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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 8

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~FLASHACK -25 Years Ago - The executive for theBowanvlleSki Club for the coming season at Ennikilen uiswith a membership of 150 is as fol- \iw At Hooper, Pres. Jack Childs, Howard Stur- iock socal ommittee, Marg Nichols sec'ty., Bill -DusItanýLi, tr-ansportation, Doug Harnden, treasurer, ndcornmittee members Ron McDonald, Gladys Kin, HlenTait, Don MeGregor, Art Etcher and -zn Kilght FLSHAC -10 Years Ago - After 10 gares ithuttasting defeat the league ieading Cornts erefinally beaten in Local 189,hockey actonSunaymorning. The second place Hor- ~ nes egedthe Cornets 4-3, breaking an eight winUs, tw ies record. Goals for the Hornets weeby Nelson Yeo, Clint.Ferguson, Ron Poilard and BobAbblott. B3ob MNarierrison (Cornets) scor- ed tico Havey"Slip" Rowé was in the nets DURHA COLLGE - arsity Curling Team won theCaningon urlngClub Turkey Spiel on Sat- urda, Dc. 6th. Members of the team are Randy Heny sipBill Woodl vice, Willie Beaton and Mark < t t t t LADSPEEID RUN - for snowmobiles at Mopot, ;jan 1-13-14 lias a winner take ail prize o$1QOand will be the opener of the $25,000 Bshinvitationai Races. Rick Clarke, Barrie, ineofthe Bosch the past two years, will lie defedinglistitie. HOKYTEAMS FORMIED - in the "Dira and Ditnt olumn, this past week, we think a number ~of"yothfl"hockey players wîll be surprised to .-fnd heseleson the roster of Juvenile teams of t t t t t SKE1,ET SHOOT1ÈNG, - Douglas and Margaret ;Burdett, son of Mi. and Mrs. Charles Burdott, ScggStreet, both'Warrant Officors at CFB Rockliff hae been named to the Sports Afield 192Mil Anierica Skeet Teamn, chosen each year froni the reords of ail competitors entered in Ninl Skeet Shooting Association tourna- met. tis ni ost unusual to have a wife and hsadboth qualif y the same year and both Warn0fficers. During a throe day, Canadian Chanponsipmoot in Montreal, Margaret won thernlitryopent championship, the Canadian Lades ighoveailclosed and open tâtbes, the Caaie adies 12 gauge open and closed tities aýnd s-condc in .410 competition. Thon she and t ogteamied np to win the two-rnan open miii- ~ trychrnislip )and the husband and wife TOUNAMNTPLANS CANCELLED -- The H. L. Wood Pee Wees received bad news over the Christ- masjhold a'y f rm the Tinternational Pee Wee Hockey TounamntChfairan in Quebec City. The Bow- --~iffe entry ha to be turned down becauise of telimiteId amountl of entries and in accordanco ith thei poliy ha ve given preference to the teams whchprtcpated in the previous years, This is a ~~~~~~( biîiapitett he lads, coaches and parents. The kateA-Ton wichwas to be held on Sat., OW'VVEN4SOUND GREY S - league leaders of the MidOntrioJr. B.O.H.A. Hockey Loague, an- nouced tloday that they have been given per- isinfrom the O.H.A. to host a Jr. B Hockey - tornanen iv Oweni Sound on Jan. 20 and 21, 17.Tis i th first Junior B Tournament held for imn years and is the oniy one sanctioned ~~ by the O iHiA. It shped that there wvill lie eight tasinicludinig thie Owen Souind G'roys who are - curenly heir league leaders and ChicagoJr, ~ Haks ave ccetedan invitation to parici- pe.The Champfions of the Tournamont will ~ rceie 800,00 i od with the Championship game1tocoplayýCJed onSunday, Jan. 22lst at Owen Z Sond.Dany Coiesonof Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bc"Cowle, is a m-kem-bor of the Owen Sound CORRECTIO ýN- A couple of the names were wrong under thi ctu re of thie Bowmanville Royals of 1935. The ameof temaýscot was'Billy Roenigk and the ~ baboyshold avebeen Keni Colo not Butch. Sorry aboutthe rror, we hear it caused considerable ~ auseentin some quarters. The Royals were the ~ atenOntario champs t hat year. BOXIý-NG DAY- in PVort Hope saw the follow- xngfesivtie bi Central Park starting at 1:00 p,1u. - log sawing- comptiion, feed bag lift, spie riving race for, mon, nail driving race for ldies, f eed bag r7ace, wagon mheel roilin, z sak rcesfor mon and women, the granidie pillow fliglite.QL1iteý a ch1ange from lying around einiig cold turkýey and rocovoring from Christ- Iriilfrm 7400Wto 9:00 p.n AT RtEAINOFFICE Residents $7,00 Non-Residenits$,0 Men's Majlor Lue. 8 Bowmanville Intermedi.ates Back in, 1922 CONGRATULATIONS - to TerrySrgno of Western Electrie Minor Bantarns who scoreýd five goals in lis team's recent 8-3 winoorBeýy Ridges. Terrylias now scored 25 goals in 231 gamos. t t t t, t ROBBIE GREEN - of the Consumers' Gas Mites- is ouI of action for tho rest of, he season as a res-uit of a broken leg suffered in Saturday's longue gm against Newcastle. Robbie wiii le rmissed very mnuch by the team and everyone wishes him a speedy rocovery. VIC and JEAN PRATT - members of Bowmal- ville Country Club iill liecmpig in thec "World Mr. and Mrs. Two Bell Champîonship et- Castle Harbour, Bermuda, from Jan. 13-20. Theyv qualified for this event liy winning the Cobourg ,~.. ~ * "Mr. and Mvrs-." match in Augu st. Wo wish them good iuck and hope they have a good time. The first schedulo has been --1 J ompleted and Larry Piper KAI t Jý BNýt -aeefte i and Don Oko were the indi- tournament to be held at Bramalea on Thurs,,, CPiper averaged 250 for 48 "ih Dec. 28th, At 4:15 they meeýt Ajax with the wininers3 games to beat Ron Fat Etch- mvn oFia h 9ha :5wt inr o er out by 30 points. mvn oFia h 9ha :5wt inr o i~ x~~hiiing Saturday the 3th at 5:30. Losers of the Thurs;- the shedule 378, asingela eof5p ~$~ day game go Friday at 6:30 and winners of that gm high triple 935. " ' O4' Friday at 8:00. Teams entered are StoneyCek The eps Coa tem wn iit~t~ ' ' 's~iBramalea, Ajax, Fort Erie, Sait Creek, Long Branch, the championship and willWrePakad ow nilcThtam oudb now play the winners of the Wre akadBwavle h emwudb second schedule for the John pleasedto, have fan support to cheer them on. !m. J a m e s Chamnpionship ____ Trophy. The members of the Pepsi s team are: Capt. AiOsborne, 0i *W, 1. W oo,-d Pee WesL e Dr. H. B. Rundie, Elwyn ~- .jt.... Dickey, Don Bagneîl, Pat Murphy and George Bebee.Cls On sh w The last week of the -sched-'IIc ul fnihe wthsoe retyThe H. L. Wood Pee WNees mark to 7narro\7s the ga3p 4-2 had a big 863 triple, 271-284- diopped a close one on Mon- Jim Jacks on evened up the 308 Rn Fas"Ethe 8, i~~ 't Oday evening losing 10 Oshawa's score with two talli es 1at- in Sports Villa by a score of 5-4 the game, hotu nmng fo 316,BbLir21 7-288-55 at heh snl the Oshawa Children's the point and one being deflect- RossWriht 36 313, Aena.1i ed or,' a Bowmanvi]le player's Hesor Batne 736 3(61-28 ),Le The Boxvmanville squad kg. With- only 15 seconds re- Osbone 36 (61-87),Lescompletely dominated play la maining Michael Ferenc put Smale 740 (290), Ed Leslie the first 40 minutes, as theylthe winner by ]ritt Murphy 722 (260), Howard Coomes fore-checked Oshawa to a on a reai fluke giving Oshawa s7a2dst58)and mnaged tCcol- a unearned victory. Hope- 719 (283-264), Bob Smith 722 l' i' lect four unanswered goals in IfulYthe Bowmanville clubý (273-21), onGood 710 (271) the process, will be 'able tr' arrange aire Elton Bý,rok d709 (27), Ls Wybckic92iheemnfredteBwa- pnoe he team. The players as nearly as w ae Scott Stevens scored the first tuî'n match in Bowmainville tor Coonibes 700 (266). ville Intermediate basebail team. It is surprising how been able to identify them are, from ef t to right, ack oal unted Gary DSesla vesup h se The Sort Drngle.and Jondl aer 30 many o uieý also appeared on the 1935 teama whose row, Mr. Thurston Sr., Manager, Ralph (Bill)Blaber,> for the second Bowmanville Quebec Tournament and thiey The Beavor Lumber team picture appeared last week. A copy of this photograph Shinny (Benjamin) Moise, Lloyd Chambers, Pryga.BetBdu u h lytocassaoeBw had high single 1301 and Cor- was obtained from Art Hooper of Hooper's Jeweliery Muirhead, Lawrence "Lol" Mingeaud, J. Wilson, Roy 'Transporters" ahead 3-0 tak- manv 111e. Being able to con- onation Restaurant 2587 for whose uncle Herschel piayed on the team. Severai of Hicks, Sandy Somerville, Prower 'Jud' McMurtry; ngaconr as-utf ould tain the porsiteam" bgh triple. Ba ofean ithtoa oo elo ofdi(cii 1Next week a complet e l115the players came here to work at the Thompson Knit- front row, Bill Cordon, Ah Piper, Jack Stark, M. Pat- left corner. Gererdî Morrison a gi, on dal f cnfienc i of the standings will ho given. 'ting Factory thon located where tho merchants' park- terson, Patsy Bates, Herschel Hoopor, Reg Milîs and found the samne opening >as theiuconggms Bowling starts Wednosdlay, ing lot is situated across from the fire hall, Thexi aiso G. Richards. drifted a hard shot' froni the Janary3rd 7 .m.9hap.point giving Bowmanville a GET CASH TODAY 4-0 lead, Don Farrow and FOR OLD APPLIANCES, Stevens assisled on the pley. T17rOUGH.T Prso»oie osmr'GsMtes Having a Successful Season sa' KvnBtotlie - With a 4-1 lead going int Tie Ajax4 to 4 -a 20 minute stop time third P I Tie jax to toýVOW LES Preston the Mo'vers Noviceps %SE ,L Draele 191b a togne ued- .".W g-- -,feshion as the other two, bey- lac 1the anrstherio d StnM~~~i ,~~-~. - ing two great scaring chancesI uilSrt ed in 4-4 te - ~ n~i' ~,,,,.only to be robbed on both. BwavU In'tref rstperrr, Sta Beeton clicked frSot Greenham scored, assisted by . 24 ~"'- ilaa h evnmnt HONE62T79 Trry De Luca arnd Randy24H RSE IC Crossey. Ajax scored twîce etaOl s&VI before Rab De Boo scored, A DY:O WEEKEND & , As& orie Funrea the assist galng 10 Garf Me- . ... .......v e. » .sk for Rae . ions - Central ina Queid. r 'I Units CarHoa& in the seco)nd periadt, Rob CHY' C-OUIT ,T0 r ld~ Fupnn Walliss ýscored, wlth the as- CE 623LE-2586 Budget Froc simasf sist going bo Brent Clemens r-~~'6328 J Bde em vial [but Aax came right back ta, . . . , 4 .~..... lie tho c-ame. In the Ihird period, Ajax went ahead for the first limne la the game and. aur boys were hard pressed t keep the score from mounting. Finally, near the end of tho gae,. Terry De Luca scored, assisted by Dale Broomo. Prestons were fortunate ta gain a lie la Ibis game as tbey had an, off night but cre- dit must go la the boys on the eain who afler a bad start Inl ague playhave bat- t1eci back and la nine longue gines have four wins, four lasses and ane lie, and have nat' been beaten la Iheir last, live ganesl. Foundrsy Bo"wling December 101h Team Standings Team 1Pins PIs. 4 Soreheads ,- 45240 27ý f; Aces -------- _ 4 016 261 The Consumers' Gas Mites are having a very good Saînsbury; back row: Manager Cal Potter, Robbie season, presently in second place in the Eastern Section Green, Joe Nihill, Steven Cary, Chris Dyck, Biily of the O.M.H.A. Mite Lakeshore Longue. Team mcm- H Iogarth, Eddy Osborne, Barry Cullen, Mike Stocker, bers are, front row, ef t to right: Jeff Logan, Rod Plain, R-icky Erwin, Coach Brian Purdy. Ken Woodard, BrianRuddy, John Klompmakor, Biily 1 ___ __ ______ 1 Screwballs ------ 44531 2 accompany the team to games 5 Gutter Balîs --- 44283 '2' Lose Green for Season and tournaments ibis seasan, 2Aliey Cals -- 44466 20 if only as a spectatar. 3 Head Pins ---- 44671 18Bwavle lyda i Ladies' high single and high TIfBomnilpaedno- triple-S. Gordon 211 and 601. hibtin ane.. EN iigif Me's hîgh single, H. Bal-II IAV 4 Arene against Bay Ridges. The lantine .311, R. Good 737. _ next OMHA Loague1 game for Over 200 Games ( lkI .U the Consumers' Gas squad wIli R. Good 290-245, D, nw- I LJb I t V [E I oan Saturday nigbt. Dec. 301h doone 28232, R. Stiie 2,1.2i" et 6:00, p.m. with Port Hape B.oAamse 232, & B idgr26 On Thursdey ovoning, tbc lan the second peiod, theoietting the play up. Osbornelsuppyng the opposition. B.~~~~ Adni 3522,GSip Bowmanville Consumers' Gas Consumers' Gas squad turned!garnered bis third assist of the Aso23-, O np 225 . Mîtes travelled to sbaa1 on the pressure, scoring five ýperiod, setting ûp Barry Cullen Aveage - OO nd ver Harman Park for an OMHA times. Billy Hogarth increased wbo was parked just usdlL ie Ad~rs- o adovr Mite £,akesbore Longue gm îoh lad 1 2-0, the assist going te k -ras.Culîca soîsdjlL de B. Partner 205, R. Goodi 217, against the first place gsaalodfnea tv ay am1hogal creese. scty 'oredl D. Sowde 208 H. allâ- tern ad skted Io ascorloss ýSainshury scored bis seconditbO assists going oHgrh fine 207. N. Cowle 202. drw'ol<f*1 anatrbcgadCrsDc. HgrhM n a Nib The first perîod of play vwas se pIby E ddy Osborne. JolI lit the thiî'd period, Joe Belcotrolled hy the Bowmanville Logan score d, -Osborne againjNihili scored, the assisi. agein Dcmerlt ib res sud but were unable to get -going to Dyck. The last goýal~ High single, Shirley Davis Libery Beles the uck into the Oshawa net. . , APY of the game was scored byr, ih rpeOlePat- Thesecndperod asevelyLogan hhsissgigtoIi ied71 igh average, Ollie, played withbobth teems hbey- m-iiates Rod Plain Pafild23 Bowling îng great scoring opportunities.AN Billy Sainsbury. 7(10 Triples-Olli11e Ptil Ken Woodard in the locels' POPRUSBinRurldy played il, jnet 79], PDonna Bradley 773, Shir- December It cage was spectecular makînganscuo aweîdsrdleiDvs70 Dur lst ~eekof boLing some difficult seves 1tovrge vr20 45gms for thi codulehPrve tssho epsbeewe qî _ofte1neof tbe big reasns foi ' Bradl(ey ý228, Sherlene Cala vry i exîing.gina WihRoeîsoehetFo wmanville's success Iis 214 Helen Depew 209, Mar-L banou afront mnost of Tethr1ero gaî an eson is the play of defence-1 y Cl 08 ab.Obrne th ceue hylast 10 evenly piayed with the Osbawa Mike, Stocker.0, His iOborn LandJ and -Bradley wont ahead Mites having a smaîî ýedge ilan èmmman, foey2 2 Helen Rogers 205-. ta captuire first place for ibis bais drawncmeîsfom4 o.Boks24 hre iseue.Dso meae teritril pay pctaýtors and rival coaches, Davis 204, Eîleen Moore 204, bý ronain on the bottoni The Bowmanville blue-hi- w1ith bÏis great ability of rush-- Onie Etcher 203-39, Jd Final Standings ers, Chris Dyck, Eddy Oshorne gwthtepc, epn teBng20,Jye ye20 Steve Cary and Mike Stocker 201, Joyce temsof-blane ndTea2Sanin Brdly-----2832 31were lai top playing for'in, "d, i stigupn îy for tlhe Land ---- .29335 30 breeking up tbe Osbzýaa e- 'PinowsnvllPiowass Roberts ~.-.2891 30 T orse . 452 0 Colihi 2051 29tecks before tbey could cross] . TM w-se-er-c----w---Maor --.- 44004 311 the Bowmanville blue lire. frBwavle stbyhv ros .-43258283 Stephens 28242 281ïrowavleastehveD408 8 Harsîan ___ 27869 24 The local forwards were lost ilhe services of Hohbie o(Pt, l 283 2 Gibson -- 2933 3 skating miles and played well reio b eane fD rde .. 428 2 Coomybos . 28-380 2 but couldn't gel through the ft, Y be season hecause of a brokonT.Wiemn -.42'4 2 Bonls--------------27800 22 big, tougb Oshawa defence. UUG Nohi ws1oig 1ltrS. -Davi ---s__40827 20 Kion . - 27813 20 This was tbe first lime te iN g puck in the Newcastle end j. Brgg - - the . é- ý -- --41962 19 Sheebean274 16 Oshawa team baheen shut outiLL o the ice, wben ho was check- B). sorne ., 41359 19 .1 Ddson2796 13Ibi seeon.ed f airly by a Newcastle.Dew 40457 18 Conigratullations ta al theSeve plye.Rob went im thile H oes -407 1 winr fthe drews and f On Saturday evening,, the oards beavily and as a -es-t-E.Mor- 40481 1 hopc thlat everyvonoenijays a Newcastle M1iles camre ta toiwnbs eg was iroien 1 wTo Luyrnw winners: Diane Ha~pyHolia end a 'safelfor an 0MHA Lnge amne 1 180 KING E. pae.H ilb mosbeAlmJa rJan anc.andweredefatedby ow- BOWIMANVILLE 10 replace becauýse fbsi- rwHle eeDot. Th171 ew sehe-dule for 17 evlo8-0. Irvdplay endbuste1sbWn 1donds nNncy E va;ns, sehedule w1g ill r e s eond cajrhîgstu yRdnyIRbî peyrcvr adPr.Jan usuy y 91k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o ofJnayPan _________________Ioo1oxadlusaighm'!tee INSMEN - ONLY 5c0DMSSO TO THE NEXT BIG KINSM11EN SUPER êSM~ to A e el N the PETERBOROUGHME RALCN E $71500 IN PRIZ E fMO , INCLUDING "FULL CARD GAME" L'FOR$00 SPECIALi $600 Gamej SPECIAL, 3 SPECIAL, B $10 I$1,000 GAME GMES Bottom Line - AT $150 Top Line $100-00 per lie $00 ra$300 J 50.00fo cad AC Full Card $0.0fIlcr A.î 20 IG REGLILAR GAMES-A-T $-50,00 EAC Brand New 1973 Holiday Ford TORINO or $2,000 Cashi ]EARLY BIRD (Share the Wealh)GAE START AT 7:30 PJ. BUSES AT THE DOOR KINSMEN SEE US AT OUR NEW LOC ATIONF 1 on Hwy. 115 - next to Clairke Higli School Phone 987-4887 The one you have rcad about is hero now, ace the 1973 POLARIS COLT at 64 5 Umpfýý,ýý,ýý'llilIlýýï J. M.Sport Authorized Dealer foir Kawvasaki Motorcycies - PolarisSnwoue (RONO - PHONE 987-4887, AEWA-I USED SOWMO IE LEET TL'N E - US $750 pu AT

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