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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 11

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fTJ' Hope TChriat-*S week wlth theirTe ndintaenaBw nvl,3a.3193 l blOf vitpe ±wfliilp daugterBrenda (Mrs. Térry I it r n Mi CaJe a io1m). ~~f~J5 ff7 fJ5 J7'for Chrîtmsas Mrs. Mr aiid Mrà. Frank Glas Raby bergenierJr. and famnily enter- Raby' fater, er brthertaînd ail the Glasbergen cand sster -inIWeland.their m ionNew Year's Eve anda mAI Aire.. Brue Tilison, Editor Phone 9874213 R eT g ~ r and Mrs. Frank Glasberg- hn Sr.ChriOtonoeMr.'ind-Mrs ner ,vith friends in Peter- e, Ms. by Bob.. Watt and amiy sentthe hrit- orogh.George Glasbergen and family, -mo fNewcastle, Mr. and Mrs, sitn giutrl R peettv mias weiek at their cottage, iss Hepather Best, Toront , se Glasbergen of Torontossat giutrl e rsna c reatio nj j L o m"m i teeW They entertained Mr. adMrs - ,i , v- h ler parents dur- an Mr.and Ms.tohn HwT alAtFrin hp, rdcinadmakt raswic it h v also Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Startif Mri. a ndc Mrs. Meneilley hadlMr. an oferg.AuetoVan der noing ome yeAt arin dlhipotionand mar 1ke-hyTrialse nm and f amily of London. thirfam tily with them duringMr and fr.amily o VPortery ing contracts, n hns erecommendý Thursday evening supper Christmas, also Mr. Fred addsr;M. andMer aese aresewaeasnY, Iccarn vailable. Eachuseroflandendéd H st s Tw o ilTu'orn Uci fm i !ts guests with Mrs. Joyce Smith Miss IRilda Raby forý dinner. Glasbergen and Mr. and Mrs. this article which may be of cpia,-tins o ne t roimîarhetini,, district;rinMr. hndlMrs.P oscennicm c pigtalth us o lndohyroiscrpre î oh were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gos- Mr.Tteigo a 3rBh VnD iiSolyitrs sw oktwr armwith. If YOu don't use ing for yieda'as osuf pli ~sen; Harland Elliott, Mr. an them during the holidvisiting 973 Av,1 rË,mMrs. R. Elliott; also Misses cl Mrs.romturnglan Cre,17,them, you won't have enough percentagea avatadir U I M.and Mrs, Chas. Menil Mr.AtrRon spent Here are five simple rules: money to do things you want centage boe tcs o u i g9aevisiting with M ndM le y sPent New Year's with a few days last week with ber 1. Stay out of Debt ta do, May OUti oyfo b KriM.Mnilys itr nd herithzaketh r . n fyuorfn bge u sl4.SadPtOntario îitya gc1 7, ste-,vll 1The Recireation Kane 1 assist, Ritchie Lefort, th Gam--Uxbridge de- Mr, udMrMltn Oyd shMrandM ga. -T rav- Almostake d ozn eltoncredit s a ol han.I eli. t cn eryunois usîng thver rn ean Comnriittee hosted two OM.. 2 assists.< feated Wellington 2-0. Ux-ýMs Clancy and Canule of 1er Welland, visited their aunt couples gravitated ta the Mur- usedita m ake one thtcnb ruko is dan- g thee A. tournaments during the 3rd Game-Little Britain bridge scoring-Larry Pihkey Troto spent :Thursday witbh and unche, Mr. and Mrs. ray Malcolms prior to attend- gser osa mo goodftols dan- varlety, meao, or idea. By Chrîstnias holidays. The Pee defeated Uxbridge in over- and Ievn Savage, assîsts g o-Hln ,osBoyds oo olsae then, mesto the profit in it GTCS OA Wee'Fornaentwason ectim. Ltti Brtai scrin- îg t Pacoe Ton er Bree oy. Charlie Baby hast Friday. ing the New Year's Dance, in Axes and saws are daugerous 't hm O O»APIN 26th and the Bantam on Dec. Perry Crowder frein Craig don and Brookhuis. 01Bb o e ea' nrsrdbyteBtayAh5. Work Hard TROG 27th. Lde.Ubig golcor- t ae-ida efeat-M m ra were Mr. Fred Baby, Miss 1jetic Socicty - a real fun affairtagtokdoeBuifouf Resit o tos turnmetsedbyKeinBrokhis u- d itlc riai 10.Scr-Hospital 1,want ta f ail, don't use credit yodonugbrdps- TATEsMAN are.;ast flowse ouna ssist einBooh e iteingtai Web.ste r fo e RHilda Baby and Mr. Harry A number of couples ahso t an o .cal work, you wo'thave the AS FED ar a f ssstd.îgDai WbserfomRaySirin.attended the dance held in t ann time or energy ta figure out cL1 Fee Wee 4th Game-Lîndsay 6, Wel- Tony Beitzer. Shutout goiug W ekly Report ay trig Pontypool and report an en- 2. Don't take Chances how tal, make yaur farming POE6330 Game ié,1 -West Rouge 4, lington 2. Lindsay scoring- ta Randy Drinkwaltcr. -1i oal vnn.Spoeyucnepn 1 e prtospy oen ad Newastie 2, West Rouge goals Dave Meehan 2 goals, Larry 9th Game-John Rickard Week of Dec. 25-3 iclusive oyable evni ng SupposWerac e y orane nd $1 per, _____,Bt-I___________asachil b in.Mr3,TmPratt 1, Snoddon 2 goahs, snlsta Consolation "B" Trophy Win- Admissions ----------- 69 tL tIU Karen and Bonnie ofSubr a 50-50 chance of getting back "Butt I s tae uhts a hîl Ret aCarf a. sts by Allen Reed 2, Kev- Webster aud Pearson; assists uer. Ncwcastle defeated Ux- Births-5 maie, 5 femahe 101 Mr, and Mrs. Donald Brown were visitors this wcek at $30 or more in increased yieîltus. utthnkteDoAr în Turcotte 1, Tim Newmarch to Lafete 2, singles to Webs-big -.Scru o e- Discharges ---3-e--rtinedt-ei grandson Mahconia whilc holidaying But if there'is n hnc H -ow to plinfrngo1ZAsfi 1, Newcastle goals by Bon ter and Calverley. castie wcre Gordon Blaker Mjr prtîn Donald for a few days be- witb the Ted Werry's af*En- 10 that you won't get your $10aspplykow ta amn o s o a D~ il o . ri n lu 1 f ated Port 5- Ne- f o i Mi D n M r in or o e ato s . -7 ltween Christm as and New niskille . back, don't take that chance,. s y u k o t w Perr2,ysss y M ch e t Gu asit rin M kls u - Minrer atic o27sYeI'sThe Norman Wilson family 3. Be Independen t corn lyblr"d electin R SL -D i~ Game 2-Oshawa Littie N. castle scoring by Brian Miklos asitdiretet r. and Mrs, Gunrie a cf werc New Year's Day guesis Don't get yourself tied up in Te17 eot~ h n-6328 H.L. 2 - Keene 1. Oshawa 2 goals, Cordon Blaker 1 goal lth Garne-Honey Hoilow iiting hours: 3 - 8 p.m. daily Barrie spent sevl days of the' Carl Srmtis of Bcthauy. reutal agreemets, partner-- aria HIybid Cor- Performnc goals byý Chopik assisted by and 2 assists, Tim Jenkins 1 Restaurant Chamipionshi-p "A" Lessard, Sullivan, unassisted. goal and 1, assist; DannyTrpyWnr-idyde Keene goa)lI by Kempt from Shields 1 goal, Billy Mcel featect West Rouge in over- Mclntyre. b~~ad 2 assists. Single assist ta ieoi fWs og' Came 3 P erry 2 - Ux- David Ibbotson'and Don Mart- ol,îcuigapnlyso brýidtge,1. Port Feprry goals by in., (Thm Ncholson and Day- with 15 seconds heft lu th, Ownf romn- H ealey , Healcy, un- id Rowley shared the shtou ae r scored by EBIly assited Uxlride gal b fo Newaste).Carrol. Lindsay goals were Kearly frm Facoe.scored by Gary Ferguson, Cae -Lîdayý Port 6Lh Game-West Rouge de- Mike Williams, Tony Beitzer,.,ý,- Hope3. isay goal sby feated Port Hope 4-2. West Ted Calverley. nRouge scring-Fbil Degerdon Wce would ike ta thanký ',1GElls frm hnson and Brow ' 2 goals, Steve Pound gue goal, everyone who helped ta make ca From ElhîsandJohun two assists, Bill Carroll one these tournaments a surcces. IM P O N Sh~a rFi irmn am goal, single assists ta Turcotte It was a great team effort. Brwn aimaunassisted. and Riley. Port Hope scoring, 'Special thauks ta Mrs. Betty Por Hpegolsby Bullen Tom Fitzpatrîck, 2 goals; 1Gray and the Hockey Mothers,'" fro Gll, aldee romBers-Brian Smart, twa assists and for catering ta the meal bath fo]CýRd, RowdenI J frami Palmer Rsssmussen one.. days. Keen 1. ewcatlegoals by RbtTwnunassisted; l e c--s l Mihal Wd' un assistcd; Knegoail by Clancy frm irme 6Wes Rouge 3 - OC1I n1~ ro a OssaLittli ï .I . West1 Rogegals by Carnie from! Ncwcastle -We trust that aur page full and interestiug pai nd Klym, Pratt from howevcr you àpent yaur New Sincere thanks ta Ed. Dwyer Y nri, Reed from Turcotte,!Year's that it was a happy who sa cpapably drcw up and Osasgoal bv FiPncl fromiand, and that it wîll brought in a complete account Lessard and Towns. 'continue through ail of 1973. on the two-day hockey tourna - Came' 7 -otHope 2- Ux- We would also hope that ment held at Newcastle Arena bidei. :-lParjt Hope goals bY among any resolutions you durhng the Christmas holliday Car. uasistd:Cook, Ui~n- ay have made, calling in We arc sorry ta report tl-~ asîste. Ubrigegoal by your news items may have Mr. George Chard Sr. l18in Sag.been anc of them. Let's keep Bowmanvillc Hospital andý7'ý- "ame18 P erry 4, ind- frape ne wîhl soon be well.sudr Say .PatFrry goals b home agaîn. Peiu.unassisted Bir In the Edtor's Mial Mrs. Rachaci Dennisspn lromM clu1tyre, Lane from the Christmas weckend with 7,-P, Owevn rom Healcy; Lind- 94 Thomas Street, ber son Ah Follard and Mrs. say gol ieMGregor from Oshawa Ont.,, s.w, noy; Lywod. ITues., 26 Dec., '72 Chrstmas dinuer at the home Fi.Als Dear Sir: of another son Elmer sud his Cae9Alec Martin sud Seasou's Greetings. In wif c at Courtice. odBarsCo)nsolation "B"l today's issue of the Oshawa. Several Newcastle miembLes: Tinopl1 itWiner-Port Hope 4, Times there is good cav-ýer- and their -wives of th e Bow- Necatl 2Fot ope, goals age on ReirlG en I;wi îl legioln hecf il byu Do rmCarr Cook, ment for aur ucw area. 'FTche r memlbers ta participate unssstd;Bllen from Bald- paper shows four miaps, 111 ftic Fresident's Party on ree, i Bule romn Sidey. New 1798- 1802-1900-1974. That is New Yeac's Day,, Legion SETEBG2PA E LYRDLIVRDT casiegolsbv im wo;k1u 176 yaes Fresîdent Edmund Maer was frmn ald Rowley, Bon Pot- pr'm from early pioncer kept busy through many hours fer fconm Jamie MacInnis. sok yfte a8 er of handshaking as the hall Y U HOME FOR WAREHOUSE VALUES.'W Camile 10-Newcastle Gar- aid sud lives ln Bowman- continued to fi. Duriu the v-e Championshiip '<A" Trophy vle early afternoon, a draýNw ws ECH PG AS SPECIAL -SAVINGS 'FOR Winnýýer. Ws Rouge 6, Port l'm proud of those people made ou a color tehevision, Fery . WstRouge goals by of long ago. They were wbich came ta NewcsstleyI OR PNA 93 ,,W DJN Mai-frm Carnie, 'Mari frorn ie a-eig hyke when Lloyd Ferry claîmed fhlUD OSO E T9:0 ..W DJN Turicontte sud Carnie, CarniCi what they were doiug when winuing ticket.____3D 0CME ARY NDB FI TINLN. from Klm sudorit lî picked the Ares ta from Mari sud Canule, Mar settle lu, which is within iPRO A ~~~~~' fcmTurcotte, Mon from 'Pur- fhe regional ares that lias RENDAT SHOPPING O LY PLEAS Pote ort Ferry goals by been laid ouf in the hast K N A Gbon fcom Bealey and 0w- map. This is one of the Cnsus ni Gibson fromn Healey sudî richest areas iu Ontaran d Chita visitors with Mr LIMITED QUANTITIES. Owen. L nuassisted. perhaps ahi of Canada. 'anid Mns. Keith Wood were gantam Tournament These pioncera left us a Mhr. aud Mrs. John Sa chik lSt Came-West Rouge 4, weathy ares which ha sud Debble, Mr, sud Mrs. Stan Nevcste .West Rouge been let dowu aocety by Boy sud family af Cour-tic, scorrog StvePound, i goal, letting the contrai of it 'ail and lier father Mr. Jas Ily I aiat'î Degýerdon, 1 goal, under a buncli of amateurs Mr. sud Mcs, Leonard Boyi 1 ssst BllCannai, 2 un: wlia caîl themseilves poili-sud family spent Christmas asîtd ol. Newcastle ticians My estimation with Mr, aud Mrs, Fred Ashby, i, scru-BiuMikios from are nathing butf "Big Frogs Port Hope. Biily Me!(Pile. Cordon Blaker fi Small Pulddl-es", 1Wth Mr. sud Mrs. Boy Lit- from Kevini Hawens,, For that we hiave only tle ou Christmas vere Mr. sud 2nd Came-Port Hope de- ourselves ta, biame. 'Flec Mii. Wayne Balley sud fam- featd FrtFer 3-2. Port samaîl turnout at the Poils ihy, Orolna; Mr. esud Mrs, Rau- Hope sýcoring--Tomý Fitzpatrick on 4 Dec, '72 for instance ald Ditiner sud tfaily, Port ý goals, Jimf Davidison 1 goal ws ueample. Thase wlio Hope;ý Mr. sud Mrs. Rick Neal Rasmssn an d Montcit1il gat aut sud voted are ta lic aud fL,,mily, Port Granby- also ilk;p)ssst.Port Ferry congcatulated. Those whaiMn. udMcaiJ, iti su scoring B-obert Evans 1 goal didnit - A Disgnace! 'I'iiy Bannie af Os! Kevin Martin 1 goal, Jour nwwi hya re. Lt With Miss C. W. Stewart on Lloyd S. Youing. Logan of Orono.I Christmss vi sitars with I ' , t' Hellen Boyd were Mc. sud Mca I ,' G ra nd ÙI"'p nin 0,0 0 Famer of Elizabetbvile; Mc. , A g.. ansd Mca. Deunis Clow Of Port] a' rS"'S E~ THURSAY, ANUAR i ~1973 Hope, Mr. Rounie Claucy 0 THURDAY JAUARY11t, 173 oronto. On Suuday ther wcre Mnsd Mca. George Beau~y Boutique-Salo Mc.sMa. Roberti ou11g- mû, -'0rýer )fý .D'manan family Spent Cist Mr3 eerlY Lake, Manageresa Don Thompsonafoutc The friendly ____________________land ou Sunday tliey vitd .L their daughter Frances i tr f r 100/ OFFAilMerm Mnsd Mca. Keith sWoodn he ;ad family pn una yu FOR TRE MONTH 0F JANUyARY Oshawa Cençtre Fri.famnilY of Maple Grave, sent Tues - Wd, Turs - F1, -9'5 Wednesday with Mr. sud Mvsl ýEven1ingS and Set, -Appointment OnIy Keth ooR Mn. and Mca. LanrlyEgna PHONE9137-4483 Bexdale spent Churoa Sun day with Mc.r, Ma.Ae Little, Mr. and Mca. j jh MMLIa 1 ýi , - '%-

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