12The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Jan. 10, 1973 hIs Boominng in ,,ntario A b1ocïi for ftness, fun and traîls have been developed in j1.an!ces, cross-country sking some of the most picturesque iza rnoy a major revix ai iniskiîng areas, rncluding about Çlbtrio 90commercial establish-rhents Onice the only formn of ski- and 100 winter parks through- iîng there was, its enthusiasts!Out every region of the prov- ï ri increasing numbers arc ince. Most of these are easily sýtiking out across country on accessible. inex-,penisîvev wooden skis, wear- -A special new facility for i hng lex.ible, soccer-type boots, cross-country skiers bas been -4L tek or race for as many as developed by Formosa Spring 30 10 50r miles a day. Brewery in conjunction with forthe novice, the entice-ithe Canadian Ski Association rnients are many. The firas at the company's 90-acre con- iî4 e rice tag. A c' os-nountry servation and recreation area kircan cmleeyouit adjoîming its plant on Hwy. 400 fmelffr about $60 and 1051 south of Barrie. there are ilow stor es which The scenic wooded trail seicross-country gear exclu~- area îs now open 10 the pub- &J 1ly lic at no admission charge. Becausie 11w cioss-country iAnd to make family skiing a e-nthusiast can travel at bis f cature, sets of cross-country onpace, the sport is one 1tat kis, bindîngs, poles and boots -can b enjoyed at aniy ag. ae available in limited quart- hpartîcul!ar Cana,,dianma- tity without charge for those p,ý o i auallv drev entra nts who h avent equipment, 'Un om ix pî,6 The company will also sport- ~ N or ned he spnd Weekssor the Oktoberf est Trans-Arn takig lssos. AnyodywhoCross-Country Ski Races to be ~canalk ao ki cocs o~-held on a specially prepared ir, lay acoaech whroogn trail at the Formosa Sprîng 1.zspoga u f ski ,tui ig. Park Sat.. Feb. 24th under sus-, Irhe b-egjir'er need only mnas- pîces of the CSA, ~ter t.heý easy, relaxed gilde of For further' information then crossý-country movenentl about Ontario winter f acilities beoeheading outInto theïand activities, wîrite for free ~bush.booklet - Ontario Wînter Ad- SCross-counitry skuinz is îust ventures - 10: Press Officer, 1*1whatý the name implies. You Otari, Ministry of Industry f.im 1y tak off over fiat pand and Tourisi, W0 Bay St., s~loved terr a. a your iîue Hearst Block, Toronto 192, ciinjoing ntu, r as yu g.,Canada. I' l -c e afamily p ienC-0________u a re-rt -ecrut b the cio as- cnrybcoTm: "Yoýu can take Y EL VER TON' a bar-becuedl chicken, a ther- mo 1u,-layouI a arpaulin lelverton 11GW. were en- 2nd you'1ýre in business;. terîained thi~s Thursday past And racil-g -an be as stren- for their January meeting at unsas any sport: Lloyd Per- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray civ f Toronto's Fitness In- binon and lunch took the stîtute etima1tes that a cross- formn of a pot-luck suppDer. conr rcrrequires nînreý On Wednesday, Mesîrs. o~cgenirtke hn ny other'!Gen, Neals, George Scot, kif aIconipe'ftior.1 enton Fallis and Harvey Tu Ota î cros ootryMal hnxére Manvers Town-, I M r "C">hopp 48 KING EAST - BOWMANVILLE Winter Sale WINTER COATS 200/lo and 300/,o Off -D ZESSES4~/ TREMENDOUS SAVINGS SARONG GIRDIES ½ V2Price HATS and SPORTS WEAR NOW 1½/2PRICE ALL SALES FINA L NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES Va nslone's Pond a Popular Spot TheseDasfrSaer shlp only representatives aI the DlurhamCounty Crop irn- M% meetîing held at Canton ion Reiur from Q ujeen's P r 1-ope Township, Guest speak- ers were Mr. Don,,Gallagher b lxCrutesMPP and Mr.-Howard Nodwell of yAe aruhr ... Llndsay. Mr, sud Mrs. Pidon Mc1rar- land were ,weekend guests oI Mr acnd Mrs. Don rowo, Mr, Geo, Neals and your correspondent attended a spe- cial meeting nf County Coun- ,cil on Thursay, called 'by bbe Warden to discuas t hp proposais for Regional Gov.ý for the ares whicb would if carried nut be .bbh dernise of (ihei United Counties. Two Bekm Occur in Orono Some time early Thursday nrning, Dec, 231h, thievesý enjtered two premîses in Orono, Division Court Retaîned In Port Hope, In a statement from ýQueecus Park,, Alex Carruthers,, M.P.P.,' Durham has, confirmed the reftention of the Port Hope and DistrictU Division Court. Some weeks ago the Attorney G Cen- eral anounced the closing of a number of Division Courts bhroughout the province, and their amalgamation with i neighboi aclilies. Included in these were the Nlewýcastle court, whîch was to be combWined with that of Bowanan-. ville, and the Port, Hope court whîch was tolic amalgamnated with the Cobourg, office. ,Following Ithe announcement, the local Member,,who expressed concern over the trend to locale government agen ies ln Cobourg, madle represei-îta- tion te the Attorney General. The Min- ister agreed that, slthough thie incarne of the court was limited, the office pro- vided on a daily basis a valuable ser- vice to the comirunity which jusllfied ils retentiori. This lbas now been con- firmed by the government, and ar- rangemenbs have been macle b appoint a new c'jerk t replace Mr.' Williama Aus- lin who reclired as of December 3lst. ý Mr. Carulhers stated that he was sure he wa expressing the opinion of ,the townj when extending congratula- tions to Mr. Austin on his retirement. He' expressed sincere appreciation for the valualile service Mr. Austin has ren- dcred the community over the years. as mcii as attemptîng to break loto a third. ce's north garage where the T o T p F c o ye tbrougb ancm addition to !lieEr I Lsaaee sthe third entry lBtosch invi~ int tbc garage oe the pasb On bbc sanme mn ning au aI-M o p r tempt wasmade 10 force thAbbc>Jp rt Îh front door of Orono Electrie open but Ibis failed, Consider- Mosport Park recently an- borough's Kaxvartba C up ra,-cces i.bet able damage was donc 10 the nounced the etry of two bn-p lest year. t door and door freine. actory beasaf or the :3rd Anýi- DuHfamel, 90xnl caî b. The Orono United Church nuel Bosch Invitationel 500w- pion, was defenidinig the Ksw- Ibe wss alan ransscked on bbc mobile races, Jan. 12-13-14. larîbe Cup la weekend. Last Run1 saine morning, where the Canadien motorcycle champ- yesr, hie mon bbc gruelling 500- The gretet dmae nf bbc morn- ion Yvon DuHamel leada h il aefroin Winnipeg 10 St. ing was donc. The thieves three-msn Ski-Don factory Paul, Mmc. pullcd the pins lu the hinges entry, the moal successful A dcl cnding world cbam- and pried thc door open 10 bbc snowmobilc team lu racing Ibis pion, Trapp la bhc newest ,Fricndsbip room. The door to scason.. member of bbc Ski-Don cou- te Ministers office mas ao DuHamiel, from Ville La- ingent. A scven-year veberan, damaged bcyond repair. Other Salle, Que., la tcamed mith he bas twice mon bbch presbig- locks mere -alan damaged. . mo-ime worîd champion Mike mous Bagle River world champ- Theý- office waa ransacked lu TTrapp of Woodruff, Wis., and ionship race. Frldba aui apparent search for nioncy Gaston Ferîaud of Vaîcourb, So f ar thîs year, Fr n a and an attempt mes made 10 Que. bwo clasa victorica, both scor-ý open bbhefMing cabinet. Rev. B. cd et West Yellowstone, Mon-1 Long sbatcd thet the Church The Snn Jet fectory!s one- bans. DuHamel mabched hlm, doca niot kecp money in bbc inu onder, Jim Adema, la xith enotber pair of vicboriesi building lu even bbc* amalleat also enerO in bbc $25000 iu bbc world clasa event aI amounts. Bosch event. Adema, from Bel- Ironwood, Micb. The Ontario Provinïcial mont, Micb., bcd six firta 10 The factory teama mill be,ý Police are investigating bbc wîn tbe World Cup et Peter-itrying for oversîl victories luý brek-msHAYDON Fdn E TUU Vt 1DN II >NfI U K Il: Our Annual' ON ALL YOUR PAINT anidWALLPAPER HEEDS, ROOM LOTS CLEARING FROM 9 9c single roll BENJAMIN MOORE PAI4 1NTS IN 1500 COLOURS GET MOORE FOR YOUR MONEY Sunworthy's Sun-vinyl *PRE-PASTED. *STRIPPABLE * SCRUBBABLE FROM AS LOW AS SOME IN STOCK Single Rol HERE'S 'AN EXAMPLE M4-OORCRAFT-- Reg. $9.50 gaI. S-EMI-GLOSS ENAMEL 7,6 gai. SALE STARTS JANUARY lOth ut Pint and ABERNETHYSWalpapZ 55 KING ST. WEST PHONE 623-~5131 lMr. and Mrs. Robert Towns- Tboinpsou werc D. K. Thorn- end, Keswick, were Suuday soo, Bowmanville. R ec c en t visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. cailers were Mr. snd Mrs. D. Garrard. Tbompson and daugbter, Les- Mr. Bruce Gacrard, K<es- ksrd, Mr. and Mca. J. Ahhnît,ý wick, visibed bis parents, Mr. Steve snd Sussu, Burketon, and Mia. C. Garrard, on Mon- Mr. sud Mrs. Gordon Taylor, dayý Eofîeld, Mr. sud Mrs. E. R. Mrs. L. Griffin, Blackstock, Thompson, sud NocilIHooper, Mrnsd Mca. Alfred Qarrard, Bowmsnviile. Barry sud Lori: AnmcccMri.-sd Mrs. Russell Tahh, New Yea's Day dinner gucats Middle I-bcd, witb ,hMn. Icene sI the C. Garrard's. Tsbb sud family on Sunday, Mr. sud Mrs. Wayne Black- Mca. Lloyd Ashton accoin- huým sud Susan, Ocono, spent panicd Mca. W. Bowman'and New Year's Day witb bbe .w. as dinner gucat nf Mrs. Mil- Blackburn îainily. bon Tam'blyn, Oshaws- lu Mc. sud Mis. Douglas compsuy mith Mca. Mary B'lackhurn, Whithy, aI VMr. Colter, Alliston, sud Miss sund Mrs. W. Blackburn' ou MronBrown, Oshawa. Sunday. su ad Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Nom Ycsr's Day gucaba, at Linda sud Janet, Enniakillen, IMc. sud Mrs. Arthur Tcewin's were dinuer guesta of the mwere Mr. sud Mrs. Walte.r Lloyd Ashton family ou Sun- I Loveridge aud family, Ty- day Mri , ain roue, Mr. and birs. Si Trevwin Mis. W.Matniaptet and Judith, Mi. sud Mca lun Memorial Hospital, %3w- iClifford Trexviu sud Mark, inanville. fier tricuds mi. b Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. ber a speedy recovery. Jin Marlyn, 'Dunharton, Miss Mr. sud Mrs. Roy Pabeîcn1 Helene Tinel, Toronto. moere Suuday supper gucats of Mr. Russell Ormiston, En- Mr. sud Mns. Lysîl Rose, Osh- niakillen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'wa Ashton, Ronald sud Ray, mere New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mca. Rosa Ashton OBITTJARY sud family, Mr. sud Mra. Leslie Grs- HELMUT WUNDERLICH hsam with Mr. sud Mca. Roy Orsabai no New Year's Day. Helmut Wuuderlich, 9 Darl-: Mr. and Mis. Ross Ashton, ington Blvd., R.R. 2, Bowmsn- Beth, Barbera, Allan sud ville, dîcd Saturdsy,, Jsnoary' Grant caled on Mca. Harold 6 et the Oshsawa General Hos- Wright aI tbc Wellesley Hos- pital following a short illuesa, pitl, Toronto, sund were ion- Son of Mr. sud Mrs. Euil 1 chenu guests of Mr. sud Mca. Wunderlich, he was horu lun Michael Strenge. Germany, Decemhcr 15, 1928,1 Mr_ sud Mca. Rosa Ashton sud lîved lu bbc Oshawa ares, vis4ibcd Mr. sud Mrs. Fred 21 ycara. McLughinFeuclon Falls, He worked for Gay Cou-1 oncLatughlin strucbinu Company 12 years. Mc. sud Mrs. 1.Jabuke, sud reWrd in laso967ve Roassud aul1db y nine y his wife, tbe former Segrid for tbeir home lu Albion, Pohînianu; bbree sous, Hans. B.C., aller a piessant v'sit Oshawa, sud Dierichb sud xvth several faumly galber' Siegfried, al of Bowmnanville, iingsa t Roy Tbompson's, Les- sudonue btotber, EwsldY, îu, kard, Mr. Grant Thompson's, Gernîa7ny. Ho. la aiso socx iv- D. K. Thoinpsou's, Bowino.n- cd hy seven grandciidren. ville, sud were New Ycar's The luerai mas held fi oni Day guests of Mr. sud Mrs. bbc Armnstrong Funeral I-tonice Gordý-on Taylor, Enfield. c Tuesdsy at 1:45 p.m., wmtb Mca. A. Thonpsou sund Mr. mtere-in l OshawaUno sudi Mrs. H. Jabohkr e cc din- Ccmebecy, Rev, . P iesa i - bler gusaof Mr, sudM rs.Fficiated, A. Osmonfd, ----v------o wrere- blpter etraude M, Cseoc au be s eal sud MsLairry, Thom1pson s, IrieudË, Thecomnbînabion of Osa a lleiiWi M ug1nredienta lu casseroles isý 1 udyceir wt i . Unlimited. i ~ekýen4ld $100for the rider and mach- Im ton ai Gcrdens îTcakç me1I sýetting the fastest top spjeed over a hall -mile, s3traîght-iiine course. DuHamel currently hols n mre BýiggerTem the world srowumobile speed~T record of 127.3 mph and wïlîîïà ra i.ïu tfjru Tu rnev be riding a nexx dual-cngîned I sled for this event, At a10 irnament in Bracnt- Arena and Bowmanville ýcarne Other beain riders and top ford durîng the hobidaysBow- Up the losers 4-3, after having independents will ho invit to 0 manville Mnor Pee Wees fared a lead of 3-0 going inb the the Bosch Invitabional fol]ow- poorly against teams- from thIrd period, Tlunnîng out of ing the Kawartha Cup races 'in larger centres. Losing three legs and lack of passîng could Peterborough Ihis weekend* gaines bo Stratford, Brampton be attributed as two reasone Defending Bosch champion and Guelph. The boys tried for the loss. Bowmanville's Rick Clarke of Barrie bas al- bard but'bond theinselves goals were scored by Scot ready signed. He xill ride a outclassed, Clifton, John Stewart and dealer-entered Ski-Doo. ,' Back home on Thursday Wayde Preton wîith aýssists Mosport la encouraging spec- gigt,ý'ýePcýo n bators 10 lake advantage of itl ight, Jan, 4th the Minor Peegin b Wad Prso ad 500 acres of park with more Wees played Newcastle Pee Dennîs Sobil. than 10 miles of snowmobile Wees in Newcastle and came Bowmanville Minor Pee trails. Warmup tenta wil be out victorious to the tune Of Wees are presently in first opened to spectators and rec- '4-2. A bard hiîting and close place in their league. Their reabional snoonmobilers, chccking garne with Kenny last schieduled gaine is January Organized trail rides will ho Cowle scoring Iwice, Murray 173th at Bowmanville wîth conducted twîce daily at noon lFuddy once and assisîing twice, WhjitLy supplying the opposi- and two p.m. by the Bowmnan- Wayde Preston scorîîîg once tion. Gaine lime 3:00 D.M ville Soowmobile Club, which and assisting once and Dean Keep up the good work bo50yg assisîed ln design of the snow- Holmes scoring the final taly- and on these cold winter days, mobile trails. On Friday night, Jan. th,icomne out bo the local arenan Rental snowmobiles xil be tbe Minor Pee Wees played and cheer the bome teaa b available to the generalpublic. lAjax at the Art Thompaonvictoryv. See you tbere I laturalizers I REG. TO $21.95 JANUARY CLEARANCE WOMEN'IS CHI LDREN'S $ 0991UP MNSLEATHER ZIPPER BOOTS EEG,'. 'l -le5 to $21.95 CLEAR1ING ;$10.9 5 - CHILDREN'S and WOMEN'S LEATHER & V114YL WINTER BOOTS ALI REDUCED SNOWMOBI LE BOOTS MEN"S -WVOMEN'S and CH ILDREN'S $6.99up E E STORE off nr4sKNG ST BOWMANVILLIm e a 9 Ron Mutton> Owný,-er and Operator of ~ UTO2HELSRVC n TWING is pIeased T m nounce anun dcrease e n Staff to Give Customers A Wider Range and ored Efficient Service for Their AtmoieRequirements laurie Thompson Don Sudsbuî'y Bob MacDonald 1Brian "Doc" AMains We a Muton hel Sericeare Now, Staffed and Equiped o Gie Pa Ui! uoRpair Service cand Complete S5heil Products. 24MHU, TOWING TWO CLASS "A' MECHANICS 9h11 SA COMPLETE LUNE OF * SHELL GASOLINES * SHELL MOTOR QILS and LUBRICANTS * SHELL TIRES - BATTERIES ACCESSORI ES 219 KING E. 23-7 Il Greg Cordenýi tu -U ýj,ýýu ýku" , j, e