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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 4

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have reacneci ig nig ntsof promijn- enice, wils awy onterh r~d iy and approachable. Hfe obviously liker] people and cnod talk tA theim on their ownlvldiýscouin[ting bis owri great oe ithe scheme of woIrld vet 01ur. rclose aisociation with LW jk e P-earson beganwIer lie wa-ýs ithe Sc taýry of Stateý for ExerF Affair-ani we we e a iowiy back bencheri in the Pousqe or Conrnons, TJhe faCers \werc goo t usii tht e weire etret serve on the Extai Affais Stadng, Comittee for SeverIal years, when wvOrld cises weï-C piling u1p on~ e r nother. M Pearson pae an o-ut standing part i solvng niany of tlome- sitatins hatocuid hv tre h i1-iird WorC)Iji War and w e ,vce ekeptup LO date on those problems through the. fréquent informal briefings- thatliea gavé the committee. Later it was our good fortunpe to 1be)a'parr t li and dc-legtnr t o the Uited Nations whre we gi saw Mi. Pearson hii actionan bçgan tofuyrele the genulliine aIfecý- tion and esteem h eld for hlm bydcee gales fi-rm alil the countriesrprstd thýre. Canada waýs ovcn f' the mlr nat"'ions in thlat body but Mi'. ern' pr îrig ad influenice adtsco- tr -e f the most iprat vve arc oniy one of a vaut numsbe-r nI Cana ienan itzn higli and low o! o{eý enris wowll rasr threir proa eoisof this unýiique man wh-om they willalyscsde with prýide as haviýing been 1aSgre3t friend, Qr sineresyrpa)thy roes nut toe isý iife end femily whlo have ufe a grat osi, Bt, t'L he mnost rgi ls is byCndân ild tCaad:l;is, Mcn of Mik Persn'sstaiture appear arlyini a nation'shisory and thir achieve- ments are to e h lerished. Regional Government'? anyJ ",fi iLantic ia1,tro ubl es. T he fanei, ri(, aud-- f altting AleruIral people Are geing e hosaddled rid ncet- with a bill to e hlp pay the, debts of the nl since cites and towus, The bureaucrats zwho .A gond havep proposod i lsregien lad botter iscussed, wako ip before it is tee Late. Tloey are R-rgiu oing tce iut orff tbe hand that f'eeds ohlutio n, tliem, If tne fermer's expenses go much creation, igler, le Wil hve neoicue but te es nIf soelIis f arnite some nmonied business- quite a ManU r p0c1 aorand rnove tetown d o not This is happeniing far tee olten. lu ail t. 'Lteoo- niry cases ithe fancrî eases tno per- 1 1hae Fiats a productive enterpr'ise.Taa Lentae leok at theo anea dowvn arouudc Toronito ont, net and e wLl sewhait I amta1lking orndabouitRuissia neglIected 1er anciua Cmont jMpodUction' n o she las te pour - T 's of dollaýrs inte ilunrder te pIe concerning know the an- "Look aethîe IfAT SERVIC- 'uimeni give Lus haVe, Or could nether answer t ,, You 1g"el a r FORWIO s dIO net lhave I laverad about sev"era muas hin it ljlrposed ares wlo arecoene about leing Uneir ideutity.Tley wll Stijl Sur'vive ifl tboy de, býit we cenuiot surve if un lose tls farmen. I say le île farmers and rural pen- pie, "WýAKE UP 'NOW\V' and stant aisk- ing queistions. In place of souding bniefs te Mr. M Nugîton, send hlm poil- tiens! YOu yl ave mtil the end e! Febrnary te o ,se, accerding te île pro- posai, 'before Iîle goverument stan pro- c(eodigs te oaIdd more inancialude te yomm. Norman Mains, Councillor of Cartwrigli Township it wais le Wvatcl Jont on île menu., aI, menu soul. But nessed sdstud- -itatiou on meonu tihdVe minerai and rocks, wleýt amll elegsited tWO kniOW. st Illt î le, The Cîniistian lhinst fori, ow eqtedEvenl Teans ence le iyranik as maui's Vhcentuiry, chaI- sceveries nf île tien sud atornic Durhaim County Establislied1 Also The B& The Newc Second ciass mail reg Preduced every THET, JAMES PUBLSHIlNi q2 66 King St. W.,1 GEO. P. MORRIS Busii-iss Mca. CUIrS& in la 4,4.00 power, perlaps 1Vi,,-,letto1 fr ies n us pvilee -,t wiesst aiuimr te othe rr tig, uisiyedp regres are no deubt superior toestais and self- satisfactien. ilt maiy le, tee, lat we la;ve dis- co Ée le Apollo programis because nothing turned up that was uuoxpecl1ed or outide tho reUîn of plysics sud hIe- Ionsý as wve know tlsm. Tbere wvere ne1 gt~o een mnjouIsters, sud .as Ihose fiction llas uised te people man's imag- inings:,about le e-nron aund olber parts of, tlh ie rso. o îl layanhat las beu learned about île menu and space las Issu an extenion o! our kuowleýdg4e of the uiv\erse, net a radi- cal de]tne. u ils lî,it is Cern- fortiiq lu thinik I liîe Aolopro- granrmaablïe though ih as beeni historically, nay illustrýate that eve.n île fapîhosi renches o!foa' unknown maiy prove t) e nmare Vlan the cap- tive nItoonowsfamuiar. ~reaî Fc~rniJy Journal years a q o hi 1854 r 1561 Phone 623-33,03 DONALD BJSHO0P PL'ANT Mca. -jon this pno. Perminian to ît'by photýgrapbis 'l-,fset the prîntei. &ny unmithoriied i1 tbe nited Statee (hýy Fcste>' Y M. Rse TIbc beardcd ir-is eelaeii year. Thoy stood Wa and sleek, le aprimio and gOldthe mauve an~d whe ln îlbe arerie meody of laie June - the baby Bahitimnore Orinies were laie ariigin their w ee pin g-wihlow nest, and île song spanrw cheeriyp Iped lis tîree-note iay throuigh île cool eveniing. Lt was sumnmer. An 18-year-old paddedl barefo-ot, and an azýure sky framed hor gle hein as she moved buoyaiy inu mini- skîrt up the siope in toonrow. There was shade in the tewn park where Lne old mrai- sa, cdeep iu îthe trecery nI lis,;dreeis; île gree-n grass weïs dotted wvitî sunlight under tlie lense-leaqf canopy of a spreading maple; wvhile;a cocker spaniel clased bis teil roundïan-d rouind iet l ake shore, Sumris a sa-ndy beach. On D)ecemben 29, 197'2, Canadama rnsaecapital pu-isîhmenýt. Whetîoer sl'e dees or net, is up lu il0e individluel Canadien. Suriely île Cînristianr position is dlean, The laitl whicl is base-,d nu hioe, whiicl seeks a change of beant,ae niew man, cannai, countounance île ad- mission of lopelessuess which île iuse of capital puniisîment imrphies. The Old Testament, Iroqueutly cailed upen le supporýt capital puuisl- ment, calîs ber île deatl penalty for e numiber of ethier crimes. Amnong ibem (listed ini Exodusý), are stnikiug oniles sediomy aud sacrifice Vo âauy oller God tIlin Yho.Oller recipieuts o! lhe deail penalt y are edulterers (Leviti- dus), 1reeiius sens eud ucat brides (Deutielnoomy). If we eiaim l ie cnitn follewers nf tle Old Testaî- ment lIu weareremakeby lenient in ouypunishiugmudeerviftthîe deell penalty! Ln this age o! rebellions1z sens sud tunofficial enaes iea folowers o! île Oid Testament wilî kepîle humnwel ccupied. Enightoned chnirchinen sud citi- ze:ns, however, will suLre!,y Tstnive insteeci to look te île spin'it nI Jesus sud te, bniung it te bbar upoin île issues of our tuie. The -New Testament niowhere. deals eýxpiicitlY wilh île Subj oct of capital punishyxieut, but one of a nium- ber of eveuts tlet relaie te il is ihai nI tle wem--an taken i adu-ltery, whose guýii was ni questioned. Accordiung te thle kgaïistie application nI île lew, she shoufld lave boen ex,ýeCuted. JeSUS breugl( abouit 1er release. !u a cempiex ago sud bas ouris wo cainntai pproacl an issue hlike tIiisl quetiuig texis. WVe must bring an ou- ligieed sui ad cnmpassioaeo nscience te Cle i.ssues. The total message nd île Bible interpreleri in terms of ouir 1ewn codtin s the Crelevant ithing. Mauy mrdersare nime's enpas s;io1)n sd îleengekierdsnt consîider tle cnsqenes aPy sud' and s pic e By Bpil Smiltey l n the Editor ' s mail mn Àleighlbor's andfies lor ptheir kindeat exp)res- siens ofsy atydig hp loss e adar sonji, SVe- floral rbu, cids anrid tlepphonie cais from fricinds and~~~ -cuitnes lua) out ofHec, t.Spca was unable Vo.Maytnk 25 YEARS AGO Thinrsdax. Jan. 14, 1948î The newly cens ttu te Board aI Education lemcd Dr. J. C. Dovitt as cara and new inembers oeths hoard, Edsall Oliver, M1s gWinna Coaukeasd Rev.J. De Pencien Wnight sud last yoar's tmemberýs, -Dr H. su Alex McQegor; Sec'- Treas,, S.R. James, ri e entire board wors in agrce- mont uwitb W . L.aterson, chairman (f the building cemmitis, that hs building of hs now vSouth War d -Publ lic School wîll ho proced- ed wii th iis yar if inècýes- sanyaranemnt cnho completed. Or-ono Fisb sud HuP. nt Ç'ilb bld a meigls weok c<iii hs Masonic Hall whnDr, . A,FMKni showed 1a nmben et osis e moviug pirtures taken lest summer. A lunhsud lsocial tume were en]joyed at Vh clfose. Januery meeting oet Haip- ton Won's Instiuts wans held luin hs Sinuday School room w uith vice-president Mris. onypresidiug. Thoý fellwiug motios wer eca- id: aui YsPbepdodn- aVe $50 te Tamblý!yn Food fror Bitalin Drive, sach!gronip maike oes qLît ifor aven- ypan. A comtt f tMrs. W,,'. W. Hem, Miss Ruby Col- will sud Mrs. rcs uns appeiuted le look ater ths needy. M.r. W, 1. Paterson, vice- president onhmNurs- en, will attend Vhs iebig- tion convention in the wvonld et Chicage. 1Mris. L, C. Sadn al Grov, was lunTai-rntea couple oet days last weck attendiug he Federation et Agicutue Conventin. Major VWallyBraden, D.S. O0, neceived bis modal sud cetfct ram hs R.,ing lu au nvettueaiBuck- ingham Palace prier e- turnîg home. St, Johnr's Men'11s Club celed the fëoeing effi- censo for 1948: Heinerary PrsClarece B Tell: Vice- Prus, Lawry Cryderman; Sctay- TreasurePr Jack Vo Captain sud jM-s. onl RiLt4er formemlyfronir3ow Manvill) and Revcrnd McICa-w for their couIsDïlng wordcs. A seil huate myný relatives wo oe om Vo) help ime s muh wen t needed thpm, and special hanks to hp Duguays ( m-y neigbors)%VWe nd elH Me- Laughlin -and othners whber provided Vanfntto r mees M mudm otselyandi Anmstreng Funeral Home fOr r 0 éhslp t wvouJld aise like Vou wish 49 YEARS AGOr» Thuisday, Jan 10, 124 At hs ecebeFxecuL- ive meetingr et hsBew- menville ChamofetCnri- meice membor'Is peetin- ulnded Genieral John Hgh es, ros.; Moýssrs M. A. 'Neal, T. Hl. Knight, W. J. ,Archie Tait, C. A. Cawker, Alan1 Camiphell, Guo. W Secetry.A esontonwas pasdte vrite TwuCanar- cil reqestingtatthe sue0w lyenforced negadsae Vhs unicpalor social pos- ition et thc attendonqs, AtiVhs1ecebdmeeting ef B'owniIlle Wamien, s Instfius beld at he hmo eftV1 Mis. Milton Jameson, Vhs President MsMW.B. Poilard ocuioed hs chair. 1h% prorai ,eus e tan- addnsss zb-; mrs, W dm on -Our Flag'n, oliowing \whi(h Is f . R. Tbompson sang "WlI neer lott hs o"Cd flag falli' sud a plana sio by the Misses Gladys sud Doris Jmeo.Next meett- ing wéil hoat Vhs homeoet Mrsq. F. 1C.Jee Mrv. sud Mrýs Alpha P 1inclh haâve gns ou a thrss myou hs- trp np te Cieeadj, Ohlie', sud El Pase Teas. P opulatin l 192il Bowmanvills 3ï5"4;min rate $2209279; inraso $38,786 over 1922; bjrths ,ý90,. mer- nages 3w, dets m, Dominion St ores Lid weekenid Special will te Pure Cane Sugsr, 10 1%s $11,100 lbs. $1090;e Seedîs slNavel ranges 45w, 55t, and $69c dozen, (Chrlïist- mas: week 5,000 cases were suld), Lec(ket lest on King Sîr.eet onWedinesdiay afternoan, a baby's small gokllocet.Re- -wsrd tonretu t VC) ïs Pone CoauBowmfanvillje, Phone 270. Inte slist etsuccessrul studernts aeths Junior Cia-s exams etAVSOntanieCol- lcoeoetPhanmcy, Cynil -E. Souch should have been, cndtdwîth obtaining hou- Tme annuel mceotig et île West Durbtu Agnicu- turalSeciey will hohld on SommusdayJnany ust. Riepo-rsasd electir of cf e- ticers ýwlll ho yeene.M J, Elîhoti, Pros,; J. G.,e ClÉlan, o'y yen ail a Hafppy Y ear. Sincet-ely, Heln, Darla, Ja, Maia an(',Roger Ncosn Tor-onto, Ontanjo, flecember 29, 1972 Mahy t respectfutllycon- ment on an itýem appearing in the local press of a fe'w days ea, sud %which fon ed part et a statemnt on~ the rogionFi gvrmu proposal, by Mfr.Duls The item reneferd ate i Vhs enarFw-e r Mr. 1 Moc)ffaàt states I gave bol te bis que.stion lconcernîng he fu- ture status oet hes Northumtýi bsn- Durham S Chnoo0l Board. The answer 1 gave, as quoed by him, aras te the effect that there wvould lie no change, t necHAî saking hands with Mn. Moffat, andl ex- chan.-ging very briefly so11me casual romnark.s as we weree makiug curowa eu etthe Crowded auditorium, t dÏe îloV recal making ithe state- mennt hie attnihutes te mne, but if in hsexchng qe Vielows with hlm and Vhsý, people arouuld me atLthe tueii, tia1 reol al the steve rsmark,1t must akfor forgivenepýs âqas ihar 114 fscV.t rrniformationn- which to base, such a state- inent. proves VohoacepsbbVh fuuesta'tus fOr hns shool boaýrd bounies wîi(- xll no doubt hoe includsd, if need- edt iu the Many adjust- mon-ts that wllhonoes sary in he formatin of the Thsnkýing yon f or ,youir co-opePrai. Yurs voryVrap, Alex Caruthers M.P.P Durhsmi. Sir: The PrsîentetNicara- gua has cailed upon CAREý Vo dSSSin p vh i Vin uig- oniyneded food for 120,- 000 mnr, womn ad id ron et the stieken city of Mjanagua. CAREpersonnel are ai- rdyon týhe job ) nudeir tho directon eof R/icr. gua's resident director sudr supplies are being VrWke ïr tram warehoui;ss il neighmboulg Honduras and Coea Rica. MIedJi c a1 Per sonnel firni the CARE/Modico lt e a m ststioned in Choluiteca Hlon- dulras hvemovo d into 'Vhs hospi al i li Chianidega ta care for the ijured sud Medico doctors sndjnurses arwe red'terecoive injir- ed evacuessin Cholute-a and Saute Domingo. Becaue o ette consioný et ig4anagua aiqrot which bas already roacbed serions proportions, Nicaraguan au- thorîties have aske(d that no more supplis esosenti hy air. CARE is net thons- fOre accepting donsVînns of comdclothingblnkiretc'. Howsver, funds are urgent- ly lede 'or fedcingan sheleringthe homnees suc- tims and caring fer he in- jnred. Contribionis shoud be sent as seron as posibl t hs CARE Nica r ag uanr EFrthqnsk IFnnd et63 Sprk S, tawa.' Thomas ý k-ino, Naitional Director, CAME SIAR AND SPICE Winter strc wit, sure anid wih- out mercy this yearivedasbeforo-- Chrstms w'd aciabout two foot of rnewin those parts, along wvitli the i s u Fl conmib natiton o f bli jzza rd-force wlinds and a gonernus sprkhing of freezing rein, Todlay, witJh my drveApuýgged 'agaiand rm-y eidewalk drViftod in afoot dee~ ad ysef sih nusin adéep cold contracted twomonLis ago, I'd lie just as happy if somebedy imarched me out, stood me with my back agains thîe garage, and sh1ot me, right undor the flower-box- Lt wa rt ucer oia et our plae. twasn't plarned; Ut justý! turned ou thatvay, l'Cl bouight t(he u sual.pair1 of !tres , a s Prut1c e an d a 'Scot 1chý sck to put thiemr up and they sit by lie back o r, forlorn, covored wvith srn o nd ice. ThIc Old 1Lady cu li er cn round OU 'filu and jus-t dntfeel like coping witlif amiiy, docecratiens andc thie wlole Chris'tmas' scramble. she was-7 evon taon Ick lto asI mie on te greator heiît, hich Ès rmiglity sick. W. lhad hm rgfor our stv dinner. Mise hree hldyparties and, had to canel Our Own. Ddn't een get eut1 LidurcI Thoulitdeseraelyo! fleeing tIc whlole thing, going to M\lontroal to spend Christmas withîn-umber onue son, and eating e)ut. Couidn't get a plane or train tdicktanddidn't Melup to drivig. Thougît even more desperateiy of fleing soutlli, wlatever the cost. Saine thing. No soats. Dintget our cards started, let aoefinisled1. Didu' gelt he wrPeath of hlyon the door, or tho isleoeUp. i fact, you- name it, and wec didin't get it done. This is a solomni warning te wlo- e.ver is in charge of things. If tliey don't getý botter s martiy in 1973, tlere's going te be trouble, I'beon tîrougýh ito rns o! ent-botisand about Î00 pnunds 'or calcium talots, in an effort te shift rÉiy cold. ýIl worked. 1 shifted it freni n', iy hoad te mychosi and back again and now its pouotrated as bar as mny big tee. My, thlis IS a dreary littie recital Well, yýes. We çdici enjey geitting crsfrom al thI-e old fieds t's goýcndj to know that flot eve(rybhodïy las one- foot, both pyial and mentally, oni the edge of the grave. And there -is the dhee ring thouýgl't Utameerythng has ne place to go but uip. Luckytatamne ouitpelled riglit, Typed il wvitl-î my fn scosd Andthreis one thing lte harig oun for. We'going lte go seuth for a1. e inMac aýnd try to mkethe suI n Ar' tle rum put some cljile back into the, reluctant bones, on cu Car iiien n ewek p'ire under apam ree, even cifli-sperjni- nen. t' a oterwa]y 1togo ta nw sheoll hartattac, or gettng ioF in a bli7zzard btee(hp nbuse anrd garage and bcing froze'ý"n tedeth batteries before plunging back int the long wintr er rmn Wld'tpou kr'ew7 Ut? Ths ea, ithCrsînsanle Year faiiing on Monday'we getexacliy three days e oiaiefom tbl. legai onos. I kno)w w1atyou're Saying. "Eatyu er utal, Oh, uwell,ii, ou an't wnIm al and I've vwon soe oodeus. d admiîtthatm feein btlieJob eXcept for tebus t hon, f ore even,. I gue',s ,luntil e eewlat -1973 las7 nniuttering tîg lk:"Hanâg in he& kid"' and Kep he fa'iitl, baby"an "eshahoeroo"ad'Iet er joruisaiern," Tbere's n se ianng î is there? Epcalywe e ' alrad been doing. so forSome ix hunredj watto enId trotten nid 197,2,wic se-ed eight y(-îrs 7long',7by tak ail the readers who sent cards aï-nd le(>i, te-rs during thne yea1 r ad isb gai readors a great bog, beautiulynenArt osand lntsa itiuck wvitl the tax collectorrs, Summer msa ptieu îlenide of sa, Sum'nteis aea ciy mru Cfo ew like grans Summer i hly uit o îe tai tîouî ho forestI, aud Smmrisilhe groat shouts of nmen andt boys et play; iu the fieid. Summer is a stee"o woontl van-i-coiored printdre, Summr is'7a fleshing club on a golf green; Siumuter is île race track, ~da-tiesiba in the bey. Surmor in a biiU comianding a Ve!liey. Sumr isa heypeniugup ward tn the sauictiLy of ete)Lr space., Sume S lere, ee'audevy. wlhero -uethîe zenith POofCA,1 Year*t rougýh in Iîle sni amlo île human leant. pepl ae etbeon rmaiitlo iu fad, t1ibmrate cf rebenni las hbon decumnented as beiug ligler tIen other types nIcf miai.The cold profes-c sioinal kiher is nte nte.H k-nnws holis n, isking île deathpeat but, hired by affluecnt gan)gsters as le s, ho ceni aferd tle lest legal debeuce. "WilI uînouey ou lis Side, lis chances o! oscapiug capital purlisîmneni are goedi, Not se with île penn, -île literate, wlese cireumstanrces may lave- caused bis crimes. Thuis wo, exocute île( penn sud release tîle icli. Sur a rutlizngreveug-ild unalncdsystern cannolit do aunythingu lut heLm île fbeof oun socioly 1in leé long run-l. Refonni towanvd offeudors wiU bounefit îlhe snçci n u hchteyhve, CHELCK ýTHE PRESSURE-C Wlndid yen lsthdck îhe éaJ, pressue in yun spreire? The 0Onti- arin Saety L eague PAs if you are sure- you don't have in your 1truuik oee nf tIose grerniins that suck air fron irs Donu'lwait unilil you have a fIat te f id oui if tle spare tire is usaýble. Lu August 1970 Hfeniy FndILfad "Nobedy knlowýs bie ta I do te tle suie indnstry las taire te île end nI1 an enra. TIeiAneicanleoledemand SAFERýi, ore reliable cars sud 1botter service. These are legitimaýte dremands, that mutst lie mt. . .This wil requiregý maj or and rap)id changes lu hew vvcars are dosiguied, muua anrddsev ed , . , But thee hangqes caujnôt le cempted overnigît." One nI le w e sýiuso! ane ere is now bore, reports île Oiarîcs SaIetly Leagque -oupesnu1973cr lIaI wol! absorli five nipl frontal m. dsotsforcars x,,wtdh Cthee-energy absobingbumpfers." Tribute to a r.. s. rearson i was seI atîve sliown], le had Can-aEntlt for us toagai ýIts of his br-iL te r(emnber ini yhseears hnwe wCe lm~ inPal- s,, Irea te spp;ak iigsý and e GlhoUnte a famrf ia r chat wili in(le . an Rt th eir The Gîfi of Sum mer I theD'Un jand P Frornithe Statesman Filles 'row's Famila United Church on Capital Puniishment'

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