45 39922, Headpins ----- - 43 89933 Challengers -"- 40, 10275 Hopefuls 38 ' 9923 New Executive Retarded Assn. At tise Genecal meeting of tise Oshawa ard District As- sociation foc tise Mental>' Re- Mci. ~am Aclama, ~ i5il~ifl ~aena, Jaruamy 6th. trlca Vaca A pe-Chniistmias paty a; Juvenites 1Lose 9-0 27th, the Exe7cutiv heldat te hme o Mci - --'--,~-Satumday night the Juven- wene lectd ýAnnie Rivera, Nelson Street lies lydWib g The followirg i. East, on Sa1tuirday, Dec. l6thi, ~ " -_--9 Executive: Pcesid Mn. Tom Smith eaterta-inedï The St. Mamys Cement Red- Carry van Litb;, with1 pia[ý n music, also by ..mer saated out with 12 pl.ay- dent, Mmi. Judith Mca. Riverns. A lov-ely L1'luch ens but before the game was nectars, Mc. Ron Cc was secvýed by, Mrs. .D W.. over the Redmen had only Mary Liska, Mrs.0 Acmnistead assisted b the - ,eigbtpaen et Mrs. Marie Laverc Mis_ýss Weàn(idy r ahrn . Whtby got a thmee -goal per- Mca. Clane La Rus Rivers, Arn S t_, Bowmoar)vile W.omac frnm Ted Lirer. ing Secretary, Mn. Mc.Jh E two fnomn Ken Vipon wih on; Paît President, James, Susanrear mm, asingles ta Chuick Lepeer, Louis van Lith. Torrto wih is aneti -Garencea Bîfll Lockyer and The next execi Editor arid Mi. James anîd Wayne Doent sworn in by Mci. V Rick, and ber mother Mci. Irene Roberts, Newcastle, ornc u t 's L n t Morday, prier ta leaving fr - '1 Acapulco, Mexico. Mn. and -" Mcs. Bob James, Peterbor- eNut sLeig i ougli, Withî her par ents, Dr. 1Vr. and Mrs. John HUis and Mca. L. C. Ogbur, Win- stoa-Salem, N.C. On Surclay, November 26thi,lBrenda ard Tîmothy, SriL s n te k ' M4iss Fenn Crago, Messrs. 1972, John and Olive His Ontario,.ri,ý os n t e k Lelard and Ronald Crago, i-elebated the 50th arriver- T h fenonadee-f Mc. and Mms. Jack Crago, Mr. sacy of thein wedding which I te ftrnonan11en and Mcs. Bill Firth and Sally, took place ir Bowmanville o n g, fierds, neighbaurs andI Mc. and Mca. Peacack ard the 25th of Nevember, 1922. relatives called ta expressA R eaieg ,' c u family, Madeline and family, Tihe receptian was.-hcld in th beit wishes to the couple. A1 and Mci. Stuart Crago ard Sunday School Room of the bouquet of ced rases was pr- family, ard relatives rnumber- Millbrok1 United Chucch. sented by thse gcandchildren, b>' Jim Clarke beat "Smokey" Il lng 24 in mîl celebcated Chirist- The l i plaques wece receiv,'d fnom McNulty Sports and Coutn- declding goal. Li iras a pý,r' -',jiaml, incul c 2 Pime Minister Pier2e Tru- t hylrgfe hmevseswr ar e mas, uiha -at hel jr gnandchildnren and crie great- da y hy7y rra rmcve andy Pc Newcastle Cmuiy Hl nncid wece prescrit for adqi Premier William- Davis, with victonies ir lait Thuns- Sainsbuiyar enand le7tter cfcogau- day night'a doubleheader ard( son. The two club: on Chiiistmas Day. th ,ýe occasion. They are Mn. tiors fcomr Mr. Alex Caruth- tlghtened the four teamn race ?- aftec two ting] A hmstasfasy ator adMrs. Alec -Sytîiyk (Mac- esMPP up considerably. ef bisk action. ibig was held at the h ocf garet), Cindy, and Mc. Pn McrMi. Dn l0b c.RrSty n bhia uigtedy h oiw In the oiperer, the Sports- penalties wece cal. axva, Dec. 6lt,1972, sofo Oshawa; IVrs. Joyce Dow, irg presided at the tea--tablesq,mcdatKapFunueigtahebns Mci. HiennyShck B uval- Lari, Kevin sud Virginia, Pont Mci. Reta Dudley, i. sRuIS- Iheir third itcaight los, . With seven le: ville. Mci'. Hny Sik rdt r.MlcdGatsi sorM.CciBl-Couaty Chryîslenr re t a iine dremainirg,-, eigist] fail wre pe-scr fnom sdi:Mard . Mie DuGni, m, MmOs ohnOMsre,-ichthird place by edglng Locike stIhi stalklng t:eir Bowanvlle por SaniL Mr.andMrs Ken iliss1\/1ýtoi Blin)in ,ilrsTV 4-3. Lanny ,Burns' goai at The four teami cl BowmaailleOshaw, Pon Sann(; Mc.ard Mi. Ke Miss7arlonretimn, on Hope ardi Stmaitfourd. Jamc c hesn Gw n d Chenyl, Beecher 'arrett, MiýJs. Aldin- 11:49 of the final peid-i 92princ living ir B.C.,waps uabeta Oillia; Mcl. ardL Mci. Thomas Hloar, Mrs. John Clayton and ilxth of the seasoin, proved to thîs Thursday el attendé. TÎb nadcidnnDasIlMak Patsy, Philip, Mcas. DCanrarllli be the winner. These tWo grnbig at 8 p.m wene\ enetieiy2 ppe -~ luibsl are nossi -ten on the pilay County Chry- shw ada vîiît ram1 l, t.A1 1,*season, wth apa ir of victon- 9:30j affair, Locki Nc.Presen]ts w ieme xcbiaogVV ÇTlf j pr r çls apiece. Kramp Fumiîtuce i cd by a3ll. A buffet lunch was 5%<DIN EkDeaprte thesrlosses, Lockes ow eau scnved at the cloise cf the' (13 points) and Kramps (121(setDc .4 ' ~pointa) held onto their tintý a lDc eveir. Vin T101QfuI ii ad second place bertbs. GP W L T An Onitanlo Developmert Court>'nollows antdto points.Lockes Crporatin performance 1-rn ene more tIsa MeNultys. 6 4 1 -il] -providLe furids fan Alu omnil mcBn ui r ec agro. Steve Bucns, now tied for Kap Cabe ees Lmiedta uud ai playcd hmahome ome In thuý' fle rtu- gm a e- hIrd Ir the scorng race,___h 5O a newý plant ar pnd its malrial Arcea on WednI-csday,limade life miserable for woodc[>eelu m-anutactuiig )p games with Bay Ri 'dges ;ard Dc. 2i)t1-, Bowmanville clob- Knamps' Ray' Coakwella the MIO TEM emartions jr Bowmaïnviîlle. ir- came up wirners irbhM. At bered Bay RPidges 8-1. Tite operer, notching four gdails comprising the dlustry ai-d Tcuiam Mi-, inster the Art Thampaca ncran game was eý nly ter mlinutes lHe added thre assiats, goesarof Jon htebs ammurced Sunday, De.lth, WVesterns aid and Terry Sanginson had give him 10 goalg n O ois ard 1f3t that the comnpacvy will.- ceive bariged In twa late goýals ta alneady- scored four gals. HIe points in bis lait thnee out- tournament ini a $0,0 aitri free came away 5-3 winners. later 'added aahr o ings. Imv CGi whipped uipan an fngvaieavc ixyens Tecry Sanginsor and Robent spectacularfvega pn am X point ecnLng, baPggirg, to0wamld the cost eof a 26,19 25 Ormistar led 'tise way with ance. Robect ý,Ormiston addýed tbýree goals. Rardy jRogers1 squi-are foot plan,-t, myore tho,,n two goals cach,, tise sirigle two mnore, ,,with 0the ire a- had a pair and Bruce Mea- triple thle size Of bts pm'es-l't bcing scoced by Manty, Presý- ker sconed by- Sam i llott . dows added another. For tfie premnises. An aiddijtiol lIl ton. Assistis went, ta Tam Assiwr aMryPre- kidirg Kamps' outfit (ont-1 emrpîcyes , Willl be PrequinePd in Corni, JrrJbntn J ohn ;ton ard Tom lCornill, tO cme 1-26, with trels theIntiai taese padc Davis, Barry Livirgstcref, pt,. each, mmid sinigles bly dieain four gaines), B1ob - tion jr thje new plant and it Gcuytens, Sain Elliott , Temcy hIm picked up two gols., is expccted that a funrther 2 90 frequently be cf usec, sei- Sarginson and John Haogant. ir' ýjgies wert to Bard>' Dorao- people wil be cequined over îy --f informration i s available Or Snriday-, Dcc. 24th, Weî- gIlie, Bria Evans, Rîcki five ycans. onts esa rmwo tetn lcis took on ani Woolner, Murray O'Brien and Sevra ssowcswee eld bain was cnt. Only a' tiny -'AAA ie aia emDv Green. fan brde-elcct "Kathyll Os- amunai cf hair h ncieded fer frain Petercogh, and ea- - Heilam, with a four Point' berne whiosc mnaniage teck the stndy ard the encasement'Pcd a weli desenved 2-2 tic.1cveniag, moved te Wlthini Place or October 14th ta John can be opered by tcaired Uni- OnIy somne excellent goal-1four peints of teain-mate SWayne Colley, amarg which vecsity cf Michigan person- tending by the visitors Cai- Waolrer (31,27 la the ndi-ý was a persona] hoe given roil. Any indivîduai who cari abled thein to gain thie utbe a;s viduai scorng race). Rick, 1hy Mri. Wm. ÏMacKbr-n ard help shonîri contact Dr. Gar- Bowmanviile had the ed(-gci with 15 goals and 16 asss,ý Mciýý. KeitlisCI-ai' at thýe lait- duis, Depatment cf Chemili anaIy. 'bas faiied to icorn aoihyý t'sh o Il . icelaeus y, University of Mîciigan, Aftec Peterbonougis onPprd tbnee garies this year. HiFc sswîby Mca. 1PaiiNe-- Ana Arbor, Michigai48104. the scoririg haîf wmy tmni bigýcast spree cameagainit hall ard Mci. Donýald aml-Plemie iclude a dici tio hie finit period, Tcy ,,,Sacý- McNultys on Novemberq-iib, taIn at the Newhaill oe ceh ie.gnsar tied tise gaine ait 1-i scorng five timesanadasît Mci. Wallace Giir)nr________________a a fine tiscee way passing lng on two othens, in a 10-3 .lames Tisompîcr i ad Mc olay witis Ron Jukic and Ro- win. MucIlray Sheehan at tise GhC AHAPP bent Ormistion. Aftec a score- Tt was a ,iBucns-Giil ex-! ,on home; Mci. Donld s- second period, Oniistor travagariza lait Tisucsday lai borne and Mns. Jon soise A NDlPROPEOU put Westerns io tise icad, the 8 pin. enconaiten, as Me- at tise Donald, isore hme NEW YEAR mie play being set up by Nultys outscored Kcamps Fi-3 arind by Mns. Dong Dcdwcl Jerry Leddy and Hon Jukîc. avec tise tirai 20 minoutes fer A panry showec wasi- heid byl TO ALL 1 Peterboroughs brake away In tiseir 10-8 triumph. Four c-fý ile girls cfDpat at tise tise laiFt minute cf play' and McNultys' talles were power blorne cf Mrs. Jouît Mihie. tîed tie !gýame 2-2. Westerns play' creatins. Kcramp, tise Dccc bells ai avec tise applied hea(,vy pressure ir tise mesi penallzed club iri1tieý Bowmarvilie anea wib b -,. remalinrg seconds but ceuld beague, dcew six of tise sevei- nirnging during tise weck cf n - ot get tise pnck te, bource Infractions cahied b>' officia1sý Januamy b4tb, 1973 whca,vcl- r, >vt. Tim Vanstore was a Terny Baker and Bruce Simp-; urteens freinTise Cariadian stardeut jr goal for Bow- son. Arthnitis and Riseumatisinm..n"~ manv, Ille. The 9:30 matchup was quite Society wiil call at homes lan Wes.ctera Electrirs wllncw s contrait to tise boose-plaT- ali sections of tise ccmmunity "repni-fortise Bnaintfcrd ed eperer, with Courty Chcy- te cahse more>' foc tise Sec- ÎÎÎ Frfigiters Tunmn n sler comlrg away 4 -3 winnrs, iety'i turd-naising campaign. ~ wilî play tiseir opelnrg gine I t was Couaty's second vic-ý Tise Canadian Anthritim and against Stattr n a utory In thir bast thrce gaines. Riseumatisas Society wîîî ccl- ~s~ day, Dec. 35ith. Their in ext Tise other game was 'a te. brateiesbsijîver aaniversary . hiegm il Paa î rialBRiade>', Bria Hughe in 1973. T'i is nef thîds ap- --A ax onWercda, an;3d!land FBacry \Virtue cernectedý Deal ts to giveeerycitizen __ orthese wiinera _before Burns, rounding aresa n opntnt .te jein tise attack% on this is ne respecter cf pensons,A ayone s susceptible, ever nR s r e , tv te chIidrea, Arthritis is a cncwd ' Csu m es A t' it e Of sYmtOms;a collection cl a.hsadpairs affectimg tise muscles, bores and joints. lockets, hair wreaths, sudb>JiCake Iol raeacfBokad Bibes reneeed an5 Ui-Fallaxirg an i*die Suaday1 Waltec Frank. Mutton's traîl' versity et Michigani study ýat- Harold Michelson lait weckend, thse four clubs tisese two teaini b>'-a .irgle tclmntirg ta gauge tise humar ceaune activîties tisis Surnda', -point. irtake of poteatialhl>' amfnl As another year coines to alDec.3 lit. Tise mrdividualaoigrc chemicals avec tise last' 200 close 1 take this opportlinit>' Tan tise 9 a ns. action, Spe-i equaill sng with Gary yeacs. This study h ,carcera- to say ' Thark You to those, era Real Estate meet Waltcr Wilson 18 ptî., Bob Hellai1n cdwih rlyir amle f h T h p4L. g 1 1n'swti utc' Se 17, tv B a14&-'and Dae ve for 1973 is tise 1973 Vice-Pnesi- Hilliî: Di- 'ward, Mci, Joan Bryce, cir; Treas., s Record- *Dong Ta>'- 'Mc, Aady stive werc W. Harris at The Canadian Saemn onavle e,27, W1972 7 RECREATION ,ýMINOU HOCKE'Y iLEAG.UE TOI' FIVE SCORING LE ADERS IN EACIIlEAUE as of Sat., 1iec. l6th, '1972 GI? G A Pts, JIM TYý-K E iLEA xU E Stephen M 3ýartin ---------- Brad Clemens Drew Itearney Scott Michelson------- Joey Davis ------ ATOM LEAGUE Brooke Bain ----------- Mark Roberts Jeff Sallows- Stephen Maguire-_ _ Jason Johnson - P-EE WEE LEAGUE Dean Rutherford----------- Jody Ross Leonard White Allan Brunt John Labatt --- Kevin Woolley ------------ BANTAM LEAGUE Tim Jones -------- -------- Bob Shantz------------------ Don Childs -- ---- Doug Hutton ------ --- ----- Frank Leach - MID GET LEAGUE Rusty McQuaid ----------- TomWreggitt Stephen Jackson John Turner George Bowen -------------- the Generai Meeting and wilI take office as from January lst, 1973. GET CASH TODAY THROUGHV - STATE SMA N m 1-C ,A SSI1F 1E DS 0 Eocke's ïTV îyes, foýr tise Cani> acke's scor- Chrysier ernhî, George Il 4 5 2 47 55 10 Bob Tbhorp- McNultys bs wene tied 11 3 5 3 47 65 9 bling 'peniodis On>' tisnee Iled, two go- ýagup ganses playý-ers, are r iit geai., laie off ts 'ie scisheduleý 2 -3 03,% vnbe-' S ler,lats Standings 2 1) F A Pts 50 43 12 [S- Bowmnanville's three Minor teamrs SNovice, Pee Wee and Bantamn cate- ;o Brantford this weekend, for the b.ig that centre. Nhat happens N'hen you're offered $1 8,000 ýor your $20,200 pile of ashesz? Youl take ih ifyu homeinsuanceto infflation. Tis h tise kird cf)" insýured your home for, $18,000 Àin 1963 Sceý me ta 1fi-d eut if yorL homne hs iaumed for itst full value(, 111 W]teli o about a lIow-cIostSte Farm Hom-eow,ýnrs Polic>' bhat wýil insane ycur home f oci -îa-iti, Worth . ar,âd kcep îtI that waywthao matie Infiation Coverage, CONMAN e-l. 6f-ice Toroantob, Ont, West -623-5792 BwmniI Re, GCorfens Cp.S. Hewlett

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