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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 5

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îastMrs W. ahmon Newe Yeaiý DîPnts.j aur e no UC .H* S. hat t1 11WJso i r ; n g l n nl ai] ll la-, wek t Clarke lasbeen f ul fun ad'1 nfuion CONINUNGEDUCATIO-N New Durbam. Cours-es Mr. Christi Crossir Mr. son, A ersons Mr t iU. l (I,Y W SUIV1 i , 1,a [t,,51 a j', 1 q ined jfluure , asThe cday turn '4"Dear (r' d eut In Ibe a ýgreaýt bn qll"fanlt and i te thestudents. VJurfli The Clar-kn le Riso s >as,,w a leinhve kept theiir record of de- The isec en,' feats. They -lest lasýt Mon- Thani were ,against the teaýchers vith£rse ttes-ore-s of 15-9 and 15-19 This J la a pretty pocor sho)wing forport w theRFaisons. as their team 0r lFiwaS an1 cto ixwaS iniatched aganst icit e epart le )n! SiX cachea' tcm effour. so.R new Onf)ïTuriis dayvthe Clarkt -e vtionai 9tIltantams aI fllic Senior Raýidl- R0oM, ers played in Cobourg where For H qm - fhcy both le Jst, Patta r v:Jn On Monday, Dnevan (came pStery,v iljt0n, te Ciarke and left f'lic vîrnnprs pialio. - r e t, by three ons.Wrd rs ity Thlu r sdciayn ight vwa)s the fui, antI rpenfý- sCiita ac reaturrng ee. iLtn. Cu r e. Theri.waaaregee R incdat tecda n cc a n d evreeandI it seemed ta have a geed time. lear ~ve'Frid ay lresFnTh, Fi . ýkDay. In the nmring a fOim Shenher fd.and the Grade l1's play wcy locsi s Prnen shsli nl thé, a fternýOon the readingý tchs'plays anld the Grade Heralid [eayn ~ Christmras pa'rty wfeepre- cent M Mr,. senicd. Ail in -ail, if was a Mis-geod day7. Mrs, Wcr'S As we- finish off theyacott cýd by'th e r of Ille ,k thec d 'Sil- HAYDON Beginning January 15, burham College ls adding2 new, important courses te i îs extýensin programï- me, as 'ell as repeating coursesi response te popular demand. Take advantage oil new carcer cent11"ininrg ceducatien.Spe cial intprest courtes too- - can eriale yentc make the m-ost ef your leisire tirni. TO) REGISTER, write or phone theReitas Office tin obtain an officiai application formr, Phone 5V0~210 (extension 244) daytimne only, or write Durham College, Box 385,Ohaa Ontario, You can recjister at the, College i person, anytimne curinq the !dayý, or Th)urs-daye January 4 and Wedniesdaýy, January W1 fromn 6:30 to 9:00 * Runningcf al[pogam esi ubojQct !to minimium enrolimpent requîciremenýts, E,1'l-FCTIVE SU'Il' tpER ZVii ON ADMIN, ISTA.. TION 27242-SA (Teay 68pm.srtg Januîary 1 6). This ecourse is desigrdL cnedt mrv h bite supervison in adminitrativ, office, crl, pro- fessional, technicl, fnancial and commercmial fields. It will be benieficial tectosein both profit- oriented and service, industries, i ygvernmnent organizatienain s ail, medium or large enter- prises. Fee for this 20 heur courseis$0.O HUMAN RELATIONS 72-R(Teas80 p.m.' startijng January 16) The objectve etfthM courseis te help thesper- vser te deal 4effectjvely wit ha roleain the methodthe suenleil bydin"ad atudies Human Relations ini accordanwc:eth ih odem Management concepts.lFec otu isW0heurcourse is $30,00. BASIC TYI'ING 204-V(usas68pm starting Jauuary 16) This intreductery typewiting 'couris an intense'i and torogh course in touch typeriting înclud- ing letter styMps, tabaionm cenrig, reports and manuscripts. Ths orse is designed te Ive sec- retaial cemapetence in the operati o eeleci typewriterswith spodfet40 wet'd perinute or better. Wee fer thfis 50 heur introdu-lLctory couirse is $30.00. DEFENSIVE DRIYING 299-1M» ,(edneýsdaysý- 7:30-10 jp.m. starting Jas-wary 17) rThe Defensive,7 Ding course, sosrdb h Onitarie Safety Leag'ýue is a simplýe ecenomical wa,ýy Ite nt dowrt yenr accident ant! insurance, rates. It enables you te analyse >mur nudrving habits and impreve them. It ise techews you how te tical with teugh reads and wveazher con insý, and the other rvr Fee fOr this wek curs R40 Ni. E and efi f ci1 1tïhe exyt fory mnd: provile( on W brate l'S. W- con- was prnted) -- my very wishes for a Ha pp y Pig-I-Ielthy1973. andI anaC. 29th' Travel Centre G ST. WV. PHONE6231 IMOD ob US LAZYIIll rHOUGHT 0F MOVING HER STOCK ýOTHER MOD MATERIALS ON PRACTICAI.LY THE ENTIRE STOCK -SATURDAY ONLY ENNISKILLEN but40 mmesof1 tn aimilly heiti aN arDay\gatl(riigngtaf le of Mmi. antI Mca. lHan clailer at Mm. and Mrs. RayJ MmAI n 1 tI MmS,.1-emb tI a Graham'. Leiglitn, Bowmanviule day M.andI Mrs. Roy Qrahiam aiM Lcsîic Lcightona anIandI farrliy heltI a fml mlOsh1awýa, Mm. andIAl ki- alimigon1 Christmas Day. Eugenue Scweli and fani 'o-Guest wern Mrn a<dAirs. Courtie, wcre Chrismas 'E WVaifem Raim, Tymone, MImr. gucaf sof Mr. and Mra. Giý and Mrs. Tom-,Patta and Ch)ar- 'Werry. fthe lene, Mr andI Mrs. Lsi r- Mr. ant iMrs. F. W. Wc un a.Mm. and Mrs. !an Gra- wcrc Christmas Evc viati mand Craig, and Mnx anti ofMr.andMr.s. Bert lies] aftcmnioon cal1cr. MsaElaic Oke, Bowmn1ý ad Pte. A. WV. Ralim, Kathryn,1 ville, Mmr. anti AMms. Star] --TrcntOnl,M isa ]Juithil hmTuner, Oshawaý,AMr.à k Garmle, spen1t the lholiday at Mirs. Ronl HOota, Dav'ita thor home. Lisa, Pician, wcrc New Yc CrsmsDay guesta cof Day ge t, AU M. andtI Mlr. Ray Degeer anti Miss F. Dmads Coma Deeev(wre Mia Aie , Mrs. Fred Tewvin, LIo ,Ins xin1gat1on, M and aind Earie, Blackstock, Ml Mrsc. Bob Jfones, TudePay.MaiaSci arz, McaC. N'lu. ind Airs '101111.'ones antiI Homn. O.shawcýa. Mm. anti l\f Susan. BowmanvillcMm. andI Lloyd Siemon ant i fa Mr. arry Degeer and tina- aydon, Mrs. Roy Trewina uly BacktokMr, niMlra. WreEtobicokie,AMmr..a John Jones, Tom anti Sandy. Mur.E. R. Taylor, Mr.a Mm. antifers. George Ber- Mrs. amvey McGII1w,, frim anti family, Taunton,1WNeYam's Day gucsa atA Mi-. -andt Mrs,. Kn îUrwin anti antirms Eaml Tmcwin's. olbe, irdie Bertrim, Mm., Mm. anti Mu, George Pet anti Mrs&Ron Morrison anti k, Scarboauliwmee fampily, Oshawa, Mm. Peter fera with Mîr. anti Mms. S. HToati, ugg slanti, %wemýe Pcthick. guasat the Bertrim home Mm. anti Mra. F. AW.MWI on hrstasDay. wemeTliustiy vcninige Mm\1. anti M1rs.Stan owinner guesta o f Mr. anti 1Mn. Ruseil Tabb were dinner T-rmy Hioakin, Oshawa. guestfs M . Irenie Tabli andI _Mr. anti Mms. Ray Metc faiiy on Chrisfmais ]Day-. aniRosa, Hapmpton, Mm.n Mli-.anti Mca. iva-a rpIVIs.E, A. Wcyweme Si intia anti Jane, Mm. R1sl day d cinner gîuesta of Mm.a Ormýlis o,l E nniakilien, M.Mr.A,.7J. Werry antI famn aný, ti Mm. Michael Strenge, Mrs.Gilbertf M a rsah Mm, ntiMrs Roa Ahte ani SuthRangýe, N.S., Mm.a fpmHly %von ChmristmnasDaMr.LusoceNwE guesta of the Lloyd Ashton buirghS, Mm. anti 1 faniiy.GuyMarahail anti Maril Mlm. and Mm.Artiur Tre- Bajcn, N.S., Mr. an-d 1wY, illim anti Paul wcrc Jo? Rekker anti Scott. Ne gucst.s of Mm. anti Mms. Wa1ýer castie, 'Mm. ant irMc. Murr Lo-vemitige anti family, Ty- Mlarahali, ýAndrýea anti Ca rCneý, on ichitras Da.. r New Ycam dinner gue %% understaiding etfcurrentincni fxpoeue that Special attention is given te thec study ef the inw Canadian Tax Reforrm BiR. Fer for this 24 heur aise course is $15W00. re-I cc- BASIC SILK SCREEN P;ZIN'TING 29N-IO-SS hs (WVednesdeays~ 6-8 strigJiauary 7 jev Tis ta a course designed fer persons v9ho is h 1ur- teatabin skills in basic stenicil cutting, acreen lien, making and pinting. Pee for this 24 heur course, ries~ wýhich includles rmaterials, ta $25>00. bt EFFECTIVE READINGr 299410-ER (Mndays 0-') antI siarting Januiary 1-5) I This course is designed te iproe oLur readting and lisening skxills te assiat yeu in gctting the most value frein your readings and discussions. Careful evaluation, and an individual progcrmmae the te suit your ablities, create an excellent Iearnîng ew situation. Fee for this 36 heur course is $25.00. che .old1ï PUBLIC SPEAKING ANI) HUMAN RELATIONS 299-10-PS (Wedniesdays 8-10 p.m. staryting, January ert 17 ad Businessmnen, service clubs and chturch groupa,, Mur. members can impreve their personal effectie- îicy, ness in public speakingsiuto. The course will ,Day ait caver the theory et communications, techniques of writng and dhvrn succe 'sali fu speeche(s, 1in- .rry formai taîka and[preenaten, Ee fo% this24 ýt? S heur course la $15.00. GUIMTAR WORKSHOP 299-10-CW (Wdedy anr1- 6-8 pim. starting Janpuary 17) and lThis ta.a leginner's coursei the guitar. It i,- andI dcsigned te start the student on a prgamee arus self-develQpmnent, and wiHI caver fingerboard Mir Mnoto, basic mnusie theor.y, chords a"nd basic ovd progressions in the torm et bothitte and prac- Vriss tical exercises. Fee for thés 24 heur coure se f 1.0. E. INTRODUCTION TO REAL, ESTATE 275-10-RE îy This course ta conccntrated into threc wceeks, anild Monday te Friday t rom O9 a.m. te 4:M0pi.begin- antI ning Januar-y 29. It is an int1ensiv'eprgam andI iee ntendcd for those wîshing te go into real estate ï1r. imrnediatcly. It is mnandatery for everyone whlo dcsires te becemie a regitercd real estate sales- mnan.Upon suclcesafulcompletition et the Course, a pasa perccnitage being a miinium ot 75%,> the applîcant mnrst apply te theie Registriar of the Real i-y Estate and Busin2ss Brokers Act, c/e Depaurment et ofinancial and Consumner Af'faira flor registra- tion as under the Act prier te trading in real caE estate. Fee, for this 9î) heur Durhiam course is an 100îo.oo including aUi aterials and exantiWons. andI INTRODUCTION TO PROPERTY ÏMANAGE- i]y. MENT 275-10-PM1 This course runas for five weeks cvery ThurLtý.sday un rom 9 a.m. te 4 p.m. cemmuencing January 8th. Mia The course stttdies pr.actical methoda for succeas- mym, ful poperty management. It covema the basic eý_ theories and techniq4ues et nmaging inivestinent pay real estate. Fee for this 30 heur course ta $70.001 jra including ail matemriais and examiatons, 13s ASIC MACHINE 5110? ANI) MODEL, MAKING coTECHNIQUES 199-40-BM1 (Tuesdays 6i-9 p.rni Lith starting Jaiiuary 16) r- This course introduces students to basic machiine lak practices in the area et engine lattes, milling an-d qke, drilling mnachines and grinders. Stuidends will lie une- instructedJ in the practical application et these wrsîlimachine tools. Concurrent with the basic m&ich- ar'scl me curse, there %].l be a projeet riented course \11ra. in model umakig and maetalworking for those with M4c- some kn-,owledge ot machine toons. Fec for Shis à0n, 51,hour course is $40.00. H1OBBY FARUMING 299-10-F41P td~ pan. startiu;g January 15) This coursFg isdesigned for Lihe rmhay p- e 1ive, or whe would like te live' on a a, - t 1i11j still work in the city. The course centr, i>]. rj cueadvantagcs aind dsdvnagsetbyi ý farmotn, sou type, buildjigs., cro.p-,,a1tjmX Scienlce-, rccord-keepig. As a coniclusion, ai sien wil le centred aroutnd how thepatt fariner fts into the established rural scene. FP-7ý for this 24 heur course ia $15.00, SOIL MECHANICS 171-153-SM (NlMouays- 7-14' starting Jaliuary 15) The floigtopica will lie covered in thi r in diuetory course: limportaniçe et Soi) Eaginieeringu- Mechanical Composition et Soil, Weight Voelu Rela1tions, Cap) Tension, Prmreabiity, Cla. sificafion et Soils, Cýiompaction, Shear Stirngth, Con soli dationrs, Laboratoryv Test andl ProcedJure 'nrduton te Feuindations. Fee for this 50 honr' cour'se is $30.00. ELECTRICAL MACHINES AN» CONTROL TECHNOLOGY I1994-A (Tueedays ad Thursdays 7-10 p.rn. starting Januay1X) This ta aq 3 semnester programme (or skilled cc trical tradesmen and tcchniicians - everiig cec- trical mnachine-,s, Power devices, a1nd aâssocià-ted clectrical relay and solid stalle logic control yi teins. Sitftworkers will lie acmeaeiifen rolmcïnfn permits. Fee for this 72 heur course i,- WINE MAK~ING FOR THE AMAITEUR 299-10)-WMý (Tuesdays 8-10 pan. starting January 16) This cour-se is dlesigned for those personsinee- ed in the art and. crafttoft making wines, at homne, and is open te any persan over the aeetf18. Th.e course content will include a brief history ;Dlin making, basic winep making equipiïent, yeast aiid ycasf cultures, stages, in, wine making, .basicmrretb- ods- et testingarlalyIVsis and eautô.Fec for this 24 heOur coIurse is1,00 CONTRACT BRIDGE FOR THAE B~N 2-1CB(Tuesdays 6-8 startiig January 16) This .12 week course in centraýct bridgce reue elemenfar 'y principles et bidding and pi.ay. Such:- topies as standard bid dïing systcmis anid picp et bofh dpeclarer and detender platy will lie caver- cd. The ditterence befwcen ruli-ber bridge and duplicate bridge will lie demionstrated at a tour- namrnnt at flic end et the course. Fee ta $15,00 BA,'SIC THEATRE ARTS 399-40-T1A (Mandays anid Thutrsdayýs 7-10 part. starting January l') This course wil gcive tLhe studentb an overal pic- fume et theatricai production, and the en~d resuit licang thie actual production of a piay. Those whe successfily cemplete thL-,is itmoctemy course, will lic eligilile te tLake one or more eftbte tollowi- ing courses to e le ffered in 1973/74: Creafive Wiigfor- the Stage, Acting Techniques, Pr'o- duct ion and Direction, Stage -Management and Mdechaica and Set Design.- Students scesul c-omplefing ail aspects et. the ceurse w.111 be awvard- 'cd a Theatre Arts Six Sul)c ettcae e e the 48 heur introductory course is, $30,00 '99 now OFRAINCG 3q9-404Dr sitartun This c and d, the re' t'he fu jn' si j IcesI., r.s. Shc w. P ~,S $188. lA 31st, 80 WEST SIG 4th - 5th - 6th g Saving Opportunity -IL ki

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