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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 13

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1~1Estate for Sl elEstcIte for Seae -E n4M L~ra WL pistous__ __ _ __ __ _ __ __si hrst;z n4>l',y 4uets Sew rd a d arii, Mr id Mi a d Mi Jf vls s h m P ) il ( c Mp Ke n M K ay an a nd îy cols as g , a M r Ll y S ru -mens. ~g r ' oe- r.Eu oe.M anil of Baetn eea r r idMs ia ar navi anuarln d covre wthalmînuns ~ FR SLEt rokln; Msal NIfanh b, xS I.rosoin fr as nd nily v sii n u.Rlh Mitrrs;DydadMri hom d plx210 OnTil ure u a M a romia. r A D u F x, S ar1M aSM. J9on Mc a È e:Mr. and, ~,ad r e rc, a n u~ 8L -7 6 1-7ea,>an is el mt ran,o Dn a d G a t weIwt i. u y Bo n Maen a d Bla, Clo ih Mu nand MsL s cl aI r, po~ a~ at M. M r~ 137 King St..1.loiownanvifle bus;Gora mols Griffin and Al- hae.~.ks s*a W IT JUST LISTD01bdro lemPsC $5,O and mis. Don Guiffin oi jSms u.M aritada r e ~haes Mc.Fred M os n Mu. and Mis, Frank Sal.Dan'.tu.S ahrna viib h'ua us homes 2 tocooef0 odM.andi, Lloyd . n Ms.Dnolffni'ueMu ta",trnseL E3 hn St. EasM, mnv eug osin a cuntiysetting wuth Mu. and Ms.cPe aisBt. Phn 2 90or' 23 1 LOTS and LOTJS of LOTS. hassei hîia fiery- M.adMs an uWt h c 10AR AM3bcdronom iV SOMenceAr, nd 623-325mni9 2b645ji Stephenson and iemained for wa,.ie atM.FodLy'.Mu.Jk IaS.Cth hom 01 heted Bat Smiil Anis- 63-764evening. dinner. . Mnd umMis. Wýallac Psams i IirsieBe, faru< Runn gwter. Well!James Robinsonti cc 623379 âecehCiïofieMary si - '86-2283 Satudy viitoI, wîth M .von, Ms et aeEan tyoe u n i.Jh~ indis. Loîne TMcKee ee nd Gaith and isEey Wow ,M.ardMs Mu._.d 1wsiBe't Shea and Cnr ghm patodw ileMot n u.Bi ut 96 ACRE FARM-wîth inuk Banner Passant -623-3258 pluwboyst.,ndFleewb; ,a .Cr agnts d, cir~ sa aga on p aed rad, cailJini c Kée fýand Ponty i a d r l y e _______ pool, Mi. and Mus. Caivin Mc- Bucd ,,aanLindo; Mii ACE vi: ith I NILLE eaand f amily-, lackstock; IS, J, . Rtlfocmi.e aieProsMr bedroorn bu k home. Oit heat- EWTON ~~~~Mu. and lue. Dave Frew andanMu.MryHold adSihad'yteTm Dwaynie. Viewlake: Mu. and famiIy Mr. anr is"Joh ootneea i.W~ Pdi. 4-pce, bath.Bain. pond. ci Mu cp, ls. John Macillen, Ceies- Weh)steî and friy u imBw~a' Excellnt garden lani. CaS hZ1imsfonniegessS",t viffice Mi. and Mus. Don Stei oM J0 i n u.Aa isn îre n i.A umn ,ManiieGogLaus OHW:hdom I ckilderNmssKainSelvg spe nd Chuistmwih Aer ohnCMmins'. Ml InerAnr nyèmdMs ugao.Oh hatd.4-p cri NTecil epeon Aof Toronto;so4n2m sn bat. eucwll kep.i. Pucm Gacs Stpeoamutn i ndMis, Lloyd VWilsn andWhitby; Mus.CarlWancotOsa $2,0.Teîms. and Mus. Gordon Morton of Velerie, West Hili. ter and AgqBomnilc u nr u.R Kenldal andi in the afteno ussweeMscuhWisn nIu.Nora:eBac-Wih ni arl eet -;0 ACRES' Oub!chur. Nw Ithey visziteri \AMis. L. Todà0tu a modem ,oid ~toiage. 3 bri- Memonial Hospital.Mus. Aninie AMeQuedeBlack-1s/toM i us.DnLelu nd r.Lsi ug~ rom unalw A i modem stock; Mis. $id LcyeOf Kirri nri Keith, oMu. Anr ilins e emihg d j'oriece, ue $235A,0.o u and lvMis. Rae Stewartný Buooklin; Mr. andiMs uc o ufinwu îhM.hldy ofmnnto and Mi. and MVIs. ~~Knapp, Oshewa. er Ms!lmrLe. MrkSnCo,,i 0 a OSHAWA: 3edombckTed Laýne and boys, Orono Mi. andi Mis. J. W. lasMin andi Mis. Ken Cchan tohdatbgasgp oreLving and dmfing w,,e also amng flhe Christ- Trno ndMs hlindri chldunneewîhMm o hsCutcecasae îoorn.Two bths. ec. iom ma Day gests 'ith u. ani a ~Glass, Oshewa, sne hrist-A. Sutton,jWausaw. et eu 'th bai. Attachefi garage. 55x MsC. H. ane. BuIDNymcFou POWER, 197: A four.xnonth strike ahadlttie nuclear :stti n ake HulLron was oinp1!eted ii D(eember, masvstosIihi ndMs MadMus.poiSeue. el unpo netî 150Q fi., o. euiflylanri-ý acapri. ail ffic. 5of AdMis. Lennox Vasey eHmet on fild construction of Ontarolo Hyros gneratig Sixtyfouir columois 4 feet nin diameter suppot a douînatank, Goudon Gilîson. f addaugheu ,Ennsî hel issa'" lo t * suoCLOfc.APouf MeNicl spent lest stations to m-eet roicilpower demnandts. part Of the uclÏear contalomnt system Cnstucion at BUce Holiday visitors with i ln:M. iMus. Noîrna Lee,1enn f u wtrtbggiA BOWMANVILLEs: h<- bcd-~ekend here mwith heu par- At attie Bimmta Nn: Mion LanrErWMus. tMu.wWanrie Mus. Wayne Bei-i, l, -, rnoom i stuydanhon nf ,M.and us. Wm. Staple- secton of a seconid coog waer intake was iostalled (top leff(), FJeiueh p en t fuel loiPriimg rnuclear station ratr a Mu n r.Lîi aisn Oi eae. -c. ah.Gi tnan ilwr Crsle irse power Xlwed ri Januiary, and cc ltin - wade bcerce ale uîîn ahiehblîmrgut!ui adsetOhw: u o o rffn 'uea iatteLoy oe ag. skn $3,00 inner guiests with Mu. and . and Mus. Weylie McKeown, OLe' ie'ýtni ynai b-h 197.The plant, ecasi of Toronto on Lake COatauo, was offubcîayoened M. u. andi Mis. Henry ukGloyaidVcfmles± N WýsU: 0 EAi. e tpeti n ami o -bAniMd us.Lionel McKeow,,n,anifnlyM-.ndM.Edethrbeaenn. NEWASTE: 80 mARE 'u.Bitaltnad Ir- Frnwork pmgrssed or turbine blocks (top cnr)a, Febiuary 25 and laschedled 1A be cornpletibis year. Celedon East, Mu. andrd Bif, u.a nMu. oh modm cnveienes.Lare u. ntiMis Clrene L ox gerierating station on Lakte Ontario near Kingstoo, Use ,,of a tree planter capable of imoving treesst Bhntife, dshon'h sw ar.C lOfc ydros irettotally oi.fied plant is due to pxovidIe initial freettroll (b)op le! t) is an exampla i1ýof ydo continuing Suday Serice M .aI Mu. nd Bth M .tL steel baiiCal91ofice.nmciofSLindsa, were poer 1974a m ro o u M .e nd ej raestbhetrýic provemient Iprograiilîtrougli-out Ontario, Pe ivî n od.andu cOR ea.Ai oPdem convni& Miers Dn inkîe yvý Man, The l'ivacuum tbLI1uildinginternai struicture (top îight) for Bruce On<roi,îclidro Photoi Mu. and Mis, Toto Becim enres. On double lot. Ask- IThere n'eue seven tables in' irndathe Pueshyt iemnurchs 'tM.MoeAClyo Teîepoo Iams. play etthMe ceid party iniCom- -Sna o-igteena tM.MueAins loao ing 234,000. ~~~~Chrisîmas Cai-ol Serv ice. Mr. M.Nlo ae<~,Ms muniteHallFridapligt wmh West Hill, MuT. aiMu-s. Don- Rick Glass chose the Chiist-JaneLaeder, Mr. nanI-)1 Afterhourspleas eau: the fhlowig n'iaers îgh n~êui~~auuiaId Bioomfeldc, Montreal, mas.Stouyfuhs esgMiss Lau1rïýa Lvnir Trt- flair Verman - 623-75ý97 lady, Mus. H, Trim, Lowldmuvu n~tvMm .Larmen Hylantihati eeting Lue 212.b u alyLv UIIELSIGSRV ~aryCut~ 35269Cid Bonn Hgl en M 'UUvIClusiastlucuwthbi nie Ciîe MumrMiW£1er LàeBo~ 983-555Bougluen; Lown menIR Brure Ic JoîBansk 7622650-50 Dran,Miss B. M îî a UA OComm t usgHmsnio ude Sholgrlstihome. tM e"- s nI IVand IflP Law*UUEU Port Pcuuy. Evcning tinuer seng, "The Fircet Nol »anti "O Mcan rMu, Jm Alsn___________ - 7-74 e f Tnewana, NY.spentlc ol gu liii*l h rlnesis with Mus. Hylant wue Come AUl Ye Fathfuht The EnvCalsn F-iayhuee 'ih Mu. anti US' Mu .nd Mus.Maurice Sam- Junior clhidren, udriu'jlIIIÊilIIi 11 l111IIIIi~II Wesea Aneron 349269I. Gilimer. Canada iuugently neeis f0tuadinig aiea, výices is ipranpoCaaas lsantifamiiy, Mu, andi Mus. direction ot Mus. Aînold Wil- toms ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii Daisn-2720 iss Mia Logger anti i-eip an over-ahI industulal 'Thle Commeuce pesdatdeeopelno nl ecus oad Sutton, Lori, Dchblc iiams, antiMus. Wilfîed Vinle, I Houatn, isitetie fsorm ray tu cape n'ih ils rp oneiout thai thre Canada-iof the volumre of businterss n- aii iTracy, Mr. Peuh Beuhauy, placet the angels andishep- sisiern, Mus.L. Demiaco itldy cheNgg ecrionic anti US, uooiePaci, incori- volved, but bccauseofeluNe ail o! Peterboroughu, Mr. anti herts on fthe Man-neI boad on fiti U.Lu eSer a o Ie socil envueïionefiaccoding0poaîig a Olimitetiirade ikihisrequireri to rovitie YMs. JhnMeMullen and Carl, which heti bee daw ahi Iphe days ~0Lu . age R. Wtsoflauenei acctre nn uclu 10 many cffIhese services, PontypooL. Thc laînily a < sde n'itb the stars (011e £t peek. Sunday, M.a10 Msesdnat he xctv nvgmt eti ra o i esnlufIhe xiied thelu failer at thebniglut) la thnedistat ky LIIITE c duove if0 Port Dover nKhere alBank of Commerce, tyîy nifuiluýer steps in impovngijoductivityani Dinne antisuppe gues s, A second s>ene sl'on'ed the * REALTURS tamiiygathiering n'as helti at heri9&N&ldMnroee-itJspha: t he 1home o! Mr, andi Mis. CGer:- Att essinug shiartehlticdei s aiÀ, same drection ma13Y leapos- Pruce peorwumne le tohnins nihMs tMagrseewfl oehat 62-403alti Loggeî, anti no less then the Bank's Antnuel Meetiiinlsibilif y. godotsutuing industries anti Lanson antiBruce Sn'euie Mu.lMary andthle doakey-, the Wîhse MIRACLE WrNNF JfNO 63five birfhtcays neeclerttCommerce Heil recenifly, AMu, "Cerf aialy, it is nec-essay !fAbte i-halet services industres anti Muc. Mimin'oad MeKea, Mca, feanms Tisadce'RAH 100Acrmed Far Mi. ati Mis. Pndil Gilmr, edsnftbait fluet the en- recoasider our pohiies ofthiglu hecause Ibis is n'lere of ! Bliack ,tock, Mu. an i Mus. mc 1of lue Ivsomiy anti flu Mîest tultrHue lmKmat enrcouragemnent of sirong gro' aifpoeto atheligltutie direct presure o! conîe- Bruce Heeslip, Nsltn.F-_eteto fu lu4t erviIL îy tumed home Sturday veCs Jeèpht bae sUaWg tuia Mfuomîabînetihaisofeu.elday caîheusailn'eu-e dMis.llFred wluenr Ffedy hentisyband acedceflth u4~inng ni 2-foey g afere cupe wek' l 1~Caad lahu J.7Qs~ docOnicess ta miglit b& uî' Melo ecouuouui-leati- Bo u f Jantrileanlouefiguire5 to foïi-n SN ~rfl. ~ home 60 acres ~da~ la Fiorita He also suggested fietla oluainedhfrm otbercounuiesplook fou197ï, .aissîl wuieBaiunSa-tepitis eecaiVer U~ modernie fluem o! Re. Sneh-the fae of sthngilaaniitirlluer frading blocs n re- rilebcus fcacnhuog.Puoscos TeHato wrbcbaacpsuaniThe te fHrSe-tefc tmuifrth hn seas grave's Suntiay moritng ser- the laluuborceIuntlltfle liuiu- for nmotiifyng Oroui neplymnt Iecomn-NMu. at u omanar hita0 o-I Lemfor -cpry ~ Priiýedit lt aimon n'as "Walclunords for thé 197O's, ciaacpf Iivs-srutr, u si."h in feoom plce oicr ihohu ebr flismsaeradn lk :6 f 92- t9009ers ea1' amliment piojedis anti somte 2v71010calcourse iS10 o recognizee ij 'idiare no'in oed ctou lie famuýPionSuuy at tiie 1-20.9lm Courage anti Patience. The onarenal iogImamsn W. îahyo fu luneienvîu-- lkely Wb le inroducet imn fle home oftMuAnti0Mus.CciFonngfue hitrn' a Sot Oaaw hor ag IlI N Scet*oi amhy'it untllonmeatfo 'tiý-snt bal r.. ew &Uv iey essiKni ehnoi tie. Thiois n'as ua etafue thie, lhoay r- av 4eSa 1 qui e u-eHan hwna- Wlet GotiCa Do". 19330s, niglut luesiated i ix legi ir o-snera d le cnmc ciiynilb ahnro hi olc u.f tofa fle Suîua Sc!hnolI lawih bdrom ati2 iss HefucoBs o!To-e97 sf0prvie tiitonlaonesios orfle ioucs aifenei t srog ac l Witr en's85h irluaytiOn f sngCluiirassaol NBO V' baf huoSeprtetii noanti Mi. ery at of mpoy mWW ent. d whcIh Canada cný e c r-93Bsns nesmn aa 'l safmiyCrsra fe 'ih le eevdt£11 Voon-, fmepiaceinishet i iec.f JWiby n'eue n'eekendi Thie bscojcieu nduce, heving regard 10 flue pantanieqOpienfFehe Fuy.C E mEfaos. Sats20ç 7 D ronm iland tiibe atacheti gues i 'i u.anti Mus. ]ROYindustriel str'atcgy shoutileu-aldojetieso!ouoe- nith invesiment in invetores, Cluiimas Day -guests wilh!r~ytn garage. $41.900, BesI. On Sundïay, ail n'euesu- o eveiop a mix Of pohlcios o nomm1c policies." shou lit ho a laîger inIcrease Mr. nti Mu. MareeMs udyS Concert AGAE' Itoom b RamisPeuguiesaetizaeluhiedsint nt ouldth le econ-nMm. Wadswiîh also fifIha n lM172 adluouing o1i- Dianne Meurs, RO ewa, Mi. OnrTuesdey evening Drec RS RS î acieW mucîrpvr ihM. niMs o o' oym lebs obe "hat oppamînniles fori- incua- es arc Mhikytale meuntmd-IantiMu.Rab Mèe Peter- 19, fle childîc o!flue Pues- po Klrp7deladon Nen' Year's Day, femnork saliffsi teli- iaig icceps fIom nexpoîf et aimoe tatuheirpreseaf borougl, andtihM. Allen AMtes, yican Suatiav School hlc Tî1i-e,rP1vteceenin n- alwrpinr ussuil e !Cndes, u as fccii ain types a! services level. Thle firm upn'ed renH W by heir aaaeh ChI istImas con- LE~ F~-udswilmmig Pool. , 3 Mrs. G. W iknylaPoil Hope. noîusait. cui bote sCaaabe apersnii ncai nýoe 13sxeci -Muant inus.Oliver Rohmer cemt C fi u ~ 4tmoorn2 belluioom plusfia- Th~e Annuel Nen' Ycaî'Eve orn mrmb bod h esmore soplisîlcefeti anti to contIinul-e andtihle coook wrSna veil njFol]oing tflusnig o! "0_ v-. m-r. omn'ith uwei bar1W aremovig bonntiin flue pruvoà1 i o u eta i rade is Ilîcfome n'eue Suntay oveiniglut ant ad indirt Iigluing. Extr at 'sblilce suui tg faditional mîvei senrvie.Il nould nof only favorable. la addition, the C;s"s usso!teisn ener b M.Rick Glas, w ~rua.Muilu se. 5 00repasi iin tbe Suntay Scluoo seîor, 10ant extatitu 'eomc b c each 35c pkgsl.lmq dds? doutbe gre. Many beg0,'innn 't unto1private anti public s- sltmul t e amhofcnt but souernnti oranwaine ex pswaunRohmer in Wbitby. Ihe parents anti fientis. ____________ batieedtiby sorne 1.32a e,'type o! hybMitiecononyf Cana, da oi o aMes Jolt unsmn'a u u n cSave 10endch ïr tachrcrize ei IIIalnc acestfueihferei fueiprvmetMody u at Ms.Fu le igrn, rg c rried Well Below peusons. Leter, al îepamred tby increasîng byin- flan' o! services fa peopleant i-ecnîom-iccndiin ateI uRheGeî,Seh-Cuggvea'ecm"ci LRIAN.IWIT rP Rcp!acement Cost Calumuniy HA1l, where tflfertepentience befweea flue QW n hmewr oskitsn h uirg beduoo, liisfoîe faimNen' Yem n's offciaii n'el-privae ant publc sectrs ~ ganiationIahmo Y-eforUnitt Staes, Euope atigniuantiDougien'aieho fafou-tlion, lue Jnioreirls play exempletrevel ati touusf(Japan 'luicluis generally an- e!ml glei n TeSynmbos o! Clustms home, atacleti garage. C-cornt an'"rusc oiam"ng Iumous grourps n'lh- we Mu. anti Mus.Stephen arocsitation "hyby YvOne uii KAAP EF1 RUt ITIO pleîely renovatein n'uth air dancingrsuppLie5;- anti vaious types co! busines"drfuesecrcmîa Sa ati Cheiaene, TratFiuled'a ly "eoiiSzr 48 ponitiniag tfluguuî45x Orchestre.a na etas" nWts îies rilu nishpigtiiaei.c ianti Mu. Dave Smith antijusLîUt", flue Begiineisý o bain wifh nateîanti hydro. u.F i 'u d ucs !seceOs SUcl s hwoeairi- dle UCane cnomy soni ElbRmeBLM "hluilya FES EDE Mr n r -C3& oPformlaîing pohicy, lue addteti, by engineering fi u nti achieve aful'ucu rincrease o!f og ii u niCes "i lrsmsBxFEHTNE Sé meer se.Sn ogtednrguers"bA wl luud f ee 0 cns0ea o fnncal fîVanie alsercet Doia ne oant i imrny, eacileton by Ricky Figueir- s~tes clgaag.Pls47Mr nr rs eo-rge KimbalI, soiaiant eniromeaa h-insmuit'Iins. .7-1K-Ie ndaha pr n ~tee meeaf shge te- 'Uanttnder.aaunti five(]Port pcry.Relatives cfî edo; ly mn ac12k DL I nce'o crioice Dfaim l',e vcwastLe, Nen-'cYa's Day. jcîe sneua cnmcBetn'een 1960 anti 1970, ormoire li-cral GPanti someBilluCumin'îafeBbyJs;acmaW~ Pr eIUR I1 Schoni bus Pt toor, $54,900. Mi. ant ILMS. Walhace Boueiiiiitdth edtgviu mpoerin i h glenneî iunr ucfs ht ols',ni if eq1uiic flue piu Caada.ulina cdfluldeici.grdua imuovmen "nflu ueir ountny Rereat dayn'iet Mis. A. Bue La' f ticiafion o! al seclors a!fieonf ,mitant i shipping seri- level o!unemployaun, ennachesSlrds alccd Tii-lu 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fri)11 ye4otClnaldsg ofHpe nil'uaic~ nm ni i ei flue ! c e uilu icfo bsnsssi.iHne r lenupward Mu. anti Mus. Don FPr~, Fok" ncriie Jss;H UT orne~da on1 ce !sei iati M -S,. BlvIn en adlooIý .sces rseveutluthype pi ssursoucseeno eelAa h Vil.?arciaipbyDbue utn The1 main meson o h ra ae $0 lonl Iikelvla ubsie sgiflatwlcoet ohe mmb o b Pgg nti Sot , Orne Din rL Cc~ i aipetywih îek.2 at- col nt Ms.Cada, unolugl gonthrae a lu lba 160faebuf$50 ilio i îmi~sretrinugmesuesfle amiyonSude fu oe, usc y aren oos im oomra.Laeas uppor geî. defp orclutgfu ea n 90 hi îugao! ser- area nîrotucet," Chrieimadn n.uc sfviden"wtuhecgrg- Vm. MFee -725-1796 n'arien as prngrae conven0lrS, la flue nexf decate, Per' ,<1PUIpauty. Gucats n'eue is feilur lyn aniDoughlaLidsay, Rchaut Davi on n'memit lu_____ID~M. antiMuSidney Coin- HlI ncomne may Ylue mig ant mother, Mu.ant IbMs.GcPt fouChIstmnas w'th' day dinacu guestsn'hlul10 Ml'lut /z PIC Ms. ,isses AMary andt Wentiy stganghy wlile epniue lueWillamns, Nestîcton, Mus. 'R. W. Ja-ckson anti ALa,ntiMM.CrlBlltDav Comnislu.neeNen' Yeu's Day for elemnly anti secondai-y M.ti s. l&Dogas Fail<aCeamU e, eu Miss amilyn anti Kim, LecaktiaeThie D- Wm FINE qUALITY ucsio! ms.G. Amaur antd ucafion antiforsocial 5cr- Glenn, Lawuence anti CarlJacksn, BeaveitwuA bc uantivisons spent Chrisîmas with MI , ïl MONUMENTS AN'D Ms eteAmnHamnp- ..ces may lue puapartianaîly.Boinmnvile, Mu.anti Mus. Mus. Geralti Jackson at teison antidagtinl',HI PS . .. IK U MARKERS bo, 'îes o i lute eooy" aat Wiins an i ily, f amily,fPaît P y M. niM.anti M s. R. DouglaIs DE- ,,, ,,NMis Lànta Bmoa w 's a1 The ext m enviionaUca hew.Ms alJcsnanti in lPterbomongl-,The ï- fleguwrinisdsýa5y fleurnoon and evon- beamajor c9isida ]P. anti Mus. G, Ceorge Bo'- i amilyOFo! Necon. Bllot famîîy joineri thenifor RECORDS ,dg gues f Nu-,r on ndviga na-o badt fuir gatlucing on Tlue famili gatheuing aIeeCnInnn BROS jj le. at i.A hîo ra lacyfrCanada, blu uismas Day wlueîuail !0hu tasnitu .ani MuTos.' Silicere 2ypa. i x neeSaluMiay vcning gues munsa it Acnl giego f le dm her amîy neue p ues ltvRiurs diw ben Aldt i' . tedet1 uan ti Mu tal deArhAI Mu.ant IbMu. RHo Rn'and MSates on the Canadiuen ocon 're is.DmoahyChapm9e, ,.Richard NMacKcneeanti dca hi- lis fether la G-er-1O o Dson M'ae fauiyBwevh;Maty, le empluaizeti that tisJ!! y ntiLse ouM CareM. anti Mu. Innmenu Mus. Don Siephrnso nd nti juteRving n omrlBy osabeJerry B on'eîs Scott, Cluarles antiJe'nnierCi Àua ueî wt J»OIE Im&On pnNew inicrts befween flue f1-0 ofDryden, Mr. ant i Ms,EBort o!coryvihie bntiMu.R-n- ut s H 'amd Lee tant i ~I' li Ms. Hemlti Murhy anti caobscur7e flue impnorlence o! an'a, Mss Iris Reimer, ohl- IrsnSetir lisnaining o fu Lrîe Leý, Dnna, aneantidain x lIanninanle! Tievai, fin1ancial anti traiing tîansacf awa, àMu. anti Mus. Raîplua fen tiaa nitluheuson anti Ronald, là. antiMr. aet-1 Mi'anti Mis.Kouen anti ins ith oluu rlaOSo flu oeaant ipmlTrnpmi.Wso nibos od M re .'.-6pm. LIMITED bleuta .Sfr-oon Taranto spent nont, parficuiauly fle Eluo- u. antiMu. Wiiuct VbineHoliday vi.u ituM.MantiMuAïuthrc 4, 133 ieau's w i u. nti usp F(non '0tailclutie BainIntdWilliamu oti m es atiaa, vwuMu.sun Mn. d,icu ueluon i Ima I - frein 318Dnnas t. . WhtbyîEnegvaC 'tiA a Mrs ip m ad e] PauFl Basin Pmu.BalBon"(u,aio!T- tîFbrLan atiihVi.mtM.VelL, pun Nn vr net enn lult ýI ïi> Î,ýc T6 3-33I cc!-0 rwT PhneWhtb 6S35~2j Is rn-aminyfia hou!- ountis- aniIlue p teat ;tSwsanBcktk M anDluiatiDvi ù>1c cBo zn'fu ouîulrg rM iwaibo moensk%, Mi. iDMuaDeumlt am u i snti S tMu. andi'M b Iu AWmisj ~ 2 -3 3J ,(OE FQAIY i

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