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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 14

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14 Th Canaian întesan, Owmnanvllle, JTan., 0O, 1973 openiaSnýýowmobie ral For Bosch Ivttoa Ai M fý'os çp o rt1Parkia.2-4' Mo'e tan 0 mlesof new much a participant sport, alicord top speetd on a special snemeble rais wllbe open though snowmobile racing isicourscld oto opr' to ~ â pettrsa he $5,000 showing strong trends towardiMario Andret"ti Sitraight. prninulBsch Invitational beêoming the top outdoor Full progr ams of racing on SnwoieRaces, Jani. 12, winter spetator sport". a new one-mile oval will start 13 and 14IlatiMosporit Park. at 10 Rn. ou both Saturday Organizeci trail rides wili be anidSudy ]Mbsýpoirrt Psideint Harvey cenducted Saturday and Sun- The $25,000 in prize and Tuk-,maikinýgthe annroiunce- day at noon and 2 p.m. coinecmnyis or mernt, saïid the trails wili bec Several companies are sup- tlian double lasi. year's purse. op1' hruhotthe three- plying warmup tents for spec- Many of North America's da eknof racing'. tators and trail riders. top snowmobile racers, most W hvenoticed that spec- Racing starts on Friday of whom will be competing teren riding over Mo- with the $1,000 winner-take- at the Kawartha Cup races in~ sporf's 500 acres almost as ail Mosport Land Speed Ron, Peterborough, are expected to muh~asthyenjoy watching a new feature of the Bosch enter the Bosch Invitational thSIan, sidc Hudes. Invitational, Racers will be because of the increased prize Is i i tli very attemipting to establish a re- - moncy. _________ Sm re mpahy exIlogeven Misisaug, fmtl gahrd for fun and ,ended te he a'rs fam nIIes and Mr. Wiliamn Hoogevecu fest.ivit. on he dih oîtfi hir 1a-e4cfEsparnla ai Parry Sound.1 Mrs. Mýabel Cawker attendi Mr. EflM iin his9lyear it had been over 20 years1 ed a Board cf Directors meet- on Sudy Jiiy7t îce the broihers had seenling cf Ontario South District Co'nI-tiWuit Hol p iiil P o r t their sister. On Monday (tO0 c f the Women's Institute, held Perryý. Thýe funercal w -il ec day) Mr. and Mns. Wiliensciat Vyrtle in December. WedesayJauar ith t re return ng home. 1Nestieton Women's linstitute '2 p.m. fromMcemotPa Mr and Mrs. Mark Malcoini Mrs. Ailan Beacock, Black- baker Fuinral anlurPort and Jodie visited for Sundav Pery. uppr îthh spaent, Sr.stock, was hosiess on Wed- Mrs IanPrui Nstetn nmp rs Vto isreaisoîMr.nesdlay afternoon for the finît meeting in 1973 cf Nestieton Mr.andMm ohnBucan OnSndy ifinoon Mn.Woens nstitute. Caroyn nd euga-sL n an MnDeu Falli GlnnTheu president, Mrs. Walier aywee inerguit WthLaneceand Calnol, Bw Waits chai-ed the meeting. Mis ui Pout n unaymav;ïue, wýere guesîs of h- Foloîn the openîing "Ode" Decmbr ls. Creyn wo a-rents, Mr. and Mrs. Creadte"rySewartl Col-- iad b.-een vistin ith han WTj[ J ,iiias, and remained ion etMr.Wlsthne h g 'an llter, returned cihom-e eveingdnner. 1hostess, xeneialcm wiih ber parents. MVr. iand Mrs. Marwood M-t i n xeddbs On undyDec 3ltMn-K, B cktoc, rs.Bd wsesfor, 1973ý. and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ýs Mr.FePae eeLwenadBue eteo, M , R.Da isointhea- dine gessof Mr.iandMn, viitderaturda vnngîneciiesceinra Reg. Suttn, Oreno. dinnier witih r.andM. h mnte fth ecmei, faily rl etumned rom th in Noanr vie, Cwani Le, oc' noeswere ,read from hoia i Braiidoni, Foia eeSna vnn inr hoe hrect,ïedCriia on Tusday On Cristas gesti anld Mr. and i. e- oes ortyv-on)e sick n Day theywere gueis of Mr lie McKown andLionel, Cal-,sh-In wr emme an r.SalyMlomt dnRswere M9niday ii- wih oxeý(s ncffruit, candyIl, -- -- - ---- --- - a elc'ou trkydinner S-1th tOiiil etc and a nme fCh rist- ic-hkExcerpts ef The A I ail the trmm,--liings, held iin r.anld VM's' <amCawken as ardswere sent te e-Cnda ttsa f13 JIMr. - ý S iIC Wibet alol ,11Mrs. 24h, with Mr ad Mrs.<oaihtakd hs b asse rs. Fred Daowho, with Chunh erics er ofYietnwr mn hec ilroadCnsia hne r.Gog Heaier husband, speni t dutedj dbyMr.Poceck, C î~gti. ýThe.1lrï1 "e o ir ýI)( y aise atended Day wlth M ad Mrs'. Gran fr heu1o hrhm adweeks lu EnglanId mcenitly, belicrefi, and the choir The ~~ a IhiIimsIary pth Cawk r 'CCurts aDI N- rscIaryMcaqh1nIinsowed some excellent color- on Sunday. Park nmt manycari- thyof Phw. ~ nigte ad.Alte d ilides. Biueherry, where Last Sunday Rev,. wrightfolk.On rusdayDec.-Agooidy numer (sme 20Fred attended ichool, Was Ramjit was with us ar 26lth, ithey wer'e dinnen cgueý,ssl il ) cf ihe Cw ca a iora rn u itrshown. Other iowns were was Sacramnent Suindaýy, ker Engln iiýh a W.J. Hasings,BereyWhaey On Wednesdaiythe Wor Mr& h0[Eo S.Brok1ndMn 1w1 anýlte ranta an infor-(,-c elcsd onthe oac-I-iH-,lavingham, Hutton-L(e-H le. Instituteheid thieir Jar Malo2eihofBomn-ml Iy ithvn and \- . c w Ich eire hn aers A , ,iso shown were the iaw meeting ai Mm. anId Mr-s vile, oarehoIdingai29h,'yMr1ad ns Sficf Wl m qbrý s. Anyonef, boueýs cf a whaie, a uanrow Tnew's home. There wwe SitPihî. A higýhligi of O in hliday visitons 1In- having atiquIe artased i o oîpath, North Sea break- ladies preseuti. Mn1'. i!ý, h1p ViFil, athesE-land][Lea HMi'estead er, lighthousa, the Romain Beatt, Presîdent, wae 0 r] cCakinof Iabollh nd Te roll rail, "A plar wall, catile and sheep on the hne fro NondyahUt, HlelandFrsenUnver, nub, inenei otbn nivng in ay, a sheep deg, a ship The ralil cail was"Ar tance cf youn home" i dry dock, the heather ard hha h ania hIave been vacaiiining tIiis.C, ad AMn. and MsAlan w e amoons, sihalfields sur- The minutes were read iat wowakswith hlem su5- CwknanId fml f'Oh uteîirstn noun-dad hy badges whiih Mns. H.l Thickson in tan an broier-inlaw, anserad.musi ha ketpi ciipped, thoh bec f Mns. G. Caý J. ygada nd am- An nieesing veingwas Mrs llrry McLug "Ciedroofs. Mosit of these pic- Thiene wýas littia bcusineps Jnd MX'S. ronvenor c Citizaship an and -i rlFranl Hsiigîof CotPnnih) widw en odruly n~nthe regipprai tharsand amills, M. prramTfIe m-,oito,"Becleraigv Mmi[r. Pete cHeegee'cn, fBlack- turiiing Ithe i uetd hodaTetaYour Word, YouC an excllenEïto et e migpat ~tcMn. enïd M.Han twe he immaIiidiaf aweeWn adYoun Fr'raudai,"', pre- pnrai ie fth '-g a e hat wecouldd pand h Mn MiionFisengUlih couniny'side, and M.apttianteask for wa -rad y Mn'Is. CliffordDaa gaea itaetu meadscstepi NORIIJ3BEtl!-.N) AD i i, J'011Mnls. Welts thanked Mi arih nriue COUNTY 1BOARZD 0F EDIJCATION pena"Hmit"- "To tine'('Day\es fan hlienpresýentatiençof MG. M'orrIis had a Il lea ua nd mulle si such finle pictuneps.1grin a ad sadted. it by foRw'sienih0tada OCanada" and W.1. Gra e.asel-ectiug a Song ant oucas' ntthnhawee suing. Mrs. Bowcrs'ý siuging the chorus on av Delto an mn."sBeig trempa up-sjvedthe sulde- Mn. Wheelen had a papE EV EN IN G CLA SSE se',lie icous lunch and ail eujoyad tha ueman lc asocial time, Appr'eciationimotnen lowmn. e yu as expnessed by Miss Ruth Ceunty, alsa the lîfa hf BOWMANVILLE IGH SCHOOL wnk i gIvIng that iIle ex-prout±ewien dsng: (49 Liberty Street, N.) dlock. A mue friand is one H. Muldrew anti Mmi. \lr EWho Dwill neer lai(yutow>011 j ensang the -song. 1;It, l'sterRoVIrý eRr- OBIT IïRYMns. Hl. lMuldnew had à SEW ING bASIC KNITS CThe leLer p Bow ýLas er-tet ndBuchTUAsr cf Cnad, l11ibismotte MRS. MARION BAYES 2îsmivitr hi entra îfeime ted in the Christmases (Be in er) n rs.Mcauhin eprtet Mns. Marlon Hayes, R.R. 1, were: Mn. and Mrs. J. R( Cunnren-t Events: Canadien Oshawa, a rasidant of Ohawa andi boys spent the 10 WEEKS IN LENGTII fns,uas nepontati by Bell and Columbus ail ber iif e, wl n niM.Ca MONAYS7- P.M. iCanaIa, are, lalevision ram- died ai the Dr. J. O. Ruddy lain, Petarborough. eainisulin, standard lime General Hospital on Wedne"'s ze~ lectron microscope, day,, Jan. 3rd, l hem 81si n n M.A u ua'l aiw.,th tl- ea.had Mn. andi Mns. Ros STARTING JAN, 15, yj1371,ecIPe Mos ofway, th - t 1eThe yeasx cf the laie Han- drew and Natalie, Ottawa ph llos cfBeis ~ ha onuAugandi Mn. B. MarIntosh EGISTJRATIO1N - RO 6 Jnay 5 îes aaa nibiZ6 0 1892 in East Whitby, and os od pig;M 00M 66 January15l': i Caada nd old 65,10ýMrs. R. Averys and fai ofthe ahanes outsteuidiug. adocateti et the Base Lina Oshawa, anti Jim frem FE$.OTwenty thousaud womiten Sc"hool. She was a memben cf erbonaugh. and sixty thousant chiltinen the Columbus United Chunch hiave beau desenttedby o- ut n United Church Women. Mn. anti Mn. C. Mercer INFORATIONMn. anti Mss. W. Trebe FORFUTHE IFOMATONewy tati. This hs costiuig Mns. Hayes is sunvivet hy i!i( iritýry 10000000I an-twoson an on, dugheranti family, Mn. anti Mn PHONE(:2e311416Marrer, Port Hope; Mm. nua.ýýllyý. T Hlibhikiug hýill1e- Frank Hayes cf Tenonte, Jackt Mmi. R. Crembie antiSi gai- dnamtafor girlswh Hayes of Beamîsville, and Mi-M.Cobi niJy Walter Beath (Eanîhue), -Osh-~mnvle awe.15 mNve en.clb Sha is aise survivetl by Ne____scler ibrea brothans, Norman eut *Wilhor D'own, Oshawa.,'andiK N A oua sister, Mn ,Onville Os- borne (Beatnice), Bowmen Mat m.Mni She isalso urvivd byhe beginning of the n six randhilren nd treiec the home of Mn. anti MR. LLOYD STAINTON gsix greutchltrenat IraSkerratt until thaîn new h, " M ý w Twe sistans, Mns. Olive Rob- tonville Roati, South of1 -he- os-co__ nii-1 ght-e-red an îth hmnA In.Mhl ruetli eeybmaaî Cornway 246, Marion Van- of Bowmanville. stone 244, Elleen Hirkey 243, On Sunday mornng Ha GereGihbs 241, Lionel Sucîgnove choie-as bis1 Hicky 25-23,Bi oîri- The Possihilily of Renei G le n R u233-223-213,1Jack Bnown 226- a very timehy subject for G len R aeiry 2h42ih Frnce Ths 2~-24,rinaqL Sunday of the New Y Holryti220 Joa Gibs aaise announcet the Ja KingSt. t Bomanvlle 17.Iviie Kenedy212-03, ny eeting of the UT 203 Mry i-~.'oY2', aiîonati tha hmu 0f L'"ýyAmi a l JE,20 ,o lese, I nleresting Photos ofBwmnie Beach L a stNWee,,k e nd BE0 E ock anti boy s, Mn. anti Mn. Mn, anti Mn. Orville Mol- Oshawa anti wil maa m- 7 H V 1Steen MarLeeni anti family, dnew entertainet thein fiva mediately. T i IL LOshawa, 38 in ail, an Setur- grnddeughters ever tbc hall- Mn. anti Mn. W. Cassahionq day. day anti Janire heti some girl hait New Yeen's anti bati w"ý ene haet vanloos homes. 1Vin, anti Mmi. A. Chamben- friands, ýifriands frcm Soe asthe h! Mn. ani Mm. E. Fowler bat lain heit ea New Yean's parly. MnGeyFoerMm.Eashefiyoerhe o- Mn. eut iMns. H. Thirksan, Mn. Mrn.dutMnýs. J. Robinson Fowler, Nancy Fowlan eut day. anti IVs. J. Dekoken, Ux- bat Mn. anti Mmi. Gardon Mmi. H. Thichion spent Tues- Mmi. 1B. ,Weeerbas branj bridIge; Mr. anti Mmi. Robi. Marrer eut femily. day wltb Mn. anti Mn. J. De-1 home. for awaeek. Westbeuser anti Alysan, Miss- Mn. anti Mn. Orley Marrer koken, Uxbridge. n niMi W. Muhdne,, as Helen Tnew, Debby anti bat celebrations ail weekend Mn. H. Thicksou eut Mnr. ew, wer ibb Mn. at Bath Casseiton on Satumday. ent bat their tunkey on Mon- Ken Fawler were in Toronto, Mn'. L. Mlnw oven ibe- Mn, J. Multnaw lefi Ibis day. Mn. anti Mmi., D Warren- Tuesday, wheme Ken enrallet wekaýnd. week fan Australie ta teach. er (Gwen> amiveti froni Cali- et Caubanniai Vacationai Col- MnC. 'M'nray Cker. bas Mrn.dutMi:s. M. MrAllisten fonnie on Frîdey. Mn. and lege for bis appmrentice me- beauhmeoe Iehoia bad Mn. and Mns. Ken Trew Mms. Hnn Provosi (Ruth), chanical counse. anti baS rne1itumet ta in, ai- ent 'family, Mn. eut Mmi. Ros Lindsay; Mn. anti Mn. J. Mr. anti Mn. John Quan- lege in .SA Beatty anti girls, Mn. anti Faijt (Donna) anti family, triii ent family eturnadtot Helen Tn'ýew D)orisBet Mns. A. Tmaw, Milbrook; Mn.IEPontypool, spaut the waak- St. Thenese on Tuesdey -antiGn ry Fowln , BobMaerL eut Mns. Don Powell anti ent. Miss Ann Inwiu was a word bas ornivati that John ana s1ome w ho bavenaunt family, Mn. anti Mmi. J. Pea J visitoir aiso. has beau rae-amiyployet egaîin u 1 collage ibhis wcek, TAILORED -wTO - MEASURED MÎ R EG. $110,00 REG. $125.00 REG. $135,00 % - ALSO - OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF READY-TO- E cAR~ NOW ON SALE Bowmanville, Ontari' INTD ivîrs. 1' 'I Men' s andBos eSPORICOATS e' JACKETS ALL WINATER 1:-ES REUTIN TOJ ýj y 1.ý

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