C.R. Bickle, Mr. andc Mrs. H. G. iickle, John, Davîd and Bickle, Charlene and Devld,ý Jof Bowmanviile. NJ h ak Fridauy Night Mixed Date Jan, Jan. l 1- 2 1- 2 10-11 3- 4 5- 3-4 8 - 9-10 9-10 7 - 6ý Mc. ,and Mrs. Doug. Kemp ons, St. Cath arines, and Jan. 19 3- 5 12- 2 8 -10 9- 7 1 -11 haýve returned frort-q Christ- grandsons, Ted ÎSym"o0f tce DOWUIflJnf6l - - -0 2 rnasý holiday in Florîda. University of Guelph, ai-d Jn 2 5 - -0 2 Bonwmanývileip Janettes- Cer- Douglas; also Mc. and Mca . W ee'ie 0hFeb. 2 8- 6l 10-12 9-11 1 - 3 2-14 inmic Christimas Tcee dcaw Mindonald, town. High singïe, C. Bruce 245: Feb, 9l1 Y4 9 2- 7 il- 6à 8-5 wr, won bhy NMrg. Page. Mc. and Mrs. Grant Herron, high triple, C. Bruce65 Mc. ind Mca. GoreSain- Peter, Lynda and Paul, Ebe- Final Team Sadnç Fob. 16 2 8 6-10 4- 1 5- 9 l - :3 bury an aml spentr Christ- nezer, Mca. Bernice Cale, McADkar 2904l, e,2 9 -1 -0 6-2 5 ansi elntnwith their and Mrs. Allia ColAScott C Bruce 42695241Fb 3 9 , 71 -0 ý)J2 . parents. and Britt, Conl ereS New A. Brugess- . 4?13 a.2i-4 -6 1 0 Mc.Mr aawsNXYear's Day guestae ofMcnd A BRowe - 411 i 29Mar. 29< 6- 9 2- 7 116 2 1- f3 .M M c a . B o b E m b e r s o n a n d Nlwi i - 1 D . O g d e n - - - - - - - 4 4 9 2 1 2 M a r , 1 6 8 - 1 1 1 5 0 - 13- 7 0 - 7 Yeacs Day dinner gueM wRo'tbsonat ;)l '" "-6 1 l 2-_1 3 ha, isihbos, h. nd M dren, ArkelI (near Guelph")-.-K.--a-------41966 2 21 a.1 8 2 I-5 10i Al jr\vý&M elbatd i %it! 063 Mar, 23 6- 5 10- 9 -7 1- 121 herneîhbos, c. nd ca cta ceebratedcbisinosrth Fin a vnge AranAUf Browbntdy ihbi OSu. C BruLce 19 9. A. Dykstra MNr. 30 l11 6 5- 4 l0-1i 3- 2 woe hcstas niht teeChristmas witb ch n Mrsjj1. don9, B mt 8,K as p.6 -811 7- 9 3- 5 4-P'6 gue's wir c.and Mrs. BillAn61-8 M Lak, ewasieiHcry McCanus at Ceven. Ion 186, B. Wir 182,EB.Apr. 13 3- 6 9-12 10- 2 4- 7 il- 8 Mc.adMc. e SmulAlo niued p teHaclg per,182, S. Carte 18, J.Ap. 20 Il- 9 4-2 3- 1 8- 6 à- 7 I& end Nha Samueamily gatbering w*\ere -Mc. Rowep.187, A. Burgeas 180 ind amîy hvecot1urno:d and Mca. Robect M,'cCeuso!Trimbie 18M F. Dykstra 79,pc27 Pyosanhghriof fom a week' skiing holidy Ida, Mr. Doniald McCam?-uaý of A. ous 7,A ee 176,1 In Stawe, Veýrmnt. LMcMaster Uieriyand fDr. J. Dykstra174, D1Co)r, eTeama ,L'leMilisan. mc. and Mca. Q.iF. Jamie-land Mca. R. W.Thomsoni, 173, 1.Wight 172,I. Hulme'TamNo, 7i - TMarie]y -o were Christmaâs Day Susan and Daid af Hemil- 160, ERMthell1US9, DDw- Teemr No, 1l - Daýve Hy r i Konapacki, Ran 1,,on -Lan16, .nolda HHarold fBennlett., SadraadsPet, Prout, Dot T guesus of their cousinsý, AMc.ton6. J m'lyFrnc ard, n ElnCobs and IMca. A. D. Camiecan ,CM. Mc.i. l Ken Crawu-qxn 162, S. Binkan ï161,ubo nv ad, sDirc Te No 8 es Oabaws.tard, Seven an SusanChatî- M.Ovenden 1E1, A. Diling 58, MuLtton, AitU ls Mc.an Mc. loy Mttojhem M. ad ca.Gary r- Burgess 158 RJ WbengeTeemNa, 2 - Gord Wiicoxý, Hilda rckeryDi OnscôSt, penit Chrijnmas misto, auMIand Jeanotte 153, B. Nomigon 15U4, J.AW()d-ico Br uIr, Wr n AmGu )- adley, Heather SelIleclKened, Thelma B3 witb c and Ma Dougîrs Oshawa, Mc. and Mca. Dannsica 151, W. McuNeii 149, A Lloyd Stainton, BobMicelBreTppe Woodflock ind famlKp Hrdet twMs aneRaie 147,CC. GHiI 8,C. RMI- Jarnce Leach. TeamNo. 9 -Lois kaaing, Ont. O: ristton ArmFalsaadche 132, S. Roman 132. Teara Ne. 3 -- Moe ic- ra HpPalmer, Les C, Mc. WO. dersetMis JudyNiera, Mai-id Teame anid Seledule ards, Bob Konaecki, Cee es, lHelen Piper, Jean T Newý ea'sW.iA.h ber sn M ave, aent ChprsîMalewithWFira nme iîtd is Captein.Muttan, Pat Luxton, Audrey ley, Ida Konapeeki. ,-)jAnd ,cý Mc' . R. "'BNFi Edgec Mc. and Mrs. Ralpb Oriston No. W-C. Brute. A. Bmues, Slep, Mry Topple.i Teem No. 10- Debi ad any-P eera' Murray and Robert, Jane St. 7 Huinie, S.BrinkmarnU. Ac- 'Team Na. 4 - Bot Selleck, Piper, &Ince Proue, Rut oug. M. ad Ms.Clîfor Mak-Neil, C. H1ilchie.IHelen Reynolds, Arn Sep hlMary Wi-xReg nugh, MN uid2rK.. Caffpbellk-B. Pip)-Lesle GablePet MPIio, ButcbKened. Mc. and Mc,. jeckBromwn inaid RcTYMc. and Mca r, D CahrnM.Ovenden, Duainle Palmer.: Team ,No. LIl- Don an dugter Heather, R.R. 5, Lerry- Boweni, Mc. and Mca ,WusrD hrei. TaaN.5. lo rck oOi thr ri Bomnii, were Boing Leis Waod, Mc. and Mca. No. "-D. Ogden, J. Raw, Sandre Staiintoni, BihLu xton, ens, Mary AunaRichard Dlay dinner guesta with bis Howard Wood and family,. Dyktre, J.DivwAn, A iiDeloras Koepcki, Mike Wel]sh, Bucýe Winaing. paýren-ts, M c. ndmoAIt. Mc. andAMca. Andy Mey, Dec-ing, C. Wubblgsp îaMaccia Winniog. Team iNo. 12 - Tom Bcown, coul, Jenijce and Rachelle Na. 4- B. Smîth, A. Lorusso Team No. 6 --- Dave Or me, son, WaVyne Leachi, 11, AriyniHuntnlTown,,Mc. Jamnes Mc- G. Dkatra, 'M. Dawson, R. Gail Milison, Mary K!irktani, Ourme,DnnaSmie, Mc. enud M ( Gadn o-Phab lindsay, mere Chrit-WbegSo.lomn,__ aia Mtbw n iameDydinr.getswt a . aon, F Dkaeggy Milison, Jimn-, msoabePariSmale. Thpaio, vaied c.and Mrs Mc. and lMcs. Eveceui ood,jIa, I. Wight. J. MecLean L L How;atrd Aaynnannd tamuîly, Eddie en(]auic.Burgesa, M.nap M St cadMsHrl o .Wiiburc. be ry Belloes Blowmi Mourv W-c â busrimble , A.Sameini, G. Dow- Miss Dine Puk, Scbol ofJohn, rloydLaraie Odey S aisma, D. Laman.SeodSeul NunrsToconloand M1. Lyno, Scarb«oaugh,- w er üScneShdl Tata Puk, McWasterc Uivr-Thursdy dinner guasctir Mc lanea1-2 3-4 56Alleys 1Y 2 - 1 5- 6 7Y S 9-10 &iY, HamulAnwitRheir and Mca. KiMtb Ferguson, Da- Jan. 3 l-2 34 5-6 Jan. 9 -1- 2 Y- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 Parnt, c.an Ma.Mkhel i, Brin katern erandjan. 10 5-4 1-6 2-3 Jan.16 4- 5 6- 2 12- 3 9-11 M. 7 Puk,~J Liet t .AdeEnhewec e.17 si 2 5 6-4Jen,23 W 3 1-10 il-1-4 5-12 8A Mc.,and a. K eith 'Bark- New Yecsdonnesgsad In 2 6 41 in ley, Nancy and Raymon McAu. andica. George Forler, an. M là-5 6-3 4-2 jan.30 7-12 8 0- 310M- 4 11- "6 spent Now Ycacs wHnhihhs ]Nesftetn, wreNew Year's FeÙ.7 3-2 4-.5 s 1-6 - i Am 0t parents , Mc. anfd MaHueh enig gueFsa o! Mr. andyt'b. 14 5-6 1-2 Fe.61-8 -7 1-5 -3 102 Barklc dami br sistr Mc.p Mca. James Abernety.__ Feh. 21 1-4 5-3 6-2l FPeb. 13 10- 6 11, i r- 8 12- 1 - andMc, d.Hesa, il Mc. ydeyVeto hs e- Fb 2 - 24 .-I Fcb. 20 à 7 4-12 210 1- 9 6- 8 lîemsburgOnt, turned alier spending Crit-Ma. 25 ;31-i - e.2 1-911 i -6 2 Dc cDr,.Cita as-e whbr deug, -Jar, 14 '"4 3 6-52-0 25 1l 6 2 - Mnd baby son SenI p pqt the Mr. and Mca.LarcyMurdo"kMac. 21 6-, -214- Chvisttnaa hiidivya wîtltheir andtamlyPr Pt'yOn Ala c. 28 52 4-6 13 e,6 6 -1 812 35 4 prernts:, M.~d Ma on hiia a e o o-A pc. 4 1 -4 3- -2 M'!,]ac 13 3-10 8- 9 4- 1 2 7 à-l AlUin, Prince St., and 1ýMc, and aId, 'wito El,'izabeth, Scaît ar.dAPc u. il : iMac. 20 8- 4 7-3 6- 9 il110 12- 1 c!. ieries Cattran, etr arPoeborougb, nd i:cA.1 18 54î - 2-3Mc? 7 65 2 21 - - St, Bomaavrn. W. MFeulOwen sauinti d.25 Pya Hadn dcn bohUayO ndav I. honte Mca P i iAlite10 4-il Y-9 7- 6 10- in2 Week wre bier son and i Vno a rte c.adAr'1 -Q12 -I -5 41 wife. Mr P, b sc. -Hmiard Alin and Aach17l9u15 7 5 4.1 aiM.PalSr-rui Mca AIba Crçydermuan * *W@ Apcun24 5- 1 8-11 4- 7-9 Y3- Mca ý, NnP.a c a Featberstojnln - May f - F ina o ff and idden Sý coresý REQRTH TluhHlifex, Nova SoiThe bowli7ýng vwilljae t Jan, 9phaet 1:45 SARP Christan Reformed iss3 lAMne Downey, Tac- (int, aetCc na ekleSeVc en No. 1 - Capi. Ca iri Team No7 -CapI Phono623-407 cKee Mises Jne aadJqi- this ssn thovhave ben Tn-rNa. 2 - Ci im ad ale rih Oahew. Mc andMpt.H0cbNwee ame cakin ed ptoJoatn Mro enighavsnetyCosy 7 toba, evM. and M. Lay l ayiheyba otmsOAnHlen »dme Team N;iý- o -lCept. P.fl latMayJnBabrnd acj62 ihFan yzaTa N.-Cp.arrin bNo, pM argi Pli Bmk o odHur Ke, etebooubvîedani autoilave scoes. G iN . BeCbLl, Bosio cey aile, lr]ina i Ihcougb tho eek dt theîO Wednesday, heyabatîleE fii1 10 Rio anyhme aa5-3 eiinagî.aeohnsyi, PylisJhatai-. 1 lema, BJudyMeln 'rM cpi 'fs. W lon sa t -,IeaîII a. '+eaun, Fy utn Chrisîma dther ee erte Oa b Býowsnnil.Tepo eoMr lnEseS1~ ibey lcael Mca. Jack Nichais, Mca.hooh. 5envifle B nti a wel ar )seTva -PhNo. s5 U- nap)i, Mary Ho man, M r L n ,3 t. veui Jani,!W l a. ckma M vc, toiM'cn-frme tdnso outc icus ly Kn, CrsToîua, Eln C U nte Chrc Gerg Sitb BrbeaJoh. heanebista anelin oneà. Team No. 12 - Cap. Crl, Bovecley, Bilsrisa ad.wa hit o Turda'ïgh. AerriNa. 6 - Cap na Covle, StFaen levîgne Ministorer Brou e lnda LouisearSires. BwvTamGrdnann a WnîeBosIRt Fce2oyLutnCppourara I?*vH. A T1, r mavl, a7 MserRbetpae t mnpoie hLO j ry Smîth MJar losn. AilciratYve O bo rne, Emm M A, .D An My iti, Mc, Trc i attasa , idn Bpicil (arr apirils).nn11(, 71 Organat NchaIsand c. Ra Mieài- hmiae Snaw oPince a, a Mc. R Mttehf mo, 11 of Trnto. James, was ccowned, witb A.RC..,A..CM. A amlly gthe.rsgJohnc-upa ,anti JtuldViteov s Tea Ni oc l et eek j aw îîhChîma AUNAaSCOO M p.G F. Jem r i e . ua- Thon acolyeror 1972 -ihe eierton, JUcalnt Church îgut . ay îerent nîh dty, Pe Jceirmbe 4h ihtenwae u bwsatrn--wsfleias acciîy Conloc MeaaCo 9 yar aallia c.ni Mca C. . UppMer Hserriso w nth rguar augmeneiavaei at h Petd lirh Alcro: SMc. W.Ba.reJ on- Oe n Fritie atnman hdthan nuels join etfrcs cmaniz-eola12blch evi 4 tophaW e ilode; Mc. ndpwsff puton avaîey hw Tpib ceo ig. Mis Janice Aroior b the testai ,v s M1t0 s yf eara Ma P. tl>e, Bradioyf ta eeynean en »ye PrTe BSt,-,cetavce wTh yive[MaT Criona Da Rev LvAan ,eran Crai, SacrRbs i orTeta r ts âdtipoivl aySal mni "tompV-1in' Jrryanlý c ange ti me c. 2lir 11:00 am. Mc. nti Mca W, F. ickl",IreiostUch ta agniother- is owheMoris ith Ihe3air owFe. 21k Iis lon Public orship Aintiy aniciNoole, Cutc wislnghtesp-ritleor afiritgs)rcmanmn raîi ek hîîmsm Mc. lsan Mca. T L. Jemieson. Mu rpwstc waa priýsene i'ibee ope0 ei ecvt cetbe JuMeantif Beent saw:c ir eunsi, toGres 13nuber -(nErtt Ey T-nO Inwont Infant care AtiMly a. J WMre, Jii strients (H asrry Jukie ntiR- -oaeir a ae vnvgîl eeat dr sric, aniPee, ora:Mc edMieShrhek) ibherQ entn ati leCloinon).Nmasavec rdioTV orli SuîNg SHO Me , .Jamn oo00anTiohe Juior stDis(fi-Ma.D1972sowat posaipasaigC 1THun rest 0f2 t.e showAi i- kîtc imuiiny lapmotibote)ould epbnib DILili Roig eaivsprs.rol nr viso buf te ast sato Chistue bcuther Ibuba us eCiie 9Um adop îlITfthavncocsCe.i arLa- liiso!Freitar- ugry ein opien ebiin ta nu I assetaAir.yW The Gradeu 1ibk nePrimee exe le t othe Mîrcnà . aber - RvaN.nesly ake Bh.13'i,,i, ra dek1t1wnsdesp elly Mc anie M c eHwrs ai- In fects; o i Iisis5 SUNAY JAUAvii7tndCt1973 " j :wityrmsaout m Aisany l f Tcrvalcampoareyxpatng dîtardsbantier Ch tMCeodleache Inca s eIoasnimita- b" oti Mca. G urieownBa-Fcrda wous ho evok ilba nnîN.elj.Ciagce le m ta a T. gu'rie Bcnd'sparewnts), Mc. six mo t A n slcc MORNI in WOrSHI i -Tnltnae.y moi 0Ieà Jim Sheekitnt ri Missrcsetabheipiesi a1;n ntiCOMUIO SICE 1,oWauie ho tti no t lire iry n foc Cbrostcmes. Ih 1 _ý1 ag]mi-uelv qor nC Be in g er ide, rtnand FPril ept. tmi t tueaslaa aW hrs- eui ning ho o fam o nspibetl i peit h vé ih v o a abis wok. TeAtRwaaInsly ocreigbtbacp Nurser CiMei ChurCli Parler mas nioi nt heRlp foaar hrsma ac]co A WAEM WECOME EN ahedueti t apeti r.aste ay Chrismas pi TO RYO t'TITc'TTTT'IT wit Mc ani Ma.1eit-B-Pa cculaer- >drie (-1t h - anti1 dMarie -weîe Iholidaygust htiatenetPareigon J ANUARY 9th - I2th wli Ma'Dapr'Àarntie uney ist Ibdýi past inglhe puchase. P n AchS eat.iss enîcla antt iiMsterire o! b ui(chice prOnet at 750 ."' Bo s acen Tewi, M. wek itbh Iheir grantiprentslocal prvzsnspiessanc P tburerOttwa;Mca Mcani Is.Doal Bow bis becom eii j cîustetd i St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Mca Ba Tewi ati nld itrofHIýiscar-ge, 'Mc. Aleýx1oes, elobholica, sigr wereCbîitmasDay uest olTaylor,' ia h11trettit1-iins wtxa'Oc SPEAKERS: jwnantI iboyvs, lackstock, fcilom pceacbIing Ïatiis Fa cal-1mighlevnge n iMc.aï, atic. Wye ekct mtmilisterin Seskecbewaa of thiga eough ta) Rev. G. Corvers - Rer . Dawsollî Penny aniPuie pn ~oice aiamn. tersecvico ae CaPt. S. H-ewleitt -ev H. Turner ChitesSaawibM.WhoHceMiriseogtadw1hr SpeialMuse a Eah Srvie ic.. at cAd aeoant) i l A"Illtugb al Il otcsg "HPP FNW YEýAR TOUi faI Y oMIS Siaaugaand cgeon pue fetaay ALL", tMrs. H~~~lank Bo~& e ICramnh whatShud be a happy timbonay yaea of the reglon of '(11P year hnas become one of Ao Vicoria Countywu wepeks of revulsion as one wolhe eni te o1 m ths rough ail the huc,ber on theiruntyCounctilL de frnte eesof peaainadw ouldLeopeatngil n a ig t L au p Ior to te actu-al ýeent fraework o nlrinteýr- t5ïl;'MNA IH 11412 sadstic mood by thetie, We have always faund the Secoad Sehedule. Ma- 3tht Cristnl'as Day dansmembers of Victoîl Cu a te 1-2 3- 4 y 6 7-8 ,1 1-1 6- y that Uif youwre to hear Santa Most compTatýible and we feeli 8-1 oretime, y10u wouid knocke assured that if weceter io Jan. 15 0- 3 6-10 5- 9 :il1 2I? 4- î him and hi, dentuýires imb ý)the Ibinrationanh iplitam- w 22 10- 2 7- 5 11-3 12- 4 9- 1 9 - 7-5mdl fnx er u ocdifferences cif'opiion that Jan. 29 Il- 7 9-12 1- P 5-1M 6- 1 3 - u ne acoss bis che:stand gh:ve may appear cwin ho worked 12- thai s rificèAIaîly 1appy, 1 127old monster a "crew-cut" that oUt to mutuai advantage. Fb 5 12- 8 - U1- 7 lu2 n - A -t 4- 8 would last unitil next year.o- la the immota worcs of T~P~ e,1 9- 6 4- 8 2- 5 3- 7 i011 1 - t 3- 9 Scrooge -"Christmas? H ýum- LUJ2i 1SA UJ-aJ Fe .2 '" 2 5 -1 -2 8-4 7 5-10 bug!" .. and A.1 pp New FL2 11 -6 pu 1 9-2Yeerý to you tan. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cam- Mer. 5 10- 8 12- 3 1- 7 4- 5 6 ý- '2 91t l1 2- Reaction to Mcm Charles eron and famiby spent Suaday Mar 12 6- 7 H- 4 B- 2 P9 3 1-10 5- 12 112 MCNaughton's regional Pro- e Iin TotPett iih homeof M%.ICà 5o un- 8- 9 posais as uneiled at Oshawa and Mcj s,. Harold Tc'rivt, Macn 19 1- 3 9A v1- 6 7o - 0 last week were immiedate phee they enjoyed a iovely Mac. 26 2- 4 l- 5 10-12 11- 8 9- 7 62 2-12 and frequently hea1ed 11Wen fam8ly-g4-tsietiber i-s th effuent hiit the fai n II)t h oI amrn pn1Apr. 2 9-5 -8 7-4 16 -1 122 s2l0lreg lue ig iverne Iof lCistms ay itîM. and Apr, 9 3-11 2-10 6- 8 5. 7 4-2 1 opini nuggestd provincial 1Mrs. Ch, ew adnad Apr 16 8- 1 7-11 2- 3 12- 9 10 S 4- proposiS.m. Apr. 23 7-10 81 -9 6 -1 3 Whereas =e in Manvers M.an Mr yeGbn Apr. 30 12- 6 4- 1 5-1t 3-10 à 9 2-S atc -ae elnyed aunrpest andd Christmas dinner with IRicýh- past, associations wt the FlnaiByedtertm a 7 Piaot hom01- United Cute m ret ili1e', 1\1, Ccîtma ,My 14 Banquiet at IMemiorilPr thermintinof rsarne, he ay SUSleproposei foc AManrnto oin MU, Ic. amiMrsý aberGib-1 The Second SIchcdu OU wil TemNo. 9 oplen MDC i ickencS, Vicra CountY isob-mv oslPon, Fast Yack, ope nI'e.îstart Jan .15%hA t6:45 harp.Thelma Permes i aging, enet h bs lenaieoe 1 a it i te r c a Team No. 1 - Olle PatfielidHeteMoeBt or us. For si nfocoay do we cielMjr quRe Gibeon. Joyce Almond(, Kareýn Buras, aDaeAas Ric- 1 beomeassciaed i Ms. ye ibsn. ayl, Oh-Marg Clemenger, Fat Thel , Team Nýo. 10 -HlnHg ~reb-ninstostyas is being crea- nw1, vstdwt h . i-Nancy Prentice. es ot ieaBric ed 1 to rua from Sceroroug sonsa hism Be Team No. 2 - Donna Bra-TerJanBoriace 2ecorge 1 East of Cbourg. WVe are Mc. and Mrs. Irwin South- loy Brenda WNilk"es iniePutJanet Harness hMit- disappoitdthat the proposiell, jMc. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor Janet Lre aa Ta o l. uyBag Ladfoc Manvers suggests spiUting Southwell andi femily, Osh- Lowery, Vi Oshe. ocmylLl Emnwn "the two southern con 1cessions awe, and Mc. and Mrsý. Sr-Team No, ekePt ayHnesn uilTn ff the tawnship, shew and famîly,eulleville, nanoVian 'Te, Urd- we Ii intepret irp vasspent Christmas Day with fedFoec rpr uilTnaN.1 - hr Dick- fterwy Holrayd, Mary Cawan, Yvoui ne , E uecorceclyas ta bisee the vil- Mc. and Mrs, DaugSohei Edmiondson, Meta Moffint. Dai, Oi Ihr enAli la <ge of Ponityp(Ol,wih seem<s and famiiy. T Si Pet Lu1xton, Maiýflyn raly Miisomewht ldicrouls. M.ad c~Du.OkeCan yeWthadJycGraLutn,- Carol Ooientation 1ta'Victoria and David, if Bownianville, enn~Ade tpeIi MreCaunty and Liadsay fac the wereNew Year's Day sup e Helîam dutta olcb, s maeaijacity of Mavers is indis- guests af Mc. and Mca, RabI. 'DAI putab1le. Manvers Township Cameron. Team Na. 5 .- Helen !Depew, p RM wars a part of the Vi,-ctoria Mrs. WV. Penwardea and Jean Harness Marg Perrîs,1 g 1 C -uty -ec 'dry ch1 on' Mr. and 1Mca. -E. Penwacden Dorc Muttani, Me GibsLi Co Boar l-on efre Couaties Scol Boadere boughî sand Lester wece Thursday lien Quackenbush. Rligin nust ie heeia mb hs Barda.muhe bfac t atevenig gucts of the IRobt. TeamNa.G 6 - Berb Osbarne, n ii lisara h fc htCeneronsIM .Joyce Major,.JoanArd, THld o!nty rm ya4 bath Victoria County and A ad j Mc. ifodSmpc, f 1M 11-12 eated tha rurben isia and family of BowmanveOUHelenMuer 10- 8nb hat l icrfuale. Fa lctea-mure New Year's Day dJinne Tam o,7 -Ma i Cle 6- i 71 cg(oplsation 2,40 ap- guests of Mc. and A. ,GNncEvsJne dbc, H taI r.-. , becomne a part of Bernard and femuily,EmaBaJcieDvs 1- 3 nw shwreinf26,000 Mc. and Mrs. NormaI Devis, DLaine Palmer. in a, Representetion by Fopu- JenoIfer, Terri and Rolibie, Team Na. 83 Dt roa 2- Slation wouid give us uIeo Waterloo, speotNew Year'sFera r, deMra c PHONE 6337 9, 51na cepresentatian n a30 DayWiG tthir paretM ngtDneObre e S-11Maardsand we woaldfid end rs. RyeGibson. IafrlHahrStewar:t, DA Heaingi - SUREs IVIlSIN Lpp.J-5 19 9 499EA. aî,et2~i,~ <'Z'i ttcatsuu , ALEX MGREGOR Drugs 5 KING ST, WES"T 623-579J2