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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 10

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Surha'm Agri News I by Bob watt 'aS ' n Va1Fa 91dyJn Assistant Agricultural Representativej ~m onfrece heAgenda, for the Tuesàay, on -the main east-west street, ary lthandJauryl6 will be a com- which is Kent Street West or ary l8th are parison of silo structures. The Hlighway Noý. 7B. sr fo theAn- discussion will include: Oxy- Age of Farm Operators fr-eence which gen lmiting silos; concreteý 1 1ari "Govern- tower silos and horizontal In the recently publishedi n ida.On silos. In the afternoon, the Agricultural Statist ics forii topic will be: Land Use andý 1971, it was interesting to seei r N. R. Richards of tihe Univer- 'the breakdown cf farmis clas1 e h c i sty of Guelph; who will give sified by age cf the prt. a talk entitled, "AgrculturaliThose under 25 years cf age ~, Land Use Planning", whichirepresented 1.2%; 25-34 year S IJ wll be fllowed by a panel Iwere 10.5%; 35-44 years were I~discussion. ý 23.5%;( 45-54 years cf age were On the Thursday, Januafy 28.5%; 55-59 years cf age were r ýn 181fh, -ooçm, the morning,9%:, 65-69 years cf age were '~1 "P." 'ad af ternoon will both cover: 6.2% and 70 and over repre- ca:feeds and feeding - with such senting 8% cf the farm opera- GenralMotrs ealrs'cartopics as: Stored Feed, What tors. Another interesting sta- ant' t~ik dlivris Can does the animal get from it? tistic for Durham County wvas adi ee p2.8prcetdr Also, Production and Feedîng that even though the number. în ~ ~ ~ ~ - oeebrcmprdwt f top quality hay as well as of census farms which repre-, las#'ear aleradustngfor production and feeding with sents any f arm grossing $50 or s~1n dyJ. D. Du]ffy, viýce crn silage andi haylage sys- more went down from 1,870 f0 pusien 1ad gene-ral sales tem. In the afternoon, there 1,664. The number cf farms mange, nnonccitoday. will be speakers on Grain with sales cf $5,000 or more Toalca acitr cdli ver- Corn Storage, cf the use cf went up from 696 tb 736. This ~es'bf in,06l ecember 1972 silos and dryers, as well as, followed the provincial trendi. colriard -it"2,2834 in the Least Cost Feedîng. Lunch Prom this it appears that -the atemonth cf 197"1,. Dufiy will also bie availJable, at noon numnber cf f armers in the prov- said.Icu'e n thi ttal at n reasonable cost. To get ince ln actual fact has not wýere,26casne cars, up to the Ontario Govemomient dropped, even though we are 1,~ percen -from!9,4ý91 last Building, it is located on the 1 bld that more and more farm- yc, and 6,0412 trLucks, UP 366 western outskirts cf Lindsay J ers arg. getting cff the land. pcerent fromn 4,79,3 a year ago. ____________________________ Tuen truc:k total w-vma aDecem- bWlpc reor. hee ere 24ý yialing c 'istlu Dcember thi Durham Amgricultural Calendar "1)iýiiman Lfor 1973 cars andi bruicks coninuejs at a rapici January 15-17 - Ontario Groundis, Toronto. te,.Dfyai. "Ail Fruit and Vegetable Growers Pebruary 1, 2 andi 3 - Cana- sin pit econtfî1iutijo f Annual Meeting at the 4-Sea- dan Charolais Association An- tl»s11c stln'ac lidte at- sons Hotel, Toronto. nal Meeting andi Saleat tbe talmet f ecrdlevels for January 16-18 - East Cent- Four Seasons Hotel, Toronto. 1973 slesin he onths al Ontario Soil & Crop lm- Febuary 8 and 9 - Drain- provement Association Farm age Contractors Conference at lu he197 clenaryear, Day at the Govcrnmcnt Buildi- the Holiday Inn, London. GM elverd 7,623 passen- ing, 322 Kent St. W., Lindsay. Friday, Pebruary 9 - ont- ge crsanî4,249 trucks, ýup More details la the Durham anco Aberdeen Angus Associa- ffm 5,57passeniger cars Agri-News. tion Annual Meeting, Holiday as<d ~ i 5761trcs i th 1971 January 19-20 - Ontario Inn, Oakville. cearyear. The t, rucýk total Junior ' armers Association Tuesday, February 13 - Ont- of~74240makedannî-time Directors Meeting and Talent ancO Swine. Breeders Associa- fîsu-Festival, Royal York Hotel, tin Annual Meeting, Constel- pasig heprviusrcord c-1 f Toronto. lation Hotel, Toroxto. 26- j11sti19. Friday, January 19 - ont- IFcbruary 14-18 - Ontario CM foei!pasegrcaranco Polled Hereford Breeders Home and Garden Show at sa~s wre 43 u Dcemer lub Annual Meeting, Rock Bingiman Park, Marshall Hall, ccsmpred ith 13as year. Haven Motel, Peterborough. Kthnr aelo Sesfrthe 19)72ca-ienidar Sat., Januamy 20 - Ontario Wed., Febru'amy 14 - Cana- yarc8,9tomae with Shorthorn Breeders Associa- dan Holstein Friesian Associa- 748 or 171.tien Meeting at Duf's Church,, tien Annual Meeting, Royal Higbway No. 6 andi 401. York Hotel, Toronto, j ~ Ren a ar erSat., January 20 - Ontario Wed., Pebruary 14 - Cana- ~A AY R WE'KND eieford Breeders Annual dian Shorthoru Breeders As- -A D,ý,Y ý'RMeeting, Rock Haven Motel,,sociation Annual Meeting, Ascfor ERae. Pec oru Winnlipeg Inn, Winnipeg, Man. I CONTYSa1t., JanuLary 20 - ntm e eruary 19 and 20 - Ont- anawi lMeting H1-oliday iiin, Annual Convention, King Ed- 62-286Eginonandi Don Va'ýlley Park- wad-Sheraton Hotel, Toronto: waToronto. Fcbruary 21 and 22 - Ont- Thus. Jnury 25th -anco Association cf Agrîcul- liN igbith Staýtion - Tested Boar tural Societies Convention, Saýle, Swinje Test Station, King Edward Hotel. Toronto. 5aelo Wed., February 21 - Cana- StraJanuaryiý 27th - dian Gucmnsey Breedeýrs An- Candia Dul Prpoe Sort nul MetigHoiÎday nn, Duff's Church Highway No. 6 Tu rs., erry2-Nnt and 401. StationTsTcld Boar Sale at, eea Insur anc c- Janular-y 30and 31n- OtarlJo Swýine Test Station, Waterloo. Sou anid Cropr Improvenjent February 23,1and'24 -Ont- BE ad ATOMOILE Assiiaton Anînisal Convention anco Beef Improvement Asso- INýSURANUCE at thle Skylinep Hotti, Toronto, ciation Annual Meeting, Sky- Januar'y 31 - Quinte, Area hune IHotel, Toronto, Ontario. tact: - Pork ýProduiticers Day al the Sat., February 24 - Ontario FARRY VERMAN Rock Hlaven Mtl Peterbor- Shcep Breeders and Producers 623-3,É111 r623-2.1950 ough1-. Annual Meeting, Constellation ~ 23KIN ST.E. anuay 3 - ebruary 3 - Hotel, Toronto. BOWMAAN VILLE Canad1ian l'FamianndutilMenday, Februarv 26 - Dur- E ipet Sh1ow-, C.NE. banm County 4-H C lub Leaders ______________________________________________Association Annual Meeting aI the Agricultural Office, Bow- MONEY ONmavle Tuesday, February 27 - QUALITY Pertilizer, Wokshop at the I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono from 10 DX PREMIUM s.m. to '3:30 p.m. Ail County mesIIoe FUEL OIL Freswloe Wednesday, March 21 andSTVE IL Durham County 4-H Skating an SOV OL Party and Organizational _________________________________________ Meeting at Orono. b., OBITUARY BOWANVLLECUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask pertorfor 668-3381 oDi!1-668-3381 CALL1 US TO-DAY FOR POPCUTOSSERVICE (HWY 2 ESTOF COURTICE) Tl EPHONE 728-6901 ~ A lhoizd Ford Tractor and Equipment Dealer IN>2 STOCK -NOW FOR IMMED)IAITEDELIVERY MODE 200 DESEL 6-SPEED MODEL 00 DESEL 8 SPEED MEL30 SID STEER LOADER 1OEI 50P0 TRý>ACT-Lý,OAD)ER-BACKHOE ODE 75TRcT-MOWR-SNOW BLOWER, RT -SALES C-RENTALS Wear tiliprvdigpartsansevc MRS. A. J. MUNDY Following an illness cf sev- cral months, the death of Mrs. A. J. Mundy, in her 73rd year, occurred on Friday, December 29, 1972, at Oshawa General Hospital. Daughtcr cf the late Donald and Agnes McDonald, the former Margaret Jean' Mc- Donald was boru at Barwin- nock, Scotland, andi receiveci her education in Scotianci and England. Iu 1924 she mamnîed M. Albert James Mundy, who survives. Mms. Mundy haci resideci in Bowmanville for about six- teen and a haîf years, coming here from Kingsbury, London, Englanci. She was a member o f St. John's Anglican Church and, as a housewife andi moth- er, hem interests centred around ber family andi home. The deceaseci, some time ago, was an _employee cf Memorial Hospital. During World War II, Can- adian solîers serving, over- scas, wcre warmly welcomed at bbc Mundy home wibh Mrs. Muindybecoming their "moth- cm". Many boys were from Ibis area. Sîsrviving, besides ber hus- baud, are twc daugters and a son, Barbara Welsh, Patricia Jones andi Alan Mundy. Also surviving are seven grand- chîltiren and a geat-grand- daughter. Mrs. Mundy resàed at thc Northcutt Elliott Pua er a Home with service- in St. John's Anglican C'hurch on iMcnday, Janu.ary lst, 1973, conducteti by Rev. Tom Gracie. Dumring the service, thc church organist anti family friend, Mr. Clîff Evans, played fav- orite hymuns cf bbc deceased, Intemment was in Bowman- ville Cemctery.' Palibearers were Messs. Christopher Joues, Paul Welsh, Alvin Welsh, John Welsh, Charles Welsh, James Firth and Ken Nichols. Amenig bhc numnerous beau- tiful floral bokens, evidce (ý i thc csteem lu whiich the d- ceased wa helci, wcre those fromn the Pîne itgeScbIcol), Marth-a Goup cf St. John'S CucLegion DarI Lepaguýe, Lades'AuxliayBranich 178 Roiai anaianLefgion), anc the Ply7ing Duitchman Motor Ïinn, RED BRAND GRADE "A' BEEF rOfNED &ROLI.ED Brisket Plate )b FEHDAILY - Gound Beef AILI PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1973. Always do what is honest and fair for every customer. if an advertisecl specîI is eve,-r sold out,ak the Ma nager for a Raîncheck. It entities yau ta tfhe same item at the same special prkce thefllwn week. Or if you wish wve'II gve you a comparable item at the same special price. A&P offers an uncondition-al mo-,ney-back guar- antee. No matter what it is, no'matter who makes it, if A&P seils it, A&P guarantees it. POTTED MUMS ý,1-NfrXp SIX Brand vac pac9 8< FRESH, REAST OR LEG QUARTERS SUIPER.RiGHT OUALITY, SLICED RED BRAND GRADE "A" BEEF CHICKEN QUARTERS 166411 BEEF LIV ER lb78 S HORt KT RIB ROASIT BURNS BRAND, STORE PACK, BEEF & PORI( SX BRA NETEAKETES OR SAUSAiÀGE-S lb 64< BEEF P-ATTIES 2.Ib 1 786AM6C OP PETER PIPR, BýY THE PIrEE ANY WEIGHT CUT, SX -GRAND, FAMILY PACK, SlICED à AIS H p BOLOGNA>165b OOKD0MATS pkg78 CH K NLIE RED RAND GR ADE "A"'rn OUTEEFflLI E PRIME RIB STEAKS îs,8SPARE RIS1b1.07 BIEF KIDNqEYS3 BURNS BRAND (2 LB 'VAC PAC $1,15) FRESH SCHNEIDER BRAND WIENERS 1lîbvac pac5 8,éLEG CF PORK îb898' m iN i IZZ[ER SAUSAG CHRISTII'S PREMIUM CRACKERS 1.ib h 9 pain or FANCY QUAUTy LIBY'S PEACHES 3 14-f1 oz tins $1.0O I IBY'S , KIDNEY BEANS 414-fl-tins $1.00 IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ SPAGHETTI 48foz tn49< ECON-O-PAC RED ROSE TEA BAGS pkg cf190 79 FUTURE WAX &ozft$15 LEMON OR REGULAR (FURNITURE POtUSH) Johnson's Pledge 6/2aerýsol 88< IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ BEANS .5 i4-fl.oz tlis $1.00 ORIOLE, PARCHMENT WRAP (100". VEGETABLE OIL) MARGARINE 2 1-6 pkgs 49< WAGON WHEELS 14.,, pkg 49< BORDENS, INSTANT HOt ChOCola"te> pkg of 5-1-oz envelopes 20< CHFRiSTIE, rMAPLF, ICE W AFERS 3 8-cz pkgs $1 00 SAI LI UID 644-floz plastic btu 99< HABITANT AUP BRAND TA'IBLE SYRUP 32.fl oa btl 49< Fabric Softener 64-fl-oz plastic jug 59< TEA SACS MUSHROOM, CHICKEN RICE, VEGETABLE BEEF SAL DApkg cf 60 bags 8,1<ý CLARK SOUPS tins 69< GAY 2 9 A&P BRANO, HEAVY DLJTY (PREPRICED) YOGURT SWISS STLE 2 6-ca ctns 2< G R A E B G kc 59 - POWER î~TIO i'RCED)ION PRICED) SAHTIPENNE RIGATI, IGATONE, ~V LU ROTINI, STIVALETTI XINGLAZCI ASTAS 5CING BoZ 254:BQX I BAKERY SAVUNGS!. JANE PARKER, SLICED (Deliçious Toasteci) (BUY 4 LOAVES--AVE 24c)- eBRAI '$,0 JANE PARKER PEA CH OR RAISIN PIE (SAVE lCc) - full 8-inchl 24-ca Size JANE ARKE (SAV leu CRESCENT rpoUnd Cake 11-ca cake rJANE PARKER (AE1c DATE CRUNCHA 12 ca foil tray39 SJANE PARKER, PINEAPPI.E TOPPED 16-07,LOAVES SSWEET ROLLS pkg cf839Y JANE PARKER, APPLE RAISN (SAVE lOci SCOFFEE CAKE 12-,z cake39< JELLlY DONUTS ke69 U JNE Fe RKER TWIN ROLLS 3r)!,qs f 12 $1.OO, JANE PARKER, BROWN 'Nl SERVE BRgEADwo8 z avs390 I 'I RS i63 7? 1658< MIX AND MATCH YOR0FK VEGETABLES CUT GREE;N BEANS, WAX BEANS, MIXEO VEGETABLES, PEAS & CARROTS, WHOLE KERNEL CORN, 7-FL.OZ TIN , tins$10 j '1 j "NUOWI 1-1'6 Dka 7 R

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