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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 13

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Holliayguests ocl Donald Bî-adburn and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn weîe Mi. and Mis. Wm., Virtue off Kingston. Mýr. and Mis, AI Aston, Don Miilîs, spent '-he New Year's weel<end with hier mother, MIrs. 1Helen Bradbuirn, Betty and Ronald. Mrs. Haîry DeGeer, Roy an lnn spent several days duîing the holiday with her parente Mi. and Mis. Royal Whitfleld, of St. Catharines. '7hey also vîsited her sister, Mr. and Mis, William Reimer and finily (nee Evelyn Whlt- field), Guests at the home off Mr'. end Mrs. Vernon Asselstine ond cfml ver the holidays weît Mr. and Mrs. Al Assel- ýstine, Tania and Michael, ï.-aiieybuîry, Mi. and Mis. Les Asseistine, G-.ayle and Robbie, Waterloo, Mis. Violet Chep- linOshwaMis. Walter Scott a-nd boys, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Merrilli VanCamp end Valerie -were Satuîday evening callers. New Year's Dayv guests off Mr. and Mis, -Maîwooct Mc- Kee were Mis. E. Lawvson and Bruce, Iv. and Mis. Bruce Heaslip, ail off Nestletoni. Oui commrÉ-unity eýnjoyed seeing so rmany of oui young people homne from thieir uni- -versity studies over thle holi- dtay. They have al îetuined homne to their -univesities- the paîticutlar dayý varied gîeatly according to the col- lege. Mi. and Mis. Ray Essery, Oshawa, were New Year's Day supper gessof Mi. and Mis. Ralph Larmier and boys. Christmas Day guests off Mi. and Mrs. Hector Short- ijâge and Bil were Mi. and Mis. Frank Baîley, Mvi. and Mrs& Allan Baileýy and gi1s. Mr. and Mia. Har-ry Van Camp spent Christmas Day ith Mr. and Mis. Glenn Van Camp and family, Port Peîry, and New -Yeaî's Day wth Mi, and Mis. Arthur VanCamp and Jane- at Scigog island. Miss Betty MicAthuî, Toi- onto, spent the h olidays at home. Ai] her rmany friends are so pleased that Miss Ada flemrpsey la able to he home &gain aýftei speniding a timne In hospital in Toronto. Christ- mas guests at the McAthui home were Mi. George Mc- Arthur and sons, Bilan and rarry off Greenhank and Miss Eith McArthui off Minden. Holiday guests also were Mr. ,an d AMis. Aidis McAiÉ,,thui and PLMACY GS&THE ATIN F d ANDUCNDIIOING TYROE, , _ÏI Phone 263-2650 ,Craig off Toronto. New Year'a Day, guests off Mi n i.Gerald Kelly and family wcîýe Mis. Court- ney Graham, Mi. and Mis. William Kelly off Bobcaygeon, Mus.'Rcg. Boundey, port Per- ry, Mi. and Mus. Wlburý Toms, Mi. and Mis. Harold McLaugblin, Janis and Kelly, Mirs. Velva Bailey. Miss Nancy Dorîcîl enjoyed spending the Christmas vaca-ý tion in Mexico with a girl friind. A Ladies' Curling Club is being organized foi Monday afternoon curling. It la hoped that the firat game off the schedule will be played next wcek. Any'lady who is in- terested is asked to phone Mis. Neil Weîîy for fuither details. On Tueaday evcning the Women's Institute card party had thel foliowing winneîs: Ladies' high, Mis. Keith Van Camp; second, Mrs. Reid Cook; lucky dîaw, Bessie Mc- Cullougb; men'a bigh, Fiee- Man, McCullougb; se con d, Richaud Manns; lucky dîaw, Lionel Byam. His, many friends wlll be inteiestcd to know that Larry Hoskin is on an extendcd tour off Central America. He has spent quite some time in Mexico where be cnjoyed taking a Spanîisb course at the Unversity off Mexico. Larry wbo, enjoys meeting a.nd talking to the Mexican people is amazed at the ter- rible P'overty off the common Mexican people. Soon lie will be travelling on to Central nmrleica. The annual Mountjnoy New Year'a Day reuniohi was beld at the Blackstock Reccreation Centre. Among those wbo at- tcnded wcrc Mi. and Mus. Bruce Mountjoy, Gary and 1Paul, Mi. and Mis, David Hudson and famlly, Nestie- ton, Mu. and Mis. Ray Mount- joy and Robbie, Toronto, Mu. and Mis. Ivan Mountjoy. Mis. 1Biyan Mountjoy, Mi. and Mus. Carl Gilbank, Bowman- Tville, Mr. and Mis. Bob Kyte, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Frank Hoskin, Mr. and Mis. Harvey Graham and ffamily, Mis. Bob Fletcher and. Diana, Mi. and Mrs. Bon Hoskin and sons, .Mi. and Mis. Murray Byeis, Mr. and Mis. Jim Byeîs, Jef- frey and Julie, Mi. and Mis. 1Les Bushffield, London, Mi. Pnd Mis. Dalton Dorrel and family, Mis. J. A. Jobnston, Mis. Russell Mountjoy and Mi. Harîy Sanderson.' Mi. ýand Mus. Don Walkeî, Regina, Saskatchewan, spent a couple off days during the week wîth Mi. and Miýs. Ger- ald Kelly and girls. Mis. Jean Trewin, Lloyd and Eaîle, Mis. Louise Wright bave moved into their new home in time for Christmas wfhen tbcy entertained mem- bers off the Trewin ffamly. Mis. Jean Tîewin, Lloyd and Eaîle attended a family 1gathcring at the home off Mi. aud Mis. Earl Trewin and family, Enniskilcn, ) n New Year's Day. Miss Edna Larmer and Mis. 'AIma Fowler spent New Year'a Day witb Mis. Louise Wright. On Dec. 21st the A.C.W. bcld its Christmas meeting at the Parisb Hall. Meditations foi the Cbristmas season weue capably taken by Mis. Haruy McLaughin and Mrs, L. Me- Arthur. An article written by Jo- anne McCray was read as it had pýarticular interest t0 SUN-FILLED HOLIDAYS WITH TRENTWAY TOURS LTDO BY DELUXE MOTORCOACH FLORIDA MA1,lNY DEPARTURE DATES. CHOICE 0F 10, 14, 20 OR 21 DA,%Y TOURS. ALL TOURS, INCLUDE DJISNEY WORLD. ONE GOES WO MARDI GRAS IN NEWV ORLEANS. PRICED FROMýlV AS LOW AS $188.00 FEJR PERSON CALIFORNIA 23 DA'Y TOURS DEPRTIG: EB. 7th, MWARCH 3ist APRIL 28ýth, OCTOBER 13th PRICED FOM$400,09 PER FERSON MEXICO 18 DAYS- DEPARTING MARCH 29th e and APRIL 6tiin IFor Brochumres' Contact: G owmanville Travel Centre 0 17 KING ST. W. LBOWMAAN VILLE PHONE 623-3182 CHI1NESE an CANADIAN FOODa 1 ý' >Off Pick-up Orders a 1O~o (over $3.00)[ FREE HOME DELIVERY (minimi'um $3.00) phone 623-3703 50 KI-NG ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE jBUSINESS HOURS: I1 1A.M. to 10P.M. DAILY JFRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. Blackstock. Ut discussed the hobby off Mi, GordLon Brown and be so very much enjoys this Inticate art. 'Mi. BrownI has completed a beautiful ue- plica off The Last Supper which be has generously don- -ated to St. John's Anglican Chuuch in memoîy off bis wife Ruth (Whitfield>. This out- standing piece off art is hang-ý ing on the west wall off the, church sanctuauy.i Duiing the business, Mis. McLaughlin expressed heu ap- ipre:ciation to ail the ladies wbo so kindly assisted ber during heu terraoff office. off President. A Christmas lunch was served by Mis. Bailey and Mus. Staniland, and the remaînder off the afternoon was spent with the cburch decorations andcompletiýon off Cheer boxes. The new slate off officers was pîesented as follows. Honoîaîy President, Mis.,Jos. Foider; President, Mis. J. R. Hamilton; V i ce President, Mis. Norman Green; Record-j ing Sec'y., Mis. McArthur; 1 Treas., Mis. Lawrence Me-, Laugblin; Branch Treasurerj Mis. F. Staniland; Chancelý Guild, Mus. F. Staniland; De-, votions, Mi' s. V. Beiley; Pray-i er Partner and Sunshine Sec'y., Mis. W. W. VanCamp; Supply, Mis. Austin Beacock; Family Life, Mis. Harîy Mc- Laughlin; Gir o u p Leaders, Mis. Bailey and Mis. Beacock, 1Mi. and Mis. John Wolters1 and Mr. and Mia. Haîveyl Graham attended the Milký Producers' Annual Meeting Iný Toronto on Monday and[ Tueaday.i There will be a community! showei bo be held at the Rec. LCentie on Satuîday evenlng ln honor off the former Sharon Archer. Mis. Editb Murphy off Ty- rone bas been apending soýme time wîth ber daughter and son-in-law, Mi. and Mus. Roy, McLaughlin and Debbie. Rev. and Mis. Victor Par- sons, Janet, Maîlene and Linda were Sunday dinner guests off Mr. and Mis. Roy McLaugblin and Dehbie. Bey. and Mia. Meruili Fer-: giuson, Toronto, weue Sund.ayl 1visitors off bis sîsteu, Mis, O.1 Hill. On Sunday Mis. Roy Tay- loi was guest off hýonour at' Conway Gardens on, the oc-1 casion off ber bîrthday. At-i tending the paîty weîe heu, sons, Mi. and Mus. Anson Taylor, Scaiborougli, Mi. and Mis. Arnold Taylor and Betty Jane. Congratulations, Mis. Taylor, Mu. and Mis. Ken Bray, Wayne and Douglas, Brook- lin, were Sunday dinner guestÉ off Mu. and Mis. George Bryant and family, Mis. Roy Taylor attended a ffamily gathering at the borne off Mi. and Mus. Gainet Mur- ray, Manilla, on New Yeau's Day. STARTIMILLE (Intended fou last week) Mi. and Mis. Ewait Robin- son entertained the membeis of their famnily and evening guests were Mi. and Mis. Orme Falls and Harvey. Dînner guests with Mis. A. Dobson were Mrs', R. Lowery, Mi. and Mus. J. Mackey, Mr, and Mis. B. Gaurard, Ian and Meg. TLoonto, and 'Mi. and Mis. E. Ruthven, Zion. Mis, W. Ogden bas return- cd to ber home and enjoyed Christmas with Mi. and Mis. Jack Ogden and family. Mi. Wilson Carson and bis mother Mis, W. Carson en- joyed dinner on Christmas Day witb Mi. and Mis. Bar- ton McNcill, Marilyn and Dean, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Bd Rowe and Tiff any, Newtonville, weîe gucsts with ber parents, Mi. and Mus. Bert Tîim., With Mi. and Mi, John Murphy wcîe Mi. and Mis. Chaules Murphy and family, Aînprior; Mu. and Mus. Hai'- old McCoIra, Mississauga; ,Mu. andMrs. Andy Murphy, Bow- manville and also Patsy and Jeumey. Mi. and Mis., Morley Bob- inson and Gordon entertain- ed, Mr. Charlie Prouse and Mis. W. Prouse, Port Hope; Mi. and Mis., Melville Samis, Newtonville; Miss Noucen Prouse, Toronto; Mi. and Mus. H-arvey. Mr. and Mis. Harvey Pae- dien, Califfoinia, arîived f0 visit Mi. Lorne Paeden and fiiends and relatives during: the holiday season. Mu. and Mus. Clifford Fonk, ranya and Peter spent bbc Christmas wcckcnd at Astor- ville and with bis parents at Buike's Falls, rcturning aftcî Boxîng Day. With Mi. and Mus. Sid Eallowell werc Miýj. Gciald E{allowell, Mi. and Mi.. J. Scott and Mi. Michael Browne, Toronto. During bcCbisma wek end witb MT. i. andMis. Jîi Stark w(oieMi.- nd1Mis Grant syIvesqter' Julie an, BLACKSTOCK- awa. w OUrono Credit Unio< Assets Now Over $ 100,000 Dýavid, Sarnia-, Mr. and Mr': Ted Stark, Newtonville; Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell, Michelle and Scott, Morrish. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souchý entertained the uïem-bers of their family at Christmnas di n- fier: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souich and son, Bowmanvill]e;M\1r. anid Mrs. D. Van Druneni and sonis,' Newcastle; Mr. an-d Mrs. J'im Souch and family. With Mr. and Mis. E. C. Westheuser were. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westheuser and family, Millbrook; Miss Lynda West- heuser, St. Catharines, Mr. Jim Westheuser, Trenton M;r. and Mrs. Robert Westheuser and Alyson. Christmas dînner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal- lowell were Miss Beulah Hal- lowell, Toronto: Mr. and Mis. Brian Caswell, Leslie, Bever- ley and Jeffrey; Miss Norma Hallowell, Mr. Jim Hallowell, Mr. and Mis. Maurice Hallo- well and family. Miss Susan Stark and Miss Sandra Morrow returneci from their student tour abroad just before the Christmas holiday. Wcnîy wc bold our annual meeting Feb. 20th, 1973, and tbat we conitact Mi. Allan La wrcnce, M.P. to sec if be could he the gulest speaker. Mr. Maitin and Mus. Wcîry rcP1orted on bbc ecpent CUNA Mutual Insurance Policy Own- cie,' mieeting, held -in Osbiawa. and Mis. Walter Bridgett, Mi, and Mis. Don Thompson, Bow- manvîhe;Mi. and Mis. Roy Taylor and f aiily, Oshawa; Mi. and Mis. Boy Thompson, Leskard; Mis, A. Tbompsoný H-aydon; Mr. and Mus. Harvey ýJbnek, Paul and Boss, Aibian, Alberta; Paul and Boss staye< a ffew days with their Taylo: cousins. Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman Visit- cd Mis. M. J. Tamblyn, Osb- The Canadian Statesman', Bowmanville, Jan. 10, l19'73 Mi. and Mus. Bill White, killen. Whitby; Mi. and Mis, Norman Mi.. and Mi s. Fired Griria Lee, Little Britain; Mi. and visited Mr. and tMis. Ted Mc Mis. Don Griffin and Mr. and Laughlin, Fenielon Falls.~ Mis. Dont Lee and f amily weîe Erie Bowmian attenidoe with Mr. and Mis. Elmer Lee. snowmohile paî ty. guest of 1Mr. and Mis. Jiîn Tamblyn Roland Bowman andf the Kel.' 1Orono; Mi. and Mis. Howard logg family, Welcomne. -Grass,-, Columbus; Mis. Barh- The UCW met ait the r~ Eara Suipple and Teresa, Agin- of Mis. Fred Samis. Mils. Go- court; Mi. and Mis;. Firanklin don Taylor and Mis. Toiii Tamblyn, EMaine and Billy of Beckim conducted the devo.. Stoney Cîeek, were visitoîs at tional peîod. Thie nmeri-beir Bowmanview. had many business itemrs foc Mi. and Mis. Roy Hartman,dscsinoloebyun Enterprise, were overnighft There was a largeatê- visitors at Mi. Allan Taylor's.[nea h istcr at ï Elaine' and Gaîth Daeý the ye ai. Prize winners werVe: Y vsied t r. ar SageV, John Wierstra, Garth DaveV' sIdaa Cr aret~Linda Gehmaii, Mis. E Mi. and Mis. Fred Griffin,l_______________ Const. Allan Griffin and Ivan; Y the Mi. and Mis. Don Griffin's, Rent a Car for 1Mi. and <Mis. Neil Smith and A DAY OR -WEEKEND d_________ family, Columbus, weîe Ne w Ask for Rae . Year guests with Mi. and Mis. CUT Fred Samis. CUT Mi. and Mis. Wilffrid Bow- CHRYSLýER-DODGE LD L-man and Eic weîe guests at 623-2586; Mi. Milton Stainton's, Enis -___________ SALE PRICES ARE BASED ON INVENTORY CLEARANCE ITEMS. THE' s A. LIMITED SUPPLY S0 SHOP EARLY, AND "Sî A V Er 25S/0Off ON ALL AJAX CABINET HARDWARE HINGES, PULL and DRAWERk HANDLES. AN EXCELLENT SUPPLY 0F ALL STYLES. THIS IS A THREE DAY SALE ONLY 2Ifori1 BUY 1 PIECE GET 1 FREE BLACK PREFINI'SHED WOOD MlOULDINGS GOOD SELECTION ON HAND. 8 TAHITI VINYL FOLDING DOORS 30" x 80" REGULAR $8.95 Sale Price 5 EASTERNER FOLDING DOORS ÀMust Go!0 32" x 80" 38" x 80" THREE ASSORTED COLOURS Sale Price $6e00 SAVE $11.95 V inyl Base Board and Accessories THREE ATTRACTIVE COLOURS - BLACK, BROWN and BEIGE. TWO SIZES 22' and 4" HIGH. Priced at 1 c ft« FOR 2%"' BASE SAVE 5c FT. A SPECIAL SAVING ON CHILDREN"S Sw imming pools and Sandboxes, THERE IS A LIMITED SUPPLY 0F THESE ITEMS. Hurry 4 - Tuffy Pools $1.5 0 eu. 12- Sid. & Splash Pools $6.OO eu. 21 - Sandboxes $5.25 eu. PINE LOUVERED SHUTTERS FOR EXTERIOR USE '1 - 12" x 30"...s.p. $125 SSavings of $7.34 1 - 12" x 42",...s.p. $2.65 1Savings of $8.84 I ON LY IN STOCK COPPERTONE Range Hoods 30" THESE-RANGE HOODS C.S.A. APPROVED TESTED and READY TOUSE. Sale Price A SAVING 0F $9.99 Fina'l Clearance ON END 0F LINE PANELLING GIVE YOUR REC ROOM THE RUSTIC LOOK ORIENTAL WALNUT A REAL WOOD PANEL THAT LOOKS GOOD IN ANY ROOM. Sale Price $6,58 SAVINGS 0F $3.41 Buirmese Teak ANOTHER PRESTIGE, PAN EL Sale Price> SAVE $4.16 THEREý IS LIMITED STOCK -IN ALL PANELS. BUY NOW AND SAVE AT THESE ONCE A YEAR INVENTORY PRICES. Yourself MOSAIC TILE A CHOICE 0F THREE DECORATOR COLOURS Sale Price 69c' REG. 99r. 10 OnIy EXTE RIO R Entrance Lights ANTIQUE BLACK DESIGN WlTH FROSTED PANE LS. Sale Price $5*95 Ilpcs.b Oniy Excellite Panels 6-34"x5'EXCELITE 5-34""x 6XCELITE 75ca I ONLY Swimming Pool Ladder CHECK THE SAIVJNG AT $2o25 Store Hours: MON. TO WED.,,8:30 'TIL 6 THURS., FR1. 8:30 'TIL 9 Special en 2' x 6' K - LUX PANELS 1Sale Price A $10.00 SAVINGS M UEL LE R 2 0 o Saving (CHECK YOUR NEEDS) A GOOD SELECTION OIF DURATI LE Sale Price 1 $9095 FraiedDoor MIRRORS 12" x 48" HJGH 14" x 54" HIGI- sale Price PHONE 623-338g- a- oW-MAN VILLE Directors off the Orono Committê,e and the Suipervis- District Cuedit Union aninoun- 1ory ,Comn'ttee. ýucd at a regular mneetinge-Ms Werr-y reported coni- cently t1hat ass ofbcg rupgratulations were rceeiv,,ed badi passed bbtco te$100,00.01 from Mi. Glenn Allin regard- the$10,00.00ing the ffact the Credit Unioni imar-k. According to Presi-aseshdecedte$0, den hAgu Loucksthe ffi re000 Q0 mark. was rcachdduig b onltb i It as Imoved by Ms off October. Mis. Peîcy cîyin berC trcasurer's report uip to the EINFIELD end off November stated thati the total off assets amou-nted to Mi. and Mus. Gordon Taylor 1 $100,406-00. Ber report show-,- and famnily attended f amily ed the following figures: boans igatbeings at Mi. Roy Thomp- to mnembers $91,289.00. mm-ison's, Leskard, and at Mi.] bers' shares $82.n9.5.00, Prof- Grant Thompson's, Bowmian-ý its to date for the yeaî are!-ville. 1 $6,040. Mis. Walter Bridgett, Bow-, During the meeting tbc manville, celebîated lier biîth- aÏpplications o)ff thîcee new iday New Yea's Day at a f ar- members weîe appîovedi by ýily pgatbering at Mi. Gordon the board. The meeting also- Taylor's. Get ec i n heard__bbc reports off Cuedit Mi s. Danny Bridgett and Mr. -P ýl Il

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